Hogwarts Houses - Tumblr Posts
Personnality Tests
Taken from @kryingkardashianz ~
For some tests, I’ll put multiple answers cause I can’t focus on just one !
Be free to reblog or copy/paste to make yours :)
Zodiac Signs: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Enneagram: The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
Soul Type: Hunter | Caregiver | Creator | Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist |
Hogwarts Houses: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin |
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual|
Brain Lateralisation Test: Left | Right|
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% | 41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
I'm so in love with this aesthetics ❤😍

Ilvermorny Aesthetics: Wampus // Pukwudgie // Thunderbird // Horned Serpent
Hogwarts Aesthetics: Slytherin // Ravenclaw // Hufflepuff // Gryffindor
Houses and the world
Gryffindors: explore/experience the world
Hufflepuffs: help/improve the world
Ravenclaws: know/ add something to the world
Slytherins: change/rule the world

Hogwarts' Common Rooms Midjourney AI art by Elina Clevergull
Headcanons Pt 3 - Sorting
So, this is how it's going to go; I'm gonna list a Sans, their Hogwarts house, and why they're there and not elsewhere. I know houses are subjective, but I don't care. It's a fun activity I do with fandoms to familiarize myself with the characters. What traits would place them where, and which would make them seem out of place. How would relationships work across houses? How would they react to being sorted? All that jazz. Starting off with the Gang
Nightmare's Gang:
Horror: Hufflepuff
Was so close to being sorted into Gryffindor. He would have been uncomfortable there, but reckless abandon and pure determination are practically the only two things you need for that house. Both of which he has. He would take a bullet for his friends but would struggle when being put in a situation as a leader. This house also sits closer to the kitchens, so he'd feel right at home. I feel his character too soft and squishy to be sorted elsewhere. (Yes, I am aware of his past, but in a sympathetic Nightmare's Gang, where he'd be allowed to grow and recover, he just becomes a giant teddy bear, leave me alone!!)
Killer: Ravenclaw
Despite his stunning lack of awareness or book smarts, Killer would likely be sorted into Ravenclaw. I find that most of my sorting activities have a prankster character or two in this house. There is a level of cunning needed to pull off more elaborate pranks. He would not like this. Ravenclaws are nerds, he is not a nerd. That aside, he is still somewhat into science like most Sanses seem to be. As much as he is to rush into battle, he tries to at least have some semblance of a plan.
Dust: Ravenclaw
This sorting takes advantage of Ravenclaw stereotypes, Dust being book smart and skilled enough to be Nightmare's right hand. A strategist. He teetered on the edge of ending up in Slytherin, but his lack of wanting to lead on his own keep him out. As well as the fact that he prefers to be quiet, not speaking up even when it might be more necessary. He also has the makings of a Hufflepuff, with his unwavering loyalty and general friend-shaped-ness, as prickly as he may be.
Cross: Gryffindor
The Hufflepuff-iest Gryffindor to ever exist. Sir wants to be a side character but the world won't let him. He wants to follow Nightmare, protect his friends/found family, and will do anything to make that happen. As it is, he's also fairly ambitious, a great leader when the need calls for it, and so self-sacrificing that that one trait alone would have landed him here anyway.
Nightmare: Ravenclaw
A Gryffindor-leaning Raven if you will. Again, he falls into the traditional book smart category of this house. His wit allows him to lead, but he's not dumb enough to run into a battle unprepared. He has a right hand to act as a second opinion, making sure everything is tactically sound. He would kill and die for his found family and they are the only people who would make his reckless enough to make him a Ravenclaw-leaning Gryffindor. He has a handful of Hufflepuff traits, being loyal to a fault and a bit more trusting than one might expect for someone with his past.
Error: Slytherin
The first and only of the Gang sorted here. Despite not being the most morally bankrupt character out there, he finds his sorting helps with his job. He obviously keeps the people he cares about close, but anyone beside them can rot. It's his job to destroy things so the world doesn't collapse on itself, he can't afford to care about much. He is also incredibly ambitious, but not stupid enough to think his goal is an easy one.
