Abby Smut - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


cowgirl!abby x reader


summary ; after having seemingly nothing ahead of you for what felt like years but was really just months, your mother finds a new opportunity for you, a new purpose to linger in your life, but is it made for you?

cw ; switch!abby, switch!reader, slow burn, southern au, eventual smut, abby denying her feelings for the longest time ever, hair braiding!! , catching butterflies, will-they-won't-they, arguments but coming from a nice place , closeted/unsure!abby, sharing a bed, slight homophobia, teaching abby how to play a piano, cuddling on accident and on purpose, slight praise kink from both sides, abby teaches you how to ride a horse , dancing!!, baking, injury , reader is scared of dogs ok , NO use of y/n , rrrrrr idk this will probs be added to

a/n ; is it ok that i added stuff to the content warning that'll be in future chapters just not this one and isn't all smutty stuff or is that not ok????? also sorry the caps are ugly i feel improper without them.


A slick heat beat down on your hair, snuffing any previously made attempts at improving it's state, and the journey you had just taken had worn you of any care for it by this point. Growing up in England only made matters worse, severely unpreparing you for this sort of weather, and you dreaded the fact that this was all you'd be feeling for who knows how long. Suitcases were hauled from your mother's car , safely situated at your side before she brought you into a crushing hug, one that had you groaning at the pressure.

"Make sure you write, you know how worried me and your father'll be." She said sternly, hands holding your shoulders.

"Yeah, I know. I will." You replied just as adamantly.

"Okay, good. You make sure you have fun now, okay? Oh , and remember-" your mother rambled on , which you were sure was just her way of keeping you back longer.

"Remember my manners, yeah, I got it." You interrupted. You truly were going to miss her and your father, but you were sure if she was here any longer she might just cave and stay eith you, which you did not want. A warm smile curled against her lips, crows feet appearing at the corners of her eyes.

"Look at you, my sweet girl, all grown up." She sighed dreamily and you couldn't help but grin, eyes rolling lightheartedly.

"Yeah, yeah." You dismissed, bringing her into one last crushing hug before exchanging small 'goodbyes' and 'i love you's' before she reluctantly got back into her car and headed off, leaving you to sit on a bench, awaiting your ride.

Your mother had been friends with a man called Jerry Anderson for longer than you could recall, and after one of their most recent catchups, the topic of you had eventually been picked up. You had always been a good student, exceptional grades whilst maintaining a stable social life and everyone had always expected big things from you, only once you had graduated university, your whole life had come to a standstill and it was starting to look like you'd be living at home forever. That was until Jerry brought up the fact his daughter, Abby, could use some tutoring, and it was settled before you'd even known ; you were going to tutor his daughter.

You didn't know why, nor did you even care really. As long as it gave you something to do with your life , you would do it. Being a picture perfect role model and ending up this way was no short of humiliating , and no amount of concealing it from everyone else could hide the truth from yourself.

"Tsch, what the fuck is this signal?" You groan quietly as you attempt to do anything with your phone to distract you from the boredom looming over your body and the nervousness pooling in your stomach, filling the gaps between you organs in a sickly warm way. Thankfully for you, a truck pulls up , usefully arriving at the exact time discussed. This never would've happened back home. You hate the fact you feel homesick already.

A door opens and you stand up, shaking the hand of the man in front of you. He's taller by a few inches, maybe 3 or 4, hair which is seemingly quite long done up in a neat ponytail and you're almost jealous of the way it sticks better than your hair, messily braided by yourself, a skill you've never mastered. You're sure you could, but between studies and friends and family, you'd never had the time.

"So you're the one who's gonna be putting up with Abs, huh?" He teases playfully with an accent you weren't expecting, sounding far more Spanish than Southern, pulling his hand away to grab your suitcases, an act of chivalry you're not too acquainted with.

"Abs?" You questioned.

"Oh, Abby." He corrected. You nodded in recognition, slightly humiliated you didn't link the two.

"Yeah, I guess." You say, climbing into the passenger seat of his burgundy truck. The seats are slightly worn, objects strewn across here and there, but nothing grotesque. He gets in and starts the engine up before beginning to drive. A heavy silence hangs in the air, once he seems to be a lot more comfortable with in comparison to your agitated state.

"So...what's she like?" You ask reluctantly, unsure on whether making conversation is a food idea. You don't even know him, and you're not sure he's worth getting to know.

"Abby? She's smart, really, just not got the right knowledge to get outta this place. Listens real well too, always got an eye for seeing things about people. She's nice to be around, awkward if you don't know her though. Real funny too, but don't tell her I said that." He explains. His carefree attitude irritates you slightly. This is all business to you.

"Why's she want to leave?" You ask, testing the waters, unsure od where the boundaries lie. Manny shrugs his shoulders.

"I never really asked. Why'd you leave?" He counters, confusing you.


"I mean, you had this whole life n now you're here, what's up with that?" He explains himself, eyes flicking to you slightly before returning to the road.

You shrug slowly, staring down at the objects you can see here and there.

"Dunno. Just...not much left for me back there, or something." You say vaguely. He doesn't pry, which you like.

"So, what's England like?" He asks.

You find yourself settling into a comfortable conversation with him, the soft sound of music playing on the radio as a mere background noise. You find you don't dislike him as much anymore.

The town is small, definitely smaller than anything you've ever seen, and it's equally shocking how friendly everybody is. Every person you pass says hey or at least waves. It should decrease your nerves and allow you to relax a little, but it has you even more jittery. You're noticing how much you stand out even more as things go on. Most people are dressed in shorts , dresses, tank tops, skirts, anything that let's what little cool breeze circulate their body and suddenly you wish you'd acquired more taste in clothes that go beyond your usual jeans , long or occasionally short sleeved shirt and converse combo. You make sure to make a mental note to go shopping as Manny continues to drive.

A wooden, clearly old house (though better described as a cottage) slowly emerged into view. The paint was cracked in some areas, however other parts looked freshly applied, so, putting two and two together, you assumed there was renovations being done.

" many people, y' in that?" You asked Manny, unsure there was going to be enough space for everything.

"Oh well, Abby has her own place not too far from here so it's actually just been her dad." He explained as they pulled up into the dirt driveway before getting out. You went for your suitcases, slightly protective over them in such a unfamiliar setting, but Manny was quick to wave you off, getting them out himself. You followed awkwardly behind, unsure of yourself ; wondered if it was too late to turn back now.

"Manny, hey!" Jerry called out, leaving his position on the couch to wrap Manny up in a hug before holding his hand out to you.

"Hey, it's so good to see you." Jerry greeted politely. You have a slight smille, your mother's words lingering in the back of your mind.

"You too."

"I'll go check on your room. D'you want a drink or anything?" He asked to which you shook your head.

"No thank you."

"Alright." He said before heading upstairs, leaving your eyes to scan the house. The place was well painted, a stark contrast to the outside of the house. Lace curtains adorned almost every window, walls covered in random paintings, some hand drawn personally, some purchased from nearby stores. A few coffee mugs lay out, a couple records here and there. It was warm, obviously lived in and taken care of. The wooden floorboards creaked slightly as you slowly moved along, trying to remain inconspicuous and subtle in your curiousness which felt lot like snooping to you. Your fingers reached out to run along the record player held on a tidy shelf, only filled otherwise with a plant and some cds for the car before you heard scrambling paws on wood and, before you could even move, a dog jumping up at you.

Your first instinct was to instantly recoil, retracting your hand back as you stepped back unsteadily. You did not like dogs. Small ones were tolerable at the most, but big ones were crossing the line by a mile, and this was a big dog. In all reality it just wanted to play and was excited by the presence of somebody new, but you couldn't consider that right now.

"Hey, Alice, c'mon, get down." A soft , almost silky smooth voice laughed awkwardly, a voice you were not yet familiar with. The dog - Alice - retreated, allowing you to look up qt the woman who had just entered. Dirty blonde hair, probably considerably long however the proper length went undetermined due to it being tied up in a tight braid. She was a little like an ox ; viisibly muscular, slightly taller by 3 inches , yet her demeanour was anything but. Her hand reached out to yours. You stared at it, unmoving.

"Hey, s' good to see you. I'm Abby." She greeted as warmly as she could. Abby. The girl you were tutoring. Your lack of movement and response caused her to pull her hand back awkwardly.

"Not much of a hand shaker?" She asked, clearly desperate to fill the silence hanging in the air like thick fog, threatening to suffocate the two of you.

"Not really." You lied, knowing full well you could still feel the texture of everyone's hands you had shaken on your skin (yes, everyone was two people). Today seemed to be going your way for a split second as Jerry came in, however all hope was quickly disintegrated.

"So uh, bad news. There's been a leakage in one of the pipes , the one right above your room and I wouldn't wanna make you stay in that." He explains, features and tone nothing but apologetic.

"Oh." You say. If a long journey with an over-emotional mother and heat that had your clothes sticking to you in the mosf uncomfortable ways humanely possible wasn't bad enough, this was the final tipping point.

"We can pay for you to stay at a motel for you for now but-"

"She can stay with me?" Abby interrupts, quick to add onto her words for a reason you can't quite place your finger on.

"Cause, y'know, she's my tutor and all so it's just easier than going back and forth to different houses and I can take the couch." She explains, rambling on and on incessantly, hands moving and curving. It'd be annoying if you weren't so exhausted.

"Okay yeah, if that's okay with you?" Jerry asked you to which you shrugged absentmindedly.

"Sure." You agreed.

If you thought the silence in the house around two other people was bad, you were infinitely wrong. Being sat next to someone you barely know in dead silence, only provided the whirring of the car to fuel your thoughts, was a nightmare. You could briefly notice her opening her mouth every so often , and you assumed that she was going to ask why you were here and for some reason couldn't. Her eyes constantly flicked to you, desperate you would say something first to do you both a favour. You didn't.

