unluckyblackcat13 - Black Kitten
Black Kitten

Little black unlucky kitty is me. I bring badluck for everyone, so be careful when you around me~ 💗

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Unluckyblackcat13 - Black Kitten

unluckyblackcat13 - Black Kitten
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More Posts from Unluckyblackcat13

3 years ago
Miles EdgeworthBlue Oak
Miles EdgeworthBlue Oak

Miles Edgeworth🤝Blue Oak

If they appear in a game where their rival is not the protagonist, then they will not shut about said protagonist and how that rival changed them for the better and inspires them to become even better.

miles compilation by @vanilla_mp3 on twitter

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3 years ago


1.1 ▶ 1.2 ▶ 1.3


☀ Name: 常しえの盃 - Tsune shie no Sakazuki.

☀ Alternative names: The Eternal Cup; Thường Bôi.

☀ Author: Shiokichi

•Twitter •Pixiv

•Trans, edit: Nyu.


🌟 Tags: Doujinshi, Shoujo, Romance, Fantasy, Tragedy,...

🌟 Introduction: This is a fanmade doujinshi about the events happened before Princess Tutu's timeline, before Drosselmeyer set his neverending story. We'll see and know the life of "The Prince and The Raven"'s characters who lived (Lohengrin), is living (Siegfried) and will live (Tutu) with their settled lives. Let's see how those characters followed their fates, before they defy it and be granted glory.

❗❗❗ WARNING❗❗❗

• This translation has been granted permission by the artist. Reposting and other illegal uses is prohibited. Making this comic required lots of love and efforts, so if I see any illegal use, I'll completely delete my translation.

• This doujinshi only available on Twitter and Pixiv of the Author and my Tumblr (English version).

• Thank you Shio-chan so much for creating this miraculous artwork and helping me finish my translation.

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3 years ago

Lovestruck Idiots

part 1

part 2

Even as the night died down, the stares at the duo had never wavered. Draco and Harry have finally left the dance floor and migrated next to the food bar, drinking butterbeer and feasting on the massive supply of treacle tarts. 

“I cannot believe the amount of shit you’ve been through over the years Potter and here I was thinking my life was tough under my father’s scrutinizing gaze.”

“Lucius Malfoy is certainly a piece of work …did i tell you about the story about your house elf-well ex house elf once-”

“Hold up Potter, you’ve got a bit of tart on your face. Honestly I thought you were the one with better manners out of your little golden trio.” Draco said all the while looking down to carefully wipe the smudge on the corner of Harry’s lips.

“Hello Draco” 

“Salazar’s right arm! Parkinson What do you think you’re doing!” the boy twisted his head in anger to look at his best friend, furious that she had interrupted his time with his Potter. Just as he was going to open his mouth to tell off the slytherin, he realized what he had just thought and reminded himself that no they were not together and that this was all a ruse.

“Why thank you for that very welcoming greeting Draco. Hermoine and I were just noticing how the both of you seem to be waltzing your nights away without even saying a simple hello to your best friends.” Pansy remarked idly while sipping on her tea, careful not to smudge any of her lipstick. “Did you forget to tell me something, Draco dear?”

“Yes Harry, I worked so hard to make sure your every strand of hair is in place for tonight and you ignore me for the whole night?” Hermoine added on.



“Hush. We’ll leave you two alone for now and leave the questioning for tomorrow, that is if you two lovestruck idiots end up leaving each other ’s side tonight.” and with a very well executed wink, the two girls left the dumbstruck boys alone.

Harry suddenly thought the great hall’s floors looked very beautiful. Really ,Harry was awestruck on how well the marbling was done and Draco never thought the artificial night sky looked as beautiful as it did tonight. 

“Are you thirsty, Malfoy?” Harry suddenly interrupted the awkward silence that loomed over them.

“ I-” 

“Because I am feeling very thirsty right now, like VERY thirsty, in fact I see the butterbeer table right there, do you want one? You probably do, I’ll go get some for us, toodles!” And with that elegant greeting, our saviour practically ran to the drinks table, before his counterpart could get a word in.

Now alone at the table, a very confused Draco was trying to sort through his thoughts. Lovestruck idiots? No, they were hardly friends, barely acquaintances. This night, although not utterly terrible as he might have once predicted, was just part of their little charades going on to see who would break first. 

Although he must admit Potter was not as stuck up as he once believed, he turned out to be decent company, being able to keep up with his banter. 

He might be gay, be he wasn’t Potter gay. 


He lied, he wasn’t thirsty at all. No Harry just needed a quick out to that increasingly awkward situation between himself and Malfoy. But toodles?, Merlin, he had to bury himself in a hole.

Nearing the drinks table, he spotted the bowl Seamus had told him about. Before he had left the lion’s den to meet Malfoy, Seamus had happily announced to the upper years that next to the “boring pumpkin juice” was a firewhiskey laced punch bowl. 

He quickly filled two glasses of the mixture and started his way back to their table. What was Hermione and Parkinson thinking, ruining their perfectly non-awkward talking.

“ I got us drinks! Seamus laced it with some firewhiskey so don’t down it too quickly…”

“I know how to hold  my whiskey Potter, don’t worry about me…”

No, they were not lovestruck idiots at all, just two friends going to Yule together.

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