Great Mental Change/hypnosis Story.
Great mental change/hypnosis story.
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I’m a dumb jock
God, I ached all over. You’d think that a first workout at the gym wouldn’t hurt so much the day after. It felt like I’d slept in a pretzel position, and my head was pounding. All I wanted to do was shed a few pounds from my overweight frame, and it looked like I had my work cut out from me.
I craned my neck, it was so sore. It had to be super early in the morning, my alarm hadn’t gone off. But as my alertness set in for the day, I realized the ceiling light was on.
Why had I slept with the ceiling light on? I bolted upright, which led to some pain and stiffness, but I disregarded it as I looked around the room. Which was definitely not my room. It maybe wasn’t anyone’s room, the walls were all gray and boring, save for a mirror on the wall. Also strange is that there wasn’t a door.
Naturally, being abducted I started to freak out. What the hell was going on? My fears started spinning around my head. I wasn’t sore because of working out, I was sore because I was abducted! I fervently looked around the room for any escape, trying to evaluate my situation.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
What? Where did that come from? There was no speaker, and I didn’t hear anything out loud.
Dumb jocks don’t panic.
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A Gamer's Dream
--- Originally posted on 2018-01-14 by paradisetf ---
You ever played the Sims? Maybe Fallout 4? Any game with character customization really.
Ever wanted to BE the character you made? Most likely, right? Well, then you’ll love The Gaming Paradise.
But, do you know how this mystical shop came to be? Well, let’s start with our favorite Admin.
Alex was your normal hardcore gamer. His life was basically eat, sleep, and play games. It was always fun for him. He could make the characters do whatever he wanted.
Unfortunately, life wasn’t too kind on that front. He was picked on constantly. Whether it was his lanky body or how he obsessed over games, one way or another, some jock found a way to humiliate him.
But that all changed one day when a package arrived on his porch.
“Huh? I didn’t order any game. Why is this here?” He said, puzzled.
Last he checked there were no new games releasing, and certainly not from… wait, who even was this from?
Alex looked down and saw a note on the ground, underneath the box. He picked it up and opened it, being careful to not rip the paper.
“You are now the admin. Play this to begin. -L” It said.
Confused yet intrigued, Alex grabbed the box and stepped inside.

He ran into his room, opening the box and seeing a disc for the PlayStation. Kicking off his shorts he placed the disc inside and sat down on his couch.
“Welcome, Admin. Please enter your name.” The game said.
Alex wasn’t sure what the game meant by “admin”, but he shrugged it off.
Entering his name, an avatar popped up. When it did, he jumped. It looked… exactly like him!
Alex was tempted to turn the game off and throw it out… but something pulled him in. It was like he was destined to play it. Alex sighed as the game spoke again.
“Please confirm the changes you’d wish to make to your avatar.” It said.
“Well, it’s just a game… and my TV does have a built-in camera… so that’s probably how it made it.” He thought, trying to rationalize what was happening.
He thought about what he wanted to look like… big, beefy, like those damn jocks that always pushed him around.
He wanted to be hot, much more attractive then them. He wanted to be smarter than them. Better than them. He started to grin.
He edited the appearance of his avatar as he felt a searing pain pass through his body. He felt his facial features rearranging, his jawline getting more rugged and defined. He could feel his adam’s apple grow in his throat. His eyes changing from a murky brown to a deep blue. His skin becoming nice and golden. He tried to scream, but he couldn’t.
He felt his body expand, muscles filling out in places that he didn’t even think possible. His legs, arms, chest, everything. He felt his shaft lengthen, filling out his pants as his ass and balls steadily grew.
He was changing, and as much as it hurt… it felt good too. As the pain subsided, Alex looked down, seeing the new shredded body he had, matching the avatar on the screen.
“Modification complete. Building Gaming Paradise.” The game spoke, as Alex, still admiring his body, felt the ground underneath him shake.
He braced himself as the room changed around him, going from standard to luxurious. He looked out the window when the shaking stopped.
He was no longer in his house, but rather on the second floor of another building.
“Admin assignment complete. Good luck.” The game said, shutting down.
Speechless, Alex ran downstairs, seeing a shop full of games.
“What… is this mine?” He said. He heard the same voice of the game, not from his mouth, but in his ears. It replied to him.
“Yes, Admin. You are my master now. Your goal is to bring enrichment to peoples lives under thr guise of a game store clerk. I will be your guide on this mission. Please run Gaming Paradise with care.” It said.
Alex smirked, gears turning in his head. “Oh boy, this is gonna be fun.” He said, as he flipped the sign in the door from closed to open.

Enjoy, everyone! So glad people are liking Alex. He’s quite the charmer, isn’t he? Stop by your local Gaming Paradise, and he’ll be sure to get you the game that’ll make your wildest dreams come true.
The rings: Jake
--- First time writing my own story ---
--- Please let me know what you think ---
Just before the second year of college rolled around I was met with the unfortunate news that my best bro, my roommate, would not be making it to the second year.
Turned out he'd been spending too much time partying, and too little studying. Not even the coach could save him anymore.
Sure, being on a sports scholarship meant studying isn't your main priority but you still had to maintain your grades somewhat if you want to make it to the next year.
To make things worse, my new roommate turned out be some nerd.
Jacob was your average nerd that would be holed up in his room most of the time.
He didn't really bother me. It's just... I had hoped to have a new bro to go to the gym with instead of some wimpy kid.
Color me surprised when the guy came out of his room out of nowhere to ask me to help him some project he was doing for some course.
Something about trying some "telepathy" gear he was working on he was working on for a biomed class.
To be honest it all sounded really like some science mumbo jumbo to me. I must admit I wasn't too excited so I thought I'd struck a deal instead: he'd tutor me for my calc class and I'd try his stupid gear thing.
He seemed happy with the proposal and told me it'd be ready for testing in a couple days.
As I stepped out of the bathroom after just taking a shower I was met by Jacob holding two comically large rings which almost looked like miniature hula hoops.
It had been a week since he'd asked me for the favor. To be honest, I'd already forgotten about our agreement.
Though I was a man of my word and did need some help with calc, not wanting to end up like my old buddy.
He signaled for me to sit on the couch as he started to explain all about his new gadget.
Supposedly, the pair of rings were some new technology he was working on. He explained that it allowed the wearers to communicate with each other as if the other person was simply a voice in their head.
I accepted one of the nearly metal rings, the only discernable difference being a smaller engraved letter T on the side indicating that I would be on the receiving end according to Jacob.
Not thinking much of it, I held it over my head as he instructed.
As I pressed the button on the side of the device it quickly shrank, tightly sealing itself on my head.
Jacob, doing the same, had grabbed a small little tablet whilst the ring sealed itself on his head.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Yeah, let's get this over with" I replied back.