"So uh, why'd you-" she began.

"Hey, Abby? I really don't want to be rude but, I'm exhausted." You interrupted, pleading with everything in you that she would take the hint and be quiet, which thankfully, she did. You almost felt bad. Almost.

The rest of the car journey was done in silence, and you didn't even bother looking at her house nor examining the contents of it as though you were doing a quick in-and-out shopping trip, walking in and being lead up to her room , suitcases placed down before she rambled on about something you couldn't even grasp the concept of the second she opened her lips to speak.

"Um, anyways, g'night." She murmured, awkwardly going to leave the room. Watching her walk out of the door like a dog with it's tail between it's legs was enough for you to give in and soothe her nerves slightly with an exaggerated sigh.

"Hey Abby?"


"Thank you."

It was the first time you'd seen her smile or look even slightly relaxed all day.


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11 months ago

But I'm a Lesbian! pt.3

ellie x abby x dina x fem!reader a/n: a shorter chapter! But I promise chapter 4 will definitely be longer! anyways, enjoy angels! 💗

→ Part one! → Part two! → Part four! → Part five! → Part six!

But I'm A Lesbian! Pt.3

Suddenly, like a starting gun had been fired, the four of you sprang into action. It was a dash to the showers, with elbows bumping and bodies jostling as you all struggled to be the first one in.

Abby, with her speed and strength, managed to dart ahead, closely followed by Ellie. You and Dina were neck and neck, both determined not to be left behind. In the chaos, you stumbled over each other's feet, arms flailing as you tried to maintain your balance.

"Watch it!" Ellie grumbled as she tried regaining her balance.

Eventually, you all reached the showers, each claiming a stall with exhaustion. The sound of rushing water filled the air as you quickly stripped off your clothes and stepped into the warmth. 

With only a few minutes to spare, you all hurriedly scrubbed yourselves clean, trying to make every second count.

“Fuck! Does anyone have shampoo?!" Ellie yelled, shaking her empty bottle in frustration.

"I do!" you exclaimed, quickly grabbing your shampoo bottle and rushing over to Ellie's stall. 

Ellie's eyes widened seeing you approach, her initial reaction being to dart her gaze away, her face turning a deep shade of red. were naked.

Without hesitation, you squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into her waiting hand. 

“t-thanks..” Ellie stammered, her voice slightly shaky. 

"I think I need some too~," Dina purred, her voice flirtatious, waving her hand dramatically as if in desperate need.

"Shit, me too!" Abby chimed in, her head popping out of her stall, trying to catch sight of you.

"You're both so unoriginal," Ellie grumbled, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"I'll be right there!" you replied, turning around to share shampoo with Abby and Dina.

Ellie's gaze lingered on you for a moment, eyeing the way your hips swayed, the curves of your body traced by droplets of water. The softness of your skin, illuminating in a soft glow. There was a certain beauty in your movements, a grace that captured her attention. 

She craved to discover it. 


Soon enough, you found yourselves in the cooking classroom, greeted by the aroma of various ingredients. Rows of kitchen stations awaited, each equipped with utensils, pots, and pans. 

The teacher, a seasoned chef, greeted the four of you. “Hello, ladies! Today, we'll be making some classic breakfast dishes," she announced. 

"It's important to start every day with a nutritious meal, especially for your husband," she added with a wink. 

The four of you blankly stared at her. 

The teacher clapped her hands, signaling the start of the cooking session. "Right then! Chop, chop!"

"Just follow my lead," Dina reassured, playfully smacking your ass before guiding you to the station next to hers.

Ellie took charge of cracking eggs, her movements precise and efficient. Abby occupied the stove, flipping pancakes with a flick of her wrist. 

Dina always experimented with different ingredients, adding a dash of spice here and there to enhance the flavors. As for you, your focus was on whipping up a batch of fluffy scrambled eggs, gently stirring them in a skillet.

"Here," Dina said, pausing her tasks and stepping behind you, "You'll hurt your wrist if you do it like that."

She gently took hold of your hand, her touch delicate yet firm. Her fingertips tracing along your skin, leaving a trail of warmth. As she leaned closer, her chest pressed against your back, you could feel the heat radiating from her body.

Your palms grew moist with sweat, and a slight tremble ran through your fingers. Flustered, you struggled to maintain composure, your cheeks warming with a faint blush. 

"Oh," you murmured, turning to meet her gaze, "thank you."

Dina smiled warmly. "You’re so cutee!!" she remarked, pulling you into a tight hug. "Marry mee!!” 

Just then, the cooking instructor approached Abby,  “Abby, the nurse needs you,"

Abby glanced up from her station, faking a face of concern. "What for?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron.

The teacher shrugged. "I'm not sure, but she sounded urgent. You better go check."

"Alright," she nodded at the instructor before turning to the rest of you. "Catch you later, guys," she said with a smirk.

The three of you exchanged knowing glances.

"Mhm.." Dina remarked, her tone suspicious.



With a forceful slam, the nurse's back collided with the wall, a small whimper escaping her lips as Abby pressed her against it. The nurse's eyes widened in surprise, her breath hitching as she felt Abby's strong grip on her wrists.

Abby leaned in closer, her voice low and seductive. "You’re so fucking impatient.." she whispered, her breath warm against the nurse's ear.

The nurse's cheeks flushed crimson, excitement coursing through her veins. She struggled to find her words, her heart pounding in her chest. Before she could respond, Abby's lips crashed against hers in a hungry kiss, sending a surge of pleasure. The nurse squeezed her thighs together, her hands reaching up to tangle in Abby's hair.

As their lips parted, the nurse's breath came out in ragged gasps, her eyes glazed with desire. "I-I needed you," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

Abby flashed her a grin, her eyes burning with desire. "fuckk…" she murmured, trailing kisses along the nurse's neck. “Let's see how long you last this time."


Dina leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eye. “I've been thinking," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sizzling of the stove.

You and Ellie exchanged curious glances, waiting for Dina to continue.

"We should sneak into the director's office tonight and steal back our stuff," Dina proposed, a smirk plastered on her lips.

Ellie crossed her arms, her expression firm. "Fuck no." 

"What?! Why not?" Dina whined, clearly disappointed. 

Ellie sighed, "I'm already three strikes down," 

"We won't get caught if we plan it!" Dina insisted, nudging Ellie's arm. 

You nodded in agreement with Dina, "She's right, Ellie," you chimed in, "We'll plan it out and make sure everything goes smoothly. We won't leave any evidence behind."

Ellie raised an eyebrow, surprised by your willingness to participate. 

"Come onn, El's!" Dina groaned,  "Don't you want your finger—"

"Okay!" Ellie interrupted, cutting Dina off before subjecting her to more teasing. "But you owe me a pack of cigarettes.." she huffed in annoyance.

Dina grinned. "deal!" she replied cheerfully.

A sudden small buzzing sound caught Ellie's attention, a tickle on her right shoulder. She glanced over to see a pesky fly. 

"Don't move," you whispered urgently, eyeing the fly.

Dina, sensing an opportunity, slowly raised her hand, ready to swat the fly. But just as she made her move, the fly darted away, escaping her grasp.

"Damn it!" Dina exclaimed in frustration, waving her hand through the air attempting to catch it. 

The fly continued to buzz around the kitchen. Ellie, determined to get rid of it, swatted at the air wildly. You, too, joined in the frenzy, swinging a dish towel in an attempt to kill it. 

“Don’t let it land on the food!” Dina urged. 

In your frantic attempts to catch the fly, bottles of oil and water were knocked over, creating a slippery mess on the floor. Ellie, caught off guard by the slick surface, slipped and crashed to the ground with a loud thud. 

“Argh! Damn it!” Ellie groaned in pain.

Meanwhile, your efforts caused water to splash onto a cooking pot, leading to a sudden burst of sizzling oil that sent you yelping in pain. 

“Ouch!” you shouted, stumbling back and landing on top of ellie.

Amidst the chaos, everyone momentarily forgot about the bacon, sizzling on the hot stove. It was beginning to burn, filling the kitchen with thick smoke that billowed up toward the ceiling.

“Hey guys,” Dina called out amidst the commotion, “Something’s burning..”

Abby walked back into the kitchen, disheveled with lipstick marks scattered across her neck. “Hey guys, I’m back...” her voice trailed off. 

She stood frozen for a moment, taking in the utter chaos that had unfolded while she was gone. 

Ellie was still on the floor, rubbing her bruised body, while Dina was frantically trying to clean up the spilled oil and water, her clothes stained and her hair in disarray. Whilst frantically trying to dodge splattering oil from the pot. You were scrambling to turn off the stove, desperately trying to salvage whatever remained of the bacon.

“What the fuck happened?!” Abby exclaimed, slowly walking over

Before anyone could respond, the sprinkler system activated, sending gushes of water down from the ceiling. Abby stood frozen in shock as she was drenched by the downpour, her already disheveled appearance now completely soaked.

The kitchen descended into madness as everyone scrambled to avoid the flood of water, slipping and sliding on the now-slippery floor. Ellie let out a frustrated groan, while Dina cursed loudly, and you desperately tried to shield the food from the onslaught of water.

Abby shook her head in disbelief, “I should’ve just stayed for round two..” 

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11 months ago


abby x fem!reader a/n: a drabble bc ovulation is no joke..🏃‍♀️💨


You found yourself sinking into the plush cotton pillows, the very ones that usually cradle your head in peaceful slumber. But now, they serve a different purpose, muffling your moans and whines. Waves of heat surge throughout your body, every sensation a blur of ecstasy.

Abby's hands tighten their grip on your thighs, her soft groans igniting heat against your cunt. Positioned on your stomach, your back arches, making your spine gracefully curve. a tempting offering for her. 

