yakuly - Yakully

Ansiosa | 23 y | Caprica

718 posts

Yakuly - Yakully

⍉ 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 ⍉

Uh uh...

❤️ Chapter: Uh uh

❤️ Words: 1.417

❤️ Warnings: deadly fall, death, injustice, profanity, blood

❤️ A/n: Hi! Just want to say two things real quick: I didn't had time to see if there's mistakes at the writing, so it probably have a lot, please try to ignore; and I do not speak Mandarin/Chinese, so I also don't know if these words are correct. Please let me know if not so I can correct. Have a nice reading!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

It's all a big mistake! You can't imagine what they did with two innocent lives. I lost the great love of my life, and the blame still fell on me, as if it were some kind of 傻屄¹ (shǎ bī)!

Liu Yan was the love of my life! We met when we were still kids in Taoyuan County, everyone always said that we were destined to be together. Our families have always been best friends, which means there hasn't been a day in my life when Yan hasn't been there. We knew we had no choice but to like each other, so despite being slightly forced, our friendship has been sincere since the 1st.

We went to school together, we had the same cycle of friendships, and we always told each other everything, but none of that sparked the love between us. Well, my love for him, as I found out years later, was that Liu had always loved me, but I was the blind one.

After a 6-month trip, I realized that he is missing in my life when he is not there. The days seemed endless, and the time zone he was in made our almost endless communication difficult. And I confess that despite being practically dying of homesickness, I only realized my feelings for the brunette when one of our friends wondered if he would find love in the country where he was.

The thought of seeing Liu Yan, my Liu Yan with someone else, doing everything we've always done, not being by my side all the time, without your displays of affection, without your lame jokes…

In the end, we got married, and for our honeymoon, Yan wanted to bring me to the United States, where he had been visiting for six months. And even with my language barrier, I believed in her local language skills and her knowledge of Chicago. If I could, I would never have come.

uh uh!

We had a perfect schedule of what we were going to do that day. Everything perfect. But as we walked across a bridge, Liu noticed that the lake was completely frozen over, which would be an excellent opportunity for us to go skating.

"But we're out of skates" I tried to be rational, but he opened his excited smile, held my face with both hands, and assured me, looking into my eyes "Nothing bad will happen while I'm here, 我的宝贝²! (Wǒ from bǎobèi)"

uh uh...

Liu then took my hand and led us to that side. I was still very uncertain about the idea, so I took uncertain steps to the edge of the site. I stood there as I watched Yan glide carelessly across the crust of ice.

"Yan, I don't think this is a good idea…let's go, please!" I ask without any courage to step on the ice and try to convince him to get out of there. The shiver that crept up the back of my neck was not from the cold. "宝贝³(bǎobèi)! Nothing will happen! Look at me!" and I looked. But I wished I hadn't.

Uh Uh...

Liu Yan to demonstrate that the ice was firm, took a very strong impulse to jump and roll in the air. That's when I saw, in the most torturous slow motion of my life, he lose his balance and fall backward, hitting his head on the ice.

I then freeze for like five seconds, which felt like an eternity. Immediately the blood that came out of his head, began to spread across that wet surface, creating bloodlines on the ice.


When I look around, I don't see anyone who can help us. Everyone who passed through the bridge was no longer there. There was nobody. I was completely alone, with Liu Yan's body unconscious and losing blood very fast. I had no choice anymore, I was being forced to step on the ice, to reach out to him to help him. But I was stopped.

Uh Uh...

I felt them before I heard or saw them. Two pairs of very strong arms held me firmly in place as I finally made my way to him. They were men and they were holding me and rocking me hard while they were yelling at me, but I didn't understand what they were talking about. I pointed at Liu, trying to make them understand that I should help us, but everything I said only made them squeeze me tighter. I look once more and see other men pulling Liu off the ice, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

My face quickly fills with tears, I thought we would get help, I thought they would take him to the hospital, that they would help us, but my beliefs were quickly proven wrong.

Uh Uh!

"You killed him!" One of the men who held me, squeezed me more, when I tried to reach my husband, I screamed in pain, but he didn't care at all. Another man shouted the same thing at me, but I couldn't make it out right away. I blink then try to clear my mind, and face from the tears.

I need to say I didn't do anything, I need to say it was an accident!

"不! A-a-accident!" I say, pointing to the ice and then to the body full of people wrapped around it. My Liu Yan. I try one more time to get to him, but the men keep squeezing me tighter and tighter, still yelling. They didn't understand me and it started to annoy me. I just wanted to reach Liu, I just wanted to hug him…

"Accident! Accident 二百五! Accident!"

I start pushing and scratching them to let me get to my husband, but that seems to make them even angrier. Liu Yan. I just wanted to get to him, I just wanted to hug him, and remind him that he had to be okay, as he promised me. Prometheus!

Many people started to approach me, I started asking for help, desperately. I just wanted to get to my husband, that's all. I didn't do anything, nothing! They couldn't deny me coming close to his!

Uh Uh...

