A theory and speculation blog by PixieStyx
113 posts
Pixie-styx - CompulsiveAnalyst Of Homestuck - Tumblr Blog
My interpretation is that Witches are active and Heirs are passive Magician classes, which involves changing, manipulating, and controlling their aspects.
Likewise, Maids are active and Sylphs passive Healer classes, which involves healing, creating, and (re)generating their aspects.
As far as “giving” goes, that’s something Rogues already do. Thieves technically can give, too, as I see Thieves and Rogues as classes that involve aspect allocation and redistribution, but Thieves are mostly inclined to take, while Rogues are inclined to give or share.
For now, I’ll link some of my related posts:
John the Wizard touches upon the Witch/Heir connection with magic.
Healer Classes: Maids, Sylphs, and Revival describes the Maid/Sylph connection with healing.
Classes Chart is my take on the class meanings, pairings, etc.
Useful Classpect Tools and Resources has links to more information from others (including @dahniwitchoflight).
It’s not much, hopefully it'll provide some insight.
Homestuck theory: Heirs are the “passive giving” class.
IE: Heirs are diametrically opposed to Thieves: they give their aspect and inspire others to do the same.
All evidence that Breath/Breeze is connected to delivery comes from John, Tavros has flags, but not the mailbox kind.
John uses the Breeze and parcel pyxis to invite giving through breath (note that I’m also assuming that Equius and Mituna had and aspect driven parcel system on their planets).
Upon receiving the ultimate freedom (retcon zaps are said by many to mean breath) and being faced with drowning in oil, John instead zaps the oil away (gives his breath) in order to take on the responsibility of completing his personal quest (in which he also gives the fireflys freedom). It’s noted by Jade that he does this instead of zapping away himself, something which I think is a defining moment for his character.
John fits the messianic archetype, so it would make sense if he would give spirit and freedom in return for responsibility, friendship and warrior spirit (Blood).
Is “giving spirit” something the natural leader does? If so, Roxy and Kanaya talking about John being such a great motivational leader that he makes others better leaders at the same time counts as evidence towards John giving and inviting the giving of Breath.
John takes on warrior spirit when doing the windy thing? This is a bit of a shaky one I admit, but the thing is we often see John sort of “not taking things seriously” and making unnecessary jokes and observations, as if the graveness of his situation hasn’t really set in for him. The only time he comes down off this cloud is when he’s airbending.
When John decides to not go through the gate and is instead pulled back down to earth (in a moment which is cited to show the Breath/Blood dichotomy) thanks to alt Dave’s influence, alt Dave gets wings (as in John gave him freedom/Breath).
In this page Calliope mentions that people with opposite classpects can have similar abilities, so Equius might possibly have Thief of Light powers (as in, if this theory is correct Equius should be able to theoretically steal light from everyone by giving them void).
So while Vriska steals the spot-light (ie: relevance, ie: Light) by creating Bec noir, Equius has become part of the most important character in homestuck: Lil'cal, and gives the alpha kids a lack of showdown (bear in mind though that Equius does this to help the humans, whereas Vriska does it to stroke her ego, fitting what we know about passive classes working for the team and active classes working for themselves).
Vriska is also accused of stealing light in the form of agency when she controls trolls, and Equius controls Nepeta’s actions in some respect at the start of Hivebent and also stops her from joining the red team (again because he believes it’s in her best interests). Deceiving his team-mates and becoming the blue team leader counts as giving lies and also another count of stealing relevance.
Equius also gives fakeness in the form of Vriskas arm, Aradia’s body, and Tavros’s legs. Also as Lil'cal he arguably teaches Dirk how to build robots and therefore invites the giving of fakeness?
Equius is probably also the reason the ring of void moved from the human’s alpha session to caliborn’s, ie: he delivered void.
I don’t actually have much to say about Mituna, as we don’t know much about him or his arc. Although…don’t you think it’s funny that the Thief and Heir of both troll sessions had aspect pairs that we pretty much know where opposites?
The Ψiioniic though, fits this theory pretty well. He gives/delivers the ship using his death, and often very gave death to aliens in the form of the Condesce (and invites her to give death).
Medieval connection:
The Heir class represents a medieval aristocrat passively giving away all their inherited fortune. Inheritace itself is them inviting giving.
This is not the first time a Jack has lost an arm to a caliginous queen.
Edited to clarify some information regarding classes and gender. As a note, I’m pretty sure I made this chart either before Hussie made the statement on female Princes, or before I was aware of it. I’m still keeping the chart as-is, though, for now.
