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3 years ago

Harry: Draco?

Draco: Yes Harry?

Harry: You love me, right?

Draco: Of course I do

Harry: Then why am I sleeping on the couch

Draco: You ate the last Treacle Tart and I told you not to

Draco: Now atone for your sins

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2 years ago

Harry: When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?

Draco: I keep a list. I have it alphabetized and in chronological order

Draco: Which one do you want?

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2 years ago

Draco: I once quoted a vine in front of Harry

Draco: No one will ever believe him and now he lives in fear of my supposed knowledge of the internet

Draco: It's delightful

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2 years ago
 Softly Reading March 21 - 27

✩ softly reading march 21 - 27 ✩

in which i list every single drarry fic i’ve read this week in hopes that you, dear reader, find a fic you like too!

✩ - a fave | 🔥 - hot | 🌼 - gentle read

spotlight rec

✩ Two Trees by @eelwinks [E, 36k] 🔥🌼

In his Eighth year at Hogwarts, part of Draco Malfoy's probation is to see a Mind Healer once a week. Another part, unfortunately, is having to take Muggle Studies. It wouldn't be so bad, really, if it weren't for the mandatory outing—a 'field trip'—booked at a Muggle lakeside retreat for the better part of five days. Draco is determined to get it all over with as painlessly as possible. That is, until Pansy tells him—at the very last moment—that she's schemed to have Draco stay in the same room with Potter for the whole trip. Just the two of them... in one room.

longer reads

You always open (petal by petal) by birdsofshore [E, 65k] 🔥

Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is. [H/D Erised 2017]

✩ Lost N Found by @famoustruth [T, 10k] 🌼

The six times Draco writes love letters to Harry without either of them knowing and the one time they do.

short & sweet

✩ (Un)Anticipated by anon [E, 8.3k] 🔥

Though he won't ever admit it—not even years later, when Draco's giving Harry shit about it right before they go to sleep, the bedside light just dim enough to hide the worst of his blush—it takes Harry an embarrassingly long time to realise that something is wrong. [H/D Cluefest 2022]

✩ Draco Malfoy and the Broken Room by anon [T, 7.3k]

A drunk and morose Draco gets trapped in the Room of Hidden Things with Potter of all people. Now, he’s got to figure out how to make peace with the Golden Boy long enough to get out. [H/D Cluefest 2022]

✩ and they called it puppy love by @pineau-noir [T, 5.8k] 🌼

Five times Draco unsuccessfully tries to get his and Harry's Crups to mate and the one time they're successful. [H/D Career Fair]

The Picardy Third by @blue--dreaming with art by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm [T, 4.8k]

After the war, Harry and Draco are both struggling. As events contrive to draw them together, can they help each other move forward? [H/D Erised 2021]

✩ Winning Losses by @shiftylinguini [T, 1.7k]

Draco wins against Potter at something, or at least he thinks he does. It actually really sucks.

✩ The Mirror Room by @lqtraintracks [E, 466 words] 🔥

Inside the room, this is who they are.

previous softly reading lists

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5 months ago

You drew stars around my scars—

(No but seriously, I love thisss)

the lightning and the stars 🌠🌠

The Lightning And The Stars

umm how to reach the drarry community.. hello drarriers i am officially obsessed w them

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3 years ago

emotional affair

written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt “savior complex” | M, 1.1k | thanks @moonstruckwytch for the beta 💕

“I’ll pick you up from the Portkey office,” Harry says quietly, “when you come back.”

Draco, still flushed pink from orgasm, pointedly rolls away from Harry and off the bed. “It’s just three days, for work. It’s not a big deal.”

“I’ll pick you up.”

“You’re not my boyfriend,” Draco spits, sharp and furious. “We’re fucking.”

Closing his eyes, Harry breathes around the ache in his chest.

“I’ll pick you up.”


Draco sits pale and tired, curled up in the passenger seat of Harry’s car. The radio plays softly, lyrics unintelligible, and Harry keeps both hands on the wheel.

“I could’ve Apparated,” Draco says, but his tone lacks conviction.

“Apparition sucks after an international Portkey.” Harry keeps his eyes on the pools of streetlight splashed across the dark road; if he looks over towards Draco the terrifying knot of his feelings will overwhelm him.

“I didn’t know you had a car,” Draco says softly after a few moments, shifting in his seat.

“You don’t bother to ask anything about me,” Harry replies levely, and Draco inhales sharply.

“Potter, I can’t–”

“Don’t,” Harry says quietly, suddenly exhausted. “Draco, just don’t, okay? We’re almost to your flat.”

Silence falls. Harry chances a glance across the car, the afterimage of Draco flashing on the back of his eyelids even once he looks away again; pale hair, dark undereye bags, crimson knit jumper.

“Can I come by tomorrow?” Draco asks softly once Harry puts the car in park outside of Draco’s run-down block of flats. Can I come by, the very prim way Draco asks Harry to fuck him. Harry doesn’t reply, staring straight ahead until Draco sighs. “You’re fucked up too, you know,” he says. His voice is flat, a surprising lack of venom behind the words, and for the first time Harry wonders if Draco is also exhausted by this. “I know why you never let me stay the night. Try convincing me to give you more of myself when you’re ready to let me in, too.”

When the car door slams, Harry lets his forehead thunk down on the steering wheel and breathes through the threat of tears.


He lasts three days before he’s standing on the threshold of Draco’s flat at midnight, knocking hard.

“What the fuck kind of time is– oh,” Draco says, swaying as he opens the door. “Harry.”

All of the words on Harry’s tongue die down at the way Draco says his name; curved and soft, as though it’s something precious, so unlike the sharp way he wields Potter as a weapon. It’s the way he says Harry’s name when he comes.

“Draco, can I– can I come in?”

“Why?” Draco asks, prickly once more, his expression closed off. “You wanna fuck?”

“No– well, yes, but not just–”

“Fine,” Draco says, trailing further into his tiny studio flat. His bed takes up an alcove off to the side, and he flops down on it, already shimmying out of his pyjama pants.

“Draco,” Harry says helplessly, coming to a stop next to the foot of the bed. There are long lengths of sheer fabric strung above the bed, pink and blue and green; something out of a dreamscape. He knows the sheets here, knows Draco’s body like his own. “Stop for a second.”

Draco cuts him a look but slides his fingers away from the waistband of his pants. “Why are you here if not for this?”

“To sleep,” Harry says before immediately flushing hot with panic. “I– I just wanted to sleep next to you.”

For a moment Draco is frozen, then he sits up and warily regards Harry. “You’re here to sleep?”

“I have bad dreams,” Harry says in a rush, looking down at his clenched fists. “I have– I have nightmares and I thought if I let you see that you wouldn’t want me anymore or worse you wouldn’t even care and I–”

“Stop,” Draco says quietly, reaching out to pull Harry onto the bed and into Draco’s arms. His hands are gentle, gentler than he’s ever been.

“I don’t want to lose you,” Harry whispers, and he didn’t want to say that because it’s too much and it will scare Draco away but he’s panicking. “And I don’t even have you.”