With Abby positioned below you, her face is buried in between your legs. She suddenly stops, a hint of disappointment flickers across your face, your teeth gently sinking into your lower lip.

"mmm..." She murmured huskily, her finger tracing a path along your slit, her gaze so undeniably hungry. She slapped her fingertip against your hole, the sensation sending electric pulses through your core.

"nghh..”  you whimpered, your hips instinctively rocking against the warmth of her touch.

"that feel good, baby?" she mumbled, her eyes locked on the way your hole pulsated. 

"yesyesyes!" you moaned in response, feeling the pressure of her finger teasingly slide into you.

"Fuckk, give it to me, baby," she demanded,  her tone desperate and eager. 

You hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering yourself onto Abby's awaiting mouth,

"Mhmm..." Abby gripped your ass firmly, guiding your hips down with a force that made your pussy slam against her lips. Every movement, each bounce against her face, filled the room with sounds of your slick meeting her mouth. 

"I can't get enough of you," she murmured between licks and kisses. With every flick of her tongue and gentle suck,  you drew out moans of pleasure. Each sensation building upon the last.

Your hand reached under, tangling in Abby's hair, urging her closer, deeper. Her movements became more urgent as she sought to satisfy both her hunger and yours. 

"c-can't get... fucking enough," She grumbled, her voice husky with frustration as she released a low groan. Abby was immensely frustrated at how completely pussydrunk she became. "You fucking make me this way..”

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8 months ago

Milk Of The Siren.

Milk Of The Siren.
Milk Of The Siren.
Milk Of The Siren.

captain!abby x siren!reader Summary: Captain Anderson is among the most skilled, effortlessly navigating countless ships. Yet, even the finest sailors aren't immune to the lure of sirens' hunger. a/n: new series for you angels!!! super excited for this one!! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) ⇢ part two𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ˳༄꠶ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

A human laid before you, unconscious.

Her milky skin glimmered under the soft moonlight, her body reflecting the silvery glow. She was drenched, her clothes soaked through with seawater. Sand was plastered around her face, sticking to her skin like a constellation of freckles.

what a disturbance..

It was already past midnight, the only illumination coming from the moon and stars above. Their light dancing on the surface of the water, and the gentle glow of jellyfish drifted the sea. You had sought this place for solitude, yearning for some time alone. The cave lagoon was your sanctuary, a place where silence was a constant companion and disturbance was a foreign concept.

But now, that tranquility was shattered. The human's presence was an intrusion into your sacred space. This lagoon, with its crystal-clear waters and echoing silence, had always promised peace. 

You emerged from the water, your movements graceful and deliberate. Your sleek, iridescent tail shimmered, casting ethereal patterns on the cave walls as it parted the waves. Each movement sent ripples across the surface, water cascading down your body. Your hair, the color of the midnight sea, clung to your back,  your eyes. deep and mesmerizing, locked onto the human with irritation. 

The soft sound of waves lapped against the shore, the only noise in the otherwise still night. You hovered over her, studying her face. She looked peaceful, almost serene, despite the obvious turmoil that had brought her here. Her chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, and you could see the faint pulse at her neck, a sign of life amidst the stillness.

Hovering down, you brushed a strand of wet hair from her face, feeling the softness of her skin. She was fragile, a stark contrast to the strength you felt coursing through your own body. This human had no place here, in your sanctuary, disturbing the delicate balance of your world. But there was something about her, something that stirred a feeling you couldn't quite name.

You took a deep breath, inhaling the salty sea air, and let it out slowly. 


"Captain Anderson," Isaac said, shaking Abby's hand in a formal greeting.

Abby returned the handshake firmly, "Isaac," she replied with a nod, taking a seat opposite him. "What brings you to seek me?"

Isaac smiled, a hint of admiration in his eyes as he leaned forward. "You've earned quite the reputation, Captain. Your skill and courage on the seas are well known,." He paused, leaning back in his chair. "I have a proposition for you. We have a cargo that needs to be sailed out to Europe, and I can think of no one better suited for the job than you."

Abby's expression remained composed, though inwardly, she felt a flicker of intrigue. Sailing across the Atlantic was no small effort, even for someone as experienced as herself. "Europe, you say?" she mused, tapping her fingers thoughtfully against the arm of her chair. "That's quite a journey..."

Isaac nodded. "Indeed, it is. But I have every confidence in your abilities. The cargo is valuable, and I trust only the best to ensure its safe passage."

Abby inclined her head, acknowledging the compliment. She had earned her title through years of hard work and determination, rising through the ranks from a young deckhand to a respected captain known for her sharp instinct. Her ship, The Siren's Call, was renowned not only for its speed but also for the loyalty of its crew.

"As always, Isaac, I'm honored by your trust," Abby replied finally, her tone reflective of the weight of the responsibility he was offering. "When do we sail?"

Isaac smiled, relieved by her acceptance. "The Siren's Call leaves at dawn. I'll have the crew and provisions ready."


Abby stepped aboard The Siren's Call at the break of dawn, greeted by the familiar salty breeze. The crew bustled about, preparing the ship for departure.

As Abby made her way to her quarters to stow her belongings, she felt a hand clap down on her shoulder. Turning, she found herself face-to-face with Ellie Williams, a fellow hunter and friend from her days ashore in jackson. Ellie's auburn hair was tied back, her piercing green eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Well, well, if it isn't Captain Anderson herself," Ellie teased, flashing a mischievous grin. "Off on another grand adventure, are we?"

Abby chuckled, giving Ellie a playful shove. "Always."

Ellie nodded knowingly. "Oh, I know all too well. Heard you're sailing for Europe this time. Quiteee the journey"

Abby nodded, "It'll be a challenge, no doubt. But Isaac trusts me to get the job done."

Ellie raised an eyebrow. "Isaac, huh? That old son of a bitch is at it again!" She leaned closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Any chance you'll find a European lady out there?"

Abby rolled her eyes with a smile. "Not likely.”

Ellie laughed, her laughter echoing through the corridor. "Well, you let me know if you change your mind. I've got some contacts who could arrange a meeting."

“I'll keep that in mind.” Abby shook her head,  "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ship to prepare."

Ellie grinned, stepping back to let Abby pass. "Don't forget to send me a postcard!"

With a wave, Abby continued on her way, her mind already shifting back to the tasks at hand. She settled into her role aboard the Siren's Call, overseeing final preparations and ensuring everything was in order, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. 

The sea was waiting. 


As the Siren's Call cut through the Atlantic waves, Abby kept a vigilant watch, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. The journey had been smooth thus far, the ship sailing true under her expert command. But just as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, a haunting melody began to drift through the air.

At first, Abby dismissed it as a trick of the wind, but soon, the melody grew stronger, more intoxicating. It was a song unlike any she had heard before — ethereal and enchanting, weaving through the air like a delicate thread. A chill ran down her spine as she realized what it was: 

The song of sirens.

Glancing around, Abby saw her crew entranced by the music, their eyes glazed over, their movements sluggish as they were drawn toward the source of the melody. Panic surged within her as she fought against the mesmerizing tune, her hands tightening on the wheel to keep the ship on course.

"Keep steady! Fight it!" Abby shouted, her voice cutting through the enchantment like a knife. But the sirens' song was relentless, its allure growing stronger with each passing moment. The Siren's Call began to veer off course, its sails catching the wind erratically.

The ship was now beyond her control, rushing dangerously through the waves. The laughter of the sirens echoed hauntingly in the air, mocking their victory. 

“Captain, we're losing control! The ship won't respond!"

"Damn it!"  Abby gritted her teeth, her mind racing for a solution. 

She knew the tales of the sirens, their irresistible songs luring sailors to their doom upon jagged rocks. Abby steadied herself against the wheel, trying desperately to steer away.

But it was to no avail. 

The ship's structure collided with rocks, splintering wood and tearing sails. The world began to whirl as Abby was thrown overboard, the icy waters enveloping her in a shock of cold. Debris and bodies floated around her, the cries of her crewmates drowned out by the relentless roar of the sea. With a desperate stroke, she struggled toward the surface, fighting against the pull of the sinking ship.

Moments later, Abby's head broke through the surface, gasping for air as she scanned the scene…

The Siren's Call was rapidly disappearing beneath the waves, its masts jutting awkwardly into the sky before vanishing into the depths. The sirens' laughter echoed in the distance, a cruel reminder of their deadly allure.

“no...” Abby weakly whispered as darkness crept on the edges of her vision.


“Ngh..” Abby jolted slightly awake, her eyes fluttering open as she groaned softly.

You instinctively backed away, giving her space to gather herself. She looked around, disoriented and clearly in pain, her body stiff and bruised. Confusion clouded her expression, and her gaze struggled to focus on you through eyes still adjusting to the dim light.

You remained cautious, observing her cautiously as she blinked. 

"What has brought you here?" you asked, your voice tinged with a hint of anger. The disruption she had caused to your sanctuary was annoying enough. 

Abby didn't respond immediately, her eyes still trying to focus on you. She seemed caught between fear and fascination, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she struggled to find her voice. The bruises on her skin stood out starkly in the moonlight. 

"There is no place for you here, human," you snapped, your tone firm. 

The rules of your world were clear — humans were outsiders, their presence a disruption to the delicate balance of your existence beneath the waves. 

"You're... one of them," she whispered weakly, pointing a trembling finger in your direction. Her voice trembled, her gaze fixed on you.

Yes, you were one of the creatures of the deep, Your kind had legends woven around them—stories of enchantment and danger that humans whispered. For centuries, your kind had existed in harmony with the sea, guardians of its secrets and mysteries.

But Abby's presence had disrupted that harmony.

