Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing Her Out Of Hiding.
Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.
Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.
Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.
She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.
Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.
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More Posts from Xxrobotessaxx

Day 17 - Pick an AU - Dying and Getting Over it by @seraphont
J's voice made her jump slightly, before she looked over in the dark to the J she had created after her J vanished. "S-s-sorry Jaybird, I... I'm r-right," the drone with the dark turquoise tangles greeted sadly, but she clearly wasn't alright at all.
The mere suggestion of J even being an inch away from her hair made her flinch, holding her ponytail close like it was a beloved toy that someone wanted to take away from her. "I don't... I don't think that's wise, J..." she advised, looking away in embarrassment, admitting sorrowfully as she trembled having noticed the legs J was using, "I... I'd prefer if you didn't wear your armoured form's legs at home... They remind me of..." she paused, thinking about the big scary J that had hunted her down, ambushed her and broke her shoulder and also stole Tessa's confidence.
Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.
Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.
Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.
She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.
Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.
"I'm... I'm right, Nate, I... I promise..." she stated, clearly not alright, as she set him down, looking away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this..." she stated, looking around the room at the mess of bottles, "And... that you see my room like this.."
Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.
Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.
Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.
She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.
Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.
"N-no, d-don't trust her... please... stay in where it's safe. Please... it's too dangerous... I... I can't even protect you if she were to try to kill you,"
I’m sorry about what happened back there. Now I’ve been . .told I need to be nicer to you. I don’t listen to people of authority but that was a suggestion, and by my freewill I decide I’ll try to bond with you. As long we keep our distance from each other, I don’t expect to instantly warm up to you
Either way, there’s one thing I’m still confused about. Why you called me "big sister" we haven’t met before besides that one encounter.
@copper-9spurgatory (ᓀ ᓀ)
he looks embarrassed "I I thought you were the jay that um stabbed my core with the tail I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" he offers his hand wanting to be sorry
awww, so precious
How many crayons has N gone through this year?
To be honest? Not as many as you’d think! He also uses regular pencils now, says his art skills are expanding! Something about an… an? Anime? Book? I’m not sure, lil guy always has fun with it though!