Classes Chart
Here’s a chart of all the classes, both Standard and Master.
My goal was to define, describe, and categorize them as efficiently and accurately as possible, based on my understanding of the classes. I based as much as I could on canon information, while inferring the rest.
(For clarity, “–” denotes Active, and “+” denotes Passive.)
(Note: If chart looks distorted/shrunken, right-click and View Image.)
Special thanks to bladekindeyewear, dahniwitchoflight, infinitywhale and probably others for their insight and information, helping me understand the classes and aspects. I couldn’t have made this chart without them.
Some clarification: I am aware Hussie essentially said any gender can have any class (i.e. female Princes). I don’t like the idea of gendered classes, anyway, and I think it’s needlessly restrictive, not to mention sexist and stereotyping.
However, my chart reflects what’s been depicted in comic, based on what Calliope states, looking at the characters’ classes and gender distribution, and then making some inferences based on Hussie’s penchant for balance and based on class names and god tier outfit designs.
From Clover’s perspective, the fight between Karkat and Clover is a leprechaun mating ritual.
Instead their charms comprise a spectral continuum of more su8tly varying types of relationships, most of which are esta8lished in mutual chicanery, such as the exchange of pranks, coy riddles, slapstick shenanigans, and games of chance.
ARANEA: No charm is specifically tied to procre8tion, though any type of relationship could 8egin waxing concupiscent if lady luck should so decide. Certain charm com8in8tions are known to 8e more conducive to fertility than others. If the leprechaun pair has 8een so 8lessed, they will 8egin an ela8orate coupling procedure culmin8ting in a lively m8ting jig. The jigs are specific to the charms of course, similar to how different kinds of music lend themselves to various styles of dance.
A sta8le relationship consisting of three or more charms is called a trove. These advanced relationships are often viewed as the ideal end result for a romance, much the way certain pairing rituals are for humans.
Clover’s eyes even flash the star-heart-horseshoe charm when Karkat hogties him.
Karkat is a Blood player, the aspect of bonds and relationships. Even though Clover is extremely lucky, and thus generally unbeatable, Karkat defeats him by unknowingly forming a bond with Clover (and literally binding him).
I highly doubt Vriska was involved with that, considering this is what she said about Jack English:
VRISKA: This is the Jack n8tive to the session we're in now. VRISKA: Somehow he got possessed 8y, or like, INFUSED with...? Lord English's crazy, ridiculously destructive magical energy. VRISKA: I have no idea why or how this happened, how it's theoretically even possi8le, or why we should actually care. VRISKA: The fact of the matter is, it happened, and now we have to deal with this hideous rain8ow-eyed monstrosity.
She doesn’t seem to know or care about it. Which implies it was still Gamzee, because, well, who else?
So two-thirds of LOTAK was destroyed when Jack English’s head exploded and formed a black hole.
Dave, Terezi, and a decapitated Dirk all made it off the planet, thanks to Dave’s Time powers. But you know who almost certainly was still on LOTAK at the time?
Gamzee has not had the opportunity to go back in time and give Lil Cal to Jack to create Jack English in the first place. If Gamzee is dead, this is a paradox.
The song “Eternity, Served Cold” plays in both [S] Caliborn: Enter and [S] Collide. There is some overlap, but the first half of the song plays in the former, and the second half in Collide.
[S] Caliborn: Enter ends here:
And in [S] Collide, when the rest of the song begins to play, it starts here:
This has to be intentional and significant.
So two-thirds of LOTAK was destroyed when Jack English’s head exploded and formed a black hole.
Dave, Terezi, and a decapitated Dirk all made it off the planet, thanks to Dave’s Time powers. But you know who almost certainly was still on LOTAK at the time?
Gamzee has not had the opportunity to go back in time and give Lil Cal to Jack to create Jack English in the first place. If Gamzee is dead, this is a paradox.
Finally got around to making my finale bingo card!
Original blank template by @traceexcalibur.
The Third Scratch
BladekindEyewear has a theory that there will be a third Scratch, one in Caliborn’s session. While I’m not completely sold on it being necessary (and I disagree on the events that will play out if it happens), thematically, a Third Scratch makes sense, and evidence does support it.
Three scratches across Gamzee’s face:
Dave’s game glitching, making it unplayable and unwinnable:
Time to reset for the third time this hour.
> Dave: Reset.
So, if a third Scratch will indeed occur, what can we extrapolate?
We know a Scratch Construct is different between sessions.