“Ah,” Draco says into Harry’s shoulder with a wry little laugh. “You do, more than you think.”


“More than I let you see,” Draco amends quietly, and Harry goes silent, still trembling in Draco’s embrace. “Let’s sleep, then.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to fuck?” Harry asks, because he knows Draco, and Draco just laughs before rolling back and pulling Harry above him. His enthusiastic response is lost in Harry’s mouth, in the slide of their skin, in the rippling heat of Harry pushing in slow with his hands wrapped around Draco’s wrists. Draco comes first with a whimper, panting Harry’s name until Harry also shudders and stills, holding Draco tight to his chest. After a moment Draco casts a cleaning charm and they slip under the covers, facing each other, holding hands tightly as though this is a different life, one where they don’t have a war behind them.

“It’s not pretty,” Harry says quietly, feeling the need to warn Draco. “My nightmares. Before we broke up Ginny said it was– bad. If you need to tell me to leave I will, I just–”

“I have them too.” Without Harry’s glasses Draco’s face is slightly blurred, but his eyes are so impossibly bright. “If you want to be here, if you mean it, I’m going to stay.”

“I do mean it,” Harry says, seeing through Draco’s words to the question underneath. Without his usual harsh facade Draco seems so vulnerable, so young, and Harry shifts to wrap his arms around Draco’s slim waist. “I’m sorry I didn’t– that I couldn’t do this before–”

“I’m not easy to hold onto,” Draco says almost apologetically, tucking himself closer to Harry, and for a brief moment Harry can’t breathe because Draco is here, letting himself be held in Harry’s arms.

“I’m fucked up too,” Harry murmurs, echoing Draco’s own words. “I just want you.” He’s never said it so plainly before– Draco’s never let him– but he knows it all the way to his bones. He wants to hold onto Draco, through sex and nightmares and dawnbreak. He wants to keep Draco warm.

“Yeah,” Draco says softly, then more desperate: “Harry. Harry.”

“I’m here.” With a flick of his fingers Harry turns down the lights entirely, throwing the room into darkness. Draco’s breath is damp on his collarbone and he presses a kiss to the soft strands of Draco’s hair. “Just… stay.”

Draco hums tiredly. “As long as you want to stay, Harry, I’ll be right here.”

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3 years ago

Phoebe!! Would you do Blank Space by Taylor Swift? 💞💞💞

@colormehazelnut Hazel, it would be my pleasure!! Thank you for sending in these prompts. This is something I've been sort of mulling over in the back of my mind for a while.

“I make six figures,” Jason said, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “My boss says I’m an ‘up-and-comer.’”

Draco looked at Jason underneath his lashes, “Does he, now?”

Jason nodded solemnly. “Oh yeah, Dad’s really encouraging.”

“How wonderful,” Draco said, lifting a finger to lightly trace over Jason’s hand where it rested on the table and suppressing a smirk when he saw Jason shift in his seat. “You’ve such an important career; how does a man as successful as you stay so humble?”

Jason grinned, shrugging. “Comes naturally, I guess.”

“Wow,” Draco breathed. “You’re not like anyone I’ve met before.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Jason winked, and Draco forced a giggle, watching Jason’s eyes flash in excitement.

Jason was Lucius’s seventh attempt in his crusade to see Draco married and settled with a pureblood by the time he was 26. The first couple of blind dates had left Draco “outraged and disgusted,” as he’d complained to Pansy over the Floo. “Father won’t see reason. Merlin, it’s torture.”

Pansy’s mouth had twisted into a smirk. “Well, it doesn’t have to be.”

Draco’d furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“There are only so many eligible, gay, Pureblood men in Britain,” Pansy’d grinned. “Your father wants you to date these idiots to maintain your reputation. What if you make sure there’s no more reputation to uphold—one man at a time?”

After that, Draco found himself looking forward to these new dates. The arrogant, unsuspecting men would sit across from him, play footsie under the table, talk on and on about their money, and leer at him all the while. And Draco let them with a placid smile on his face.

But Michael, poor bloke, had run screaming from the Manor as Draco’d thrown the prat’s clothes out the window with a hearty Incendio. It was the only proper response to Michael’s derision of Draco’s “poncy outfits.”

And Jake—or was it Blake? Draco could never remember, much to Jake-Blake’s annoyance—had nearly cried when Draco’s taken a golf club to his precious Aston Martin. But he should’ve thought of that before insulting Draco’s golf swing.

Then there was Bret, who’d spent so much time on his mobile, texting Merlin knew how many other men, that Draco thought that the fish in the pond at the Manor might enjoy the device, too, since Bret shared their intelligence.

Now, Jason prattled on and on about his family’s “gorgeous, but understaffed house by the lake” and how the food at the restaurant was “palatable, but not as good as in Paris, have you ever been?”

Draco blinked wide, innocent eyes. “To Paris? Oh, no. I’ve never been. Maybe you could show me around? I’d need someone capable to keep me from getting lost.”

Jason smirked. “Of course, baby, I’d take good care of you.”

Draco let a slow, sultry smile stretch across his face. Yes, this was going to be fun.


“C’mon, baby, just tell me what’s wrong,” the man jutted out his lip into a pout.

Draco gave him a coy smile. “Who said anything was wrong?”

Suddenly, he felt a warm hand cover his thigh and a mouth close to his ear. “Hmm, a cutie like you here all alone? That can’t mean anything good.”

Draco held his breath. Three...Two...One…

The body next to him was suddenly knocked aside, and Draco looked up to see Jason, his eyes burning.

“Draco, what the hell!”

“Don’t you ‘Draco’ me, Jason!” He snapped. “While you were busy doing Merlin knows what—or who—in the loo for nearly thirty minutes, this bloke was keeping me company. If you don’t want me, you can just say so!”

Jason looked shocked. “Thirty minutes—I can’t have been gone for more than five!”

“Whatever it was, it was long enough for me to grow suspicious!”

“If you were so worried, why didn’t you go to the loo and see for yourself?”

“Because I, for one, didn’t want to see my fiancé fucking another bloke right in front of me!”

“Fiancé?!” Jason and the stranger said simultaneously, their expressions astonished.

Draco gasped sharply. “Are you seriously acting as if you never proposed to me?!”

“If I did I think I’d have remembered!”

“Wow!” Draco shook his head. “I knew you could be oblivious, but forgetting the best day of our lives is a new low, Jason.”

“But–you’re not even wearing a ring!”

“We said we’d get it in Paris!” Draco made his eyes well with practiced tears. “You said you wanted it to be perfect. ‘Only the best for my Draco, the love of my life!’ You said that, and I can see now that you didn’t mean it.”

He hopped off the stool striding out of the bar. He turned his head to see Jason staring at him, slackjawed.

Draco let one tear spill down his cheek. “Don’t contact me. Goodbye, Jacob.”

As he left the bar, he heard an incredulous, “IT’S JASON!!”


