Adrien Agreste Salt - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Wow, this is much better consequences than I imagined. And it only took an almost suicide....🔨⚒️📐📏🖇️

Daminette December 2023: 29-Disappointment

Marinette watched in disappointment as everything about Françoise Dupont was revealed. She thought she would feel justified, feel happy. Instead, she felt nothing. Caline Bustier had been fired in the middle of class. Lila had been arrested. They didn't tell the class anything; they just told them their parents were there and they had to speak to them before they left. Even their parents seemed confused.

Adrien stood with Natalie in a line. Everyone was spaced out. They had all been told that the students weren't allowed to talk to each other and if a pone was seen, it would go straight into police custody. Adrien looked behind him to see Marinette leaning against her father's large frame and her mother stroking her hair.

Once they were led into a room, they were all let out through a different direction to make sure there wasn't anything yelled out. When it was Adrien's turn, they quickly learned this was mostly about Lila Rossi. Natalie began to ask questions of her own, as they had hired her. At the end of the session, they were told to head straight home. No one was allowed to stick around on campus. As they got in the car, Adrien asked if they could stick around.

"No. The officer said we should head straight home, Adrien." Natalie stated.

"Please. I just want to talk to one person." Adrien spoke, " They were behind us in line so they should be coming out soon."

"We will wait ten minutes and not a second more." she declared, "If an officer tells us to leave before the time is up, we will leave."

"Yes, Natalie. Thank you." the model, smiled.

Just before the time was up, Marinette and her parents walked out of the school. Adrien perked up and unbuckled his seatbelt. As he reached for the car door, another car showed up. A guy he had never seen before, quickly walked out of the car and hugged Marinette. He watched as the guy kissed her head before turning to Tom and Sabine. He could barely make out what was being said.

"Let's go, Angel." he said, "Tom and Sabine said I was to take you away for a few days. How are you feeling?"

"Disappointed. I feel nothing." she answered, causing her parents to tear up.

"Where will you go?" he asked her parents.

"We will be closing the bakery for a week." Tom replied, "We'll be with some family memebers."

"I've already gathered her things." he spoke.

"Thank you, Damian." Sabine smiled.

Damian took ahold of Marinette's hand and led her to his car. It didn't take long for them to drive away.

"Adrien." Natalie called out.

"Uh, we-we can go." he whispered, "I'm sorry for wasting your time. I can ask at a later date."

The school was declared closed for a week. No one still knew what was going on until Tvi did a special on their school. It was under investigation. Their principal couldn't show specific footage to the school board or police. He was arrested for money laundering, as he had never updated the school's equipment as he stated he had. Once he was arrested, they began to dig into the footage and found many inconsistencies, regarding some students. Tvi went onto explain there had been expulsions that were never approved of by the board. The board was now frantically expunging records and reaching out to families. During the special, it was announced that a student had been arrested for lying to not only the school, but also the staff. They announced that a few of the students' parents were now suing the young girl as she took money and items from their classmates, claiming to be well connected with celebrities. They had also claimed to put money towards charities of their choice or would help them get their dream job. Dupont was called a school of dreamers and nativity. The class couldn't help but think of Lila, Marinette, and Ms. Bustier. When they had been questioned about Lila, they instantly got defensive and threw Marinette under the bus as a bully. They were quickly finding out, they had made the wrong choice and Marinette was rigth about Lila all along.

Adrien had snuck out and was hoping to meet up with some of the class for answers. He had no idea his father was one of the people suing Lila, once he had learned she had lied on her resume and forged her mother's signature. The model hoped he could talk to Marinette, as well. He never expected to see her outside of a hotel.

"Hey, Marinette!" He called out, "Did you tip off the school board?"

"No." She answered.

"Then, how did they know?" he questioned.

"Because of you." Mari replied.

"Huh?" he asked, not understanding.

"This ended exactly they way you wanted it to." she continued, "You wanted me to let Lila lie and she would catch herself in her own web of lies. Her going to jail, being sued; this is all your fault. All I wanted to do was tell her lying could get her in trouble. I wanted to make sure everyone was cautious about what she said. They could have double checked, knew she lied, and then went along with her lie, for her sake."

Adrien looked at her, surprised.

"This isn't you, Marinette." he replied, full of disappointment.

Mari shrugged, "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. I don't really know anymore."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Adrien questioned.

"I put up with Chloe, with the teachers looking past my harassment for year, with Lila defaming me." Marinette spoke, "I feel nothing, anymore, Adiren. I don't know how to be happy anymore."

Adrien wasn't sure how to reply, when Damian walked out of the building.

"Are you ready?" Damian asked Marinette.

She nodded her head.

"Wait! Mari-" the model began.

"Go inside." Ordered Damian.

Marinette nodded again and went inside, past the security out front.

"Leave her alone." Damian growled out.

"Who are you?" Questioned the model.

"Her boyfriend." Damian stated.

"No. She would have told Alya and Alya would have told Nino. Nino would have told me." Adrien babbled in shock, "She would have told her best friend-"

"The same 'best friend' that pours drinks on her head and her sketchbook?" Damian retorted, " The same one who trips her in the halls and steps on her hand until she had to wear a brace and couldn't design? The same one who would drop her sisters off without any notice because Lila needed her?"

"That girls isn't friend, Agreste. She is a bully." Damian stated, "My girlfriend is seeing a therapist because of your idiotic high road philosophy. Do you have any idea what it was like to come to Paris, to surprise her, and instead, I find she swallowed a whole bottle of pills! She was dying when I found her."

Adrien paled at the thought.

'Marinette tried to kill herself? I'm to blame for all of this?'

"You almost got her killed. Would you have done the same, seeing as how you were 'in this together' with her?" The Wayne heir continued, "I'd tell you to stay away from her, but her parents signed over guardianship to my father so that she can get out of Paris. She won't even be in the country by Friday. Marinette will get the help she deserves."

"You silenced her. You made her feel useless. You made her feel like trash. You are lucky you have nothing tying you to her harassment or I would be suing you; trust me, I looked." Damian concluded.

"Huh?" Adrien asked, still in disbelief.

Damian rolled his eyes, "I called the board when My Angel was in the hospital. Did you know that Lila isn't even her real name? It's Cerise Lerouch. She is signed up at another school, here in Paris. She was never a transfer student from Italy, just a girl who likes attention. All those 'trips out of the country' was just her going back to her other school because she wasn't 'sick' anymore. In fact, she wore a wig and contacts to your school, every day."

Adrien remained speechless.

The Wayne heiress sighed, "I do not understand what she saw in you."

"Who?" The model questioned.

"Marinette. She was in love with you. I believed I had competition and would have to strive hard to earn her favor. All I ha e seen is a boy who is completely and utterly disappointing. " Damian announced, "Be sure to tell your little friends that the only thing they have done is earn the wrath of the Waynes. Same for the supposed 'best friend'. My family owns her dream job and now she'll never have it. How disappointing for her."

The young Wayne turned away from the model and entered the hotel. After a moment, he tried to run in after him, only to be told 'only people with special clearance were allowed in'.

Unfortunately for Adrien, the entire Lila Disaster had only fueled his father's intentions of keeping him homeschooled. He still kept in contact with Nino, but the others were busy with their own things. Nino had told him Alya had hysterical after learning she was being sued by the Waynes. They were suing her for emotional distress, for all the babysitting she had forced on Marinette. Alya had to pay all the money she never gave Mari, once her parents found out. Marinette had kept a detailed planner listing what times and when Alya had dropped off the twins. She had even recorded the twins, asking what Alya had told them and why they were dropped off. Her parents were upset with her and grounded her for the rest of the year. They weren't going to be able to go out on dates and she was now the twins sole babysitter. Nino recanted how Alya said her family was disappointed in her. They were barely looking at her and the twins kept crying how they preferred Marinette. She had also learned that she was blacklisted from the Daily Planet. After that, she shut down and barely said a word.

Nino went on to explain that he was trying to get music files he had given Lila because she knew some DJs. Other classmates were learning that what she had promised them, wasn't true. Juleka had called her father, Jagged Stone, and asked him about knowing Lila and saving his kitten. She quickly filled him in about her tinnitus disability when he didn't remember her, but he claimed to never own a cat of any sort. Even Jagged Stone was looking to suing Lila. After Juleka told Rose, she quickly emailed Prince Ali and was anxiously waiting for a response back. Ivan and Mylene had given Lila money for charities, but were unlikely to see any of their money back. Nathaniel had given her some art to hold for when she went to America to give to her connections. Nino told Adrien they were signed in invisible ink so it was being looked into.

The class itself was slowly falling apart. Max was worried about his grades and how a new teacher would approach everything so he asked to transfer to a private school. There was no evidence he had participated in the bullying so he had been free to leave. Kim no longer had someone to help him focus so his grades fell and he was cut from the team. Kim no longer bet on anything and was even spending less time with Alix. His relationship with Odine was falling apart. There were whispers of the Mayor being tied with Damocles about the money laundering and hints of an investigation looming over his head. Chloe seemed upset and waas pouting, but never answered what was wrong. It wasn't until later he learned that Sabrina had transferred school to the other side of Paris. Adrien couldn’t believe all the chaos that was caused because one person had lied.

Adrien had finally broken down and cried. Natalie found him and once he had calmed down a bit, she asked him to explain.

"I messed up." he sobbed, "I knew Lila was lying, but I used Father's logic: lies don't hurt people. I didn't think any of this would happen. Marinette tried to commit suicide and is now moving out of Paris. Alya is depressed. Lots of our friends are trying to sue Lila and get their things back. Some changed schools. Others are flunking! I got blamed for Marinette and her boyfriend said ther was nothing to stick to me so he couldn't sue me."

Adrine cried himself to sleep. Natalie informed Gabriel and it was only then he saw how naĂŻve he made his son, by keeping him home. He was grateful that ther was nothing holding Adrien accountable, but he knew he needed to do something fast. He called up his sister-in-law and pleaded with her for Adrien to attend school with his cousin. As much as he hated it, Felix would help beat the naivety out of his son.

Meanwhile, in Gotham, Marinette had moved into the Wayne Manor. All the Waynes had been very welcoming. Damian had even introduced her to Jon; Damian explained that Jon also helped him express his emotions. She had an appointment for a therapist next week.

TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218

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3 years ago

So, "Ephemeral"...

We have gotten a total of 2 trailers already for this episode (I have already done a rant about the first trailer, so you can check that out if you want.) and already having seen both of these trailers, I would just like to say. . . WHAT THE FUCK IS THOMAS ASTRUC DOING WITH THIS FUCKING SHOW!?! As I would believe that almost everyone has already seen this trailer I think almost everyone can understand where I'm coming from. Now, before I dive into a full on rant about how this trailer has got me very pissed off right now I would just like to mention that I am incredibly sleep deprived so I apologies for any grammatical errors (and the amount of swearing that there will be :0)

AnYwaY! Let's dive into my inner (salty) thoughts about this trailer!

