Lukanette - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Every day my heart yerns for that one miraculous fanfic where Marinette was singing So Sick from flyleaf

(I forgot the name and I can’t find it anywhere)

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3 years ago

i told youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

my boy luka deserves a happy ending!! i know adrien is an adorable kid but. no .luka i love you sooooo much please don't give marinette up now . you deserve happiness ,love!

lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian
lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian
lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian
lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian
lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian
lucifer5lucy - Lucy rose vivian

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1 year ago

Not me pausing Netflix every other second to find my dearest cyan tips ravenette.

Not Me Pausing Netflix Every Other Second To Find My Dearest Cyan Tips Ravenette.

Not my cousins being absolutely done with my fangirling when I see luka's back.

Not them leaving the room knowing 'man...she ain't gonna be done today. '

Not me jumping around literally and getting pissed cause I can't see his face in the movie..


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3 years ago

Is it just me or am I the only one that wants Luka to go on a tour with Jagged.

Like all the things that happened in the Truth episode made me realize that my boy Luka needs a break. And I think that if he went on tour with Jagged it would really benefit him. If you think about it, if he does go on tour he would be able to have a glimpse at what it’s like to be in the music industry, he would be able to express his emotions through music a bit more (and bit more openly might I add), and he would also be able to bond with his dad (even though Jagged kinda abandoned him and his family, but that’s beside the point). Not to mention he might find some new opportunities on the tour that might benefit his career. In all honesty, I think that Luka really needs a break from everything and if I’m being honest I don’t want to see my boy getting hurt anymore.

But that’s just my opinion (・ε・)

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3 years ago

Luka: so I guess you break my heart yet again for this episode

Marinette: *looks at Script*

Marinette: huh, I guess it doesn’t phase me anymore

Luka: me neither



Marinette: so...

Luka: still wanna come over after shooting this episode, babe?

Marinette: sure, but let’s get takeout tonight too

Luka: obviously

That’s it. I fixed the show.

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3 years ago

I’m on the bridge on either Bastien (mainly because I think it really fits luka) and Ames (mainly because it means friend :p ) :)

(I don’t know why I both replied and reblogged this message, but I guess it’s just the weirdo in me :p )

But that’s just me ((or my opinion ;)) (・ε・)

Y’all help me pick a name for Luka’s tv character in this tv au:





-Bash (Sebastian)/ Bastien

-Ames (lmao it literally means “friend”)


-Iker (“visitor” lol)


@cheesecakeandlovesquares @ashdoesfandom @sleepdemon1408 @emikogale @livrever @thepigeonsopinion @meow-6296

Comment if u wanna be tagged to this shit post of an au

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3 years ago

So “Blueberry Couffaine” happened...

And right when I thought I was finished this happens...


this is slowly becoming in to a bigger thing then I expected it to be...

Anyway! I hope everyone has a great rest of your day while I just wallow in the cringe of my own creation :)

But that’s just my opinion (or me) (・ε・)

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3 years ago

Guess who's the bish that just watched "Wishmaker"!...

I'm the bish that just watched "Wishmaker" if you didn't figure it out.

Anywho! Let's get on with it. Now, usually I would do a little (extremely detailed) summary of the episode, but I can guess that a lot, if not most of the fandom has seen the episode so I'm just going to skip that and dive straight into it!

Warning: Spoilers for "Wishmaker"

Anyway! Onto business, let's talk about my thoughts on the episode.

