Great Mental Change/hypnosis Story.
Great mental change/hypnosis story.
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I’m a dumb jock
God, I ached all over. You’d think that a first workout at the gym wouldn’t hurt so much the day after. It felt like I’d slept in a pretzel position, and my head was pounding. All I wanted to do was shed a few pounds from my overweight frame, and it looked like I had my work cut out from me.
I craned my neck, it was so sore. It had to be super early in the morning, my alarm hadn’t gone off. But as my alertness set in for the day, I realized the ceiling light was on.
Why had I slept with the ceiling light on? I bolted upright, which led to some pain and stiffness, but I disregarded it as I looked around the room. Which was definitely not my room. It maybe wasn’t anyone’s room, the walls were all gray and boring, save for a mirror on the wall. Also strange is that there wasn’t a door.
Naturally, being abducted I started to freak out. What the hell was going on? My fears started spinning around my head. I wasn’t sore because of working out, I was sore because I was abducted! I fervently looked around the room for any escape, trying to evaluate my situation.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
What? Where did that come from? There was no speaker, and I didn’t hear anything out loud.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
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More Posts from User211201
Kenny's uniform
--- Originally posted on 2018-12-03 by makingrealalphas ---
Kenny is too devastated and asked me to help him to pack his brother stuff and clean the room that his brother won’t sleep in ever again. It’s such a tragic way to leave the world for such passionate young soldier like Johnny and no one expect him to died in home soil in such untimely manner like this. Poor Gemma just getting out from hospital and have to be hospitalized once more due to the report of her son departure, this time for good.
As I walked into Johnny’s room, all the memories of him started to get to my brain. On how kind he treated me and Kenny even though I know damn well he’s not really that open-minded and always expect his little brother to be a straight buff. On how he always been proud to Kenny and being really supportive of his choices to pursue his degree and all his goofy and jolly attitude that always light out the house, man he’ll be missed. But other than memories, instant musk also hit me as this room really reeked with potent sweat even though the room is quite neat. Well, he’s a soldier after all, those discipline regime really make some mark on Johnny as a person but then I realized one odd thing, his uniform stranded on a chair in the middle of the room

I check that the coast is clear because damn…..somehow those pieces of clothing really tempted me to put them on. I really tried to block such thoughts away but I cannot help myself so I decided that I’ll just do it for one solid minute and fold all of them as soon as possible. I grab the pants and pulled it up, lookin’ funny as my legs drowned in it and got to use the belt to tighten this pants. The intense musk of the boots and the socks that reeked from Middle Eastern heat really make me want to dive in but I know my time is tight so I just used it swiftly and let my 8 sized foot drowned in this size 13 boots. The sensation feels surreal as I inhale the undershirt and the moment I put in……I know something is not right. My body cracked by itself as it expands and grow to snugly fit the clothings that use to drown me and that’s when my body moved on autopilot to tighten the boots.

I stand up and inhaled my pit as I move to the mirror and smirked happily
“Back to live! Kenny, look who’s back!”
I grabbed the military shirt and donned it to my body as somehow Johnny’s soul used my body to live his life once more while I left within as a bystander. My boyfriend entered the room and smiled to witness his brother live once more
“Guess he has zero clue about our plan, right babe?”
What the fuck is happening here?
A Gamer's Dream
--- Originally posted on 2018-01-14 by paradisetf ---
You ever played the Sims? Maybe Fallout 4? Any game with character customization really.
Ever wanted to BE the character you made? Most likely, right? Well, then you’ll love The Gaming Paradise.
But, do you know how this mystical shop came to be? Well, let’s start with our favorite Admin.
Alex was your normal hardcore gamer. His life was basically eat, sleep, and play games. It was always fun for him. He could make the characters do whatever he wanted.
Unfortunately, life wasn’t too kind on that front. He was picked on constantly. Whether it was his lanky body or how he obsessed over games, one way or another, some jock found a way to humiliate him.
But that all changed one day when a package arrived on his porch.
“Huh? I didn’t order any game. Why is this here?” He said, puzzled.
Last he checked there were no new games releasing, and certainly not from… wait, who even was this from?
Alex looked down and saw a note on the ground, underneath the box. He picked it up and opened it, being careful to not rip the paper.
“You are now the admin. Play this to begin. -L” It said.
Confused yet intrigued, Alex grabbed the box and stepped inside.

