A Single Pale Rose - Tumblr Posts
Reaction to “A Single Pale Rose”

Tag yourself; I’m Garnet.
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2be5ae1b52b684e59fc9e0d9d86b32d8/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo6_r1_500.png)
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7070d87585754b84d15af2cd625eaec7/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo1_r1_500.png)
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/904cceb5c9fc795fdd4e975357ba87fc/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo7_r1_500.png)
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/2b857fac128c1617b00ddf9c4af73ca1/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo5_r1_500.png)
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/75476f122975d2b911d0e403791ddd73/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo4_r1_500.png)
![[S] Jasper: Mental Breakdown.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a9eef1ba4ff34ea9bd04315cc3b30711/tumblr_p8maaai65Y1u7zu7yo2_r1_500.png)
[S] Jasper: Mental breakdown.

WHUP, JUST REALIZED SOMETHING BIG We all know that Pearl has always loved Rose, but upon remembering a certain scene from Now We're Only Falling Apart, I wonder if that's even true, or at least if it's STILL true. So, we know how in A Single Pale Rose, Pink Diamond ordered Pearl to never speak of the fact that she was Rose all along, right? And afterwards, we've seen that she physically COULD NOT ignore the order. Now think about Now We're Only Falling Apart, the moment where Pearl openly admits to her imaginings. Pearl: But I've been imagining things. Even when you haven't asked me to, I imagine that I ran away and met you here on Earth, a Rose Quartz. And I'm not yours, but I make you so happy anyway! Isn't that ridiculous? Tell me to stop! Rose: Please don't ever stop! I really do think that Pearl once loved Rose; she still might. But considering how she is programmed to listen to her Diamond, my question is whether or not those feelings are still legitimate or the result of a casual suggestion that she took to heart, as an "order." She literally cannot stop thinking about her and Rose being together.

But if the earth ends in fire and the seas are frozen in time, there'll be just one survivor - The memory that I was yours and you were mine

Rose is Pearl’s gemsona and you can’t convince me otherwise
I can’t help it if I make a scene,

Stepping out of my hot pink limousine.

I’m turning heads, and I’m stopping traffic,

When I pose, they scream, and when I joke, they laugh.

I’ve got a pair of eyes that they’re getting lost in,

They’re hypnotized by the way I’m walking,

I’ve got them dazzled like a stage magician,

When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen, well,

Everybody needs a friend,

And I’ve got you and you and you

So many, I can’t even name them,

Can you blame me? I’m too famous.

Haven’t you noticed that I’m a star?

I’m coming into view as the world is turning.

Haven’t you noticed I’ve made it this far?

Now, everyone can see me burning.

Now, everyone can see me burning.

Now, everyone can see me burning.


aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
SuBJeCT: 🌹 RoSe QuaRTZ 🌹 (Re-BLoG)
MooD: SWeaTY 😥
aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR: ToDaY… (oN VaRiouS NeT CoMMuNiTY DaSHBoaRDS) eVeRY FaN oF THe CaRTooN NeTWoRK’S “STeVeN uNiVeRSe” iS TaLKiNG/DiSCuSSiNG aBouT THe ReCeNT ePiSoDe(S) oF THaT SHoW. 😁 (SPeCiaLLY THe oNe TiTLeD: “a SiNGLe PaLe RoSe” 🌹)
i’M NoT aS HaRDCoRe aS THoSe FaNS oN CoNTRiBuTiNG THeiR iDeaS, ReaCTioNS, THeoRieS, eTC… aBouT THe SHoW BuT. 😕 i Do aDMiT i LiKe THaT CaRTooN’S SToRY BuiLD-uP aND THoSe aMaZiNG CHaRaCTeRS. 😃
aNYWaYS… WaNTeD To JoiN THe TReND BuT aLL i HaVe iS aN oLD FaN-aRT i MaDe LaST 3 MoNTHS (FeBRuaRY). PLeaSe Do eNJoY WHaT i GoT. 😉 HaVe FuN aNYWaYS!? 😜
BoRDeR/FRaMe & BaCKGRouND © Photo Grid
My Thoughts on Rose Quartz and Pearl in a Single Pale Rose
Spoilers for the new episodes below.
A single pale rose confirmed many of my suspicions about rose quartz as a person. In every previous episode centered on rose quarts she always seemed more curious and fascinated with humans and life on earth in a way that seemed more like she was more entertained by them than truly seeing “inner beauty”. The way she saw people seemed less than natural. Rose quartz/pink diamond created the human zoo which confirms her perception of humans. In this episode it all but confirms her warped perception.
In the scene where pearl and rose are talking about staging her shattering it didn’t seem like rose had thought the plan through, like she was doing it on a whim because she wanted to. She also emotionally manipulated Pearl. She lead pearl on and let her believe that she had a future with rose. This really bothered me because while I had suspected this for a while, but having confirmation made it worse. Rose clearly knew that Pearl loved her and used that love to get pearl to do her bidding. And because of the actions taken in this scene pearl probably believes it is her fault for the diamonds turning their focus on earth and shattering all but a select few of Rose’s followers. She believes she caused the death of so many gems. Rose has caused many problems for pearl that I can’t help, but empathize with because I have watched Pearl’s struggles to move on from them. We have seen Pearl’s absolute devastation with Rose’s choice to be with Greg, have Steven, keep secrets from her, etc. Rose had long lasting mental scars on pearl. I hope that the issue of Rose’s emotional manipulation of pearl is addressed and Pearl eventually accepts and moves on.
I never believed Rose was as great as the gems seemed to believe she was. She always seemed like a figure looked back upon riddled with nostalgia and rose tinted glasses. I never thought she would be this morally ambiguous. She lead a war from both sides until getting pearl to “shatter’ her which only made the situation worse. Then she goes on like nothing happened and has a kid and passes all of her problems onto him. She also bubbled bismuth without telling anyone and hid her away. She is incredibly childish and doesn’t think her actions and how they will effect others through. In the episode jungle moon when we see pink diamond complaining about not having her own colony and when she gets one she doesn’t want to tell them she doesn’t want that colony she tries to sidestep and make up excuses. Her shattering plan didn’t take into account the fallout. She didn’t consider the diamonds getting revenge for her, how it would hurt the other diamonds (blue diamond has depression and yellow is sad but tries to repress it), how her emotional manipulation of pearl causes pearl so many problems down the line, her manipulation of her followers on both sides of the war, etc. All of these show a sense of entitlement and immaturity. Rose quartz never existed just a pink diamond who had a fascination with humans because they entertained her like humans who go the the zoo to see the lions, tigers, monkey, and elephants.
Steven universe got me shook
Y’all just go watch the episode a single pale rose