Even with me shouting profanities to the winds, begging them to help me, nothing made them understand me. All they did was yell at me, shake me, squeeze me, and take me away from him. I was getting exhausted, but I relaxed more when I heard sirens, and even more so when I saw the authorities arriving.

Once again I tried to reach Liu Yan who was still on the ground, but I was stopped. I was forced to watch from a distance, the rescuers reach him, try to revive him, and then cover him with an aluminum blanket. not.

I then grabbed by the police, who continued to shake me, I believe they were asking a question, but I didn't understand them, I couldn't understand what they were saying. I could only see them take the lifeless body of my love.

I was then taken to a police station where I was asked thousands of questions. I only managed to understand when they asked my name and age, and I think they understood me because the frowning man wrote something down when I answered. He asked more questions and repeated them, but my answer didn't seem to be enough. "Accident" and "Innocent" was all I could manage to reply, pissing him off more and more.

I didn't do anything, Liu Yan fell through the ice, and if they had tried to understand me and not condemn me, maybe he would still be alive. Now I would have to live and die with a sentence that didn't fit me. I will have to die, without Liu Yan growing old with me, without being able to give him the family we wanted so much, and without our last moments together.

Uh Uh…


傻屄¹ (shǎ bī): From my research, in addition to meaning "stupid female reproductive system", it is one of the most used swear words in China, and can mean "stupid cow"

我的宝贝² (Wǒ de bǎobèi): ​​In Chinese, it is translated as "my dear" or "my dear".

宝贝³ (bǎobèi): ​​Can be translated to, "darling" or "baby" in a romantic way

不 (Bù): means "no"

二百五 (Èrbǎiwǔ): its literal translation is "250", but it is understood as "foolish people"

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More Posts from Yakuly

2 years ago

“I Can’t Stop Me”. |P.JM|

I Cant Stop Me. |P.JM|

⸾ ⸽ Park Jimin (NonɪᴅᴏʟBoyfriend!Jimin x ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 471 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: Jimin it's a little shit, but it can be a little suggestive at the end, so b careful :) ⸽ ⸾

(A/N: Hi everyone! I was thinking about making this a little series based on some tiktok cute challenges, but not too much shore if its worth it, so here we are, hope you enjoy! :D

That Park Jimin has a playful soul everyone knows, and it could never be said otherwise. Whenever possible, the guy makes jokes with everyone around him (of course, as long as everyone is comfortable with it), but even if you understand and know this, nothing stops you from getting frustrated with some jokes. But everyone also knows that you always forgive him easily, but his condition is always the same: shower of kisses and hugs, and he of course never complains. 

But for some reason, you didn't notice that your boyfriend was more agitated than usual, and he also didn't notice your lack of attention to it, and even then he decided to test a prank on you that your maknae, Jungkook, once told: Cleaning your kiss. 

   And so are the two. Sitting together, under the same blanket, watching any Marvel movie, you are completely allegiance to the plans of your boyfriend, who is already smiling, imagining the perfect moment to put his plan into practice. 

And when that moment finally arrived, his lips pressed against the brunette's soft ones, who didn't even wait five seconds to clean his kiss, pretending to be absorbed in the movie. You stare at him in disbelief, trying one more time, but Park repeats the action with as much steel as he can muster. You try a few more times, but your boyfriend always cleanses your kiss. 

  “Ya! What's it?" your tone of voice was clear enough to show how confused you were by what happened. Her boyfriend, still trying to keep himself in the game, shrugs as if it's no big deal. 

  When he decided to play the prank, Park Jimin imagined a wide range of reactions from him, but none of them was the way he reacted. Throwing one leg across Jimin's body, trapping him between yours, you sat on the boy's lap, leaving him visibly shocked, eyes widening. You pull him by the back of his neck, pressing your lips to his once more, moving them slowly. Automatically Jimin takes his hands to her waist, holding her tight, making her move under his lap. The kiss quickly turned into something sensual and slow, causing the temper of both bodies (especially the brunette) to rise. 

   "Don't you ever dare wipe a kiss from me again!" You say, looking deeply into the boy's eyes. Jimin's pupils were dilated, and his mouth was searching for yours as it pulled away, but it was still close to his face. Park is soon stunned when you get off his lap, reaching for the controller and picking up the movie where you left off. With a grunt, your boyfriend scares you, pulling you once more into his lap, as before, repeating the kiss. And then it is he who warns her, "Don't you ever tease me like that again."

I Cant Stop Me. |P.JM|

[Materlist] ° [Bts Masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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2 years ago

⍉ 𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒫𝒶𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 ⍉

Uh uh...

❤️ Capítulo: Squish...

❤️ ShuhuaxMaleReader

❤️ Palavras: 1.322

❤️ Avisos: Acidente mortal, morte, sangue, machucado, descontrole, injustiça (por que é né),

Não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, não, NÃO!

É tudo um grande engano! Vocês não conseguem imaginar o que fizeram, com duas vidas inocentes. Perdi o grande amor da minha vida, e a culpa ainda caiu sobre mim, como se fosse algum tipo de 傻屄¹ (shǎ bī)! 

