An advice column run by Bobby Fulbright! inspired by my love of ace attorney and my passing interest in the sims. Personal side blog @blackquillchillin
196 posts
Any advice for staying committed to learning a skill?
Stormy Reader,
What advice will be most effective depends somewhat on what skill you are attempting to master, but the basics are fairly consistent.
One, set goals for yourself. Two, set aside specific times to work on it. Three, do not let perfect become the enemy of good.
There are people who simply give up, because how can they compare to the masters?
It is a foolish notion, for how long did it take them to become masters?
Talk to others who have the skill you seek, ask advice, ask to see what they can do. Find yourself a teacher if you can, or peers who seek the same skill.
Then, remind yourself why you are doing it, why this is a skill you seek. Move forward with time.
-Simon Blackquill
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*sneezes on you* bwa ha ha simon blackquill u got covid
I suppose I will have to test for it now. Bloody Brilliant.
I do not wish to isolate, not over again. Isolation does things to the mind, it eats you alive from the inside out. I do not imagine doing it voluntarily will be much better.
At least I wouldn't be doing it in a box this time. I will have the ability to go outside, to see Taka.
Small blessings.
-Simon Blackquill
Really? The Sad Monk?
Yes, this would be one difference, while they are certainly visually appealing, I can not imagine forming a long term relationship with them.
Also, while I can not say with certainty that the Monk is celibate, if they are aromantic I'll eat my coat.
Besides, Sky-dono would be horribly disappointed.
I'm surprised your insurance won't cover it. I couldn't get it covered in prison, but I couldn't get anything covered in prison. Not that I would have spoken to the prison counselor anyway.
Edgeworth-Dono did not go so far as to attempt to make therapy a condition of my employment, knowing that would be too far, he did make a point of pointing out the insurance we got as prosecutors did cover some therapists. Not the one I ended up speaking to, who I may or may not keep, but some.
Athena.... should not act as my therapist. her attempting to was the largest reason I started, actually. Before that, I was unwilling to even entertain the idea. The girl has too much to unpack herself, to laden her with my burdens would be a grave misstep.
I do not know that I have found the right one, however. I may yet drop them all together.
-Simon Blackquill
(Gonna start a new post so the other one doesn’t get too long)
Well of course I call him dad, I can’t exactly call him “mom” now can I? Not cause he’s a man, but because my mom is… well… I don’t want to call anyone else mom other than my biological mom.
And if you give me a minute, I can get Dad over here to meet you! Just hang tight…
What in the blazes-
…Who are you? Are you really me from another reality? You arent as good-looking as I, but I suppose that’s to be expected from alternative realities.
You two look practically the same.
( @ask-instigator-attorney )
I'm Simon Blackquill, and that is what I have been told, you overgrown skunk. Such a hideous visage, how ever did you manage to find a partner looking like that?
*as far as anyone looking can tell, they are, in fact, the same person, looking equivalent.*
Regardless, you have managed it, and cultivated a strong enough bond with the man's daughter that she refers to you not as her fathers partner, nor your first name, but as 'dad'. commendable, if a tad confusing.
Did you not find your....experiences in the past making a relationship different? or are your circumstances different then my own?
-Simon Blackquill
(continuing from here, with @ask-instigator-attorney)
Are you religious?
Well, maybe a little?
When I was a little boy Nana would take me to church with her. Pap pap came too, if he wasn't on duty.
I'm not always at church now, but I always make time to go on Easter, and when i can manage it, I go to the Christmas service with Nana. Its tough getting the time off, but I always try!
In Justice We Trust!
-Bobby Fulbright
Me stolen Phoenix’s Magatama and using it so I can see any psyche locks:
-So Blackquill do you have any interest in a certain justice loving detective?
*as you ask, a multitude of locks appear, filling the space around you. Blackquill seems unaware of their presence*
Any interest? why the devil would I show any interest? The only detective worth talking to is Fulbright, and he's....well. Not the brightest bulb.
Well meaning fellow. and a cop. rather an unforgivable crime, that.
-Simon Blackquill

I like to think that they used to babysit Athena together.
(Also, if you wanna see a picture of my cats I put one under the cut :))
This is Macaroni (right) and The Admiral (left)

They’re brother and sister, and they like sitting with me while I draw :)