Star Sanses:
Ink: Slytherin
The main reason for this sorting is the lack of emotions. Even with them, he is chaotic. He has a small group of friends that he keeps close. His goal is a lofty one, creating to maintain the balance. But he oft creates too much, leaving Error to deal with it. Quite impatient, but also silly and cunning. Cannot look before he leaps and refuses to try, a trait that is scarily common in Slytherins and Gryffindors.
Dream: Hufflepuff
Despite the lack of side character vibes, this man does not want the spotlight. He's Cross if Cross ended up in Hufflepuff. Slightly Gryffindor-leaning. He's a charismatic leader type, but his strengths are in his loyalty and friend-shaped-ness. He's also not as reckless or brash as Gryffindors or their scaley counterparts. Prefers to stay out of the action when possible and would only fight for others.
Blue: Gryffindor
As stated prior, Blue is the only Gryffindor of the Stars. He has all the makings of a classic Gryffindor hero, minus the reckless abandon. He is great at leading and properly motivated. Perhaps a bit self-sacrificing, but that's par for the course. He tends to get drawn into battle whether he likes it or not and will not stand very any injustice. He has a rigid moral compass and is very honest. Since Blue is also a model friend, he also is quite Hufflepuff in design. Love this guy.
If I didn't make it obvious through all that, Gryffindor and Slytherin are houses that lack the ability to fear. And that's not a good thing. Perfect for heroes, but anyone else? Not so much. I'm a Huffpuff, and the more I favor a character, the more likely they are to end up in that house. I think it's just because I like those kinds of characters, but Dream is an outlier in this situation. I feel like all the Slytherins and Gryffindors are somewhat interchangeable, given how close those two houses seem to be. I also refuse to change my stance on Ravenclaw Killer. The lack of braincells that he has active at any given time makes the sorting funny, but he does use them sometimes, which is why he's there.
If you want to see what I have to say about certain Sanses, you can always request them. I'm likely going to stop after Pt 4, in which I'll be covering the remaining CQ bros, Ccino, Crop, Reaper, and maybe TK and Lust.
I remember there being this one ominis gaunt x reader fic where he gifts the reader a necklace that only parseltongue can open and urgently need to find it
Ravenclaw: maybe you should stop making such unnecessary amount of cookies?
Hufflepuff: it’s either this or friendship bracelets and we all know that I haven’t finished making them.
Ravenclaw: I’m just saying it’s almost been a week since we saw you sleep and the teachers are getting worried.
Hufflepuff: I haven’t even made a friendship bracelet for Slytherin.
Ravenclaw: just please for the love of god go to bed.

Sorry it looks burry? It’s not letting me post it from my computer so ahaha yyyaaaa
You were finally a seventh year student. And of course you took pride to that when it came to comparing yourself to your friends, who either were forced to retake a year or who simply dropped out.
Now you were wondering around the school grounds, just waiting for time to pass. That was until you noticed the two first years.
They had their backs turned to you but you could see it clearly. One of them was holding a nerve wreaking, large snake. It made you nervous because a child that small and young shouldn’t be holding that without a adult around.
That one with the snake was cooing at it. Making kiss sounds and calling ‘snuggles’ wonderful, lovely things. To your surprise the snake seemed to cuddle back.
Now the other kid. Oh bless that poor kid’s soul. That kid was clearly terrified of said snake. But it was also clear that the kid loved and cared for the other one’s feelings. So much that when ever the snake lover turned to look at the kid, they’d make a face of glee and asked questions, only to cringe in fear when they turned around.
And of course you could tell that the snake lover was a slytherin No doubt in your mind that the other one was a gryffindor or some other house.
“Hey,” you called out, ready to give the pair a scolding for not having supervision.
They turned around, said ‘gryffindor’ glared at you, annoyed that you were bothering them. And said gryffindor was actually said slytherin.
The snake lover wasn’t a sytherin though. But they gave a nervous glance between you two as they pet snuggles. And the snake lover was actually a hufflepuff.