A large shit-eating grin appeared on his face as he pressed a button on the ring.
"You jocks are real dumbasses, you know. Should've been more skep--" the nerd started saying before he suddenly stopped.
The twig had frozen right in his tracks. He looked as if his soul had left his body.
Testing if he was actually there, I waved my hand in front of his face.
Huh? What the fuck?
Okay, this is kinda weird.
I need to get rid of this ring.
It didn't budge. Not only that, this shitty thing just zapped me as well.
Hmm, think. The nerd mentioned something about telepathy, right?
Hey nerd, you hear me?
No response. Fuck.
I'm gonna look like some freak with this stupid headband there has to be something...
Maybe I should just try the telepathy again.
Hey Jacob, say something!
In an almost comical fashion what seemed like a corpse just uttered one word.
You've gotta be kidding me.
Uh, let's try something else.
Jacob, jump!
Without skipping a beat he jumped.
This is kinda awesome...
Jacob, explain what your plans were with these rings
"My intention was to use these rings to transform you into a nerd as well as do something other things..."
Explain what you mean with transform
"These rings are a technology I devloped that allows you to transform your target however you like by giving suggestions"
Heh. So, if I told him to grow a pair that would work?
As expected the nerd briefly twitched before a visible bulge started forming.
The Jacob's bulge wasn't the only thing growning larger in the room.
I noticed that my dick started to chub up as well, fueled by this new power I had just obtained.
I realized that with these rings I could do anything.
I could still get the roommate I wanted. And I could make him however I wanted.
Time to get to work.
The pudgy nerd took care of undressing, now showcasing his unimpressive body.
I could not help but feel pity for the guy.
He lacked any muscle definition. The only thing he had going for him was his now bull-sized nuts that looked mismatched compared to the rest of his body.
I should at least give him an appropriate cock to match.
Jacob, add a couple more inches to your cock
His average 5 incher started growing rapidly, reaching a monsterous size of what looked to be 8 inches.
I circled around him, proud of my work while I looked for the next area of improvement.
To be honest, there was a lot of work to be done. Maybe a rough approach would be better.
Adjust your body fat percentage to 7%
His already slim frame now became quite boney.
Add 40 lbs of muscle mass
The same arms that once lacked any muscle mass now had biceps that would rival an amateur body builder.
Veins also started bulging out, running from his large mitts upto his biceps.
The changes didn't stop there, however.
A pair of meat slabs started to form on his chest as well.
Unable to resist, I snuck up behind Jacob to fondle his newly formed pecs whilst also admiring his growing traps.
My hand went slipped down further, sliding into the deep crevasse formed by his 6-pack abs.

It seemed that Jacob hadn't missed leg day either. His legs now looked more like tree trunks that would be easily able to squash a watermelon.
To make the picture complete Jacob's feet had to match as well.
You've always worn a size 13
His feet grew large and veins appeared, much like what had happened to his previously tiny hands.
You've always prefered to keep your hair in a quiff
Jacob's unruly mop had started to style itself in a trendy quiff.
Now, flex for me
Jacob now struck a double bicep pose, his already large biceps forming sizeable peaks.

"You mentioned something about jocks and being a real dumbasses didn't you, Jacob?"
Ah, wait.
You will wake up
"Huh, what... Why do I feel heavy..." Jacob murmured before realizing it was caused by his new physique.
"Wait! No. You were supposed to get the receiver not the transmitter! How did I- argh" Jacob said fully grasping the situation now.
"I don't want to be some dumb brute!" Jacob told me, now reaching for the ring.
Don't move
Without missing a beat Jacob froze right in his tracks.
"What are you planning to do to me, you stupid jock?" he asked.
"Stupid jock, huh" I mocked.
"It's funny you say that because right now you look more like a jock than me." I told him.
"Perhaps you just don't think like one... yet" I snarked.
"I remember you said something before. Something about jocks being real dumbasses?"
"Wait no! Please-"
You've always been a dumb
"I- uh.. Hng.. What did I say again...?"
"A real jock wouldn't go by a nerdy name like Jacob, now would he?"
You have always been called Jake
"Bro, I don't know who the fuck you're talking about."
"Ah, nothing to worry about bro" I reassured him.
You only care about is lifting weights and partying. You never bothered with studying.
Oh, and you may move again
"So bro, what's up what are we doing here? We should go to the gym." He asked me, completely oblivious as what happened not even minutes earlier.
"You dumbass, we just got back from the gym." I told him.
"Oh, huhuh, sorry bro, I guess I forgot haha" he replied.
When I call you by the nickname brute, you will obey my instructions, no matter what I tell you
"Hey Brute, won't you help me with getting these rings off?" I ask.
"Of course, anything for you bro" he replied.
A bro is never afraid of a little bromance
A little fire in his eyes lit up.
"So bro, what do I need to do?" he asked.
"On the count on three, we both press the button on the side of the ring. I think that's the only way to get them off" I explained.
"Ready?" I asked.
3.. 2... 1..
I immediately felt relief as the tight ring was now removed from my head.
"Brute, give that ring to me. You never want to touch that ring again. You know big bro will handle it for you" I instruct Jake.
"Here you go, bro" he said handing the ring.
I put the rings on the nearby coffee table.
I was happy. I now got myself the perfect roommate. And, if I needed it I could give additional to my brute.
"Hey Jake, there's a party tonight. You wanna go?" I asked him.
"Of course bro, always down"
"Before that, I've got to ask something" I said, sitting back down on the couch.

"I need a little help with something" I smirked, turned on by all the effort put in transforming my roommate
My dick had become rock hard and was begging for attention.
"You think you can help a bro out?"

Alpha Orders
--- Originally posted on 2023-08-12 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
“In here!”
Marco walked into the living room, spotting his roommate lounged out on the couch. Although he didn’t look 22, Troy’s youthful figure was almost completely absorbed by whatever game he was playing. His petite body was tense and focused. He looked like one of those hairless cats ready to spring forward.
“Whatcha playin’?” Marco asked.
“It’s some new game Franklin gave me,” Troy replied. Franklin was also a nerdy type, but while Troy just mostly looked the part, Franklin actually played the part. Glasses, suspenders, kind of a pushover. It was strange that someone could fit a stereotype so perfectly.
“It’s called Alpha Orders.”
“Kinda like ‘Simon Says’?” Troy asked, grabbing a snack from the kitchen. Since college had started, he’d put on a considerable amount of weight. He fit the ex-jock bill pretty well. But his girlfriend didn’t mind. In fact, she remarked about liking the pudge that had started filling in his frame. As long as he shaved, she always joked, he wouldn’t look like a bear.
“Kinda…” Troy mumbled. Marco shoved a handful of Goldfish down his throat and looked over his roommate once more. The shrimp sure was invested. His eyes appeared somewhat glazed over.
