truthinlifetarot - Truth In Life Tarot
Truth In Life Tarot

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326 posts

What Is Your Love Story Movie?

What Is Your Love Story Movie?

What Is Your Love Story Movie?
What Is Your Love Story Movie?
What Is Your Love Story Movie?

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!

Gif credit: @stars-bean

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What Is Your Love Story Movie?

Pile 1: Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella. You live a life with so much more potential than you realize. As the fairy godmother told Cinderella "No one is stopping you but you". It may be hard to see that while living under ridiculous circumstances, but I assure you it is true. Invisible wards hold you back. It's not that consequences don't exist, it's that they create a fear in you that makes you stay put. Broaden your mind when it comes to your love life and what you are allowed. Your person is similar minded and looking for you too.

đź’•Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

What Is Your Love Story Movie?

Pile 2: The Princess Diaries. You think your life is more or less concrete with a drawn out plan. Your love life includes twists and turns that aren't always bad, but they are unexpected and not planned for due to your outlook. With flexibility you can find your place in the world, even if it takes a while. You are royalty even without someone else. Never forget it.

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What Is Your Love Story Movie?

Pile 3: Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind. You are optimistic and versatile. Your person may be someone you have an on and off relationship with. Or you may attract relationships like that. In the end you trust yourself to make the best decision for you. Life is worth living fully. Take care that your cup is full way before you fill someone else's.

đź’•Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

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More Posts from Truthinlifetarot

9 months ago

How To Boost Your Confidence

How To Boost Your Confidence
How To Boost Your Confidence
How To Boost Your Confidence

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!

Gif credit: @cinematv

đź”®Join Patreon for exclusive video readings and extended readings

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How To Boost Your Confidence

Pile 1: Wear what you like more. You'd be surprised at how much dressing up in your own preferred style can boost your entire mood. Try the things you wouldn't have tried before. Enjoy the process of picking out an outfit as well as the end result so you don't feel stressed about it.

đź’•Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

How To Boost Your Confidence

Pile 2: Wear things that make you seem mysterious. You may be the type that wears their heart on their sleeve. This may have been something that people have taken advantage of in the past. By wearing more black, gray or muted colors you will be less predictable. This freedom of no expectations can allow you to be whoever you want to be, which includes your most confident self!

đź’•Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

How To Boost Your Confidence

Pile 3: Speak up more. Try sharing your thoughts with people, even if you believe them to be indifferent. Not only will this increase your own confidence, but others will feel inspired as well. A dimmed light and blocked throat chakra is holding you back from your most authentic and confident self.

đź’•Support me by becoming a Truth Seeker on Patreon, purchasing a reading, comment/like/share my content, or check out my work across the web!

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9 months ago

A tarot card is going to be so truthful about my life that I won’t be about to take it.

truthinlifetarot - Truth In Life Tarot
10 months ago

👍🏾What’s Improving Next In Your Life?🤩

How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!

Gif credit: @blackfictional

đź”®Join Patreon for exclusive video readings

đź’–Check out Etsy for personal readings ***Christmas Sale!!!***

🎉Donations and gifts are never required, but always appreciated

Whats Improving Next In Your Life?
Whats Improving Next In Your Life?
Whats Improving Next In Your Life?
Whats Improving Next In Your Life?

Pile 1:

You are starting to learn and do differently. You may have been stagnant in the past. Too in your head to be on the ground and doing. This is changing. The wonderful ideas you have about hobbies and projects are coming to fruition with your renowned energy. This won’t feel overwhelming like you think it will. This feeling reminds me of when I had more energy as a child and there was little to no hesitation to just do what creatively felt good. Good for you, pile 1!

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Whats Improving Next In Your Life?

Pile 2:

You are developing a more useful form of patience. I get the feeling you may not have been the best at it before. You are improving your ability to manifest by improving your patience and the way you think of time (and for some of you, chaos magick). You will be living your best life and fully expecting your manifestations to appear before you. It feels quite relaxing.

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Whats Improving Next In Your Life?

Pile 3:

You are taking control of something important to you. This energy is very masculine and powerful. You may be working hard in a way that is productive and successful. There is even an energy of saying things with more authority just as much as you will be doing them. For some of you this will be in line with a New Years resolution, but for others it’s just something that has been brewing for awhile. Use this energy wisely.

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10 months ago

Submit Pick a Pile Topics!

If you guys want a specific pile a pile reading let me know in the comments or ask me on my page 🙂

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10 months ago
đź’–Get creative with your love magic! Use this rice in your workings to attract love, friendship, and good relationships to you! This love ric
Fun Ideas For Love Rice :Use In A Bowl At The Front Of Your House,Use On Your Love Alter,Use In Workings

🎉Fun Ideas for Love Rice 💖: Use in a bowl at the front of your house, Use on your love alter, Use in workings to break imposter syndrome, Use in attraction working, Use in open roads/blockbuster workings to increase love, Use in mojo/gris gris bags and carry with you, Sprinkle some in love candles *use fire safety, Sprinkle around your home.

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