The Foxes - Tumblr Posts
Thinking about @prettypipedream ‘s post about the foxes and kt tape as I tape up my knee today so I’m going to add a few thoughts
You know that self adhesive wrap stuff that athletes sometimes use, the foxes for sure have that and they suffer for it every day
If you have no idea what I’m talking about right now it looks like this

Notice the texture, that shit is a nightmare for your skin. It will dig in and all those little divots will make an appearance on your skin as soon as you take it off along with the lines from the edges of it. You’re technically supposed to put something under it like gauze or a pre wrap but if you do that and then wrap somewhere completely unanchored (your calf, forearm, knee, basically anywhere that’s not your hand or your ankle, and even ankle is a bit questionable sometimes) it will slide around which is even more uncomfortable than just letting it make itself a little home inside your skin. Also if you get it in or next to any sort of lever joint you might as well kiss personal comfort goodbye because every time you move you’re going to feel it
All that to say the foxes for sure walk around looking like they have tv static on their skin from this ungodly creation
Also, at least in my experience you always have that one person around who’s really weirdly good at wrapping it, like even better than the coaches/trainers, it doesn’t even matter if they’re putting it on themselves or other people the fit and the tightness are somehow perfect every time. I feel like with the foxes this is most definitely either Dan or Renee (Aaron is pissed that they do a better job than him when he’s a pre-med student). Renee would be good at it because she’s probably wraps her hands when she spars with Andrew so she’d have the tightness thing down, Dan is just completely vibes, I just feel like she’d be really good at it. But I also feel like Wymack would be really oddly bad at it, not just like he’s not as good I’m talking actually bad like no one allows him to do it because he’s so bad. One time Nicky rolled his ankle during practice and Abby wasn’t there to wrap it for him so Wymack begrudgingly did it and that night when his took it off his foot was red and completely numb from how tight it was
i like to think that neil actually really likes british chocolate but finds american chocolate over-bearing.
so when he and andrew go on a trip to england or something with the team they get there and neil is just piling up on flakes and freddos
(he complains that the freddos are far too expensive
“back in my day they were 25p!”)
and the team watches as he gorges down on it
(andrew is slightly turned on)
at one point Matt offers a hershey bar and neil nearly spits on his shoes in disgust
So there is this thing going around that Nora said Andrew will never be able to smile/laugh right? (i dont know i vaguely remember reading something on here about that said she said it but i cant find it anywhere) anyways i couldn't stop thinking about it so i wanna share what i think about this.
(trigger warning, talk about self harm, abuse, rape depression)
I think it takes a while for Andrew to smile in front of people. Andrew has been hiding his feeling for so long, that he is just used to not showing any emotion, except for the anger outburst he has through the series.
Andrew has hit such a low point that he even hurt himself just feel something or atleast something else than the horrible pain he has been through. He goes up to the roof despite his fear of heights because he wanted to feel something. He does these things because he didn't feel anything or maybe because he didn't know how to feel. Neil was the first person to actually discover these things and genuinely started to care about Andrew, of course Nicky, Bee, Kevin and Aaron cared for Andrew too but not like Neil. Andrew felt- no knows Neil doesn't necessarily want something and he has had the feeling that the others do want something from him. So when it comes to smiling i think his first genuine smile in yesrs was when Neil was with him. It might have been just on the nights on the roof where they were kissing or when Neil did something stupid (again), whatever moment it was in both of these moments Andrew realised he was so happy just being with the incredibly stupid guy in front of him. It made him so happy he smiled. Neil had to catch his breath when he saw it, which wiped the smile off Andrew as quickly as it had appeared but it stayed aith Neil for weeks.
I think when he first laughed was probably because of something so stupid or when he found out Neil was ticklish, i go with the second option. Just imagine Andrew finding it out when his hands brushed Neil's side so tenderly and soft that the touch was barely there but Neil felt it and jerked away. "Wait seriously your ticklish?" Andrew said and he brushed his hand over the same spot again. Which made Neil grab Andrew wrist tenderly. "Yes im ticklish."
Andrew gave Neil a smirk and tickled him which made Neil burst out into laughter and not soon Andrew followed. It was a soft and genuinely happy sound and it literally wiped Neil off his feet, he couldn't believe he just made THE Andrew Minyard laugh.