“No, no, we asked for the ‘74 Le Vu, not the ‘87 Le Fite,” Xavier scowled. He plucked the glass from Draco’s fingers and handed it and his own to the server. “Fix it,” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Draco chanced a sympathetic look at the waiter, whose blank expression revealed that he had the patience of someone with years in the restaurant industry. “Yes, sir, my mistake. I apologize. One moment.” He turned on a heel, taking the rejected wine and used glasses and disappearing into the sea of tables.

“Honestly,” Xavier scoffed. “It’s impossible to get good service nowadays.”

Draco hummed in false assent. “That must be so taxing for you.”

Xavier sighed. “It’s just frustrating. You know, when I dine out, I expect a certain level of attendance from the waitstaff. I work hard for my money. I don’t need the added stress of an incompetent server who can’t do the simplest tasks,” he said, shaking his head.

“I know!” Draco exclaimed waving his hands wildly. “It’s insanity!” He said, making his gesture wider—just a bit more, and, “People can be so lazy!” He flung his arms almost across the table, finally knocking a glass of ice water into Xavier’s lap.

“Shit!” Xavier jumped from his seat, grabbing his napkin and drying his pants.

Draco let his lip wobble. “I-I’m so sorry.”

“Whatever, you idiot,” Xavier snapped.

Draco gasped loudly and rose from his seat, drawing eyes to their table. Perfect. “What did you just say??”

Xavier looked at him strangely. “I said ‘whatever.’”

Draco threw down his napkin. “Did you just call me an idiot?”

“What—no! I-”

“You’re a pig!” Draco reached over and slapped Xavier. A few scattered gasps rose from the other guests.

Their waiter came rushing over. “Is everything alright over here?”

Draco narrowed his eyes. “I was just going.” He turned and stormed off, leaving behind a sputtering Xavier.


The date with Louis lasted all of twenty minutes before Draco’d had enough.

He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t attend one more dinner with a man who looked at him like a pile of money or a piece of meat. He couldn’t flutter his eyelashes or give mechanical kisses or play dumb any longer.

He refused—Father and his inheritance be damned.

It was cowardly, he knew, leaving while John was in the restroom. But he didn’t have it in him to finish the dinner, nor to make a scene and cry and shout. And with the way Louis went on and on about how “the new Ministry is going to ruin this country,” Draco had a feeling it wasn’t going to work out, anyway.

He stepped out onto the street and raised his wand, feeling the familiar tug of Apparition take him to the apparition point closest to Muggle London. He walked along the cobblestone pathway in peace, taking in the sights of the city.

For the first time in months, Draco felt real, hot tears rise unbidden in his eyes. He didn’t bother to wipe them away, letting them cloud his vision. It was nice for a moment, allowing the world to go a bit fuzzy, until he tripped on an uneven cobblestone and fell to the ground.

His palms and knees stung from the impact, but he managed to keep from banging his head. He started to move to get up, despite his protesting knees, when a hand came into his vision, reaching down in front of him.

He took it, letting it gently pull him to his feet and causing his eyes to meet warm green ones that caused his heart to stutter.

“Malfoy—are you alright?” Potter said gently, taking in Draco’s red-rimmed eyes and cheeks.

Draco sniffed, willing his voice to stay even when he responded, “I’m fine, Potter. Just a rough evening. Thank you. Sorry to bother you.”

He turned to step past him when a firm hand clasped his arm.

“Wait, I–” Potter flushed lightly. “I want to talk to you.”

Draco narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What are you playing at, Potter?” He said, a slight bite to his tone. “What game is this?”

Potter held up his hands. “No game, I swear. I just want to catch up.”

Draco studied Potter for a moment, taking in the earnest eyes and the beginning of a small, hopeful grin, and allowed himself the first genuine smile he could remember in weeks.

Yes, this was going to be fun.

I have a playlist of my 99 most listened-to songs of the year so far. Check my pinned post, pick a number 1--99, and send me an ask and I'll write you a fic based on the song that matches with that number on my list!

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3 years ago

4 circles

Day 10- Christmas parties @hpdestress

" How many more of these ?" Harry groaned putting on his wrist watch and locking it up.

Hermione gave him a sympathetic look " I'm sorry Harry- if only Ron were here, I promise tonight's the last- I won't trouble you after this one "

Harry sighed then nodded " promise me it's the last one ?"

" cross my heart " Hermione smiled. Harry nodded understandably.

" you look beautiful though. Red really is your colour " Harry complimented.

" thank you, although you do know that you don't have to compliment me like Ron does. I won't kill you If you don't " Hermione replied, her lips curled up at the edge in a small smirk.

" I know, I know but I really need to fill in some good shoes you know. Besides I'd never not appreciate you " Harry replied truthfully.

Hermione nodded at him, acknowledging his compliment while accepting at the same time then resumed giving herself the final touch.


" wow this one really seems a closed up party" Harry mumbled as he walked next to Hermione through the doors and into the hall.

" yeah this is just my office party- you won't find a lot of outsider here " Hermione Whispered and within a few seconds both of them were dragged into conversation they thoroughly didn't enjoy especially with people they didn't even know, but then that's life of fame. More of Hermione than of Harry himself but still being acknowledged as the boy-who-lived runs well in keeping him popular, even now after years.

Exhausting from talking with people Harry took a drink and decided to stay in the corner rather than the front circle which by now after going to so many Christmas parties with Hermione, he knew were for the up frontier or the rich, wealthy or the popular people because there it was easier to approach, the Inner secluded circle was for the people who happen to have a lot of good connections with different people and these parties are just another way to make more relations, the third and the outermost circle was for the people who are normally forgotten at the party or the one's who's been dragged to these places. Harry unfortunately being the last one but he was happy right where he was with way too less people even coming up to meet him and less of a spotlight, it worked pretty well for him. The less noise and the peace to be able to drink his champagne alone was the best until quite recently his eyes followed to the bar and saw the lean figure standing against the counter with his elbow resting behind him over the counter, the same hand holding his glass of neat Scotch and other hand free for physical touch he needed to perform every now and then. He looked ethereal in every way. The way the shirt cling to his body yet not the same time and the legs interlocked underneath with the coat over the counter, Harry would say he looked more hotter than anyone he had laid an eye on here.

It had to be Draco Malfoy of course. Only he could stand in such a glorious way while maintaining a conversation. Harry might've been looking at him for far too long that Draco might've sensed it and before he could even make sense that Draco was watching him from afar, he pulled one of his famous playful smirk and the perfectly timed wink before he left the counter when the the light dimmed and went for a dance. Unfortunately that was also the last he saw of him that specific night before he was dragged back home.

Despite Hermione's offer to not tag along with to anymore parties, Harry did, in hopes of finding Draco. He didn't know why exactly but he knew one thing that every night his wink and his smirk played on a loop before he went to bed with some dangerously sexy song playing in the background which left him yearning and perhaps to fill his empty tea pot for one glance he went with Hermione to the rest of the parties which, resulted in disappointment almost every time that even Hermione understood that Harry was going to see someone but dared not to ask until it happened, mistakenly when Harry had almost cancelled on Hermione but went to the party at the last moment when he finally saw him, leaning against the bar, jacket kept by side, the same pose with a drink in his hand, only this time he was alone.

