Arlo | 21 | they/them
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9-1-1 is a comedy, actually
someone is going to need to check in on that funny bald firefighter who makes videos about first responder show inaccuracies because i’m afraid seeing a bobby critique the accuracy of a heavily dramatized first responder show while being a character in a heavily dramatized first responder show may be too much for him
I feel like the cgi is a lot better this season. I didnt look at the bees and think 'those aren't real', and on the odd occasion where they looked a bit digital (often when focusing on a couple bees close up) it didn't detract from the scene in a way that it has in previous seasons. So yeah, we'll done cgi team!
"why do bucktommies insist on taking everything at face value" because i'm aware 9-1-1 is a procedural drama television series airing on abc network at 8/7c whose target audience is like, wine moms, early retirees, and people who like angela bassett. it's written by a writer's room who are, showrunner admitted, laying down the track in front of the moving train half the time. it's not exactly prestige tv.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a moment sum up Buck more than him getting progressively angrier to the point where you think he’s genuinely about to throw hands, only for him to save (kind of) the guy berating him. That man could never hurt anyone intentionally, no matter how horrible they are to him.
I call homophobia. My stream cut out just before the one scene of bucktommy and I’m so annoyed. It looks so cute! Someone post the clip asap!
Edit: I have now seen the scene… why didn’t anyone warn me it was so sad! Poor Eddie :( I also missed Henren and Madney family time which is just even more homophobic!
Reminder than you can find live streams here:
time4tv (stream 2)
braflix (+1 hour)
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What time to tune in:
9-1-1 Lone Star premieres at 8 pm in the US on FOX, and you can use this site or this site to convert from 8pm to your timezone.
You can find the episode here the next day or very soon after:
Part of me really hopes that Eddie stays single until the show inevitably ends. It doesn't even need to be an asexuality/aromanticism storyline (although that would be very cool), I just think that not everyone needs/wants a romantic partner, ESPECIALLY when they've lost one already.
Despite many attempts, he's never truly gotten over Shannon, and maybe that's not a bad thing. Disregarding the dysfunctionality of that relationship, he clearly loves her and will only ever compare a new relationship to what he had with her. If he is unable and unwilling to move on from her all these years later then there's not really much point in trying anymore. It'll either happen or it wont at this point and its been leaning towards not for a while. Maybe I'm biased because my parent is widowed and has shown no interest in dating again/is happy by themself, but romance isn't the be all end all and I think that every form of media falls to the idea that it is.
Eddie never really showed a want for a romantic relationship after Shannon died. Yeah, he may have been flustered over Ana, but Carla and Bobby had a big hand in persuading him to pursue her, and the only reason he started trying to date again after that was purely because Pepa basically pushed him to. He even expresses how much he dislikes dating. If he hates it so much, why do we keep forcing him to do it? Especially when both relationships have crashed and burned in spectacular fashion.
Chris leaving and Buck being less available is SUCH a good thing for Eddie because he can finally learn who he is without any external influences. But it also provides the opportunity for him to find out how fine he is to be alone and that he already has everything he needs in his existing family.
I just think it would be a great option for Eddie, especially when it's a very rare for a character to accept that they're happy outside of a relationship.
Ideal TK visiting LA scene: he shows up at the loft, Buck opens the door and he says “Hey, TK, thanks for stopping by!” And TK introduces Buck to Carlos, then asks “so that offer to get together still stands right?” And Buck says “sure… but I should mention. The he pulls the door all the way open and Tommy’s at the table setting it for 4 and Buck says “I already have a boyfriend, and it’s pretty serious.”
Vaguely inspired by another post I saw but, what if we get the return of Felisa Valdez through Hotshots. I think we're all in agreement that she and Eddie had way more chemistry than Eddie and Marisol. Now Eddie's in no place for a relationship/possibly on the edge of a gay crisis, but when they inevitably cross paths again she takes one look at his moustache and is like 'you helped me through a major crisis, now its my turn' and thus Eddie-Felisa bestieism is born.
Why are there 2-3 pets called hoover on the show? Is hoover a common pet name in the US? Is it an inside joke? Did they just forget they’d already named a pet hoover? Is it pure coincidence? I wanna know all the hoover lore.
earth-1 chimney wakes up in an au where he’s married to the wrong buckley and eddie and maddie are dating. comedy potential unmatched
episodes that i think every tv show should have:
beach trip
random genre change (especially if it's to a noir detective thing)
one where they get randomly meta and fourth wall breaky but then never acknowledge it again
one where something happened but we as the audience don't actually get to see how it happened and only see it through the unreliable narrated flashbacks as recollected by the characters
🎥 • appleofhisai: posted a TikTok (8.20.24)
Season 8 should begin by recreating the opening of season 1 where Bobby's at confession (i think?) and is like 'everyone has their way of coping with the stress of the job', referencing drugs and alcoholism before cutting to Buck 1.0. They use the same dialogue, similar set-up, except the Buck 1.0 scene is replaced with shots of a fully tattooed Buck and a moustachioed Eddie with Hen and Chimney shaking their heads in the background at the questionable meat suit customisation that's happened since Gerrard's stress-inducing return.
need them to never confirm how long bucktommy have been dating. celebrating an anniversary? which anniversary? who cares. make jokes about it. "I feel like I've known you forever but also like we just met". one of them is proposing "these past *long car horn* have been the happiest of my life"
my 119 theory for season 8 is that it's a film set because they're making a movie of Taylor Kelly's book and it's gonna be so great seeing the 118 respond and seeing their actor doppelgangers. I will stand here with my arms open waiting for Apollo's dodgeball to strike me down.
Yeah Christopher being embarrassed and refusing to come back until Eddie shaves is great, but I raise you: Eddie saying he'd do anything to get Chris home and Chris telling him to grow the moustache, purely to embarrass Eddie
I don’t want to be like “it’s homophobia” but genuinely people do not seem to see Gay Men as People who have unique experiences and personalities shaped by their gayness AND their masculinity.
Tommy is closed off and defensive in that scene because Gerrard basically called him a fairy to his face and now he’s being ambushed with a serious conversation. This is a natural way to react when you’re a gay man because (and I shouldn’t have to explain this) when you’re a gay man and a homophobe is near you, you get uncomfortable and have to retreat into a shell that will keep you safe. This is the reason so many gay men are “sassy” because having an acerbic tongue is often the only defense mechanism for a visibly feminine man. For more masculine men like Tommy, that defensive shell is going to look a lot like retreating hard into masculinity. So a gay man clamming up and getting snippy when faced with homophobia is pretty damn understandable.
Source: I’m a gay man and my main defense mechanisms are silencing myself or using dry humor to deflect.
I would love a montage of calls that are all romance related, specifically in one of two scenarios:
1. Buck and/or Eddie have realised their feelings for the other literally just before and have maybe confided in one of the others and gone 'yeah but I'm not gonna do anything about it, how hard can it be to get over this', cut to all these calls with really loved-up couples parting words of wisdom or just being really cute and them taking not-so-sneaky glances at one another throughout or
2. Buck and Eddie have literally just gotten together and are keeping it a secret for reasons (take your pick) and are like 'we act like this all the time, how hard could it be to keep it secret', cut to all these calls with really loved-up couples parting words of wisdom or just being really cute and them taking not-so-sneaky glances at each other, except this time they keep making eye contact and smiling really goofily at each other.
Obviously this montage is set to Frankie Valli's 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You'.
Patiently waiting for the Tommy haters to say that he's commanding the bees to attack LA or some shit. Move over AntMan, Tommy Kinard has control of the bees and somehow its going to lead to Buck and Eddie getting together /s