Tessa Murder Drones - Tumblr Posts
She held Nate's hands and pleaded, the tears returning to her LED eyes, "Just, be more careful.. please, there's only one of you and I can't risk losing my darling little lad." she held him closely. This was tearing Tessa apart inside, she was becoming like her mother, not wanting Nate to go out and go far, but no, she couldn't be like her late mother, Tessa was kind and gentle and caring and understanding. She'd never raise her voice at Nate nor hit him, but... putting him on a shortleash, like how Tessa was locked up... it was eating away at her, but... she had to, he was one of the only things left of her perfect life that fell apart days ago "Promise me that if you do go out, you keep tabs with me alright? Send out a distress signal again, and I'll come find you."
xXRoboTessaXx starter
She found him, his core barely hanging on, his vessel damaged badly. Now, in the back room of her beauty shop, where she had a workshop, she was putting Nate back together. Something was off, she saw using the blackbox of his system that it was J who hurt him, but that didn't look like her J.
She waited for Nate to finish charging his new battery and awaken
nate wakes up fucking screaming and whimpering the poor boy looked around anxious..."w-weres......." Hopefully his conversation hasn't been picked up.... Or it was his cannon
Not fearing now, the Aussie drone girl gently held the Eldritch J's claw and kissed it gently. "I'm here now, Jaybird, I'm right here," her soft voice filled the silence, resting her forehead on the claw. After some time, she looked up, letting out a joyful sigh before trilling contently, "I always feel at home when you're around,"
from xXRoboTessaXx She approached the warehouse, walking with a jug of oil as a present. The partial disassembly drone stepped briskly, she wasn't sure what the situation was going to be in risking herself, but... this was a J, she'd maybe recognize her, somehow... despite being a drone now. She entered the dark room and set down the jug of oil, waiting in the dark for anything, sitting down to let the skirt of her dress flare out around her as she waited silently
Two eye like cameras lowered down to examine the jug of oil before lowering it's claw to pick it up
Scanning complete. Someone left over a sacrifice contained in a jug.

The Companion Drone reassured lovingly, still comforting the monstrous J with gentle pats, "Goodness, no, I could never fear you. And even if I was a little scared, I've seen far scarier things." She reveled in the sound of J purring, feeling even more safe.
"You're still the prettiest drone I've ever known," she admitted, the LED blush markers appearing on her face. "Maybe I could bring more oil tomorrow for you, how do you feel about lavender oil?" she asked before remarking sheepishly, "Not that I have to go any time soon, but whenever you want me to go, just let me know. Whatever you like, Jaybird, your boundaries and wants are important, your feelings matter to me, you're more valuable than..." she paused and thought of a colloquialism that J would normally say, "a 40% pay raise and an extra week of paid vacation time,"
from xXRoboTessaXx She approached the warehouse, walking with a jug of oil as a present. The partial disassembly drone stepped briskly, she wasn't sure what the situation was going to be in risking herself, but... this was a J, she'd maybe recognize her, somehow... despite being a drone now. She entered the dark room and set down the jug of oil, waiting in the dark for anything, sitting down to let the skirt of her dress flare out around her as she waited silently
Two eye like cameras lowered down to examine the jug of oil before lowering it's claw to pick it up
Scanning complete. Someone left over a sacrifice contained in a jug.

She sighed sadly, fidgeting with her hair. "S-she's gone... gone gone... and this is the emergency protocol... since I had already started an emergency J, but only finished her now."
Did you see your Tessa replaced J!? What's your thoughts?
Wait huh?!
She gently parted Nate's wings to try to talk to him. "Dearie, no... just... there was no vessel left, and I wouldn't replace you, I'd do everything in my power to not let that happen, alright?" she insisted caringly, trying to hold his hands. "Tessie's here, Nate, and I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, alright?" she stepped into the fortress of his wings and held him, smoothing his hair gently with one hand, humming the tune of True Blue to try to quell his fears and worries.
Did you see your Tessa replaced J!? What's your thoughts?
Wait huh?!
Murder Drones Drabble - Too Loud TW// Verbal Abuse and Self Harm
TW// beratement, verbal abuse, gaslighting, mild self harm, emotional distress, corporate jobs
Tessa sat at her repair desk in her bedroom, not chained up, but definitely locked in, and she was hungry because she missing out on mid morning smoko. The now 16 year old girl mulled over what had happened earlier.
It was a practice run for when Tessa would start working next year part time. She was sitting at the desk in the small office off of her father's, surrounded by branded pens and stationary. Opening the work e-mails, she noticed one regarding a bigger company hadn't been read yet, and she had been the one who assisted the last time with it. Tessa looked through the database and found the records and certificates needed for the subcontractor of JC Jensen and sent it off attached to a politely worded email that read:
'Dear Avery Johnson of Qlean Flow Solvents,
I hope this email finds you well, please note the documents attached as we had sent them prior. Hope this clears up any discrepancies, Sincerely,
Tessa James Elliott Office Assistant'
She was pleased with her work, noticing her father's voice from the next room over, she paid no mind until her desk phone rang. She didn't understand the need to use a landline sometimes, but, she still answered it. "JC Jensen, Elliott Office, Tessa speaking," she greeted in the corporate tone she had practiced with J for hours on.
The Aussie man on the other end, James Elliott himself, greeted over the phone, "No need to concern the email in regards to the Qlean Flow company, I handled it already with a phone call."
Tessa hesitated at first, but was kind of glad he didn't just walk in to tell her that, because he would've seen the nervousness on her face. "F-Father, I... I may have resent them the documents, but I worded the email politely and-" the ebony haired girl explained until she was interrupted.
"And why would you do that?" James Elliott remarked sharply, the Aussie man sighed in annoyance before Tessa could even talk, "Didn't you see that it was marked read?"
Tessa had opened the email when it was still unread, perhaps even at the same time as her father. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I must have opened it at the same time as you," the Elliott heiress apologized softly.
"What is it with your generation? All of you are daft dingoes. You don't build rapport with customers and business partners by 'emails and texts' you PHONE them."
Tessa tried to get in an apology but got interrupted.
"I mean, how would you feel if one of your drones didn't have the gall to tell you something important and sent you it through a text? Especially if it was something important," James rambled on and on over the phone, "It's like how people get divorces over text because they haven't pulled their head in. How disrespectful is that? And you SAW it was unread, right?" he was now starting to try to gaslight Tessa, not knowing the drone-adoring girl wouldn't be shaken that easily.
"N-no, I-I saw it was unread, I mean it, I'm sorry," she exclaimed in an apologetic tone, not realizing she was talking louder.
James lost his composure, even though this was his daughter, the only heir to his livelihood and someone he cared about when he had time to care or wasn't too busy or forgot, he yelled over the phone, "YOU DROP THAT TONE RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY!"
Tessa dropped the phone, she out of instinct grabbed at her wrist and squeezed hard where it was already bruised. She hated herself so much in that moment, 'maybe the pain would teach her a lesson' she thought to herself as the man who had given her middle name shouted at her.
Tessa pleaded, her voice smaller now, just above a whisper as she picked the receiver up, "I-I promise... I w-w-wasn't yelling, s-sir... I... I was just afraid... I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise."
James responded sternly, but at least he wasn't yelling now, "I think you need to go take smoko in your room, come back when you are better behaved."
And Tessa remembered as soon as she went into her room, the doors had closed behind her and locked, she laughed to herself somberly and looked to the window, seeing the rain outside, she decided she would sneak out to the graveyard. If she wasn't wanted at 'work' then she'd at least go somewhere that she'd be able to forget everything for a while.
She grabbed her sewing scissors, the keys to the mausoleum, and a couple granola bars from the stash J had put under her bed to stuff into her messenger bag, before she unlocked her bedroom window, climbed out, and snuck along the garden's edge until she got below the willow tree. "I may as well make the best of this," she said to herself, heading through the archway to the graveyard.
The End

