A3! Hyodo Juza - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Heya~ can I have some Juza and Sakuya friendship headcanons? The clumsy yet earnest duo is so underrated and I would love to see more of them as buddies đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș ~🍁

Ooooo these two are so cute!! Thanks for waiting for me to post this 🍁 anon!! (and congrats! You’re my first anon with an emoji associated with you! I think the maple leaf is cute!!)

-they look up to each other in different ways!! Juza admires sakuya’s talent and outgoing attitude, and sakuya admires juza’s drive and thinks he’s really cool!! They both admire each other’s passion for acting!!

-Juza also really appreciates that saku is a good role model for kumon and tried to thank him for it, but sakuya insisted that he loved helping others, and it was his duty as a troupe leader to help anyone who needs it, even if they aren't from his troupe!

-Juza once expressed his admiration for how sakuya seemed to be really good at portraying emotion and giving all around good delivery + intonation to his lines, and sakuya retaliated with complimenting juza on his passion and rapidly growing skills in improv and general stage presence

-If u havent noticed already, they are cotton-candy levels of sweet :3

-Sakuya secretly wants to know juza’s workout routine


-Saku knows that sometimes juza doesnt talk alot, not in a rude way, but he’s just a bit quiet, so he doesnt push juza to socialize but he’ll keep talking to him so he knows he’s not being left out

-On that note, sakuya has made it a point to specifically ask juza his opinion on something during group conversations to get him a bit more out there

-Sakuya really does love seeing the hyodo-sasika family interact, and when they all collectively noticed his yearning for a family dynamic, they pretty much adopted him. Saku comes over for dinner with juza and kumon, sometimes with muku, and sometimes with all of them!!! Their parents adore saku vv much

-Juza once saw sakuya climbing onto a counter to get something from the top shelf and remembered how kumon does the same, from then on he told sakuya to ask him if he needed help reaching something

-Its kinda funny, they have an older-younger brother dynamic, but depending on the situation its like they switch roles

-Usually sakuya is like an older brother tho

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4 years ago

Hc that juza 100% did not know that you could dip your finger into (cooled!!!!) wax and it wouldn’t burn. 

Banri found this out when he was showing taichi how to make wax flower petals and was about to dip his finger in the wax when juza lunged over and grabbed his arm. [big sibling protection instincts never go away]. Banri was confused as hell and so was juza but for different reasons 

 Banri: ‘???? why are you grabbing my arm?? You wanna fight or something?’ 

Juza: ‘???? why are you actively trying to BURN YOURSELF??? Are you dumber than I gave you credit for??’ 

 Once it all gets cleared up juza is a teeny bit [read: very much so] embarrassed so he just leaves to go on a walk, while banri finds himself giggly and strangely glad knowing that juza moved that fast to try and ‘protect’ him.


(kinda tried a shippy ending sentence here under the cut!)

Were friends supposed to make your chest feel tight like that? Was it weird that he could still feel juza’s strong and steady hand on his wrist?.....was it weird that he might have wanted, just for a second, to hold that hand?

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3 years ago

banri and juza hanging out headcanons? :33 like once they get along, what types of stuff would they do together? Hehe,,


-i think they might go biking together! im preettyyy sure Juza already has a motorcycle but my assumption is that he probably has a bike stashed away somewhere at home.

- Juza and Kumon definitely go out on bike rides often, so Juza has the stamina to go for a good while

-Banri can definitely keep up with him, but he gets kinda tired by the end of the ride (but a good kind of tired, like, the kind where you sleep well afterwards)

-they’ll usually ride out to a park or somewhere nice to take a break from the noisy dorms and they’ll eat sandwiches Omi helped them pack. (Juza also brings a treat with him, pudding, cookies, brownies, pretty much whatever is on hand)

-i think they’d mostly prefer doing things outside rather than inside. It just kinda allows them to space out a bit if they need a minute for quiet and they seem to not get as agitated when outside with some breathing room. 

-I’d like to imagine Banri took Juza to an arcade once and found out just exactly how shit he is at fighting games

-(HOWEVER! Juza is weirdly good at games like Animal Crossing! His camp/town/island always looks really nice and put-together. The only thing he doesn't get is how to interact with some of the villagers. He hates upsetting them so he (somewhat reluctantly) has Banri or Taichi do any interactions for him so he can keep the characters happy.)

