Bisexual Evan Buckley - Tumblr Posts
I love that we still don't believe it!! I swear that it feels like a different dimension, like I died and my heaven is Buck being Bi... clowning really paid off...
going to keep on clowning about buddie just in case that summons it!!

Despite being a buddie shipper, I hope that Buck gets a good story with Tommy. Even if they are/aren’t endgame seeing Buck get to explore this side of him on FUCKING TV is maybe the best thing to ever exist.

We can all agree this is how we should proceed, right?

EVAN BUCKLEY + the curse of first dates
This episode was absolute perfection! The writers are geniuses, the actors are geniuses, the directors, camera people, lighting, editors, everyone who worked on this episode are all geniuses and they deserve a MASSIVE round of applause.
There's so much to talk about but I wanna start by talking about the staging of the scenes where Buck is feeling jealous, because ugh it was so well done.
It's so simple but they just isolated him. And it's not that noticeable in some of the smaller scenes but I know many people noticed it with the teaser and stills at the airfield. It became obvious to me after Eddie gets injured, but here are some examples:

In all these scenes Buck is obviously in his feels (but when wasn't he tbf) and he's stood by himself, opposite to everyone else.
I found this really clever, because yeah, Buck does express that he feels like he's being left behind, but he's done that before so what's new? What's new is the very confusing feelings of romantic jealousy being thrown in the mix. But romantic jealousy over a MAN. This has never happened before.
Finding out you're queer can be so scary and isolating because your entire view of yourself is changing and if that's changing how are you supposed to be yourself around others who've only known you as heterosexual up until this point? Add in the fact that Buck is somewhat oblivious to why he is acting the way he is towards Eddie (his bestfriend who's done nothing wrong) for a time and he's going to feel even more isolated. It gets to a point where he's lashing out because he doesn't know why he's feeling like this. And even when he's hurt Eddie he doesn't even ATTEMPT to move towards him, he's just stuck where he is.
By isolating Buck at all these moments, both the initial problem that sparks the jealousy and Buck's subsequent internal struggle are portrayed to the audience in a such a simple way. Doing this allows the audience to truly understand what's happening. Queer audiences will recognise themselves in Buck's isolation and heterosexual audiences will gain a further understanding of how troubling a queer realisation can be, allowing them to empathise more.
Even when Tommy comes to the loft Buck still starts out isolated:

They move to either side of the kitchen and put two (2) tables in between themselves. Then as they work through their issues and Buck starts to realise just WHY he's been so standoffish about Eddie and Tommy hanging out they get closer. Then they start to connect over how cool they thought the other was and how annoying that was and end up toe to toe:

Buck's finally accepting what he's feeling and then BAM! They kiss and everyone screams with joy!
I don't know, l just loved all the little nuances they put into this episode that were subtle indicators of their endgame (bi Buck), and it made it feel like the creators really cared about this storyline and wanted to do it properly for the fans but more importantly for THEMSELVES, and not just randomly giving Buck a throwaway line of 'yeah I've slept with guys before' to establish his bisexuality purely for fan appeasement. So, to that I want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone involved with creating this episode because I was sobbing for 10 minutes straight after it aired from being handed bisexual representation in such a loving but also unfussy way and seeing myself reflected in my favourite character. So on the off chance someone involved does see this, THANK YOU!
Big question is: did Buck have a couch in That Scene???
Not Buck having his first bisexual kiss before Eddie kisses his gf of however many months on screen.
I might be wrong, but isn't this also the first mlm kiss shared between main characters on 911 total? Like, I know that Thomas and Mitchell kissed once in their little montage but that was very brief, and I think every other male same sex relationship seen on calls has just involved like loving looks and some touches and stuff. But those are side characters only there for five mins tops really and while they can be significant to the plot, what they do is unlikely to be scrutinised because of how little screen time they get.
What's wild is that there have been two other men on the show that are openly queer and neither of them have kissed another man, which is wild. I'll forgive Josh because we only really see him at work and when we didn't he was being assaulted but Michael's entire storyline almost revolved around him coming out as gay and how that affected his life and yet he never kissed either of his boyfriends, not even when he PROPOSED! And don't get me wrong, not everyone likes to kiss their partners and that's perfectly fine, but it just struck me as odd that in his entire time on the show not once was he overtly intimate with his partners.
Either way, it's odd that a kiss between two main male characters has never happened on the show before and that is the second mlm kiss ever but it's great that it's happening at such a pivotal moment and having such a positive impact/reception.
I feel like the first call was foreshadowing Buck and Eddie’s storyline this episode because Buck gets grabbed by the throat and his issue is that he’s panicking and struggling to come out to people (specifically Eddie) and then Eddie gets grabbed by the uh yknow and goes on to have issues regarding sex and romance and …stuff. Just another cool detail.
Thought by Evan Buckley moments before he was given A LOT more of Tommy Kinard.
Tommy Kinard is an absolute icon. Using the age-old fake radio interference on the Chief of the LAFD?! No one else could. I need more.
Buck coming out but not specifying his sexuality is so important to me. Like, I know they’ve confirmed he’s bi, but he’s not gonna 100% know that after the couple days it’s been since his revelation. His whole view of himself has changed, there’s no way he kissed Tommy and went yep I’m bi always have been always will be. The fact they showed this and had Buck say yeah, look I don’t know what I want BUT I know I want it with a guy is perfect, because he’s still working it out and often times I think queer arcs in tv are very much like here’s a character here’s their sexuality enjoy, but allowing Buck the chance to explore with Tommy without putting any labels/pressure on it is so refreshing and a lot more realistic.
It's forever going to bother me that 7x04 is seemingly going to be known by the media as 'The Bachelor Crossover'. Like no. It took up about 5 mins of the episode. More important things happened in that episode. MUCH more important things.
I haven’t seen anyone talk about the fact Tommy walks AROUND the table when he’s leaving after flipping Buck’s world on its head. The door is very easily accessible and it makes much more sense to go right instead of left if that’s where he’s going to end up. I get it was probably blocking reasons (a massive camera and multiple crew members were blocking the way) but I like to think that even though he had to rush off he wanted to drag out their time together just a little bit more, and the only way to do that was to take the scenic route round Buck’s kitchen (that or he needed something between them to stop himself going back for seconds).