I think the first time Andrew smiles/laughs in front of the foxes is at Dan's and Matt's wedding. It was just a small gathering just after both of them graduated with the foxes, abby, wymack, bee, Dan's stage sister and Matt's mother but it was beautiful. Andrew had smiled when they said the yes word to each other and Nicky couldn't believe his eyes. Nicky- the loud mouth he is- said, "Guys Andrew just smiled!" Neil wacked Nicky in the back of his head before Andrew could do something (which probably would've involved knifes)
And so he slowly started showing his emotions more, when he was happy he would smile around the foxes but he was still awkward and seemingly emotionless towards the media.
the foxes + vlogging part 2 (part 1 here)
andrew’s first time hosting a vlog begins with him sitting at his desk with a pint of ice cream, and he’s just eating in silence for a good 20 seconds until he finally speaks with a super calm expression
“welcome to another foxes’ vlog. in this installment, we are going to see exactly how much i can embarrass my teammates in the next 20 or so minutes.” *licking the spoon* “let’s begin.”
it’s…not that hard
here are just a few memorable moments andrew so skillfully captured for the internet:
the foxes, drunk in the living room, for some reason hysterically shouting/laughing about “NO NUT KEVIN” because of his allergy and kevin slurring/swearing at them in a mixture of both english and french
matt pulling him into his arms to comfort him and then going “it’s ok kevin we’re your nut defense squad” and kevin smacks him
the camera falls away when everyone else piles on top of them to apologize and “we wuv you kevvy!!!”
kevin, muffled: “that’s it that’s the last straw i quit JE DÉMISSIONNE”
the camera, hidden behind some cereal boxes, shows aaron quickly looking around before climbing onto the counter to reach something in the back of the bottom cupboard shelf
he scrambles back down just as nicky is walking in
wymack is giving them a lecture about proper nutrition in the lounge after practice and everyone is so sweaty and out of it, and it’s all the usual
“remember, you can have too much of a good thing” *looking at neil* “so don’t you morons go around thinking you can exist solely off of watermelon or some shit like that-”
neil proceeds to produce a jar of pickles out of fucking nowhere and loudly pops the lid off to casually drink the juice
“nEIL FOR FUCK’S SAKE-” “but coach, it’s not watermelon”
renee, partly for damage control (“damage to what?” “our collective egos”) is the next to host
“welcome to another foxes vlog! in this installment, we are going to see exactly how much fun content i can get :) let’s start!!”
cut to footage of andrew and renee sparring in a boxing gym that they are frequent visitors of
andrew and renee are kinda beating the shit out of each other (renee is winning. she’s always winning.) while casually chatting the whole time
andrew, throwin a brutal punch: and that’s why everything cherry flavored is an abomination
renee, dodging and knocking his feet out: understandable, but have you considered cough syrup is what we all associate it with and that’s why it’s ruined for us-
the foxes are at an airport at some ungodly hour and renee zooms in on the row of seats where kevin and dan have their heads on matt’s shoulders and all three are asleep
neil, totally out cold, has his body stretched out over their laps with his head on andrew’s
nicky, aaron, and allison are across from them, all sharing an abundance of starbucks pastries and helping aaron study for a big biology exam
the foxes start calling every single trip, even if it’s just to the grocery store, an “adventure”
because neil has associated just moving in general with life or death scenarios and they want him to start finding joy in everything
renee captures allison poking her head in the door and shaking her car keys saying “hey, neil, adventure”
neil, perking up and shoving his textbook away: “adventure?”
the foxes go grocery shopping together and it’s one of the activities that displays their dynamic the best
dan, nicky, and aaron are all methodically going through coupons and discussing how to get the most bang for their buck
matt and allison are lovingly interrogating neil and kevin on what snacks/foods they’ve never had before and then carefully selecting stuff they think they’ll like and tossing it into the cart
“kevin, between these two flavors which appeals to you more?” “why would i ever put something in my body with an ingredient list that long” “ok we’re taking cool ranch”
andrew is sitting in the cart and contributing absolutely nothing while renee pushes it and films
nicky is hosting when the foxes do a promotional shoot for merch and everyone’s having fun because they gave them free food and they genuinely like this year’s clothes
the producers are taking candids and also arranging them and before every outfit change they kindly ensure they’re all comfortable with what they’re wearing
aaron is both horrified and mesmerized by the girls curling their eyelashes and he allows renee to gently do his so he can send katelyn a picture
andrew: *pretends to gag in the background*
matt and dan are putting on the fox paw crop tops that allison helped design and kevin’s like “hm can’t believe i’m going to model that”
“you don’t have to-” “no i’m gonna”
matt is filming in the bus on the way to an exy banquet and wymack, who’s looking very smart and dignified in a suit, is just absolutely tearing into nicky and neil about something they did to the official team twitter
