Adhd Positivity - Tumblr Posts
3 years ago
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slams fist on table
ND content creators are such a huge comfort to me
solely because of the reason
if they can make it then i possibly can too
good day. or night idk how time works man (gender neutral).
content creators
adhd cc's my beloved
dyslexic creators carrying their goals on their backs like champions
autistic content creators hi hi hello have a heart <3
shhhhh i love minecraft
autistic positivity
adhd positivity
NDs have a heart in general <3 here here i insist.
2 years ago
you know what? I love seeing people stim! it feels like an honour to know someone is relaxed and happy and comfortable enough around me or in themselves that they can stim freely and that just makes me so happy for them. everyone deserves to feel comfortable enough to be themselves and not feel like they have to repress their stims! if you stim, weather in front of people or not I love you and I hope you know that your stims are a beautiful part of you!
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4 years ago
That moment you are Rocking in place vv happy and you read this
neurotypical people will never know the simple joy of rocking back and forth in place
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4 years ago
When you drink a cup of coffee and pass the fuck out. Just ADHD things
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