Spiritualhealing - Tumblr Posts
Life flows when you are in service to others.
Volunteer. Spread love. Random acts of kindness.
Unconditional love without expecting anything back.
“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” —Carl Jung
“We must act in a selfless spirit, Krishna says, without ego-involvement and without getting entangled in whether things work out the way we want; only then will we not fall into the terrible net of karma. We cannot hope to escape karma by refraining from our duties: even to survive in the world, we must act.”
—Bhagavad Gita
Relevant websites regarding spirituality and other useful information:
Great YouTube channel for expanding your consciousness.
Encountering some narcissistic individuals may be part of “the process…”
…showing us how not to be
…becoming aware of karma
…more appreciation when we are not with people who are like that
…being mindful of our own behaviour (our words, actions & intentions)
Infinite/amazing/magical possibilities when you have a little bit of faith
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”
Take the journey to find the universe within you.
The light within me is the same light within you.
The love that I am is the love that you are, the love that we are.
Allow the expansion of your heart.
Allow all the feelings to move through you.
Allow yourself to feel all the uncomfortable feelings and allow them to move through you. Small feelings and big feelings from deep deep within will start to surface. You may not be able to recognise them or identify them yet, but they will rise to the surface and they will be released.
Feel them and breathe. Let it come and let it go. This is the natural process.
GIF: nasa
Have you ever been so desperately honest with yourself? Honest about your deepest deepest fears?
I did it, I said all my deepest fears out loud. I am in tears. I am sad. I am clearing. I am releasing. I am healing.
I accept the uncomfortable feelings. I allow uncomfortable feelings to flow through me.
I accept the uncomfortable feelings. I allow uncomfortable feelings to flow through me.
My situation is literally when someone knows or realizes too much... hyper awareness. Then when I try to shine light on certain things that certain people aren't aware of, it's like they cut me off or call me crazy; when I'm simply opening, or trying to open, their eyes about well known patterns and things in the world. They still choose to ignore it instead of realizing that truth and preparing. This isn't about "religion". This is however about factual things happening in our world and happening around us and happening to us that reflect in scripture that was written thousands of years ago. But the people who claim to love me ostracize me. They do not and will not listen. I don't go about preaching to them in a chastising way either. I simply inform them, or try to inform them, and they don't and won't listen; if anything they ignore me and label me crazy. That's what I meant by there is no real love here on Earth. It really isn't. Only God is the one that truly loves and listens and cares. God will never forsake or ostracize you. Only if you aren't faithful then will God have absence. God has the ability and power to truly forgive and forget your transgressions as long as you keep faithful.
I didn't understand what was happening to me for YEARS. I was self-harming and having thoughts that I hated and didn't agree with. I was having issues of loneliness of not wanting to be alone and yet, when people (or other kids when I was a kid) would try to invite themselves into my life, I would always push myself away. I never truly fit in ANYWHERE WITH ANYBODY. But I understand now that it's not because I'm better than anyone or anything like that, but I am chosen and what I mean by that is that I am the only deep thinker around me and not one else ever resonates with me. I say that in the least boastful way possible. I'm not here to boast. But it's something I just really notice, on top of the fact that no one can connect with what I'm going through, I'm single, no children, always been alone truly, always have been attacked spiritually; whether it was seeing things as a child or even as an adult, whether it was being forced to do sexual things when I was younger or whether it was my dad humiliating me or beating me, or whether it was constant bullying and being an outcast by cousins or school friends, whether it was my uncle who constantly got away with bullying or hurting me or whether it was having confused thoughts that I didn't understand. I FORGIVE ALL OF IT🙏. It hurt me, alot of it lead me to a crippling porn addiction, which lead me to turn against myself even more by suicide attempts cutting myself and in recent past years a major sudden, UNEXPECTED, drug addiction🤔😳. It still baffles me because anyone who knows me, drugs were NEVER and were always the furthest thing from anything I ever wanted to deal with. I feel like this all occurred because not only was I not in touch with God earlier on and consistently, but God was calling me and I never gave God the focus that I should have. I'm an only child and barely survived, a premature child. My mother and I almost passed away while she was in labor, She CANNOT have anymore children, I stayed sick as a child, my mother has had constant health issues ever since I was born. With all of this it can't be ignored. I survived alot of deadly suicide attempts. Someone, SOMETHING, wants me here alive for a purpose. I give that up to God. God kept me here and alive for a reason. I can't ignore that. There are many others like me that are HEAVILY tested. I'm not saying that I'm special or better than anyone else. But I do believe, along with MANY others, I am chosen. God bless, and just know, if you feel alone it's because God chose you to be alone and is preparing you. I'm here to listen as well. I WILL NOT JUDGE YOU. I understand the greatly misunderstood. Feel free to talk to me if you feel no one in the world will listen. No matter what it is. God bless
Oh ho ho! These new age people, they a little silly. I’ve encountered them many times in my travels as a wandering Bodhisattva. Sure, I appreciate their interest in the occult arts and all, but it seems like they’re off the mark a little bit. Usually they smell like home-baked tater tots, which I guess is appealing, but I really can’t get over all the funky clothes and jewelry, and crystal skulls filled with dandelions and frankincense. That’s just too much. With all those ornaments and accessories, don’t they know they’re not going to find what they’re looking for? Too sad, too sad. But we can, laugh, eh? ; ) Happy new year! 🍻 🎉 ✨
in the end, i find solace in that i move through this world with kindness and love