theyellowroseofsodor - The Yellow Rose of Sodor
The Yellow Rose of Sodor

Welcome to blog that will follow and add to The Yellow Rose of Sodor series found on FanFiction.Net and archiveofourown.orgShe/Her | | Married and Mother of 2 Heathens | Nerd | Writer | Cosplayer| 30 years young

285 posts

Oh My Goodness I Take A Holiday For A Few Weeks And I Come Back To Find Out Such A Tragedy Has Struck

Oh my goodness… I take a holiday for a few weeks and I come back to find out such a tragedy has struck… I’m so sorry this is happening to you all.

Aside from Gordon, Scotsman, James and Emily, are there others who were unafflicted? Were the Miniature Railway and Skarloey Railway targeted as well, or was this isolated to just the North Western Railway?

I’m sending you all my love and support.

🎁 Gift Anon 🎁

Sir Topham Hatt: We’ve had to lock down the whole island. Just about every water station was hit…. Almost all the engines… So many of them…. I’m having to make a public announcement soon. We’re supposed to be a safe haven for Steam Engines and now… we might lose so many of them.

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More Posts from Theyellowroseofsodor

Hello all! Update: I am alive! I’ve had to disappear because of a small secret that has made me quite ill. I’m not ready to reveal all that’s going on in my life, but I am on a mend (?) and finally have the energy to post. I see I have some questions in my inbox and yes I will get to you, but I will need some patience more I’m afraid.

Long story short The Yellow Rose WILL be updating hopefully by the end of this month. I’m working out some new things with it as I’ve discovered some plot holes and some things I’m just not…. Happy with. But I will be back soon enough!



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*Whoopsie, used my personal blog 😅*

You’ll be alright, I promise.

But they already did love you, Gordon. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have rallied around you like they have. Sir Topham wouldn’t have gone the extra mile to save you after your accident like he did, and take care of you like he has, if he didn’t already love you. Your brother and cousin wouldn’t be on Sodor to help out if they didn’t already love you.

Baby Gordon began to tear up. BG: An..An, dey won be angwy if me wanna be baby?

James: *Still in a total panic* What if he dies?! What am I going to do? *hits his knees, crying* What am I supposed to do… Ed, what do I do?

*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.

James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*

*puts hand on James’ shoulder* Hey, you need to calm down. I know your worried about Edward but you need to calm down. Edward wouldn’t want you to panic, would he? I swear we will find who did this and we will get our revenge, but we can’t do that if you keep freaking out here. I promise everything will be ok.

James: *Hyperventilating* I… I know… he’s just everything to me… we just got married… He’s everything to me… my husband… he’s my husband…! *trying to remain calm*

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James and Edward, you two doing okay right now?

James And Edward, You Two Doing Okay Right Now?

Without spoiling for the next chapter, I don’t write without a guaranteed HEA but for now? No, no they’re not alright. And it’s going to get worse before it gets better, for everyone. A sneak peak sounds needed so here’s a few lines from the upcoming chapter.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!!! YOU’RE ONE OF THEM!!!” James screamed, ragged, out of breath, tears down his face. It takes several medics to hold him back from tearing into the smaller diesels form.

“B-But… Edward is my fri-“

“DON’T YOU DARE SAY HIS NAME!!” James spat venomously, “YOU KEEP MY HUSBAND’S NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!! IT’S YOUR FAULT HE’S LIKE THIS!!!” The read engine breaks into sobs, angry and broken, “IF HE DIES IT’S ON YOUR HEAD!!”


“Gordon…” The Flying Scotsman slowly moved closer to the large, blue engine, “Gordon, we have to go now.”

For a long time, the stoic express engine said nothing. He simply kept his eyes on the violet tank engine on the rails in front of him. Camille slept soundly, sedated, a mix of both medical equipment and tools from the engineers nearby. Her face no longer looked pained, but the idea of leaving her behind didn’t feel optional.

Scot swallowed, “Gordon… I know this has to be painful for you, but Sir Topham Hatt needs all healthy engines to move out. This safe house he has is ready for you, James, Emily, and I. Toby and Henrietta are already there.”

Still he’s met with silence.

“Please, brother. She’ll be safe here.”

“How can you be so sure?” It was the first time he’d heard his brother’s voice since leaving Tidmouth hours ago, “If I had just stayed by her side, she would be coming with us. If I leave, who knows what’s going to happen.”

“Sir Topham Hatt-“

“Sir Topham Hatt is nothing compared to Diesel 10! What makes him, a human, think he can stop a rouge engine??” Gordon grit his teeth angrily, “That bastard of a diesel could run him over without any remorse or looking back to get at her! I won’t have it!”

“I can’t just leave you here, Gordon. We have to trust that the humans know what they’re doing. It’s not just Camille that’s in danger. The entirety of the steam engines on this island are in the Steam Works just about. The island has been shut down. And you know Sir Topham Hatt treats you each as family, he’s doing the best he can.”


And that’s all I’m willing to spoil. I hope you’re looking forward as we get closer to the conclusion!

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