He ran into his room, opening the box and seeing a disc for the PlayStation. Kicking off his shorts he placed the disc inside and sat down on his couch.
“Welcome, Admin. Please enter your name.” The game said.
Alex wasn’t sure what the game meant by “admin”, but he shrugged it off.
Entering his name, an avatar popped up. When it did, he jumped. It looked… exactly like him!
Alex was tempted to turn the game off and throw it out… but something pulled him in. It was like he was destined to play it. Alex sighed as the game spoke again.
“Please confirm the changes you’d wish to make to your avatar.” It said.
“Well, it’s just a game… and my TV does have a built-in camera… so that’s probably how it made it.” He thought, trying to rationalize what was happening.
He thought about what he wanted to look like… big, beefy, like those damn jocks that always pushed him around.
He wanted to be hot, much more attractive then them. He wanted to be smarter than them. Better than them. He started to grin.
He edited the appearance of his avatar as he felt a searing pain pass through his body. He felt his facial features rearranging, his jawline getting more rugged and defined. He could feel his adam’s apple grow in his throat. His eyes changing from a murky brown to a deep blue. His skin becoming nice and golden. He tried to scream, but he couldn’t.
He felt his body expand, muscles filling out in places that he didn’t even think possible. His legs, arms, chest, everything. He felt his shaft lengthen, filling out his pants as his ass and balls steadily grew.
He was changing, and as much as it hurt… it felt good too. As the pain subsided, Alex looked down, seeing the new shredded body he had, matching the avatar on the screen.
“Modification complete. Building Gaming Paradise.” The game spoke, as Alex, still admiring his body, felt the ground underneath him shake.
He braced himself as the room changed around him, going from standard to luxurious. He looked out the window when the shaking stopped.
He was no longer in his house, but rather on the second floor of another building.
“Admin assignment complete. Good luck.” The game said, shutting down.
Speechless, Alex ran downstairs, seeing a shop full of games.
“What… is this mine?” He said. He heard the same voice of the game, not from his mouth, but in his ears. It replied to him.
“Yes, Admin. You are my master now. Your goal is to bring enrichment to peoples lives under thr guise of a game store clerk. I will be your guide on this mission. Please run Gaming Paradise with care.” It said.
Alex smirked, gears turning in his head. “Oh boy, this is gonna be fun.” He said, as he flipped the sign in the door from closed to open.

Enjoy, everyone! So glad people are liking Alex. He’s quite the charmer, isn’t he? Stop by your local Gaming Paradise, and he’ll be sure to get you the game that’ll make your wildest dreams come true.
Chronivac Coworkers
--- Originally posted on 2022-09-19 by davidrodge ---
You sit down at your desk and rub your eyes. Another day of paper pushing and number crunching to get through. It wasn’t like you had done anything particularly interesting the previous night. You had stayed up a little later playing some mediocre matches of online gaming - but when I guess when you get to be around 40, your body constantly feels like it’s been dragged behind a car down the high way. Not that you didn’t take care of yourself, in fact you’d say you looked pretty good for your age…