It will always be an edifice of similarly cryptic design, located on the planet that is home to the Hero of Time. Its environment dictates the nature of its construction.
The Trolls’ construct is the Cardinal Movement, which looks similar to Aradia’s time machine music boxes. It also reflects the Land of Quartz and Melody, Aradia’s planet. Damara must have the same (or similar) planet as Aradia.
The Kids’ construct is the Beat Mesa, which matches Dave’s emblem and his time tables. It also fits with the gears and tech theme of his planet.
That just leaves Caliborn, the Time player of the third session. And what’s the theme not of his planet, but his entire session and character? Billiards.
Caliborn’s session includes a planet representing each pool ball. Notoriously missing is a Cue Ball planet.
What if Caliborn’s Scratch Construct is an entire Cue Ball planet, and we haven’t seen it yet? Or seen it in its final form, anyway. Rather than being ON his planet, it IS a planet.
Two likely candidates are Caliborn’s planet (Earth), or the Land of Heat and Clockwork, Dave’s planet.
(Personally, I love the idea of LOHAC, and its transformation resembling a cue ball.)
During a typical Scratch, once the construct’s surface is scratched, it will head toward Skaia.
Except Caliborn’s session no longer has a Skaia. However, recall Skaia transformed into a black hole. The black hole Caliborn uses to sink the pool ball planets!
I predict Caliborn’s Scratch will involve scratching the surface of a Cue Ball planet and then sinking it into the black hole that was formerly Skaia. In billiards, pocketing the cue ball is called a scratch. How perfect is that?
TT: This terminology can be very literal sometimes.
What do else do we know about Scratches?
Its power is dangerous, and is meant to be utilized only in emergencies such as yours. TT: You mean, in sessions where victory is no longer possible? Yes. […] TT: Then, it's like a panic button for the players to push once they realize the cause is lost.
Only in this case, replace “session” with “reality.” It sounds like this could describe the situation the heroes are in, with Lord English wreaking havoc throughout Paradox Space. An even greater emergency would be after Vriska begins the process of the Green Sun’s destruction, which has the potential to lead to the Big Crunch of Paradox Space.
Within the context of Rose and Doc Scratch’s exchange, “victory” means ability to successfully create a new universe, which is the goal of a typical session. However, Caliborn’s session is unique and extreme—a dead session. Its goal isn’t to create a new universe. In all likelihood, it has some connection with all of Space-Time, all of reality itself. A Scratch for a dead session would be employed for a different, more extreme reason.
TT: What exactly does the Scratch do, then? It resets the game. […] The release of temporal energy will be quite massive. This is a hard reset. It will reboot the conditions in your universe well before you began playing the game. You will have lived different lives after the reset. The different initial conditions will ideally lead to a more favorable scenario in the new session. Unfortunately, you will have no memory of anything that has happened in the session you are in now. TT: What will happen to us? Everyone in this session now? You will all cease to exist completely if you remain here during the Scratch.
Now, all this is true of typical null sessions. If scratching a null session resets the universe, perhaps scratching a dead session—Caliborn’s session—resets REALITY.
Instead of resetting the cherubs’ universe and which cherub plays, I think the third scratch will reset all of Paradox Space, all of reality, producing an alternate reality. A new reality perhaps ruled by a Pink Sun instead of the Green Sun.
Just as the kids escaped their Scratch and entered the new, reset instance of Earth’s universe—the Alpha kids’ session—through the window, the heroes will have to find a way to escape the third Scratch (and the Big Crunch) and enter a new, reset instance of Paradox Space.
While simultaneously destroying reality, the massive black hole created from the Green Sun’s destruction could very well be their escape route, like the hole in the window.
UU: and while the emerald eye of this storm is fixed in the abyss forever UU: today yoU are poised to escape its scowl once and for all. UU: by skaias gUiding light, yoU may leave behind its tUrning arms of bright coloUrs and mayhem, and secUre peace for yoUr cosmic progeny for all dUration.
A third Scratch, the destruction of reality, a black hole escape route, and the creation of a Pink Sun would make absolutely lovely parallels to the events of [S]: Cascade. It works.
About your Beforus First Guardian post, I think it's super cool but impossible, as the A1 session never had an ectobiology lab meteor in order to create a first gaurdian, or the players themselves for that matter, which is why they had to scratch in the first place.
Oh, interesting point. Hmm…
Although, if that’s the case, wouldn’t the same be true of the Alpha Kids’ session? Yet they managed to make GCat.