matt turns the camera around to say: “the duality of man”
he turns the camera back around, and zooms in on a very unbothered neil, who notices his attention and has the audacity to wink
the foxes + getting invited on a tv baking competition for charity (yes this was inspired by gbbo yes there is no reality in which this would even happen and yes i decided to make one)
the way the show works is each of the foxes picked a charity to represent, and the audience can donate to any of them while watching through a link
but the winner will also be given $10,000 for their specific organization at the end
all the foxes get their own work station, and they are not allowed to sabotage/otherwise interfere with each other but they may help/encourage if they so choose
their challenge is: make an elaborate three-tiered cake with at least three different flavors, and it has to be exy themed
the cameras float around to get comments from the foxes as they start getting to work
people that are here to have fun and maybe win: nicky, renee, matt
people who are here to win: allison, kevin, aaron, dan
people who are just here: neil, andrew
neil, immediately: “i am, as the kids say, lost in the sauce”
kevin feels the same but he’d never admit that out loud so he’s just frowning down at the hyper organized 10-page packet he prepared with the recipe and incredibly detailed diagrams
allison is running around in sky high stilettos and somehow making it work
the cameras keep on zooming in on them because it’s just so impressive and she bends down to look into the lens and say “i know they’re nice (they’re jimmy choo) but you know what’s nicer? my caramel buttercream”
the producers ask nicky how he’s planning to capture the exy theme
“my first thought was my flavors should be blood, sweat, and tears but that, like, won’t taste good at all”
renee is totally in her element, humming a little to herself and gently encouraging her friends while they lose their minds
she’s describing her cake with great detail and all matt has to say about his is “it’s gonna be sweet, i guess”
dan and matt keep on helping each other even though they kinda shouldn’t be and they know they shouldn’t be but it’s literally just such a reflex for them at this point in their relationship
matt stretches out on his stomach on the ground by the oven, ankles crossed, singing “please bake well please bake well please-” “babe you have decorations to make” “oh wait you’re so right”
kevin, to the cameras: “dan just let matt borrow her vanilla extract, they should be disqualified” *five seconds later* “neil can i have that spoon-”
neil: “no <3”
aaron is a 5 foot tall ball of stress and competitiveness and he is whisking up a meringue like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
what is andrew doing during all of this? reading his recipe, following it, doing what you do when you make a cake, completely ignoring everyone else but also antagonizing them as much as possible
andrew, with sarcasm: “you can do it, aaron!”
aaron, with spite: “i cannot do it, thanks”
*neil stares into the camera*
nicky burns the top layer of one of his cakes but he can’t find his knife so he panics and that’s how he ends up trying to saw through it with scissors while matt guides him even though he literally has a knife
it’s….not a very even slice
(andrew snatched nicky’s knife while he was walking to the fridge, no one noticed)
dan is making an exy helmet out of rice krispy treats because “that’s how they do it on cake boss”
neil has very fine motor skills and very steady hands so he’s piping icing like he’s been doing it his whole life and everyone is so jealous
allison burns her finger trying to make ganache and renee drops everything to go check on her and make sure she’s okay and they’re being so cute and disgustingly in love
andrew, slapping globs of frosting all over his cake: “losers”
neil, cuts his finger while shaping fondant: “ow”
andrew, teleporting over: “you IDIOT-”
matt tells kevin his cake is burning even though all his cakes are out of the oven and currently being assembled but he still freaks out anyways
the five minute warning is given and several people scream at the exact same time for the same amount of time
aaron: “we have to stop spending time with each other”
all of the foxes manage to finish a cake (or something resembling one) and present it to the judges
people whose cakes taste and look good: renee, andrew, aaron
people whose cakes look good: allison, neil, kevin
people whose cakes taste good: matt, dan
people whose cakes are neither: nicky (he tried his best)
renee designed her cake so that all the layers have been covered in a super artsy collage of rackets, jerseys, helmets, and PSU foxes flags, so she wins
the producers decide to include some “candid footage” as the credits are rolling, and it’s all the foxes trying each other’s cakes before the crew cleans up
andrew takes tiny bites of everyone’s, but when he gets to renee’s he cuts a fat slice and she smiles at him
matt tries neil’s and he LOVES it and the cameras zoom in on matt gushing over it while neil beams up at him all proud and happy
off-meds andrew has literally no chill remember when neil was like
“seth overdosed?”
and andrew just went “keep up with the conversation”
like somebody died andrew
All For The Game Playlist
Some of these are super obvious and people already always associated them with the books but maybe there’s some y’all didn’t know about. These are all just songs I personally associate with these books and thought I’d share it.