if you're cold, she's cold, put her in your pocket!
Tessa's chapter 1 design for my fic! I'll make a promotional post for it soon... enjoy this tessa doodle while i prepare <3

Hold on little Tessa, you can keep cozy in my nylon hair. It's nice and warm, keeps the cold of Copper 9 off my shoulders ^u^

if you're cold, she's cold, put her in your pocket!
Tessa's chapter 1 design for my fic! I'll make a promotional post for it soon... enjoy this tessa doodle while i prepare <3
"I'm... I'm right, Nate, I... I promise..." she stated, clearly not alright, as she set him down, looking away in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this..." she stated, looking around the room at the mess of bottles, "And... that you see my room like this.."
Feral J AU - Mutuals Roleplay - Bringing her Out of Hiding.
Tessa sat in her bedroom, she hadn't left in 4 days since the incident with the Feral J, she sat in the dark on her charger bed, with her laptop, bottles of strawberry oil were littered around the room so badly it was starting to smell like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll factory.
Tessa's hair, the glorious length that had been stolen from her, had been replaced with a long and tangled mess, tied up in a high ponytail. Still draped over her shoulders were the tensor bandages, even though the injuries had scarred over. She didn't also either bother wearing a pretty dress and bows, just a plain black cotton dress with a long floor length skirt. She sat looking at cute cat photos, but everytime she'd hear a sound, she would jump a little.
She no longer sang, or laughed, nor was even @sd-lowercase-j able to coax her gently back from this depressive episode.
Tessa had not only lost her anger and fight towards the feral J, but she had somewhat lost herself in the fray.

Cyn on Spray Paint!
(Created with my Roblox account.)
Murder Drones
➤ Worker Drones
↳ Uzi
↳ Thad
↳ Doll
↳ Lizzy
➤ Disassembly Bots
↳ V
↳ N
↳ J
➤ Humans
↳ Tessa
I made this Allen x Tessa “animation” meme of when they were itty bitty teens in love :3

I did the thing (with the template added)
The thing yeah
Characters: Tessa Elliot (Murder Drones), Cyn (Murder Drones), and Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Sandiego 2019)
Carmen’s the only sane one there (ily if you know why Carmen isn’t behind the wheel)
“I am mad_angry expression.”
“Then so be it Cyn.”
“You know_Carmen wouldn’t-“
“Leave the poor woman alone, Cyn!”
“Someone save me.”
I love my oc x canon ship
Tellen 🤯🤯
Also a tiny bit of angst depending on how you view the end (they both know they might die or they are just chilling together happily)

I actually can’t get over the episode.
it hurts :( (I’m making an AU to cope, and that AU is if Tessa wasn’t dead but still suffered the control of the solver)

I literally called her pretty (a post I made) and this is what I see.
Idk why I just kinda gave up on drawing Tellen anymore after episode 7
Cause all the art I see now on the Tessa tags is just…making me feel weird? Idk
Guess episode 7 affected me in a bad way, cause now I’m just confused on what to do with this new info anymore (probably cause I’m softhearted and there’s only an amount of angst I can handle)
I just don’t feel energized about my oc x canon hyperfixation, but I won’t let that stop me from making an au :3 ABOUT MY SILLIES EVER (+ future fan children)

I posted this on TT but uhhhh here ya go :3
I made a Tessa paper craft and did silly things with her
(like kinda made her kiss Allen, my oc :3)