I mean, I suppose they could have used the ectobiology equipment from the Trolls’ meteor, but…
I don’t think it was so much that the Beforus trolls lacked an ectobiology lab as it was that the trolls originated from the post-Scratch (Alternia) session instead of the pre-Scratch (Beforus) one, so they needed to scratch in order to ensure their existence.
This is what Doc Scratch said on the matter:
Though they could not recognize it for the bad omen it was, this session was not the one in which they had been spawned. Such is the symptom of a subtle glitch affecting certain sessions, an error designed to trigger an unfathomable cascade of misfortune throughout paradox space. This glitch is the calling card of the one I serve.
It says nothing of ectobiology equipment or lack thereof, just in which session the trolls were spawned.
Also, Beforus would have had a first guardian regardless, because:
Every planet destined for intelligent life has such an entity meant to protect it, and facilitate the planet’s ultimate purpose.
So yeah.
I struggled with the same concept while formulating this theory, because Calmasis from CoTL sounds more like Caliborn than anything else. Basically I’m thinking the actual Calmasis will be the true union of Caliborn and Calliope, possibly even the Caliborn who made “HOMOSUCK” and is about to face Yaldabaoth.
Consider what Art!Caliborn says:
I mean, I think it’s pretty clear Art!Caliborn is not the one whose soul is trapped in Lil Cal and eventually becomes LE. And Calmasis’ description of “antihero and chief antagonist” indeed easily describes Art!Caliborn. So maybe he ends up fusing somehow with some form of Calliope, and that union forms Calmasis.
Regardless, tons of evidence supports an Alt!Calliope + Gamzee + Davepeta fusion, and I really think I’m on to something here. Whether or not they’re actually Calmasis (or form part of them) doesn’t really matter. I mostly chose to call them Calmasis as a placeholder name, for lack of anything better to name them. (Notice how I said, “For now, let’s call this fusion Calmasis.” Emphasis on “for now.”)
I mean, hey, maybe their fusion ends up being Zazzerpan? Or maybe they end up fusing with Art!Caliborn, too. We don’t really know. But for now, they need a name, and Calmasis seemed like the best one.
The Mirthful Messiahs: Lord English and Calmasis?
We already know Lord English is a fusion of the souls of Caliborn, Arquiusprite, and ½ Gamzee.
But what if there’s a Calliope counterpart? A fusion consisting of Alt!Calliope, Davepetasprite^2, and ½ Gamzee.
Keep reading
Preemptive guess: Are you going to suggest Lil' Seb for Calmasis's "soul vessel"?
Hehehe! We shall see! ;D
The Mirthful Messiahs: Lord English and Calmasis?
We already know Lord English is a fusion of the souls of Caliborn, Arquiusprite, and ½ Gamzee.
But what if there’s a Calliope counterpart? A fusion consisting of Alt!Calliope, Davepetasprite^2, and ½ Gamzee.
Gamzee states that he finally understood his Mirthful Messiahs were always both him, :o) and Do:, who seem to represent both Caliborn and Calliope. Later we learn that Gamzee is literally a component of Lord English, (likely) one of his Mirthful Messiahs. Wouldn’t it make sense for his other half to be a part of his other Mirthful Messiah? And wouldn’t that messiah also represent Calliope?
For now, let’s call this fusion Calmasis. Perhaps the Mirthful Messiahs are Lord English and Calmasis, and both are central to the end of Paradox Space.
Recall Sollux and Terezi’s exchange:
GC: WH4TS 4N 4NG3L TA: 2ome terriible mythiical demon. TA: wiith the2e awful feathery wiing2. GC: Y1K3S TA: paradox 2pace u2e2 them two u2her iin the end. GC: HOW DO3S 1T KNOW WH4T 4NG3L TO US3... ........
Caliborn and Calliope are both Cherubs—or angels—and Lord English is obviously a “terrible mythical demon” who “ushers in the end.” However, notice Sollux says “them,” and Terezi essentially asks “which angel?”—implying more than one. While Alt!Calliope alone could represent another angel (as could Bec Noir and PM), it makes more sense for Gamzee also to be included in a Calliope counterpart to LE.
So if Caliborn + ½ Gamzee + Arquiusprite = Lord English, it seems reasonable for there to be a Calliope counterpart with parallel components: Alt!Calliope + ½ Gamzee + X = Calmasis.
Davepeta seems the most likely candidate for X.