So, the beginning of the episode. I legit don't know why this triggered me (I absolutely know why this triggered me, but I don't want to admit it) but Marinette melting when she gave Adrien the flyer got me freaking laughing, probably because every time and I mean EVERY time the love square interacts (mainly adrinette) is so over used that I find it hilarious at this point (this is probably just me, but what the heck :p)((also this was kinda me salting on the LS, but remember this is just my opinion so please don't come at me :)). Continuing on to Alya's comment about if "being a superhero counts as a job" it sure as heck does, well mainly if your Marinette (also the reason why I'm talking about small details that happened in the episode is mainly because I'm re-watching the episode as I type this). Again I had a cackling moment when we had the Sadrien moment, which made me realize how mean and bad I am, but oh, well (i felt horrible when i cackled at this, but i felt really guilty afterwards) ((i might delete this part later, but idk)) Also, when Plagg presents the idea of them running a cheese shop together it made my heart melt because it shows how much Plagg cares about Adrien and how much he wants to stay with Adrien. Now, unto the part where Marinette explains to the kwamis what a career is and when I say I was laughing through this whole scene, I WAS laughing through this whole scene. Mainly because of all the comments that the kwamis gave to Marinette. Like, seriously many of the comments are very accurate and the one that broke me was when Xuppu said, "It's making presents for Adrien!", I was like "damn he legit just called you out Mari". Not to mention, when Ziggy drawled out AdRIen's name to showcase the amount of meaning Adrien has on her life. Also, Sass is legit the PERFECT kwami for Luka, and I am not exaggerating this. Sass literally was the only kwami that stood up and voiced out that they should listen to Marinette and that her opinion in this situation is the most important one, and I know for a fact that Luka would do the same if he was put into the same situation Sass was in. That small detail in the episode made my heart melt knowing how compatible Luka and Sass are.

Anyway! Moving on, Andre legit unintentionally (maybe?) roasted Alec on his show, I was like "damn he got you there" and he also roasted him with the sweet, delicious treat known as ice cream, damn that's got a hurt. Speaking of Andre, the story of how Andre found his career was really touching to me. The main reason of why he really pursued his ice cream business was because ice cream was what made him happy and he wanted to share that with the world. In summary, I find Andre's career story really touching and meaningful.

Continuing on, after Andre explained the ice cream flavors to Marinette, Luka "coincidentally" appeared right behind her right after Andre said "Pistachio and pecan for the clear-sighted young man". And, if you tell me that the pistachio is to represent Adrien, I would like to explain to you how that it is not accurate. I mean, legit this whole episode is to represent how both Adrien and Marinette are indecisive when it comes to their career choices, mainly because of all the things happening in their lives. Now, "clear-sighted" doesn't really suit Adrien in the context of the episode. In this episode, Adrien doesn't even have a clue on what he wants to do for the rest of his life, but Luka on the other hand is a representative at the fair for his school and is running a booth showing his career choice, that sounds like he fits the definition more accurately. Now, I know that the main reason of why people recognize that the pistachio is to represent Adrien is because it's the color green and Luka's color is not green, it's blue. But let me introduce Viperion. I mean, Viperion is literally just Luka, even if he has a mask on it's still Luka.

Anyway! Moving foward through the episode, when Luka said "buddies", I felt that. It legit broke my lukanette stan heart to hear him say that they were just "buddies", but I digress.

Ok, I know that the main reason why Alec is roasting everyone's career choice is for his show (and to hide his inner turmoil), but damn, tone it done a bit will ya. In the end, Luka showed him, even if his way of showing him was to hold up a violin to the sky and let the wind play the instrument was kinda weird, I support whatever this kind and understanding boy does.

I know it is justified that lukanette is strictly platonic because the LS is going to be endgame, but I can't help but fan girl when I see my ship holding hands. Not to mention, the look that Marinette gives Luka is a look of adoration and love(even if it's just platonic).

We would like to welcome Bipierion to the running again. Like, come on, you can't tell me that the scene with the three talking doesn't look just a tad romantic. This whole scene, made my Luka stan heart just palpitate wildly. I mean, this whole scene; no, this whole episode is a bunch of examples of how Luka is such a mature and understanding character. This scene alone made me love Luka's character even more! Also, we FINALLY get to see Luka play the violin (and not just with the wind this time hehehe ;)) and can I just say, I totally love this scene, not only because it's with Luka playing the violin (though that may be the main reason) it's because I also play the violin so I kinda relate to this scene.