“Seeing how much you love it, do you think I should try it once you’re finished?”
It took Troy a moment to respond. Suddenly, Troy’s body pumped up. Almost like a heartbeat, but affecting his entire body as if someone had pushed the lever down on a tire pump. Marco blinked, rationalizing that his eyes were playing tricks on him out of hunger. The loose button-up and straight jeans Troy was wearing didn’t look any tighter. Yeah, he just needed some more Goldfish down the hatch. Marco eagerly complied with the prescription he’d given himself.
“Uh…” Troy started slowly. “You should just…go to Franklin. Get another copy.”
“Oh,” Marco replied flatly. It was a little odd that Troy didn’t want to share with him after he was done. It was usually chill when it came to the roommates swapping stuff between each other. But if Marco was being honest he didn’t really mind taking the short trip. He didn’t have any homework or plans today anyway, so going over to Franklin’s wouldn’t be a bother.
“Sure, not a bad idea,” Marco shrugged, tossing a few more crackers in his mouth. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
Marco had only been to Franklin’s place once or twice to pick Troy up, but he still knew the way to the nerd’s house. Those two looked oddly alike with their small, thin frames and youthful faces. And by how often those two hung out, heck, they could’ve been secretly dating for all he knew. But Marco remembered wingmanning for Troy once. It hadn’t gone particularly well, but Marco did end up with the chick who’d passed Troy off later that night. Luckily, his roommate had never found about the one nighter.
Marco knocked on the door to Franklin’s place. “Franklin? It’s Marco.”
“Yeah,” a rumbling bass replied back, allowing for Marco to open the door. A blast of sweaty musk spilled outwards, causing Marco to stagger. He blinked, hoping to clear his head a little before he entered. He always forgot how pungent the man was, especially in a concentrated place like the apartment.
Sitting back in a recliner was Mr. F, stripped down to just a pair of tiny running shorts. Marco could tell the man was commando underneath the controller–the guy never did try to hide his monster cock. And why should he? He was a total alpha male after all. Tall, well-built, hairy. Had a voice that shook the room and an attitude that shook people’s knees. Including the guy that was at Mr. F’s massive feet, servicing them diligently as Mr. F played his game. Marco didn’t mind though, knowing Mr. F deserved this kind of specialized treatment.

“Mr. F,” Marco started, pacing across the room.
“What do you want?” Mr. F got right to the point. He didn’t even try looking away from the screen.
“I was wondering if I could borrow a copy of that game you gave Troy.” Marco shrugged, not knowing what else to say. “Alpha Orders.”
“Check the kitchen table.”
Marco did as instructed, finding exactly what he was looking for.
“Get me a beer while you’re at it too,” Mr. F commanded. Marco obeyed, not even thinking twice as he snatched a bottle from the fridge and brought it to the man. He didn’t even regard the boy who was currently beside his own feet.
Marco blinked, noticing his apartment door presented in front of him. Wasn’t he just at Mr. F’s place? The game was still in his hand, and everything else looked in order. Except for his watch, which read a full four hours later than when he had arrived at the other man’s residence. But to get to Mr. F’s was only a ten minute drive? Marco didn’t know what had happened, but he had gotten what he wanted. No point in thinking about it much longer.
Marco opened the front door and strolled in, noticing a peculiar thickness to the air. Although he couldn’t see his roommate, some audio from the living room alerted him that Troy was still there. Marco didn’t even bother kicking off his shoes as he strolled into the kitchen and snatched a granola bar. He figured he’d be bunking down in his own room for a bit so as to not disturb his roommate. Being the bigger (much bigger) half of the pair, Marco knew he’d be more of a nuisance than if Troy had been in the same situation.
“Hey dude, still at it…” Marco droned off. On the couch was a man–a real masculine, macho man. He was taller than Marco, larger than Marco, and exuded a more dominant aura than Marco. He was like a crossover between a bodybuilder and a lumberjack, filling out the blue flannel with his solid pecs, thick shoulders, and hairy arms. The jeans were tight around his lower half too, leading all the way to the massive Size 14 feet propped up on the coffee table. And Marco couldn’t believe the size of this man’s junk. He thought the controller lying on top was vibrating, but after a few moments he realized it was the giant lump underneath that was actually throbbing.
“‘Bout time you got here,” the man grunted. He casually itched the massive beard on his face, which was somehow still not enough to hide the lantern jaw hidden within. “I texted you a while ago.”

Marco blinked. “Oh, sorry Mr. T, I-”
“You shouldn’t make me wait,” Mr. T asserted, his gruff tone making him sound older than his 37 years. “I had to stop my game. I was near the end.”
Marco turned towards the screen, noticing that his roommate was already 80% finished with the main task. Whatever that was.
“Mr. T, I’m sorry,” Marco started. “I was at Mr. F’s and lost track of time.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” Mr. T corrected. “Apologize to the lads.”
Marco nodded, getting down on his knees and leaning in towards Mr. T’s feet. Both of them had a pungent funk, but it was more subtle than Mr. F’s. After a quick bow of his head, Marco kissed both of them, expressing his most sincere remorse as to not being there when needed. As the alpha in the apartment, Mr. T naturally needed service regularly. Marco was always happy to oblige, as it was his position on the social ladder. It had nothing to do with sexuality after all. Quite the opposite. Both of the men were ramrod straight, but Mr. T was born to dominate men everywhere but the bedroom.
“Good boy.” Mr. T had yet to look up from his phone once. “Now go off to another room, I will call you when I need you.”
Marco did as he was told, grabbing his things and moving off to his room. He shut the door behind him politely so as to not disturb the other man. He couldn’t believe he screwed up like that, so focused on getting this silly game that he’d been late for his primary role as a good roommate. Marco just hoped it was worth all the hype.
Marco popped the disc into his personal console and kicked back in the couch. He casually readjusted his pouch underneath his sweats, noting the strip of bare skin now visible due to the ballooning of his stomach. He huffed disappointedly, knowing this white shirt was just one of the many that had become victims to his recent…expansion.
“ALPHA ORDERS,” the screen read aggressively. Securing his headphones over his baseball cap, Marco hit the play button. A loading screen appeared next, an arrow creating the same biological gender symbol for male over and over. It would loop in a circle, before jutting off at the last moment to the top right. And then it would start again, and again, and again. Marco just watched on, waiting.
“ALPHA ORDERS…” the screen began, causing Marco to ready his controller. “YOU TO EMBODY AND EXALT THE MULTIFACETED VIRTUES OF MASCULINITY.”
Marco just stared at the screen, not knowing what exactly to do. Was this some kind of puzzle game? Like was he supposed to hit a certain button based off of the prompt given to him? He blinked, unsure of what to do. He already did embody masculinity with his well-muscled frame, the fur underneath his shirt covering it, and his aura of testosterone. And he exalted it alright, making sure to display his masculinity at all times. Although this white shirt wasn’t doing his stacked abs any justice.
