Voltei A Assistir "Outlander", E Redescobri Minha Paixo Pelo Jamie Fraser (no Me Julguem Por Ser Bsica
Voltei a assistir "Outlander", e redescobri minha paixão pelo Jamie Fraser (não me julguem por ser básica pfvr). Só que tô me coçando pra escrever alguma coisa tipo boy apaixonado de quatro, boiola de mais, minha mulher manda em mim, sim minha senhora....
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Amortentia | J.JK¹

Jeon Jungkook grifinório! x leitora sonserina.
Palavras: 1.337
Sinopse: Em teoria, um grifinório e uma sonserina não poderiam acontecer, mas desde o primeiro dia em que chegaram no castelo, Jean não tira seus olhos de uma sonserina. Mas o moreno logo descobrirá que cobras são mestres em se esgueirar para longe dos holofotes.
Avisos: Um grande slow burn (é preciso pro começo de tudo...), Jk é uma criança atentada, Se tem pouco da leitora, mas nos próximos a gatona aparece com tudo.
J.JK¹ | J.JK² | J.JK³
A primeira vez que se viram, foi quando saíram do expresso Hogwarts, direto para seu primeiro ano mágico na escola de magias.
Conforme conheciam o castelo, Jeon Jungkook chamou a atenção da garota, assim como a mesma se destacou na multidão, mas entre o turbilhão de emoções de estar na escola mágica pela primeira vez, a vergonha e o medo estavam no top 5 (dos dois). Afinal, assim como poderiam acabar na mesma casa, poderiam muito bem acabar em casas "rivais" - Minerva tinha dito que não gostavam desse termo, mas todos sabiam muito bem como as coisas eram nos corredores e casas comunais.
Ele foi primeiro, o chapéu seletor criou vida, e falou sem parar : "Não há nada escondido em sua cabeça que o Chapéu Seletor não consiga ver, por isso é só me porem na cabeça que vou dizer em que casa de Hogwarts deverão ficar." Ele parecia apavorado, grandes olhos brilhando sob a luz das velas do lugar. Jeon tentava olhar o chapéu, mas não conseguia, adorável, de fato. "Ah, um rapaz curioso, vejo... Poderia ser um lufano, mas paciência não é seu forte... Possui a mente de um Corvinal, mas é de fato..." e então um silêncio de segundos que pareceram um século, com o rapaz dançando na cadeira, e todos olhando em expectativa "Grifinória!".
Toda a mesa vermelha vibrou de emoção, e você não tem certeza ao certo, mas teve certeza que antes de se sentar com sua nova família, ele tinha te olhado em pura expectativa.
Cinco alunos depois, e então era ela quem deveria se sentar na grande cadeira, com o estranho chapéu falante. O discurso inicial foi o mesmo para todos os alunos, até que não era mais. "Ah, seu coração é puro, não se esqueça, e fará grandes amigos, amigos iguais a si..." Mal houve tempo de segurar a respiração em expectativa, quando a voz ecoou, e a realidade congelou "Sonserina!"
Não poderia dizer que estava decepcionada, já que a história da casa era realmente fascinante, mas ela também não poderia negar um nervosismo maior, já que diferente de grande parte dos alunos sonserinos, Sn não era uma bruxa de 'sangue azul' (ou verde), uma vez que não tinha pais bruxos, era "meio sangue".
Os primeiros anos, foram calmos. A sonserina aceitou muito bem Sn, e para sua sorte, os amigos amis próximos que fez eram tão focados nos estudos quando ela, o que deixava suas visitas a grande biblioteca bem mais divertidas e agradáveis.
Do outro lado do castelo, Jeon Jungkook era recebido na Grifinória também de braços abertos. No seu primeiro ano, ele se manteve um rapaz tímido, que mal levantava a mão durante as aulas, a menos que extremamente necessário, e preferia passar grande parte do seu dia do lado de fora do prédio.
Mas foi no segundo ano, quando voltaram das férias de fim de ano com as famílias, que todos perceberam uma mudança no rapaz. Agora ele estava mais extrovertido, sociável. Jeon se alinhou a um grupo de amigos, que quando juntos eram inseparáveis e imparáveis, alguns grifinórios, mas nem todos.
Obviamente que o grupo ficou popular rapidamente, sempre chamando atenção, seja por sua beleza, inteligência e principalmente por seu barulho.
As matérias também mudaram um pouco, algumas interessantes, enquanto Sn se apaixonou perdidamente por algumas, como poções e feitiços, sofria com herbologia e astronomia, enquanto Jungkook não tinha preferências, mas se saía bem sem muitos esforço, o que já era uma grande vitória.
Mas se tinha uma coisa que não saia de sua cabeça, era como chamar atenção da garota bonita que viu no seu primeiro dia. Ele sempre a Bia pelos corredores do castelo, e felizmente tinha todas as aulas com ela, mas tinham algum empecilhos no seu caminho: A) Jeon acreditava firmemente que não fazia o tipo dela, B) Ela não parecia ter atenção para outra coisa se não aulas e a pior: C) ela era uma sonserina, e ele um Grifinório.
"Mas isso é ridículo, pelo amor de Merlim!" O Corvinal Namjoon reclamou com o mais novo, quando ele falava pela milionésima vez sobre a garota. Hoseok e Jimin riram do cutucão na cabeça que levou. "Primeiro que ninguém mais vê rivalidade nenhuma entre as casas, segundo que ela só é mais introvertida, você era assim também, lembra?"
"É, você só precisa de um bom plano pra chamar a atenção dela, e tals" seu amigo Taehyung comentou distraído com alguma coisa, e Yoongi adiciona um comentário engraçadinho de mais para Jeon: "E que seja rápido, ou Jimin vai se cansar de esperar por você, vai passar na sua frente."
Naquela noite, antes de dormir, Jungkook olhava para o céu noturno em sua janela, imaginando o que poderia fazer para finalmente fazer com que a garota o percebesse...
Quando as aulas voltaram, tudo parecia normal para Sn, mas aos poucos, ela percebeu que na verdade não estava nada normal. Conforme as matérias eram dadas, Jeon Jungkook se tornou mais... participativo.
O moreno começou a levantar sua mão, fazer comentários e tentar passar a sua frente, mesmo quando o professor te dava a vez de falar.
Aquilo pode ter a incomodado, mas Sn tentou não transparecer, pois não quis parecer mesquinha com tal assunto, então conforme Jeon agia, ela apenas o encarava, perplexa e logo voltava sua atenção ao que realmente importava.
Sem perceber, Sn estava em algum tipo de competição academica com Jungkook, e se tornaram a maior fonte de pontos de ambas as casas, e de entretenimento para a toda a escola. A rivalidade ficou tão vivida, que reascendeu a chama da confusão Grifinória x Sonserina, e até os fantasmas comentavam sobre.
Quando no terceiro ano, o rapaz começou a ficar mais ousado, usando provocações muito mais diretas.
"Boa sorte na aula de poções hoje, cobrinha" o moreno disse, quando passava pelo corredor para a sala de aula, bagunçando os cabelos da garota, o que fez algumas meninas atrás dela soltarem uma risadinha zombateira. Ela queria muito bater nele.
Mas ela nunca reagia. E isso sempre parecia jogar mais gasolina ao fogo. Não importava o que ele dizia, sua expressão era sempre a mesma: uma revirada de olhos, e apenas. Uma vez que a garota não sabia qual a intenção do rapaz de ter começado a agir assim do nada, ela preferia focar no mais importante, que eram seus estudos.
"É uma tática idiota..." Namjoon começou a comentar uma vez, eles estavam reunidos no pátio no fim de semana, e em uma rara ocasião, o mais novo estava com um livro estudando, "mas pelo menos te fez abrir um livro"
"Pontos para Sn, então!" Jin levantou sua xícara de café sorrindo para o mais novo que apenas rolou os olhos.
Mas Jungkook estava cada vez mais frustrado. Não importava o que ele fazia, quantas vezes a interrompia, quantas vezes nos corredores esbarrava na sonserina "sem querer", ou até por querer... Nada parecia surtir efeito. A única reação que conseguia era uma revirada de olhos, e só. SÓ!
Foi então que em mais uma noite, olhando para o mesmo céu escuro, que mais uma ideia surgiu, e dessa vez, ele tinha certeza que não tinha como ela o ignorar.
Quando Snape a chamou então em sua sala, o que era algo estranho, já que ela não era o tipo de aluna que precisava ser chamada em sua sala. Mas já que foi, não quis o fazer esperar.
Assim que chegou na sala, fitou a porta por longos segundos, com medo do que lhe esperava lá dentro. Mas sem enrolar muito, para não irritar o professor que já tinha pouca paciência, bateu, e esperou sua confirmação.
Enquanto caminhava pelos corredores silenciosos daquele lado do castelo, Sn não pôde deixar de imaginar milhares de cenários diferentes, mas em nenhum deles, a preparou para a cena que encontrou.