young and menace - fall out boy
heathens - twenty one pilots
teenagers - my chemical romance
whatever it takes - imagine dragons
victorious - panic! at the disco
polarize - twenty one pilots
twisted - missio
strawberries and cigarettes - troye sivan
short kings anthem - tmg feat. blackbear
generation why - conan gray
happy song - bring me the horizon
you can’t rely - counterfeit
daddy issues - the neighbourhood
chlorine - twenty one pilots
the kids aren’t alright - fall out boy
dkla- troye sivan
nightmare - halsey
numb - linkin park
gasoline - halsey
trauma - nf
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
hate myself - nf
fools - troye sivan
all the kids are depressed - jeremy zucker
panic room - au/ra
happy new year’s eve, you’re still a fuck up - those without
paralyzed - nf
feel something - jaymes young
intro - nf
unsaid - flor
leave fast - sam fender
afraid - the neighbourhood
outcast - nf
we are the champions - queen
start a riot - banners
the last of the real ones - fall out boy
I mean, I can probably fix him.. but do I want to tho? - andrew minyard, 2006 at some point
I mean, I can probably fix him.. but do I want to tho? - andrew minyard, 2006 at some point
one of the rare things I genuinely do not like about the foxes is the way they all treat kevin.
like, I would genuinely get aggravated while reading some scenes where they down played or just called kevin an asshole and would have to take a small breather.
just the way kevins problems are just pushed to the side and is just given his alcohol to keep him quiet and calm him down breaks me in a way i can't even describe.
idk, I might be crazy but kevin deserves better.
not saying that the foxes suck or anything.
I just really hate the way everyone treats kevin day.
one of the rare things I genuinely do not like about the foxes is the way they all treat kevin.
like, I would genuinely get aggravated while reading some scenes where they down played or just called kevin an asshole and would have to take a small breather.
just the way kevins problems are just pushed to the side and is just given his alcohol to keep him quiet and calm him down breaks me in a way i can't even describe.
idk, I might be crazy but kevin deserves better.
not saying that the foxes suck or anything.
I just really hate the way everyone treats kevin day.
another thing I dislike is how everyone talks about kevins exy obsession throughout the series.
it's always mocked or used to just take a dig at him yet they don't try to understand where the deep rooted obsession has come from.
kevin is obsessed with exy for the same reason neil is. it is all kevin has (or had).
kevin was praised, for his exy. kevin was noticed, for his exy. kevin is alive, for his exy. kevin is connected to his mother, through exy.
exy is the only safe thing in his life apart from alcohol. something that hasn't hurt him or caused him fear.
when he plays, he's free. he's safe under the light of the court. he has a true propose when he has that exy stick in his hand.
it gives him a reason to try. gives him a reason to prove himself.
of course, he's obsessed with it! it's his only real security blanket!
another thing I dislike is how everyone talks about kevins exy obsession throughout the series.
it's always mocked or used to just take a dig at him yet they don't try to understand where the deep rooted obsession has come from.
kevin is obsessed with exy for the same reason neil is. it is all kevin has (or had).
kevin was praised, for his exy. kevin was noticed, for his exy. kevin is alive, for his exy. kevin is connected to his mother, through exy.
exy is the only safe thing in his life apart from alcohol. something that hasn't hurt him or caused him fear.
when he plays, he's free. he's safe under the light of the court. he has a true propose when he has that exy stick in his hand.
it gives him a reason to try. gives him a reason to prove himself.
of course, he's obsessed with it! it's his only real security blanket!
another thing I dislike is how everyone talks about kevins exy obsession throughout the series.
it's always mocked or used to just take a dig at him yet they don't try to understand where the deep rooted obsession has come from.
kevin is obsessed with exy for the same reason neil is. it is all kevin has (or had).
kevin was praised, for his exy. kevin was noticed, for his exy. kevin is alive, for his exy. kevin is connected to his mother, through exy.
exy is the only safe thing in his life apart from alcohol. something that hasn't hurt him or caused him fear.
when he plays, he's free. he's safe under the light of the court. he has a true propose when he has that exy stick in his hand.
it gives him a reason to try. gives him a reason to prove himself.
of course, he's obsessed with it! it's his only real security blanket!
another thing I dislike is how everyone talks about kevins exy obsession throughout the series.
it's always mocked or used to just take a dig at him yet they don't try to understand where the deep rooted obsession has come from.
kevin is obsessed with exy for the same reason neil is. it is all kevin has (or had).
kevin was praised, for his exy. kevin was noticed, for his exy. kevin is alive, for his exy. kevin is connected to his mother, through exy.
exy is the only safe thing in his life apart from alcohol. something that hasn't hurt him or caused him fear.
when he plays, he's free. he's safe under the light of the court. he has a true propose when he has that exy stick in his hand.
it gives him a reason to try. gives him a reason to prove himself.
of course, he's obsessed with it! it's his only real security blanket!
all I want is a fox that I can call neil 😔😔
all I want is a fox that I can call neil 😔😔
Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective

Medicated Andrew from the upperclassmen’s perspective