2d Design - Tumblr Posts

This was my first assignment I did for 2D design class freshman year.
I would use a pen to create a pattern with a creative style to it. I'm surprised it turned out as well as I thought it did and my teacher and classmates loved it.

For 2D design class, I had to come up with a pattern assignment that I had to draw using black, white, and gray chalk and I used a bunch of patterns from ancient Greece, Rome, Mayan, etc. as references.
I had to work on this for about 3 or 4 weeks and this is my final result.

This is a painting assignment I finished for 2D design freshman year.
It's a painting I created using the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow. These were the only colors I was told to use. When I came up with the subject matter, I used pictures of mandalas as references along with images of waterfalls, flowers and tree branches.

Here's another piece from my 2D design class.
This was to create a diptych painting, using complimentary colors, in this case, blue and orange, on an illustration board. This is what I came up with.

One of my old assignments from freshman year. I had to do a retinal painting for 2D Design so I was allowed to choose Vermeer's "Young Woman With A Water Pitcher" for this assignment.
Honestly, I felt like I was just copying art when I worked on this, but I like how it came out and I still think it looks good after almost 4 years.

I had to take a letter and turn it into 4 different motifs & patterns in photoshop for 2D design.

rough drafts for a 2D design project

Still life painting I made in my 2D class. This was painted on an illustration board with gouache.

Transparency assignment for my 2D class. I could've made Captain America look more transparent, but other than that, I like how this came out. This was made with color aid paper.

Two color scales I painted with gouache. They were for 2 assignments in my 2D class.

I'm back from a bit of a break! >:D So here are some cool NPC we got to meet awhile a go! I wish i was faster enough to draw all the npcs we actually meet during our game....maybe on the new game!

today, i tried my hand at making a wallpaper, after a little bit of playing around with an idea, i think i found something i like. feel free to use it if you like.

Another wallpaper i did, this one is a little cleaner than the last, so that's nice i guess.

another argyle pattern I've been working on (damn i cant get enough of those argyle prints) but this time i was trying to go for a pixelated 8-bit look to the pattern

i've finally submitted a design to threadless.com. I've been working on this design for a while and had the idea in my head for even longer and only recently work up the courage to actually submit it.
check it out here and vote for it and share it with your friends if your so inclined http://www.threadless.com/submission/354820/argyle_skulls

so i had to do a found object collage piece for my digital arts class, and this is what i made, i really like how it turned out. (bonus points if any one can point out whose work inspired me for this one)

It's time, yet again, to post what I've been working on in my digital design class. This time my assignment was to make a tryptic, so i made one based on the master piece that is Robert Kirkman's "the walking dead"

in recent days I've been making triptychs for a class i'm taking, and i had a lot of trouble deciding what i wanted to do, in the end i went with one based on the walking dead, which i posted earlier. But in my search for inspiration I ended up starting about six of them, and of all of them my favorite in content was this one. i ended up not turning this one in as the final because it didn't seem to have the strongest over all appeal but i still thought it was funny as hell. i had a lot of fun with this one when i came up with the idea as i was drawing a mustache on a picture in the newspaper during my early morning Spanish class, and then spent the rest of the day wanting to just find a quite place and make this happen.