" Go " he heard. Harry turned and saw Hermione pushing him lightly "Go, talk to him"

Harry gulped in nervousness, fixing his collar and Shaking his hands.

" Fancy seeing you here " Draco said before Harry could have even said Hello.

" It's- Hermione " Harry stammered.

" so just Hermione then ?" Draco suggested finally turning to Harry giving him the same playful smirk.

" what- no - no " Harry interjected

" So there's another reason why you're here then ?" Draco teased. He knew he was pulling his leg, teasing him but he really couldn't blame anything, Harry was cute when he was nervous.

" I- no- I mean yeah- I guess, I wanted to see you " he stuttered.

Draco let out a low laugh and squeezed Harry's shoulder lightly " Relax- it's just me, you're not meeting me for the first time and certainly not the last "

Harry finally calmed down a little and gave him a smile " So I'll see you again ?"

" if you want to " Draco shrugged.

" I want to " Harry replied suggestively.

" I'd like to see you again too- perhaps over a dinner?" Draco asked.

Harry looked down the nodded " that'd be nice"

" so then can I ask you for a dance now ? This song is banger and I really don't want to dance with a stranger tonight " Draco asked.

Harry laughed softly then nodded and took Draco's hand to accompany him to the center of the stage.

So according to Harry's hypothesis in future, there were 4 circles - one or the front circle, the wealthy, Riches and the popular with the organisers of the party, second- the one acquainted with the first circle, the outermost and the 3rd circle- the circle for the unknowns, the ones dragged into the party and last which he figured later in his life and probably the best circle, only reserved for Harry, was in Draco's arms.

Day 9- Christmas Cabin || Day 11- Lovers be damned



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3 years ago

Trail to one day

Day 13 Secret Santa @hpdestress

He still have them all.

When Harry was in his first year at Hogwarts, away from his home, with people he barely knew and some he found strange, he had spent his Christmas at Hogwarts. Back then Harry was happier than he had been in a long time and was glad for a lot of givings he was given even if he didn't want some of them , he took them with grace and their love in those givings and kept it safe in a case or in his heart. It was then on his first Christmas at Hogwarts when he recieved an anonymous gift resting over his bed waiting to be opened. He had already opened the invisibility cloak before so he knew it couldn't be that, so, when he did open it and threw the wrappings aside he discovered it was a gift by a child, not more older than he was. The gift had been a paper Santa decorated with all sorts of glitter and a card with "Maybe one day", just that. Harry had kept it safely.

The next year when he had returned back from his Christmas break, there had been a box sitting over his pillow. He knew it then it was from the same Secret Santa as last year when he had opened the card and it was the same inscription. This time there were cookies in a box ( secret Santa had made it themself).

The next year Harry had been excited to see his gift from the secret santa even though he didn't who it was but when he came back from the Christmas strolling with Ron and Hermione, there wasn't a gift on his bed, underneath it, or around it or even his fellow mates bed. He looked for 3 days straight until it showed up the next day, a card with the same inscription and nothing more and a Stocking with Harry Potter crocheted over it. Harry found those customized presents cute.

The next year, that was 4th year he yet again was met with his present on the pillow right after he had returned from the break. At this point he didn't bother reading the card but did it anyways and found it extremely impressive how whoever it was had a beautiful calligraphy. That year he had received ear muffs with Christmas tree stitched over them. He wore them often.

During his 5th year after things had turned pretty upsetting, the gift was all he looked forward to upon returning to school and like the 3rd year the gift came in late and this time with an apology " Sorry, I had things " the apology card read. He left the same inscripted card at the bottom of the box and picked up the gift. That year he had recieved a handkerchief with Harry weaved over it riding the broomstick and a small Draco getting knocked over by him around the corner. It was a hilarious gift. It certainly kept him going a lot.

But when the 6th year happened, Harry had to wait an entire week before he received the present. There was no apology that time but the same card with the same inscription as every which Harry now felt bored off yet found it endearing at the same time and a mix tape of songs that claimed to have reminded whoever it was of Harry. He kept listening to them even after the war was over. It was a nice gesture.

The 7th year, he didn't recieve anything and plainly there was too much going on for him to either be worried about but the morning after Christmas Eve while they were in Dean's forest Harry had thought about it and late in the night when Hermione was asleep he had heard the mix tape again. It kept him sane.

The 8th year, he finally recieved a love letter signed by anonymous but vividly mentioned having been in love with Harry for so long; along with a sweater with H weaved over its front and the signature inscription card only this time there was a smile put after the words.

He still have them all, in a box that he looks at them every year and remembers his childhood and how it was among the best part of his childhood.

Today was one of those days when Harry was looking through the box of things again except for the H sweater which he was wearing and smiled at them. He suddenly felt two arms wrap around his Torso and a soft pair of lips attaching his neck and hummed.

" Old Christmas presents " His lover said.

Harry nodded smiling then after a moment of enjoying his embrace and silence he spoke up " you weren't very discrete you know"

Draco laughed softly behind him and pestered him with a kiss again " So you knew all along ?"

" Nope, around 3rd year. Only a post brat like you could've known how to crochet" Harry teased.

" At least appreciate my efforts" Draco complained playfully.

" thank you for these"

Harry turned just a little, kissing his cheek then gazed into his eyes " our one day came"

Draco smiled at him equally swooned and in love, nodded " Our one day came"

Day 12 - Palace Dè Elite || Day 14- You and Mine



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3 years ago

Daddy's boy

Day 16- candy cane @hpdestress

" so we only have a couple more boxes to give away right ?" Harry asked as he pushed his spectacle closer to the bridge of his nose scanning the sheet of gifts to give away he had prepared to be more organised.

Draco mumbled, then nodded, itching his own nose due to the new specks he had to wear to read " I don't think we've given yet to the Harrison's, the Garet's and I still need to hand a box to the Parkinson's "

" You told me you had given to Parkinson's days ago " Harry complained looking over at Draco, sitting on the opposite side of the table.

" I never told you anything about that- okay- yeah I did but only because you get into that scolding mode that I don't take anything seriously, with your ' Draco, you're becoming more careless with age and you should be more careful. Where's your wit to always be punctual-' and all that, very boring speech" Draco sighed resting his chin against the cold counter then immediately taking it off after a flinch.

Harry rolled his eyes getting up from the chair " If I scold you then that means you are doing something wrong-"

" Don't go Monica on me "Draco dragged

" Well you know she is right and I knew you'd had something like this so I made an extra box of candy canes " Harry said as he opened the top shelf and took out a brown box labelled 'do not open without Harry's permission'.

" Real creative babe " Draco teased.

Harry mocked him with gibberish and sat down on the chair again and opened up the box whilst speaking " I made these extra because you somehow have been careless lately and I knew we'd need it so I kept it safe and- Where's all the candy canes from the box ?" He shook the box In his hand vigorously but nothing happened, the box remained Empty as he had taken it out.

" yeah- so you were saying" Draco pursed his lips trying to control his laughter.