A little ping sounded from the screen as he moved onto the second task. Marco didn’t know how the game had registered something, but he couldn’t help if even technology could sense his manliness.
Marco blinked, making sure to fondle his hefty pouch generously. Oh yeah, he knew what kind of power he had. Pussies practically called to him and his 9-incher. Marco was a predator, always on the winning team. Getting serviced whenever he wanted was guaranteed to him. There was a reason people called him “Mr. M”, “Sir”, or even “Master.” He wasn’t toxic; Marco was in-toxic-ating. Any alpha man was. Everyone loves an arrogant douchebag because they knew their place. His dick was begging for attention beneath his sweats, and going commando made it easy for Marco to give it a quick tug.
Marco rubbed his eyes, having to read the stupidity of that last part again. He thought it was stupid, but after blinking he recognized its truth. Yeah he was led by his pussystuffer! What was he supposed to do? Listen to his head? Marco knew that was useless. Learning was for nerds, and school was for…ultra nerds. He wasn’t a loser! His dick led him wherever he needed to go. Gotta get some cash? Find someone to give it to him with his cock. Hungry? Someone will feed him food while he feeds them with his own personal sausage. Need a blowjob? That will come from any chick around no questions asked.
Marco blinked, taking in a whiff of his own body odor while doing so. He twitched a little, noting a little bit of heat at the end that made his musk all the more enticing. Marco stunk up everywhere he went; deodorants just couldn’t mask his manly aroma. It wasn’t a crime to smell like an ALPHA! Marco’s natural, masculine scent just put those other betas to shame. With damp, bushy pits and Size 13 stompers, it was practically Marco’s destiny to have an ever present, robust malodorous cloud.
Marco’s eyes briefly moved up to the top of the screen, noting his task bar was at 80%. It was right where his roommate had stopped earlier. He hoped that meant he was close. He needed someone to worship him NOW!
“ALPHA ORDERS…” the screen read. Marco blinked, noticing the screen was taking a longer time than usual to display its next command. He blinked again, bringing a hand down to his crotch. Marco couldn’t believe it, blinking again. He began furiously groping himself, bringing himself to the edge as he waited. What was the final order? What was he supposed to do? Marco blinked, feeling a rush spiral down his spine right into his cannon. What did Alpha Order?
Marco’s mouth dropped. Was this game serious? How was he supposed to accomplish this task? It wasn’t like he could just suddenly go gay. Sure, he knew when another man was handsome or good looking, but he had never swung that way. Marco knew other guys servicing him came off as strange sometimes–even his girlfriend had questioned him on it once or twice–but that was just to display his authority. But he never found it erotic! It just wasn’t his thing. Marco blinked, simply not understanding what to do.
Because he was already the gayest guy he knew around. He loved men and boys. There was nothing that made him happier than dumping a dude on the ground and ripping them open. He adored the way they treated his body like the temple it was. The way they worshiped him like the god he was. Men were the best at pleasuring other men, so it only made sense an alpha like him was gay. Frank, Troy, Marco; they all understood the best way to be at the top of the ladder was to put other men in their places beneath them, whether it be sucking on his cock or his toes.
“Yo, Marco!” Troy announced as he entered the room. “I got some boys rolling over here in 10. I will let you claim dibs on which part you want to serv…”
Troy stopped, observing the jockish man staring at the screen in front of him.
Troy blinked, registering his fellow alpha had just finished whatever game he had been playing.

“What did you say?” Marco’s voice had a cocky, sultry air to it.
“I said I got some boys rolling over here in 10.” Troy rolled his eyes. “I will let you claim dibs on one of them if you need to be serviced right now.”
Without moving his eyes off the screen, Marco shut down his console and scratched his ball sack.
“Bro, alphas like us always need to be serviced.”
--- Originally posted on 2024-04-09 by dumb-and-jocked ---
Encouraged and spurred on by @mrrharper
The building in front of Nathan was nothing more than a gray warehouse. It was absolutely massive, stretching to either end of the block. Nathan had no idea how far back it went, and with no windows he had no concept of floors either. Nathan considered that it may have been a poor idea to apply after all. The job had been looking for candidates with highly flexible hours and at least 10 years of experience. But Nathan, a desperately-underfunded college student in his final year, was badly in need of some quick cash. Holding his head high, he strolled towards the building's entrance.
Nathan had received a notice of a job opportunity through his email. At first, he had assumed it was some kind of spam, but after reading a bit more discovered it was indeed a legit company. Falcon Security, somewhere Nathan would have never placed himself to be applying for, had not only sent a rather dull email, but had a dull interior. Everything with this company was informative and straightforward, apparently details and color did not matter.
In the open, almost liminal space, Nathan felt as if a spotlight were on him. He had not dressed too flamboyantly, a floral-patterned dress shirt with blue slacks. But he definitely felt out of place in such a starkly-monotone place. Not only that, but he knew he did not fit in. Just under six foot, red hair with freckles, lanky enough to be considered paper-thin, Nathan had to remind himself this job was not based on looks. Falcon Security meant IT, and all he had to say was he looked younger than his actual age. In a few months, he could be gone, the company nothing more than a blip on his resume.
The orientation process was a lot easier than Nathan had expected. After navigating through a few empty halls, he eventually found himself in a large room with a plethora of other men. None of them matched each other, all presumably in desperate situations like Nathan. After a bit of waiting, the presentation began on the huge screen projected opposite of the door.
It was nothing Nathan had not seen before, a male AI voice narrating the company’s background and history. When they began listing some of the more famous companies Falcon Security had aided in the past, Nathan was surprised at how many he recognized. Many names were politically-affiliated, all right-leaning but nothing concerning Nathan. Business was business, and he would be working IT anyway, so he would not inherently be supporting anything he stood against. The one anti-LGBT organization startled him a bit, although he did not show it. As a gay man, he would simply avoid any tasks related to that client. Money had influenced his standards a lot, but not to the point of changing his morals.
Once the presentation had finished, all the men received a text to their personal devices for their next station. Nathan pulled out his phone and after looking around, began to follow the other men out of the room. They herded down the hallway, passing by the different facilities available in the building. A cafeteria, restrooms, a huge gym with a few people the size of bodybuilders already hard at work. Nathan was beginning to think this was some kind of complex. Once they ventured past the sleeping quarters with bunk beds galore, questions formed as to how hard the company would be working him.
Eventually, each of the men began diverging off into different directions, finding their corresponding rooms. Nathan tried to remain optimistic of the situation, following along the instructions from his phone. Third floor, hallway T, room H93. It took a little strength to open the door, Nathan assumed it had to have been made of some metal. He entered his room and heard the door click shut behind him. Room H93 was small, with nothing in it but a chair facing away from the exit. Once Nathan took a seat, the projector lit up.