No momento em que o Professor Snape abriu a porta, ela pode ver além de sua carranca, a figura de Jeon Jungkook sentado em uma cadeira, bebendo chá calmamente. Ah, não, não, não, não ....
"Senhorita S/s, como minha melhor aluna, quero que seja tutora desse... rapaz."
Poção do Ódio - K.NJ²

NamjoonCorvinal! × Leitora Lufana
Palavras: 1.229
Sinopse: Desde o primeiro dia em que pisou no castelo de Hogwarts, Kim Namjoon ficou conhecido por sua inteligência, sagacidade e paixão por devorar livros e mais livros, mas Namjoon não tinha nenhuma habilidade com garotas. Especialmente quando essa garota, é uma lufana leal à suas amigas.
N/A: Menções à pessoas agressivas, mas nem é tanto, juro ! Biscoitinhos e bebidinhas.
K. NJ¹ | K.NJ² | K.NJ³
Enquanto na enfermaria, Namjoon com a companhia de Hoseok tentavam pensar em algum motivo plausível para que S/n o odiasse, mas sem muito sucesso. Os dois nunca se falaram,e Kim ainda tentava se recordar se ele já se esbarrou, ou se na pior das hipóteses, ele já tinha quebrado algo dela, ou seu animal, mas nada.
" O estranho é que ela não é do tipo agressiva" Hoseok comenta distraído pelas coisas que tinham ali. Seu amigo, deitado esperando professora Sproute chegar com um suco que prometia acabar com seu enjoou. "Sabe teve uma vez que o gato do Vicenzo ficou atrás da coruja dela, mas ela nem ficou tão brava assim..."
"hum" o corvino não consegue pensar muito além do que já pensou. Felizmente professora Sproute não demorou a chegar, acompanhada de Seokjin e Yoongi, que souberam do incidente.
Assim que Namjoon conseguiu se sentar, o grupo voltou a debater sobre as possibilidades da dinâmica, mas ninguém realmente teve alguma ideia para ajudar, pois aparentemente a aula de hoje, foi de fato a primeira vez em que se encontraram.
Felizmente para Kim não se tinham mais aulas naquele dia, e o trio que se tornou hepteto, quando o resto dos seus amigos se juntaram à eles, atualizando a situação para todos. Eles decidiram que ficariam no pátio, pois um pouco de ar para o corvino faria bem.
"Com licença ," uma voz feminina interrompe a conversa dos sete, que zombavam do mais novo, Jungkook que tinha apenas livros e um plano na cabeça. Ao olharem, era uma garota baixa, cabelos claros com presilhas de estrela e olhos castanhos, decorados com uma sombra amarela. Ela vestia o uniforme da lufa-lufa, e possuia uma caixa nas mãos. "Eu queria falar com Namjoon, sou amiga da S/N, que bem, te atacou hoje..."
Todos os rapazes se entreolharam, surpresos com aquilo. Kim Namjoon fez sinal para ela se aproximar, ansioso para ver se conseguiria alguma resposta. A menina parecia estar envergonhada, mas se aproximou mesmo assim.
"Eu trouxe esses biscoitos para você, como uma desculpa pelo modo como ela agiu mais cedo." A caixa no lhe foi entregue, e ao abrir, Kim viu uma série de biscoitos em formato de estrelas e corações coloridos, todos azuis e amarelo.
"Obrigada, mas será que você pode me dizer por quê S/n parece me odiar tanto?" O rapaz perguntou sem rodeios, pegando a garota de surpresa, ela que já estava prestes à sair, ficou vermelho, olhando ao seu redor nervosa.
"Desculpa eu não sei, ela não é de comentar muito sobre as pessoas que não gosta..." Ela disse já re virando para sair, mas antes volta e acrescenta: "Aliás, meu nome é Pandora."
Suspirando Namjoon deixa a caixa de lado, frustrado com a situação. Bem a única fonte de confiança que ele tinho, acabara de se mostrar inuitil, e ele sabia que tinha que descobrir o motivo ao qual a garota tinha tanto ódio por ele, se de ainda tinha planos de sair vivo de hogwarts.
Kim Namjoon tinha um plano. Depois de zombar de Junghook ele se sentia como um paspalho de desenho animado criando planos pelos castelos de Hogwarts.
Após excluir todas as possibilidades que a dariam motivos, o rapaz começou a listar como ele poderia descobrir o motivo, mas após esse dia, chegar até elo, e perguntar, estava fora de cogitação. Mas ele sabia que tinha que pensar "fora do caixinha".
Durante o dia, Namjoon tentou evitar que S/n o visse durante as aulas, mas nos intervalos, passoua colocar seu plano em prática. O moreno que estava se sentando próximo as portas, saía correndo para se esconder esperando a garota sair da sala. Assim que ele a viu aprimeira vez, sussurrou as palavras "Legilimens", e torceu para que fosse o tipo de bruxo que conseguiria escutar, conforme os pensamentos da garota preencheram sua própria mente, Namjoon descobriu ser legilmente.
"Acho que não fiz a lição de Poções, será que consigo fazer antes da aula de Snape?"
"O que será de almoço hoje? Não tomei um café decente hoje..."
"Continua sorrindo Vicenzo, a próxima vez que o seu gato decidir caçar minha coruja, você vai almoçar churrasquinho de gato!"
"Meu Deus quando é que Pandora vai parar de falar nesse corvinal idiota? Isso to beirando obsessão!"
Apesar de conseguir insights muito bons, seus pensamentos não explicavam o porquê ela não gostava de Namjoon. Mas ele não desistiu e tentou mais uma vez, mas sem sucesso.
"Parabéns Sr. legilmente," Seokjin o parabenizou sarcasticamente, com palmas irônicas após Namjoon o confessar o que fez o dia todo para ter sumido. “E você já pensou em talves, perguntar para ela ?"
"Você acha que não?" Kim rola os olhos e explica por que não o fez "alguma outra ideia, Sr. monitor?" o moreno se sentou à frente dele no refeitório, enquanto bebiam suco de abóbora.
"E se você tentar ler a mente dela enquanto ela te vê?" Jim oferece, eseu amigo espera alguma indicação que era uma de suas piadas ruins, mas o grifinório se manteve sério, arrancando uma careta de Namjoon
"Você quer que eu viva na enfermaria né?!" Ocorvinal reclama passando a mão pelo rosto, antes de terminar sua bebida em apenas um gole. Seokjin pingarreia e de olhos arregalados olhando para entrada do refeitório, sussurra para Namjoon :
"Se não for fazer, é melhor sair daqui..." Olhando na mesma direção que o amigo, vendo que S/n, Pandora e Jimin entravam. O que Jimin fazia praticamente colado ao corpo de Pandora era um mistério, que bem, ele tentaria descobrir uma outra hora.
Para a sorte do corvinal a garota estava ocupada demais tentando tirar Jimin do braço da amiga. O rapaz a olhava como se a garota carregasse o céu e todas as estrelas nos olhos. Jim e Namjoon se entreolharam compartilhando do mesmo pensamento "Estranho", pois até dois dias atrás, Park parecia estar interessado em outra pessoa.
"Tenho uma ideia" Namjoon comenta observando os três se sentarem à uma distância segura dele, " Você vai buscar Jimin, eeu espero aqui, e em alguem momento, você aponto casualmente pra mim, enquanto leio a mente dela, o que acha?"
Sem muito escolha, Kim Seokjin se levanta e vai em direção aos três. Namjoon se sente e dispara o feitiço, já escutando a voz da garota em sua própria mente.
"Porque esse garoto não saí?! Parece até estar enfeitiçado..."
"Eu só queria comer em paz !"
" Ótimo, mais um..." " Aquele é...?" " Porque esse garoto não some? Ele e essa cara estúpida, ele é um desastre ambulante!"
Namjoon interrompe seu momento de fuxicar, e se vira para frente, esperando seus dois amigos. Seokjin praticamente joga Jimin no assento ao seu lado, enquanto o menino ainda balbuciava pela loira.
"E ai, conseguiu alguma coisa?” O grifinório indaga, obtendo apenas uma balançada de cabeça e suspiro do corvino, Namjoon conta tudo o que ouviu. “Espera. Ela pensou que Jimin estivesse enfeitiçado?"
"Sim, e quer saber, fiz sentido," O moreno observa seu amigo, agora foco da conversa, Jimin olhava para a mesa lufana, as amigas rindo juntas, e Namjoon se lembrou que apesar de quase o matar, ficou completamente encantado com a beleza da garota. "Até ontem ele estava jurando amor para outra pessoa.."
" Você tá pensando o mesmo que eu?" Jin instiga, olhando de Jimin para as duas lufanas.
Pelo menos agora Namjoon tinha um ponto de partida...
