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All Of The Tarot Arts People Are Doing Of Their Inquisitors Has Been Giving Me Life, So I Had To Try

All of the tarot arts people are doing of their Inquisitors has been giving me life, so I had to try my own.
I gave up on the simplified illustration-y style after about five minutes, oh well.
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More Posts from Vilify

(work in progress) gosh Kai are you doing anything lately other than playing da:i and doing shitty da:i doodles? What about like a real painting do you still do those?
Idk does makin' myself cry count as a painting?

Work in progress.
I want to be sorry about this because damn it's one of those pictures you draw and just realize that the gut punch you're feeling while working is gonna be inflicted on everyone else but ~oops I broke it.
(More seriously, and way more tmi, which people can feel free to ignore right now and remove if they reblog, but I'm having a sort of anxiety issue right now where I'm just sobbing constantly and having these extreme paranoid delusions wherein I believe things like "all my friends have actually abandoned me" and "I'm going to get fired" etc despite 0 evidence and then nearly having panic attacks about things it takes several people to talk me out of believing.
Having a giant mass of Star Wars feels from the rough Clone Wars episodes has been the highlight of my week because at least with fictional feels, I can tell what's really my emotions vs what's not and somehow my nerdy sadness is able to ground me temporarily.)

chyrstis's Inquisitor. Gonna be posting these up a bit as I do them. They're pretty quick, since I'm still running a bit of a fever but won't be getting DA:I until tomorrow.

ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀʟ sᴇɴᴀᴛᴏʀ ᴀᴜ - ᴘᴀʀᴛ v (ɪ. ɪɪ. ɪɪɪ. ɪv)
The Emperor's heir and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Fleet, the young Darth Vader seemingly emerged from nowhere as Palpatine's personal pet Krayt dragon. A power divorced entirely from the squabbling politics of the Senate and the Moffs, his ill-understood abilities stood as a sharp departure from the cloistered Jedi the galaxy had been accustomed to.
Along with the Inquisitors and the Imperial Security Bureau, he appeared as a weapon of further annihilation against the fugitive Order - whatever secret malice he bore them apparent in his zeal to destroy their remnants.
More of this series! Writing a prequel-era AU is freeing because as bad as I am at dialogue I can always feel confident because it could be so much worse. I just got back from a road trip to the beach wherein every couple hours someone quoted the line about sand at me and I almost left them on all stranded on I-37 as a result. It can be worse.
I'm glad that there is some appreciation for this idea because lbr I would have just continued posting them even if there wasn't because as a character, Padme is just so important. Canonically speaking, she's both the naive child coerced into becoming Emperor's kingmaker and an essential progenitor of what becomes the Alliance. There aren't excuses to do stuff centered around her.