A debate stirred within you, a conflict between duty and desire. On one hand, your instincts urged you to follow the rules of your existence—to remain hidden, to protect your kind from the intrusions of humans. But on the other hand, there was a temptation—an urge that whispered of a different kind of need.

Abby's voice broke through your thoughts, her plea tinged with desperation. I don’t mean to intrude.."

Her words hesitated, exhaustion and pain in every breath. You could sense her vulnerability, her body moving with fatigue as she struggled to maintain her composure. The moonlight bathed her in a soft glow, casting a shadow that danced across her features.

In that moment, you saw her not just as an intruder, but as a fragile soul in unfamiliar waters, seeking refuge from the storms. A flicker of empathy stirred within you, a longing to ease her suffering and offer her safeness Yet, there were potential consequences—disrupting the balance that kept both your worlds apart.

With a conflicted sigh, you made your decision. "I will return," you said.

Abby's eyes widened slightly, a mixture of hope and fear flickering across her face. You could see the relief in her eyes, but you knew your reasons for helping her were far from kindness. If she recovered, she would leave your lagoon, restoring the peace and solitude you so cherished.

You slipped back into the water with effortless grace, your body merging seamlessly with the liquid embrace of the lagoon. The cool water flowed around you as you swam deeper, your mind racing with thoughts of what resources you could gather to help. Food, water, perhaps some herbs to tend to her wounds—all necessary for her recovery.

The underwater world welcomed you, its familiar sights and sounds a comforting balm to your conflicted heart. Radiant creatures lit your way, their soft glow illuminating the path through the darkened depths. You swam swiftly, your movements a blur of silver and blue as you navigated the corridors of your aquatic home.

First, you headed to a nearby kelp forest, where you knew you could find nutrient-rich seaweed. With practiced skill, you harvested a generous bundle, tying it together with a strand of your own hair. Next, you sought out a freshwater spring that bubbled up through the ocean floor, filling a small, hollowed-out shell with the precious liquid.

Eventually, you made your way to a hidden grove where medicinal sea herbs grew in abundance. You carefully selected a variety of leaves and stems, each one known for its healing properties. The weight of your decision still hung heavy on your heart, but the act of gathering these resources gave you a sense of purpose, a way to channel your inner confusion into something useful.

With your resources secured, you turned and began the journey back to the cave. The moonlight still shimmered on the water's surface as you emerged, carrying the gathered resources in your arms. Abby was where you had left her, her eyes closed, her breathing slow and steady. She looked even more fragile than before, a difference to the strength you could sense within her.

You approached quietly, setting the bundle of seaweed and herbs beside her.

"I have returned," you said, your voice a whisper. Abby's eyes fluttered open, and she looked at you with a mixture of gratitude and lingering fear.

Gently, you handed her the shell filled with fresh water. "Drink," you said, guiding her hands to the makeshift vessel. Abby complied, sipping the cool water with obvious relief. You could see the color returning to her cheeks, a sign that she was beginning to regain some of her strength.

You showed her the seaweed. "Eat." you instructed, tearing off a small piece and offering it to her. "It will help you recover." Abby hesitated for a moment, then took the seaweed and began to chew, her expression softening as the nourishment began to take effect.

You turned your attention to her injuries. You crushed the medicinal herbs between your fingers, releasing their healing juices, and gently applied them to her cuts and bruises. Abby winced at first, then relaxed as the soothing properties of the herbs took hold.

You backed away, observing her. Abby's eyes met yours, and for the first time, there was a spark of trust in their depths.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle lapping of the waves.

You stared at her for a moment, torn between your desire for solitude and a new connection that could bloom. Her presence was a disturbance, yes, but also a reminder of the world beyond the sea, a world you had long ago distanced yourself from.

You nodded, “The sea will watch over you."

Abby finally began to take in her surroundings. The beauty of the cave lagoon struck her with a sense of awe. Moonlight filtered through the entrance, casting a silver glow over the water. The walls of the cave were adorned with vibrant corals and sea plants, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that felt both magical and serene.

Her gaze shifted to you, the mythical being who had both frightened and saved her. You were a creature of ethereal beauty, your scales glistening in the dim light, your movements graceful and fluid. There was an undeniable allure to you, a magnetism that drew her in despite the fear that lingered in her heart.

But with that awe came a profound conflict. The sirens, your kind, were responsible for the tragedy that had striked her crew. Abby’s thoughts turned dark as she remembered the screams, the chaos, and the horror. Her shipmates, her friends, had been lured to their deaths by the enchanting songs of the sirens, and now here she was, under the care of one of those very beings.

How could she feel anything but hatred for the creatures responsible for so much pain? And yet, as she watched you move with such grace, as she felt the gentleness in your touch, she couldn’t deny the complexity of her feelings.

You noticed her conflicted expression, the way her eyes flickered with something you couldn’t quite place. 

“You helped me...” Abby spoke, her voice tinged with suspicion and curiosity. “Your kind... they killed my crew. Why didn’t you just leave me to die?”

You hesitated,  “I seek solitude,” you replied, “Your presence here disrupts that. If you heal, you will leave, and I will have my peace again.”

Abby’s eyes narrowed slightly, but there was a hint of understanding in her gaze. “It’s for your own sake.” she murmured, more to herself than to you. “Well, if that's the case, thenn you will have to help me leave." 

"I have helped you enough," you replied, your voice tinged with reluctance.

Abby's expression hardened "I can't simply swim to land," she insisted, her voice growing firmer. "I need to construct a boat—a small one, quick to build yet sturdy enough to carry me and the supplies I'll need until I reach safety."

You grumbled to yourself, the request catching you off guard. Helping Abby construct a boat meant prolonging her stay—something you had hoped to avoid. 

Reluctantly, you nodded. "Very well," you conceded, your voice resigned. "I will gather what you need."

A faint smile tugged at Abby's lips, teasing and amused. "Good," she replied, her voice teasingly soft. "I suppose I should rest now. It'll make you grumble less."

Perhaps you should’ve eaten her.

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7 months ago

Milk Of The Siren pt.2

captain!abby x siren!reader a/n: literally soo late with this! But it's here now!! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡ ⇢ part one 𓈒ㅤׂ 𓇼

Milk Of The Siren Pt.2

The first light of dawn filtered through the cave entrance, casting a soft, golden glow across the lagoon. The water, once a mysterious shade of midnight blue, now shimmered with pink and orange hues, reflecting the rising sun's vibrant colors. 

You emerged from the depths of the lagoon, your iridescent scales catching the early morning light, creating a mesmerizing display of colors that danced across the cave. The air was cool and fresh, filled with the scent of salt and seaweed, and the gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore.

"I've returned with—AH!" you exclaimed, just in time to see a thick piece of wood hurtling toward you. Instinctively, you dove back into the water, the sudden motion creating ripples. Causing nearby sea creatures to scatter, their glowing forms disappearing into the shadows.

Beneath the water, you grumbled to yourself, peering up through the distorted surface at Abby. The underwater view warped her figure, her movements slow and dreamlike as she wiped her forehead with her forearm.

"My apologies!" Abby called out, her voice muffled and distorted by the water. "I'm still learning to use..." She glanced down at the makeshift tool you had crafted for her—a blend of driftwood and seaweed bound together to serve as a hammer. "Well, this."

You peeked above the water, your eyes glinting with annoyance. It had been months since Abby had begun constructing the boat, and progress had been slower than expected. The small boat, meant to be her ticket out of the lagoon, still lay incomplete, its frame sturdy but still lacking. 

Abby was kneeling by the boat, tinkering with a piece of rope that she had looped awkwardly around one of the driftwood supports. Her brow was furrowed in concentration, her fingers fumbling with the knots. Peeking above the surface, you observed her silently.

"You treat it as if it were a toy," you murmured to yourself, your voice carrying through the water in a soft echo. The tools and materials you had previously gathered were scattered around her.

Abby then stood up, her movements casual as she reached for her shirt. She pulled it up to her face, wiping away her sweat. From the glow in the cave, you couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her body—the defined lines of her abs, the toned muscles that flexed beneath her skin. 

The cave's cool air kissed Abby’s flushed cheeks, Her hair, tousled from the sea breeze, framed her face like a halo, with strands of wet hair clinging to her temples and neck.

You felt a pang of curiosity, a flicker of fascination. But you resisted, diving your gaze back into the water where the distorted view might calm the intensity of your thoughts.

"I will have to depart soon," you said, your voice creating bubbles through the water. 

Abby looked down at you, her shirt still clutched in her hand. Her gaze met yours, eyes wide with concern. She held the fabric tightly, the remnants of sweat dripping from its edges.

"Why?" Abby's voice was soft, almost lost in the gentle sounds of the cave. The question lingered in the air, laden with the weight of impending separation.

You sighed, the sound bubbling through the water as you peeked above the surface, your eyes never leaving hers. "The materials I have supplied for you will occupy you for the time being," you continued, your tone firm.

Abby nodded slowly, her gaze shifting to the assortment of gathered seaweed, branches, and shells laid out neatly beside her

"My absence will soon be noticed by the other sirens," you admitted, " It has been months."

Abby nodded slowly, her mind processing your words. The sudden realization that time had slipped made her eyes soften with understanding. “I understand.”

You inclined your head in agreement, the movement fluid and natural as you regarded her. You studied her expression with keen eyes, noting the subtle shift in her demeanor.

"I’ll return by the next full moon," you continued. The sunlight filtering through the cave entrance created a soft, shimmering glow around you. "I will continue to supply you with materials. You must have everything you need to complete the boat."

Abby looked up at you, a mischievous smirk tugging at her lips. “Of course,” she said, her tone light and teasing. “You must ensure my leave.”

You grumbled under your breath, a mix of irritation and amusement flickering across your eyes. “You mock me.”