Warning: Spoilers from “Ephemeral” trailer…

SO! First things, first, what the actual FUCK does AdRien think he's doing!?! WHo told this dumbass it would be a great FUCKING idea to reveal his identity to Ladybug!? And I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING I BELIEVE IN, If Ladybug allowed this to happen and actually in turn reveal HER identity as well (which I HOPE isn't the case because I KNOW that she is more responsible than that) I WILL FUCKING FLIP! Because WHY? I get it AdRiEn your sad that Ladybug won't reciprocate your feelings and you think that if you show her your "real" self she might accept your feelings, but that doesn't mean you should reveal your IDENTITY TO HER!(wait now that I think about...what is this boi's real self at this point is his civilian form or Chat Noir? Cause I remember in "Lies" when Kagami was sketching him he did a Chat Noir pose and said something about it might be the real, but is also saying this shit about being more open to Ladybug. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THIS DUDE'S BRAIN!?) Not to mention, the look of "awe" that Ladybug has when she sees that Adrien is Chat Noir, I hope immediately after the "awe in shock" moment that her more logical, responsible side takes over and tells Chat Noir or Adrien that what he just did was INCREDIBLY irresponsible, and if, IF she just let's this happen without Adrien getting any punishment AND they get together in the end I will FUCKING DIE BECAUSE IT'S SO STUPID (not to mention superficial). ALsO, what does plagg think of all this? Not to mention, Tikki's reaction to this.

The one time, THE ONE TIME that AdRien decides to not be oblivious for once and follows his father to the butterfly basement he gets frickin caught (also does Adrien figure out that his dad is Shadowmoth or does he just "Oh! My dads been hiding Shadowmoth in our basement that has my mom in a glass capsule."?) Also, I'm surprised that one: Shadowmoth figured out that Adrien is Chat Noir, and two: that he would willingly akumatize his son because in the latest episode he seems pretty against the idea.

SO! One of theories in my last post was correct, technically Shadowmoth did force Adrien to give him his miraculous, but Adrien did give his miraculous willingly because of the akuma. AND I don't know to take the revelation of Adrien giving Shadowmoth his miraculous because in a way it does kinda look like he's the traitor, but we don't know whether or not that there might another character that we should be suspicious of. So, I don't really know what to say to that. And that was the end of the trailer!

So, all in all this trailer just pissed me off because of the pure STUPIDITY of some of the characters in the video *cough cough* Adrien *cough*. Not to mention, the possibility (or fact) that this is probably (or will) end as another "Oblivio". In which, when everything is fixed and done with everyone, and I mean EVERYONE forgets everything that happened on the video, which WILL trigger me if it does happen. And not to mention I have an abundance of questions about what is going to happen IF they don't pull a "Oblivio" on us, like if they get the cat miraculous back, will they be able to also get the butterfly or the peacock miraculous back also? Will Adrien be punished and not be able to be Chat Noir? and Will Ladybug be mad at Adrien for revealing himself or will she be delighted and reveal herself also? But, again we won't know the answer of this question until the episode is released.

Anyway! That's the end of my (salty) rant, I hope everyone has a wonderful morning or night, whichever and always remember...

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ)

(I'm sorry if this is kinda late I was reeeeaally procrastinating on actually typing this up, and I also eventually finished this at like 7:00 in the morning sooooo heheheh :))

((Also sorry for using the word “trigged” without really knowing the meaning, but don’t worry I have replaced the word with “pissed” :) )

((Also, Thank you!! to the people who mentioned my mistake. I appreciate you! *⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂*))

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3 years ago

The 100th episode came out...

So, the episode "Ephemeral" came out (and when I just thought this would be a normal, relaxing weekend). Now, before I really dive into this whole chaos that is the episode, I want to clear up some stuff for some people that saw my latest post **cough cough**mainly the one that commented on me not understanding the episode**cough cough**. The latest post that I did about the second trailer of "Ephemeral" was solely based on my thoughts on the trailer, and I repeat the TRAILER of the episode, not the episode itself. Now, THIS post is about the episode and my opinions on the EPISODE not the trailers or anything, if anything I will infer some stuff that I said in my others post to show that some of my theories were wrong or that some stuff that wasn't shown in the trailers has been cleared up in the episode. NOW, that has been cleared up, let's actually dive into the episode, shall we? :).

Okay, so I was contemplating on whether or not I should do the usual "unnecessarily detailed summary or synopsis of the episode" that I usually do, but I decided to just skip it today because one: I’m really sleep deprived, and two: I can probably guess that most of the fandom has already seen the episode.

So! (after a 2 hour nap...)Let's just dive in! (because I can't express how much this episode pissed me off.)

Warning: Spoiler to the episode "Ephemeral"

(Also, as always I am re watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)

First things, first, how many scenes or reminders have we gotten since this whole thing started? I mean, even in the first season we got a frickin picture of Emilie, which was already hint that whatever Gabriel is doing it's for her, or, as he says, his "family". At this point of the show, I believe this is just to give him a sense of calm mind or at the least a reminder of why he is even doing this in the first place (because I believe he's starting to go a 'little' insane using those two miraculous over and over again.)

Okay, so is Bob Roth broke now? I mean, we knew he had obsession with money, but shouldn't he have at least 'enough' money to keep him satisfied and not crying about the coin that just fell into the sewers? (Btw I know this just a scene to fill in the empty void of this episode, but I just wanted to point it out :p).

Ummm, does anyone see that 'subtle' hit that Gabriel is controlling Adrien with his ring? Legit, when Adrien is starting to disagree with him because he wants to leave and have Adrien take over instead he touches his ring, as if he's a sentimonster that he can control to do as he says. We'll just have to wait until it's actually established, I guess.

Let's talk about Bob Roth's akuma form! Is his whole body the safe or is the safe just the outer shell and he's the coins? Whatever it is, this akuma form is still very confusing, and what is the akumatized object in the first place anyway? (I have so many questions already :0)

Okay, let's talk about the fight scene. First of all, why the heck does ladybug need every temporary hero to help her defeat this one akuma. I mean, I get the need of Viperion, Pegasus, maybe Vespera, maybe Polymouse, and maybe Carapace. But the others I don't really see a need for them in this specific battle. Maybe they had a bigger role in the battle before the exact scene we see, but I don't really know. I'm also bring up a fact that some other people have also brought up. The fact that they don't need Chat Noir's cataclysm. If they played their cards right they would have been able to defeat the akuma a much more easier and much more faster than they actually did. Because as we see, Purple Tigress is present during the battle so with her power of Collision and Pegasus power of Voyage they could easily defeat the akuma. (though I'm not going to complain with the use of Viperion tbh (ÂŹ3ÂŹ)). But all in all, I do think that they totally could've use the temporary heroes differently in this one. (Also, not to mention the amount of combination that Viperion had to do though. :0)

Wait a second his akumatized object was a giant ass coin. Convenient, I guess. Also, I'm just going to infer that his body is the coins now.

We love that we get to see Luka play a much bigger role in this episode then any other episode in the series already, just by seeing him witness the amount of stress and pressure that is put on Ladybug/Marinette (since he knows now).

Okay, I know Su-han is putting a lot of stress on Ladybug right now, but he do got a point though. Ladybug used 9 miraculous to defeat one akuma, NINE miraculous. And I know a lot of people would say, "Adrien had no choice he was just trying to obey his father!", and "He wouldn't be able to escape that big audience anyway!", but look at it this way through Su-han's eyes it looks as if that Chat Noir is neglecting his duties and Ladybug has to deal with the consequences of his mistake. And I also can already see that a lot of people saying, "Yeah, but this wouldn't have happened if they knew each other's identities," but, again here's the thing them knowing each other's identities can lead to life threatening situations, as seen later on in the episode so you can also understand where Ladybug is coming from. Anyway, all I'm saying that is no one, in my opinion, is in the wrong here in this situation and as I have said earlier Ladybug could have done this battle differently without using the nine miraculous that she did.

AnYwAy! Back to the episode! I love how Luka is also so done with this conversation or more so lecture between Su-han and Ladybug. Like, you can see it in his face, he's so done with it already XD. Also, the way that Su-han skips/hops out of the scene is so freaking hilarious! Is it just me, or are the creators just getting lazy at doing the transformations at this point?

MY LUKANETTE HEAAAAARTTT!! I know that this whole scene is supposed to be professional and all, but like you can't tell me that this scene doesn't perfectly demonstrate how good they understand and work with each other. I mean, COME ON IT'S TOO CUTE! (Also is sass eating tofu?) Not to mention, HOW CUTE LUKA IS THIS ENTIRE EPISODEEEEEEEE!!!!!

To be honest, I legit almost forgot that Luka already knows Chat Noir identity because of "Wishmaker". This just tells us how good Luka is at keeping a secret (¬‿¬). Not to mention, how in sync they are though and how easy they understand each other unlike some people, I'm saying names...

Anywho! Continuing on, looking at Viperion's face listening to this conversation shows how very worried he says, and I love that small detail about him. Also the fact that Ladybug can't take seriously the fact that Chat Noir is Adrien and when she does see for herself that he is Adrien she can't comprehend the fact, that she frozen is shock and forgets the mission is just a "wow, didn't see that coming" moment for me tbh. Not to mention, that Adrien is rubbing in the fact that he has been waiting for this moment his whole time he has had the miraculous and has met her, he's kinda going overboard in my opinion.

Look at that! Marinette is asking the same question I had! On whether or Chat Noir is the real Adrien or is Adrien someone different entierly? (also, Tikki not helping by rubbing in the fact that she has a crush on AdRiEn and now that we know that he's Chat Noir, we know that he's in love with Ladybug, and that kinda means that Adrien is in love with Marinette, who is Ladybug) ((damn this just keeps getting more complicated by the day)) Yes, Marinette has learned her lesson from telling Alya she is Ladybug.

Noting the fact, that when Marinette finds out Adrien is Chat Noir she can't stop seeing him AS Chat Noir, also that kinda nerves me, just a bit. Not to mention, the fact that Luka was the only one to notice that Marinette is bothered by something is another quality that I love about him :). Also, we just caught confirmation that Luka is indeed still inlove with Marinette and that he loves even more now, but he is still actively trying to help her find herself, whether or not it's about her love life. (sad fan moments 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。). Also, this the one time that I really hate Luka giving advice to Marinette, wait scratch that maybe the second moment (I just remembered the time he told her to go after Adrien in "Frozer"). It's the fact that upon hearing Luka's advice does she start to see him differently, that makes me unbelievably sad because my ship...。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。(If it wasn't obvious I'm a lukanette stan)

Now, I just want to mention this once, because I know that if I say this the Adrinette shippers will track me down and probably murder me on the spot, but here goes nothing. Let's just notice the fact that Adrien says that he can't believe the fact that one of his bestfriend's is his "one true love"....BESTFRIEND. Here it is, the confirmation Adrien did NOT see Marinette as anything BUT a FRIEND! Even it took Marinette a couple of days to get her feelings sorted out, but NoOoOo Adrien already knows that his bestfriend being his love interest is valid enough to establish your in love with said person. (hehehe this pisses me off a little if you can't tell) Now, I'm gonna end that there before anyone comes to murder me.

Not them acting lovey dovey after one day of knowing each other's identities (or at least for Adrien it's one day). Also, what the heck did he put in that frickin note? I'm curious now.

So, it only takes one word, ONE WORD for him to figure out that Adrien is Chat Noir. I SWEAR TO GOSH THIS SHOW JUST LOVES TO PISS ME OFF BY NOT MAKING SENSE! Not to mention, Gabriel has no remorse in what he is doing to his son to just get his miraculous. And I thought he was trying to be a good father. PFFT who am I kidding, this dude was barely even trying.

This is the fourth time that the number 100 has come up, the FOURTH time. I think they're shoving the fact that it's the 100th episode a little to much.