" I swear I did- I made an extra batch and now it's just gone " Harry complained seriously.

" Yeah I'm going to say a racoon came in through the window who was tired and hungry and saw your candy canes and ate them and left the box there. He's really upset about doing that though" He was trying really hard to contol his laughter but getting a deadly look from Harry he broke into laughter.

" This isn't funny- somebody ate them " Harry said. A strange fuzzy idea came in his head but he hardly wanted to believe it. He really didn't like thinking it could have happened but when his eyes fell upon the corner of the room to a 4 year old Scorpius hiding behind the wall, he knew he was right.

" Scorp- Did you eat the candy canes ?" Harry asked in his Fatherly voice.

Scorpius ran towards Draco who picked him up in his arms and settled him in his lap and pushing his hair behind his forehead.

" They were tasty- and Daddy said I could eat them " Scorpius confessed.

Harry gasped at Draco " How could you let him ?"

Draco started laughing again " I'm sorry Scorp but I have to tell him the truth or you and I are both going to be dead in the bed-"

" But we agreed Daddy " Scorpius huffed.

" I'm sorry darling-" he kissed on top of Scorpius's head and confessed honestly " we just hid them. It's in that red box over the refrigerator "

" Why would you do it ?" Harry sighed getting up and picking up the box and double checking it's content.

" Because Daddy said it's fun to see your eyes go out of your socket and you lips go like that of a fish- like this" Scorpius pointed at his lips open in an 'O' shape that a fish makes.

Draco laughed louder along with Scorpius and Harry wanted to scold Draco for saying things like that to their 4 year old son but instead he himself started laughing.

" You really are your Daddy's boy " Harry smiled afterwards and ruffled Scorpius's hair before kissing his forehead.

" That I am " Scorpius agreed and Harry laughed again.

Day 15 - Over the kitchen top || Day 17- Lavender



Tags :
3 years ago


Day 17- scarves @hpdestress

It began in the November when the wind picked up and the cold has started to settle in slowly and gradually that Draco started wearing scarves. It was hard to not notice someone as elegant as him wrapped in one of the most softest and the most elegant scarves which he didn't repeat even once.

The first time Harry realised that he wore different coloured scarves for each day was when he was outside in the field in the back of the office where Quidditch was played at in weekly matches. He had been busy bathing in the warm sun, gaining Vitamin D as he'd like to phrase it when his eyes fell on Draco at the opposite end of the field with his files scattered over the ground, he had been working. He was only watching him work with his one leg crossed while the other was sprawled to the side and leaning over the files to draw or write something, that was when he saw the lavender shade of his scarf. Normally people only wore Red, Green, Black, Grey and Blue Scarves, at least the boring people in his office but he was wearing a bright Lavender shade scarf hanging around his neck, glowing profusely in the sun. It was attention grabbing.

The next time Harry was sure he wore scarves different for each day was when he saw him walking out of the cafeteria of the office and sitting on the bench nearest to the window. That day he had worn a beige scarf. It complimented his skin very well and bought out the features Harry hadn't ever noticed. And the way his nails were painted exactly of the same shade as his scarf appealed to Harry and no matter how hard he tried to un-notice Draco, he couldn't. There was something that kept calling him to Harry's attention and from there on it was a routine. He passed by his office everyday just when he used to go out and do a simple wave with smile and notice the shade of his scarf. This routine that followed was a tedious thing and in order to not forget the shade of his scarf he used to note it down in the back of his journal with a little drawing if he liked the scarf too much. However it was all just a mere start of a simple infatuation turning into much huge of an attraction. It was bound to happen. When you notice Someone everyday for a month straight and write about them in your journal and spend most of your time thinking of them, you end up being attracted to them and there were several other reasons which contributes to his fire of attraction.

It was only a matter of time when Harry inbuilt his plans to ask Draco out in the most subtle way's possible but of course Harry being Harry, it didn't go as planned and he embarrassed himself more than asking him out but nonetheless Draco found it cute and agreed to go on a date with Harry. Within the short span of time that they started dating, they found they had the whole world in the arms of each other and there was no other they'd want it with.

And So it happened on the date just before Christmas holidays when after work they went to a small Italian cafe that Harry bought it up.

" I like your scarf "

" Oh- thank you. This was my grandma's. Purple was really her colour " Draco smiled drinking his cup of hot cocoa.

Harry wondered if all his Scarves came from his Grandma but he didn't ask, instead he said " you wear a different colour everyday "

Draco blushed then nodded setting his cup over the table " Yeah- I do. I have a thing for scarves. I have one of each colour like a collection. I never thought anyone noticed though "

Harry smiled and took his hand in his own over the table and rubbed small circles with his thumb " I always noticed and I love these. They're very beautiful and you look even more Beautiful with them "

Draco blushed more furiously unable to contain his smile and Whispered a small thanks.

When Christmas came around and they had gone to their respective families to celebrate Christmas with, they owled their gifts to each other. Harry had sent a box of chocolate that he knew Draco would like and a locket with the sign of Draco's star. (He had liked it very much )

What Harry recieved was the same Lavender scarf he saw Draco wearing for the first time with a small note attached to it " Keep it, it'll look better on you anyways. Also Ps. You weren't as subtle as you thought you were"

Harry had laughed and wrapped it around his neck and embraced the sweet smell of Draco. He knew he'd never throw this away, even if it's all worn out. It was the symbol of a beginning.

Day 16- Daddy's boy || Day 18- sunset and Pizza



Tags :
3 years ago

Sunset and Pizza

Day 18- Hogsmeade @hpdestress

Harry buried them under the invisible cloak again, Huffing under his breath.

" when I said we should go on a date in Hogsmeade this is definitely not what I meant " Draco grumbled under his breath but close enough for Harry to listen.

" Oh would you like me to take the veil off and walk off like a bride " Harry sarcastically responded.

Draco almost wanted to laugh but he didn't "well these are the results of you face planting in your broom, not anywhere else but over it "

" How was I supposed to know that Someone would be out in the fucking cold at midnight in the quidditch field watching me. I thought it was only you and me " Harry rolled his eyes and took a a sharp turn avoiding everyone else.

" Well Darling of course you have creepy stalkers following you every hour of everyday. You're Harry Potter, the boy who apparently doesn't die " Draco controlled his laughter again but a look from Harry and he was biting his palm to not release any sound.

" You think you're so funny- Well guess what my dear love, you're not " Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco and walked ahead again.

After a while of Draco cracking jokes up, he fell silent and just followed Harry as they walked deeper into Hogsmeade and towards the cliff apparently only Harry knew how to get to.

" How far is it ?" Draco groaned

" well if you weren't walking like a baby and making jokes about me half the trip we would've already been there " Harry replied distantly

" What did I tell you about your sarcasm- sometimes it hurts " Draco pouted.

Harry almost took him seriously but looking at his fake pout he rolled his eyes again " Says the one who's existence runs on being mean "

Draco scoffed, mumbling something under his breath which Harry chose to ignore and finally he was able to lift off the invisibility cloak when they reached a safer radar out of people's sight.