Abby's eyes locked onto yours with a sudden, piercing intensity, causing you to flinch involuntarily. Her azure eyes, a striking shade of blue, held a depth that seemed to mirror the very waters you roam, stirring a knot in your stomach—an unfamiliar sensation.

“I only tease.” she said, her voice softening into a gentle, soothing tone. The warmth of her words contrasted with the mischievous glint in her eyes, leaving you at a loss for words.

“Before you go,” Abby said, holding out a few seashells toward you. “Here,” she added, her voice soft. “I believe I no longer have use for them..”

You hesitated, your hand hovering above the shells. The contact with her skin was always a strange sensation—warm and oddly comforting, stirring feelings you were reluctant to acknowledge. Every time your fingers brushed against hers, it sent a thrilling jolt through you, a sensation both exhilarating and unnerving.

“Are you certain?” you asked, your voice betraying a hint of hesitation. “I put in a lot of effort to gather your supplies, and I’d rather not see them go to waste...”

Abby’s gaze locked onto you, her eyes searching your face. You shifted uncomfortably, unable to hold her gaze, feeling a flush of warmth rise to your cheeks. Her eyes, filled with an unreadable emotion, made you look away.

“It isn’t fair to the ocean,” you continued, your voice softening. “It provides for us, and you must respect that.” The seashells glinted in the dim light of the cave, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the shadows. “Every piece, every bit of the sea, has its place and purpose.”

Abby smiled gently, her expression reassuring. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do such a thing,” she said, settling down at the edge of the lagoon. “I simply can’t find a use for them; they’re all cracked.”

You glanced at the shells in her hand, and she was right—their delicate structures were indeed fractured, not sturdy enough for any practical use.

“Surely they can.” you replied, reaching out to take them from her. 

Your fingers brushed against her palm, the warmth of her skin sending a thrill through you, leaving you momentarily breathless. It was a sensation you couldn’t quite comprehend—a confusing mix of pleasure and unease. Perhaps it was your instincts craving her warmth, or something deeper and more mysterious.

The thought of feeding upon her, though a familiar part of your nature, seemed strangely less appealing compared to the comfort she offered. You tried to focus on the practical aspect, but your stomach turned with each lingering touch.

“You see,” you began, forcing yourself to concentrate on the seashells, “even these cracked shells can be useful. They can be used as decorative elements or for crafting pieces.” You hoped that by redirecting your attention, you could brush off the moment. 

Abby tilted her head, curiosity evident in her eyes. “How so?” she asked.

“I’ll demonstrate,” you replied.

 You took the cracked shells from her hand and set to work. With careful movements, you began transforming the fragile pieces into intricate hair clips.

The process demanded precision, and you could feel Abby’s eyes on you.. Her gaze seemed to weigh heavily on your shoulders, making your fingers tremble slightly as you worked. Each time you looked up, you caught a glimpse of her observing you intently, and it only added to the tension you were feeling.

You could feel your frustration mounting, anger and embarrassment rising within you. The sirens often spoke of the danger of being affected by humans, and here you were, struggling to maintain composure while a mere human’s gaze seemed to unsettle you. It felt as though your control was slipping, and the very act of creating these clips, which should have been straightforward, was becoming a struggle.

You felt exposed, vulnerable, and it made you angry—angry at yourself for allowing a human to have such an effect on you.

Abby’s gaze remained fixed on you, her eyes softening as she watched you work. “I don’t mean to distract you,” she said quietly, sensing the shift in your demeanor. “It’s simply… fascinating to see what you can do.”

You gritted your teeth, forcing a tight smile as you finished the last of the clips. “It’s nothing.” you said sharply, trying to regain your composure.

Abby’s expression was a mix of admiration and something else you couldn’t quite decipher. “They’re beautiful,” she said softly, reaching out to touch one of the clips. 

You felt a surge of irritation as Abby’s hand moved closer to the clips. Without thinking, you sharply slapped her hand away. “They’re delicate.” you blurted, trying to mask your frustration behind a flimsy excuse. The abrupt action seemed to echo through the quiet of the cave, your pulse quickening in your ears.

Abby’s hand recoiled from your slap, and she looked at you with surprise and amusement. Her laughter, light and unexpected, filled the space between you. “Okay, okay,” she said, her voice carrying a playful tone. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”

Despite her reassured demeanor, you couldn’t shake a feeling. The irritation you felt was not just about the intrusion but about the conflicting emotions stirred up by this human. The very fact that Abby’s presence could make you feel so vulnerable, was deeply unsettling. The urge to lash out, to push her away, was strong, but the notion of harming her felt wrong.

You looked away, feeling a flush of both anger and embarrassment. “Just… handle them carefully,” you said, your voice rough. “They’re not as sturdy as they seem.”

Abby nodded, still chuckling softly. “I’ll be sure to be gentle with them,” she promised. She seemed genuinely intrigued by your reaction, her eyes reflecting an unexpected warmth. It was clear she found your fierceness endearing, but for you, it only added to the chaos inside.

“I’ll place them in your hair for you,” you offered, trying to mask the anxiety with a sense of control. “I don’t quite trust that you’ll handle them as carefully as they deserve.” Your voice was firmer than you felt, a desperate attempt to maintain composure.

Abby’s eyes widened with a hint of amusement, and she raised an eyebrow. “Oh, is that so?” she said, a teasing note in her voice. “Very well.”

Your hands, usually so steady and confident, now felt shaky as you reached for Abby’s hair.  

Her long, dark blond hair cascaded like a waterfall of sunlight and shadow, each strand woven together with a silky smoothness that felt almost unreal. As you gently sifted through her hair, you could feel the soft texture against your fingertips.

The longer you worked, the more you became aware of how deeply you craved to tangle your fingers in her hair, to feel the fullness of it wrapped around your hands. There was something thrilling about the idea, an urge to pull and entwine. The sensation was so unfamiliar, as if each touch of her hair awakened a part of you that had long been sealed. You couldn’t believe how such a simple act could stir up such feelings.

As you looked down at Abby, the details of her face seemed to magnify, each feature more captivating than the last. Her long lashes fluttered softly with each blink, her nose was lightly rounded with a gentle bump, seeming to need the trace of a fingertip, an urge to explore its contours. Her lips, slightly pouting with a hint of curiosity, their natural shape perfect.

Abby’s eyes, now focused on you with an almost conspiratorial glint, made it even harder to concentrate. “You’re surprisingly gentle,” she commented softly, her voice just above a whisper. “I didn’t think you'd be so concerned.”

You swallowed hard, your throat dry. “I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. You were acutely aware of every detail: the way her hair fell against her shoulders, the faint scent of the sea that clung to her, and the undeniable pull you felt toward her.

Abby looked up at you, her gaze locking onto yours with an intensity. There was an unspoken connection in the way she studied you, her eyes dark with a mix of curiosity and something deeper. You could feel the weight of her gaze, a sensation that seemed to pull at something inside you, making you hyper-aware of every movement and emotion.

"Is something the matter?" you asked, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Slowly, Abby reached up with a tentative hand, her fingers brushing gently against your skin. The touch was feather-light, but it sent a jolt through you.. Her eyes, still fixed on yours, seemed to search for something, a deeper understanding or perhaps a connection that words could not express.

“You’re possessing..” she said softly, her voice almost a whisper, but filled with an underlying intensity. Her gaze shifted to your lips, lingering there with a look that conveyed longing. Her touch, though gentle, seemed to hold a promise of something more, an invitation that made your pulse quicken.

At that moment, a stark realization overcame you. The thought of sharing Abby with anyone else, of another discovering her, made your skin crawl with a deep unease. The notion of her dying at the hands of another siren was unthinkable—if she were to meet her end, it would have to be at your own hands.

“I must go..” you said, the words coming out strained and reluctant, as though they were being forced from you against your will. 


Isaac gestured towards a chair with a nod. “Have a seat, please.”

Ellie hesitated at the door of Isaac's office, her heart racing. The room was shrouded in darkness; the heavy curtains were drawn tight, letting in only a faint, eerie glow from the lights outside. The air was thick with the acrid smell of cigarettes, lingering like a heavy fog. She took a seat in the worn, leather chair opposite Isaac's desk, her mind already racing through possibilities.

“If this is about the delays in our hunts, it’s because we’re still waiting for the ammunition shipment. Jessie was supposed to handle it-”, her voice trembling slightly. She had been feeling the pressure of the delayed shipments and hoped this meeting wouldn’t be about her failures.

“Williams.” Isac cut her off with a sharp, authoritative tone. 

Ellie fell silent, her mouth snapping shut. She looked up at Isac, confusion knitting her brow.

“This is nothing of the matter,” Isac continued, his tone indicating the gravity of the situation. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk. He slid a dossier across the desk towards Ellie. The file was thick, its surface marked with a red stamp that read “ANDERSON.”

Ellie’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of the dossier. Her confusion deepened as she picked up the file, feeling the weight of it in her hands. 

“As you’re aware, Anderson was responsible for delivering crucial cargo to Europe,” Isaac's voice was calm but carried an undertone of tension. “There’s been a serious breach. We suspect Anderson of taking the cargo for her own gain”

Ellie’s hand gripped the file tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. The words seemed to ring in her mind, the gravity of the accusation sinking in. She stood abruptly, her face flushed with shock and disbelief. “No!” she exclaimed, her voice rising in protest. “Abby would do nothing of the sort!”

Isaac's gaze remained steady, his expression unyielding. “We have evidence the cargo never reached its intended destination,” he said, his voice cold and precise. “The delay is suspicious, and Anderon’s sudden disappearance only proves our concerns.”

Ellie’s eyes widened, her voice trembling with both anger and desperation. “You can’t honestly believe that Abby would steal from you! She’s been nothing but reliable. If there’s a problem, there has to be another explanation.”