For one, Arquius is a sprite consisting of Equius and a version of Dirk. Davepeta is also a sprite (squared), consisting of Nepeta (Equius’ moirail) and Dave (the other Strider). Sprite + Troll + Human (well, and also Crow + Sprite). None of the other sprites contain representations of both a troll and a human.
Davepeta also has this inexplicable desire to fight Lord English.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i have this weird urge...... DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < to go fight lord english […] DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im just strangely drawn to the idea DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i wasnt at all before as a really depressed bird version of dave DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and nepeta didnt even know who he WAS until recently DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but now it sounds cool suddenly DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i f33l like... DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < the exact blend of people i am DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < is a being that he should in some way be vulnerable to DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < i cant even explain why i f33l that way
This makes absolute sense if Davepeta is destined to become a part of Calmasis.
Caliborn even distastes Davepeta’s colors. Perhaps that means something, as well.
Alt!Calliope is already established as a key to defeating Lord English. Dave is also crucial for defeating LE.
As for Nepeta… During Murderstuck, the only trolls Gamzee kills are Equius and Nepeta. (The other trolls are all killed by others.) We already know how Equius’ death is essential for the eventual creation of Lord English, one of Gamzee’s Mirthful Messiahs. Perhaps Nepeta’s death is intentional and crucial for the same reason—for the eventual creation of Gamzee’s other messiah. (On another note, Roxy even makes a comment about Fefeta being a secret weapon, which, while sounding absurd, is also intriguing, considering Fefeta is a sprite consisting of Nepeta, just like Davepeta.)
In a previous post, I discussed an alternate interpretation of a passage from [S] Seer: Descend.
If Paradox Spaces uses both Lord English and Calmasis to “usher in the end”… And if Calmasis contains the souls of Gamzee and Davepeta along with Alt!Calliope…
A maimed clown (Gamzee), an undead cat (Nepetasprite), and an impaled crow (Davesprite) would make three of the four “held in reverence for the eternity they serve to cut short.”
A fusion of Alt!Calliope, Gamzee, and Davepeta in the form of Calmasis is the perfect parallel counterpart to Lord English—both of the Mirthful Messiahs and mythical demons ushering the destruction of Paradox Space.
My thoughts exactly. ;)
The Pink Sun?
I dunno, I feel like there are little clues hidden everywhere:
Keep reading
Looking through your archive and I would just like to congratulate you on being correct about G-Cat and Tavrosprite fusing. Magnificent call.
Also, on a random note, it's nice to see another relatively new Homestuck Theory blog out there getting attention and reblogs from people. :3
Aww, thank you! ^_^
Also, I appreciate all the likes and reblogs I’ve gotten! This is awesome and exciting! Thanks so much to everyone!
Between all of the attention and the end of Homestuck imminent, I’ve been pumped lately to work on more theory posts! I’m REALLY running out of time, though, haha! I hope to have a new one out by tomorrow, so look forward to that! ;D
Upon first glance, this passage seems to describe the Beta Kids’ kernelsprites...
...The pre-entry prototypings that evolve the battlefield and affect enemy characteristics.
Now, the passage seems to be alluding to the components that created Bec Noir, who we all know has wreaked havoc across the kids’ and trolls’ sessions and universes.
But what if the passage is referring to something else?
“Maimed clown”...
“Undead cat”...
“Impaled crow”...
(Davepeta is kind of both the Undead Cat and Impaled Crow combined.)
“Omnipotent dog”...
(Notice how even though Bec Noir and PM have all four prototyping elements, they’re only ever referred to as dogs at this point.)
“These four shall be held in reverence for the eternity they serve to cut short.”
What if this passage has yet to come, and is related to the end of Paradox Space?
Gamzee is obvious in his role, and Bec Noir would be no surprise, either. But others, such as Jasprose, Davepeta, and the Mayor (recall his dream) would be really interesting and unexpected.
Homestuck allusion in Paranatural!
[1] [2] [3] [4]
For anyone interested to know more about me, I finally got around to making an About Me page on my personal/reblog blog. Not a whole lot there, but at least it’s something.
Classpect Profile Theory Revision
I've been reflecting upon my Classpect Profile theory, and I've realized... There's no reason all 12 classes have to be used. All aspects, yes, since that's the whole point of the profile. And each aspect pair still must come in paired inverse classes. But having to use every single class? It just ends up shoehorning classes that may not actually fit a person's interaction with an aspect.