Best Friend: Han x Reader
Thinking about how Jisung is always the reader's best friend in fics, which made me think of best friend to lovers Jisung x Reader.... Content: Smut, Fluff, A little Angst Warnings: Oral sex, Unprotected sex, P in V sex, Dirty talk, Use of the word 'slut,' Hair-pulling, Maybe some praise kink if you squint WC: 3400

“Which dress should I wear?” You question. You hold up two dresses in the mirror and place each one in front of your body, eyebrows furrowing as you imagine each one on your figure. You look at your best friend through the mirror, gauging his reaction.
“Black,” says Han, though he doesn’t look up from his phone.
“Jisung!” Your sharp tone makes his eyes shoot open wide, a surprised look on his face that you’ve gotten to know well over the years–the one he makes when he knows he’s gotten himself into trouble. “You didn’t even look at the options!” You scoffed at him incredulously.
“I didn’t have to,” he says snidely. “The red one makes you look sexier, the black one makes you look… I don’t know, sleek?” “Sleek,” you say with a laugh. “Okay, so I should wear the red one!” As you go to hang up the black dress in your closet, your friend appears from behind you.
“On a first date? You’re not trying to seduce him just yet,” he jokes.
“But I wanted to look sexy,” you pout. “Plus, you never know–” Before you can finish your sentence, Han snatches the red dress from your grasp and runs out of the room at full speed. Mouth agape, you run after him giggling. Jisung makes some screeching noises as he runs around and he even hops onto the couch, standing above you. You take a moment to keel over, laughing at him while catching your breath. This is something your friend has always been good at doing; making you laugh. Especially on a night like tonight in which you were more nervous than you cared to admit, Jisung knows exactly how to push your buttons and have tears forming in your eyes from his humor.
“Give me that, please, Sungie. You’re gonna mess it up!” You fake glare at him and cross your arms, watching as he holds the dress up over his head.
“I can’t believe you’re ditching movie night for some guy,” he says. “Movie night, it’s an annual tradition… to just abandon it… It’s heresy! Heresy I say!” You shake your head at the man before sitting next to him on the couch. He sits as well, abandoning his ridiculous stance, and takes a deep breath next to you.
You lean your head against his shoulder before sighing. “It’s not just any guy,” you say softly. “Seungmin seems special. I think he really likes me.” Jisung ignores the panging in his chest. The fact of the matter is, Han Jisung is undeniably, uncontrollably in love with you. And normally, he has absolutely no problem with that fact, especially with hiding it from you. But on this night in particular, there is one issue: You are going on a date.
You’d been on dates before, of course. But not since Jisung has identified his attraction and feelings toward you. And what could he say? That he was jealous, that he wanted you to stay here and get with him instead? Of course not!
“I… I know, jagiya. Um, you’re going to have a good time,” he replies into your hair. “And hopefully get laid. You’ve been so tense lately.” God, why did he say that? He didn’t want to think about that, especially with a guy that wasn’t him!
You laugh and push his shoulder lightly. “God, I hope so. I just need to be fucked like a slut, you know?” You grin at him widely, but he feels like he might get sick at your words. Usually, the two of you have no problem joking with one another, and yes, maybe 50% of the time your jokes are rather explicit, but Jisung can’t help but run a hand through his hair and take a deep breath at your words.
“Don’t say that,” he groans, albeit with a weak smile.
“Ughhh, but Sungie…” you laugh. “You know I’m joking but it’s been so long… I do want to be folded in half like a pancake–”
He lets out a nervous laugh and holds his hand over your mouth.
“Seriously, gross,” he says. You lick his hand. In disgust, he gets up, handing you the red dress in the process.
“Thank you!” you preen at your friend and jump up, running to your room to get ready for your date. He follows to watch and lay on your bed.
You look stunning in the red dress, of course. He knew you would. But coupled with the lipstick, the hair, your perfume… it makes his heart pang and sit heavily in his chest.
You are in a rush. As you say goodbye to your friend and start to lock up, he pulls you into a tight hug,
“Sung… You’re not seriously mad about movie night, right?” You laugh against him but feel yourself growing red at the proximity. You can smell his shampoo from here, and his embrace is so tight, his arms wrapped around you so tight that it makes you gulp. You push him away slightly just so you can look in his eyes.
“No, of course not,” he says, but he’s slightly pouting. You would’ve missed it if you weren’t paying close attention to his face, and if you didn’t know each of his expressions like the back of your hand. “Just… I hope you have a good time tonight. Text me if you need me, kay? And turn your location on… just in case he’s really a serial murderer or something.”
“Alright, you got it. Thanks so much for coming over,” you say as you lock your front door, allowing your friend to leave the house with you.
“You never have to thank me,” he reminds you. ***
The date went alright. Seungmin was a sweet guy, he really was. He took you out to a nice restaurant and he flirted with you, he made you smile, and he was just the epitome of a gentleman. But, you realized there just wasn’t a spark. Something was missing. There were no butterflies, no rush from your heart to let you know he was the one. And you told him as much at the end of the night. There were no hard feelings, really.
So why do you still feel so damn emotional?
As you step into your house, you pull out your phone and you’re texting Jisung before you even realize what you’re doing.
Y/N: Can you come over?
Sungie: Already OMW!
You’re laying on the couch, sulking emotionally. You half debate cracking open a bottle of wine to drink your sorrows away but decide against it.
Instead, you wipe away small tears and hold yourself back from sniffling. Jisung bursts in your front door, looking around frantically. The sight makes you hiccup laugh through your tears and he’s running to you, kneeling in front of you on the couch.
“Fuck, jagiya, are you okay? Did he hurt you? I’ll kill him, I’ll really kill him, I promise… Well, maybe not kill him, but I swear I’ll really hurt him…” He starts rambling and it makes you laugh.
“I’m fine, Ji. He didn’t hurt me… The date actually went really well.”
“Oh,” he says, letting out a sigh of relief. He looks into your eyes. “Shit. You scared me. What happened?”
“Bull shit, or you wouldn’t have called me over,” he says. He puts his hands on your knees and his head on the couch, looking up at you.
“Just… we didn’t click. He was so sweet. He still paid after I told him I didn’t want another date, which was really nice… Is there something wrong with me?” You ask. You look into his eyes and he swears he could split in half, your teary doe eyes making him want to burst into tears himself.
“Of course not, why would there be?” He questions.
“Just… It’s been over a year since I’ve had sex, even longer since I’ve dated someone… I finally get to go on a date with a nice, hot guy, and I completely blow it. What if that was my last shot? What if nobody wants me?” You wipe a tear away.
“Don’t say that,” he says sharply. Your eyes widen. In all the time that you’ve known Jisung, his demeanor has always been relaxed, joking, and somewhat aloof. So for him to be so blunt and sharp with you? It makes you tense up. “That isn’t true.”
“How do you even know that?” You cross your arms at him and shoot him what you hope is a nasty glare but you know it probably comes across as much more pathetic.
“Because I love you.”
You scoff at him. “Han Jisung, if this is some sort of sick joke you better count your days, because that’s a really fucking low blow after tonight.”
“Y/N, I would never joke about this. I love you much more than you could ever realize. I have loved you for so long… It hurts. I have wanted to tell you for so long, but I was so scared of messing up our friendship. There’s nothing more in this world that I love more than your smile, more than making you laugh.” He pauses, gauging your reaction. For once, he truly doesn’t know what you’re thinking and it scares him, but he continues anyway. “Just… The thought of you going out on that date tonight, it made me so sick. The thought of you kissing someone that wasn’t me… God, you didn’t kiss him, did you? Argh, that would make me so sad… But I just… I don’t even know the guy and I couldn’t help but think that I would be better for you. That he wouldn’t be able to make you laugh, and he wouldn’t know how absolutely ridiculous you look when you dance while you’re drunk, and he wouldn’t know that Saturday nights are our movie nights, and he wouldn’t know that you say your favorite color is lavender, but it’s actually–”
You cut off the man by lunging forwards onto the floor and pressing your lips into his. The kiss is searing and all-consuming and he pulls you forward until you’re in his lap. As you straddle him he holds your head in his hands, brushing hair behind your ears as he brings you further into him. You’re both emotional and out of breath but so desperate to have things keep moving forward that when you open your mouth to deepen the kiss, it’s all tongue and teeth and heavy breathing but holds more feeling behind it than any kiss you’ve ever had.
“Jisung…” you whisper, pulling away. He looks at you with wide eyes, pupils blown out. He’s panting and his hands take place on your arms, holding you in place as he searches deep into your eyes.
He pulls you into a deep embrace reminiscent of the one you shared just this afternoon.
“I feel the same… I think the reason why my date went so poorly is because he wasn’t you.” You hear his breath hitch and he pulls you impossibly closer, looking deep into your eyes before pulling you into another kiss. This one is more gentle and chaste but fills you with desire nonetheless. “I didn’t kiss him, by the way,” you say. Your statement puts Jisung at ease. “You’re the only one I want to kiss, Sung.”
