Postcards - Tumblr Posts

~postcards & memories~
Nov 2011
I collected postcards for a while when I was a kid. Some were sent to me or my family; some were given to me by family friends and neighbors who knew I collected. Somewhere along the way , my collection disappeared. I assumed I had lost it during my many moves. My mom surprised me with a bunch of my cards on my visit home last year. She had found them while she was reorganizing her closets. It was such a pleasant surprise. I love going through my little collection every once in a while and go back in time.

I made some last minute emergency holiday cards. They will not ship before Christmas unfortunately but there is a new years card as well.
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher.
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho-gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher
Dₑₐᵣ ₘᵤₘ...📮
Psycho Gram, Liquid Television, Japhet Asher

These are five of the ten new postcards I made to take to Thought Bubble. I'm really pleased with them, I think they show improvement from the last batch, which is always encouraging. Part of it might be because I really tried to limit my colour palette for all the new postcards.
They're all my own characters this time. There's Meilee and Lin, who have fallen asleep in the rain because they can't find any shelter, Shasta contemplating a remnant of the Old World, Jessie looking out over the castle town in her Patchworker uniform (it's a sort of messenger and general dogsbody, if you're curious), Louise being led into the woods by some fairies (they're still after that key), and the Crowboy giving Lottie a little gift.

These are the other five postcards I made for Thought Bubble, in my 'dolly' style. These are all my own characters as well, but they're not all as well developed. I was still aiming for a limited colour palette with these, and I think I was fairly successful. I definitely like my own work more with fewer and duller colours.
There's Coda, a young princess who suffers from an arranged marriage and is moved from her home in the mountains to her husband's kingdom, which is largely forested. Then there's those two creepy edwardian children from the Danse Macabre postcard, perhaps this is where they found their skeleton friend. Then Lena, sister of Lucas and possessor of the gift of prophesy, following a ghost lantern. A little witch in a field of eyes. Lastly, young Nettle and Spider, enjoying a psychic tea party (the best kind). Possibly Spider will read their tea leaves when Nettle puts the cups down.
In other news, I'm incredibly tired and I don't know why. The weather? Not wanting to go to work? My house being really cold? Tis a mystery.

Happy New Year, peeps! I thought I'd make a post with what I think is my best work of this last year. In chronological order, these are:
The Mysterious Land of Under-Noodle, from the Inspired Eat Me! anthology
The Mystery of the Night Boy, a Patience mini-comic
The Hyaku Monogatari feature from the Hallowe'en issue of What's the Time, Mrs Woolf?
This Is Not A Serious Music Publication, a collaborative music zine I made with Sammy, which is probably my absolute favourite thing I did this year.
Two postcards from my Autumn 2012 set.
I think what I learned this year is a) I do some of my best work under extreme time pressure, and b) I also do my best work when I'm really excited about it. (Both apply to the music zine.) Possibly also c) due to being willfully contrary, bad reviews only make me draw MORE COMICS.
Unfortunately I also learned that it's very easy for me to get caught up working on small press comics and zines because they're a lot of fun to make, neglecting the work which would get me closer to illustrating actual books. Hence my plan for next year is to manage my time better and prioritise book-related work, even if it means making fewer comics. This was a really difficult conclusion to accept because I really love making comics with my friends, but I only have so much time in the week after going to my day job, and I just can't do comics (in the quantities I've been doing this year) AND do the work I need to break into book illustration. Not until someone starts paying me to draw things anyway.
So... I hope 2013 brings me people who pay me to draw things?

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to write one letter per week, but I have a pathological fear of getting letters crossed in the post, and only about 8 people to write to, so I started sending little postcards instead!
I thought it would be nice to leave the blank card in, so you can all see where the illustration is on the paper. Obviously you don't get to read the text though!

Behold! This year's postcards! I just got these ready in time for Thought Bubble next weekend (where I will be with Sammy, Shaz and Jack, in the Allied London Hall at table 93), I hit my print deadline with mere hours to spare!
This year you get Nat with his magic shadow, Shasta carving some charms (because I'm going to keep including him in these sets until someone else likes him as much as I do, damn it!), Larkspur watching mysterious lights near her home in the marshes, and Sweetpea being his adorable self. I hope you like them!

Here's this year's set of dolly-style postcards as well! I'll also have these at Thought Bubble next weekend.
These are Meilee and Lin, who have never seen a flower before, Poppet and a friend helping themselves to a quick snack, Jessie enjoying a late-night broomstick ride, and Nettle proving that she and Spider didn't need an umbrella.