Isaac's voice cut through Ellie’s mounting frustration. “That’s where you’re mistaken, Williams. There’s no other explanation.”

A jolt of realization struck Ellie. She suddenly understood that this wasn’t just about finding Abby or ensuring her safety—it was about the missing cargo. 

“You only care for the cargo!” Ellie shouted, her voice echoing sharply against the dim walls. ““You don’t give a damn about Abby’s well-being!”

Isaac’s expression remained unreadable as he met her fiery gaze. The silence that followed was heavy, filled with the weight of unspoken truths. Finally, Isaac spoke, his tone as cold as the room’s oppressive atmosphere. “A thief doesn’t deserve my concern.”

Ellie’s anger flared, her hands trembling as she struggled to control her emotions.

Isaac's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and unyielding. “My concern is for the cargo and its value to our operations,” he said flatly. “Abby’s personal fate is irrelevant if she has compromised our interests. The priority is recovering what was lost.”

In a surge of frustration, Ellie grabbed the dossier from her hands and hurled it towards Isaac. The file flying through the air, papers scattering in a chaotic flutter as they rained down around him. The sudden movement shocked him, his eyes widening slightly as he watched the documents drift to the floor. The dim light from the desk lamp illuminated the disarray, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Ellie’s face was flushed with anger and resolve, her breath coming in sharp, uneven gasps.

"I'm not helping you," Ellie declared, her voice falt despite the storm of emotions swirling inside her.

Isaac's gaze remained steady, though his surprise was evident. He leaned back in his chair, his expression a mixture of irritation and contemplation. “You refuse?” he asked, his voice tinged with a cold edge.

Ellie met his gaze with a fierce determination. “I refuse to be part of an operation that disregards the well-being of the people involved,” she shot back. “I’ll find Abby, and I’ll make sure she’s safe. If you want to know what happened, you’ll have to look elsewhere.”

With that, Ellie turned sharply and stormed out of the office, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the corridor.


"At last, you've returned," Dina said, swimming towards you with swift, graceful movements. Her tail, a shimmering blend of emerald and sapphire, caught the faint light, creating a mesmerizing glow. Mel followed closely behind, her tail a deep, rich violet that faded into midnight blue at the tips, moving with the fluid elegance of a predator.

Dina and Mel were among the most skilled of all sirens, their abilities in both hunting and navigating the treacherous waters unmatched. Dina's lithe form and sharp eyes had made her a master of stealth, while Mel's strength and agility made her a formidable force in any confrontation. Both of them now circled you with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"What has occupied you?" Mel asked, her voice carrying an edge as she swam around you, her gaze never leaving your face. "There have been whispers."

You tried to steady your breathing, keeping your expression neutral. "Hunting," you replied, attempting to sound casual. “I ventured further than usual, looking for richer waters.”

“You must’ve ventured to another sea for you to be gone for months ,” Mel remarked, her violet and blue tail flicking with curiosity. Her eyes, still tinged with suspicion, held yours firmly.

Dina’s eyes narrowed, and she sniffed the water around you, a hint of skepticism in her gaze. “You reek of human,” she said, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Mel swam closer, her eyes piercing as she scrutinized you. “Bloodbathing alone?” she asked, her tone accusing. The act of bloodbathing—killing multiple humans at once—was a serious offense among sirens. The act is carried out alone, and is viewed as both selfish and gluttonous.

“No.” you snapped. “I was merely exploring new territories.”

Mel’s tail flicked impatiently, the violet and blue shimmering in the water. “Exploring or hiding something?” she challenged. “Your scent is too strong for just simple encounters.”

Dina’s gaze remained fixed on you, her expression unreadable. “The council isn’t too fond of such an act,” she warned.

In the ocean’s darkest depths, the Council of Elders—composed of the oldest and most powerful sirens—gather to pass judgment. Bloodbathing was deemed a serious crime, and the penalties for such an offense were severe.

Exile being the most common consequence, with a siren being marked with a scar and cast into treacherous currents. In more extreme cases, the council performs Scouring, removing a siren's scales and leaving them vulnerable to attacks. The worst punishment was Soul Binding, where a siren's soul is anchored to the sea floor, enduring endless darkness and crushing pressure—a fate deemed worse than death. 

You hardened your expression, "You believe I'd risk everything for mere humans? Don't insult me."

Mel swam closer, her fingers gently tucking your hair behind your ear. "The sirens whisper you’ve gone soft since you’ve  returned" she murmured, her tone a mixture of curiosity and challenge.

"You humor me," you snapped, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "I've been focused on finding new hunting grounds and ensuring our safety. That is all."

Dina's smirk widened, but her eyes remained sharp and assessing. "Prove it.”

Dina looked at Mel for a moment, their eyes communicating a silent conversation. After a brief pause, Mel turned back to you with a sharp, authoritative tone. ““Accompany us on a hunt. We received word of a small ship approaching.”

Dina’s eyes narrowed slightly as she added, “You were not present for the previous one.”

Mel’s expression darkened.“Unfortunately, our feast won’t be as grand,” she said with a frown. “Only one human.”

Dina nodded in agreement. “We’ll split it,” she said. Her tone was final, a clear signal that the decision was made and there was no room for disagreement.

“It should arrive by the next full moon,” Mel said, her voice carrying the calm assurance of someone well-versed in the rhythm of the ocean. “We have ample time to prepare.”

You tried to keep your outward demeanor composed, “What exactly do you have planned?”

Dina, always the more strategic of the two, began outlining their plans with detailed precision. “We need to position ourselves well, use the currents to our advantage, and ensure we’re ready when the ship arrives.”

As you listened to Dina and Mel discuss their plans, a wave of panic surged through you. The full moon was just days away, and you couldn’t shake the thought of Abby being alone, possibly running out of food and materials. 

Your mind raced with images of Abby in the cave, struggling without the supplies she needed. The small boat you had promised to help her construct was still incomplete, and you feared that she would be left in a dire situation while you were away hunting. The realization that she might be unprepared or worse, in danger, gnawed at you.

“I heard there’s a possibility it’s a woman!” Dina said, her voice bubbling with excitement as she swam in circles. Her emerald and sapphire tail flicked with anticipation, and her eyes sparkled with intrigue.

Mel joined Dina, leaning in closer. “Marlene mentioned she’s freckled.” 


You swam swiftly through the dark waters, the urgency in your movements matching the pounding of your heart. The familiar rock formations loomed ahead, and you maneuvered quickly to reach the lagoon’s entrance.

Bursting into the cave, your sudden entrance sent a splash of water onto the rocky shore where Abby was seated, her back turned to you. She jerked around, her eyes wide with surprise as droplets dripped from her wet hair.

"Back so soon?" Abby asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and amusement. She raised an eyebrow, her expression playful. "You yearned for me that terribly?"

You tried to steady your breathing, forcing a calm demeanor despite the rush of adrenaline. "I had to return quickly. Things are more complicated than I anticipated."

Abby’s eyes softened, but there was a hint of a teasing smile on her lips. “Complicated? What could possibly be more complex than helping me build a boat?”

You met her gaze, trying to conceal the worry you felt. “It’s not just about the boat. There are... other factors to consider.” You hesitated, glancing around the cave to check on her supplies. “I came to make sure you have everything you need and to bring additional materials.”

You quickly checked the supplies and added what you had brought, trying to mask your anxiety. The weight of your secret and the looming threat of the hunt pressed heavily on you, but for now, your focus was on ensuring Abby had what she needed.

"I see.." Abby said, her smile widening as she looks at you. 


Night had fallen, casting a gentle darkness over the lagoon as Abby continued her work on the boat. The soft glow of a lantern illuminated her focused expression. You stayed nearby,comfortably settled on a smooth rock, enjoying the quiet moments and the rhythmic sound of Abby’s steady work.

Abby’s hands moved swiftly as she shaped and fitted wooden planks, concentrating in measuring and adjusting each piece. The cool breeze carried the scent of salt and sand, mixing with the faint aroma of the wood. The occasional clink of tools and the soft rustle of materials were the only sounds breaking the stillness of the night.

After a while, Abby paused, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead. She glanced over at you, her expression relaxed. "You know," she began, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity, "it’s interesting how different our worlds are, yet we have managed to find common ground."

You looked up, intrigued. "In what way?"

Abby leaned back against the boat, her eyes thoughtful. "Well, for instance, the way humans and sirens view the world. We’re always so focused on creating and building—like this boat. It’s a way of shaping the world to fit our needs."

You nodded, considering her words. "And sirens?"

"You have a different perspective," Abby said, her gaze turning toward the lagoon. "You view yourselves as part of the natural world, more attuned to its rhythms. Your creations are often more about harmony.” 

You smiled, finding her observations entertaining, “I agree.” 

"You know," Abby continued, her voice reflecting a touch of nostalgia, "when I was younger, I used to spend hours just sitting by the water, listening to stories about sirens and their legends.” 

"I never truly expected to encounter one,"Abby said, her eyes locking with yours. There’s a moment of silent connection, the gravity of her words hanging in the air between you.

“Is it more surreal than you had anticipated?” you asked, meeting her gaze with equal intensity. 

Abby’s lips curved into a playful smile as she replied, “It’s captivating.”

Her reply made you momentarily freeze, a sudden warmth rising to your cheeks. The air between you seemed to crackle with tension, and you quickly looked away, trying to compose yourself. 

Abby’s gaze softened as she studied you more closely, her earlier teasing giving way to concern. “I couldn’t help but notice you’ve been a bit off since you returned. ”

You hesitated, the words caught in your throat as you grappled with the decision to reveal your feelings. The weight of Abby’s gaze, filled with genuine concern, nudged you toward honesty. Finally, you took a deep breath and decided that it’s better to be straightforward.