You kiss him again but start to trail down his neck, leaving wet open kisses behind. Jisung is a panting, moaning mess beneath you, and his noises encourage you to go further. You lift his shirt up over his head and press your crotch into his, relishing in the sounds he makes as you kiss his chest, his collarbones, and his abdomen before you feel a hand weave itself into your hair, pulling you harshly.
“Still want to be fucked like a slut?” His words make you gasp.
“Ji, I was joking,” you say, but his hand pulls tighter on your hair, revealing your neck to him; wet open-mouthed kisses and tongue pressing against your neck releases a loud, nasty moan from your lips.
“You can’t lie to me, baby,” he says into your skin. “We’ve joked about it too many times for it to really be a joke. Can you answer me? Do you want to be fucked like a slut? Say the word and we can stop.” He lifts up your dress and throws it off of your head almost comedically, and it would have made you laugh if you weren’t now on complete display for the man.
“Yes… please.” That was all the word Jisung needed to go forth and absolutely ravish you, taking your body as if it were his own. He sucks small marks against your skin, guiding your hips to rock into his own in steady movements. Meanwhile, he unclasps your bra, discarding it to God knows where, paying full attention to your now exposed skin.
“So beautiful… God you’re making me feel so good, grinding against me so good baby… I’ll cum soon, I’ll cum in my pants if we don’t stop,” he rambles. He sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, paying it full attention while teasing the other with his thumb. Your head falls back from the pleasure, from the enticing man underneath you that you’ve known for so long, for the man who’s cologne has been engraved in your brain for years but only now does it make you feel needier with lust and desire when it floods your senses. Suddenly, he lifts you off of his hips with alarming force, placing you to sit on the couch while he remains underneath you on the floor.
“Please, can I eat you out? Let me make you feel good baby, please,” he begs, rubbing small circles onto your thigh. You nod your head at him, lifting your hips and your underwear is removed in an instant.
He dives forward, wasting no time before connecting his mouth to your glistening core. You moan loudly at the contact and his arms reach forward to pull you closer to his face. His wide eyes meet yours and he grins, absolutely deriving his own pleasure off of yours and the way you squirm beneath him. He eats you out in a way that is similar to his personality; it is messy, it is eager, and it is all-consuming. His tongue flicks desperately against your clit and you buck your hips up into his face but he holds you down easily, forcing you to take what he gives. His tongue switches between teasing your entrance and giving your clit his direct and undivided attention, and the pace makes you feel dizzy.
“Please, please,” you say, and you’re not even sure what you’re begging for. He changes the angle suddenly, pressing your legs up to your head so that you’re completely at his mercy. He spits right onto your aching hole, the act crude but making you moan nonetheless. Immediately he dives back in, holding your legs as he sucks and flicks at your clit until you’re shaking from overstimulation.
You try to warn him but it’s too late, you’re thrown over the edge with a loud sigh. He guides you through it, lapping at you languidly with his tongue as you pulse against him from aftershocks. He releases from you and the lack of contact makes you feel antsy, immediately wanting more, immediately craving that contact again.
“Jisung,” you breathe out. “Again… want to feel you again, please. Need you… touching me, please.” He wastes no time before pulling his pants and boxers down in one swift blow and you moan at the sight of him naked before you. You reach to touch him and stroke his cock but he stops you, guiding you to your feet. Your legs tremble but he holds you steady.
“What are you–” you begin to ask, but he shushes you, grabbing your hips and bending you over the side of the couch. He pushes your back down so that you’re arching for him, ass pressed up in the air.
“M just giving you what I promised,” he says, rubbing your back almost soothingly as he teases your entrance with his cock. Every time he makes contact you hiss and try to press back into him, but to no avail. “You made me wait this long to let me fuck your pretty pussy babe, should I make you wait too?”
His words make you moan out, and you’re babbling before you even realize it. “Jisung, Sungie, no please… Please Ji… I need you so bad… Please let me… Please don’t make me wait… Fuck… Please…”
His laugh is airy, as if you’ve knocked all of the air out of his lungs. You tilt your head back, trying desperately to see his face, and his expression is exactly how you imagined it; desperate, incredulous, lips parted open in a small ‘o’ shape. That’s the last thing you see before he presses his full length into you and your eyes screw shut from pleasure.
He immediately groans out, trying to stay still but desperately rocking his hips into you deeper, right against your g-spot which makes your eyes roll back and tighten around him. In turn, he begins sharply rutting right against your hips, shallow but deep.
“Fuck, fuck, jagiya. You feel… so good. Just like how I imagined,” he starts. “Your pussy… God, it was made for me to fuck… For me to fuck you dumb.” He is stuttering and rambling but you don’t even care, his words, soft moans, and pants making you feel incredibly needier. He reaches forward and pulls you up against him, grabbing your head and meeting your lips into a blinding and messy kiss as he fucks you. It makes your head reel and his hands find your tits and grab them hard for just a second as he finds his pace but the overstimulation makes you go stupid with desire.
Just as fast, he pushes you into the couch again. He grabs both of your wrists from behind and pulls them into his hand, using the momentum as a way to let himself fuck into you harder and deeper. You’re crying now, tears flowing from your face from pleasure and letting out noises that you didn’t know you could make, loud ‘ah, ah, ah’s’ from every thrust of his hips into yours.
“Please tell me you’re close, baby,” he says shakily. “Fuck, I don’t think I can last much longer.” His words make you close your legs together as he fucks you, the friction sending you even closer to the edge.
“So close, Sung, please.” Your words barely escape your mouth but you know he hears you, as his hands take place on your hips now, his death grip searing as he pulls you all the way on and off of his length, slamming into you at full force.
“Cumming,” you say, and you can only warn him the one time before you’re spasming and convulsing all over his cock, his soft and gentle praise guiding you through it in complete contrast to his harsh actions against your body. You’re still pulsing with aftershocks as he groans, pulling out of you and releasing all over your back in hot spurts. As the two of you catch your breath, he immediately pulls you into a kiss again, gentle yet passionate.
“I love you so much,” he says. “Wanted to do that for so long. Wanted you. Wanted you to be mine and wanted you to know how much I love you.” His eyes meet yours, searching, waiting for a response.
“I love you too, Jisung.” He smiles and his eyes close, relishing in the fact that finally, you are now undeniably his.
He cleans you up and guides you into your room, pulling you into his arms. Your head rests on his chest and your limbs are an intertwined mess, unable to differentiate where you start and Jisung ends. That night you watch your movie, the way it was destined to be all along. Jisung’s jokes make you laugh until you cry, and this time he is able to tell you that making you smile is one of the greatest pleasures he has ever been graced with in his life, and he tells you this with a kiss pressed against your mouth. ***
Masterlist Recs
forget him



🌙 staring. Haechan x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “What if… what if I helped you out a little?” His words hang in the air, and your room feels thick with tension. You’re acutely aware of the toy still pressed between your thighs. “Look,” Hyuck says, voice softer, “I hate seeing you cry- but seeing you cry about something good might make us both feel better.”
tw/cw. recent breakup, fingering, Hyuck walks in while y/n is masturbating, masturbation, assisted masturbation, toy/dildo use, overstimulation, dacryphilia, reader has multiple orgasms, squirting, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, big dick Hyuck, pussy stretching, dirty talk, praise, talking about y/n's ex while they fuck, marking/claim kink, full/breeding kink, etc… I pet names: (hers) gorgeous, babe, good girl.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 7.1k
🍭 aus. friends to lovers, roommates au, recent breakup, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. When I tell you I need to be demolished by this Hyuck-

Hyuck absolutely hates seeing you like this.
He’d thought it had been hard seeing you in love with his best friend Mark Lee, but seeing you in the throws of depression after your recent breakup takes the cake for Hyuck when it comes to him having a straight up horrible time.
Obviously, you have it worse, and he’s not trying to contest that fact- he just hadn’t realized that when the thing he’d been hoping for actually came to pass- it would feel this bad.
In the dark reaches of his mind, he wonders if he’d had something to do with the separation, although, in truth, he knows that’s ridiculous. He’d been as supportive as a friend and roommate could be about you and Mark. He’d forced smiles and words of encouragement when you’d gushed through the talking phase. He’d found ways to ditch the apartment when you and Mark started to get physical, doing his best to give you privacy while getting high as a kite at Lee Jeno’s place to distract himself from the fact that you were getting railed by someone other than him. And now, he supposes, he’s doing his due diligence in making you feel better when you’re at your worst.
Hyuck’s doing the best he can to make things easy for you. He’s set up movie days, and he’s made you ramen. He’s allowed you to shuffle closer to him on the couch, even resting your head on his shoulder any time you start to tear up. He’s paused films to listen to you explain things like “When Mark and I watched this, he would always get so excited when Totoro would show up” or “Mark hated No Face.”
He wonders if doing a Ghibli marathon is the best idea, given how much you associate it with Mark, but when he’d asked you about it and you insisted you would feel better watching the films, he’d left it at that.