You stretch in your seat, and reach for your coffee as your computer powers on. The few windows illuminating the office show the first few morning beams of scorching July sunlight. Behind you, the door opens and your Coworker David strides in.
“Morning Adam!” He says in a strangely cheerful voice. You put your coffee down from your lips and give him a stare. Normally David was about 20 minutes later than he already was, and usually he walked into the office with the same enthusiasm you’d see in a man walking towards a guillotine.
“Morning Davo,” you say, typing in your far too long corporate password. “You seem less Zombie-like today, what are you so excited about?”
David Smiled as he sat down in his chair opposite from yours. You were techniqually Davids senior Manager, but the two of you had developed a decent friendship between Friday drinking and the occasional tennis match.
“Oh Nothing Adam, I just got to the top of the waitlist for this super cool Software, and I was finally able to download it!”
You nodded, half listening as you began logging into all your engineering system.
“Very Interesting, what’s the program called? Is it like a Gaming platform?” David opened up his laptop and started to type furiously.
“No it’s not a game at all, It’s an app called the Chronivac. It’s supposed to be a reality altering software. I had a friend in the UK that sent me the information for it, He said that it completely changed his life.”
You paused from your coffee long enough to lean over and roll your eyes at him.
“I hope you didn’t have to pay any money for it.” You moaned, “This Job doesn’t pay you enough for you to be wasting your time on Overseas Scams.”
David was absolutely transfixed on his laptop. A wide, slightly crazed looking grin spreading over his face.
“It actually ended up costing me thousands of dollars,” he said, now in a far quieter voice, “but it was completely worth it.”
“THousands Of DoLLARS!” You exploded, immediately turning the heads of the fellow desk jockeys nearby,
“SHut UP man,” David hissed, half closing his laptop defensively. You simmered as the both of you waited for the rest of your colleagues to return back to their work. David narrowed his Eyes at you, smile creeping back onto his face.
“It wasn’t a waste of money and I can prove it too you. Just let me find your profile really quick.”
“Wait, this thing has a profile for me on it?” You said, now even more concerned then before. “David, This seems like some really dangerous software And I definitely thing that you shou-“
Davids Computer cut you off with a cheerful beep, and immediately you felt a strange sensation course through your body.
“What the hell!” You shout as you start the world around you starts to grow. You feel a strange tightening sensation in your body, as you glance downward. Your clothing seemed to liquify, shifting from a smart suit and dress shirt into a casual tee. In shock you glance at the bay window and catch a reflection of yourself. There you were…. Or rather, there you were 20 years ago! You lift your hands up too your face and feel your skin. Wrinkle free, young, and real!

“ there’s no way this is real,” you say in a whisper. This has to be a dream you think, as you continue to explore your now unfamiliar body.
David leaned over the edge of his desk beaming,
“ See I told you man! This program is incredible!” He looked you over, seeming to be proud of his work. “Dang it’s crazy what taking 20 years off a man can do!”
You take a brief pause from reveling at your new found youth.
“ this is incredible David! How is this even possible?!”
“It’s the chronivac man! Like I said it’s freaking amazing and can change anything!” The wild grin still fresh on his face.
You stand up, coursing with a newfound energy.
“WE HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS!” You say ecstatically. The grin drops from David’s face.
You begin to jog away from the desks, heading straight for the break room where you knew, most of your coworkers would still be gathered.
“We can change anything with this! This is going to be the coolest thing any of these morons have ever heard about!”
“Wait! No stop! Aww shit-“ you hear David shout as you continued running. You barely processed his voice or cared. You felt so alive! The excitement in your chest was all you could feel or even think of right now. You slid around the corner, breaking into a sprint down the hallway. You could hardly wait to introduce your new younger self to your coworkers and tell them about this amazing new device.
Suddenly your voice catches In your throat, as your mouth dries out In an instant. You keep running, starting to trip over yourself on the concrete floor.
“ what the” you gasp through a dry mouth. Your tongue feels like a pillow in your mouth as you tumble to the floor. You are vaguely aware of the sight of your hands, which appear to be changing color and texture. Your vision fades with the sight of your fingers turning bright blue and seeming to collapse in on themselves.
You can’t seem to find your voice, or be able to move as you feel yourself shrinking. You feel an indescribable softening sensation on all sides as you slide to a stop. Suddenly, it’s over as quickly as it started, and there you lay on the floor. Your brain slows down, filled only with the most basic thoughts now.
“ what….. happened…” you think to yourself with great effort. Your aware of footsteps coming towards you from your position on the floor.
“ Sorry about that man, I just couldn’t have you sharing my new toy with the rest of the world. It’s kind of like a private club, ya know?
….David? You think through fuzzy thoughts.
“ I’m still learning how to use the program haha, but you did turn out to be a nice pair of underwear Adam.”