“Welcome to Falcon Security,” the male AI voice announced. “The following education supplement is broken into three segments.”
Nathan peered around the room once more, finding it strange as to why he was separated from the other men for this portion of the orientation.
“Cerebral Manipulation activated, engaging Cleanse.”
Suddenly, Nathan was bombarded with a combination of blinding visuals and piercing audios. The projector was strobing violently, quickly flashing colors back and forth and scorching his eyes. The speakers out of Nathan's sight were blasting discordant notes, the high pitches scrambling his neurological pathways. He immediately shut his eyes and went to cover his ears, trying to tune it all out, but the damage had already been instituted. Overwhelmed by the stimuli, his brain carried out the emergency function, shutting itself off completely. Nathan’s hands dropped to his sides as his mouth hung open, staring lifelessly at the paralyzing screen before him.
“Cleanse complete, Cerebral Manipulation disengaged.”
Nathan made no movement as multiple ceiling tiles lifted up, revealing vents. He continued to stare ahead, no thought forming in his emptied mind.
“Physical Manipulation activated, engaging Vapor.”
Slowly, a hiss began to sound out from the vents opened within the ceiling. A reddish gas softly descended from the ceiling, filling up Nathan’s room in a minute. Before long the air had completely left the room, leaving Nathan’s mindless husk to breathe in the pure red fumes.
“Displaying mandatory characteristics,” the AI rattled off. Through the red haze, the projector booted up a loading screen with an array of fields.
HEIGHT - 75 Units
WEIGHT - 200 Units
FEET - 13 Units
PHALLUS - 9 Units
LIBIDO - 80%
HAIR (B) - 67%
HAIR (C) - 1B0C05
EYE (C) - 200C05
Although Nathan could not recognize it, these inputs were standardized by the company.
“Vapor engaged, activating Reactor.”
A relaxer began to escape, mixing thoroughly with the red fumes already present in the room. Carefully slinking down, it eventually slithered up Nathan’s nostrils and tickled his brain. Triggered, Nathan began taking larger, deeper breaths, thoroughly absorbing the red gas.
The effects of the vapor rapidly assimilated into Nathan’s system. His bones began to crack, his tendons and ligaments shifting and expanding. The edges of his tight outfit grew taut, threatening to rip before a laser quickly scanned the room, erasing every article of clothing. Now naked, Nathan’s body was free to grow in any direction it needed. And it did, stretching out across the chair as Nathan evolved. With each filtrating breath, Nathan pumped himself larger and larger, eventually reaching a height of 6’3.
Nathan's muscles continued to bloat as the vapor was continually absorbed into his systems. His once lanky body was broadening: longer legs, longer torso, longer shoulders. His calves and upper arms swelled with power, thickening and plumping with strength and testosterone. His quads widened, now along with his new eight abdominals bolstering immense durability. Nathan’s backside curved outwards, better filling in his seat while his hardware up front enlarged into a thick 9 inches. Although not in a conscious state, Nathan separated his legs to accommodate for his new, massive bundle, his toes inching forward as his feet puffed out into a sturdy Size 13.
Nathan’s head arched back to allow the remainder of red gas to be consumed. His neck distended to accommodate for the emerging Adam’s apple, his vocal chords thickening to create a deeper tone. His jaw and cheekbones jutted forward, stretching his nose and accentuating his brow. In a flash, Nathan’s roots and eyes darkened into a steep brown, tainting his hair as it pulled into a tight crew cut. The rest of his body adapted accordingly, his skin tone tanning slightly before being washed over with dark hair through the pits, down the sternum, across his crotch, and throughout his arms and legs.
The last of the red fumes disappeared down Nathan’s nasal passages, coating his more masculine jaw with a well-maintained beard. The AI voice confirmed this completion.
“Vapor installed, engaging Auxiliary Supplements: 3TH93USA.”
AGE - 29 Units
When Nathan had applied, he had not met the company’s standards of employment. This forced Falcon Security to take the necessary action of moving him to meet the minimum experience requirement. A small tube appeared from one of the open vents directly above Nathan. With his head in position and mouth lazily ajar, the pipe distributed seven blue drops directly down Nathan’s throat. He did not have to swallow, the liquid absorbing on impact.
After a moment, the aging began to show. Nathan’s muscles stiffened slightly, toughening after more years of constant conditioning. His body odor grew denser, his voice gruffer. His libido remained the same, but now served a different purpose. It had matured into a machine for fertilization, built for a purpose rather than for pleasure. As the tiniest beginnings of frown lines formed, the process moved forward.
“Auxiliary Supplements complete, Cerebral Manipulation reactivated, downloading Cognition.”
The ceiling tiles lowered, the vents closing as the screen booted up with new diagnostics.
“Displaying mandatory characteristics.”
Uploading SECURITY package…
Uploading SELF-MAINTENANCE package…
Installing CODE RED
“Download complete, engaging Cognition.”
Once again, the room was filled with the blaring visual and audio combination. Because Nathan’s brain had already been turned off, the repetition now triggered the opposite effect. Soon, Nathan’s mind reanimated, becoming coherent to his surroundings. His former self had been deleted, leaving an open canvas ready to become something completely new. Before Nathan could become cognizant and recolor his gray matter, the program instituted new effects.
Delicately, the strobing lights and screeching notes were honed into the background. New media quickly infiltrated the pattern. Flashes of words and phrases flashed the screen, branding Nathan’s mind. Images of loyal men, bulky men, masculine men burst through Nathan’s retinas, establishing only one precedent. Mixed in were scattered opinion pieces to erect the bare minimum of personality features. Pictures of conservative leaders, Christian motifs, and clips of straight sex, enough to align with the company’s agenda.
“The company is always right,” “The clients are always right.” A male narrator had begun instructing different phrases into the room. His words crawled into the open crevice of Nathan’s shrunken brain, filling up the emptied space. “Every guard is completely loyal to the company,” “The company never makes mistakes.” Every instruction repeated over and over, accompanied by the images of Falcon Security and their work.
Nathan had been wrong to assume the Falcon Security had been an information technology firm. The company was actually a high-tech, military-grade safeguard who prided themselves with muscles promising complete protection, surveillance, and performative obedience. When they had discovered their investors in conservative businesses, they tailored their focus a bit more, pledging their guards would not only work for them, but vote for them too. Focus groups and trial operations provided them with the perfect formula for their clients.