You’re your own person, and Hyuck’s always trusted you to make the best decisions for yourself… even when he doesn’t agree with them.
Cuddled next to you on your living room couch, Hyuck does his best just to be there for you. He ignores the boys’ group chat messages, where other friends are taking care of Mark. As far as Hyuck’s concerned, he’s team you, all the way, and he always has been.
He notices the way you start to shift next to him, pulling away from his shoulder to stretch your arms over your head.
“You good?” Hyuck asks, looking away from the movie to give you his complete and undivided attention.
“Yeah,” you sigh, frowning slightly. “Just tired.”
“Do you want to go to bed?” He studies your face, noticing all the signs of exhaustion- although, to be fair, you’ve been a sleepy wreck of a thing since your breakup two weeks ago.
“I probably should,” you concede, taking another deep breath. “Thanks for making me dinner and watching movies with me.”
“Don’t mention it,” Hyuck says, flashing you a small smile as he straightens in his seat, reaching for the remote to stop the movie.
“You’ve been so nice since… since the whole Mark thing.” He can see you swallowing back tears, and you reach up to wipe your eye with the sleeve of your hoodie.
“That’s what friends are for,” Hyuck assures you, although, his attention toward you has always far surpassed that of a friend. It’s a shame you’ve never realized that fact.
“Just… thanks,” you say again, holding open your arms for a hug that Hyuck is more than happy to give you.
He adjusts on the couch, leaning forward to scoop you into his arms. Your cheek presses to his shoulder and he breathes in the smell of your fruity body wash. He tries his best not to hug you too hard- because if he did, you might actually realize that every time you hug him, he has no true intention of ever letting you go.
“Sleep well, okay, gorgeous?” he prompts, stroking your hair and using the petname he’d given you far before you’d ever met Mark. “You really need your rest.”
“I’ll do my best,” you assure him, giving one last gentle squeeze before you pull away.
Hyuck watches you stand up, your hoodie skimming your mid thigh. He knows you’re wearing sleeping shorts under the oversized fabric, but he can’t help but swallow thickly, imagining what it would be like if you were just in panties.
He really has to get his mind out of the gutter, and Hyuck knows that- he’s been trying to, in all honesty he has- but it’s been four years of knowing you, one of living together, and he still can’t manage to keep his thoughts PG.
With one last small smile, you turn and begin to shuffle to your room.
He misses your lively movements. The first night you’d moved in together, you’d had a small dance party together, and Hyuck’s always been adamant that no one’s hips move like yours do.
He misses your joy. The way you sparkle when you’re happy. You used to smile like a kid in a candy shop anytime you watched your favourite movies or ate the ramen he’d made for you, but these days, the most you can muster is a small upquirk of the sides of your lips.
Hyuck wants to make you smile again. He’s just not sure how to do it.
He knows you need time. Time heals all wounds, or so they say. He just wishes he could fast track your recovery.
Your bedroom door shuts and the spell of watching you is broken. Hyuck takes a deep breath, looking around the messy living room. There are blankets and pillows strewn all over, take out boxes from your day inside, tissues from when you’d cried.
He’s not generally known to be the cleanest man around town, but Hyuck feels that in times like these, the least he can do is keep things tidy. He’s sure you’ll feel better to come out of your room every morning to a nice apartment, so he begins his work of collecting water cups and take away boxes.
You’ve definitely lost your spark, and Hyuck thinks maybe he has too. He’s used to playing music loudly, using it as energy at all hours of the day, but tonight, while he cleans, he keeps things quiet. His head is full, and his ears are on edge, paying attention to the sounds coming from your room.
In those first days after the breakup, he’d heard you crying a lot, and he’s sure that barging into your room to give you a hug had cheered you up. He’s hoping it won’t be necessary today.
As much as he loves hugging you, seeing you cry always makes him feel like someone is trying to tear open his chest and clench his heart. It’s an ache he doesn’t enjoy.
When you’d moved in together, he’d decided that as a girl - with monthly girl issues - you should have the bigger room with the connected bathroom, and he listens to the sound of you brushing your teeth and getting ready for bed.
You begin to hum something, and Hyuck realizes it’s the first time he’s heard you sing since your breakup.
Maybe tonight will be a good night.
Hyuck has moved all the clutter to the kitchen, and he begins to put stuff in the garbage and dishwasher while he listens to you hum. He thinks about the day you met, at uni orientation. He’d never become friends with someone so fast in his life, and when you’d discovered you had three of five classes together- well, he’s never looked back, not for one second.
He wonders how things would be different if he’d ever manned up and told you how he felt- how he feels- how his affection for you has only been growing and growing-
Hyuck finds himself heading to the fridge and taking out a beer. He hasn’t been drinking much since you and Mark broke up, hasn’t needed the mind-numbing effects of alcohol, so when he takes a large swig, he finds that it immediately takes the edge off.
He can’t be thinking about wifing you up right now- no matter how much he might wish to.
Although… as he leans against the sink and downs the can, grabbing another, he begins to wonder if offering himself up to you as a distraction really would be the worst thing in the world.
Sure, it wouldn’t be the way he’d want to start things with you- but maybe he could make you fall in love with him and forget all about Mark Lee. However, in all honesty, he’d probably be risking your friendship.
He’s played this mind game with himself too many times before, and Hyuck always finds himself at a stalemate. Frustration bubbles up inside and he looks out at the living room, determined to set himself back on the task of cleaning.
Hyuck throws the pillows onto the couch, and he even begins to fold up a blanket, and that’s when he hears a familiar sound.
You’ve never been the type to seek much affection, especially when you’re in your room, so whenever he’s caught you crying, it’s always started with a whimper.
What Hyuck’s just heard was definitely a whimper, and his whole body surges with white-hot, electric energy, his eyes darting to your door. His breath catches, and he tosses the blanket down to the ground, frozen as he waits for another sound of distress.
A small gasp can be heard under the crack of your door, and Hyuck’s body bolts into action. He’s moving so fast he stumbles a little over his own feet just as he reaches your room, and he wonders if drinking two beers was a good idea. His hand lands on your door, and he knocks aggressively.
“You okay in there, gorgeous?” he calls.
“I’m fine!” you respond, but there’s definitely an edge to your voice.
He can tell something is wrong- can tell you’re lying to him, and in a split second, Hyuck is making a decision.
“I’m coming in.”

You let out a small squeak of surprise, tearing your hand away from the toy still lodged inside of you so you can pull the blankets up around your shoulders, jaw dropping as your roommate barges into your room.
He stands in the doorway, studying you, and you can see a look of confusion cross his face. “I thought I heard you crying.”
“I’m not crying!” you insist, core clenching around the dildo. “Get out!”
Hyuck doesn’t move. “I definitely heard a whimper,” he insists.
Your heart is practically racing in your chest, and you’re very much aware of the pleasurable feeling still thrumming from your core. Cock warming was something you enjoyed doing with Mark, and the fact that you’re cock warming a toy while Hyuck stares at you is having a wholly unexpected effect on your entire body.
“People whimper for all sorts of reasons!” you say dumbly. “Leave!”
Hyuck tilts his head to the side, assessing you again. “You never speak to me like this.”
“You usually don’t just barge in here unannounced!”
“Yes, I do,” Hyuck points out. “Why’s tonight different?”
“What do you mean-”
“Something is different,” he says, more firmly this time. His gaze dips, taking in the blanket still wrapped tightly around your form. “Wait…” you see the exact moment he realizes what you’re up to, and even from a few feet away, you see the way his pupils dilate. “Are you…”
“Hyuck-” you groan, lifting the blankets to hide your face, hoping he can’t see the shame that’s beginning to consume you.
“You are, aren’t you?”
“Are what?” you ask, deciding to play dumb.
You can hear him scoff, and you peak from under the blanket just in time to see his signature eye roll. His tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, something he does when he’s getting annoyed, and you can feel yourself dripping down your dildo.
He meets your gaze again. “I didn’t hear a vibrator, so let me guess…” You watch him swallow thickly. “The toy’s still inside of you, isn’t it?”
Curse him for knowing you so well.
Curse him for having a dirty mind.
And maybe most of all, curse yourself for being so stupidly turned on that you can’t even deny what he’s just said. All you can do is groan loudly, hiding again.
“Do you want me to leave?” he asks after a beat of silence.
You hear him click his tongue. “Come on, gorgeous. We both know I can tell when you lie to me. We’ve been friends for years, you don’t have to be… ashamed about this.”
But shame is exactly what you’re feeling, and his words don’t help at all.
“Please, just leave,” you sigh, so embarrassed you think you might actually die.
“What if… what if I helped you out a little?”
His words hang in the air, and your room feels thick with tension. You’re acutely aware of the toy still pressed between your thighs.
“Look,” Hyuck says, voice softer, “I hate seeing you cry- but seeing you cry about something good might make us both feel better.”