   Liu Yan era o amor da minha vida! Nós nos conhecemos quando ainda éramos crianças, na província de Taoyuan County, todos sempre diziam que nós estávamos destinados a ficar juntos. Nossas famílias sempre foram melhores amigas, o que significa que não há um dia na minha vida em que Yan não estivesse presente. Nós sabíamos que não tinha outra opção além de gostar um do outro, então apesar de levemente forçada, nossa amizade foi sincera desde o dia 01.

  Íamos para a escola juntos, tínhamos o mesmo ciclo de amizades, e sempre contávamos tudo um para o outro, mas nada disso tinha despertado o  amor entre nós. Bem, meu amor por ele, pois descobri anos depois, que Liu sempre me amou, mas eu era a cega. 

 Após uma viagem de 6 meses que fez, percebi  falta que ele faz na minha vida quando ele não está. Os dias pareciam intermináveis, e o fuso horário em que ele estava, dificultou nossa comunicação quase interminável. E confesso que apesar de estar praticamente morrendo de saudades, apenas percebi meus sentimentos pelo moreno quando uma de nossas amigas se indagou se ele acharia seu amor no país em que estava. 

  O pensamento de ver Liu Yan, meu Liu Yan com outra pessoa, fazendo tudo o que sempre fizemos, não estando ao meu lado sempre, sem suas demonstrações de carinho, sem suas piadas sem graça...

 No final, nos casamos, e como lua de mel, Yan quis me trazer para os Estados Unidos, lugar para onde ele tinha visitado por seis meses. E mesmo com a minha barreira linguística, acreditei em suas habilidades no idioma local, e no seu conhecimento sobre Chicago. Se pudesse, nunca teria vindo.

 uh uh!

  Nós tínhamos um cronograma perfeito, com o que faríamos naquele dia. Tudo perfeito. Mas enquanto andávamos por uma ponte, Liu percebeu que aquele lago estava completamente congelado, o que seria uma oportunidade excelente para patinarmos.

 "Mas estamos sem patins" tentei ser racional, mas ele abriu seu sorriso animado, segurou meu rosto com ambas as mãos e me garantiu, olhando em meus olhos "Nada de ruim vai acontecer enquanto eu estiver aqui, 我的宝贝²! (Wǒ de bǎobèi)"

 uh uh!

Liu então pegou minha mão e nos conduziu até o tal lado. Eu ainda estava muito incerta sobre a ideia, então fui a passos incertos até a beira do local. Fiquei ali parada enquanto via Yan deslizar despreocupado pela crosta de gelo. 

 "Yan, eu não acho que seja uma boa ideia...vamos embora, por favor!" peço sem coragem nenhuma de pisar no gelo, e tentando o convencer de sair dali. O arrepio que me subiu pela nuca, definitivamente não era do frio. "宝贝³(bǎobèi)! Nada vai acontecer! Olha pra mim!"   e eu olhei. Mas desejei não ter visto. 

Uh Uh!

 Liu Yan para demonstrar que o gelo estava firme, tomou um impulso muito forte para pular e rodar no ar. Foi quando vi, na câmera lenta mais torturante da minha vida, ele se desequilibrar e cair de costas, batendo sua cabeça no gelo. 

 Eu então congelo por uns cinco segundos, que pareceram uma eternidade. Imediatamente o sangue que saia de sua cabeça, começou a se espalhar por toda aquela superfície molhada, criando linhas de sangue no gelo. 


Quando olho em volta, não vejo ninguém que possa nos ajudar. Todos que passavam pela ponte, não estavam mais lá. Não tinha ninguém. Eu estava completamente sozinha, com o corpo de Liu Yan inconsciente e perdendo sangue muito rápido. Eu não tinha mais escolha, estava sendo obrigada a pisar no gelo, a chegar até ele para o ajudar. Mas fui impedida. 

 Uh Uh!

 Eu os senti antes de os ouvir ou ver. Dois pares de braços muito fortes me seguraram firme em meu lugar quando finalmente ia até ele. Eram homens e me seguravam e balançavam muito forte, enquanto gritavam comigo, mas eu não entendia o que eles estavam falando. Apontei para Liu, tentando os fazer entender que deveria nos ajudar, mas tudo o que eu falava só fazia com que eles me apertassem mais forte. Olho mais uma vez, e vejo outros homens tirando Liu do gelo, e respiro aliviada. 

 Meu rosto se enche de lágrimas rapidamente, pensei que teríamos ajuda, pensei que eles o levariam para o hospital, que nos ajudariam, mas minhas crenças foram rapidamente provadas erradas. 

Uh Uh!

 "Você o matou!" Um dos homens que me segurava, me apertou mais, quando tentei chegar no meu marido, gritei de dor, mas ele não se importou nenhum pouco. Mais um homem gritou a mesma coisa para mim, mas não consegui compreender logo. Pisco então tentando clarear minha mente, e rosto das lágrimas. 

  Preciso dizer que não fiz nada, preciso dizer que foi um acidente!

 "不! A-a-acidente!" Digo, apontando para o gelo e depois para o corpo repleto de pessoas envoltas. Meu Liu Yan. Tento mais uma vez chegar até ele, mas os homens continuavam a me apertar cada vez mais, ainda gritando. Eles não me entendiam e isso passou a me irritar. Eu só queria chegar até Liu, só queria o abraçar...