In an instant, the program went into overdrive. The male AI returned, drilling “Ejaculate, Ejaculate, Ejaculate,” over and over. The stimulation exploded Nathan’s brain with ecstasy, his cock rising directly up and pulsing with excitement. The images on the screen ran twice as fast, the audio tracks looping quicker. With a manly grunt, Nathan howled as his swollen weapon blasted the remnants of his former will across the room. The laser from before returned, erasing the ejaculation and covering up the newly transformed guard in the company’s in house uniform: black sweats and a black cap
Blinking, 3TH93USA stood up as the door to the room opened behind him. He marched out of his room, the other new guards like fraternal clones of him doing likewise. They all filed down to the halls back to where they had come from. Some steered off into the cafeteria, others navigated to the sleeping quarters. 3TH93USA was one of the few who arrived in the gym, beginning his workout immediately as instructed. Security was his function, and if he was not doing that, then 3TH93USA was either eating, maintaining, or sleeping.
3TH93USA began his pull up routine as a few men in suits walked by, looking in on the gym.
“One needs a soldier, completely obedient and always following orders,” one of the businessmen stated. “Each of our men are customizable, programmable to any of your needs. Their only purpose is to be a security guard.”
They watched on as 3TH93USA continued his workout, no other objective in his mind.

Here's to 28!
--- Originally posted on 2019-06-17 by dumb-and-jocked. ---
Not only was it the final day of my senior year, it was my birthday, and my plan was nearly complete. After thorough research through numerous different libraries, online sites, and a few difficult equations, I was finally going to get everything I had dreamed of for the big 18!
It had all started in early March, a little while after the tennis team had begun their practices. The sun was shining, the snow was finally melting; spring was upon us. However, it was only about 50 °F, so when I walked by and saw that Julian Richardson, the varsity team captain, was wearing nothing but some skimpy running shorts, all I could do was bite my lip in frustration.

One of the top jocks in the highschool, Julian had everything anyone could have wanted; great looks, tons of money, extremely popular, etc. He looked much more like a senior in college than one in high school. Not only did he have the brawn, but the brains too. He was part of many different clubs outside of athletics, he was even the vice president of the Mathematics Leagues in our state. Now all of this definitely made me jealous, but the worst part about him was his pride. As stated millions of times by not only himself, but his sexual conquests too, he was 100% gay. He was extremely proud of it, so much in fact that he wore something to showcase it everyday. Today, it was a stupid wristband that I noticed as he adjusted his luminous blond hair. Growing up in a good-old, traditional American family, I knew that everything about Julian was against what my Christian beliefs had told me, and it was my job to try and stop it.
After seeing him, I began to rush home, eager to begin my research. Right before I got to my house, I heard a voice call out to me.
“Hey, Jake!” My neighbor, Michael, emerged off his porch, “You look like you’re in a rush.” Michael was a man in his late forties, but he certainly didn’t look like it. He was blessed with decent genetics and regularly visited the gym so he was fairly defined. He had always lived in the house right next to mine as long as I could remember, yet he had always lived alone. He took trips out of town every now and then, and sometimes he had friends over who’d stay the night. I was closer with him when I was little, but as I ventured into adolescence we grew more apart. Something about his, lifestyle, seemed a little off to me.
“Yeah,” I said, a little flustered. I must have been going faster than I had thought. “I have a new… erm… game that I’m excited to play.” My conscience had always made it hard for me to lie.
“Oh, well, hope you enjoy it.” Michael seemed a little suspicious, but just shrugged it off and walked back to his porch. After he turned away, I rushed into my house and ran up to my room, excited to begin. I turned on the computer, and while waiting for it to load, I looked out my window. I had a nice view of Michael’s house, but beyond that I could see the entire town.
Once I had finally logged into my computer, I began my project. First, I had plans to try and find dirt on him before publicizing it, but after hours spent on looking through countless websites, I found nothing. Then, after the original failure, it occured to me what I had to do. If I wanted to fix him, it had to be me in charge - I can’t trust him to change his ways. My next plan began to develop right before my eyes.
Over the next week after seeing Julian at tennis practice, I researched multiple different options. Body swapping, transformation, disappearance. After some heavy searching, I finally landed on genetic displacement. In this process, I would have to create some weird liquid concoction with strange ingredients that I’d never heard of before, combine it with some form of DNA from the intended victim, and then drink it. Then, over the course of a few minutes, the DNA from the victim would rapidly multiple and displace the DNA of the drinker, causing a genetic shuffle that would eventually change the entire body of the drinker and make them look like an identical copy of the victim permanently. I would look like his identical twin, but I’d still have my mind, personality, and soul. The directions were simple, but I just had to make sure I got everything right because the side effects looked insane. Stuff about brainwashing, amnesia, personality disorders, and other terms I couldn’t even pronounce threw me off, but as long as the victim and drinker were less than 2 years apart in age, everything would be fine. Luckily for me, Julian and I were born on the same day, which was another reason why I hated him.
The next three months rolled by. A few purchases of various items with strange names, rigorous searching to find them, and plenty of studying had lead to the last day. Luckily, my immense intellect made everything easier. For some reason, the ingredients always came a day or two late of the planned delivery, but that’s just the black market I guess. I had lurked in my room for hours on end, with the sun slowly descending through my window as I worked away. I really should have shut the shades to block out the light, but I never bothered too. I finally had everything ready by the last day of school, and all I had to do to finish the final part of my plan was to find a fresh piece of Julian’s DNA.
The last day of school was fast. I didn’t really pay attention to my finals or others; I was just too excited to finally finish my project, and the fact that everyone was celebrating Julian’s birthday instead of mine made it all the more unbearable. Finally, the end of the day came and students rushed out the doors. I calmly stayed behind, lurking a safe distance behind the tennis team. They had a short practice today, so this would be my only chance to snag something of Julian’s. As I saw the players casually hit the balls between courts, I snuck my way into the men’s locker room. After a minute of looking around, I finally found Julian’s rainbow sports bag. I dug my hand in, a little disgusted to be groping around another man’s dirty clothes, but eventually I found something. In the bottom of his bag was an old, white sock, obviously worn out from wear. It was pretty big in my hand, and - disgustedly - I brought it up to my nose for a timid sniff. I reeled back, getting a putrid scent of male foot and sweat, it was definitely fresh. As much as I hated to think about it, this nasty sock had enough DNA seeped into it for my concoction. I tossed it in my bag and ran home, sprinting the entire way, ecstatic that all my work was about to pay off.
After running between my room and the kitchen, I was finally ready to finish my project. Neither of my parents would be home tonight, so I had the house to myself.The sock and other ingredients sat all on the counter, ready to be mixed together. All I had to do was blend all of the components together without the DNA, and then pour it into a pot and boil it. After that, I’d throw the DNA in and (after letting it cool) drink it down, holding my nose shut of course. Then I’d find somewhere to sit and get comfortable, because apparently your body would freeze up until the transformation was finished. It took me a while to combine all of the ingredients together, and once it was mixed together it looked like a slushie without syrup. I ran over to the stove, ready to turn it on, but was met with a large sticky note on the dial.
