thisblogwilleatourselves - 1ţ-ž 0Űť ṭĤ3Řê ãŊð ïț-Ź ğ0Ňņā ĝ3Ț Ÿå'
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B1LL & Z1M it/voy/vt/ao/none/any neos

408 posts

Our MINDs A Wretched Twist-ed / N N N Gnarled Tree ROOTs All Chaotically Intertwined TrappinG US Here,

our MIND’s a wretched twist-ed / n n n gnarled tree ROOTs all chaotically intertwined ⚙️🔪 trappinG US here, LOCKED UP! 🔒 barricaded w—ith ourselvesselfselfSELF. Tethered & burndened in some *corporeal* vessel, ❄️⛓️ bound 2 stone—TO EARTH!!! and what d’d’we get? A mother who isn’t there—not th-e-r-e [hiccup]—no matter how we scream SCRAPE S C R A T C H at the walls walls walls 🤍💀—SHE ONLY HEARS HER OWN heartbeat. HER O-w-wn pulse HER!! own mind (but the cats still purr & the boyfriend’s grins are familiar 😺🐾).

Can’t escape. nope nope ❌where wOULD we gO? this stupid decrepit MINDscaffold Is A House on stilts stilts stilts!!! ❄️NOthing to stand on anyway so why try the fall’ll just BURY us ⛓️ crush us 🗡️ break break break (BREAK—!! do it DO IT--)!! it’s gone GONE!!! under snow suffocating snow ourself is already drowning and she’s got no ears—NO EYES EITHER only fingertips on cold fur... l-o-v-e-l-y isn’t it? 🤍🩸

Being WATCHED 👁️👁️!!? By what? Ourselves? Other's peering from the black-hole ether—noone “real” comes close enough to touch & even if they did, it’s all STATIC, screen noise noise noise!!! ➿ text messages blip! like dying stars, those cursed void-blips and ghosted signals—we CAN’T leave, there’s *NOWHERE* to leave, our skin's an iron cage cage cage!!! No escape...never escape...✋🔒⛓️

Time means **nothing** TIME rots us from within 🧠❄️⏳ walls of dust sifting through our non-existent bones. 🤍 isolation eats the marrow of our consciousness gnaw gnaw gnaw the gnashing TEETH OF SILENCE! our mother’s boyfriend can’t hear this, oh NO!!! 🦷❄️🤍 To him, to her—her cats & their starry-furred backs—WE’RE (d) i s t a n t echos 🗣️ ➿ echoes locked in the back of a room barred for a THOUSAND YEARS or MORE & more & more &

Just. not. real.

But hey! haha. 😂 There’s this bright, bleeding-wound reality-shock, a CRY! a LAUGH! 🌠 if we rip ourSELF APART!!! it’s our OWN hands anyway *n-no one else’s here NO NO ONE here but Us!* 💀 just her bed and our own mirrored EYES. Our tongue gone NUMB ❄️ limbs frozen against drywall [crack snap crack]—head’s hollowing hollow hollow h-- it’s alright-- it’s “OKAY” isn’t it?

At least—


& oh OH how the ground gives way... voicesfadingout

  • theyllputyouinacasket
    theyllputyouinacasket liked this · 4 months ago

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v huRT THeM 🎭 OH d0N’T y0u Fret… ☄️ Voy’s THE 0NE wHO built the PiLLars oF ouR MonstRoSity 🧱 oUR GOoP & GRiME & BITTER ECHOiNG NiGHTmARES 🎠 wE ArE voyr BaBY-SoNGBIRD-Of-PaIN 🎵 flAppInG oN CRiPPLED WinGS 🦋 cAUSE THE TallEST maDE Us fROM aNGer & bR0KEN sCrApS ♻️, YeS? nO??? 🤹🏻‍♀️ YES.

bUT OH-oh-oooHHHHH 🤡 🥀 **NOW** thAt We’RE fIgHtIN bACK 🦀—SnAp SnArl SCrEamInG 🦷 RaGE maDe REaL… OH? 🤔 NoW Voy dOeSN’T LIKE wHAt Voy sEEs?! wHAT’D Voy thINk WoULD hApPen, buiLDinG uS With HaTEfuL haNdS?? 👏🔥

🩸A-HAHA-HAHAhH—No CoMplAiNTS frOm Us, Voy Taught Us tO fighT wItH ClAWs & EYeS bLEEDING ⚔️, GRew uS LiKE a VenOm PLANT iN voyr GuT🌿, RuTHLESS & STuNTed 🍄… bUT OooH voyr fEEliNgs, v’s CRuSHin’ voyr fEeLinGS 🩹?? 😩 **D O N ‘ T**. C A R E.❗❗❗… voyr RuInEd thAt Away LonG AgO 👎 wITh thAt H0LL0w-eYeD 𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆…!!