You feel your now small form being lifted from the floor, then shoved into a pocket. David’s pocket.
“Don’t worry man, we’ll get you sorted out. I think you’ll make a really good practice for me before I start changing myself.”
You couldn’t respond at all, but felt almost at home In the musky warm pocket you were haphazardly shoved into.
….so … nice… you find yourself thinking. You try to shake the fuzz out of your primitive mind. Trying to remember anything besides the new world you found yourself in. You faintly hear David through his clothing.
“ alright, I think the first thing we should do is get you home so we can have some fun.” You feel yourself being lifted from his pocket and placed back on the ground. You felt a longing to be back in the warm musky dark.
“this time however, I think we’ll turn your awareness off.”
David smiled punching his new specifications into the chronivac program. Adam wouldn’t remember any of what just happened, and also be open to his suggestions. The underwear on the pavement started to expand, shifting and changing until Adam once again stood in front of him with a slightly dazed look on his face.
“is it weird that that kind of turned me on…” David muttered to himself.
“Dave… what the hell is going on? Adam said In a bewildered voice. His voice echoed in the parking garage that they now stood in. David smiled, and typed into the chronivac.
“you were about to give me a ride home, remember big guy?”
Adam, still looking confused, but seemingly unaware of the last 20 minutes of his life shrugged and fished for his car keys.
“Alright man but don’t judge about the mess in my car.” He smiled and clicked his horn. The two of you walked over to the old SUV Adam drove and stepped inside, scooting aside the old take out bags and random junk. Adam sheepishly got In and fastened his seatbelt.
“Thanks for taking me home man, I wasn’t feeling the best.” David said hiding a smile while still typing in his computer. Adam started the car and began to pull out of the parking lot.
“no problem man, it’s been a boring day for me anyway.”
I’m sure it was… David thought pulling up Adams profile again. David pulled up Adams profile. He continued to explore it as they got on the highway - passing the braves stadium. Now it was time to really see what this program could do. He clicked on the occupation section and replaced senior engineer with Uber driver and hit enter. The cars interior suddenly shifted, quickly becoming neater and tidier. An Uber sticker appeared on the windshield. David smiled and Adam glanced over at him.
“Hey you owe me tho David,” he smiled “I could be making money right now instead of driving your ass around.”
“for sure man, I’ll make it up to you.” David grinned. He clicked onto Adams body specifications.
Alright let’s slide that age way down… maybe 22? He looked good like that, but let’s pump up his muscle mass by 80 pounds and increase his attractiveness level. David pulled open Adams identity profile and messed around with a few things. Instead of being a work friend, Adams new relationship to David was a complete stranger. David deleted Adams previous educational experience tab and input college fraternity brother into his profile. He dropped the IQ level down to one of the lower settings. It might be nice for Adam to worry about less right? He input “easygoing” into his profile. He hit shuffle on race, just for some added fun and eagerly hit enter.
the change was immediate. Adam shifted in his seat, losing a few inches of height but gaining a ridiculous amount of mass everywhere. His legs filled in his pants so quickly David thought they might burst. His arms ballooned outwards and his face shifted to a cocky smirk. His pecs jutted out against his shirt, bouncing with the cars motion. The clothes he previously wore liquified and stretched tight against his body - becoming a simple tee shirt and short shorts. His hair styled itself into a skin fade, and a tan crept over his body. A backwards cap materialized on his head, and a stud In his ear as he glanced over at David.
“What? You like what you see man haha?”
The new Adam raised his arm and flexed his now massive bicep.