“Oven broken?” I angrily read out loud, “No! How is this possible?” I quickly thought to myself how I could boil the concoction. I had to do this today, otherwise the DNA would become old. Sadly, only one idea came to my mind, but it was the only one I could think of.
“Jake!” Michael exclaimed, opening his door, “How can I help you?”
“Hey, Michael,” I smiled courteously, “I have a favor to ask.”
Michael led me into his house as I described that I was making a present for my mother’s upcoming birthday, but my stove wasn’t working. He graciously offered his and said that I could come by whenever to use it until mine was fixed.
“I have to go get something from the backyard, but if you need me I’ll be right upstairs afterwards.” He smiled as he opened the backdoor and left. I quickly fired up the stove and place the small pot a burner, happy that I’d finally finish. As I the concoction began to bubble, I realized something was missing: the sock! I carefully took the pot off of the burner and ran back to my house. As I sprinted past, I saw Michael walking back in, smiling as I dashed past. I burst through the front door and flew into the kitchen, grabbing the sock before running back. As soon as I got back to Michael’s kitchen, I pushed the pot back onto the heated burner and threw in the sock right as it began to boil. I stirred the liquid until I no longer felt anything solid in the liquid. Then, I took a cup from the cupboard, threw in some ice, and poured the soup-looking drink into the cup. The drink cooled down instantly, almost filling the cup.
“Here’s to 18!” I held my nose shut, said a quick prayer, and drank it all down in one go.
Once the drink was gone, I let out a huge belch. I quickly cleaned up the mess I had made in Michael’s kitchen and got ready to leave. I had to be fast enough to get to my house so I could transform in private. Right as I was about to walk out the door however, my conscience got the better of me. It would only take me a few seconds to thank Michael and then I could ditch. I dropped my things and walked upstairs, going towards the only room that had a light on. As soon as I opened the door, I nearly peed myself. Sitting right on the edge of the master bed was Michael, taking a picture of himself in the mirror, only wearing a tight, blue athletic shirt and a snug pair of underwear.

“Oh, you must be ready,” Michael said, taking note of my presence, “Do you like what you see?”
All I could do was keep staring at Michael, his body the perfect male specimen. For a man just under fifty, somehow he had maintained the body of an adonis. For some reason, I couldn’t look away, all I could do was stare.
“Here, I’ll help you.” Michael slowly walked over to me. I knew something was wrong, but for some reason I couldn’t move. The transformation must have just begun! He slowly stripped off all of my clothes as I stood there. As he slowly worked off my clothes, I could smell his natural musk emanating from his body. Once he was done, he lifted me up and placed me in a chair. Once he was done, Michael sat in one across from me, manspreading to show who was in charge.
“So, I expect you’re quite confused right now,” he said calmly, smirking, “but that’s alright, I will explain everything while you transform.”
My eyes widened. How did he know my plans? Did I make it obvious?
“First, let’s start with the fact that you should keep your blinds shut from prying neighbors, like me.” He motioned towards his own, which were shut, “After a week or two, I got curious as to why you were always up so late, so concentrated on your computer. Your lying is pretty pathetic, so I knew something was up, so I began to dig.”
As he spoke, my legs began to stretch out. My body was slowly pushed up into the chair as my calves pushed themselves apart. Muscle began to crawl across my legs as my thighs and quads became thick and strong, letting small veins pop out. My butt also plumped up, muscle filling in my rear and giving me two firm globes in the back. As my legs and butt finished strengthening, hair erupted all across the surface. It started out fairly blond, but then darkened to a more mature brown. I thought Julian had all blond hair, but I’ve only ever seen him from a distance so it must have just looked lighter.
“Next, I began to do a little investigation into what you might be doing. When the first package was being delivered, I caught the mailman and told him there had been a mistake and that the packages where supposed to go to me. After some heavy convincing, he finally obliged and all the packages went to my house before I dropped them off at yours.”
My chest began to bulge out, expanding tremendously. It too added to my height as abs began to pop into existence, creating a hard, cobblestone path from my belly button to my new pecs. As my pecs created their own shelf on top of my stomach, I felt my nipples perk up as they became slightly larger and more sensitive. Blond hair began to spread out over my torso, before it to darkened to the same brown as my legs. I had never seen Julian with this much hair, but he usually shaved. Plus, he barely every wore a shirt, so that was probably why his chest hair was blond - it must’ve been brown in the winter.
“After carefully opening the few boxes, I had quickly figured out what you were trying to do. Those items were very rare, so when you put them together in a search bar it only comes up with a few options. Once I figured out your plan, I had to figure out who your target was, and let me tell you that was difficult to find.”
As he continued, my arms began to fill out. Strong biceps began to appear as my triceps filled themselves in with muscle. Veins appeared on my forearms as my hands began to grow, becoming firmer and more calloused. Brown hairs also began to crawl along my arms as my armpits began to fill up, getting bushier by the second. I didn’t remember Julian having such hairy armpits, or the awful smell that was now emitting from them, but he must’ve always worn heavy deodorant.
“Once I figured out that you were targeting Julian Richardson, that’s when I decided to get involved. Originally, I was just curious to see what you were doing, but after that I knew I had to stop you. I began to read over the directions and ingredients again and I realized the only way I could tamper it was if I dealt with the DNA.”
My neck began to bulge as an enlarged Adam’s apple began to appear. I coughed a bit, causing my voice to adjust down a few registers. My voice began to also mature, sounding a little older. Although Julian looked much older, he still sounded like a teen with a life ahead of him, so this was strange to me.
“It took me a bit to figure out when you wanted to execute the plan, so when the last ingredient came in the mail a few days ago, I knew I could set you up for the last day of school. Not only would you be extremely excited with your plan about to be finished, but the natural adrenaline from the last day of your high school career would definitely kick in, having you lose focus.”
My head slowly lengthened out, becoming looking more ovular then circular. My jaw became more defined as my teeth straightened out. My nose grew straighter and smaller as a light stubble appeared, giving me a naturally wise look. I felt my hair shorten up and style itself. If I could have looked in a mirror, I could’ve seen my hair and eyes turn brown.
“So, this morning I went over and put a little note on your stove to say it was broken, and with you in your frantic state you never even tried to turn it on. I knew your only option to save your plan would be to ask me, and I kindly obliged. You only brought the pot with you, not even thinking about the DNA, so as soon as I walked outside, I ran over to your house - which you kindly left open - and looked for it. It took me a bit to figure out what I was looking for, but as soon as I saw the sock on the counter I knew what I had to do. I quickly pulled off my shoe, placed my sock in the exact same position as Julian’s, and then put my shoe on and walked out of the house. When you ran past me, I knew you’d be in for a surprise in a few minutes. With all the teenage adrenaline and excitement, you didn’t even notice that the sock was slightly yellower, or the different brand. The best part is, my feet are Size 16, so you didn’t even see that the sock was much larger than Julian’s Size 12.”