AND AGAIN, we see Gabriel using the ring that he is wearing, which is supposedly a family heirloom to control Adrien into subduing into his commands. I mean, at this point what else are we supposed to believe, it's right there, Gabriel is clearly controlling Adrien, and with that we can easily infer that he is a sentimonster. All we need is canon confirmation, but are we going to get that? Probably not.

Not Luka being the one that Marinette contacts instead of Alya (¬‿¬). Also the fact that he immediately jumps into action and legit runs and bikes all the way to her home. I'm just like AWWWHHHHH. LUKA IS THE REAL MVP OF THE SHOW!! (Meanwhile, Shadowmoth throwing a legit child like, four feet away, after getting the miraculous) The way that Sass says "My master!" with his arms out, just shows how proud he is and that just melts my heart.(〜^∇^ )〜 Not to mention, the fact that all the kwamis are already comfortable with him, then again they're in a dire sitiuation, but still T3T. Though, we also got a glimpse of what the other Ladybug holders look liked before so that was a cool treat, I guess.

You know, I just got the irony that this episode came out during day light savings and they to bring everything back to normal they have to reset the time, clever, I guess. The transformation sequence was cool, but it was pretty short, to be honest, so I wasn't really impressed by it.

After they fix the time and everything goes back to normal and Marinette has a final talk with Su-han the episode ends. But wait a second, did Ladybug retrieve Luka's miraculous? Looks like we'll never know....*ominous ghost music*

AnYwAy! All in all, this episode was interesting and very amusing to watch if I'm going to be honest. BUT I was very pissed off during the episode because of some of the scene. Though, Luka being the MVP really balanced everything out. Now, don't get me wrong this is not going to be one of my favorite episodes, but it's also not going to go into my least favorite episodes (mainly because of the involvement of Luka). So this episode probably will land in the middle of my list.

Anyway! that is the end of this rant, I hope everyone has a great rest of their day or morning(?) and always remeber...

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ)

(Btw I'll be doing my rant on the latest trailer that came out for the "Gabriel Agreste" episode later tonight ((or morining really)) Man, it seems like the creators are releasing these trailers and episodes like hotcakes.)

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2 years ago

Guess who's back baby!

Surprise, Surprise! I'm not dead! Sorry for not being as active as I used to be recently I have been very busy with school, extracurricular's, and other stuff. But I'm back now and I'm here to talk about the newest MLB episode "Kuro Neko".

So "Kuro Neko" was recently released and I have many, MANY things to say about this episode. And as we all know from the many posts about MLB this will lead to a. . .

A RANT! So let's just dive in!

(And yes I skipped doing the usual overly detailed summary ((again)) because I am really sleep deprived right now and I just want to get my thoughts out now, and it's totally not because I forgot what happened in the episode heheheheheh :))

Warning: Spoilers from the episode "Kuro Neko"

(Also, as always I am re-watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)

Also another warning this rant is going to contain a lot of Adrien salt, so be prepared.

First things first, why is AdRieN so butt hurt about being called a "parntner like any other"? He should be grateful that she even said anything about him, and being called a "partner like any other", in my opinion, is a compliment, in his case, because of how he hasn't been involved in many battles, and she basically is saying he's as good as the other temporary heroes (who are actually doing something to save paris). Not to mention, the fact that he's not even helping in the fight while the other heroes are, when this is live on the news and all he's doing is moping in his room, while all this is happening outside. Like, at this point you don't have the right to complain about you not being on a higher label then the other heroes, when your not doing anything.

And I know that some people will say "but since he's a young model his schedule is occupied with photo-shoots and he's so busy all the time" well Ladybug/Marinette has a pretty occupied schedule with her having to keep up with school, be guardian, and still have the time to hang out with friends so they don't have another "Gang of Secrets" incident (not to mention, her stress levels being so high, but she still finds a way to keep her composure.). Not to mention, Adrien's schedule didn't seem to stop him from helping out in battles in the last three seasons. And he's not even doing anything in this scene, let alone this episode, he's just sitting on the couch, watching TV, doing absolutely nothing, while Ladybug has to figure out how to save Paris and defeat Shadowmoth and his army of akumas.

Then, when there's a perfect chance to prove that he's not just a "partner like any other" he doesn't even do anything because he's so butt hurt about what Ladybug said, saying it's "useless", just because she didn't give him a higher label then the other temp. heroes. Also, not to mention Plagg trying so hard to lift Adrien's spirit's up, while he doesn't even care (I'm also kinda mad at Plagg, but we'll get to that later.).

Okay, so Chat Noir get's to the scene right after the battle and all the temp. heroes disperse. Then, he tries to help out Ladybug by trying to offer to help with collecting the miraculous, so at least he's trying to do the bare minimum. Though, because of Chat's attempts to help she get's mad at him for distracting her and wasting her time. Now, many people may see this as a seen, in which Ladybug got out of line and shouldn't have yelled at Chat and I totally agree with that. I believe that she shouldn't had yelled at Chat in the first place, and should've dealt with him in a more calm, and more civilized manner. BUT (and this is a big one) I think that her getting mad at Chat is justifiable because look at this situation in Ladybug's perspective. Here's a guy, who's supposed to be your partner, but hasn't been helping you like he should, while you have all these responsibilities as guardian of the miracle box (not to mention, while he is in battle he just either flirts or sacrifices without so much as a warning, or even both). And sure maybe she shouldn't have called on so many temporary heroes, but what other choice does she have when she's the only person in battle, she can't just wait for him forever, she's going to have to call for back up. And sure, maybe she should've called him to make sure that he's okay or he's aware of an akuma, but at a certain point, when a person just stops arriving at times of battle and is not answering your calls you just eventually give up and take manners into your own hands.

Then, Adrien just gives up without so much explaining his problems to Ladybug. And sure maybe Ladybug saying for him to give up his miraculous (which was actually Chat's idea in the first place) was a bit insensitive, but this was during the heat of the moment, in which she was already stressed with her responsibilities as guardian. And I get it Adrien feels like he should give up everything because of how Ladybug is pushing him aside, but can you blame her at this point, he has not been helping out like he should be, he doesn't even really pay attention in battle, he sacrifices himself in the worst moments without even consoling her, and so much more. Not to mention, instead of just giving up because someone that you put to a high standard doesn't acknowledge you (because they have better things to do), you should think about what you're doing first and of the reason why you're a hero in the first place, to save Paris from the acts of your father I mean Shadowmoth. So, sure maybe he has the right to be upset but that does NOT give him the right to just give up because he is not acknowledged for doing nothing.

Not to mention, the actual fact that he's giving up the one friend that truly believe he was a great hero, Plagg. And even after Ladybug says her comment, she immediately realizes that she's in the wrong, so in reality she really cares about him. And has to abandon her task as guardian to try and talk to him. Not to mention, all the heroes calling her are just an example of how much stress she's under.

Now, let's talk about Plagg's talk with Ladybug. I get it he's upset that his owner and friend gave him up, but that does not mean he can blame Ladybug for everything. If anything he should understand Ladybug and how much pressures she's under, being guardian and all. And Plagg has seen first hand what Adrien does instead of helping out (via the first scene) sure her pushing Chat's feelings away were insensitive and they should've talked it out. But if Chat had been willing to talk to Ladybug about his role then she totally would have tried to make time and talk to him. Not to mention, it's not even her job to make sure Chat's feelings are at bay and that he's happy. If anything she should work on herself more knowing how much she put's other before herself. Then, Plagg brings up the fact he's in love with her (which is starting to feel more like infatuation as the series goes on). And I said before about the temp. heroes what is she supposed to do when he's not there and things get out of hand, she's going to have to call for back up.

You know at this point, the more the series goes on, the more and more I'm willing to just let Shadowmoth get the miraculouses and let the show be over. The amount of stress that Ladybug is under just because she's worried of breaking Chat's heart is just so stupid because she shouldn't even care anymore. Instead, she should be worrying about the safety of Paris instead of worrying about a broken heart, that can probably healed easily. But I digress.

You know, I get why Plagg want's to have Adrien as Chat Noir again because their friends. But his previous actions in other episodes have proven that he's not as competent as people say he is. Also, was the montage of Adrien throwing everything related to superheroes really necessary? We get it he's sad, what's new. (I'm sorry if I'm salting too hard on Adrien, but this episode really pissed me off).

Marinette, honey, relax and go to sleep and stop worrying about Chat Noir, you look like you've done like 10 different drugs in one sitting. I swear one day she's going to go insane.

I swear, if I hear one more thing about how the LS is in love with each other but Ladybug/Marinette is in denial and can't see it, I will freaking cry myself to sleep (oh what I already do hehehehehe...).

Also, NATALIE IS BACK AND SHE'S ALIVE AND WALKING! We stan a this queen (even if she helps out Shadowmoth) but we still stan. Ahhh, to be rich and not to worry about having to go to school because of a minor inconvenience of a broken heart. I freaking want to dieeeee.

Now, what's with Gabriel's change of attitude because in "Glaciator 2" when Adrien was acting the same way as he is now he was all over that, but now he's like, "He'll be fine by the next photo shoot, in three days". Like, damn that was a fast change in character.

Wow, I guess Thomas Astruc ran out of characters to push the LS even more together, so the last resort are the kwami's yayyyyyy *sarcasm*. You know I just like to say that Plagg legit tricked Marinette by saying every quality of a good and respectful partner to prove that Chat Noir is what she needs in the end. The Chat Noir that has proven multiple times that he is reckless and does not respect Ladybug's wishes to stop doing stuff by saying the alibi "I just can't because I love you to much!", this is just ironic at this point.

Okay, how many times have they used that same screenshot of Shadowmoth taking over the world? I mean, I know it's for humor, and comedic effect, but come on, this show is already so repetitive.

Now we get to see SadAdrien, woohoo, this totally not something we keep seeing over and over again throughout season four. Not to mention, that the main factor of why Adrien is sad in the first place is because of Ladybug. . . AGAIN. I swear one day this show is going to kill me.

You know, I just realized that Adrien was able to not go to school because he had a broken heart. . . A BROKEN HEART. WHAT IS THIS PRIVILEGE.

Kudos to Plagg for sticking up Adrien even if he doesn't acknowledge how much sh*t Plagg is doing just to get back with his "best friend". I mean, at first, I was a bot mad at Plagg, but when Plagg first introduced his idea to Adrien he legit was to "depressed" about even if he became Chat Noir Ladybug would still reject him. I mean, I get it when you get rejected multiple times your going to feel pretty dejected after a while, but that doesn't mean you abandon all your other duties in your life because of it, you get back up and move on with your life. And I feel for Plagg in the episode because Plagg has proven multiple times that he cares for Adrien so much and wants to do what's best for him and to make him happy. But what does Adrien do in return, absolutely nothing. I mean, sure there's the cheese supply, but that's just food. Plagg has actively tried to bring his spirits back up multiple times, and he in the episode he has tricked Ladybug into giving him another chance. But I digress. . .I guess.

Okay, I know that Adrien is trying to learn how to be the "perfect" partner for Ladybug, but was the montage really necessary? Also did they really spend HOURS to just pick a super hero name. . . just WHYYY.

And thus begins the montage of Ladybug saying that Cat walker is "perfect". I swear if I have hear that bs one more time I am going to freak out. Not to mention, in the end of the fight she's all like "I'm sorry Cat Walker, I just can't work with you because you're to perfect and I miss Chat Noir." . . . I'm just going to lay here and wait for something new to happen. Also, Ladybug legit developed a lowkey small crush on this dude, even to the point to when they were parachuting together she legit had a face of like pure pleasure (that just sounds weird, I'll change it later) and was like almost feeling him up. Beach, please. I know this is probably a "tactic" to try and make Ladybug realize she might actually have some type of feelings for Chat Noir but COME ON, as I said before, this show is too repetitive for it's own good.

