You Know? Today I Woke Up And Decided Angst. So I Present To You The Barest Outlines Of A Songfic For
You know? Today I woke up and decided angst. So I present to you the barest outlines of a songfic for the song It Took Me By Surprise, but instead of Bakugo's viewpoint being the song, it's Izuku's.
Warning: Victim Blaming Themself/Self Blame
I would react badly
To the slightest hint of hesitance
("Hey do you want to play heroes today?" Izuku asked, eyes flitting to Bakugo. Bakugo frowns, contemplating. "It's okay if you don't want to, really, we can play tag or hide and seek or pillow forts or-")
(Izuku as a kid going back on his words if Bakugo waits too long to answer, because of his insecurity and empathy. Think after Bakugo got his quirk but before Izuku got his diagnosis)
He'd bend awkwardly to suit my mood
No word from his defense
("Shut up! Of course I want to play heroes! Stupid Deku". Bakugo stood up, stomping over to the playground. "Are you coming or not?!")
(He feels as though Bakugo only chose the first one because he felt obligated to because that is what Izuku would do)
I'd cry knowing how my tears
Felt like acid burning through his skin
("Stop crying, stupid nerd! It's just a scrape. You'll be fine!" Bakugo leans down, eyebrows furrowed, and holds out a hand. "We're going to be heroes and heroes don't cry about getting injured. Come on!" After Izuku gets up and starts following Bakugo again, Bakugo's shoulders untense and his eyebrows relax.)
(He believes that it is his fault for not holding back his tears because he knows it hurts Bakugo to see him cry)
Pushed every little button
But the right one that would let me in
(Blames himself for not being able to react/read Bakugo’s feelings correctly)
Now he's afraid of me
Now he's afraid of me
(Bakugo pushes him away and his attempts to help because Bakugo is afraid to need help, to been seen as weak)
It took me by surprise
The hatred in his eyes
(Izuku remembering the first time Bakugo said he hated him, and meant it)
I've pushed this man as far as he could go
But he lacked the words to let me know
(Bakugo being too mad to gets his thoughts out You-You- You motherfu! I’m not- I’m not weak! Leave me alone!)
He acted out, now I can see it is my fault
(Izuku being pushed to the ground by Bakugo)
I made changes
That went unnoticed
Sang songs for deaf ears
(Izuku apologizing, Izuku getting out of the way, Izuku leaving him alone, Izuku changing his favorite things so Bakugo wouldn’t feel copied))
He mistook my silence for punishment
(Bakugo thinking that Izuku is doing this because he thinks Izuku looks down on him)
As it had been all these years
(Bakugo showing a consistent belief in this as they grow up)
I'd cry knowingly how my tears felt like acid burning through his skin
(Izuku crying even though he thinks himself weak for doing it because he knows it bothers Bakugo and then later he knows that Bakugo gets mad when he cried)
Now he's afraid of me
Now he's afraid of me
(Izuku knows that Bakugo sees him as a threat, even if he doesn’t know why)
It took me by surprise
The hatred in his eyes
(Izuku remembering Bakugo’s hatred during the U.A. finals/ first battle)
I've pushed this man as far as he could go
But he lacked the words to let me know
He acted out, now I can see it is my fault
(Izuku feeling as though his question in the Finals was a push too far, and that Bakugo only punched him because he could not articulate how he felt. Him feeling responsible for Bakugo’s actions in the rest of the finals)
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His grandma always said "The world is hard on us dreamers". And as Izuku watches the number one hero, his hero, bound off into the distance, disapproving words still ringing in his head, he can almost hear her say "That's why you need to build your spine out of steel. Don't let them entinguish your flames". "Okay grandma" Izuku promised, echoing his response from so long ago, "I won't let them stomp me out".