-they also tend to tell each other stories from what happened throughout the day, if a teacher said something funny, they saw something strange on a walk, they read a weird fact or an interesting article

-Banri’s stories tend to be a bit more humorous because he prides himself on being able to make people laugh

-while Juza’s stories tend to be a bit more mundane, yet still engaging 

- “You remember that cat I told you lives around this street?” -J

-“ya what's up with it?” -B

-“I saw it holding a piece of fish cut into a triangle, dunno how the hell it did that.”-J

 -“dumbass that was obviously Misumi”-B

 -“Misumi ain’t a fucking cat??”-J

-All in all they’re two dweebs who i would very much like to hug thank u very much

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2 years ago

cw: mentions of mild injuries

During a fight when he was like, 17, [pre-mankai, he couldn’t have hidden that bruising] Banri got his nose broken [he insists it was jus’ a bullshit lucky hit!! get off my back man!!] and, being the overconfident, highly insecure, adrenaline pumped up kid he was, he never got medical attention for that shit. All this little jackass did was read a wiki-how, re-set his own nose, and proceeded to whine to anyone who would listen about how annoying it was that he couldn’t smoke while his nose was healing. This kid did Not take care of himself.

When Azami got into experimenting with prosthetic makeup, Settsu got, what he thought was, a funky ass idea, and popped into the kid’s room to ask him to make his nose look ‘right’. Azami was
concerned! to say the least! but he tried his best!

And the second Banri walked back into his dorm all haughty and terrified and reveling in knowing that his face finally looks ‘right’, the worst thing happens. Juza walks back in. Two plates in hand, one muffin apiece, courtesy of Omi who made like 30 fucking corn muffins for breakfast that day. Sweating bullets, Banri turns to his desk to sit down and finish up the rest of that week’s homework when Juza shuffles over and sets down one of the plates on Banri’s desk with a soft clink. Accepting the, admittedly, kind gesture with a nod to his roomie, Ban-chan turns back to his laptop, pulls his legs up into his chair and does an almost imperceptible little fist pump. That fucking box-dyed airhead dumbass cute uhhh fuckingggggg!!! dumbass!! of a roommate! didn't notice!! fuck yeah!!

And then, of course, Juza turns back around. A little perplexed, he leans his back against the wall behind Banri’s desk, and kinda squints at Banri’s face for a second, ignoring the glare and the middle finger he was getting for dropping crumbs on the desk. Through a mouth-full of muffin, Juza finally comes up with,

“ ’Sup with your face?”


Fuck off”

“No like, there's something off with it”

“Somethings off with you if you think you can throw your muffin wrapper in my trash can”

a trashcan’s a trashcan.”

“This one’s mine. Now are you gonna fuck off outta my room or do I have to leave?” 

”Not your room. ‘S ours.”

Yeahhh. That one earned an absolutely pitiful groan from Banri, who grabbed his laptop, grabbed his muffin [left the plate for Juza to pick up, of course], and tried his damndest to storm out of the room as cool and collected as he could. Of course, ignoring the fact that his heart felt sped up in a bad way. Ignoring that his chest feels all tight and twisted in a way that doesn’t feel right at all. And he can't stop himself from stopping to glance up to the mirror hung by the doorway of their room. 

”Knew it!” 

”What do you want from me now?'' He's nervous. He's scared. 

”Somethings up with your face! Dude just turn the fuck around lemme see!”

And when Banri whips around, fully intending on starting a shouting match, and oh god he’s right there
Practically breathing on each other, Juza takes advantage of Banri’s obvious surprise to fully size him up. slowly, carefully, acting as if on instinct, Juza raises his hand and puts his thumb on Banri’s chin, his fingers splayed along his jawline, not rough enough to hurt him, but firmly enough that when he angles that pretty-boy blonde’s face in different directions to figure out what was weirding him out, all Banri could do was let him.

Banri couldn't figure out for the life of him what he was feeling. Like??? Jesus FUCK he felt sick and nervous and his face was burning. He wanted to smack Juza's hand away from him. He wanted to shove into him with his shoulder, just enough to make him stumble. He wanted to run out of that room. and he really wanted Juza to stop him. He wanted to stay right there, with his roommate just staring into his face. He wanted to press his cheek into Juza’s warm, calloused hand. He wanted to fucking throw up. And more than anything, he needed Juza to notice.