 "Acidente! Acidente 二百五! Acidente!" 

 Começo os empurrar e arranhar para que me deixem chegar até meu marido, mas isso parece os deixar ainda mais raivosos. Liu Yan. Eu só queria chegar até ele, só queria o abraçar, e o relembrar que ele tinha que ficar bem, ele me prometeu. Prometeu!  

 Muitas pessoas começaram a se aproximar, comecei a pedir ajuda, desesperadamente. Eu só queria chegar até meu marido, era só isso. Eu não fiz nada, nada! Não podiam me negar chega perto do dele! 

Uh Uh!

 Mesmo comigo gritando profanidades aos ventos,  implorando pra me ajudarem, nada os faziam me entender. Tudo o que eles faziam era gritar comigo, me balançar, me apertar e me levar pra longe dele. Eu estava ficando exausta, mas relaxei mais quando ouvi sirenes, e mais ainda, quando vi as autoridades chegando. 

 Mais uma vez tentei chegar até Liu Yan que ainda estava no chão, mas fui impedida. Fui obrigada a ver de longe, os socorristas chegarem até ele, tentar o reviver, e logo então o cobrir com um cobertor de alumínio. não. 

Sou então agarrada por policiais, que continuavam a me balançar, acredito que eles estavam fazendo alguma pergunta, mas eu não os entendia, não conseguia compreender o que falavam. Só conseguia ver eles levarem o corpo sem vida do meu amor. 

 Fui então levada para uma delegacia, onde me fizeram milhares de perguntas. Só consegui entender quando perguntaram meu nome e idade, e acho que me entenderam, pois o homem carrancudo, anotou alguma coisa quando respondi. Ele fez mais perguntas, e as repetiu, mas minha resposta parecia não ser suficiente. "Acidente" e "Inocente" era tudo o que eu conseguia responder, o irritando cada vez mais. 

 Eu não fiz nada, Liu Yan caiu no gelo, e se tivessem tentado me entender e não me condenar, talvez ele ainda estivesse vivo. Agora eu teria que viver e morrer com uma sentença que não me cabia. Terei que morrer, sem Liu Yan envelhecendo comigo, sem poder o dar a família que tanto queríamos, sem nossos últimos momentos juntos. 

Uh Uh...


傻屄¹ (shǎ bī): Pelas minhas pesquisas além de significar "estúpido sistema de reprodução feminino", é um dos palavrões mais usados na China, e pode significar "vaca estúpida" 

我的宝贝² (Wǒ de bǎobèi): Em Chinês, é traduzido por "meu querido" ou "minha querida". 

宝贝³ (bǎobèi): Pode ser traduzido para, "querida(o)" ou "bebê" de modo romãntico

不 (Bù): significa "não"

二百五 (Èrbǎiwǔ): sua tradução literal é "250", mas é entendido como "pessoas tolas"

Tags :
2 years ago

Brasil tá jogando contra a Croácia, mas esse homem ainda tá na minha cabeça 😵‍💫

i looove sports ball !!

Tags :
2 years ago

This is sooooo goood! I think I'm in love

Lay Zhang: “A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste.” // “Just one night.”

Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.

You’re walking briskly down a long, elegant hallway, your heels muffled against the clean, dark carpet beneath you. You angrily pull out your phone while turning towards the elevator area from which you had come up.

“We’re breaking up, jerk.”

You hit send, and put your phone away.

Once you approach the elevators, you start hitting against them repeatedly. Open up fast, you stupid little shit! You can feel the first couple tears run down your cheeks, but you try to ignore them.

After a couple minutes, the doors finally open. You’re covering your eyes, and walk inside, pressing the button for the lobby.

“Excuse me,” a voice echoes through the elevator. “Are you okay?”

You weren’t expecting anyone inside, so you were startled to realize that there was actually a person with you. I must’ve missed his presence, you think.

You smile regardless. “Yes, I believe I’m okay,” you say. The elevator doors close. Suddenly, not a couple seconds go by before the doors open again, and your (now ex) boyfriend is standing there wearing only his bathrobe. His arms extend on the sides of the elevator, preventing the doors from closing.

“I’m so sorry, it’s not what it seems! She’s a co-worker, we were working and I just… we started drinking, you know?” Your ex-boyfriend pleads for you, but you’re crying harder now.

“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!!” You shout, slamming on the buttons to close now. “Get out and let me go! Or I’ll call security!” You quickly dial 911, and show him your phone, extending your hand out towards him. He obeys, and steps back, shouting back at you to ‘please understand,’ until the doors finally close.

You try to control your sobs, and remember that there’s still that guy who was in the elevator with you! How embarrassing, you think. You turn towards him and start apologizing immediately.

“I’m so sorry, I-I wanted to come home to my boyfriend early so I called off work today, but I caught him w-with another wo-woman,—” you break down into terrible sobs, covering your face in complete embarrassment and disappointment.