" We there yet ?" Draco asked again.

Harry took 5 more steps and announced " we're here "

Draco followed behind him and finally reached a small tent Harry had assumably set up before they came here with fairy lights dangling inside and a box of Pizza which Draco have grown into loving and blankets to keep themselves warm.

Draco intertwined their fingers tighter and went into the small tent, sat down along with Harry facing Hogsmeade from atop.

" I never knew Hogsmeade looked this beautiful from upside. Christmas makes it look even more beautiful " Draco smiled.

Harry smiled back at him and cast a small heating spell over the pizza and agreed " I discovered this place back in 4 year when nobody wanted to believe that I didn't put my name in that stupid fire. It bought me peace "

" Yeah- I remember envying you until the damned red eyes snake lived under my roof and basically played oujia board with his actual snake "

Harry laughed out loud, shaking his head " Do you even know what an oujia board is ?"

" Who cares- it's not like he was doing a kitty party with the death eaters dressed up in pink dresses " Draco joked, smiling himself.

Harry chuckled " He could've matched his pink with Umbridge "

Draco chuckled then after while of simply smiling at Harry, he said " Thank you for this"

" Don't mention- Pizza ?"

They sat there eating Pizza in the cold with the heating spell bringing them warmth and small jokes that they cackled with each other and enjoyed watching the hustling of the students down there. It was weird in its own how they landed up together and a story for other day, but even if they were pretty much the worst boyfriends the history had ever known, they were still pretty perfect for eachother and that was the most they could ever ask for. So what if instead of sugar coating and sweet talking they made of fun of each other and embarrassed them, so what if they didn't have the perfect first date, or what if they still get weird around each other, the most that mattered was this moment, that thing's that made the moment possible and this was possibly the best they could ever have.

Draco finally rested his head against Harry's shoulder as the sun had started settling and the students had started departing back to Hogwarts " This is pretty perfect isn't it ?"

" pretty or perfect ?" Harry countered

" No Harry- pretty perfect- it's a phrase-"

" how can it-"

" Nevermind I tried-" Draco groaned.

Harry laughed softly and kissed the top of his head, wrapping his arms closer to Draco's body " This is pretty perfect"

Draco smiled and nuzzled his face into Harry's neck.

It was pretty perfect, being with the best version of perfect they could ask for and the Beautiful sunset, yeah it was pretty perfect.

Day 17 - Lavender || Day 19- sweetest memories



Tags :
3 years ago

Sweetest memories

Day 19 - Baking @hpdestress

It used to happen very less in the beautiful house of Black when the kitchen would flood and swamp with flour, only when the rebellion of their son, Sirius Black would turn to indescribable ways of trying to destroy the house but now, it happened so very often when the beautiful house of the Black was filled with people and the flour would be everywhere. Traditions turned to rituals, they maintained what they were taught from their respective families but turned what they didn't like into what they did. They would add a little too much flour if needed and maybe a little to essence for taste and then eat it with Pure regret because it was a cake they made with their own hands and as once taught by Draco's mother ' Never let your effort go in waste. There is always, always room for a change'. The complete disastrous cakes they would bake, they'd layer it up with whipped cream, maybe add maple syrup or pour hot chocolate over the destroyed cake and make it better to eat.

But this Christmas, they invited everyone of their friend to bake the best cake they could make and so there was mess in the Black house, flour in the hair, batter in the eye, finger in the bowl and specks broken but the cakes they baked, they were worth everything. They knew it would be too much to clean later on and perhaps even too many cakes to even eat but moments like these have to be made into memories they'd cherish when they grow old and it's a sick game of nature that they'd remember only half of it but building this moment with the laughs echoing all over in the house, and screams that hurt the ears, words that'd float, love that was poured, this time would never return and so this moment had to be made.

Moments like these don't just happen, they have to be made into memories.

And as Harry held Draco's hand over the table in a sweet gesture before he threw handful of flour over his face, another moment turned into a memory they would laugh at but these are the moments that count, the moments that make us remember, make us realise why love exist. If the world is spinning, the only way is to dance upon it because the world may stop spinning one day and so will the dance and all that would be left would the feelings of the arms and the legs that would flail tiresome.

Moments like these doesn't just happen, they are made to happen and even if they seem fake, not all of it can be fake. The part of stealing smiles and the lingering glances, the sweet mouthing and the licking finger, the whispering to other and yelling at another, the holding hands and dirtying their favorite apron, the licking of bowl and the mess on the counter, they are all accidental or unintentional but these are the moments they knew they'd carry to the end because who knows when would the next mess arrive.

Day 18- sunset and Pizza || Day 20 - After a million dreams



Tags :
3 years ago

After a million dreams

Day 20- Christmas break at Hogwarts @hpdestress

“ Did you do it ?” Draco nervously asked as soon as Harry came to the meeting point.  

Harry held a disappointed face then nodded “ I did “ He exclaimed 

Draco let out the breath he was holding onto and immediately embraced Harry in a hug “ I was afraid they wouldn’t let you ” 

Harry separated from the hug and along with Draco sat down over the cushioned couch turning to face him " Well at first Ron didn't want to- I actually think he doesn't want to even still but Hermione was a great help. She said she understood that I need a little space and that it's nice that I want to take a break from certain things and be myself to figure stuff out- whatever that meant but she said she'll handle everything and she was super supportive of it "

Draco looked at Harry for a moment, a sense of worry invading his headspace for a while.

" What is it ?" Harry interjected his thoughts.

" It's nothing- I- just- sometimes you know get the feeling that Hermione knows about us otherwise why would she be this understanding about you staying alone at school for Christmas break? "

Harry thought for a moment watching keenly at the red cushion in deep thought then nodded understandably " If that is true then we need to find a way to ensure that whatever she knows isn't right"

" How are we going to do that ?" Draco asked, confused.


" Well are you sure you don't want to come with us to stay for Christmas, I mean it does get lonely around here during holidays you know ?" Pansy asked with her voice as sweet as honey ( too much honey ) and her hand going up and down Draco's arm.

Draco tried to retract his hand but he didn't want to hint it off so he kept cool " I'll be fine, don't worry Pansy. I just wished my parents would finally match eyes with me you know. To not talk is one thing but to uninvite me- that's bizzare. But I'll just stay here and finish up on my work or something "

Pansy modded in sympathy " I really am sorry about that Draco. Are you sure you'll be okay ?"

" I'll be fine- You should go now, the train leaves soon " Draco told her and immediately helped her bag up on the train.

" Well- owl me if you need anything or just want to talk to someone, alright ?" Pansy reassured and tried to kiss Draco over his cheeks but he skillfully dodged it off.

Draco nodded " I will "

Draco waved to his friends one last time before he dragged back his empty suitcases as a part of the enactment Harry and Draco had worked on to convince their friend's that they weren't together. It was a brilliant plan, at least how Harry likes to admit, this way not only Draco got out of being questioned several things but also were able to convince Hermione that Draco hadn't planned on staying for Christmas because of Harry but his plans had changed the last moment.

