villian-lover7899 - My crazy world
My crazy world

20She/her/they/themLikes music,anime,horror and video games.

1243 posts

#tfw He Literally Turns You On

#tfw He Literally Turns You On
#tfw He Literally Turns You On
#tfw He Literally Turns You On
#tfw He Literally Turns You On
#tfw He Literally Turns You On
#tfw He Literally Turns You On

#tfw he literally turns you on 😏

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More Posts from Villian-lover7899

2 years ago

one of my coworkers tried to advocate for me during her exit interview bc of the 20k pay disparity between me & another person in my year but it sounds like it went really badly & she called me to be like uhhhh so if management retaliates against you just fyi it’s mostly their fault but also kind ofΒ mine so i’ll write you a really nice reference letter for your next job

One Of My Coworkers Tried To Advocate For Me During Her Exit Interview Bc Of The 20k Pay Disparity Between
2 years ago

γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€γ€€π™ƒπ™Šπ™π™Žπ™€ π™ƒπ™π˜½π˜½π™”

γ€€γ€€γ€€TFP! MEGATRON x female reader

γ€€γ€Žγ€€megatron ,, some random kid 』

γ€€-> megatron goes to the grocery store

γ€€β€” fluff ,, sfw

γ€€β€” this is just a silly little series of megatron being a house husband

γ€€οΌœγ€€two ,, three ,, four ,, five ,, six >


list in his servo, the warlord glared at the bright red letters above the building. "SUPERMARKET" it had read, letters big as though they were shouting at him. he never liked going to the store, no matter how much he needed to go. he growled to himself and began his walk into the store. he grabbed the nearest shopping, making his way down the first aisle. he never liked the strange stares people would give him, especially since he had tried to kill the entire human race before.

he grabbed the items needed from their places on the shelf, placing them in the cart in an orderly manner. he kept to himself, only wanting to make the trip as quick as he possibly could. he didn't want to be around for too long, only having enough self-control to keep his intake shut for so long. more people went fish-eyed when he walked towards the frozen meats section, as though he were shopping for people to eat instead of the ground beef he had picked up.

however, when a certain song came onto the speakers, one he was too familiar with, he couldn't stop the low and gruff hum that he had tuned. most would mistake him for growling, if they hadn't known him so well. and that is what most people did. assume he was growling at them. he wondered why humans couldn't just accept him now. he's redeemed himself many times. helping out in the neighborhood with things, thrown parties to fit in with human traditions.

he's been to this same supermarket for many times and hasn't even hurt a single person. it was insane how they all cowered away from him, pushing their carts away. the only humans that really ever enjoyed his presence were his wife, and children. his wife was for obvious reasons. she had seen past his facade of being the warlord he showed, and instead sought for the lonely poetic lover inside of him. few managed to see that side of him. children only liked him because he was different, not human, and very tall. though his digits were sharp and pointy, children loved to be held by him.

which had soon grown into a love for the small humans. he kept thinking about how he had wanted one, but his wife had said 'no', much to his dismay. though he wouldn't force her to do anything that she didn't wish for. he couldn't ever think about such things. it would hurt his spark.

as megatron walked up to the cashiers, he mentally groaned at the long lines. this quick trip would take longer than he had wanted. much longer than he wished. which would mean that he would have to endure more people gawking at him. he had the urge to growl at such unluckiness, until a little kid had walked over to him.

big green eyes stared wide in adoration and wonder, as megatron's own red optics stared back. confusion grew over him, of who's kid this was and what he was doing around the warlord. "excuse me, mister or, um, ma'am," the kid had grabbed onto his servo, surprising megatron. "i need help finding my mommy. i lost her in the store and now i dont know where she is." his lip trembled into a small pout.

oh how megatron's spark ached at the sight. a helpless child coming to him for help. and with those big green eyes, he just couldn't resist. megatron sighed before nodding, "not to worry," he said, voice gruff but soft to soothe the child, "i'll assist you in finding your mother."

and that is where the shenanigans had begun. the child running through the aisles and around megatron himself, trying to find his mother. he had spewed random nonsense, of which megatron hadn't really cared to remember. he only let the child talk, humming in response and grabbing items that were on sale. he did enjoy the child's company, which was rare as parents wouldn't let their kids around him. but when children do occasionally come near, his spark tightens in his chassis, how brave they are and how gentle they can be.