Suddenly, the guy in the elevator hugs you calmly, and the elevator doors open again. “Let’s step out for a second, okay?” He whispers, and you step off awkwardly whilst another couple walks into the elevator behind you.

You’re now in the elevator waiting area, on the floor number who-knows-what, and you take a seat with the anonymous boy. “Do you feel like talking about it?” He wipes several tears off you, completely welcoming his aura into yours.

“I’m so sorry, this is so embarrassing.” You say, giving him your best smile despite your mess of makeup.

“You’re okay. Hey, life happens. You don’t deserve someone who doesn’t put you first, regardless of their status or title.”

You looked up through a mess of tears and smiled.

“Thank you,” you whisper. He gives you his best dimples. You can’t help but think about how stupid it was to come up to your boyfriend’s place, dressed to the nines, hoping you’d be in for a great night of surprises.

But now you’re sitting with a stranger, crying to him about your newly found issues, and feel worse because you’re probably holding this boy back from wherever he was originally headed to.

Nevertheless, you decide to apologize and prepare to head out again. “I guess I should’ve seen it coming,” you confide in him. “Ever since his business blew up over the summer, it’s as if I’ve been dating a completely different person. He’s cockier now, even moved into this luxury apartment, and now I’m being cheated on.” You sighed and looked around this new hallway of the luxurious apartment complex, wishing the people within it were also a charm that could be just as appreciated inside and out.

“You call his apartment a luxury?” The guy smirked, looking around.

“Oh, well I think it is. It’s one of the best in the country. I assume you also live here, no?”

He laughs softly. “I suppose I do? But now I hate that I have an asshole neighbor, it seems.”

You both share a laugh, and he extends his hand out to you.

“My name is Lay Zhang, a pleasure to meet you,” he smiles.

You shake his hand with both your hands, and introduce yourself.

“I’m sorry we have to meet this way,” you laugh. “But, I do appreciate you taking the time to comfort me. I’m in for a long night,” you pout, and feel your phone vibrating relentlessly in your pocket.

You pull it out and you both look down, only to see that you now have 26 missed calls. You unlock the phone and go to his messages, finding countless text messages waiting for you as well.

“Do me a favor before you go,” says Lay, reaching his hand towards your phone. He takes it in his hand and blocks your ex boyfriend altogether, then returns it to you. “Don’t undo that.”

You look up in shock, not knowing what to say. “What if he reaches out on my socials—”

“You’re gonna repeat what I just did anywhere that he does, okay?”

You nod, and decide to put your phone back in your pocket.

“I apologize for keeping you from any plans you intended right now, Lay,” you start standing up from your seat and wipe your coat off.

“No, no. I was actually returning from work, anyway. I was going up the elevator, remember?”

“Ah, I see. I apologize for stealing time out of your evening, then.”

He cocks his head to the side. “You’re okay. I didn’t have much going on tonight, anyway. But…”

You look up, your gaze meeting his. “But?”

He shrugs. “I have to say, before you head out. You look beautiful tonight. Even with your crying, your ex missed out on so much.” He gives you his dimples again, and this time you can’t help but blush.

“Thank you, I hope to let him know that when he decides to crawl back,” you smirk.

“You don’t live here though, do you? I mean, with him?” He asks.

You sigh, remembering that you do live together.

“I’ll find a hotel room to stay at tonight, and come pick up my things from his place tomorrow with a couple friends. I guess I’ll head home to rest,” you look down, slightly upset that you spent a good dollar for the beautiful royal-purple dress you had on for him. You meant for the night to be a special one, considering it was, in fact, his birthday.

Lay lifts your chin with his finger, fixing your eyes onto his. “Well. A pretty thing like you shouldn’t have a beautiful night go to waste, then. What if I invited you to my place upstairs for dinner instead?”

Your eyes widened. “No, no, I don’t mean to bother you tonight. That would be a hassle for you—”

“Trust me when I say, my place will make him jealous.” He smirks, removing his finger from your face.

You blush, contemplating carefully on the offer. “A few pictures would make him mad,” you insist. “…of me eating at a beautiful apartment with a handsome guy like you.”

You both make way for the elevator, and you turn towards the buttons. “What floor are you?”

He laughs and takes a card, swiping it over a small scanner over the buttons. The elevator beeps, and you watch as the floors rise slowly, then quickly, one by one each floor is ascending more and more.

Then, the elevator stops.

You’re at the top floor, and the doors open only to find yourself within a massive, gorgeous penthouse.

“Wh-what is this? Do you live here?” You awe in amazement at the expensive decor and architecture surrounding you.

“I’m a man of many hats,” he says, placing his coat on a nearby hanger. “May I?” He reaches over to remove your own coat, and places it under his.

“This place is… is… it’s beautiful!”

“I’m glad you think that,” he walks over to remove his shoes, and invites you to do the same. You do so as well, and he allows you to wear his house slippers for comfort.

“I’ll have something nice catered for us tonight from one of my favorite restaurants around the area, and while we wait for it to get here, we can go around taking all the pictures you want to get back at your ex,” he says. You agree willfully, and watch in excitement as he places a call for your dinner.