You both laughed as you felt a mixture of pride and arousal. Adam put a beefy arm on the dash of his car and started typing into the gps, stopping at an intersection .
“Where was it you said you wanted to be dropped off again sir?”
David rattled off his address, trying to hide the growing… excitement that was beginning to show In his crotch. The new Adam glanced down and smirked at David, but continued driving. David smiled, reviewing Adams profile again.
“ So what do you have going on in your life… Adam right?” David asked, trying for conversation with his previous boss.
“We’ll I’m just chilling at the university right now…” Adam said with a dull laugh, “spending a lot of time at the gym and with the boys right now.”
David nodded absentmindedly, sliding Adams sexuality to nearly 100 Percent gay. Just to see what would happen. He slid the Libido curser to high and glanced back up at Adam. A distracted look now plastered on his face, one hand on the wheel, one hand now migrating down to his shorts.
“… and you know… spending time… with the boys.”
David could barely contain his excitement as the two pulled up to his house. Adam threw the vehicle in park and shifted his Adonis frame in his seat to face David.
“Hey man, don’t even worry about the ride today, it was nice meeting you. I’ll void the bill In the app.” He said with a smile. David met his gaze and blushed. Oh my god, was he flexing?
“Oh that’s really too nice of you man, there’s really no need.” David stuttered
Adam smiled and bit his lip, he hopped out of the car to get David’s door.
“No I insist. I Really enjoyed being your driver today.”
David stepped out of the car, amazed by what he had been able to do to his friend. The new Adam held out his hand for a solid high five. He winked and said,
“Message me if you ever need a ride again bro.” With that, he strutted back to his car, then got in and sped down the road - blasting music.
David stood on the edge of the driveway. Clutching his lap top and trying to calm himself. He began to stride into his house, weighing his options. People had warned him, that the chronivacs power could really go to your head if you didn’t have a handle on it. He unlocked the door and paced into his living room. David hadn’t thought much about it, but man had he really surprised himself. In the space of 1 hour he had changed his boss into a horny college himbo without so much as a blink.
He through himself onto the couch and started up at the ceiling. David smiled, thinking of the limitless possibilities that now awaited him. He could literally become whatever he wanted to. Could change the world in whatever way he wanted. The possibilities were so endless p, he had no idea what to do.
After a moment of watching the rotating fan David grinned. He didn’t know all the things he wanted to change, but he did know what he wanted right now. He pulled his laptop back up and fired up the chronivac. Adams profile still displayed on screen. David clicked into Adams relationship status and began clicking around. It took a second to find the option, “willing to sleep with any man.” But David aggressively slammed the enter button and pulled out his phone, finding an Uber text string with the new Adam.
“Thanks again for the free ride today man. Was wondering if you wanted to ride anything else tonight? 😘🍆”
He waited breathlessly for a moment before three dots appeared on his screen, and then a message. Apparently a picture the new Adam had taken at the gym.
“on my way back big guy”

David slammed his laptop closed and ran to change into some more relaxed clothes. That was enough messing with the chronivac for the day. It was amazing what a horny stud he had been able to change his boss into. And ridiculous how quickly David had fallen for him.
David wrestled with his tie and glanced out the bedroom window as a car raced up. The new and improved Adam jumped out and started sauntering towards the door, already removing his shirt. David could only stares as he felt himself begin to go hard. He and Adam were going to have a lot of fun tonight.

White Hat
--- Originally posted on 2018-08-20 by grandwagonranchmaker ---
You were staying with your aunt and younger cousins in Texas for the summer. So far your days consisted of running and hiding from your younger (but bigger cuz Texas) cousins to try to study for your college entry exams. Whenever one of them caught you with a book they would relentlessly bully you for trying to be smart and stay in school.
You were taking shelter in the basement one day when you noticed a door, almost invisible under layers of dust, dirt and debris. You figured this might be your golden oppourtunity to escape them. You crack open the door, coughing and wheezing on all the dust thats kicked up and inside find… a bedroom. The room was unnervingly clean and well kept as if it had been used just today. It looked like a typical Texas boy’s room with lots of jeans, belts, sports equipment and a few naughty magazines under the bed. But what you were most drawn to is the white hat laying on the bed like it had been waiting for you.
“What’s this new hat doing here?” You feel compelled to put it on and when you do you slide it around backwards. The hat seems to give a satisfying click as it slides into place and the room begins swaying gently and throwing you off balance. You stumble over to the closet feeling every footfall get heavier and harder. Your small nerdy size 7s expand, to 8s, then 9s, then 10s. They grow with each step causing you to almost fall over with your comically sized proportions. The big toes feel so much more sensitive and cover so much more floor space then youre used to. They continue sizing up to 11, 12 and finally 13 feeling like huge boats chained to your legs!
“What the fuck done happen to my feet” you blurt out. Your legs share the same fate, getting thick as tree trucks and longer to match. You barely slide your nerdy shorts off in time before your buff manly legs can destroy them. But it doesnt stop as your ass expands in your underwear and your dick explodes in size with big Texas balls to match. You’re forced to remove your underwear as well. The only thing in the closet you find is a big pair of boxers and jeans waiting for you. Desperate, you slide them on trying not to enjoy how comfortable they feel. Your big dick floating nicely in the large boxers while still making a reasonable bulge. You feel a need to complete the look and pull out a nice belt, wrapping it around your perfect waist and clicking it together sending another shock of pleasure through your body.
You notice your upper body changing next and strut over to the full body mirror with renewed confidence and excitement. You hasily tear away at your shirt revealing beautiful, full pecs with a dark Texas tan covering them. Your abs are now hard and firm with a darker, thicker treasure trail crawling up them. You eagerly flex, showing off those bulging new biceps and thick patch of musky underarm hair.
“Haha gonna need a bit of Axe bro!” You spray yourself down, inhaling the overwhelming scent. The particles seep into your head, rotting what was left of your nerdy brain. You won’t be worrying about those tests anymore, you can barely spell college. Your hair darkens and shortens, a puff coming out of the front of your hat. Your face arranges to be dumb and innocent looking with cute puppy dog eyes and a dull farmboy grin. As the last of the cloud is absorbed into you, you stomp out of your room, big bare feet slapping the ground and your bulging sweaty upperbody exposed for all to see. Its time to join your brothers for today’s chores before you go into town for some fun!