Michael held up Julian’s sock in front of my face, just close enough so I could smell it. He smirked as he saw my feet begin to lengthen out along the floor. My toes began to splay out further as my feet became meatier. Thick veins began to adorn the tops of my feet as dark hairs began to appear as well. Michael placed his foot on top of mine, and although I couldn’t move, I could see that looked almost identical, just with mine being younger.
“That’s a good look for you,” he said, before getting up and pulling his chair closer to mine. Once he sat down again, he carefully place his feet on either side of my sack, massaging it. I quickly grew hard.
“I knew that’d you’d have to come up here and thank me, you Christians and your conscience, so I quickly placed myself in a position that would stall you before your transformation begin. And here we are now, where it looks like we are near the end.”
Michael motioned to my pouch, which had expanded almost 4 inches as I had listened to him. I used to be average, but now I must have had almost ten inches of hard, veiny meat. Not only that, but a huge, wiry bush of brown hairs had replaced my previous non-existent ones. My balls were churning, the massage from the large feet making them much bigger and heavier. They looked almost identical to the outline from Michael’s underwear.
“So, now we’re here, I replaced Julian’s sock with mine, but there’s still one part I have mentioned yet. Remember the side effects and rules of this concoction? I bet you do.”
He smirked as my eyes quickly began to shake with panic.
“Now I am much farther than two years from you, so I did some further research into the side effects and it said that the drinker will end up somewhere in the middle, depending on the amount of DNA. The socks were dirty and rank, but it looks like it was not enough to put you into your thirties, but I’d say you’d look like me in my late twenties, so we’ll say your 28, 20 years apart from me so no one raises any questions. That's a good distance for me to be your father.”
I immediately got confused, and it wasn’t only from what he had just said. My mind had begun to feel cloudy ever since he began to massage my pouch. Maybe it was one of the side effects of the conco.... liquid.
“You see, ever since you started distancing yourself from me when you were little, I knew you were straying down the wrong path. You found out why I lived all alone in this house, and yet you would never admit it to yourself. You would never allow yourself to think I was possibly gay, that those trips I would take out of town weren’t work related, or those friends I had over were more than just friends. Well, now I’m going to raise you right. As soon as you release, you’ll black out from all the pent up pressure from me edging you and your transformation will be complete. Once your out, I’ll not only make sure you don’t remember any of this, but I’ll create a whole new life for you. The best part is, I barely have to do any work! With all the side effects of memory loss, personality confusion, and so much more, I can make you into whatever I want you to be. You won’t only be my son, but you’ll be my kinky, dumb lover.”
My pouch was throbbing, begging for release as Michael massaged them with his feet.
“Now on the count of three, you will release and pass out. Are you ready, Jake?”
I tried to shake my head, but I couldn’t. My eyes must’ve shown so much fear, for Michael’s smirk suddenly got wider.
My mind clouded over as I felt my sack tighten.
My body tensed up, I could feel it coming.
Michael stopped massaging and gripped my pouch with his feet. I released and then immediately blacked out.
I woke up to the sound of bacon frying in the kitchen. My head hurt, like I had just been studying too hard or something. I slowly pushed myself up and noticed a phone laying next to me. I clicked the home button and noticed there was a track playing. All it said was “Final Track.” I wondered what it was playing through, and then I realized I had the earbuds on. There were words and phrases playing on loop. I tried to concentrate, which was pretty hard, but eventually I could make out the words. It was some sort of conversation between jocks.
“Bro, let’s go suck a dick!”
“Yeah, being gay is sick, bruh!”
“And your dad, what a stud, broski, he’s so hot.
“I’d suck his dick any day.”
“He’s so smart too, lucky that you don’t have to do any of the thinking, bro!”
“Yeah, Broseph, you’re so dumb you have a below-average IQ.”
“What’s IQ, bro?”
And then the track ended with the jocks all guffawing at the joke. I chuckled, my deep voice mimicking their laugh. For some reason, I found it funny.
I rolled out of the bed, pushing the blue comforter back. I clomped my huge feet down the stairs towards the kitchen, my hard dick swaying with each step. I walked into the kitchen, where I saw my naked dad cooking food on the stove. His bubble butt swayed as I took a seat at the table, my own naked skin cold against the metal chair. I watched my dad cook, getting harder while I watched his muscled body sway. He slowly turned away from the stove, his dick just above the frying pan. He pissed right into the pan, making sure the bacon was extra greasy.
“Happy Birthday, Jordan,” Dad said as he dropped a plate full of bacon right in front of me, “How was your night?”
“Great!” I said, shoving the bacon eagerly down my throat. He came up behind me and patted my shoulders, his hard cock pushing against my back.
“What did you dream about?” He said, slowly beginning to grind against me.
“Well,” I began, “first it with me with my bro, Brad, and we were heading to town. Then, in came this cute twink who I destroyed, and then it ended with me smelling your shoes while jacking off.”
“A perfect ending to that dream it sounds like,” he said, slowly kissing my neck as he continued to grind. My back became slick with precum.
“Totally,” I shoved the rest of my bacon in my mouth and put my dishes in the sink.
“Where you going?” Dad asked, smacking my butt as I ran up the stairs.
“Got a soccer game in twenty minutes with the bros, it’s for my birthday!” I ran into my dad’s bedroom and looked through the dirty clothes hamper. I grabbed a sweaty gray tee, two black socks, and a pair of sweat shorts that smelled like piss and cum. I smiled, happy with my choice, not even bothering with underwear. Commando always accentuated my pouch better anyway. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my large vans. As a slipped my feet in, they were greeted with puddles of my dad’s piss. Back ten years ago, when I was still highschool, my dad would do this before every game for good luck. He knew I loved it so much that he kept the tradition even after I had dropped out. There was no way I was going to finish, all I’m good for is playing games with the bros and helping my dad whenever he needs it.
“Thanks, Dad.” I said, kissing him before I left.
“Of course, Jordan,” he replied, returning the kiss and grabbing my bulge, “and don’t forget this.” He handed me a fanny pack with the lunch he made me. I quickly looked inside and was happy to see one of his famous homemade protein shakes. He always made sure to make it with natural protein.
“Let me get a picture of you for your birthday.”
“Dad, I’m gonna be late.”
“Listen or I’ll spank you.” It wasn’t really a threat, he knew I’d like it, but I got the message. I crouched in front of our houseplants, showing off my junk.
“Sexier!” My dad said, I shuffled a little more and tried to look smug. He smiled as he took the picture.
“Here’s to 28!”