“You’re being crazy.” You peak out at him. “We’re roommates- Mark is one of your best friends-”
“I’ve known you longer and I’m loyal to you,” Hyuck insists firmly. “And besides, stranger things have happened.”
“Yeah? Like what?” you can’t help but laugh a little, and the contraction of your stomach muscles pushes the toy slightly out of your core, making you groan at the loss.
From the look that crosses Hyuck’s face, he obviously notices your sound, and you watch his tongue dart out to wet his lips. “For one, the fact that you even dated Mark was a little crazy.”
“He’s a nice guy.”
“But nice doesn’t fill you up at night. Nice doesn’t make you cum so hard you feel it through your whole body.” Hyuck holds up a hand. “And before you try to tell me Mark was good in bed, remember that I have a room next to yours. Mark is a nice guy, but that doesn’t mean he can fuck. Not the way you deserve.”
You shift in your bed, sitting up a little to address your roommate. “Yeah? And how do I deserve to be fucked?”
“You deserve someone who’s going to worship every inch of you. Someone who’s going to make you cum over and over- make you gush so good you’re begging for it, begging to finally get dicked down so hard you can’t even walk after. Someone who makes you cry for all the right reasons.”
You stare at Hyuck.
You’re not even sure what to say.
He’s never talked like this to you, ever- at least, not in your waking hours.
You’ve had dreams about his sharp tongue, his long fingers, and his big cock- but never gave credence to your lustful fantasies. Hyuck’s always just been a friend-
“Why now?” you find yourself asking. “After all this time-”
“I’m tired of watching you hurt over something I might be able to help you fix.”
“So cock is the fix to a broken heart?”
“Gorgeous, I think we both know that what I’m offering you is more than cock.”
“Right, I’m guessing tongue and fingers-”
Hyuck gives you an unimpressed look. “Are you really going to make me say it?”
“Say what?”
“That I’m super into you? That I’ve been into you since we met? That it killed me to watch you be with Mark when I knew you should have been with me?”
“Hyuck-” you breathe, feeling even more whiplash from these words than his dirty talk.
“Look, you don’t have to say anything about that stupid feels shit, just… just let me take care of you tonight.”
“What if we regret it?” You press your thighs together, keeping the toy just inside of you while you begin to fidget with your blanket. “What if it ruins our friendship?”
“I’ve asked myself that same question for years,” Hyuck admits. “But… after looking at you now- I really don’t think that’s something we have to worry about.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because I’m about to make you cum so hard you forget about every other man in your life.”
He nods. “Promise.”
“Okay?” Hyuck lets out a small laugh. “So… you going to lift those covers and let me see what I’m dealing with or…?”
“God,” you groan, hiding your face in your hands. “This is so embarrassing.”
“I call you gorgeous for a reason, don’t I?” Hyuck grins. “Come on, I wanna see.”
You grab at the blankets, taking a deep breath. Then you start to move them off your body.
Your roommate watches your every movement, dipping his head to focus as you lift the fabric covering your feet, then your calves-
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” you tell him.
“Yeah, me neither,” Hyuck admits. “I’ve been waiting so long to see you like this.”
His words make your stomach erupt in butterflies, and you feel the toy still half wedged in your core. “Should I… should I remove the dildo first?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I wanna see that too.” His eyes meet yours. “Don’t be embarrassed. You’re so fucking hot, I’m already hard.”
He reaches a hand down to cup the front of his sweatpants, and you realize he’s not lying. You can see the impressive print of his cock pressing against the fabric, and it makes your mouth water. It also gives you the confidence to fully reveal yourself to his hungry eyes, and the moment he sees you, Hyuck lets out a deep groan.
“Shit, gorgeous,” Hyuck says, letting out a deep breath. “You’re even more perfect than I’ve imagined.”
His words make you feel shy, and you close your legs, only for Hyuck to press a knee to the bed, both hands reaching out to prompt your thighs back open.
“Don’t hide from me,” he warns, and there’s an edge to his tone. He’s still being soft with you, his touch gentle, but there’s an obvious hunger rising inside of him. “Tell me about this toy.”
“Well, I uh…” you search for your words. “It’s one of the first ones I ever bought-”
“It’s small,” Hyuck notes, which is kind of funny considering it’s Mark sized. “Can I use it on you?”
“You want to fuck me with the toy?” You blink at your long term friend and roommate.
“Gotta stretch you out to take something bigger.” Hyuck smirks devilishly, and your pussy throbs- he’s definitely bigger than Mark and the toy still half lodged inside of you. You can’t wait to find out how much bigger.
“You can-” you bite at your lip, “you can fuck me with it.”
“Good girl,” Hyuck praises you, and you can feel yourself practically dripping around the dildo now.
You hold your breath in anticipation while Hyuck gets settled on the foot of the bed. His warm palms smooth over your thighs, forcing you wider, and then his fingers grab the base of the toy. “Do you like it slow?”
“I think… to start off with?” You feel too hazy to be able to answer questions, and he hasn’t even started with you. “But… when you fuck me, can you go fast, please?”
“Of course, gorgeous. I can do anything you want,” he assures you, applying pressure to the toy so it begins to lodge deeper inside of you. You let out a small sigh and Hyuck looks up at you, grinning. “You’re so wet, babe, making this too fucking easy.”
“It’s not my fault-” you defend yourself, voice shaky.
“It’s mine, isn’t it?” His smile widens. “Talking dirty gets you going, huh, gorgeous?”
You nod, resting your head back against the pillows and closing your eyes to enjoy the feeling of him beginning to work the toy in and out of your pussy.
“Bet Mark’s dirty talk game was weak,” Hyuck says under his breath.
You don’t have it in you to agree with him, although… he’s correct. Something tells you he knows it too, because he lets out a small chuckle.
Hyuck’s using his right hand to fuck you with the toy, and his left moves from your thigh. A moment later, his thumb is rubbing gentle circles on your clit and your toes curl from the stimulation. A gentle gasp escapes you and you can practically hear Hyuck smile.
“Feels good?” he prompts.
“So good,” you nod. You need something to hold onto, so you grab at the one piece of clothing on your body, a night shirt, which you lift up your to your abdomen, giving Hyuck more room to work.
He rubs your clit harder and you let out a whine, feeling the familiar build of tension in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re so fucking pretty,” Hyuck tells you, and you can feel his breath on your pussy which makes you twitch. “God, I could watch you squirm like this all night.”
“Please what?”
You don’t even know. All you know is listening to the squelching sound of the toy going in and out of you while his thumb rubs your clit is driving you insane.
“I want to kiss you,” you decide, realizing Hyuck’s about to make you cum and you haven’t even really gotten a taste of him.
Hyuck stops what he’s doing immediately, manuevering up the bed so he’s on top of you, one hand pressed to the pillow while he looks down at you.
“Hi, gorgeous,” he grins.
Your hands explore his shoulders and one snakes into his hair, then you’re tugging his mouth down to your own. Hyuck’s gentle with you at first, but when you go to bite on his lower lip, he groans loudly. His tongue darts out to brush against your own, and the kiss deepens.
You’re done with your toy. You want to feel him, and you reach between your bodies to remove the dildo, pulling it out and tossing it onto the floor next to the bed.
Hyuck breaks your kiss to look at the wet toy on the ground, and he lets out a small laugh, gaze returning to your own. “Why’d you do that?”
“I want you.”
“Yeah?” His hand slips between your forms, and two digits stroke the length of your pussy, making you moan. “Want me to make you cum all over my fingers?”
You nod, grabbing at the front of his shirt, tugging his mouth back to yours while he buries himself into you knuckle deep.
He strokes your walls, and the feeling is absolutely delightful, especially when he angles his hand, palm pressing to your clit while he seeks out your gspot.
His lips are hot against your own, and they don’t muffle the sound of pleasure escaping you.
Hyuck’s a bit of a gamer, but you never really realized his fingers could feel this good-
“Shit, gorgeous,” he groans, breaking the kiss to move his mouth to your throat, where he lets out deep breaths. “You’re dripping all over my hand.”
“I’m so close-” you confess, gripping his shoulders tighter while he finger fucks you even harder, chasing your release.
“You’ll be a good girl and cum for me, right?” Hyuck prompts, which makes you mewl. “Yeah, you’ve always been such a good girl, gonna be good and cum all over my fingers-”
His words make you throb, and he applies more pressure to your clit with his palm. His lips press kisses to your neck and he finds your sweetspot, making everything feel all the more intense.
You’re on the edge, and you let out a loud gasp, clenching your eyes shut in anticipation.
“Cum for me, gorgeous. Come on, I wanna feel you.”
His words make the cord in your stomach snap, and your body is flooded with the pleasure of your release. You feel it everywhere, and it makes you cry out while holding onto him tighter. His hand continues between your thighs, fingers unrelenting, palm heavy on your clit.
Hyuck works you through your orgasm until you’re gasping and pushing at his shoulders, and then he straightens a little, motions stopping while he looks down at you. “Did you enjoy that?”