You know, you're scrolling your tag and you see like two ideas and you just want to smash them together? No? Well I do sometimes. So here:
Consider Izuku as a vigilante for longer than the police realize. They only have figured out in the past week or so (not the current year or two ) because Izuku basically cosplays as different underground heroes. And I'm not talking put a wig and outfit on and call it good, I'm talking wearing makeup, and indiscreet voice changer (or quirk at bottom), outfit as close as possible, with stilts or pumps heels even and contacts and wigs and mannerisms. He planned this out for months, spent hours researching different underground heroes just to get their mannerisms, fight styles, patrols and hobbies. He got so good he's fooling not only the civilians, but other pros at a distance. The only reason there was a report a new vigilante was out and about was because he literally ran into Eraserhead while cosplaying as him. So now Eraserhead is trying to find his double and Izuku is committed now to staying as Eraserhead.(He doesn't want to be caught in a different cosplay and cause more suspicion or paranoia). (Alternatively, he just focused on Eraserhead because he was the easiest to copy)
Notes on Izuku profile: Notably, there would be some changes. Considering Aizawa is 6ft ish/ 183 cm, Izuku would have to be decently tall to be close. Let's say between Shinsou's height of 177 (5'9) and Kirishima's 170 (5'6) so about 5'8-5'7 (Add 1in pumps) It's still a solid four inches, but if Izuku doesn't actually slouch as much, just gives off the appearance, or doesn't stand close to Aizawa, no one can tell. Also consider that his hair would be shaved shorter so that wigs would stay on easier. (More crew cut like, at least on the sides (think undercut?)) If you really wanted to, 3-4in pumps (but that seems clunky) Listen Izuku got really into his cosplay, of course he shaved his sides.
Effects of world around him? One, people are more confused about what Eraserhead's quirk is, because sometimes he erases quirks and sometimes he can...taze people? Move really fast? Heal overnight/in hours? (Because they switch) If USJ, Shigaraki takes longer because the underground has no clue what the cues are either
Two: UA could probably be for sixteen (not fifteen) years olds, just to make the height difference easier.
Three: On April 1st, Aizawa creates a truce and he makes the vigilante (Eraser Head or EH/Eh Rubberskull? Rubbernoggin? Pencillead? Leadtail? for short) be him instead. His friends only catch when Izuku starts skipping away. They have several seconds of bluescreening before that though.
Midoriya's possible quirk? Mimic: Whether it be just a voice thing, or expands to mannerisms and or quirk (very slightly/asthetics) (Shinso bonding or Monoma bonding?)
Or, alternatively, a minor shape-shifting quirk, not enough for permenance (does it once and it lasts for like 4hrs) and has to perfect by himself. (Or a friend who could do that to other people)
Finally, Echo: has a set of three quirks that he can echo- can activate for 3-5 seconds. Easier and longer the more time he spends in their presence, and are consciously chosen. (He can use his mom's for 20 minutes, but only because he grew up with her). (Monoma bonding?)
Other Random sidenotes:
Izuku bringing Shinsou in on it (maybe once on the day before the next April fool's, after he was caught)
"Are you sure it isn't mitosis? Because I'm staring at three Aizawas and I'm pretty sure I'm not seeing things "
If the whole class is involved:
"Guys, Aizawa multiplied. There is no class, and mini-hims are all sleeping around campus. I almost tripped over one of them on five separate occasions."
"You think that's bad? We ran out of coffee again. We bought coffee beans last week! One of them even hissed at me like Aizawa does when I tried to get my own!"
Meanwhile Aizawa: no schoolwork :)))
Random student: *traumatized* there are neon yellow catapillars everyone and Everytime I look back they've gotten closer
Other random: At least you know where they are. When I look back, they Vanish
Izuku standing next to Aizawa, both dressed as Eraserhead.
"Are you sure it isn't the shorter one?"-Mic
*Both give Mic a disappointed look*
Mimic!Izuku in 1A:
"Guys guys watch this- *changes to Aizawa voice* -Hi I'm Aizawa, I'm 30, going through my midlife crisis, sleepless and part cat and catapillar. Also I despise everything-"
Or *in Aizawa voice "*cackles* Logical Ruse!"
Writing Prompt:
Didn't you know? Monsters like us don't get a happy end"
"Haven't you read the fairytales? You know monsters like you and I never get happy endings"
Raccoon Izuku AU
When you found a thing and it is cursed and terrifying, but your brain goes... What if.. and now it is a Thing.
Prompt comes from by Teobot, check it out please because credit.
Anyway, Raccoon Izuku
Izuku is heading home after a long day, shoulders still smarting from school when he hears something in an alleyway. A clang and a couple loud voices. He knows he shouldn't look, or intervene at all, but Izuku has always been bad at listening to reason. He peeks into the alleyway, and then immediately hides behind the corner, chest heaving. Five guys, all surrounding someone on the ground. He's pretty sure he saw something metal flash, and oh my god they are going to kill someone. He chances another glance. He was right, the leader is holding a knife. He leans back trying to catch his breath. If he leaves, they are going to kill that person! But, if he stays, they might kill him! Or worse, recognize his uniform, trackhimdownfindouthe'squirklessandandattackhismomandthenshemightdieandtheyhewouldbetotallyaloneandohmygodhewasnotpreparedtodealwiththistoday.