Delicately, gently, the way you would touch a canvas to check if the paint is dry, Juza let his hand trace over Banri’s nose, eyebrows raising at the shaky gasp his actions prompted. And with the same confused face he gets when he tries to work through esoteric grammar worksheets, Juza feels the pad of his fingers press into the silicone Azami had applied to Banri’s face earlier. At this point Banri jerks his arm up to his face, as if to protect himself, as if to block a hit, Juza notes. But with a stony glare and just a touch of strength put into it, Juza pulled his arm back down with a firm “Wait.” Using his other arm to hold banri’s shoulders back, juza peeled off the silicone putty [which he tossed on the table behind him, unsure if it was something Azami would want to reuse] and pulled the sleeve of his sweater up over his thumb to try and wipe off the majority of the remaining makeup sitting on Banri’s face. With a whispered, “There’s your face
” that made Banri want to hit a wall, Juza did a bit of a double-take at Banri’s expression.

He had never seen his roommate look so
well, docile wasn't the word he would use, but perhaps ‘non-aggressive’? almost ashamed? If he had to put a name to it, it would be a 60-40 mix of embarrassed and pissed off. Whether he was more pissed or embarrassed was anyone’s guess though. After about 2 minutes of dragging his sleeve on Banri’s face, it seemed Banri had finally had enough and elbowed Juza in the gut. honestly, he had been expecting as much a loooot sooner so without much protest, Juza stepped back enough to take in Banri’s whole stance again.

His shoulders were thrown back, tilting his jaw up the way he did when he got in shouting matches with Sakyo. His breathing was just a touch uneven, Juza noted, and he wondered if Banri was closer to fighting or storming out. Rather, there seemed to be a secret third option where Banri just stands there and glares up through his tousled hair.

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2 years ago

Autumn Troupe


-hangin’ out w juza!

-soft cuddles [x reader hcs]

-concerning habits

-”’Sup with your face?” [juban]

-cuddles n comfort [x reader hcs]


-hangin’ out w banri!

-”’Sup with your face?” [juban]

-sibling shenanigans

-slow dancing [x reader hcs]


-cold and sweet s/o

-father-son bonding! 

-tai-chan and trust

-a warm afterwards [cw-disordered eating]

-strong s/o!

-cosplayer s/o


-short s/o :)

-going grey

-a warm afterwards [cw-disordered eating]

-whipped for his s/o :”)


-father-son bonding!


-cuddles n comfort [x reader hcs]

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2 years ago

can i have just hcs or a scenario or whatever and it’s just. hanging out with juza. chilling, hanging out, alone and just being together. sorry it’s not specific

Boy do I love some good slice-of-life writing, especially if it's with our favorite stiff and sweet-lover actor!. Do not worry because this was so much fun to write! 💕

This can absolutely be taken as platonic or romantic. Please enjoy! 💕

Reader hanging out with Juza

“Oh, come on! That’s going to get so soggy by the time she builds the structure!” you groan in frustration at the computer, not believing what you were seeing.

Juza frowns next to you, eyes fixed on what is happening. He hasn’t said anything, but you want to believe he agrees with you. Well, as much as a non-professional baker could agree with another non-professional baker on a baking show can.

“Yikes- what did you expect Julia? For real, too much licour.” You can’t help but comment out loud again as you watch the contestant try to explain to the camera their confusion after they tasted the cake base.

Looks yummy to me.”

Your focus on the show slips when you hear him murmur with confusion, laughing at the sincere tone of his voice. “And that’s how we know you could never be a jury. How do you see that and think- Oh no!” you two watch in horror as another contestant takes out burnt decorations from the oven. “Oooh that is so gonna cost Alex his place.”

“He was ‘kay in the signature bake tho.”

You roll your eyes at Juza's comment while adjusting a blanket you had on around tighter. “Sure but like- he’s been on thin ice the last few episodes? and this is a technical challenge! Would be totally unfair to Julia if they decide to rule her and her alcoholic cake out.”

You both keep commenting on the episode here and there until the credits begin scrolling. You sigh and let yourself flop onto Juza's arm, tired. Maybe the others were right and you were getting a little too invested in the supposedly peaceful and untroubled series... just maybe.

You reach the mouse, trying to log out from the platform as you lazily pass by the announcements of future series and films in the making. “You know, I read somewhere they just get a cake stand and some flowers if they win first place,” you mention, suddenly remembering the fact. “Wild. It’s so different from the cooking shows, with offers, dishes and all that I mean.” You feel him shrug.

“Haven’t seen many winners from those other shows later on.”