You were puzzled and quickly gathered yourself and began your scolding. The slytherin kid grew more anger by the minute and the hufflepuff grow more nervous.
Feeling bad, you apologized and told them you weren’t going to tell a teacher. And of course the hufflepuff beamed in relief and joy. Even the other one seemed to calm down.
The two bid you a rather questionable byes and hurried on with their day. And the snake happily bobbed it’s head up and down as you watched them leave.
You turn to leave as well, eager to tell your friends of the odd pair of first years.
Griffindoor: Be Brave
Hufflepuff: Be Kind
Ravenclaw: Be Wise
Slythering: Put a fucking basilisk in the girls toilets
I've been thinking about the battle of Hogwarts recently, and I really dislike the idea of all the Slytherins leaving after Pansy threatens Harry. I feel like not all of them would have left. I have this beautiful image in my mind of a different scenario. It's right before the battle and Voldemorts amplified voice has delivered its dire message. Not a word is spoken until Pansy steps forward and urges everyone to "grab him". Except this time Ginny isn't the first to put herself in front of him. Before anyone can even think, a Slytherin sixth year, a girl barely of age, makes her way past Pansy and blocks her path to Harry Potter. The hall remains silent as everyone watches in shock. A Slytherin protecting Harry Potter? They have forgotten that while Slytherins are cunning and ambitious, they are also determined. They have forgetten that your house is a representation of the values you hold closest, not the only traits you possess. They have forgetten that Slytherins can be brave, wise and loyal. That just because someone is a Slytherin, doesn't mean that they are evil. The still doesn't last long, just long enough for people to realise what has happened. Ginny steps forward and takes the girls hand. A girl in her year, a girl she had never spoken to before, had stood up for what was right, and she would stand with her. And then the other houses join them. First the Gryffindors, then the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs. Then the Slytherins. The four houses standing together, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, ready to protect their fellow student from the evil outside. For Cedric Diggory. The spare. For Harry Potter. The Chosen one. For themselves and their future, just as the sorting hat had advised. Not all of them go to protect him but many do. The Slytherins cannot blame their housemates for not wanting to fight. They knew that many of their parents and family members would be out there fighting against them. No one could blame them for wanting to avoid that. Still, some Slytherins went anyway, knowing that they would be forced to face their loved ones. Pansy wants to scream. She yells and calls them blood traitors, slinging foul curses at them before MacGonagall cuts her off and sends her, and those housemates who chose, away. Everyone burst into cheers as they left the great hall, many running to congratulate their Slytherin friends on joining them. Harry turned around to find the girl who had stood up for him. A girl he didn't even know. He found her in the crowd and she noticed his looks. As he went to flag her down, he was dragged away, but before he lost her to the roar, she nodded her head to him in understanding. And so they fought. Side by side, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff alike protecting each other. Some fought their own parents, backed up by friends who they knew would never let them down, no matter what house they were from. They fought, they died, they were injured, they tended to the wounded. They cried, they mourned, and they held their loved ones even closer. They watched as Voldemort arrived with Harry Potters body at his feet. They listened to his grand speech as he urged them to join them, his own house, his family. But no Slytherin joined him that night. They stood side by side with their schoolmates, and they joined hands, because if they were to die then they would die together. And they did not regret their choice at all. They cheered when Harry rose up, they fought in the last stretch of the battle, and they watched the final showdown in awe. It was finally over. Harry never learnt the girls name. He never found her again. But many years later, when Albus Potter worried about his house, Harry didn't tell him of Severus Snape. He told his son of a girl he never knew standing up for him in front of her own housemates and certain death. He told his son of the Slytherins who fought and died beside him to make the world a better place. He told his son that if he was a Slytherin he should be proud. For Slytherins could be brave, wise and loyal. They were all just students.
a (not so) short interlude: fanfiction
Hello friends!