You sighed, “The sirens are planning a hunt,” you confessed, your voice low. “It is scheduled for the same night I am meant to be with you. That is the reason I’m restocking your supplies so early.” 

Abby’s eyes widened slightly, and she fell silent, processing your words. Her gaze dropped to the ground, a conflicted expression crossing her face. “You’re saying they plan to kill humans. They will be out hunting that night, and you are expected to be involved?”

You nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. “Yes. A hunt is a significant event for the sirens. If I don’t participate, it could raise suspicion and jeopardize everything.”

Abby’s face was a mask of turmoil. ““It’s difficult to imagine you taking a life,” she said quietly.

You met her gaze with a flat, almost detached expression. “I’ve killed countless.” you said, your tone devoid of emotion, as if you were discussing a mundane fact of life. To you, it was a normal part of existence, a necessity that had become ingrained in your world.

“It is the main source by which I obtain my energy,” you explained, your voice carrying a note of resigned practicality. You knew how your actions must appear to others, but to you, it was simply how things worked. The reality of your needs was an intrinsic part of your existence, one that was hard to reconcile with others’ perceptions.

“Besides,” you added, your tone shifting slightly to convey a sense of fairness, “You take the lives of our animals and sea creatures to sustain your own energy. It is only just that I do what is necessary to maintain mine.”

You sank down onto a flat rock near the edge of the cave, exhaustion and worry pressing heavily upon you. Resting your head in your arms, you closed your eyes momentarily, the cool surface beneath you offering a brief relief from the tension.

“Don’t worry,” you said softly, though the words felt hollow even to you. “It’ll only be one.” You tried to sound reassuring, as if the number of lives at stake would somehow make the situation any less dire. “A freckled one at that.”

Abby’s eyes widened, “Freckled?” she repeated, her tone laced with seriousness. “Are you certain?”

Her sudden intensity made you tense, and you could see the gears turning in her mind. "Why is it significant?"you asked, trying to remain calm, though the unease in your voice betrayed your agitation.

Abby began to pace back and forth, her movements sharp and agitated. “From where did you obtain this?”

she demanded, her voice tight with urgency.

Your eyes widened in shock. “What—?”

“where did you obtain this information?”” Abby repeated, her tone cracking under the weight of her concern. She stopped pacing and fixed you with a piercing gaze, her eyes searching yours for answers. 

“The other sirens received information about the ship,” you explained, your voice steady despite the situation. . “I am unaware of who the human is.”

Abby’s face paled, and she began to pace again, her movements more frantic this time. “If that ship is marked as originating from Jackson…” She stopped abruptly, her eyes wide with dawning realization. “It is possible that they may be searching for me.”

“I need to see it.” Abby said, her tone urgent and determined. “You must take me with you.”

Your eyes widened in surprise. “What—?”

“That ship could be my opportunity to return home,” Abby explained, her voice growing more fervent. “If I am able to board it, I will not even need to complete this.”” She glanced over at the boat she’d been diligently working on, the unfinished vessel now seeming less significant.

“Are you hearing yourself?” you said, frustration edging your voice. “Bringing you to a hunting location is pure stupidity. It’s dangerous—”

Abby cut you off, her expression hardening. “ If that ship is indeed what I believe it to be, the risk is justified. I cannot afford to miss this chance.”

Her words seemed to blend into a confusing haze, muffled by the chaos of emotions swirling within you. The idea of Abby leaving your care, of potentially losing her, caused your body to tremble. As the realization of her departure hit you with an intensity you hadn’t anticipated, your breathing grew uneven.

The thought of returning to solitude, of reclaiming your cave, felt almost insignificant in comparison of her leaving. The connection you shared with her had evolved into something far more significant.

Abby’s hopeful gaze met yours, her expectations clear in her eyes. “Please,” she urged softly, “Help me do this.”

The impulse to lunge at Abby was almost irresistible, to wrap her in your arms with a force of desperation, clinging to her as if your life depended on it. You wanted to hold her so tightly that she could never escape, to preserve the warmth and comfort she had brought into your life.

A thought flickered through your mind, an irrational impulse to end her life right then and there, so that she could remain with you for eternity. 

How could you possibly let her go, knowing how her presence had woven itself into the fabric of your existence? The thought of her departure felt like a gaping void opening up, an emptiness that threatened to consume you. 

“No.” you said, locking eyes with her, the finality of the word hanging heavily in the air. 

The single word echoed in the space between you, the weight of it settling heavily. Abby’s hopeful expression faltered, a flicker of hurt and confusion crossing her face. She stood there, the tension of the moment etched deeply in her features, as the reality of your refusal sank in.

Abby’s voice trembled with confusion. “What…?”

“No.” you repeated. 

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1 year ago

abby loves that type of fuck session when her and pretty gf cuddle after they fuck and get horny and fuck again 💙

hell yeah, she does! imagine coming down from your high, having abby hold you in her lap and kissing your forehead. your legs are slightly shaking, and the only sound that can be heard in the room is your heavy breathing.

abby’s upper body is pressed against yours, and there’s something oddly comforting with feeling her sweaty and warm skin against yours. you drag your arms upwards and wrap them around her back carefully, playing with strands of her hair. abby’s arms are snakes around your waist and she’s now pressing kisses all over your face.

finally, her lips end up on yours. the kiss is slow and soft, and doesn’t end until both of you have to break apart to breathe. just the sight of abby’s wet lips is enough to have your mind wandering and you can’t help it but kiss her once again. this time more intensely, and with a deep desire behind it.

the only thing that can be heard in the room is the sounds of the kiss. abby’s hands start gripping onto your waist harder, and she even lets out a whimper against your lips. you can’t help but move your hips in search of friction at her sounds, and when abby lets out a small moan you take the chance and slip your tongue into her mouth.

abby’s lips are intoxicating, you’re not sure how long you stay there just kissing and slightly moving your hips on top of her. eventually, you pull away. abby tries to move with you, trying to continue the kiss. the sound of her whining at the loss of your lips makes you weak.

“abby, i just-“ she interrupts you with another kiss, trying to deepen it before you force yourself to pull away to finish your sentence. “need to taste you, please?”

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1 year ago

omg abby fingering herself thinking about her sister's friend face down on the bed, full weight on top of her as she take the strap from behind while being called pretty??? 😔❤️‍🩹 stay strong abby! you'll get there someday

a/n: rewritten and done!

she should feel guilty. she really should. this entire thing is not ethical in any way.

but this feels way too good to be thinking about what’s right and what’s wrong. no, all abby can think about is how good her fingers feels inside of her, and what she would do to you if you were here. here in her bed, in her arms.

it’s embarrassing how worked up abby already is. her skin is damp and warm, and she’s already clenching around her two fingers. this is really your fault, you’re the one who has her this worked up.

it’s all your fault, your sweet voice, your pretty face and how flustered you get around her. abby loves how easy it is to make you crumble, she just loves your little school girl crush on her.

you drive abby fucking crazy, and she wishes you were here right now. she’d start with pulling you into her lap, sliding her hands down your body. she’d press a few kisses on your neck before working the buttons on your jeans.

just the thought of getting to slip her hands down your pants is enough to have abby moaning. she thanks her lucky star she’s all alone in the house, ellie sleeping over at dina’s, joel visiting tommy and maria.

abby thinks about how she’d get you real wet with her fingers, maybe even get a taste. “oh fuck” slips past her lips, and she works her fingers faster. she can feel her high coming, fast. if she wasn’t alone, abby would probably have been more embarrassed.

abby thinks about the blue strap hidden in her closet, thinks about what she’d do to you with it. imagines you pushed down onto the sheets, ass up. she knows she wouldn’t be able to resist teasing you, rubbing the toy against your lips without slipping it in for real. she’d wait till you were begging, begging for her.

“oh my god, yes” abby’s getting more and more breathy, and the muscles in her stomach are tightening. it’s the thought of your face as you cum on her silicone cock, that gets her there. she can see the way your eyebrows would scrunch up, your mouth would fall into an silent “o”.

abby thinks about the way you’d clench on the toy, how your toes would curl. she thinks about how she’d continue to fuck the toy into you even after you’ve reached your high, how she’d bend down and press her chest against your back.

abby feels her cum run down her hand as she lets out a fucking whimper. she thinks about how you’d moan her name as she whispers into your ear, how pretty her girl is for her.

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1 year ago

abby saying "my sweet baby" 🥰🥴🥺 "my pretty girl" 🥺🥴😩🥵 "my love" 🥰🥴🥺😇🙈😩 "my perfect little angel" 🥵😩🥴🥴🥰💦💦

— minors dni!

she doesn’t realise what it does to you at first. key words, at first.

it’s not until she’s working her fingers into you while muttering praises of; “look at my pretty girl” and “that feel good, my sweet baby”. abby feels the way you tighten around her digits, and when the whimper you let out reaches her ears she groans.

it makes her move her fingers faster, makes her curl them and slightly widen the two fingers inside of you. the plan was to take it slow tonight, abby wanted to romance you with a home cooked dinner, woo you with some slow and sensual music and then take you to bed and make love to you.

but all that is thrown out the window now. all abby can think about is to make you cum as fast as possible, to get you ready for the strap that’s laying in a box underneath the bed. it doesn’t take long, and abby is grateful for that, her patience was wearing thin already.

she knows you’re getting there, she recognises the way your expression changes and the breathless whispers of her name. when she starts to whisper, you’re done for. coming undone her fingers as her oh so sweet voice spreads throughout the room.

“yeah, you like that? being my pretty girl?”

