911 7x05 - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

eddie: I haven't had an orgasm since I found out my girlfriend was a nun

buck: I wish I could help with that

be so fucking real right now

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11 months ago


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11 months ago

I feel like the first call was foreshadowing Buck and Eddie’s storyline this episode because Buck gets grabbed by the throat and his issue is that he’s panicking and struggling to come out to people (specifically Eddie) and then Eddie gets grabbed by the uh yknow and goes on to have issues regarding sex and romance and …stuff. Just another cool detail.

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11 months ago

Thought by Evan Buckley moments before he was given A LOT more of Tommy Kinard.

Tommy Kinard is an absolute icon. Using the age-old fake radio interference on the Chief of the LAFD?! No one else could. I need more.

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11 months ago

Buck coming out but not specifying his sexuality is so important to me. Like, I know they’ve confirmed he’s bi, but he’s not gonna 100% know that after the couple days it’s been since his revelation. His whole view of himself has changed, there’s no way he kissed Tommy and went yep I’m bi always have been always will be. The fact they showed this and had Buck say yeah, look I don’t know what I want BUT I know I want it with a guy is perfect, because he’s still working it out and often times I think queer arcs in tv are very much like here’s a character here’s their sexuality enjoy, but allowing Buck the chance to explore with Tommy without putting any labels/pressure on it is so refreshing and a lot more realistic.

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10 months ago

Forever grateful they ditched the voice-over thing from the earlier seasons, it just made me cringe. HOWEVER, I would have willingly cringed through it to hear Buck and Tommy's internal dialogue in the restaurant a la Buck and Abby's Valentine's date, because that shit would be hilarious.

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