“Mmm... true.” You agree after giving it some thought, mind still replaying all the mistakes and bits that had happened in the episode. “I bet Omi-san would annihilate everyone though.” You think smugly. Seconds later your tummy rambles, making you look around the room. “Hey, do you still have anything left from the sweets you bought yesterday? I got kinda hungry after watching so many pastries.”

Juza nods, and you move enough for him to get up from the small table placed in the middle of his shared room where you two had been watching the show for almost an hour. You watch him head to his desk and come back seconds late with a big bag that makes you squeal with joy, clapping as he sits again next to you.

Once he takes some of them out and hands them you can’t help but moan in delight after the first few bites. ”Ugh, this is so good. I should have taken some with me as well.”

“You can take half of these home if ya want.”

“Nooo don’t spoil me!” you groan. Because it’s not like it’s the first time Juza has offered or shared sweets with you, but it always feels surprising to you for someone to give away something they enjoy so much so easily. He pays no notice of your rejection and pushes some more sweets to your side. “Juza!” you whine again.

"'s fine. Ya can enjoy 'em later.”

You hum, not completely happy. "Then I’ll invite you to something next time we go somewhere, I won't accept a no.”

“Ya don’t need to-.”

You immediately raise one finger, stopping him from saying anything else. “What did I just say?” you raise an eyebrow. The purple-haired actor stares at your firm gaze and nods. You laugh and shake hands with him. "Pleasure to work with you."

You two continue eating in comfortable silence for a while as you manage to pick up the noise of people walking by the hall. You try to recognize the voices in the distance: Azami, Taichi, Hisoka, Sakuya
 it’s the middle of the afternoon so you imagine most of them are on their way to do their homework and the adults are most likely arriving from their jobs. You take another bite of the sweets and let yourself lie on the floor. You look at the ceiling, blanket still on stronghold. “Have you and Omi-san gone anywhere with your bikes in the end?”

“Uh? Ah, yeah. He said he knew a few roads near the mountains... We drove there last weekend.”

“I wanna see!” you exclaim sitting back up. You knew how much he had been looking forward to the trip. “Did you take any pictures?”

Juza pulls out his phone, unlocking it as you made yourself comfortable next to him, chin on his shoulder while excitedly still munching the sweets. You watch the autumn member enter the private chat he had with Omi and scroll through messages that went from university stuff, to timetables, to talks about everyday cleaning tasks and foods. “
Here.” He finally stops as he gives you his phone. “He shared some once we came back.”

“Oh my god- this place so pretty! Look at the view. Did it take you two much to get there? It looks so far from the city, I cannot see any road!”

“Kinda. We did some drivin’ between old pavements.”

Happy, you take a few more looks at the pictures; a few of the scenery, of juza looking into the distance from different angles -most likely not being aware he was the object of Omi’s camera- and give the phone back to its owner.

“I wanna go. Think you remember the way?”

“I got the area somehow... ‘Could always ask him again I guess.”

“Cool! Because we definitely need to take something to eat and go there to spend the day.”

Juza seems to like the idea too, though you think it’s mainly because he has been enjoying riding his bike at any given opportunity since he got his license.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna somethin’ more to put on?”

You blink confused and notice he’s been looking at the blanket you have been hanging on all this time. He scratches the back of his head, frowning, maybe thinking about what would be best for you to wear. “...Sakyo-san says it’s still early to put on the heating but I can look for a hoddie or somethin’.”

“Nah, I’m fine. I like to feel like a burrito.” You smile reaching for one more sweet from the bag -which you are starting to believe will be empty by the time you leave if you keep eating. You turn towards him. “You know, it’s been a while since we had time to relax by ourselves. When I come we are always with the others, but I kinda enjoy it the most when it’s us two and our favourite baking show.”

Juza ponders your words, warmth rising in his chest. Hearing those things directed towards him wasn’t the usual until he met you -He has never really been a talker after all.

As you continue to munch distracted he closes his eyes, his lips turning into a small smile. Because maybe he's a little proud to be able to give someone a happy space to relax. "...yeah."

You know he did not mean to say it out loud but you catch it nonetheless. It makes your eyes soften and ruffle his hair affectionately, obtaining a flustered yelp and questioning look from the golden-eyed actor. You laugh before changing the topic to another thing, making some more conversation. After all, neither of you had anything planned for the rest of the afternoon.

And what better way to spend time than with your favorite person?  


Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕

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