Like FUCK - Tumblr Posts
this is my fave seonghwa like y’all don’t understand how much i need this man

"Not gonna lie, we're doing pretty well already But yes, oh my doctor said There's a lot of room left to grow"
seonghwa, matz (2023)

hey pick up, song mingi is calling!

I’m so happy you’re home.
Mia Goth as Pearl in PEARL (2022) dir. Ti West

this anime movie got me sobbing bro

sexy costars are back
when a ship involves one character being so utterly devoted to the other that its borderline religious????? when the devoted character is written to be seen as a sinner, or damned, or a non believer??? and the other character an angel or god-like???? i simply eat that shit UP how can you not??
i just want to say that whoever made the post about zoro possibly having bruxism due to his sword style I want you to know it haunts me and I can't stop looking at his teeth in any scene that shows them/anytime he uses his 3 sword style
why the fuck is oliver aiku so is lowkey pissing me off...
pissing me off that he isn't in my bed and giving me attention even though I know he has like 4 other chicks dming him in on his phone >:/
Ok is anyone else all of the sudden getting like 16 porn accounts following you a day cause it’s really annoying and I haven’t been on tumblr that long only like 2 years but it’s never been this bad like👀👀👀
I feel so much grief for the girl I could've been. I feel so much gratitude for the girls my age who aren't where I am.
I wouldn't wish this or curse anyone with this. I swear.
So why do I allow myself to go through something I wouldn't want the next person to go through.
I will never say this feels good. I will never tell someone my drug of choice is "awesome and so cool" (if I do it's a JOKE I PROMISE YOU. I just need to laugh a little so I don't spiral completely into old habits. I Just pretend it's funny when it's really not,)
I will always tell someone the true reality before I make those type of jokes. just so they know it's not worth it.
I've made horrible, horrible embarrassing desperate choices out of convincing myself that I needed it when I only wanted it.
You don't want to know what the fuck has happened because I met the wrong person or ran into the wrong place. I ended up in the sewer (metaphorical) I ended up in my grave I ended up thinking the pleasure was pretty when it was only pain.
I can't complain, this is not a complaint post. If it feels like it ur not really understanding. Really the point is to try and divert anyone who wants to think that drugs r cool when they will only end up killing you physically and mentally. even sexually.
Wow I sound like such a fifth grader who's into D.A.R.E. or whatever but I am here ,I am where I am and if I could tell anyone who wants to try shit., I would sob and sob and sob and sob and do ANYTHING to make sure they never end up here.