Now onto my favorite segment, in which we talk about the main akuma or sentimonster! So the main thing I have to say about this sentimonster is that it looks like a Egyptian muscle cat. I mean, look at the biceps of that thing, that dude is ripped, but it looks like it skipped abs day.

I know this might sound weird but I kinda find it funny that the only reason that Ladybug thinks that Kuro Neko is Chat Noir is because of the bell, like that isn't a common thing to have, cat wise. You know every time that Ladybug says that she knows everything about Chat Noir I just want to hit my head on a wall because that line keeps reminding of Chloe, Lila, and Chat Noir. Those characters have said that line so many times throughout the course of the show that at this point every time someone says they no someone so well in an episode its kinda contradicting.

Wait a second. Did this dude really find a way to catch the attention of this huge ass cat by saying, "Meow meow"? And did Ladybug really find it endearing and was also mesmerized by this?. . . I'm so done with this show.

The scene in which Cat walker is like holding out his hand to Ladybug, I can legit hear the screams of the fandom. Both screaming because of the LS and because how Ladybug "fell" for this guy already. I'm legit in the group in the corner that doesn't really care because we probably already know how this going to end *cough* Chat Noir just comes back *cough* cough*.

Meanwhile Ladybug is "starstruck", the cat is just playing with the ferris wheel that could probably destroy many buildings and endanger many peoples lives, but you know what let's just have this unnecessary pause for a minute.

Did this f***king huge cat just spit out a f**cking child? Again I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I watch this. Also, did Ladybug just refer to Chat Noir as "her kitten"?

Me: *hears LS fans screaming*. . . Mamma Mia here we go again. . .

Ok, so its officially canon that Adrien's Chat Noir persona is his actual personality or at least part of it, its not like we already know this but ok. And of course before we end this episode we have to have a LS scene in which each parties apologize, yay not repetitive at all *sarcasm*.

And that's the end of the episode! (finally)

Okay, so throughput my rant you can probably tell this is not my favorite episode, probably on e of my least favorites actually. Sure, this episode some depth into the relationship of the LS, but that's it. Not to mention they mainly focused on SadAdrien, which, in my opinion, we've seen to much of. And all the excuses they point out around on why Chat Noir is important is something that we DON'T need to have shoved in our face again. *In a high pitched voice* "Well at least it didn't have a lot of LS scenes". Ohohoho, Sorry high pitch voice that is totally not me, but we have multiple scenes in which Ladybug is complimenting Cat Walker and even seen crushing on him hehehe not to mention the repetitive ending scene! Man was this episode long (even though it was only 21 minutes.)

All in all, though I really don't care for this episode cause this development might not really have a big impact on episodes and seasons to come because you know character development in this show is a dream.

Anyway, those are all my thoughts on the episode and I have a feeling that I'm going to be writing another rant because a new episode is coming out soon, so I have to be mentally prepared.

I hope everyone has a great rest of their evening/morning/day/whatever and always remember. . .

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ) ((so please don't come at me :))

((I'm so sleep deprived rn and I have school in the morning so wish me luck :,))(((Also sorry for the grammatical errors :)))

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3 years ago

So, "Ephemeral"...

We have gotten a total of 2 trailers already for this episode (I have already done a rant about the first trailer, so you can check that out if you want.) and already having seen both of these trailers, I would just like to say. . . WHAT THE FUCK IS THOMAS ASTRUC DOING WITH THIS FUCKING SHOW!?! As I would believe that almost everyone has already seen this trailer I think almost everyone can understand where I'm coming from. Now, before I dive into a full on rant about how this trailer has got me very pissed off right now I would just like to mention that I am incredibly sleep deprived so I apologies for any grammatical errors (and the amount of swearing that there will be :0)

AnYwaY! Let's dive into my inner (salty) thoughts about this trailer!

Warning: Spoilers from “Ephemeral” trailer…

SO! First things, first, what the actual FUCK does AdRien think he's doing!?! WHo told this dumbass it would be a great FUCKING idea to reveal his identity to Ladybug!? And I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING I BELIEVE IN, If Ladybug allowed this to happen and actually in turn reveal HER identity as well (which I HOPE isn't the case because I KNOW that she is more responsible than that) I WILL FUCKING FLIP! Because WHY? I get it AdRiEn your sad that Ladybug won't reciprocate your feelings and you think that if you show her your "real" self she might accept your feelings, but that doesn't mean you should reveal your IDENTITY TO HER!(wait now that I think about...what is this boi's real self at this point is his civilian form or Chat Noir? Cause I remember in "Lies" when Kagami was sketching him he did a Chat Noir pose and said something about it might be the real, but is also saying this shit about being more open to Ladybug. WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THIS DUDE'S BRAIN!?) Not to mention, the look of "awe" that Ladybug has when she sees that Adrien is Chat Noir, I hope immediately after the "awe in shock" moment that her more logical, responsible side takes over and tells Chat Noir or Adrien that what he just did was INCREDIBLY irresponsible, and if, IF she just let's this happen without Adrien getting any punishment AND they get together in the end I will FUCKING DIE BECAUSE IT'S SO STUPID (not to mention superficial). ALsO, what does plagg think of all this? Not to mention, Tikki's reaction to this.

The one time, THE ONE TIME that AdRien decides to not be oblivious for once and follows his father to the butterfly basement he gets frickin caught (also does Adrien figure out that his dad is Shadowmoth or does he just "Oh! My dads been hiding Shadowmoth in our basement that has my mom in a glass capsule."?) Also, I'm surprised that one: Shadowmoth figured out that Adrien is Chat Noir, and two: that he would willingly akumatize his son because in the latest episode he seems pretty against the idea.

SO! One of theories in my last post was correct, technically Shadowmoth did force Adrien to give him his miraculous, but Adrien did give his miraculous willingly because of the akuma. AND I don't know to take the revelation of Adrien giving Shadowmoth his miraculous because in a way it does kinda look like he's the traitor, but we don't know whether or not that there might another character that we should be suspicious of. So, I don't really know what to say to that. And that was the end of the trailer!

So, all in all this trailer just pissed me off because of the pure STUPIDITY of some of the characters in the video *cough cough* Adrien *cough*. Not to mention, the possibility (or fact) that this is probably (or will) end as another "Oblivio". In which, when everything is fixed and done with everyone, and I mean EVERYONE forgets everything that happened on the video, which WILL trigger me if it does happen. And not to mention I have an abundance of questions about what is going to happen IF they don't pull a "Oblivio" on us, like if they get the cat miraculous back, will they be able to also get the butterfly or the peacock miraculous back also? Will Adrien be punished and not be able to be Chat Noir? and Will Ladybug be mad at Adrien for revealing himself or will she be delighted and reveal herself also? But, again we won't know the answer of this question until the episode is released.

Anyway! That's the end of my (salty) rant, I hope everyone has a wonderful morning or night, whichever and always remember...

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ)

(I'm sorry if this is kinda late I was reeeeaally procrastinating on actually typing this up, and I also eventually finished this at like 7:00 in the morning sooooo heheheh :))

((Also sorry for using the word “trigged” without really knowing the meaning, but don’t worry I have replaced the word with “pissed” :) )

((Also, Thank you!! to the people who mentioned my mistake. I appreciate you! *⁂((✪⥎✪))⁂*))

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3 years ago

The 100th episode came out...

So, the episode "Ephemeral" came out (and when I just thought this would be a normal, relaxing weekend). Now, before I really dive into this whole chaos that is the episode, I want to clear up some stuff for some people that saw my latest post **cough cough**mainly the one that commented on me not understanding the episode**cough cough**. The latest post that I did about the second trailer of "Ephemeral" was solely based on my thoughts on the trailer, and I repeat the TRAILER of the episode, not the episode itself. Now, THIS post is about the episode and my opinions on the EPISODE not the trailers or anything, if anything I will infer some stuff that I said in my others post to show that some of my theories were wrong or that some stuff that wasn't shown in the trailers has been cleared up in the episode. NOW, that has been cleared up, let's actually dive into the episode, shall we? :).

Okay, so I was contemplating on whether or not I should do the usual "unnecessarily detailed summary or synopsis of the episode" that I usually do, but I decided to just skip it today because one: I’m really sleep deprived, and two: I can probably guess that most of the fandom has already seen the episode.

So! (after a 2 hour nap...)Let's just dive in! (because I can't express how much this episode pissed me off.)

Warning: Spoiler to the episode "Ephemeral"

(Also, as always I am re watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)

First things, first, how many scenes or reminders have we gotten since this whole thing started? I mean, even in the first season we got a frickin picture of Emilie, which was already hint that whatever Gabriel is doing it's for her, or, as he says, his "family". At this point of the show, I believe this is just to give him a sense of calm mind or at the least a reminder of why he is even doing this in the first place (because I believe he's starting to go a 'little' insane using those two miraculous over and over again.)

Okay, so is Bob Roth broke now? I mean, we knew he had obsession with money, but shouldn't he have at least 'enough' money to keep him satisfied and not crying about the coin that just fell into the sewers? (Btw I know this just a scene to fill in the empty void of this episode, but I just wanted to point it out :p).

Ummm, does anyone see that 'subtle' hit that Gabriel is controlling Adrien with his ring? Legit, when Adrien is starting to disagree with him because he wants to leave and have Adrien take over instead he touches his ring, as if he's a sentimonster that he can control to do as he says. We'll just have to wait until it's actually established, I guess.

Let's talk about Bob Roth's akuma form! Is his whole body the safe or is the safe just the outer shell and he's the coins? Whatever it is, this akuma form is still very confusing, and what is the akumatized object in the first place anyway? (I have so many questions already :0)

Okay, let's talk about the fight scene. First of all, why the heck does ladybug need every temporary hero to help her defeat this one akuma. I mean, I get the need of Viperion, Pegasus, maybe Vespera, maybe Polymouse, and maybe Carapace. But the others I don't really see a need for them in this specific battle. Maybe they had a bigger role in the battle before the exact scene we see, but I don't really know. I'm also bring up a fact that some other people have also brought up. The fact that they don't need Chat Noir's cataclysm. If they played their cards right they would have been able to defeat the akuma a much more easier and much more faster than they actually did. Because as we see, Purple Tigress is present during the battle so with her power of Collision and Pegasus power of Voyage they could easily defeat the akuma. (though I'm not going to complain with the use of Viperion tbh (ÂŹ3ÂŹ)). But all in all, I do think that they totally could've use the temporary heroes differently in this one. (Also, not to mention the amount of combination that Viperion had to do though. :0)

Wait a second his akumatized object was a giant ass coin. Convenient, I guess. Also, I'm just going to infer that his body is the coins now.

We love that we get to see Luka play a much bigger role in this episode then any other episode in the series already, just by seeing him witness the amount of stress and pressure that is put on Ladybug/Marinette (since he knows now).

Okay, I know Su-han is putting a lot of stress on Ladybug right now, but he do got a point though. Ladybug used 9 miraculous to defeat one akuma, NINE miraculous. And I know a lot of people would say, "Adrien had no choice he was just trying to obey his father!", and "He wouldn't be able to escape that big audience anyway!", but look at it this way through Su-han's eyes it looks as if that Chat Noir is neglecting his duties and Ladybug has to deal with the consequences of his mistake. And I also can already see that a lot of people saying, "Yeah, but this wouldn't have happened if they knew each other's identities," but, again here's the thing them knowing each other's identities can lead to life threatening situations, as seen later on in the episode so you can also understand where Ladybug is coming from. Anyway, all I'm saying that is no one, in my opinion, is in the wrong here in this situation and as I have said earlier Ladybug could have done this battle differently without using the nine miraculous that she did.

AnYwAy! Back to the episode! I love how Luka is also so done with this conversation or more so lecture between Su-han and Ladybug. Like, you can see it in his face, he's so done with it already XD. Also, the way that Su-han skips/hops out of the scene is so freaking hilarious! Is it just me, or are the creators just getting lazy at doing the transformations at this point?

MY LUKANETTE HEAAAAARTTT!! I know that this whole scene is supposed to be professional and all, but like you can't tell me that this scene doesn't perfectly demonstrate how good they understand and work with each other. I mean, COME ON IT'S TOO CUTE! (Also is sass eating tofu?) Not to mention, HOW CUTE LUKA IS THIS ENTIRE EPISODEEEEEEEE!!!!!

To be honest, I legit almost forgot that Luka already knows Chat Noir identity because of "Wishmaker". This just tells us how good Luka is at keeping a secret (¬‿¬). Not to mention, how in sync they are though and how easy they understand each other unlike some people, I'm saying names...

Anywho! Continuing on, looking at Viperion's face listening to this conversation shows how very worried he says, and I love that small detail about him. Also the fact that Ladybug can't take seriously the fact that Chat Noir is Adrien and when she does see for herself that he is Adrien she can't comprehend the fact, that she frozen is shock and forgets the mission is just a "wow, didn't see that coming" moment for me tbh. Not to mention, that Adrien is rubbing in the fact that he has been waiting for this moment his whole time he has had the miraculous and has met her, he's kinda going overboard in my opinion.

Look at that! Marinette is asking the same question I had! On whether or Chat Noir is the real Adrien or is Adrien someone different entierly? (also, Tikki not helping by rubbing in the fact that she has a crush on AdRiEn and now that we know that he's Chat Noir, we know that he's in love with Ladybug, and that kinda means that Adrien is in love with Marinette, who is Ladybug) ((damn this just keeps getting more complicated by the day)) Yes, Marinette has learned her lesson from telling Alya she is Ladybug.

Noting the fact, that when Marinette finds out Adrien is Chat Noir she can't stop seeing him AS Chat Noir, also that kinda nerves me, just a bit. Not to mention, the fact that Luka was the only one to notice that Marinette is bothered by something is another quality that I love about him :). Also, we just caught confirmation that Luka is indeed still inlove with Marinette and that he loves even more now, but he is still actively trying to help her find herself, whether or not it's about her love life. (sad fan moments 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。). Also, this the one time that I really hate Luka giving advice to Marinette, wait scratch that maybe the second moment (I just remembered the time he told her to go after Adrien in "Frozer"). It's the fact that upon hearing Luka's advice does she start to see him differently, that makes me unbelievably sad because my ship...。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。(If it wasn't obvious I'm a lukanette stan)

Now, I just want to mention this once, because I know that if I say this the Adrinette shippers will track me down and probably murder me on the spot, but here goes nothing. Let's just notice the fact that Adrien says that he can't believe the fact that one of his bestfriend's is his "one true love"....BESTFRIEND. Here it is, the confirmation Adrien did NOT see Marinette as anything BUT a FRIEND! Even it took Marinette a couple of days to get her feelings sorted out, but NoOoOo Adrien already knows that his bestfriend being his love interest is valid enough to establish your in love with said person. (hehehe this pisses me off a little if you can't tell) Now, I'm gonna end that there before anyone comes to murder me.

Not them acting lovey dovey after one day of knowing each other's identities (or at least for Adrien it's one day). Also, what the heck did he put in that frickin note? I'm curious now.

So, it only takes one word, ONE WORD for him to figure out that Adrien is Chat Noir. I SWEAR TO GOSH THIS SHOW JUST LOVES TO PISS ME OFF BY NOT MAKING SENSE! Not to mention, Gabriel has no remorse in what he is doing to his son to just get his miraculous. And I thought he was trying to be a good father. PFFT who am I kidding, this dude was barely even trying.

This is the fourth time that the number 100 has come up, the FOURTH time. I think they're shoving the fact that it's the 100th episode a little to much.

AND AGAIN, we see Gabriel using the ring that he is wearing, which is supposedly a family heirloom to control Adrien into subduing into his commands. I mean, at this point what else are we supposed to believe, it's right there, Gabriel is clearly controlling Adrien, and with that we can easily infer that he is a sentimonster. All we need is canon confirmation, but are we going to get that? Probably not.

Not Luka being the one that Marinette contacts instead of Alya (¬‿¬). Also the fact that he immediately jumps into action and legit runs and bikes all the way to her home. I'm just like AWWWHHHHH. LUKA IS THE REAL MVP OF THE SHOW!! (Meanwhile, Shadowmoth throwing a legit child like, four feet away, after getting the miraculous) The way that Sass says "My master!" with his arms out, just shows how proud he is and that just melts my heart.(〜^∇^ )〜 Not to mention, the fact that all the kwamis are already comfortable with him, then again they're in a dire sitiuation, but still T3T. Though, we also got a glimpse of what the other Ladybug holders look liked before so that was a cool treat, I guess.

You know, I just got the irony that this episode came out during day light savings and they to bring everything back to normal they have to reset the time, clever, I guess. The transformation sequence was cool, but it was pretty short, to be honest, so I wasn't really impressed by it.

After they fix the time and everything goes back to normal and Marinette has a final talk with Su-han the episode ends. But wait a second, did Ladybug retrieve Luka's miraculous? Looks like we'll never know....*ominous ghost music*

AnYwAy! All in all, this episode was interesting and very amusing to watch if I'm going to be honest. BUT I was very pissed off during the episode because of some of the scene. Though, Luka being the MVP really balanced everything out. Now, don't get me wrong this is not going to be one of my favorite episodes, but it's also not going to go into my least favorite episodes (mainly because of the involvement of Luka). So this episode probably will land in the middle of my list.

Anyway! that is the end of this rant, I hope everyone has a great rest of their day or morning(?) and always remeber...

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ)

(Btw I'll be doing my rant on the latest trailer that came out for the "Gabriel Agreste" episode later tonight ((or morining really)) Man, it seems like the creators are releasing these trailers and episodes like hotcakes.)

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2 years ago

Guess who's back baby!

Surprise, Surprise! I'm not dead! Sorry for not being as active as I used to be recently I have been very busy with school, extracurricular's, and other stuff. But I'm back now and I'm here to talk about the newest MLB episode "Kuro Neko".

So "Kuro Neko" was recently released and I have many, MANY things to say about this episode. And as we all know from the many posts about MLB this will lead to a. . .

A RANT! So let's just dive in!

(And yes I skipped doing the usual overly detailed summary ((again)) because I am really sleep deprived right now and I just want to get my thoughts out now, and it's totally not because I forgot what happened in the episode heheheheheh :))

Warning: Spoilers from the episode "Kuro Neko"

(Also, as always I am re-watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)

Also another warning this rant is going to contain a lot of Adrien salt, so be prepared.

First things first, why is AdRieN so butt hurt about being called a "parntner like any other"? He should be grateful that she even said anything about him, and being called a "partner like any other", in my opinion, is a compliment, in his case, because of how he hasn't been involved in many battles, and she basically is saying he's as good as the other temporary heroes (who are actually doing something to save paris). Not to mention, the fact that he's not even helping in the fight while the other heroes are, when this is live on the news and all he's doing is moping in his room, while all this is happening outside. Like, at this point you don't have the right to complain about you not being on a higher label then the other heroes, when your not doing anything.

And I know that some people will say "but since he's a young model his schedule is occupied with photo-shoots and he's so busy all the time" well Ladybug/Marinette has a pretty occupied schedule with her having to keep up with school, be guardian, and still have the time to hang out with friends so they don't have another "Gang of Secrets" incident (not to mention, her stress levels being so high, but she still finds a way to keep her composure.). Not to mention, Adrien's schedule didn't seem to stop him from helping out in battles in the last three seasons. And he's not even doing anything in this scene, let alone this episode, he's just sitting on the couch, watching TV, doing absolutely nothing, while Ladybug has to figure out how to save Paris and defeat Shadowmoth and his army of akumas.

Then, when there's a perfect chance to prove that he's not just a "partner like any other" he doesn't even do anything because he's so butt hurt about what Ladybug said, saying it's "useless", just because she didn't give him a higher label then the other temp. heroes. Also, not to mention Plagg trying so hard to lift Adrien's spirit's up, while he doesn't even care (I'm also kinda mad at Plagg, but we'll get to that later.).

Okay, so Chat Noir get's to the scene right after the battle and all the temp. heroes disperse. Then, he tries to help out Ladybug by trying to offer to help with collecting the miraculous, so at least he's trying to do the bare minimum. Though, because of Chat's attempts to help she get's mad at him for distracting her and wasting her time. Now, many people may see this as a seen, in which Ladybug got out of line and shouldn't have yelled at Chat and I totally agree with that. I believe that she shouldn't had yelled at Chat in the first place, and should've dealt with him in a more calm, and more civilized manner. BUT (and this is a big one) I think that her getting mad at Chat is justifiable because look at this situation in Ladybug's perspective. Here's a guy, who's supposed to be your partner, but hasn't been helping you like he should, while you have all these responsibilities as guardian of the miracle box (not to mention, while he is in battle he just either flirts or sacrifices without so much as a warning, or even both). And sure maybe she shouldn't have called on so many temporary heroes, but what other choice does she have when she's the only person in battle, she can't just wait for him forever, she's going to have to call for back up. And sure, maybe she should've called him to make sure that he's okay or he's aware of an akuma, but at a certain point, when a person just stops arriving at times of battle and is not answering your calls you just eventually give up and take manners into your own hands.

Then, Adrien just gives up without so much explaining his problems to Ladybug. And sure maybe Ladybug saying for him to give up his miraculous (which was actually Chat's idea in the first place) was a bit insensitive, but this was during the heat of the moment, in which she was already stressed with her responsibilities as guardian. And I get it Adrien feels like he should give up everything because of how Ladybug is pushing him aside, but can you blame her at this point, he has not been helping out like he should be, he doesn't even really pay attention in battle, he sacrifices himself in the worst moments without even consoling her, and so much more. Not to mention, instead of just giving up because someone that you put to a high standard doesn't acknowledge you (because they have better things to do), you should think about what you're doing first and of the reason why you're a hero in the first place, to save Paris from the acts of your father I mean Shadowmoth. So, sure maybe he has the right to be upset but that does NOT give him the right to just give up because he is not acknowledged for doing nothing.

Not to mention, the actual fact that he's giving up the one friend that truly believe he was a great hero, Plagg. And even after Ladybug says her comment, she immediately realizes that she's in the wrong, so in reality she really cares about him. And has to abandon her task as guardian to try and talk to him. Not to mention, all the heroes calling her are just an example of how much stress she's under.

Now, let's talk about Plagg's talk with Ladybug. I get it he's upset that his owner and friend gave him up, but that does not mean he can blame Ladybug for everything. If anything he should understand Ladybug and how much pressures she's under, being guardian and all. And Plagg has seen first hand what Adrien does instead of helping out (via the first scene) sure her pushing Chat's feelings away were insensitive and they should've talked it out. But if Chat had been willing to talk to Ladybug about his role then she totally would have tried to make time and talk to him. Not to mention, it's not even her job to make sure Chat's feelings are at bay and that he's happy. If anything she should work on herself more knowing how much she put's other before herself. Then, Plagg brings up the fact he's in love with her (which is starting to feel more like infatuation as the series goes on). And I said before about the temp. heroes what is she supposed to do when he's not there and things get out of hand, she's going to have to call for back up.

You know at this point, the more the series goes on, the more and more I'm willing to just let Shadowmoth get the miraculouses and let the show be over. The amount of stress that Ladybug is under just because she's worried of breaking Chat's heart is just so stupid because she shouldn't even care anymore. Instead, she should be worrying about the safety of Paris instead of worrying about a broken heart, that can probably healed easily. But I digress.

You know, I get why Plagg want's to have Adrien as Chat Noir again because their friends. But his previous actions in other episodes have proven that he's not as competent as people say he is. Also, was the montage of Adrien throwing everything related to superheroes really necessary? We get it he's sad, what's new. (I'm sorry if I'm salting too hard on Adrien, but this episode really pissed me off).

Marinette, honey, relax and go to sleep and stop worrying about Chat Noir, you look like you've done like 10 different drugs in one sitting. I swear one day she's going to go insane.

I swear, if I hear one more thing about how the LS is in love with each other but Ladybug/Marinette is in denial and can't see it, I will freaking cry myself to sleep (oh what I already do hehehehehe...).

Also, NATALIE IS BACK AND SHE'S ALIVE AND WALKING! We stan a this queen (even if she helps out Shadowmoth) but we still stan. Ahhh, to be rich and not to worry about having to go to school because of a minor inconvenience of a broken heart. I freaking want to dieeeee.

Now, what's with Gabriel's change of attitude because in "Glaciator 2" when Adrien was acting the same way as he is now he was all over that, but now he's like, "He'll be fine by the next photo shoot, in three days". Like, damn that was a fast change in character.

Wow, I guess Thomas Astruc ran out of characters to push the LS even more together, so the last resort are the kwami's yayyyyyy *sarcasm*. You know I just like to say that Plagg legit tricked Marinette by saying every quality of a good and respectful partner to prove that Chat Noir is what she needs in the end. The Chat Noir that has proven multiple times that he is reckless and does not respect Ladybug's wishes to stop doing stuff by saying the alibi "I just can't because I love you to much!", this is just ironic at this point.

Okay, how many times have they used that same screenshot of Shadowmoth taking over the world? I mean, I know it's for humor, and comedic effect, but come on, this show is already so repetitive.

Now we get to see SadAdrien, woohoo, this totally not something we keep seeing over and over again throughout season four. Not to mention, that the main factor of why Adrien is sad in the first place is because of Ladybug. . . AGAIN. I swear one day this show is going to kill me.

You know, I just realized that Adrien was able to not go to school because he had a broken heart. . . A BROKEN HEART. WHAT IS THIS PRIVILEGE.

Kudos to Plagg for sticking up Adrien even if he doesn't acknowledge how much sh*t Plagg is doing just to get back with his "best friend". I mean, at first, I was a bot mad at Plagg, but when Plagg first introduced his idea to Adrien he legit was to "depressed" about even if he became Chat Noir Ladybug would still reject him. I mean, I get it when you get rejected multiple times your going to feel pretty dejected after a while, but that doesn't mean you abandon all your other duties in your life because of it, you get back up and move on with your life. And I feel for Plagg in the episode because Plagg has proven multiple times that he cares for Adrien so much and wants to do what's best for him and to make him happy. But what does Adrien do in return, absolutely nothing. I mean, sure there's the cheese supply, but that's just food. Plagg has actively tried to bring his spirits back up multiple times, and he in the episode he has tricked Ladybug into giving him another chance. But I digress. . .I guess.

Okay, I know that Adrien is trying to learn how to be the "perfect" partner for Ladybug, but was the montage really necessary? Also did they really spend HOURS to just pick a super hero name. . . just WHYYY.

And thus begins the montage of Ladybug saying that Cat walker is "perfect". I swear if I have hear that bs one more time I am going to freak out. Not to mention, in the end of the fight she's all like "I'm sorry Cat Walker, I just can't work with you because you're to perfect and I miss Chat Noir." . . . I'm just going to lay here and wait for something new to happen. Also, Ladybug legit developed a lowkey small crush on this dude, even to the point to when they were parachuting together she legit had a face of like pure pleasure (that just sounds weird, I'll change it later) and was like almost feeling him up. Beach, please. I know this is probably a "tactic" to try and make Ladybug realize she might actually have some type of feelings for Chat Noir but COME ON, as I said before, this show is too repetitive for it's own good.

Now onto my favorite segment, in which we talk about the main akuma or sentimonster! So the main thing I have to say about this sentimonster is that it looks like a Egyptian muscle cat. I mean, look at the biceps of that thing, that dude is ripped, but it looks like it skipped abs day.

I know this might sound weird but I kinda find it funny that the only reason that Ladybug thinks that Kuro Neko is Chat Noir is because of the bell, like that isn't a common thing to have, cat wise. You know every time that Ladybug says that she knows everything about Chat Noir I just want to hit my head on a wall because that line keeps reminding of Chloe, Lila, and Chat Noir. Those characters have said that line so many times throughout the course of the show that at this point every time someone says they no someone so well in an episode its kinda contradicting.

Wait a second. Did this dude really find a way to catch the attention of this huge ass cat by saying, "Meow meow"? And did Ladybug really find it endearing and was also mesmerized by this?. . . I'm so done with this show.

The scene in which Cat walker is like holding out his hand to Ladybug, I can legit hear the screams of the fandom. Both screaming because of the LS and because how Ladybug "fell" for this guy already. I'm legit in the group in the corner that doesn't really care because we probably already know how this going to end *cough* Chat Noir just comes back *cough* cough*.

Meanwhile Ladybug is "starstruck", the cat is just playing with the ferris wheel that could probably destroy many buildings and endanger many peoples lives, but you know what let's just have this unnecessary pause for a minute.

Did this f***king huge cat just spit out a f**cking child? Again I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I watch this. Also, did Ladybug just refer to Chat Noir as "her kitten"?

Me: *hears LS fans screaming*. . . Mamma Mia here we go again. . .

Ok, so its officially canon that Adrien's Chat Noir persona is his actual personality or at least part of it, its not like we already know this but ok. And of course before we end this episode we have to have a LS scene in which each parties apologize, yay not repetitive at all *sarcasm*.

And that's the end of the episode! (finally)

Okay, so throughput my rant you can probably tell this is not my favorite episode, probably on e of my least favorites actually. Sure, this episode some depth into the relationship of the LS, but that's it. Not to mention they mainly focused on SadAdrien, which, in my opinion, we've seen to much of. And all the excuses they point out around on why Chat Noir is important is something that we DON'T need to have shoved in our face again. *In a high pitched voice* "Well at least it didn't have a lot of LS scenes". Ohohoho, Sorry high pitch voice that is totally not me, but we have multiple scenes in which Ladybug is complimenting Cat Walker and even seen crushing on him hehehe not to mention the repetitive ending scene! Man was this episode long (even though it was only 21 minutes.)

All in all, though I really don't care for this episode cause this development might not really have a big impact on episodes and seasons to come because you know character development in this show is a dream.

Anyway, those are all my thoughts on the episode and I have a feeling that I'm going to be writing another rant because a new episode is coming out soon, so I have to be mentally prepared.

I hope everyone has a great rest of their evening/morning/day/whatever and always remember. . .

But that's just my opinion (ポξポ) ((so please don't come at me :))

((I'm so sleep deprived rn and I have school in the morning so wish me luck :,))(((Also sorry for the grammatical errors :)))

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3 years ago

Tumblr MLB Salt Prompts/Fanfic Recommendations

Alya Salt Prompt by @ladyanput

shimmer712 asked:

a elite journalism company is recruiting for internships and asking people who know the candidates for input. when they come to Bustier's class and say they want to take people aside to ask about Alya, Marinette tells them not to bother and just look at the Ladyblog to see what sort of reporter she is. Alya thinks that Marinette is trying to worm her way into her good graces, Mari knows they'll actually fact check and reject her,

What Happens Now? by @merry-madness

It was Alix who took one for the team and decide to give Marinette a taste of her own medicine and shoved her when she was at the top of the stairs. Felix and the other bullies ran to Marinette as the rest of the class laugh. Little did they know that Allen had recorded everything.

Everything You Deserve [Major Adrien Salt Ahead] by @aliensunflower-fics

Ladybug took a step forward obvlious to his inner turmoil a soft smile on her face as asked him to hand over Plagg ‘just for a little while’ on instinct as if fearing she’d rip it off Chat Noir leapt away only barely hiding his expression of anger and fear. He needed time to think and fast as Ladybug looked at him with shock, then distrust and anger, he just needed to cover his tracks and luckily thanks to his father he had years of practice and he knows just what buttons to push on his precious Bugaboo. He quickly lifts his and in surrender plasters a pitiable look on his face and says that they need to THINK about this.

“Obviously freeing the Kwami is the right move my lady, but if were not careful Hawkmoth could do some serious damage dont you think?” The look of confusion and uncertainty on her face is all the opportunity he needs.

ML Salt fic: Marinette’s Reprisal by @blackkatvixen

Ch2 Ch3 Ch4 Ch5 Ch6

The rest of the day went by without Marinette speaking to anyone. All the people that she had previously thought were her friends ignored her when they weren’t glaring daggers at her. She did not know many other people from other classes, she never bothered to really get to know anyone else. Not counting the few people she met through the art program. Marinette sat by herself in the library during lunch, and kept her thoughts to herself during classes. There were a few instances where Adrien had tried to speak with her only to be distracted by Lila stealing his attention. The agreed shunning of Marinette continued for the rest of the week. By Friday, Marinette had never felt more alone.

Miraculous Salt: Bustier by @nobodyfamousposts

Bustier clasped her hands together.

“Vivienne is a former student of mine from a few years back. She going to talk to us about positive examples and appropriate behavior in the classroom.”

Disappointed by @miraculous786

nublittlewingsstuff asked:

I got a prompt: "I thought you knew better than this... I guess I'm just disappointed" Used by Alya at first and then by Marinette when everything is debunked. I really love you work, is amazing. You are so talented 💗

Remember some chapters are longer than others


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3 years ago

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt 2

Fortuna Tu by @soap-lady

When Felix's mom hires Marinette to design outfits for a gala, he's not expecting for Amelie to decide to mentor the young designer. She's very talented and could prove to be an important company asset. Now if his mother will just stop her matchmaking schemes...

(Part One ) | (Part Two ) | (Part Three ) | (Part Four ) | (Part Five ) | (Part Six ) | (Part Seven ) | (Part Eight ) | (Part Nine ) | (Part Ten ) | (Part Eleven ) | [AO3]

Lila fails school by @mcheang

Yeah…Lila had been hoping to get her classmates to do her work for her. That failed. Marinette is too busy to help her.

Lila claims to be struggling with physics and asks Marinette for help. Marinette knows this is probably a ploy to get closer to Adrien but since she promised to help Lila make amends, Marinette suggests Adrien as a physics tutor. Only, to make sure Adrien isn’t uncomfortable being alone with Lila, it is a group study session at Adrien’s house.

Audrey fires Lila by @mcheang

Audrey attends Gabriel’s fashion show, where Lila will be walking her first runway.

Audrey watches the show, humming her opinions.

But when Lila walks out, Audrey makes an audible gag and makes a comment to Nathalie to “fire that walking disaster”.

MOM? DAD? CHAOS. by @spooky-z

This was normal. This was the routine after Hawkmoth had given up on terrorizing Paris and returned the butterfly and peacock Miraculous. After Gabriel Agreste had been arrested.

What was not normal now was that portal opening beside Ms. Bustier’s desk and five people passing by.

The whole class frozen in shock.

Class Destroys Sketchbook Prompt by @votederpycausemufins

What if the class really did destroyed marinette’s sketchbook which consist of her commissions which where payed already by famous celebrities and recorded and posted it in alya’s blog not even mindding on edditing the voices or blurrying everyone’s faces in the scene and saying mean things about marinette being a bully and she deserves this. And to top it all of they went into her room and destroyed everything including the finished gowns and tuxedo that are already wrapped up and readdy to send.

Well of course this goes viral and the celebrities new that that was their outfits and outfits design for the biggest party the wayne’s galla and ohh their not the only one who’s mad

An Interview with MDC by @symwinter

Marinette would’ve like to say she was surprised when she got the email asking if she’d be willing to do an interview after revealing herself on the last day of Paris Fashion Week, but she’d known Nigel Grey for awhile so it was only expected he would ask. It seemed like fun, so she agreed. “So Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, what started your career?”

An Aftermath of an Interview (Part Two)

Scandal Scandal by @quicksilversquared

Adrien is willing to put up with a lot if it means not making unnecessary waves. But everyone has their breaking point, and after Lila pushes a bit too far….

Well, she’ll find that even the most tolerate cats have claws.

Lila Salt Prompt by @justknitstuff

She couldn’t believe this. Things like this never happened to her. She was perfect, and everyone loved her. Everyone believed what she said. She supposedly had everything they could ever want. So why was this happening to her?

Lila looked at the comment threads on the latest photos of her and Adrien on his Instagram. She couldn’t believe the things people were writing about her. Who did they think she was?

Who is this girl w/ Adrien?

I don’t know but do you see her hair? Ew!! What is up with that style??

Jealousy marks a target by @mcheang

Infuriated by Lila’s bragging of knowing Ladybug and etc, Chloé finally shifts targets.

No longer does she bully Marinette, now Lila finds herself being sabotaged with red paint on her seat (The Clique), tripped on her way to her seat, bag full of rotten eggs, and her gym clothes ruined (Mean Girls)

Nobody accuses Marinette since she is too sweet. Besides, Chloé’s constant mocking makes her the obvious suspect.

Part One

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Tags :
2 years ago

CopyCat MLB

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chatpter Four


“Marinette this is getting out of hand we need to do something to stop this Copycat, he could destroy Chat Noirs rep” he pleads and Marinette looks at him blankly, instead of feeling the anger from yesterday she feels just an overwhelming sadness and hopelessness. She looks at him and smiles bitterly,

“Why Adrien, his lies aren’t hurting anyone?”

Remember some chapters are longer than others


The original author's account was deactivated so I got these from various accounts who reblogged it.


@kelelamentia @witchsblackfox @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @fantasyfandommaiden @justafanwarrior @iglowinggemma28 @ravennightingaleandavatempus @heaven428 @alicesangelofmusic @goggles-mcgee @weebs-unite123 @bee-wrecker @96tsubasa @miss-chaos-2710 @domena151 @esperiali @thelazyunistudent @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @echpr @ginamarie1512 @heyitsbugette @winter-gardenflower @nickristus-dreamer @crankyranda @sugarangel121 @pikachutwenty @legallyspawned @thestressmademedoit @thegayestasexual @phantombullets240 @princertain @queen-in-a-flower-crown @gajer2-0 @shmowl @kuroko26 @ranger-gothamite @hauntedwintersweets @marinettepotterandplagg @im-a-useless-and-shitty-blob

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2 years ago

Spots Drawn in Marker

by @ladyanput

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

“Don’t you recognize me, Chat? Don’t you recognize your Ladybug?” She whispered, biting her lower lip. “I guess without the mask, I’m not so special anymore..”

Adrien felt his breath hitch at her words, his mind racing. No, she couldn’t be.. Could she?

“I accidentally saw you detransform when I was trying to sneak back into school after our fight with Dryad. I’m sorry, but I thought since I knew, it was only fair to tell you..” She whispered, looking away as if in shame. Rébecca was internally thankful that Lila told her everything she needed to know about Adrien and the class, and was even more grateful she had given into Lila’s silly little plan to try and trick the class more. Being Ladybug could be fun, after all, she always wanted to be famous.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@naturegreenr-2 @t-nikki10 @2sunchild2 @kuroko26 @elmokingkong @thestressmademedoit @miraculous-of-salt @slytherinhquinn @snake-and-orchid @paradoxal-occurance @zalladane @random-nerd-3 @chocolate1721 @geminikessa @g-arya @adhd-coyote @indecisive-mess-named-me @spiritofchaoticdreams @mochegato @saltinette @soap-lady @unmaskedagain @enchanted-nerd @actual-disaster-human @aithra-of-helios @pale-lady-dreamer @heyitsbugette @the-navistar-carol @causeallthegoodnamesweretaken @bee-a-garbage-shipper @naturegreenr @sere-here @quickspinner @kitsunekat9 @mewwitch @ml-miraculouslady @zoiechance

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2 years ago

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations

Ladybug Look-a-like by @sturchling

This doesn't actually have a title

Adrien salt where Adrien tries to date a girl he thinks is Ladybug, but she's already dating someone and honestly doesn't like Adrien since he keeps pulling the poor little rich boy act. Adrien doesn't give up and it gets him in trouble.

Everything You Deserve [Major Adrien Salt Ahead] by @aliensunflower-fics

“Why would she recognize you dude? Its not like your famous or anything.”

And that hurt somehow. He didnt know why the idea of Marinette’s room being empty of all his photos bothered him but it did. He missed Marinette he wanted her to rejoin there class to help makes things ‘correct’ but Marinette didn’t stop to speak or even look at him, and when he looked her up later he learned she was perfectly happy maybe even happier then she was, she was working hard toward her dreams of being a Fashion Designer, she had many new friends including some old friendly faces like Kagami, Alya, Luka and others.

Ladies and Gentleman: Him by @stormiclown

Ladies and Gentlemen: Stephan Vladislav

”No, you listen to me, Bratdrien,” the Russian model said menacingly, having enough of beating around the bush. “Here’s what will happen. You will stay out of my way and continue being a wet napkin. Something you excel at. Stay away from Marinette. If I catch you trying to guilt trip, gaslight or scapegoat her into catering Lila’s whims, I will expose the liar as well as the fact that you knew and didn’t bother to say anything.”

Chills ran down Adrien’s spine as he finally seemed to register the danger he was in, “Y-you can’t do that. You have no proof!” He wasn’t sure if that was true, but the blonde felt like he had no choice but to say that.

Good luck charm gone by @merry-madness

Adrien was the one who got the classes good luck charm stolen. It was the one thing in his life he regrets and still regrets to this day. Because of that one decision he ruin not only his life but the life of everyone in the class.

All because he made Marinette Dupain-Cheng leave.

Part Two

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@naturegreenr-2 @autisticlinx @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @madd-kwami @ladyofdeathgods @critical-thinking-is-mandatory @arty-shadow-morningstar @naturegreenr @kitsunekat9 @heckofhell @aadnrsstar @soul3818 @natedogx15 @brutallytired-of-being17 @smartlanceisreal @wrecker-radioactive @that-mha-fan @sere-here @mariloki4 @bookwalmartav @ravennm84 @starfire21 @miraculous-ninja @bygge00 @couffeeine @khisee @kelelamentia @unmaskedagain @vixen-uchiha @mcheang @mysupporthyperfixations @whitetiger1337 @ktdklover @miraculous-ladybug-stufff @the-navistar-carol @t-nikki10 @annoyingasian @literal-fan-trash @panek0-0 @miraculousl4dybug @damnaged-princess @unabashedbookworm @mistress-of-nightmares @emilytopaz @miraculousduo @kittyotakunoir666 @mewwitch

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2 years ago

Be Careful What You Wish For

by @cornholio4

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

There were the Ring and Earrings on the ground and she had taken them, the Kwamis were more than happy enough to explain. “The Miraculous in order to use the wish needs a huge sacrifice, it might not be just a life but life changed and the end results might not be favourable to the wishes of the wisher. If the wish is not specific enough, we both are able to bend the reality change even if we don’t have control over the details. We don’t know what happened but just wished that life was better for you and life worse for your enemies. You deserve it Marinette.” Tikki told her and Marinette was stunned.

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Taglist: @spottedbug @damnaged-princess @heckofhell @charlietheepic7 @t-nikki10 @wingardiumqueen @mewwitch @dalicity @superredvelvetcupcakesworld @valyui901601 @multplelifes @purrincesskittens @sturchling @justcourttee @goggles-mcgee @sere-here @whitetiger1337 @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @krelliea @demonicbusiness @dagnysdawn @dorkus-minimus @lukacouffainc @calvin1394 @miraculous-ninja @little-robot-friend

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2 years ago

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 2

Part Three

Epistle From a Friend by @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn

“He’s an old friend,” she finally decided on, “We used to play together when we were kids, just right around the corner in the park. Usually we played ‘I spy’ even with him referring to it as ‘locate the target’” giggling while thinking about old memories, she continued, “he was always so well spoken, and shorter than me at the time.”

Blind Date by @mochinek0

“Alya, I was there for 45 minutes, not including the time I got there early. I’m obviously not worth his time.” Marinette shrugged.

“Mari-” Alya tried to say something, anything to keep her ship from falling apart.

“No. Besides, I already agreed to a second date.” the upcoming designer blushed.

The String that Binds Us by @kelelamentia

“I-I’m so s-sorry! I didn’t mean to run into you!  The string just yanked and I couldn’t stop!” Marinette rushed out in one gasp.

Before her soulmate could answer her, there were comments from their audience.

“I can’t believe it! Demon Spawn really does have someone at the end of his string and she’s cute!”

“If I wasn’t seeing this for myself I wouldn’t believe it, the Brat has a soulmate! …And very active string?”

A Winter Dance by @aliensunflower-fics

A Winter Dance pt.2

The boy snorted as if reading Adrien’s mind his cool forest green eyes boring into Adrien’s own light green. “Listen I can tell your too dense to realize this on your own so consider this a helpful tip. You clearly think of Marinette as your own princess even if your too stupid to recognize your own feelings but unlike you. I am well aware of how I feel for my angel and plan to woo her. Although I welcome the competition if you think your good enough for her.” The dark haired boy took a step closer his aura menacing and Adrien felt himself involuntarily cower under the deadly look. “But know this. I don’t intend to lose.”

Meeting by @multifandomscribette

He paused to allow Dick to squeal, making it very apparent where Mar’i got her voice from, then continued, “I need to go ring shopping for her and I would like you all to accompany me.”

“Oh my Batman,” Tim whispered, wide eyed and immeditablly completely awake, “Demon Spawn is asking for help!”

“I asked for company,” Damian deadpanned.

“From you that’s basically the same thing,” Jason shot back, to which Damian did not have a convincing reply.

Part One

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@im-just-testing @ultimatetornshipper @i-cry-over-fanfics @ledalasombra @twsssmlmaa @laydeekrayzee @nullsleepy @slytherin-batbitch @batfam-maribat @demonicbusiness @bookssetufree @mic-is-dead @adrestar @tim-drake-is-underrated @trippingovermyfeet @ritacrow-blog @soloist7 @smartlanceisreal @ramos123 @justcourteesuportline @elijahcrevan @diamaker-moon @927roses-and-stuff t @jayjayspixiepop @platinum-here @miraculous-ninja @arty-shadow-morningstar @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @little-lady-bird @sadpotatoondrugs @255940g @dont-panic-to-much @casual-darkness @midnightmode @reddragonofemeraldflame @aestheticnpoetic @camys1984 @kitsunekat9 @gaylatm @mcspanner99 @lukacouffainc @spottedbug @annoyingasian @lostinday @batmanzplan

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2 years ago

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations 2

End of Adrienette by @cornholio4

“We are through Adrien!” she snapped at him and ran home with tears in her eyes. Adrien caught up to her in the Bakery. And he explained that he did love her and how when they met he knew that whoever it was under the mask he was in love with her. That he hates being the perfect boy image his father forced him to play and how being Chat Noir allows him to cut loose and finally be his true self.

That had the opposite effect than what he hoped; all it said to Marinette was the sweet kind boy that she was in love with was just an act and the real Adrien was the irresponsible idiot who got on her nerves. She snapped at him to leave before going to her room.

Don’t Let It Happen by @adriensaltprompts

She leaves Adrien, crying, shouting, raging, there, in the ruins of a school whose name she doesn’t know, the sort of deathtrap he would sentence her and all of her friends and millions more kids they will never meet to, while he and his only friend, Chloe, had the privileged of staying home safe.

And she moves on to the next school.

And she doesn’t stop until every school in Paris is destroyed. And the only reason she stops when she gets to the invisible boundaries separating Paris from other nearby cities is that the sun is rising, and she’s tired, and she’s hungry.

It’s my love life! by @mcheang

Adrien wasn’t done. “But,” he insisted stubbornly, “it’s different for LadyNoir. They’re partners. Yin and Yang. A superhero duo. Who else is she going to end up with if not her partner? These kinds of pairings always win in the end.”

Marinette: that’s just sad. You’re comparing Ladybug’s love life to fiction. Life isn’t a fairy tale, Adrien. you don’t decide who Ladybug ends up with, and it’s not right for you to lie about her either.

Do You Even Care? by @critical-thinking-is-mandatory

Why Are You Lying To Me?

These don't actually have titles

Marinette ground her teeth, taking a slow, deep breath through her nose. Her face was still sticky from tears.

“Do you even care?” Marinette finally asked.

“About what?” Chat Noir asked, he shifted baby August on his hip and flexed his free arm. “About my awesome muscles?”

“About being a hero!” Marinette shouted, she stamped her foot, finally allowing herself release. “I thought we were friends! My room, was destroyed, I-” she gasped in a breath, tearing up again,

I Moved by @sturchling

This doesn't actually have a title

Marinette was now the one in shock, as she stared at her partner. “What do you mean, ‘this is great’? I thought you would be mad I didn’t tell you sooner.” Chat shook his head. “Well, maybe I was a little mad, but its fine. Because now that you don’t live here, your identity is perfectly safe! We can tell each other now and it will be fine!” Marinette just stared at Chat, not sure what to say.

Part One

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@smartlanceisreal @kitsunekat9 @mariloki4 @lostinday @reddragonofemeraldflame @mikeellee @critical-thinking-is-mandatory @naturegreenr-2 @ghoststoriesaremyjam @heckofhell @miss-ellie-j-16 @athenahallows @spottedbug @biscuitbirdpeach @vicchanie @genderconfusedhellenic @sage-mcgavin-main @kelelamentia @walks-the-ages @rjalker @airu8109 @creampuff-mlbfics-finished @whatsupwithjinx @northernbluetongue @platinum-here @mewwitch @goggles-mcgee @epiclazershark @deathsmallcaps @iglowinggemma28 @iamablinkmarvelarmy @mysticsoulgirl @sadpotatoondrugs @kking13 @stardust-darkmatter

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2 years ago

BAMF Marinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

NeTi by @spooky-z


"Marinette has been dating for almost ten years and I didn’t know.” Alya whispers, still not believing. “I was her best friend and she never told me.”

Marinette’s Week Off by @unmaskedagain

Marinette’s Life (after the Week Off)

Chloe knew bringing Nathanial into their fold had been a smart idea. She sent a vicious smile to the class, “Marinette’s on vacation. She won’t be back until Monday.” Chloe relaxed in her seat. “For her ex-friends; it’s her one week. You should know what that means”

There were gasps. Alya’s face drained of color. They all knew what that meant. Marinette was gone in the wind, and she wouldn’t come back or answer her phone even if fire rained from the sky as furbys finally revealed the truth of their evilness and declared themselves the new rules of earth.

Lantern’s Light by @kibastray

“Marinette Dupain-Cheng of Earth. You have great love in your heart. Welcome to the Star Sapphires.”

“Marinette, are you alright?” Tikki asked.

The little god was obviously worried for her chosen. As she should be with Hawkmoth trying to akumatize her.

Coming to her senses, the teen tried to fight off the negative emotions Hawkmoth was trying to use against her.

‘Wait,’ she shook her head, ‘This isn’t right.’

Hiding the Miraculous by @quicksilversquared

"I know, I know, I wouldn't take them off," Marinette said with a sigh. "It's just... how long will it be until someone realizes that I look like Ladybug and that I never take my earrings off? Like, if they put the pieces together, that would be really bad." She slouched and pouted slightly. "...and I know he probably isn't Hawkmoth and all since he did get akumatized, but Mr. Agreste still gives me the creeps, and he was super-interested in my earrings when I was there as Ladybug when Jackady was after him. I didn't like that."

Kill Them with Kindness by @luki-fanfic

Marinette insists this is different, and Alya tells her it doesn’t matter, because the class likes Lila. While Marinette might insist that Lila is fake, they haven’t seen any reason to disbelieve her.  Like it or not, the class - Alya included – believe everything that Lila has said.

She expects Marinette to growl or groan in frustration.  Possibly throwing up her hands and starting another thousand-words-in-thirty-seconds vent her way regarding Lila.  What she doesn’t see coming, is Marinette freezing in place, her eyes wide in revelation.  When she asks if Marinette is okay, the girl starts laughing, saying something about why she hadn’t realised it before.  She can’t possibly handle Lila, but their class can.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@onfire-garbagecan @all-things-fandom394 @weirdo-with-no-beardo @doll246 @lazydaisy19 @crazyyanderefangirlfan @caffeinetheory @bluecobrashitposts @harrietrile17 @elijahcrevan @bloodywolfmoon @batfam-maribat @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @autisticlinx @starlightshield @seraphichana @rowenredberry @fluorescentpencil @laydeekrayzee @justafanwarrior @flowerchildasriel @actualnarislayer @bi-and-european

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2 years ago

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3

The Other Diplomat Kid by @musicfeedsmysoul12

Sam Williams goes to Paris when their dad temporarily takes over the title of diplomat to get away from their grandfather. They end up meeting a girl everyone in the diplomat circle knows is a liar.

Fake Lila Rossi AU by @ladyanput

So it was that night that Lila approached this girl, befriended her, and later offered her a deal;

Lila would pay her handsomely for her services. To act as her double. Lila promises to pay for the plastic surgery, anything she needs to look exactly like Lila. Besides, who wouldn’t want to be one of the biggest influencers in Paris? The girl does the charity work, get down and dirty, get Lila a good image, while Lila enjoys the high life. But they plan in carefully so that the two are never seem at the same time, even if they were in different places.

Fortune Reversal by @cornholio4

They put their paws together and in unison used the incantation that activated the magic of the Fortune Reversal. Plagg let Tikki take the reigns as she turned Marinette’s fortune positive and jsut because she decided to be a petty Kwami she also decided to reverse the fortune of Lila.

Rate this (Trust is Hard to Come By) by @unmaskedagain

Lila looked honestly confused. She had missed something, and it was big. “What’s going on?”

Nino glared at the girl; his eyes red, tear streaks his face. “Those numbers tell the world how much Ladybug trusts you. Or how much she doesn’t,” He said darkly, thinking about his own number and his actions against the girl he once called his best friend. “And why.”

“The lower the number,” Adrien added. “The less she trust you.”

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@lazyeasyaddict @aludhazie @lonestarfangirl2014 @gingerdaile @virgil-is-a-cutie @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @erb23 @miraculous-ladybug-stufff @thefullmetalfairy @im-tired-101 @rubybee5 @mewwitch @fantasyfandommaiden @mariloki4 @novicevoice @graduatedmelon @cheyj05 @sparklyaxolotlstudent @tails-of-a-dragon-rider @caycay-lee @crazylittlemunchkin @smartlanceisreal @lostinday @dagnysdawn @i-cant-think-of-one-meh @sassakitty @alicesangelofmusic @the-navistar-carol @wrecker-radioactive @toftbmh @whimsicalsandmusings @lugluh @ml-miraculouslady @unabashedbookworm @akittycat24stuff @sillyandquest @madd-kwami @naturegreenr @irontimetravelflower @starstruckstarlightpenguin @255940g @dreamer2 @staren3rgy101 @spottedbug @weirdness2020 @chaoticmistake

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1 year ago

MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

A Bakers Daughter by @ladyanput

This doesn't actually have a title

“You’re not walking away from this, Marinette! If you need harrassing Lila like this, you’ll get arrested! Get it in your head! Adrien doesn’t want you! He would never want a baker’s daughter, someone so useless and uninspiring! You’ll never reach great heights, Lila does! Lila has more talent grace in one pinky, than you have in your entire being! You’ll always be a nobody and you need to learn to deal with that.”

All This After a Monkey Tries to Steal Marinette’s Purse by @cornholio4

“Dad, I can explain…” Alya replied while trying to think of an explanation that sounded somewhat believable.

“I sent Marinette to our house to wait for either of us, I want you home within half an hour to take over for the babysitting duties that you were supposed to be doing anyway! I will try and be home shortly to have a talk with you!” Otis told him sternly and Alya looked down sadly having to tell Nino and Adrien that she has to get home with them looking concerned.

FACT CHECK by @spooky-z

“Marinette, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? Act like nothing is wrong. I didn’t know you could be that cold and calculating.” She caught everyone’s attention again, especially Marinette.

Marinette sighed, her elbow resting on the table, she laid her head on her palm. There was an air of boredom around her. Chloe, Sabrina and Nathaniel with unimpressed looks on their faces.

New York Special Salt: Confrontation by @nobodyfamousposts

Adrien was shaking at this point, but forcing himself to remain steady.

“You both knew Marinette liked me. Fine. Sure. Apparently she was having trouble telling me this. That’s okay. You knew she felt this way and was having trouble telling me. I get that.”

He glared.

“What I don’t get is why it was necessary to go THIS far instead of just TELLING me what was going on yourselves?!”

Exposed by @miraculousbelladonna

She is still absolutely going to have words with her bestie later, but she doesn’t think twice about posting the life changing video onto her blog.

All she’s thinking about is how it’s so cool that she’s the one who found Ladybugs identity. It’s so cool that she’s the one who’s revealing it. It’s so cool that her best friend, Marinette, is Ladybug. Her views are going to go through the roof. Television channels are going to be talking about this, they’re going to be calling her and asking to use her footage.

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