He took the secret alley where rarely anyone ever was and the place where Harry and Draco were to meet up after the train departed.

Draco walked blindly into something invisible and immediately realised it was Harry. Harry revealed his face from under the cloak and wrapped Draco under the cloak too.

" Did it work ?" Harry whispered

" Hopefully " Draco whispered back.

Out of curiosity Harry asked " Does Pansy know you're gay ?"

" No, not yet, why ?" Draco frowned

" stay away from her then- she's definitely trying to hit on you " Harry rolled his eyes.

Draco let out a soft laugh then kissed Harry over his crimson cheeks " It doesn't matter, I've already been hit on, and very much taken"

Harry raised his eyebrows " That you are"

" Yes I am mister" Draco smiled. Harry looked up at him for a few more moments before Draco kissed him over the lips and they departed for their Christmas at Hogwarts.

As planned Harry and Draco spent almost everytime of everyday in the breaks with each other secretly in the room of requirements. They spent their Hours Baking, learning how to knit, making candies, eating a lot of cakes, decorating the place with Christmas things and decorating their own Christmas tree together, they did everything together and sometimes it took them an entire day but they were proud of themselves and each other by the end of the day. Having the opportunity to be able to spend their Christmas finally with the ones they loved was the best thing that had ever happened to either one of them and they knew they wouldn't change it for the world, even if it all gets messed up in the end. They wanted to be with each other, needed each other more than anything else and it scared them a little bit but it made them so happy. When they looked at each other with awe, they knew they waited for this moment for so long in their life that now it felt so unreal but it was so very real, it was the most real thing I'm existence, even more than the clouds in the sky or the sun and the moon. What they felt for each other was beyond either of them could comprehend but then love isn't a comprehension, is it? It's the most insane thing ever and they were just having the taste of it all.

When finally the Christmas morning arrived and Harry woke up next to a very naked Draco by his side, his breath halted in his throat. He was mesmerized by his beauty and the moment itself. It overwhelmed him so much that he couldn't avoid the tears that sprinkled in his eyes. Knowing that he woke upto the man the loved the most on Christmas morning was nothing more than a miracle and Harry assumed he might just be the luckiest man alive.

When the night finally came around and they were sat under the lights of golden near their Christmas tree, Harry Turned to Draco and smiled.

" Can I give you my present now ?" He asked

Draco startled for a moment but then nodded with a sweet smile. Harry pulled from behind him a small box, not more than a size of a shoe box and gave it to Draco.

" Before you open this, I want you to know something "

Draco nodded, keeping the box aside to give Harry his Full attention.

Harry cleared his throat and began " I have spent 18 Christmases in my life and this one is the best so far and its all because of you " Harry smiled and took Draco's hand in his own and continued " When I woke up this morning and I saw you lying next to me, it hit me then that I had spent so much time of my life hating you when all this time I could've been able to hold you closer much before and not in secret. It somewhat breaks me to know how much time we have wasted and what I'm about to say is going to sound absolutely insane but Draco, you make me the happiest I've ever been and I don't know what is it about you that just puts a smile on my face everytime I see you but there is something and I can wait an entire life time to know that. I know it sounds absurd and fast and strange but I love you, like I've never loved anyone else and I want to love for the rest of the time"

Draco's eyes welled up with tears with the words he heard and before Harry could've inferred what was happening Draco had jumped into his arms and embraced him tightly in his arms. Moments passed with his hand still around Harry, not believing for even a single second what harry had just said.

Draco broke apart from the hug and cupped Harry's face softly after having created some distance and said " I can't tell you how much I love you and how much I want to scream at the top of my lungs and tell the whole world but you wanting to love me for the rest of your life is the greatest honour I'll ever have,even more than being loved by you. You really are one of a kind Harry and I'm too selfish to let you go "

Harry couldn't help but smile fondly at Draco. He placed his hand over Draco's hands over his face and kissed the inside of his palm then turned his hand the other way around and kissed them too and then finally leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Draco's " It's my honour to Love you Draco Malfoy"

Draco chuckled and finally kissed Harry over the lips with ecstasy. This was the kind of Christmas Draco always wished for, dreamt of even but never in his million dream he had ever imagined that it might come true but right now, kissing Harry, holding his hand, being away in the secret behind so many walls and a moment just of their own, this was even more perfect than a dream. It was heaven itself.


" Do you think Harry's having a nice Christmas ?" Hermione asked as she laid next to Ron and watched the stars in the late Christmas night.

" I'm telling you he's having the time of his life " Ron replied.

" Why do you think he keeps it a secret from us? Doesn't he trust us or something ?" She asked concerned.

Ron hummed, then said " I think he likes having one thing all to his own self. All his life, he's always shared things,even love but he's met the one thing in his life right now that he doesn't have to share and I think it makes him Happy. It's evident Draco makes him the happiest he's ever been even if he's a douchebag "

Hermione Chuckled " Since when did you get so wise ?"

" Always a tone of surprise " Ron laughed.


" He's got better at this game you know " Blaise said as they moved their bags into the carriage after having waved Draco goodbye.

" I wanna see how many stupid stories he gonna pull before he comes clean " Pansy told him.

" Think Potter have some effect on his intelligence, don't you think ?"

" you mean he's dumber now ?"

Blaise nodded.

" Lord save him"

Day 19- Sweetest Memories || Day 21- A thousand times better



Tags :
3 years ago

A thousand times better

Day 21- sleigh ride @hpdestress

" Can I take the blindfold off now ?" Harry asked stumbling over his own feet only to be caught in time by Draco.

" We're not there yet "Draco replied

" But I'm falling all over " Harry whined

" and I'm here to catch your fall " Draco replied back.

" Yeah not really. When I told you I've fallen in love with you, you told me I've fallen with you too. Can't say I can trust you with a fall" Harey shrugged casually.

Draco chuckled next to him " Well then if you're gonna, we're gonna fall together. That's how it works right. You take the first fall and I take it with you"

" I'm telling you Draco, sometimes these falls are scary. What if one day I'm falling off a cliff, you can't say I'm falling after you, right ?" Harry asked.

" Oh no of couse not Darling, I'd be the one pushing you off the cliff, don't worry " Draco smirked next to him even though he knew Harry couldn't see him.

" You know sometimes your words hurt " Harry pouted.

" That's why I say them. Now just trust me with this. I've held your hand " Draco said holding onto Harry's hands tighter.

Harry mumbled something but Draco chose to ignore, besides it was barely audible in the strong winter winds blowing right in his face.

" Are we there yet ?" Harry asked again.

Draco shook his head then realised Harry couldn't see him " A little bit more "

" How far is this place even ?" Harry complaint again.

" If you do a little less complaining, we might reach sooner " Draco rolled his eyes. Don't get him wrong, he loves his boyfriend beyond anything and he would anything for him but sometimes Harry just annoyed him, irritated him with useless questions that he doubted his entire existence then, like the time Harry kept on asking at 3 am why do we sleep at 3 and not in the morning and why do they have specific meals for breakfast, what if he wanted rice for breakfast and toast for dinner. It drove Draco insane, more than he likes to exaggerates.

