So There Is This Thing Going Around That Nora Said Andrew Will Never Be Able To Smile/laugh Right? (i
So there is this thing going around that Nora said Andrew will never be able to smile/laugh right? (i dont know i vaguely remember reading something on here about that said she said it but i cant find it anywhere) anyways i couldn't stop thinking about it so i wanna share what i think about this.
(trigger warning, talk about self harm, abuse, rape depression)
I think it takes a while for Andrew to smile in front of people. Andrew has been hiding his feeling for so long, that he is just used to not showing any emotion, except for the anger outburst he has through the series.
Andrew has hit such a low point that he even hurt himself just feel something or atleast something else than the horrible pain he has been through. He goes up to the roof despite his fear of heights because he wanted to feel something. He does these things because he didn't feel anything or maybe because he didn't know how to feel. Neil was the first person to actually discover these things and genuinely started to care about Andrew, of course Nicky, Bee, Kevin and Aaron cared for Andrew too but not like Neil. Andrew felt- no knows Neil doesn't necessarily want something and he has had the feeling that the others do want something from him. So when it comes to smiling i think his first genuine smile in yesrs was when Neil was with him. It might have been just on the nights on the roof where they were kissing or when Neil did something stupid (again), whatever moment it was in both of these moments Andrew realised he was so happy just being with the incredibly stupid guy in front of him. It made him so happy he smiled. Neil had to catch his breath when he saw it, which wiped the smile off Andrew as quickly as it had appeared but it stayed aith Neil for weeks.
I think when he first laughed was probably because of something so stupid or when he found out Neil was ticklish, i go with the second option. Just imagine Andrew finding it out when his hands brushed Neil's side so tenderly and soft that the touch was barely there but Neil felt it and jerked away. "Wait seriously your ticklish?" Andrew said and he brushed his hand over the same spot again. Which made Neil grab Andrew wrist tenderly. "Yes im ticklish."
Andrew gave Neil a smirk and tickled him which made Neil burst out into laughter and not soon Andrew followed. It was a soft and genuinely happy sound and it literally wiped Neil off his feet, he couldn't believe he just made THE Andrew Minyard laugh.
I think the first time Andrew smiles/laughs in front of the foxes is at Dan's and Matt's wedding. It was just a small gathering just after both of them graduated with the foxes, abby, wymack, bee, Dan's stage sister and Matt's mother but it was beautiful. Andrew had smiled when they said the yes word to each other and Nicky couldn't believe his eyes. Nicky- the loud mouth he is- said, "Guys Andrew just smiled!" Neil wacked Nicky in the back of his head before Andrew could do something (which probably would've involved knifes)
And so he slowly started showing his emotions more, when he was happy he would smile around the foxes but he was still awkward and seemingly emotionless towards the media.
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More Posts from Yoongiwithglasses