Moments later, you find yourself posing at different places of his apartment and balcony, making sure to have grabbed your heels and only worn them over and over for the pictures themselves. He would laugh every time, making sure to take the best angles of you in your gorgeous well-fitted dress.

A few times, you’d even catch him staring too long at either you or the pictures he’d taken of you.

“What if,” you start suggesting, “you appeared in some of my pictures, too?”

“Oh, no, I don’t think I can do that.” He says this sternly, and starts to return your phone.

“That’s okay,” you sound defeated.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s more of a… if we did, you can’t show them. To anyone. Or anywhere.”

“Why’s that?” Your question is then interrupted by room service, and you figure your dinner is here.

You are having wonderful conversation over the delicious food Lay’s ordered, when he offers to pour more wine for you. You agree, and soon you both start becoming a little too tipsy.

“Tell me,” you say over your glass. “Why’d you freak out earlier over taking a picture?”

He frowned, taking a sip of his own wine. “Nah, it’s not that I freaked out. But I’d probably get in trouble.”

You take another sip. “What are you, some cartel guy?”

He lets out a loud laugh, but shakes his head. “Nah, nothing like that.”

“You’re a fashion designer,” you say. “You mentioned earlier that you wear ‘many hats,’ right?”

“That’s a metaphor to say I am a lot of things.”

“Ooh, fancy boy,” you say, taking a last sip before you decide you’ve had enough wine. “What do you do?”

“Singer,” he smiles. “I dance and act, too. Producer, songwriter. Businessman. And other things.”

Your eyes widened. “Hold up, what the hell!? WHO am I in the presence of!?” You suddenly feel yourself sobering up.

Lay laughs. “Lay Zhang, sweetheart.”

You marvel at the way his own name leaves his mouth, almost as if he knows the power it holds in itself once revealed.

“My ex could never!” You look at him for a second, then deciding, “What if you’re in my pictures, but not your face?”

He contemplates this question, looking up at the ceiling before shrugging in agreement. “We could try that,” he says.

The two of you lazily start taking pictures of your hands holding, your head leaning against his shoulder, and him hugging you from behind. Then, he takes your phone, and snaps a picture of himself kissing your cheek.

“Crop that as much as you can,” he whispers, and you can feel the scent of wine hit your nose. His eyes are begging for something, completely entrancing you with his stare, but you don’t know how to read them. He’s a gentleman, but there’s something else. A hunger of some sort, deep within his gaze. You look alway, completely intimidated and unable to keep up with him.

“Okay,” you agree, but you’re no longer interested in pictures. Before you can say anything more, a yawn escapes your mouth.

“Someone’s tired,” Lay whispers.

“I’ll call an Uber,” you begin. “Thank you for letting—”

“Nah, you’re not calling no Uber. Stay with me,” he whines. “Just one night.”

You sleepily look up at him and agree.

“I’ll give you some of my clothes.”

Moments later, you’re in Lay’s bathroom, wearing one of his shirts and boxers. What am I doing?

“Do you have a guest room?” You call out, looking around for him. But he’s nowhere in sight. You decide to wander around the penthouse for a bit, until you finally find him in in the living room, sitting next to one of the large floor-to-ceiling window panes. You approach him, sitting quietly next to him.

“Lay?” You whisper, and he turns to you.

“Hey,” he answers steadily.

“Do you have a guest room?” You ask, but barely catch sight of him in the dark.

“Yeah,” he answers. “But won’t you feel lonely?”

You shake your head. “Lay, it’s one night. I’ll be fine.”

He shakes his head, and turns his attention back to the city before you both.

Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.
Lay Zhang: A Pretty Thing Like You Shouldnt Have A Beautiful Night Go To Waste. // Just One Night.

“Do you…” you start again, carefully choosing your words. “Do you ever feel lonely up here?”

There is a long moment of silence before he finally speaks up again.

“Sometimes I do,” he whispers. “No point in having a place as great as this if I’m spending it alone.”

Silence fills the air, the distant sounds of the night life outside humming in the background.

“However,” he looks towards your silhouette in the dark. “Having you here for an evening has helped with that, even if I only just met you. You’ve been a breath of fresh air.”

You smile, though he probably can’t see in the dark. “You’ve been just as helpful to me, too.” You stand up, and stretch your arms at him. “Let’s go to sleep.”

He takes your hands, and you heave him up. “You’ll sleep with me!?” He says out in the dark excitedly.

“No, that’s not what I—”

“Oh, oh I’m sorry,” he takes back his hands from yours and rubs the back of his neck. “You, uh, have a goodnight. The guest room is here, down the hallway and to the left. Let me know when you’re awake in the morning.”

He begins to slowly walk back up the stairs, and you feel a tinge of regret.

“Yixing,” you call out. He stops before going up the stairs, and turns his attention to you.

“How do you know my name?”

“I looked it up, Yixing,” you roll your eyes, but he can’t see that. “You’re Lay Zhang, after all. You’re all over the internet.”

He giggles. “I like that, call me that more.”

As he turns to leave, you hear yourself call back, “Stay with me!”

This shocks you both, and you place a hand over your mouth.