As an example, here's my own recently realized profile:
Sylph of Blood - Prince of Breath
Seer of Life - Witch of Doom
Rogue of Light - Knight of Void
Seer of Heart - Witch of Mind
Sylph of Hope - Prince of Rage
Knight of Space - Rogue of Time
Double Sylph/Prince, Seer/Witch, and Rogue/Knight. Notice how Maid/Bard, Page/Thief, and Mage/Heir classes are not used.
While this revised theory removes the process-of-elimination method (Step 8 of the guide), I think it ends up working a lot better. And if anything, many repeat classes may give a clue of a person's primary class.
Cinnamon Roll Classes
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll: Heir, Page, Rogue Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Witch, Sylph, Maid Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Knight, Mage Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Seer, Prince, Thief SINnamon roll: Bard
The Return of Lapis Lazuli
We’ve recently seen this short promo, aired as usual on Cartoon Network, which shows us Peridot giving Lapis a gift.
We don’t really know what episode the promo was from, but many speculate that it’s from Barn Mates, judging from the synopsis:
We initially thought it was going to be Peridot and one of the Crystal Gems, but the promo suggests otherwise: it’s actually Peridot and Lapis Lazuli.
There’s one problem: as of now, we don’t really know how Lapis is going to get back. Malachite is still there, as far as we know, chilling on the ocean floor or something, with the usual internal battle going on.
One of the other future episodes we know about is Super Watermelon Island. It’s the first in the list, actually, and one of the only three to have a synopsis.
Do you remember what happened to those Watermelon Stevens? They went into the ocean.
This really makes me think that those very same Watermelon Stevens are going to be the key to finding Lapis/Malachite, making them finally plot relevant! (Thank you, Chekhov’s gun.) They could possibly search the ocean floor, or just know where she is. Heck, maybe she’s on “watermelon island” with them.
The following episode (that we know of) is Gem Drill. Obviously, it seems they’re going to deal with the Cluster, but well, there’s one logistic problem: I think drilling a freaking mantle-deep tunnel with just a drill, even made of whatever gemkind technology, is not very feasible. It’d take an impressive amount of power to do something of that sort.
Luckily, we have a character who’s done impressive stuff before. She stole an entire ocean and built a water tower into freaking space. It’s Lapis Lazuli. She would at the very least be tremendously helpful, for example by helping the drill not overheat (an actual concern for real life drills, where muddy water is used as a coolant).
tl;dr: The Watermelon Stevens are going to be the key to Lapis Lazuli’s return, and she’ll be crucial to drill to the Cluster.
New Blog
So hey, I made another blog: pixie-styx-mix.
There’s only a few posts on it now, but it will serve as a combination blog for personal stuff and reblogs related to my fandoms and interests. So if you like Homestuck, Steven Universe, Undertale, Paranatural, Disney/Pixar, Nintendo, and/or psychology, or if you want to learn more about me, feel free to follow. (It mostly just has the first three subjects.)
Meanwhile, I will continue using this main blog for original posts involving theories and speculation. ...At least I plan on it. ^_^;
Wow, I can’t believe today marks one year since I made this blog! (I also can’t believe that I’ve only made 3 posts in the past 6 months... >_>; )
Anyway, here are some stats and highlights:
Posts: 73
Followers: 216
Notes in past year: 4800
Notes in past 6 months: 642
Top 10 popular posts in past 6 months:
The Magic Chest
Dave x Karkat Quadrants
Matrix Vibes
John <3< Terezi?
The First Guardian of Beforus
Classpect Profile Guide
Eight-ball dream bubble
Classes Chart
Doomed vs. Void Timelines
Vriskagram horse omen
Once again, I apologizing for not posting much lately. I guess the Omegapause has killed my motivation. I do hope to post more, though.
Again, thanks so much, everyone, for your support! Here’s to another year! ^_^
I realize I haven't posted anything in quite a while, and I apologize. I haven't been as active on Tumblr lately, but I'm still around.
I have some upcoming ideas and theories that slowly have been coalescing. Some projects include a Class wheel (and theories expanding upon it), MBTI personality and/or psychological disorders of the various Homestuck characters, and ideas relating to a third Scratch. And of course I have other post ideas, as well. No ETA on any of these, though.
I also have a few asks in my inbox I've been meaning to answer. I haven't forgotten, and I intend to respond to them.
On another note, I've delved into Steven Universe and Undertale. Now, this blog's primary focus is Homestuck, but considering how much the fandoms overlap, I'm considering including posts related SU and UT, too. Making separate blogs is another possibility, although it kind of sounds like a pain. I haven't decided anything yet, though.
Feel free to shoot me any questions or thoughts.
Thanks, everyone, for your support and patience. :)