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1 year ago

you should write about how the reader gets mad at abby and tells her she dont want nothing to do with her and gives her back all her shit and abby is just like “oh okay, whos hoodie is that? i want it back, and the shirt under i bought that for you. i think the whole outfit” which leads to something ykykykykk ☮️

it’s immature.

it’s immature, childish and stupid, but after your last fight, you can’t bring yourself to care. you’re fed up with abby and her antics, and on top of that, you’re angry.

you’re angry with her attitude and how she seemingly doesn’t really care about your relationship. she’s always been flaky, cancelling dates last minutes and not showing up to important things- well, things that are important to you.

abby is a busy woman, she always has been. you’re also busy, but you still manage to make it to her stuff. the only time you’ve missed a game of hers is that time you had the flu, and you even show up to training sessions that are extra important to you.

but abby doesn’t do that for you. there’s always something that she just can’t miss, and it has started to feel like you’re at the bottom of her priority-list.

it was an ongoing issue in the relationship, and something you needed to deal with, but you still expected her to show this once. not even abby was clueless to not know how important your birthday was.

when she didn’t show up at the restaurant, you had waited at first. checking the time every five minutes, giving her the benefit of the doubt until the feeling of embarrassment became too much.

you tried to call her, just once. when she didn’t pick up, you took your jacket and left. the way the staff had looked at you in pity only made the feeling deep in your stomach grow.

just like you expected, it takes two days of radio silence from your side for her to come crawling to your front door. you know this all too well, she’ll be pounding on your door with that guilty look on her face.

never even apologies before she uses your hidden spare key to open the door, then she’ll slip into whatever room your hiding in. press a kiss onto your cheek, and it’s like nothing ever happened.

not this time though. you’ve dumped all of her stuff in your hallway, and you’ve just been waiting to hear the sound of her car pull up next to your home, just waiting for her to use the spare key, just waiting for her to see the boxes with all her stuff in.

you can hear the door being unlocked, hear the front door open and you certainly hear abby’s exclaim of; “what the fuck?” all the way into your bedroom.

it’s immature and childish, but it’s working.

it has abby stomping into your bedroom, with furrowed eyebrows and a hand on her hip. you know you’re being immature, but still you feign nonchalance and look down on your phone. act busy, act busy, act busy.

“why is all that shit in the hallway?”

“your shit.”


“it’s your shit. your shit is in the hallway, abby.” the tension in the room becomes thick, and it seems that abby now can feel it too. you see the way she shifts her weight around on her feet, the way she opens her mouth only to close it again.

“are you fucking serious?” her lips are pressed into a thin line, and she’s moving towards you with unsure steps.

you can’t help but let out a sigh, leaning back on your elbows on the bed. “yes, i’m fucking serious.”

“why is all my shit packed up then? can you tell me that?”

this all feels bittersweet, ‘cause abby is right where you wanted her, she’s getting angry and upset and that means she’s feeling exactly how she made you feel.

but the fact that she can’t see it, can’t see what pushed you to put all her belongings left behind in your apartment in those cardboard boxes makes you feel worse. why can’t she just see how bad she’s been treating you?

“your shit is in the hallway ‘cause i’m sick of you. i’m sick of your shit, abby.” you’re noticeable upset now, the pitch of your voice going up as you speak.

the room becomes silent, and god, the way abby looks at you is almost enough to make you feel guilty. almost. she looks like a kicked puppy, she nervously takes a step back and you see the way her lip trembles.

“are you- are you breaking up with me?”

her question is met with silence. if you speak now, you won’t be able to stop the tears from flowing. it’s too much, and you’re afraid that you’ll let her win. that one more look at her sad expression will have you apologising and pressing a kiss to her forehead, then going back to your normal lives as if this never happened.

you’re not looking at her anymore, your eyes instead trained on your lap. if you were looking at her, you would be able to see how abby’s expression was changing from her sad, sad puppy look into an angry, aggravated one.

when she says your name, you almost wince. it’s dripping with anger, and it hurts. ‘cause abby has never said your name like this before.

“if you’re just going to fucking dump me, i want all my shit back.” now that catches your attention, looking up in confusion. before you can open your mouth, point out the fact that all her shit is already packed, abby’s voice booms out again.

”like that fucking shirt for example, oh, and the hoodie. yeah, you know the fucking one.” she’s storming over to your closet, ripping it open, and rummaging around. you know which hoodie she means, and you feel heat creeping up your neck.

it’s the hoodie you stole from her a few months into your relationship. abby let you keep it ‘cause wearing it helped you sleep when she wasn’t there, making it feel like she was physically there with you in the bed.

“fuck you, abby.” you’re standing up in anger now, hands clammy. it’s her time to be immature, childish and stupid.

“oh now you decide to speak up. so, will you tell me what the fuck is up with you?” when abby is met with silence, she barks out a menacing laugh. “okay, then give me my fucking shit back. now.”

your eyes are burning, and you’re desperate to do something back. so, you pull abby’s shirt, the shirt you’ve been wearing, off your body and throw it at her. “here, happy now?”

she looks shocked for a few seconds before a taunting smile appears on her lips. she's raising her hand and pointing her finger at you, taking one, two, steps forward and saying something. you can't make it out, too busy staring at how her lips move.

it's the adrenaline from arguing, that must be it. that must be what pushes you to take a step towards her, and suddenly you're pressing your lips against hers. or was it abby that pushed hers against yours?

everything after that is a blur. abby brings her hands to your face, holding your face in between the rough palms of her hands. she walks you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed. when you sit down, abby pulls away. if you weren't so far gone, you'd be embarrassed by the whine you let out at the loss of her lips.

abby stands between your knees, moving her head to your ear. you use all your energy to focus on her voice, to try to hear what she's whispering against the side of your face.

“i’m not going to- not going to give it you” she’s panting in your ear, and all you can do is whine in frustration as you try to grind your hips, seeking relief. “you’re not getting anything. not until you fucking talk to me, you get that?”

moving your hand to the button of your pants and grunting out a “fine, i’ll just do it myself.” you almost except abby to try to stop you, for her to just cave in.

instead, she leans back and gives you a teasing smile. “fine, get off on your own. you know it won’t feel as good as me though, right?”

and you hate how she’s right, but you can’t let her know that. so, in a haste you shimmy your way out of your pants and move your hand towards your underwear.

the way abby’s eyes follow your movements with lust makes you feel good, powerful. for a few seconds, you forget why you’re here in front of her on the edge of the bed. forget about the look of anger and hatred a few moments ago. you almost even forget the way she made you feel at the restaurant, that humiliation.

the spell breaks when you hear abby’s voice again, her voice brings you back to reality.

“what are you waiting for?”

clearly, abby wants a show. so you’ll give her a show. slowly pulling your panties off your body, letting them fall down onto the floor next to her. the way abby’s eyes fixate on your cunt spreads confidence throughout you.

slowly moving your hands from your bra clad chest, relishing in the way abby looks at you, the way she bites her lips while looking at you.

you’re teasing her, moving one of your hands to the back of your back and unclasping your bra. the bra gets thrown to the side of the bed, and abby lets out a breathy sigh at the sight of your naked chest.

the way abby is still completely dressed in front of you, still standing in between your legs, while you’re completely undressed sends a wave of pleasure throughout your body.

you’re now fed up with your own teasing, moving your hands from your upper body downwards until you reach the space in between your thighs. abby’s eyes almost roll to the back of her head when you slip a finger inside of you, the sight making her weak in the knees.

leaning your head back in pleasure as you slowly start moving the digit, you quickly realise it’s not enough.

so, instead you try using two fingers. moving them in and out of you at a slow pace, you almost don’t notice it when abby suddenly sits down on the floor, on her knees, eye level with your pussy.

when she grabs the hand you got between your legs, you huff out an annoyed “what?”. she’s just sitting there, completely quiet, before she eventually says “fuck it” and before you can question her she dives right in.

abby’s tongue feels heavenly, she knows you well enough to bring you pleasure quickly. her nose is bumping into your clit, and you can’t help but let out a pathetic moan at the feeling.

the way her eyes are hazed over with desire is enough to make you grind up against her face, desperate for more. you swear, you swear, you see abby move one of her hands down to her own crotch. you crane your neck to try to get a better view of it, and when you do you can’t help but let out a whine of her name.

she moans against your slick, and works her tongue faster. when she moves her face slightly upwards and suck on your clit, you reach your peak. heart beating fast in your chest, completely out of breath, you feel how abby moves away from you.

before you can feel disappointed by her distance, she sits on the bed and pull you upwards, further from the edge.

still fully clothed she lays beside you, who’s still coming down from your high. you’re too gone to think about the way she lays besides you, the way she moves her arm and tries to carefully hold you.

the room is silent once again, but the thick tension seems to have melted away and instead there’s something else in the air, something neither abby or you can quite put your finger on.

“can you please talk to me about it now?”

there’s a beat of silence, and it makes abby nervous. you don’t look at her, instead you close your eyes. after a few seconds, you cuddle into her side and whisper a quiet “tomorrow”.

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7 months ago

mechanic abby with a fem reader who works across the street from her needs her car fixed after it broke down on the street but doesn't have enough money so they do a different kinda payment :o

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7 months ago

twitter links for my girlfriends ˚₊‧꒰ა ♱ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚

warnings.. porn :p

Twitter Links For My Girlfriends

valeria garza (cod) ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི

number one number two number three number four


abby anderson (tlou 2) ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི

number one number two number three (abs the one getting ate me thinks 🤥) number four


ellie williams (tlou 2) ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི

number one number two numbers three number four


sevika (arcane) ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི

number one number two number three number four


mizu (bes) ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི

number one number two number three number four


𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ bonus !! 𓍢ִ໋🍓͙͛ ๋࣭ .ᐟ₊˚ ・₊✧

caitvi!! ♱


my gf marlene!! ♱

one , two

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