“Are you being serious?” He asks, approaching you slowly now. His silhouette is now directly in front of you in the dark, and you can barely make out his calming eyes under the moonlight. “I’m sorry I requested it earlier, but I don’t want to force you to feel like you have to—”

Immediately, the urge and action overcomes you, and you wrap your arms around his neck, embracing him in a soft, long kiss.

What am I doing!?

Lay doesn’t flinch, doesn’t retrieve himself, doesn’t question it. He just slowly places his hands on your waist, bringing you closer to him.

After the tender moment, you pull back, and whisper to him, “I enjoy you, Yixing.”

He smiles, pulling you in for another kiss, whispering “I enjoy you, too,” in between breaths.

Say you’ll stay with me, Lay thinks to himself, so that I won’t spend anymore lonely nights up here.

Let me stay with you, you think to yourself, so that you and I can keep each other’s company.

And in that moment, he excitedly invites you upstairs to his room to finish your intimacy under his soft, warm mess of pillows, covers, and comforters.

The penthouse tonight is now not so empty, after all.

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2 years ago

Now playing: I like me better by: Lauv

0:24 ━━●──────────── 1:36


 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Bang Chan

↬ A calm boyfriend;

↬ Couple coffee aesthetic;

↬ Live from meetings in cafeterias;

↬ He Try not to act like your father, but sometimes the concerns speak louder;

↬ Loves to cook for you;

↬ Loves, and constantly writes songs about you and your relationship;

↬ Lives to call you by cute names like "babygirl" (secretly learns some in Portuguese, and surprises you when you use them);

↬ Buys a lot for you (even if you complain a little);

↬ Whenever you smile, you can't stand it and touch his dimples (which makes him smile even more);

↬ When you're distracted, he just fills you with kisses;

↬ But love even more when they cook together;

↬ His days off are the best;

↬ Why are these days that you only relax together (Probably at your home);

↬ You have the best hug, and every time you say that, you just need to kill the boy in shame;

↬ Sometimes all he wants to do is vegetate with you in bed (and of course you accept);

↬ Sometimes they talk in whispers before going to sleep;

↬ They may be talking about something banal in their daily lives, or they may begin to share their opinions about very serious things, but without leaving the climate heavy;

↬ And he loves how it makes his relationship more real;

↬ It is still somewhat closed about some things in relation to the group;

↬ But you know him too well and you know when something is wrong;

↬ And then "Super Girlfriend" goes into action;

↬ You pamper him non-stop, and assure him that you love and support him regardless of everything;

↬ And then he realizes what he is doing, and ends up opening up to you;

↬ Who listens to you with all the attention of the world, and can even give advice, or else just makes you laugh;

↬ And he is very grateful for that;

↬ They've already told their families about the relationship, but they still haven't managed to get to know each other because they are planning a big barbecue with everyone;

↬ He hasn't told the fans yet, but everyone is suspicious because we can see well, Christopher Bang is a very passionate man and does not know how to disguise.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Lee Know

↬ It is very energetic;

↬ Loves to make you tickle, because he loves your laugh even more;

↬ But sometimes he calms down;

↬Horrible cheesy pickup lines all day;

↬ It's always glued to you;

↬ Doesn't care about showing affection in public - he even likes it;

↬ Fell in love even more, when he saw that you got along very well with your kittens;

↬ You guys adopted a kitten who stays in your apartment. And her name is Lee Seunome + Know;

↬ Try to cook, but you end up taking control of it all;

↬ Kisses you all the time, no matter who is around, or if you gonna' get shy (he may do it mainly because of that);

↬ Dates outdoors. Han River, parks, beach, or anywhere you can sit, watch the sunset, and drink soju together;

↬ Make out sessions after rehearsals, while the TV is on with anything;

↬ Skincare days are a must, where he 'forces' you to talk about everything;

↬ Loves to dance, and loves to dance even more with you;

↬ He looks a little silly ... and it really is;

↬ Talk a lot to the boys about you (and sometimes ask for some advice);

↬ He haven't introduced you to the family, nor to the fans, but you know it's inevitable.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Seo Changbin

↬ He looks serious, but in fact it is truly Soft;

↬ Makes aegyo 24/7;

↬ He's a fool for you (which is not far behind);

↬ Always taking you to the studio;

↬ You are always the first to listen to his music and raps, and he prioritizes your opinion a lot;

↬ Sometimes he doesn't know how to explain what he feels, so he asks the boys for advice, or else he ends up writing some music about it;

↬ drags you to the mall, and makes you buy a lot of things;

↬ He doesn't like to see you sad, so he makes a fool of himself to make you smile;

↬ When you both are tired, all you guys do, is lie down together, cuddling into each other;

↬ You guys sleep in a shell, he being the biggest part;

↬ You have already told your family about it, and everyone is eager to meet you;

↬Your closest cousin already met him by accident, when you were talking by video call and he thought he was watching some video on YouTube, he spoke to you in his sweet tone

"Baby, am I going to order our favorite food, okay?"

"Is this your boyfriend ?? !! You are so cute!"