You can’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes a little. “You know I did.”
“Yeah, but you could still stroke my ego a little.”
“Stroke your ego?” You reach for his cock, gripping him through his sweats. “Like this?”
Hyuck lets out a low groan, thrusting forward to meet your hand. “As much as I’d love to watch you jack me off- tonight I’m here to make you feel better, and I’m not anywhere near being done with you yet.”
You’d never realized Hyuck had any self control, and you watch in shock as he gently moves your hand away.
“I’m going to eat you out now,” he tells you, slipping down the bed so he’s on his stomach between your legs. Hyuck spreads you open, gently kissing your inner thigh before looking up at you. “You good with this?”
“Uh huh,” you breathe, swallowing thickly as you prepare yourself for his tongue. “I’m still sensitive though.”
“I’ll go easy on you,” Hyuck promises, pressing a very soft kiss to your clit. “I can be gentle, contrary to popular belief.”
You can’t help but let out a giggle, but the sound is cut short when Hyuck unexpectedly buries his face between your thighs. His tongue presses into your hole and the feeling has your legs quaking as he adjusts them over his shoulders, trying to dive even deeper.
“Shit, Hyuck-” you whimper, grabbing at his hair.
He’s always been a bit of a liar- maybe you shouldn’t have believed him when he said he’d go easy on you. But… at the same time, the way his nose repeatedly bumps your clit has a fire building in your abdomen again, and you really aren’t even that mad about it.
You can feel Hyuck smile against you, and it’s such a turn on to know he’s enjoying himself while providing you with pleasure. Mark had always been somewhat rigid in your sexual interactions, much more serious than the grinning cheshire cat between your legs now.
Where Mark had been slow and tentative, Hyuck’s eager and passionate. He switches between lapping at your hole, sucking your clit, and pushing his tongue into you as deep as it can go, licking at your walls and working you up way faster than anyone else ever has in your entire life.
Then he begins to groan, and you realize he’s grinding against the bed-
Is eating you out really that sexy for him?
You feel another gush of wetness from the thought and your pussy throbs, warning you both that you’re close again. Hyuck responds by adjusting ever so slightly, lips wrapping around your clit while he pushes a hand to your entrance, slipping two fingers inside.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum-” you gasp, back arching off the bed while the cord in your stomach is pulled unbelievably tight.
Hyuck’s fingers twist in and out of your hole, and he licks at your clit in the most sloppy manner- it’s enough to have you exploding, a cry of pleasure escaping you while your core clamps down on your roommate.
He groans loudly, sinfully, and the vibration against your clit has your legs shaking around his head, orgasm pulsing deep through your entire being.
You’re practically crying at this point, and you can feel tears even while you clench your eyes shut, taking everything Hyuck’s giving you while moaning like a whore- you’ve never sounded this way, and there’s something almost addicting about the noises being torn out of you.
You know he feels it too, because Hyuck is completely unrelenting. If anything, he’s even more sloppy with the way he worships your pussy, fingers crooking up expertly-
You’re literally gushing around him, and you can feel it, can feel that your bed is going to be ruined after this. But you can’t bring yourself to care. All you can do is grab at your sheets, crying to the ceiling while your best friend makes you feel pleasure so intense that you can’t even think.
He’s fulfilled his promise about making you cry for good reasons… and he hasn’t even taken his cock out yet.
You’ve never been this needy in your entire life, and when he pulls away from your core, allowing you to catch your breath, you peak out at him from under wet lashes.
“You’re literally perfect,” he tells you, voice deep. His pupils are completely blown now and he’s breathing as heavily as you are.
You watch him bring glistening fingers up to his lips, slowly sucking them clean and moaning loudly at the taste of you before he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Fuck, and you’re already crying-” Hyuck sits up, leaning over you and reaching out to brush some of your tears away. “God, you’re fucking beautiful.”
“Hyuck-” you whimper, shocked that you’re choking up.
Your body is still being flooded with emotion and sensations. Your nipples are hard under your shirt and the fabric is becoming uncomfortable, making you more sensitive-
“Going to let me take care of you now, right, gorgeous?” he asks, pinching at your chin and leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Please-” You grab at your shirt and Hyuck follows through by helping you take it off.
You’re now fully revealed to him, and your best friend sits back to appreciate you, letting out a deep breath.
“Mark’s so fucking stupid for letting you go,” Hyuck says.
His words are bitter sweet, and in your overstimulated state, you find your lower lip wobbling as you hold back a choked sob.
“Shh,” Hyuck whispers, reaching out to cup your cheek. “It’s better to be with someone who knows your worth, like I do. I’d never fucking treat you the way he did- I promise.”
The look on his face is so intense, and you know he’s telling you the truth.
Your body relaxes a little- Hyuck really is such a good guy, and what he’s doing for you helps more than he’ll probably ever know. He’s making you feel sexy again, making you feel needed and wanted and maybe even loved.
“Besides,” Hyuck clears his throat, taking off his own shirt, “I’m going to fuck you so good you’ll forget all about that asshole.”
You can’t help but laugh sadly, wiping at your own face to get rid of the last tears while you watch Hyuck move to work on his sweats.
When he pushes the waistband down, revealing his cock, you think you might actually faint.
You’ve always thought Hyuck was a pretty guy, sexy of course, but pretty too- and his cock? It’s as stupidly pretty as the rest of him.
He must be a little over seven inches, and he’s girthy too-
You can feel yourself practically drooling as you look at him, and Hyuck smirks at your reaction. “Sure you’re ready for this, gorgeous?”
“If you don’t fuck me I think I might die.”
He laughs at your words. “Then I guess I better fuck you.”
“Should we…” you bite at your lip. “Do we need condoms?”
“Babe,” Hyuck scoffs. “Babe- we’re both clean, right? And I know you’re on birth control… do you want me to wear a condom? I always kind of imagined you’d be the kind of girl who wants to be full.”
How many times has he imagined this, you wonder.
But he’s right. You want him to fill you up like no one else has.
“Come here,” you say, holding open your arms while he kicks his sweats off.
Hyuck’s hands find the pillows by your head and he slots himself between your legs, lips pressing against your own.
You thread your fingers through his soft brown hair, kissing him eagerly. You want to get lost in him, and it’s easy to do that when he begins to rut his cock against your pussy, bumping your clit and making your thighs shake around his hips.
“Just fuck me,” you groan, already feeling so unbelievably needy.
Hyuck smirks against your lips, pulling away to look down at you with mischief in his eyes. “You’re so fucking hot it’s insane.”
“Then why aren’t you inside me yet?”
He moans a little, dipping his head to look between your bodies while he reaches for the base of his cock, lining himself up with your hole. “If it hurts, I’ll stop.”
You’re about to scoff and tell him he’s not that big when he pushes his head into your entrance and a gasp leaves your lips. The stretch is very real, and you wrap your arms tighter around his shoulders, closing your eyes and focusing on getting your body to relax.
You can practically feel your pussy struggling to make room for him, and even though you’re as wet as a fucking slip and slide, it’s still a little difficult for him to push in inch after inch-
“Fuck,” you whimper, and Hyuck rewards you by burying his face in your throat, peppering your skin in kisses. The soft feeling of his lips is enough to distract you from the intrusion opening up your pussy, and soon his hips are flush against your own, making you both release groans of pleasure.
“You ready for this?” Hyuck asks.
“God, yes-”
He reaches for your hand, pressing it to the pillow and threading your fingers. Then he kisses you softly-
When he begins to rut into you, it’s anything but soft.
Hyuck’s motions are calculated and rough, the tip of his cock hitting a spot deep inside of you that has you squeezing his hand. You’d be cussing if it weren’t for his hot lips against your own, lips that have gotten increasingly demanding, his tongue stroking yours while you gasp.
It feels amazing- like, truly. You’ve never been fucked like this, and he’s only just started.
He stops kissing you, breathing heavily while he fucks you even harder. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“You’re literally balls deep inside of me,” you nearly laugh. “You can ask me anything.”
“I’m just,” Hyuck groans, squeezing your hand. “Did you ever think about me when you were fucking Mark?”
Your pussy clenches at the question, from shock or hornyness, you’re not sure.
“You did, didn’t you?” Hyuck grins. “Don’t think I didn’t just feel you get super fucking tight around me- God, you are dirty like me, aren’t you, gorgeous? I thought… thought that when you started dating soft boy Mark, maybe you were more vanilla, but that’s not you, is it?”
“You like to get fucked, properly, don’t you, babe?” Hyuck continues.
“Fuck, yes-”
“And Mark didn’t know how to do that for you, did he? Mark didn’t know how to make you wet like this, didn’t know how to make you cry or scream or beg-”
You can’t bring yourself to verbally slander Mark while Hyuck’s fucking you like a wild man, so instead you just shake your head. Your confirmation makes Hyuck grin, and he fucks you even harder, the whole bed rocking while the sound of skin on skin fills the room.