This week I have taken a break from working on my original story and instead wrote a piece of fanfiction. At first glance this may not seem like something unusual. In my bio I state I am a professional nerd afterall, and though I don’t believe I have ever discussed it on here, I do consume quite a bit of fanfiction along with original novels. However, the truth is that I had never actually written fanfiction. Well, before this week that is.
In my one writing class (the same writing class I am doing this blog for in fact) we have been assigned to create a Remix, which is basically what it sounds like: taking other people’s content and cut/copy and pasting it to create something different/new. Remixes are the basis of fan-culture: fanfiction, fanart, video edits– all of these constitute as Remixes. And so, of course, my first, and strongest idea, for the assignment was to write a fanfiction. I wasn’t sure if that was allowed within the constraints of the assignment, so this week I basically asked my professor if I could write and submit a fanfiction for a class assignment.
The things you do at university ladies and gentlefolk.
I didn’t ask in so many words of course, and my professor was super chill about it and seems really excited for what I would come up with so that's cool. She’s going to be reading this post at some point actually so…
Hello, Professor M! Thanks for being so awesome! ᕱ__ᕱ
Anyway, all this to say, I was inspired to write my first fanfiction this week. It is not a part of the project I will be turning in for class, however it does introduce and develop some original characters, relationships, and conflicts that I may include in my class fanfic.
Oh! And before I let you get into it, I suppose I should let y’all know that it’s a Harry Potter fanfiction. That being said, I hope you enjoy!!

“Muggle sports are so interesting,” Em said, swinging the pale pink baseball bat she carried up onto her shoulder with a flourish. “Don’t you think, Marcus?” She rolled her head back over her shoulder with a taunting smile to stare down Marcus Flint, who paused from where he was sauntering down the hallway with the Slytherin quidditch team, scoffing at Emma’s question.
“You think I know what the fuck your talking about, blondie? Muggle sports? As if lower myself to even touch anything associated with muggles.” His massive nose wrinkled as if he had taken a whiff of something particularly nasty, sneering down at the smaller girl. The whole hallway has frozen by this point.
“What even is that thing?” Adrian Pucey called out, “Looks like a fucked Beater’s batt,” he said, unintentionally echoing my question from earlier. “Are you sure they even use that for sport? Looks thin enough it could snap in half with one blow.” Laughter tittered through the gathered Slytherins and even some pure blood students from other houses.
“And would they even hit anything with it?” Malfoy cut in, snidely. “They’re not as developed as wizards, with their inferior reflexes. Clumsy oafs.” He sniffed with derision and the Slytherin’s laughter grew, through the rest of the students had piped down. Emma’s smile had dropped.
Flint’s sneer turned into a cruel grin “I’d think you would know that quite well, what with the spectacle your relatives made last year.”
He was, of course, referring to when Emma had gotten caught up in the Chamber of secrets mess and had been petrified. Her muggle aunt had some to visit all the way from America and was in hysterics, though, rightfully so. Ems had to wait until near the end of the term for the mandrake draught to age to be cured as the Hogwarts Board had not seen it fit to allot a budget to import some from overseas.
As Pucey, Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherin team snickered, Flint continued on, striking his final blow, “Poor little mudblood.”
He leaned back, apparently satisfied with himself as Ems spun on her heel to face him fully, steel in her eyes and stone faced, the pink bat still on her shoulder.
The thing about Emma that many people still don’t get, even though we are well into our Fourth Year at Hogwarts, is that though she may be a Hufflepuff, she is never one to back down from a challenge. Especially if she initiated it. Especially if it deals insults to her family and friends.
A sickeningly sweet smile rose to her face. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Marcus,” she simpered, false concern evident in her voice, “I forget sometimes that some people are so uneducated on this side of the pond.” Flint's face dropped and his relaxed pose faltered. “I’ll make sure to speak slowly for you, don’t worry.” That gained Ems a few snickers of her own from the other students in the crowded hall, but the Slytherins all tensed and a few people left to go grab a Professor.