↬ He has already told his father about the relationship, but he is afraid of his mother's reaction;

↬ But you know that at one time or another, you will get to know each other.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Hwang Hyunjin

↬ One of the most loving people in the world;

↬ Can’t see you standing, expect hugs from him;

↬ Sometimes he makes some lame excuses so he's able to hug you;

↬ It's not just about hugging, but also any kind of physical contact;

↬ He forces you to take photos.

↬ Sometimes you do a conceptual photo shoot, sometimes they are "normal" photos and the most common are those in which you are distracted;

↬ But don't get him wrong, he's a caring fluffy love caring ball in the morning and is all pouting when you are the one who insists on taking pictures of it.

↬ Movie sections are a must for both of you;

↬ You usually sleep in the second movie, but he doesn't care because he's able hold you all night;

↬ Loves to play with your hair, and loves when you play with his ;.

↬ Can’t see you lying down. He will jump on on top of you;

↬ Your compliments make you ashamed, but proud of himself;

↬ Buy you little things and always give you a glass of your favorite drink, one of your favorite flowers and a note.

↬ drags you to dance rehearsals, and lives to teach you all the possible choreographies;

↬ Loves how well you and the boys get along, especially when she sees you taking care of the makne;

↬ He often asks for your opinion on his rap, on the choreographies and mainly on concept photos;

↬ Try to make you jealous, and on the rare occasions when they manage to hug you, ensuring that you are the only one for him.

↬ Lives on "family" meetings with you and your dogs;

↬ Always trying to take you to meet his family, but you are really resistant to the idea;

↬ Say I love you all the time;

↬ Sends you random and cute messages, and always accompanied by the famous "I love you".

↬ He wants thay both families to get to know each other;

↬ He plans a meal with dishes both Korean and from your country;

↬ Slightly terrified of the idea of ​​meeting your father.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Han Jisung

↬ Your best friend, before being your boyfriend;

↬ You are his priority;

↬ He is naturally funny, but he's also funny on purpose to hear your laugh;

↬Created a language of yours;

↬ Both of you live to irritate his hyungs (mainly Lee Know);

↬ Buy rings similar to his, to give you;

↬ Always send you music suggestions, and love it when you do the same;

↬ They have a playlist and listen together whenever they can;

↬ Hand in hand all the time;

↬ Likes it when you try to sing your raps, even if you're not very good;

↬ The boys find it funny how well you get along, and have the same vibe;

↬ A couple not much for dating, but to stay at home ordering food and watching movies;

↬ Hates to see you cry, so when it happens, he does everything to make you laugh, and then comfort you and asks you to speak what happened. But if you are not comfortable, he will wait patiently until that happens;

↬ Ask you at all times if you would like to announce the relationship;

↬ You don't know, but he already plans how he will advertise, he just waits for the day when you agree.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Lee Felix

↬ He is a ray of sunshine;

↬ The type to like a classical romance;

↬ The type who writes tickets;

↬ At first he was nervous to have you by his side, but in time he ended up overcoming it;

↬ He often speaks French just to see his reaction, which he always finds adorable;

↬ Try to learn another language together;

↬ You are each other's support;

↬ Make brownies for all dear friends together;

↬Even the staffs love to see the two together;

↬Have already told the whole family about you and wasted no time introducing you, even if by video call;

↬He has also met his whole family, and your grandmother loves him too much.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Kim Seungmin

↬ At first it was very quiet and silent, but you understood that it was his way;

↬ He was even more captivated by your patience;

↬ But after you started to open up more, you even found it funny how his way became funnier;

↬ He is your calm in troubled days;

↬And you don't know, but whenever he gets stressed about something, he looks at a picture of you and it gets better;

↬ He always sends you his favorite coffee, it's one of his ways of saying that he loves you;

↬He is so mature that it scares you sometimes;

↬ Likes it when you pamper him, but away from your hyungs;

↬ Tries to help you study in a fun and funny way;

↬Whenever you are togethe, you guys look like two children (BangChan keeps looking at you with those proud little eyes of a leader);

↬Knows You know you better than yourself. You know when to just listen to you, or do something stupid to make you laugh;

↬Only both mothers and boys know about the relationship and support the couple.

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

ꨄ Yang Jeogin

↬Because he is the youngest in the group, he tend to want to appear more mature to you;

↬Both like to study together, so they optimize study time, and still manage to spend time together;

↬Both of you like to go to the dog cafes, and spend their days there;

↬He Hates when the boys do it as a baby in front of you;

↬ Loves it when you also piss off the boys, especially Hyunjin;

↬He is slightly jealous of you with Han for believing that both personalities are alike, but at the end of the day, he trust on you both;

↬When you ask him to sing for you, he first sings a prank just to hear you laugh, but then he starts singing seriously;

↬ At first, he was shy, and was uncomfortable with touches and affection, but today he loves it when you hold your hand (and he's always hugging you from behind);

↬He met his younger sister, and she did all his advertising for the family.

↬He armed for you to "accidentally" meet his mother

 Now Playing: I Like Me Better By: Lauv

[Masterlist] • [Stray Kids Masterlist]

🍵🌿🖇..⃗. buy me a coffee?

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