“You know what? Enough about Mark. Forget him. You don’t need him anymore.” Hyuck’s mouth is hot on your neck and his words make you shiver as he moves to suck your earlobe. “You only need me. You only need me, I promise.”
Hyuck lets go of your hand and you’re about to argue with him about it when he shoves his fingers between your bodies, rubbing at your clit while he fucks you.
“Hyuck!” you whimper, writhing beneath him.
“That’s it gorgeous. I wanna ruin you for anyone else. After this, no one’s going to make you cum like I can.” He’s groaning now, voice all breathy and super sexy- “If I make you cum three times the first time I fuck you, that means you’re mine right?”
You moan loudly at the idea, grabbing his shoulders while he works you closer and closer to yet another orgasm that you have no doubt will be as mind blowing as the first two.
“Tell me you’re mine,” Hyuck says, voice gruffer now. “Fuck, gorgeous, I want you so badly- just say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” you gasp when he applies more pressure to your clit.
“That’s my girl,” Hyuck smiles against your neck. “You’ll let me mark you right? Let me suck some pretty bruises into your skin so every time you look in the mirror you know your roommate fucks you right-”
His tongue darts out, licking a stripe of your throat before his lips press to your sweet spot. He suctions his mouth onto you, teeth grazing your skin and causing you to cry out while you move your hands to tug on his hair.
Hyuck lets out a sinful groan when you pull gently on his soft brown strands, but he doesn’t let up. He’s entirely focused on you and your pleasure, cock continuing to rearrange your insides while his fingers abuse your nearly overstimulated clit-
“I’m so close-” you whimper, eyes closed as your body once again approaches the edge with startling speed.
“Yeah?” Hyuck moves away from your neck and you get the sense that he’s looking down at you. “Gonna cum on this cock and let me fill you up? Gonna let me breed you like the good girl you are? Make you so stupidly full that you’re fucking dripping?”
“Yes, fuck, Hyuck, please-” You’re on the verge of tears again, whole body thrumming with energy-
“Then cum for me. Let me fucking feel you.”
You twitch from his words, and then you’re falling over the edge, gasping and clawing at him while you’re overcome with ecstasy. You’re not sure if it’s because this is your third orgasm, or if it’s because his cock is balls deep inside of you, but this orgasm is the most intense of them all.
You’re reduced to a completely primal side of yourself, brain short circuiting while your body takes over. There are no thoughts, only the attempt to process all the pleasure that’s flowing through you like a river that’s broken through a dam.
The sounds escaping you are unlike anything that has ever come from your vocal cords, and Hyuck is also cumming, groaning loudly as he presses his lips to yours. His tongue is hot as it licks at your bottom lip, and his thrusts are erratic.
He takes his hand away from your clit in favour of finding yours again, fingers locking while he squeezes you. You can feel the passion radiating off of him, can feel that this won’t be a one time thing and you both know it.
Hyuck takes care of you through your orgasms until you’re both finished, and his motions begin to slow until he’s simply half laying on top of you, his kisses much more gentle as you gasp into each others mouths.
His hips are flush against your own, keeping his cum inside of you while you make out. His body is warm and it almost feels like a security blanket draped across your own. Hyuck’s fingers are still tangled with yours, and it feels nice just to be holding someone’s hand again.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” Hyuck groans, pulling away from your lips, “if we keep kissing I might have to fuck you again, and I don’t think you could take another orgasm.”
“Not tonight,” you agree, blinking up at your roommate.
It’s like you’re seeing him in a new light, and you assess the soft details of his features. He really is a beautiful man.
“And we ruined your bed,” Hyuck says with a grin. “You were squirting earlier and your sheets are too wet to sleep in, so I guess that means you’re coming to my room tonight.”
“You want me to sleep with you?” you nearly laugh.
“I’d honestly be offended if you didn’t.” He lets go of your hand, pushing himself off of you. “I didn’t get to touch your tits at all, and I’d like to have something to grab onto when we sleep.”
“God, you’re such a menace,” you giggle, pushing at his chest.
“You love it,” Hyuck insists, leaning down to press a quick kiss to your lips. “Come on, we should shower.”
“So we’re showering together now too? Weren’t you the guy who said Mark was being clingy by wanting to see me every day when we started dating?”
“It’s clingy when Mark does it,” Hyuck notes. “When I do it, it’s endearing and charming and sexy-”
“Sure it is,” you say sarcastically, shaking your head at him.
“What happened to my good girl?” Hyuck teases. “If you keep talking back, I might be tempted to ruin you in the shower.”
Now that you’re thinking about it, that doesn’t actually sound like the worst thing in the world.
“Fine, let’s go,” you concede, letting out a sigh.
There’s so much you could say about what has just taken place, but one thing you can state with confidence is that you do feel better. Hyuck had made you forget about Mark, if only for a short while before he started shit talking his friend- but, his words of slander hadn’t actually made you mad or sad or upset- they’d actually kind of had the opposite effect.
Life will go on after Mark Lee, and Hyuck’s made you realize that.
In fact, maybe your life after Mark will go on with Hyuck.
Maybe it was always meant to be this way.
You’re too tired to think about these big ideas in detail tonight, not after everything that’s just happened. Instead, you allow yourself to live in the moment, allow your roommate to take care of you the way he always has.
For now, this is more than enough.

☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! I'm back in my Hyuck feels again
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🔮 preview. “So perfect,” Hyuck tells you, reaching his hands up to cup your breasts. Before he can dive in, however, you press the ice pack to his face again and he winces below you. A scowl forms, and he glares into your eyes. “Maybe I don’t like it when you take care of me.”
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, thigh riding, multiple reader orgasms, dirty talk, praise, claim kink, boob worship, big dick Hyuck, sex in on the living room couch, physical altercation between new boy and ex, overstim, holding off an orgasm, cumming together, light spanking, etc… I pet names: (hers) gorgeous, babe .
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.9k I teaser wc. 220
🌙 staring. Haechan x afab!reader

“Dude,” Jeno sighs, staring at the man sitting on his couch. “You did not-”
“Except that I did,” Hyuck smirks. “You should be happy for me.”
“Is that what you’re going to say to Mark after you tell him you fucked his ex?” Renjun asks, narrowing his eyes at their naughtiest friend.
“Actually,” Hyuck sighs, leaning back against the couch, “I think we shouldn’t tell Mark, not yet at least.”
“So now you’re making us all culpable in your bullshit,” Renjun groans loudly, rolling his eyes.
Hyuck gaze shifts from the angry aries to Jaemin, who’s yet to say anything since Hyuck’s big reveal. “You’re cool with this, aren’t you?”
“I mean…” Jaemin cocks his head to the side, “you have wanted to be with her for years-”
“See, Jaemin gets it!” Hyuck grins, eyes turning to his part time gym buddy next. “And Jeno? You understand where I’m coming from, don’t you?”
“Mark is not going to be happy about this,” Jeno frowns.
“And I wasn’t happy when he started dating my roommate crush,” Hyuck states, “or when he broke up with her unexpectedly.”
“Don’t lie,” Renjun scoffs, “we all know you probably celebrated when they ended things.”
“Only a little,” Hyuck confesses, grinning again. “Okay but for real,” his expression turns serious, “guys, I think I love her.”

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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝙻𝚎𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚌 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚊 🇧🇷



-Ama quando você fala em português com ele (ainda mais aquelas palavras que seu sotaque bate forte).
-Sempre que a Ferrari vai gravar uma propaganda em que ele precisa falar em português pede pra você ajudar ele a pronunciar as palavras corretamente (oq vc não gosta muito pq adora o jeitinho que ele pronúncia as palavras)
-Sente um tico de ciúmes seu e do Hamilton, por conta da ligação dele com o Brasil, e toda a relação que o próprio público tem com o Hamilton.
-Um dia ele te viu triste e foi perguntar ''𝚝𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚙𝚘𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛?'' ''queria ir em um show dos Mamonas Assassinas ou do Cazuza, mas não dá!'' ''𝚙𝚘𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚗𝚊̃𝚘 𝚖𝚎𝚞 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚛? 𝚎𝚞 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚘 𝚘 𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚛𝚊 𝚟𝚘𝚌𝚎̂!''
-A primeira vez que te viu com um bíquine ''a la Brasil'' só faltou uivar e babar
-Te chamo de ''meu amor'' em português mesmo
-A primeira vez que você levou ele pra beber em um barzinho brasileiro teve que trazer ele carregado pro hotel.
-''𝚟𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚜 𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚛 𝚞𝚖 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚘'' é o que ele diz toda vez que vocês estão na rua e ele vê um cachorrinho caramelo
-Ele tem uma playlist com músicas que fazem ele lembrar de você.
-A primeira vez que ele postou um story de vocês dois juntos, colocou a música ''Eu amo você'' do Tim Maia no fundo.
-Pensa seriamente em quando se aposentar viver com você numa casinha repleta de caramelos e uma rede pra dormir.