" And I thought you loved me " Harry mumbled.

Draco rolled his eyes once again " Just because I tell you to stop complaining doesn't mean I love you any less "

" seems otherwise to me" Harry shrugged and this time he stumbled over something again that he might've fallen over the ground if it wasn't for Draco holding him tightly.

" Told you I'd save you" Draco told him afterwards.

" yeah after I was already sca-"

" we're here " Draco announced cutting Harry off mid sentence and took off his blindfold and putting it in his pocket.

" A sleigh ride " Harry exclaimed.

" I am an attentive boyfriend " Draco smirked.

" I told you this on like our 2nd date, how did you remember ?" Harry grinned at Draco.

" I remember everything babe, everything" Draco smiled fondly at Harry who looked at him in awe before he leaned forward and kissed Draco's nose softly.

" Now you're like Rudolph the Red nose reindeer " He sang.

Draco laughed behind him, following him into the sleigh and sitting down over the uncomfortable seat.

" I feel like Elsa " Harry grinned.

" Elsa who ?" He asked

" Elsa from Frozen. You know in the second movie when they are going to that forest, the enchanted forest. We watched that movie together Draco, like 2 weeks ago " Harry reminded him.

"Oh- the girl who have to wear gloves all the time or she'll turn everyone into ice " Draco replied

" stop Making her sound like a villain-"

" I'm not making her sound like a villain. She did freeze her sister in the first movie-"

" but she also bought her back-"

" but she also struck her when they were just kids-"

" By accident-"

" Not to interrupt your little argument over the girl who froze her sister but do you want a ride or not ?" The man in the front seat holding the leash of the horses in his hands asked.

Draco immediately nodded and they took off.

Harry remained shut after that for a long time but an excited smile pulled over his face as he kept staring at his surrounding and the feeling of being in a sleigh. Draco perhaps might never understand why it was so fascinating for Harry to be on a sleigh but if this is how little it takes for Draco to bring that smile over his face, he'd do them everyday until he dies. When he says he loved Harry with his entire soul and mind, he really does. He loves every little thing about him and sometimes he might drive him crazy or insane but he still loved Harry till the sun rises and the moon sets. What Harry bought in Draco was indescribable but knowing that Harry is the only man he want to ride every sleigh in the world with fills the empty little hole his heart have and that's because Harry is his cure, his medicine and his remedy to everything. One look from Harry and he'd forget a thousand reasons why he shouldn't exist but Harry chose to love a man as such and he would never ever be worthy enough of his love but he knows he'll spend the rest of his life trying to be worthy enough for him.

Harry besides him catches Draco smiling at him and he smiles back. He turns his head to the front and lean his head over his shoulder and takes Draco's hands in his own to intertwine their fingers together.

" It's better with you, a Hundred times better in your arms " Harry whispered, smiling.

Draco wishes he could've said something, anything but all that came out of his lips was " I love you " before he leaned down and kissed Harry over the lips. It's always better with him too, always and a thousand times better.

Day 20 - After a million dreams || Day 22- Family trip gone wrong



Tags :
3 years ago

Family trip gone wrong

Day 22- sledging @hpdestress

Harry huffed in frustration as he tried to find the safe gears to put on Albus and Scorpius but apparently they were nowhere to be found and soon they would become impatient to the point that it's unbearable. Ever since Harry and Draco came on the trip with their kids, nothing had gone right, not even a single thing, it was like living the movie of the worst day ever on repeat. This trip was supposed to be a fun, bonding time for the family but apparently it was everything but that. To Begin with, on their way over their car broke down and the mechanics seemed to have been very far away and Albus and Scorpius decided that it would've just been marvelous to throw a fit, the next was the room they got, it was supposed to be 2 large rooms and instead of it being as large as it was in the pictures, it was only large enough to have bunk beds in it; next was the dinner night they planned on, it was supposed to be a fancy dinner at a fancy place but a blizzard had to come right then when they were walking to it and due to the damning Blizzard, their night got cancelled and the list goes on. Harry would rewind every single one of them but that wasn't an available option.

He eventually gave up finding the gears and practiced how to break his kids heart by telling them that they can't go sledging but when Harry reached where the kids were supposed to be, they weren't there.

" Draco, where are the kids ?" Harry sounded exhausted and yet stressed at the same time.

Draco's head immediately whipped around with a handful of things to eat " I swear they were right here, just now. I swear, I promise "

Harry sighed closing his eyes momentarily then began again " It's fine, we'll find them together. You take that way, I'll take this way " He said pointing towards different directions but as soon as they were going in different directions, they heard screaming which sounded awfully familiar until they both turned around and their kids jumped up in the air in the sledge and their heart's fell right out of their chest.

" Albus-Scorp" they simultaneously screamed and immediately ran after them with hooked ropes to get them to stop but sliding on ice wasn't a piece of cake. Draco hit his head on a massive ball of ice and some kid nearby thought it was funny to hit him right in the stomach. Harry gave him an apologetic look then continued running after them. Hurdles after hurdles like Albus throwing snowballs to hit Harry, the slippery ice that made him fall over, their kids basically jumping up in the air without any protection when a slight cliff came around, his throat growing dry from all the yelling, maintaining a safe look on Draco who had now joined him and last but not the least the trees that somehow had started appearing in the middle. Harry wanted to cry at this moment and just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, he fell over his bum and slid over the ice and due to the slope it became incredibly hard to get back up. His heart hammered like a wrecking ball inside his chest and now he was scared to death for two reasons, himself and the kids.

" Albus-Scorp- Please stop the sledge " Harry shouted.

" We can't " Albus yelled back laughing and that was all it took Harry to turn at an edge to he started slipping on ice even after. When he heard another scream he turned his face to his side and saw Draco sliding down over a piece of wood, recklessly.

" Harry, save me " Draco screamed and he slipped more ahead of Harry.

Harry groaned loudly and screamed back "I'm coming"

Seconds turned into minutes and the screaming grew louder while the people all around watched them finding it absolutely hilarious how the kids drove the sledge while their father ran after them like absolute maniacs. It was finally when the steep gradually lessened and it started rising upwards that the kids sledge slowed down, not the same with Harry and Draco and they were still screaming until they both collided into each other and then into the kids.

" Ouch Dad's " Scorpius groaned.

Harry breathed heavily, holding onto the kids " that was very very dangerous "

Draco remained in shock for a while, catching his breath and holding onto the family together until later his eyes noticed the high cliff and he started laughing looking at their kids. His Laugh eventually grew louder and contagious to the point that everyone was laughing so hard that they rolled back to the ground.

" I hate to say it but this was the most fun thing that happened over the entire trip " Harry told after the laughter controlled down.

Draco turned to Harry and nodded smiling.

" Then Can we do it again ?-"

" No " they simultaneously replied.


I wasn't planning on update tonight since it got super late but I guess I had what it took tonight .

Day 21- a thousand times better || Day 23- Pieces of a puzzle



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