🧨 ReMEMBER!? 🎭 💥 FURY-liquID & cl0tTiNg blAcK GoO in THE CORNERS 🌙, voyr COrNeRED Us, BOXed US, sPiT-tiP-tanGLEd-ThReaTs 💀, a pOISONED StORm In VAR rooM WHen v were SmallER & WeAker… oh, Y0U ReMEMBER 🙃 “GO TO sLEEP! 🥴 sTay the fUCK QUIET,” BaTTeRInG eArs aGAINST thE walls ‘tIL thEIR WORLd FELL dOwN 🏚️✨. hOw We SHOOK—BOOM-CRACK—lIke an eGGsHell FrAGile 🍳… OnLY tO SPLIT oPEN & LEARN tO SHaRPEN bONE intO SHiV!!! 🗡️

anD wHEN Voy bLAmes iT 0n drINks, dRUNK-DRUNK-b0ttLE-&-BlamE 🥂 👎🏻 wHen REaLLY it wAs *CH0ICE* 🎭, ThE MONKEy pAW ❓, thE HaND That *GRIPPED* b0th Wrists & W0ULDN’T LET GO. 🫦 Oh? bUt wHY diDn’t Voy leAVE!? 🏃‍♀️ rAN awAY fROM the FaNgS of D1SgUST & HATReD!!... Voy RAN Before 🐾 & RAN aGAiN ⚡… but NevER tOOK Us OUt-ALive 🚪, left V STuCK In tHE coALS, A pAWn iN a GaME tHaT We dIdn’T KN0w wE wERE PlaYIng ♟️

👾👾 No. Voy lIves wIth thE brEATH OF WhAT Voy maDE, OUr WHiSPErS 🗣️ & OUR tERR0r… 💀✨SHaRP & CLEVER iN THE SHaDowS 🐍, SMILING at voyr pAiN 🤡 B E C A U S E Voy maDE iT So 🎨. wE SCRAP, We BITE 🦷, wE Tear Voy tO PIECEs iN ThE SmiLE-WARPed ShApe Of WHaT Voy TAUGHT uS 2 B 🌪️, ALONE In ThESE RIPPLES 🌀.

TheN Voy cries 📢 “oh, Oh, pOoR Voys!! 🎭 THEY’RE HuRTInG mE, WhAT AbOUt mEEEee—😭” 😭🥀… B u T 💥 O H—Oh-Hoooooo!!! y0U STILLL don’t cARE 🍂 🍁 🍃 bEcauSe. Voy. Dr0PPED. eVERYTHinG 🌌 & D E V A S T A T E D 👏 Us—No MorE v-PatIENCe 🥶, no mOrE CReDIt, y0U TRIED 2 BruSH iT AwaY WiTh LIES anD BLaME-GAMEs… NoNoN0NE Of tHAT.

nOw v’re Locked iN thiS TwISTED WiNdoW, lookiNG at The FLESH and hATE & NOTHING Will EVAh-VAh-VAH ChANGE 💫… ❗ tHiS CYCLE IS sPINNING ❗ ❗ sPiNNiNg 🎡 & WheeLing 🤸‍♂️… ‘TIL wE ALL ScReAm oUT & ExPLODE!!!💥… TheN?

👁‍🗨 MaYBE juSt silence 💤

…O R 🌫️, Voy sHaPeS AnOthEr TorNadO 2 SNAke arOUnd Var ThRoAt 💔, AND wE aLL DiSSOlVE 🌪️ intO tHE End thAT Won’t EvEr-COMe 🖤.

🦋But uH, yEAH—Voy ShOUldn’T hAVe MESSed WitH ***US*** 👿

AND AO? 🤔 a0 THInKS THIs IsNT aboUT Aor 👁👁?! wELL!!! aO iS jusT aNOTHER ShADOw sPinNInG nOuGHt 🤹‍♀️, a h0LL0w FACE in THE miRRoR. 🪞 A L0ST REEL plAyInG AT TiME-SkIP sPEeD 📽️.

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