Emma took a step forward as if nothing was wrong, smile still in place, but fire in her eyes. “This is called a baseball bat. It’s used in a sport called baseball. It’s very popular in America, even among the wizarding community. I unfortunately don’t think I have the skills to explain the whole game to you in a way that you would understand, but a baseball bat functions similarly to a beater bat. However, the ball that one must hit is much smaller than a bludger.” Emma paused here to take another step forward, her smile growing into something sharper. “What that means, Marcus, is that a baseball bat is much, much better for hitting,” she glanced down his body, making sure he saw the direction of her gaze when she looked back into his eyes a few seconds later, “smaller targets.”
Marcus inhaled sharply and the Slytherin team stood frozen as several students in the hall burst into laughter. Emma stepped back, her smile turning into a much more genuine smirk. “And for the record Marcus, I’m very grateful my aunt came all the way from America to visit me when I was attacked by the Heir of Slytherin. I’m very lucky to have such wonderful family. I’m sure your father would have done the same for you.” Flint flinched back slightly, hurt flashing across his face, though it was quickly covered by a scowl. Now that was a bit of a low blow, though arguably it was deserved. It was the worst kept secret in Slytherin that Marcus and his father did not get along, to put it lightly.
Just then, a Ravenclaw prefect rounded the corner with Professors McGonagall and Snape in tow. Students very quickly began to disperse, including the rest of the Slytherin team, as Professor Snape raised an eyebrow at the scene. “Just what is going on here?”
“Nothing, professors,” Emma bounced on her heels as she turned towards Snape and McGonagall, beaming at them. I could have sworn I heard Professor Snape mutter “too bright” under his breath, but I could be mistaken. “I was just telling Marcus about the American muggle sport called baseball,” she gestured to the bat on her shoulder.
Then, she turned to look at Flint again. “I’m so sorry to cut this riveting conversation short but I really do have to go and check on some of my plants. I’m sure Professor Burbage would be happy to continue to explain baseball to you if you ask politely. Though, that may be a challenge for you,” she nodded gravely to herself, “You should work on that. I hear that adequate etiquette skills are needed in pure blood circles, but I’m sure I wouldn’t know anything about that, being muggleborn myself.”
She smirked at Flint, daring him to say anything and reveal the fact that he had called her a slur. Flint looked down and glared at the floor. Ems shifted her gaze back to the bewildered professors. “I was actually raised in the wizarding world, professors. It’s actually quite interesting! The American magical government is a little less strict about no-maj, sorry, muggle separation and my muggle aunt did marry a wizard.”
“When my parents passed away and my aunt and uncle took me in, they revealed the world of magic to me. My aunt still works in the muggle world, but my uncle works for MACUSA.” Ems grinned. “That’s how it was so easy for me to get approval to study abroad here at Hogwarts. It’s where my uncle went. Anyway, I really do have to go. See you in transfiguration tomorrow Professor MacGonagal, bye!” With that Emma skipped away.
Snape shook his head slightly and turned back to Flint. “Do you have anything to add to Miss Williams’ account, Mr Flint.”
Flint’s mouth pinched and his shoulders hunched but he just shook his head and said, “No, Professor.”
MacGonagal huffed a short breath. “Right, then. Everything seems to be in order.” She shooed Flint off. “Away with you Mr Flint, there’s no need to dawdle in the corridors. And thank you Mr Turner for grabbing us to deescalate the situation,” she said turning to the prefect, “2 points to Ravenclaw.”
Flint shuffled off, as MacGonagal left with the Ravenclaw prefect, Turner, who was asking her about something or other transfiguration related. Only Snape remained in the hall, and when both parties turned opposite corners, he spoke again. “Miss Woodward.”
I remained hidden.
He sighed. “Miss Woodward I would like an account of these events from your own perspective this evening. Please arrive at my office after dinner, no later than 7.” With that he turned and stalked off.
I stepped out from the tapestry I was hiding behind and made a mental note to send Ems a note thanking her. I myself then turned and made my way to the courtyard despite the winter chill, resolved to avoid the dungeons and my head of house until after dinner.
I’m quite proud of what I have written here and for my first fanfiction ever I don’t think I’ve done too shabby of a job. But, with that, since this post is a little longer than normal, I shall let you go.