Hey, i'm a nerdy gay bottom and I've never been able to actually get muscle or even have some definition, if you could help with that it be great but can I keep my intelligence I have a report coming up and want to be able to understand it
Ah, so you’re looking for some “definition.” Looking to “define” those muscles a little bit. Don’t worry, I think I have an idea, and trust me when I say you won’t be loosing any of your intelligence. If anything, this transformation is going to make you smarter.
But there are two things we need first. First, these glasses. Yeah, I know you don’t need glasses to read, but these aren’t just any reading glasses. These special lenses help to “distort” things, help to “broaden” your gaze. When you wear them, things might seem “larger…”
You’re not getting it, are you? Maybe you’re not as smart as I thought. But not to worry, that’s going to change soon. The second thing we need is a dictionary.

Yup, that’s right. The only muscle you’ll be working out today is that one in your head. But after we’re done, you’re going to be spending just as much time at the gym as you do at the library.
Now, the trick to getting real definition is to learn some real definitions. You’ll see what I’m talking about in a second. Let’s crack that thing open, because the first word I want you to define is “Swell.” Can you do that? Wow, look at you. On it already. What does it say?
SWELL (verb, used without object)
1. to grow in bulk, as by the process of growth.
2. to increase abnormally in size, as by inflation.
3. to bulge out, to well up.
I’m sure by now you understand what I mean. Can’t see the page very well over those swollen pecs, can you? Might seem a little bit farther down, as your ass is practically a cushion in and of itself. And your arms. Man, it’s funny what just a couple words can do. You barely fit in that t-shirt anymore your muscles are so big! Why don’t you take it off, get more comfortable.

There you go big guy. We can find you more clothes later. We’ve still got two more words to go. Ready? The next word is “Sprout.”
SPROUT (verb, used without object)
1. to begin to grow; shoot forth and develop.
2. to develop or grow quickly.
I think I can see what’s sprouting on you. Feel that tingling on your chest? Like someone pouring champagne bubbles out of every pore? Don’t worry, it’s just the forrest of hair sprouting on your chest. A thick mane to accompany your mountainous pecs. And that’s not the only thing its complimenting. No one is ever going to be able to look at your legs again without popping a boner or getting wet; you’ve defined a perfect amount of hair to dust those thick-log like thighs about to burst out of your shorts. Take them off, you’ll see what I mean.

Yeah, I would definitely invest in some bigger pants. But wait! There’s still one more word. You didn’t think you were done, did you? Trust me, this is a really big word. Super important. Define, “Erect.”
ERECT (adjective)
1. upright position or posture.
2. raised or directed upward.
3. hard and firm, standing upright.
Don’t fight it. Just let it happen. Let the feeling of pain and pleasure sweep through your muscular body and down to your new, 10 inch penis. Your cock was always meant to be this long. It’s less of a cock now though and more of a weapon. Hard as solid concrete, long as a dagger. Not to mention it spurts like a fire hydrant when you cum. But you’re a bottom, so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem… I hope…
Welp, I’ve done about all I can do, which is to say I’ve turned you into literally the perfect man. Solid adonis muscles, thick coat of manly hair, and a dick that people are going to make a religion out of. But deep down, you’re still the same, nerdy bottom with a big project due very soon. I wouldn’t worry about that though. Just keep those glasses on and you’ll always be the smartest guy in the room.
And the hottest…