"and than, i went pew pew, and they were all, like, aHHh!!!" he giggled as he recovered his most recent dream. "it was so fun! but then i had to wake up." his lips formed a pout, eyes staring up at megatron. the cybertronian only nodded, taking note of the few bits he had tuned in. "interesting," was all that he had said. the kid's lips reformed themselves into a bright smile, skipping alongside the aisle. "so, what do you do, sir?" he asked, gazing around at the different cereal flavors that had passed by.

"nothing, i stay at home." megatron replied, grabbing a certain brand he knew his wife had liked. "lucky, i have to go to school, so i can't stay at home." the kid giggled, before something caught his eye. he stopped, frozen in place as he looked around. "hey, mister? can we go over there?" he pointed to another aisle, "i think i just saw my mom." megatron had nodded before taking his cart down the next aisle, the kid following along. and he was sure right. his mom stood there, gazing at different pasta brands and talking to someone on her phone. it would have seemed that the kid had slipped away when she was looking around, and got lost.

said child had ran to his mom, surprising her as he hugged her side. he started to blabber again, megatron not paying attention. scarred lips turned up in a smile, and optics dimming as he stared at the two. the mother gave a quick 'thank you' for returning her child, before continuing along. megatron could feel his spark tighten, hoping that one day, he too, could have a child. someone to care for and love, to watch grow up and teach.

megatron had soon turned his cart around and headed back towards the front part of the store. once getting to the cashiers, he groaned to himself at how much longer the lines had gotten. maybe he would be here for more then what he had planned.

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2 years ago


Every dead soul was once a living organism. Plants, trees, animals and people in Soul Society were all once alive. Humans in particular were created in such a way that their potential spanned out before them, if only they had the courage and power to grasp it.

Upon death, a human soul can go one of two ways: locking away their rationality, decision-making capacity and ability to say no, stop, enough, for the gain of power, the retention of growth and evolution; or, excising their potential, their ability for growth and power and ability to become more in such a way that allows them to keep their mind and individual thoughts.

According to shinigami, who in many ways don't understand or even know the meaning of potential, this is the difference between a soul that passes on, or a soul that hollowfies.

The true difference in them, is that a "plus" soul or Shinigami has cut out and/or eroded away their power of progress, in a way that is subtle enough not to be noticed; but, in hindsight or from the viewpoint of a foreign intelligent being, is all too clear and unsettling. A Hollow, meanwhile, has changes that are so obvious as to mark them as an entirely different species, even though they aren't; they trade their higher minds - temporarily - to keep the ability to grow and change and evolve to greater strengths and appearances. And the stronger they get, the closer a resemblance they achieve to their original form: the human one. This, after all, is how Vasto Lorde are born, and they are frighteningly similar to humans in so many ways.

Of the two types of soul, Hollows are the ones who, in the end, have the opportunity to truly become "human" again - albeit, without a physical body.

Shinigami, meanwhile, are stuck; their souls find comfort, an equilibrium, and simply stop there. They have a set amount of power, conforming most often in a 100:1 ratio to what they had as humans (and even that only partially accessible without training), and no more than this. By cutting off their growth capacity, so they have limited themselves to remaining as a fraction or less of what they once were, or could have become.

When attempting to create a hybrid, a Vizard, the process was likened by Aizen to knocking down the barriers between Shinigami power and Hollow power. I, however, hold with a... mildly different hypothesis.

I suspect that Aizen may simply have returned to those Shinigami their own potential for growth.

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2 years ago

wings are so fucking cool imagine being able to just move part of your body and fly up into the sky whenever you wanted. i'm normal about this. no i'm not i wish i was a dragon.