Something catches his eye from the dumpster. A horridly bright neon pink stuffed raccoon head. Will it work as a distraction? The voices grow louder. He makes his choice and opens the dumpster to get it. And immediately regrets his decision because this isn't a stuffed animal head to throw, this is a fursuit. He almost laughs, because what is his life now. Then he slips the mangled but untorn suit on. It smells awful, but, if this works, the shock factor will be enough to scare them away. Or at least give him enough time to get the victim to run away. Hopefully. Maybe. He sends a brief thanks to his mom, just in case, and gets out of the dumpster. And almost immediately falls on his face. Then he is up and running but it's the wrong direction, it's towards the thugs not the victim and he's pretty sure he's some sort of noise but he's not sure what.
The first thug turns, sees him, drops the gun and bolts. The other four share confused looks before bolting too, directly into the wall, where they collapse, unconscious. Izuku stumbles to a shock, trips again and catches himself on his hands. He did not expect that to work at all. He's pretty sure his life passed before his eyes and Jesus he needs to spend less time watching All Might documentaries. There is a rustle on the right and a soft 'what the fuck?' and Izuku snaps his head over, neck cracking. The victim visibly bluescreens. Izuku makes direct eye contact, and then it hits him. He just saved someone. While dressed in a suit. A raccoon suit. What the heck. Relief and adrenaline bubble up in him, and Izuku's shoulders start shaking, trying to keep the laughter in. He fails. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the person back out of the alley, but he is too busy trying to catch his breath. When he finally stops, he realizes that he can hear the distant sound of police sirens. And Izuku has another realization. He really doesn't want to explain this. Ever. To anyone. So he stands up, finds the right alleyway home and starts running.
"Final question," Naomasa says, pad and paper in hand. "Who was it that caught you?"
The criminal changes from quiet to terrified and he abruptly starts blubbering. "I-I dont know man- it came from the dumpster and it was bright pink, oh God why was it pink and it was screeching and running at us and please please please can you put me in jail I don't ever want to see it again. It was big, why was it so big, I'm never going down an alley ever again just take me away please."
Naomasa writes the words down, then slowly blinks and looks back up. "What?"
The criminal leans forward, eyes flicking about nervously "Please get me out of here, I don't want it to come back, last month my brother lost his eye to a territorial raccoon over a piece of chicken and that one was normal sized. You gotta get me out of here before it comes back. I don't wanna be raccoon food man. Please."
Naomasa gestures for the policemen to take him away, bewildered because his quirk listed all of that as true. None of them had been lying. He had thought it a fluke, but no, even the victim had said something about a "deranged pink raccoon that stared into the soul and then started chittering/laughing." How is he going to explain any of this to the police chief? Or file paperwork? Does this count as an animal attack? He genuinely doesn't want to know.
Notes: In this story his laughter is now high pitched and quick, so yes, he did sound similar to a chittering raccoon. And yes, I can't spell Naomasa's last name for the life of me, so he stays Naomasa.
When you were looking for Kiri!Sakura and you find this piece of gold

@the-formerone *whispers* bro- broooo- help me out here- you know this needs to be written
ok so. we all know wave’s arc. well how about this: when gatou shows up, sakura is the one hit by haku’s needles. the boys think she’s dead and because let’s face it naruto wouldn’t have had the same reaction for sakura, they go on to fight and because sasuke is better than sakura, neither haku nor zabuza dies. however when team 7 goes to collect sakura’s body, thinking she’s dead, it’s gone. turns out sakura has a reality check regarding her abilities, her relationship with her teammates and how shitty kakashi is as a teacher. so she stays hidden until they leave in another direction to look for her, then she asks zabuza to take her as an apprentice. for some reason, he does. the guy has a bleeding heart. fast forward a few years, both haku and sakura are kickass, zabuza killed kisame so he got samehada and gave kurukiribouchou to sakura. they all go back to kiri to stage a fucking revolution, and it works. zabuza becomes mizukage, haku is the head of the kiri anbu and sakura joins the seven swordsmen new generationTM. sasuke didn’t betray the village cause naruto and him got their feelings in order soon enough and they became a two-men squad. one day they’re sent to kiri on a mission, and they come accross the seven’s training ground.
suffice to say, they’re shook
(wanna know sakura’s most famous technique? senbon. senbon sent to a very specifc part of the skull, which she spent years getting right, the part that says to the hear yeah dude, you should keep beating. if she misses, which she rarely does, well… she does have a huge dick, sorry, sword, so she deals with it)
also dedicated to @fineillsignup cause she’s what keeps my headcanons going and she’s awesome for that