more long headcanons! the foxes and their victory trip
after everything is sorted out with the ravens and the moriyamas, the foxes are finally free to do what they want
allison wants to give neil complete control over choosing where they go, because no one else really cares and they just want to be together
but neil is very indecisive and overwhelmed with friendship and relief
renee puts a world map up over a bulletin board and she hands him some darts and tells him to throw it blindfolded and see what happens
andrew ties his bandana over his eyes and they all wait behind them
first one lands in the ocean, then alaska, then japan
neil tries to see the last one but andrew yanks the bandana back down and everyone else is shrieking “nO! IT’S FINE!! KEEP THROWING!!!”
he’s a bit flummoxed by their strong response but okay
his sixth and last dart lands on hawaii
nicky is practically vibrating with excitement and aaron has to force him to cool it because it’s on neil and everyone knows he has a thing against the beach, they don’t know why but they won’t ask
neil thinks for a moment and allison almost plucks the darts out to try again, but he gives a little nod and follows her out to call sarah
in the hall neil describes what he thinks would be good, and it’s the complete opposite of everything he associates with his mother’s death
allison repeats it all perfectly to sarah, then shows photos to neil again a couple hours later to confirm he’s alright with it
andrew gives him a look when he asks if he’ll be okay flying for that long so neil drops it
next week they’re all heading to the airport, with a surprisingly willing kevin because he is also overwhelmed with freedom and still high on their win and the season’s over so why not?
it is, to no one’s surprise, a clusterfuck
getting to texas is fine, even with allison’s small mountain of luggage and everyone being too afraid to ask andrew about his knives but he somehow gets through just fine
this false security will be their downfall
they have two hours to walk around until they can catch their flight to honolulu
aaron’s on the phone with katelyn and dan takes a video of him grinning and leaning against the window while he listens to her
matt makes smoochy noises and aaron flips him off
neil, nicky, kevin, and andrew all go off in search of food
it just so happens that there are exy fans by a mcdonald’s and kevin gets swarmed
he puts on his Press Face even though he was literally just shouting at nicky about ancient greece
“no they weren’t just gay, nicky!! there was certainly homosexuality but there was philosophy, too!!”
the fans ask him about riko’s “suicide” and the investigation into the ravens, but before he can have a panic attack dan calls them to frantically say the gate has changed and they have thirty minutes to get there
half an hour would be a lot to anybody but to this dysfunctional family that’s absolutely nothing
except no one can find neil? he somehow slipped past andrew?
they sprint back to where the upperclassmen are and they’re all freaking out because what if it’s another mafia thing and they’re not finished with him-
andrew won’t let anyone get security involved and of course neil’s phone is off and they’re now calling wymack out of desperation
with five minutes left before they have to be at their gate, neil finally shows up and they’re all like BRO
he stands in confusion while the girls pat him down for injuries and andrew just barely manages not to punch him
then they finally notice what he’s holding and he presents steaming hot paper bags from auntie anne’s
“i wanted to get us pretzels, but andrew doesn’t like the salt or plain ones, so i had to wait for the cinnamon sugar ones. and the line was really long.”
everyone’s just staring at him
“i also asked them to put extra cinnamon sugar”
more silence
then there’s a warning call for the flight and there’s no time to yell at him so they’re all scrambling to get to the new gate
andrew just grabs neil by the hoodie and drags him along
it takes a good hour before everyone can truly calm down on the plane
kevin and aaron try to order vodka but renee silently puts a pretzel in their hands
aaron: “i hate this fucking family”
dan takes a selfie of all of them to send to wymack and abby
andrew is furious about what neil did and neil feels bad so he just holds his hand for the whole flight under a blanket
when they land they’re all super disoriented so they go straight to the massive beach house allison has gotten them
it has its own private stretch of sand and a big porch and the water is so clear and blue
matt and aaron repeatedly dunk kevin while andrew and neil watch from where they’ve set up folding chairs
“ANDREW AREN’T YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING?” “no, i don’t think i will”
they take surfing lessons and poor matt is too tall to really get the hang of it but neil…neil is amazing
neil’s really got an excellent set of abs and he may be small but he’s very in tune with his body
andrew refuses to get on a surfboard because he prefers watching neil anyway
nicky, renee, dan, and matt LOVE laughing at their white friends and the absolutely terrible sunburns they develop
except for allison, who has somehow tanned beautifully
wymack’s phone gets spammed with photos of neil just like trying to eat his breakfast or sit on the sand but his cheeks and nose are bright pink and it’s kinda adorable
they play drinking games and go on hikes and one night neil falls asleep on andrew and nicky snaps a sorta blurry photo
andrew somehow manages to swipe nicky’s phone, send it to himself, and then delete the evidence
they stroll around the touristy areas to watch the hula dancing and window shop and eat shaved ice
on their last night, they set up a little bonfire on the beach and sit around
neil tells them this is his favorite trip he’s ever taken
wymack frames a photo of them throwing neil into the water and puts it up on the wall by their trophy
I see Himbo Worship posts left and right but no one seems to want to honor the one who originally fought for Himbo Rights

skate a little piece of my heart; jjk

➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; rollerskatinginstructor!jungkook!! sfw!! fluff!! honk honk humour!! jungkook is a very handsome instructor and y/n can’t tell if that’s a bad thing or a good thing
➺ wordcount; 6.3k
➺ summary; your two left feet and complete lack of balance isn’t the only thing that’s making you weak in the knees this valentine’s day.
➺ what to expect; “rollerskating is already hard enough as it is, and now i have to do it in front of him?!”
➺ currently spinning on the record player; how deep is your love; bee gees
»»————- 💫 ————-««
“this is so dumb.”
“safety is never dumb, y/n!” taehyung raps his knuckles against the top of your helmet and you scowl before swatting his hand away, “now, where are your kneepads?”
you let out a groan before tilting your head back slowly, your eyes widening in slight panic at the surprisingly hefty weight of the helmet
your arms flail for a second and you immediately reach up to grip both sides of the helmet before forcing your head back up
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