Remember: dot your your j’s and cross your t’s! ᕱ__ᕱ
~Clementine J. Quincey 🪷

Scenarios/Ideas to script in your Hogwarts DR —
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*
> Playing Hide And Seek around the castle with your friends (group)
> Pranking Filch 🫢🤭
> Dancing to your song with your S/O
> Karaoke in your dorm w/ your dorm mate(s)
> Swim day at the black lake with your friends (or date w/ your S/O 😏)
> Hunting for potions ingredients in the forbidden forest w/ Luna
> Helping Hagrid with magical creatures
> Put puking pastels in peoples drinks in the great hall
> Play music during Umbridges lesson when she’s not looking
> Write love notes to someone pretending to be someone else and drop/leave it somewhere random
> Race Oliver Wood around Hogwarts on a broom
> Confuse your friends/CC/ S/O with slang, saying, trends or inside jokes from this reality
> Bully Crabbe and Goyle 😇🤫
> Speak in another language for a whole day to your S/O or CC
> Jinx Draco with a dancing jinx
> Play Gobbstones 🤷♀️
> Start a prank war with other houses or your year level
> Duel a Professor and try to beat them (Professor Snape 😬)
> True or Dare with truth serum (Bit basic but classic 👌)
> Have a bonfire at night at the black lake with your friends, CC(s) and S/O
> Have a band at Hogwarts that play at house parties or special occasions/events
A/n: Let me know if you want me to do more or if you have any ideas you want me to write. This is my first post and I hope you like it 🫣😅
Hey Everyone!
Once again I came across a random thought. As a Harry Potter fan, I was wondering how the Moon Knight system amongst the four Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Using the MCU’s version of the character(s), here’s how I would see them:
Steven Grant=Ravenclaw

While some people may say Steven is Hufflepuff due to his honest and loyal nature, I would say he aligns more closely with the traits of Ravenclaw: intelligence and creativity. This can be seen in Steven’s studious nature in his interest in Egyptian history as well as the fact that he was able to help Marc and Layla figure out the constellations 🌌 by simply making their map into a star. Something that was outside the box thinking.
Marc Spector= Gryffindor

Though this one is kind of a given, let me explain this one. Marc aligns closely with House Gryffindor due to his brave, daring and adventurous nature. Like all Gryffindors, Marc can also be pretty stubborn and reckless as he feels that he needs to handle everything alone and be able to meet the hero expectation and not let anyone down.
Jake Lockley= Slytherin

Just because I put Jake in Slytherin for this scenario doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad guy. In fact, the few seconds that we had seen Jake show him to be very resourceful and shrewd as he adaptive to the situation of being the third alter by staying hidden from the rest of the system and only coming out when necessary. However, since Jake is the aggressive parts of Marc’s nature, this has led him to be manipulative and vindictive. This can be seen throughout the two times in three show where Marc thought Steven had killed those they were fighting against.
Do you agree or disagree with these thoughts? Please feel free to leave your opinions.
Some ✨Hufflepuffs✨ that people like to stick into other houses for no reason:
-Joel from The Last of Us
-Jack Harkness from Doctor Who
-Anakin “don’t do that” Skywalker from Star Wars
Here’s a fun one no one will understand:
-Aral Vorkosigan from the Vorkosigan Saga
The only reason I’m a hufflepuff is because I have to much anxiety to be a slytherin

What hogwarts house are you in?
I'm a hufflepuff
I saw a TikTok about how someone couldn’t decide if Carnival would be the hype song for Gryffindor or Slytherin but like guys it’s def Ravenclaw. Like come on, “head so good she honor roll”!
I keep wondering what the Hogwarts houses of each love interest would be. Ais would undoubtedly be Gryffindor, Kuras maybe Ravenclaw, Vere is Slytherin, Mhin is Ravenclaw I think, and for Leander, I'm torn between Hufflepuff (my house) and Slytherin
No one:
Absolutely no one: