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The Foxes + Vlogging Part 2 (part 1 Here)

the foxes + vlogging part 2 (part 1 here)

andrew’s first time hosting a vlog begins with him sitting at his desk with a pint of ice cream, and he’s just eating in silence for a good 20 seconds until he finally speaks with a super calm expression

“welcome to another foxes’ vlog. in this installment, we are going to see exactly how much i can embarrass my teammates in the next 20 or so minutes.” *licking the spoon* “let’s begin.” 

it’s…not that hard

here are just a few memorable moments andrew so skillfully captured for the internet: 

the foxes, drunk in the living room, for some reason hysterically shouting/laughing about “NO NUT KEVIN” because of his allergy and kevin slurring/swearing at them in a mixture of both english and french

matt pulling him into his arms to comfort him and then going “it’s ok kevin we’re your nut defense squad” and kevin smacks him

the camera falls away when everyone else piles on top of them to apologize and “we wuv you kevvy!!!”

kevin, muffled: “that’s it that’s the last straw i quit JE DÉMISSIONNE”

the camera, hidden behind some cereal boxes, shows aaron quickly looking around before climbing onto the counter to reach something in the back of the bottom cupboard shelf

he scrambles back down just as nicky is walking in

wymack is giving them a lecture about proper nutrition in the lounge after practice and everyone is so sweaty and out of it, and it’s all the usual

“remember, you can have too much of a good thing” *looking at neil* “so don’t you morons go around thinking you can exist solely off of watermelon or some shit like that-”

neil proceeds to produce a jar of pickles out of fucking nowhere and loudly pops the lid off to casually drink the juice

“nEIL FOR FUCK’S SAKE-” “but coach, it’s not watermelon”

renee, partly for damage control (“damage to what?” “our collective egos”) is the next to host

“welcome to another foxes vlog! in this installment, we are going to see exactly how much fun content i can get :) let’s start!!”

cut to footage of andrew and renee sparring in a boxing gym that they are frequent visitors of

andrew and renee are kinda beating the shit out of each other (renee is winning. she’s always winning.) while casually chatting the whole time

andrew, throwin a brutal punch: and that’s why everything cherry flavored is an abomination

renee, dodging and knocking his feet out: understandable, but have you considered cough syrup is what we all associate it with and that’s why it’s ruined for us-

the foxes are at an airport at some ungodly hour and renee zooms in on the row of seats where kevin and dan have their heads on matt’s shoulders and all three are asleep

neil, totally out cold, has his body stretched out over their laps with his head on andrew’s

nicky, aaron, and allison are across from them, all sharing an abundance of starbucks pastries and helping aaron study for a big biology exam

the foxes start calling every single trip, even if it’s just to the grocery store, an “adventure”

because neil has associated just moving in general with life or death scenarios and they want him to start finding joy in everything

renee captures allison poking her head in the door and shaking her car keys saying “hey, neil, adventure”

neil, perking up and shoving his textbook away: “adventure?” 

the foxes go grocery shopping together and it’s one of the activities that displays their dynamic the best

dan, nicky, and aaron are all methodically going through coupons and discussing how to get the most bang for their buck

matt and allison are lovingly interrogating neil and kevin on what snacks/foods they’ve never had before and then carefully selecting stuff they think they’ll like and tossing it into the cart

“kevin, between these two flavors which appeals to you more?” “why would i ever put something in my body with an ingredient list that long” “ok we’re taking cool ranch” 

andrew is sitting in the cart and contributing absolutely nothing while renee pushes it and films

nicky is hosting when the foxes do a promotional shoot for merch and everyone’s having fun because they gave them free food and they genuinely like this year’s clothes

the producers are taking candids and also arranging them and before every outfit change they kindly ensure they’re all comfortable with what they’re wearing

aaron is both horrified and mesmerized by the girls curling their eyelashes and he allows renee to gently do his so he can send katelyn a picture

andrew: *pretends to gag in the background*

matt and dan are putting on the fox paw crop tops that allison helped design and kevin’s like “hm can’t believe i’m going to model that” 

“you don’t have to-” “no i’m gonna” 

matt is filming in the bus on the way to an exy banquet and wymack, who’s looking very smart and dignified in a suit, is just absolutely tearing into nicky and neil about something they did to the official team twitter

matt turns the camera around to say: “the duality of man” 

he turns the camera back around, and zooms in on a very unbothered neil, who notices his attention and has the audacity to wink

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More Posts from Yoongiwithglasses

4 years ago

neil, andrew, matt, and kevin + pro league shenanigans

matt’s the first one to go pro (because he graduates first) and he is both extremely excited and extremely nervous

because by that point, the foxes are a UNIT and they already lost the girls and now matt is going and they know they’ll keep in touch but it’s still so scary

halfway through his first season, wymack and andrew drive the remaining foxes (neil, aaron, kevin, nicky) to surprise matt at one of his games

he finds them literally the moment he steps onto the court

out of a crowd of thousands

it probably helps that nicky and neil and aaron were screaming and waving and jumping up and down

and kevin was also featured on the big screen

matt stops the opposing team from scoring in the last second, securing victory, and in the middle of all the applause he points his racket at them

andrew and kevin are the next to sign on to a team, but they’re states apart from each other

they still find time to occasionally meet up and constantly talk on the phone

but on the court it’s all hostility

more like kevin’s hostile and andrew calmly flips him off or just puts his gloved hands over his helmet like he’s covering his ears

neil doesn’t miss a single one of their games, and abby sends the foxes photos of him watching one of kevin’s games vs one of andrew’s

kevin’s game: *pure concentration, mentally taking notes, very serious*

andrew’s game: *HEART EYES*

a video goes viral of kevin doing post game press and matt popping his head in the doorway to interrupt

“hey, kevin!!” “yes?” “just wanted to say i love you :)” 

*deep, deep sigh* “i love you, too”

that’s when the internet gets to see kevin’s Press Smile turn into his Real Smile

another video also goes viral of andrew and matt sitting on a panel together and andrew, blank faced, leans over to whisper something in matt’s ear

he almost falls over because he’s laughing so hard

the moderator is like “what did he say??” and matt’s still incoherent while andrew replies “i didn’t say anything”

neil is the #1 draft pick his senior year, and he signs to his first choice team

he’s a few hours away from andrew, so they see each other on the weekends and they’re out at that point and don’t care if people spot them together

not that they really cared beforehand, but now they have publicists and managers to answer to

there is one memorable interview where neil is asked “so, what’s the best thing about andrew?” and it’s clear they want some ~relationship gossip~

neil, who knows exactly what he’s doing: “where do i begin? he’s the best goalkeeper in the world. why? allow me to go through all of his player stats from the past 3 years-”

neil’s team is playing kevin’s and there is so much hype because they’re the top strikers in the US and they’re about to throw down

basically all the sport channels suddenly have to invest in a french translator because…they’re Shouting Very Furiously at each other

(in a cozy living room in LA, jean is cackling at the insults while jeremy demands he tell him now!! i don’t want to wait for the translations!!! kevin’s face is literally turning red!!!! TELL ME!!!!!)

afterward neil and kevin stalk over to each other and everyone collectively holds their breath for a fight but no, it’s just a “reluctant” hug

when neil and andrew face off, andrew does not allow him a single point. not one. 

some reporter: “considering he hasn’t managed to score all night, josten seems awfully happy” 

matt makes everyone play rock paper scissors with him during down times on the court (teams filing on, before leaving for halftime, etc)

one could say andrew doesn’t seem into it, but he takes off his gloves so he can move his fingers properly and it makes matt very happy

matt and neil get into full on WARS that stop the moment actual playing begins and resumes immediately when it ends

reporters like to ask them about what the victory tally is so far and they give very serious updates

kevin, who is the most competitive man alive, is torn between telling matt off for not focusing 100% and Needing To Win

he does both, but mostly the last one

their teams play each other at the championships, and at the end they’re like ok kevin won exy BUT who will win rock paper scissors????

matt uses scissors when kevin throws paper and kevin, from the other end of the court, screams “NO” and then keels over

the clip of matt kneeling by him, cry-laughing and trying to pet his hair while kevin bats him away, gets a 2 minute “here’s some positivity” segment on the evening news

at the end of the day, the boys have nothing but good things to say about each other, and they will absolutely destroy reporters to defend their friends’ honor 

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4 years ago

Prompts 1 & 18: “I heard you shout. Nightmares again?” ~ “I’m just a burden on everyone”

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader

Genre: Angst, fluff

Word Count: 1.8k

Warning: Mentions of mental issues.

Request: “yoongi comfort 1 and 18, thank u 💘💘”

Prompts 1 & 18: I Heard You Shout. Nightmares Again? ~ Im Just A Burden On Everyone

You opened your eyes after your body had sat up on your bed. Your hand went to your chest as you breathed heavily, desperately trying to catch your breath. Not even three seconds later, you heard footsteps getting closer. The door to your room opened, revealing a very concerned Yoongi.

“You alright?” he asked even though he already knew the answer, deciding that keeping the lights off was the best option so you could go back to sleep afterwards.

You quickly nodded, trying to smile so he wouldn’t worry. Of course, he knew better.

He got inside, sitting by the end of your bed.

“I heard you shout” he informed you, and you lowered your head in response. “Nightmares again?” you nodded.

It was always the same one. You were trapped inside a dark room, not being able to see anything, it felt like some kind of void and you only grew more and more desperate by the second. And then water started coming out of nowhere, flooding the room in such way it was slow enough for you to run to every damn corner helplessly trying to find a way out, yet fast enough for you to run out of time and start drowning. You always woke up the second before you got unconscious.

Your breathing steadied a little bit, and that’s when you finally looked at him.

“I’m sorry I woke you up” you mumbled. He shook his head, frowning. Was that really what you were worried about now?

“It’s okay” he reassured you. “I wasn’t sleeping anyway” he let you know. And it was true. The past week he had been having trouble falling asleep. Plus, that night specifically he had been having a hard time with a few of his songs, some of them were just not feeling right. So, he was not going to fall asleep anytime soon.

You just stared at him for a few, not being able to bring yourself to even answer to that, and he couldn’t help but notice how lost your gaze seemed. Mental issues were no news to you, having dealt with them your whole life – but the past month they had for some reason only gotten worse and worse. That being the reason your older brother, Seokjin, had decided you were staying with him and his friends for a while, until you were better. He knew you needed noise and movement around you – leaving you alone with your thoughts was the worst that could happen to you, so why would he leave you alone in your single apartment when they had a spare room at the dorms?

You just wanted it to stop. You hated feeling like you were disturbing them. Sure, they had all agreed on having you stay with them, they all said it was okay. But was it? Or did they feel obliged to agree just because you were their hyung’s younger sister? You wanted nothing but to get better so you could go back to your apartment and leave them alone, but it was not that easy, it was not something you could control. You had these kind of episodes from time to time, it was nothing new, and it also took time for you to get better. That’s why you were so sick of it, you couldn’t just come stay here every fucking time it happened and disrupt their lives.

“Thanks for checking up on me, Yoongi” you truly thanked him. “You can go back to your life now”.

His eyebrows furrowed once again. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

Looking to the side to avoid eye contact, you shrugged.

“Y/N, you know you can talk to me, right?” he pushed, moving his face so he could lock his eyes with yours again.

Yes, you knew. All seven of them had always been there for you, making you feel like, apart from Jin, they were your brothers, too. But with Yoongi it was different – it had always been. He just… understood. He knew how to treat you, how to talk to you in a way you felt normal. Whilst everyone did their best trying to cheer you up, he just let you express yourself. He didn’t judge you, he didn’t question you; and for that you were utterly grateful.

“I’m just… sorry I keep crashing into your guys’ lives like this” you said honestly, biting the inside of your lip. “I’ve told Jin so many times he doesn’t need to bring me here every time this happens, it must be so exhausting for you all. And now apparently I’m screaming during the nights?” you scoffed, feeling done with yourself. You could’ve woken up anyone. “I just…” you let out a deep sigh, trying to find the right words to express what you really felt like “I’m just a burden on everyone”.

His heart shrunk at that. He hated the self–despising image you had of yourself. He hated it. And he wished he could do anything to make you know how valuable you were – just how precious you were in his eyes.

Getting closer to you, he placed his hand in your chin and turned your head so you were facing him again. “You are not a burden on anyone, okay?” his strong stare on you sent shivers down your spine. “We all have our bad times when we feel like everything is falling apart and need someone by our sides, yours just come a little more periodically than the rest’s and it’s totally okay” he gave you a weak smile. “And, being quite honest, I’m relieved Jin brought you here because I get to personally check up on you and see how you’re doing”.

You didn’t mean to, but his words really touched you and you were already vulnerable, so silent tears started making their way down your cheeks before you realised it. Once again, you tried to look away, but he was faster, cupping your face in his hands and wiping your tears. Just by seeing your face he knew you were about to break down, which is why he pulled you to him, allowing you to hide you face in the crook of his neck, finally letting it all out the moment you felt his arms wrap around you.

He stayed silent, knowing you just needed someone to rely on, to be there for you. You were so glad it was him the one who heard you and went to comfort you; if it would’ve been any of the other guys they would’ve either tried to cheer you up or straight up not know what to do. Yoongi just listened to you and spoke nothing more than the right words, knowing that was enough for you not to feel alone.

After a few minutes, your sobs came to an end. One of his hands went to your hair, stroking it while his other hand remained firmly placed on your back.

“You want me to go now so you can get back to sleep?” he asked in a whisper. He had felt your breathing become calmer, making him think you were starting to fall asleep.

You shook your head no instantly. “I don’t want to sleep” you admitted. You were scared you would end up having the same nightmare if you did so. He didn’t question your decision. He knew. He always understood and that was why you liked him so much.

“Would you like to go to my studio then?” that made you sit up straight, looking into his eyes.

“Am I being officially invited into de Genius Lab?” you cocked one of your eyebrows. At that he rolled his eyes, not even bothering on fighting the gummy smile forming on his face.

“You better choose your next words wisely, not anyone gets an invitation” you couldn’t help but giggle at that, thinking about all the times the boys would get inside his studio without his permission and how they’d end up being kicked out by him.

“I would love to, thanks” you really didn’t want to be alone, and being in his company wasn’t something you would reject.

That’s how you ended up in his studio at two in the morning, Yoongi drinking the coffee you had quickly gone to make for him before following him to his studio, and you drinking tea and feeding him some of Jin’s cookies you had stolen from the kitchen. His eyes were fixed on his computer, immersed in his own little world given inspiration had for some reason hit him that late at night.

By three am, you were sat on his lap, the two of you wrapped under a blanket while looking at his computer. His headphones were on your ears, wanting to show you a few of his songs so you could give him your opinion – which he deeply cared about.

And by four in the morning, the two of you were fast asleep on the little couch placed in the room. Your head resting on his chest and one of his arms protectively rounding your figure. It was safe to say you slept peacefully the rest of the night – no signs at all of that damn nightmare that had been tormenting your sleep.

That was the first night of many you would spend in his studio. It was good for the both of you – you would have him keep you company during your sleepless nights, making you feel safer, and he would get someone to show his creations to, along with some extra inspiration. Most importantly, the two of you would be able to fall asleep at some point, getting a good night sleep even if it was for a few hours. However, those nights at his studio stopped being enough at some point and they turned to days there, too.

At first the guys thought nothing of it, finding a bit odd that you would spend so much time together in his studio but, then again, the two of you had always had a special bond no one dared to point out. Nevertheless, when you were better enough to go back to your place, and you were still seen almost daily at the dorms or he was seen leaving them to go to yours, it kind of hit them.

Jin saw you one day introducing the password to Yoongi’s lab with a smile on your face while holding takeout, and after hearing his friend’s cheerful voice calling you a cute name the moment you entered, he knew why the two of you had seemed happier ever since a few weeks back. And he couldn’t be happier himself; knowing his sister and one of his best friends had each other to rely on, especially when times got difficult and no one else seemed to fully understand.

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3 years ago

skate a little piece of my heart; jjk


➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader

➺ genre; rollerskatinginstructor!jungkook!! sfw!! fluff!! honk honk humour!! jungkook is a very handsome instructor and y/n can’t tell if that’s a bad thing or a good thing

➺ wordcount; 6.3k

➺ summary; your two left feet and complete lack of balance isn’t the only thing that’s making you weak in the knees this valentine’s day. 

➺ what to expect; “rollerskating is already hard enough as it is, and now i have to do it in front of him?!” 

➺ currently spinning on the record player; how deep is your love; bee gees

                                     »»————- 💫  ————-««

“this is so dumb.”

“safety is never dumb, y/n!” taehyung raps his knuckles against the top of your helmet and you scowl before swatting his hand away, “now, where are your kneepads?”

you let out a groan before tilting your head back slowly, your eyes widening in slight panic at the surprisingly hefty weight of the helmet

your arms flail for a second and you immediately reach up to grip both sides of the helmet before forcing your head back up


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3 years ago

Shield || jjk

Shield || Jjk

⇢ pairing: security guard!jungkook x bartender!reader ⇢ genre: fluff, romance, smut ⇢ word count: 18.6k ⇢ warnings: unprotected sex, oral sex, rough sex, lots of dirty talk it’s pretty filthy, a brief scene of harassment (it’s not graphic, no touching involved), spanking, hair pulling, jungkook has a big dick, jungkook is the cutest shyest boy to ever exist, reader and jk blush A LOT, jk in a leather jacket that’s about it ⇢ summary: An unfortunate, messy situation involving a drunk asshole not taking no for an answer prompts your boss to hire a new security guard to stay near, just for safe-keeping. When all you were expecting was a guy in his late thirties who couldn’t bother to smile, much less be friendly, you’re pleasantly surprised by the cute, rather shy guy whose job is to keep his eyes on you and protect you for five nights a week.

A/N: I am SOSOSOSO happy with this fic. I had so much fun writing it. This was written in a couple of days where I just sat for straight HOURS writing like,,,,5k words a sitting. I love this with my whole heart and I hope y’all do too. Please, let me know what you think, feedback is, as always, very much appreciated!

Banner was made by the wonderful angel @mikrokosm​ thank you sm baby!!! this looks so much better than the trashy one i made asjsksj

tag list: @sscarletrrose @giadalin @out-of-jams @kookoo-kachoo @teresaisla @wickizer @fakeleaves @el-mc @smol1 @luisafuchs @athenakyle @claude-y 

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4 years ago

more long headcanons! the foxes and their victory trip

after everything is sorted out with the ravens and the moriyamas, the foxes are finally free to do what they want

allison wants to give neil complete control over choosing where they go, because no one else really cares and they just want to be together

but neil is very indecisive and overwhelmed with friendship and relief

renee puts a world map up over a bulletin board and she hands him some darts and tells him to throw it blindfolded and see what happens

andrew ties his bandana over his eyes and they all wait behind them

first one lands in the ocean, then alaska, then japan

neil tries to see the last one but andrew yanks the bandana back down and everyone else is shrieking “nO! IT’S FINE!! KEEP THROWING!!!”

he’s a bit flummoxed by their strong response but okay

his sixth and last dart lands on hawaii

nicky is practically vibrating with excitement and aaron has to force him to cool it because it’s on neil and everyone knows he has a thing against the beach, they don’t know why but they won’t ask

neil thinks for a moment and allison almost plucks the darts out to try again, but he gives a little nod and follows her out to call sarah

in the hall neil describes what he thinks would be good, and it’s the complete opposite of everything he associates with his mother’s death

allison repeats it all perfectly to sarah, then shows photos to neil again a couple hours later to confirm he’s alright with it

andrew gives him a look when he asks if he’ll be okay flying for that long so neil drops it

next week they’re all heading to the airport, with a surprisingly willing kevin because he is also overwhelmed with freedom and still high on their win and the season’s over so why not?

it is, to no one’s surprise, a clusterfuck

getting to texas is fine, even with allison’s small mountain of luggage and everyone being too afraid to ask andrew about his knives but he somehow gets through just fine

this false security will be their downfall

they have two hours to walk around until they can catch their flight to honolulu

aaron’s on the phone with katelyn and dan takes a video of him grinning and leaning against the window while he listens to her

matt makes smoochy noises and aaron flips him off

neil, nicky, kevin, and andrew all go off in search of food

it just so happens that there are exy fans by a mcdonald’s and kevin gets swarmed

he puts on his Press Face even though he was literally just shouting at nicky about ancient greece

“no they weren’t just gay, nicky!! there was certainly homosexuality but there was philosophy, too!!”

the fans ask him about riko’s “suicide” and the investigation into the ravens, but before he can have a panic attack dan calls them to frantically say the gate has changed and they have thirty minutes to get there

half an hour would be a lot to anybody but to this dysfunctional family that’s absolutely nothing

except no one can find neil? he somehow slipped past andrew?

they sprint back to where the upperclassmen are and they’re all freaking out because what if it’s another mafia thing and they’re not finished with him-

andrew won’t let anyone get security involved and of course neil’s phone is off and they’re now calling wymack out of desperation

with five minutes left before they have to be at their gate, neil finally shows up and they’re all like BRO

he stands in confusion while the girls pat him down for injuries and andrew just barely manages not to punch him

then they finally notice what he’s holding and he presents steaming hot paper bags from auntie anne’s

“i wanted to get us pretzels, but andrew doesn’t like the salt or plain ones, so i had to wait for the cinnamon sugar ones. and the line was really long.” 

everyone’s just staring at him

“i also asked them to put extra cinnamon sugar”

more silence

then there’s a warning call for the flight and there’s no time to yell at him so they’re all scrambling to get to the new gate

andrew just grabs neil by the hoodie and drags him along

it takes a good hour before everyone can truly calm down on the plane

kevin and aaron try to order vodka but renee silently puts a pretzel in their hands

aaron: “i hate this fucking family”

dan takes a selfie of all of them to send to wymack and abby

andrew is furious about what neil did and neil feels bad so he just holds his hand for the whole flight under a blanket

when they land they’re all super disoriented so they go straight to the massive beach house allison has gotten them

it has its own private stretch of sand and a big porch and the water is so clear and blue

matt and aaron repeatedly dunk kevin while andrew and neil watch from where they’ve set up folding chairs

“ANDREW AREN’T YOU GOING TO DO SOMETHING?” “no, i don’t think i will”

they take surfing lessons and poor matt is too tall to really get the hang of it but neil…neil is amazing

neil’s really got an excellent set of abs and he may be small but he’s very in tune with his body

andrew refuses to get on a surfboard because he prefers watching neil anyway

nicky, renee, dan, and matt LOVE laughing at their white friends and the absolutely terrible sunburns they develop

except for allison, who has somehow tanned beautifully

wymack’s phone gets spammed with photos of neil just like trying to eat his breakfast or sit on the sand but his cheeks and nose are bright pink and it’s kinda adorable

they play drinking games and go on hikes and one night neil falls asleep on andrew and nicky snaps a sorta blurry photo

andrew somehow manages to swipe nicky’s phone, send it to himself, and then delete the evidence

they stroll around the touristy areas to watch the hula dancing and window shop and eat shaved ice

on their last night, they set up a little bonfire on the beach and sit around

neil tells them this is his favorite trip he’s ever taken

wymack frames a photo of them throwing neil into the water and puts it up on the wall by their trophy

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