Continuing on with the episode, when Alec went into his inner turmoil and main backstory of why he is the way that he is, I was like, now I feel bad about him being trashed on, but he kinda deserved it soooo...Moving along! So, Wishmakers design. I don't know why, but Wishmakers design reminds me of Venom, or more specifically a drag queen version of Venom. And I fully support that, I mean you go get it, slay girl! Even if you are a villian.

So, Jagged’s childhood dream was to be a crocodile. I mean, I get a lot of people's childhood dreams were a bit far-fetched, but okay, you do you. Also, Mr. Banana's childhood dream was to be a cucumber? Umm ok...Anyway! Luka prioritizing others above himself, is just the icing of the cake as a Luka stan. (Not to mention, Luka already fully excepting Jagged as a dad is sooo, I can't express it into words how much I love that.)((Also, Jagged can't swim. Noted.)) Also, Luka and Jagged having a conversation about how Jagged wanted to be a crocodile as a kid, but he can't swim is so funny to me. And it also portrays more of Luka and Jagged's relationship a bit more, so I appreciate that.

It's time for a small detail mention! Luka's head tilt when he saw the dino huggie just made my Luka stan heart melt! Moving along, we get Luka or Viperion saving everyone, which just gave me a sense of joy! Also, Marinette as the knitting-fairy was so adorable!

Anywho, continuing on with the episode, with Luka finding out Marinette is Ladybug, you can see the realization in Luka's face when he realizes that the secret that she kept from him was that she was Ladybug, and you can hear the shakiness in his voice when he uses Second Chance after that, which shows even more how shocked he is. But, he still keeps his focus on the battle because now he has to protect Marinette's identity, which is just another of the many reason of why I love Luka's character. Ok, I have a small nitpick at this scene, and even though it's just a small detail in the scene I can't help, but comment on it. I know that Chat Noir is not in the right state of mind during that moment, but did he seriously not hear Viperion when he warned him to duck? But then again, I digress.

Moving on, I felt that, when Adrien found out that his childhood dream was to be what his parents wanted to be, because I also want to do that to, or mainly to just make them proud. Anyway, enough about me, let's continue on with the episode! Luka's face when he saw that Adrien was Chat Noir, really made me sympathize him. Because in Luka's eyes he finds out that are truly good partners (and I refuse to say "meant to be" because just no) and it is pretty obvious that he still has feelings for Marinette and that finding out that both Ladybug and Chat Noir are Marinette and Adrien must've broke his heart. I mean, you would react the same way if you found out that your crushes crush is their partner in crime (as some people might say).

Moving on! Umm, Barney is that you? I'm sorry I just really wanted to comment on that, also Lukadrien moment? Not to mention, how the heck can that dino huggie jump so high but hit the ground with a rumble? Then again, I'm not good with physics.

Okay, so let's quickly talk about Luka lying to Ladybug about knowing both the superheros identities. So, we know for a fact that Luka hates or at least dislikes lying, but in this moment he chose to lie, because he knows that it was the best option in this situation. The reason behind this is because he wants to protect Marinette, and I know that might sound confusing, but let me explain. Luka knows Marinette fairly well, and he knows that she has a tendency to overthink and freak out, so if Luka did tell her that he found out Marinette would freak out and start to think it's all her fault and that she should've been more careful and so on and so forth. This would make her a perfect victim for a akuma and Luka knows better than to let that happen, so he does one thing he knows will protect her, he lies to her.

Contiuing on, when Marinette said, "I will be Luka's best friend and I will love Adrien", I literally face palmed. I mean, I get it that the LS is bound to be endgame, but come on! Do we really need another reminder that it will happen eventually? Also, drag queen Alec? YASS QUEEN! SLAY QUEEN, SLAY!

And with that, we come to the end of the episode! So, I enjoyed the episode fairly well, with the exception of all the moments I salted it. But there are still so many questions that I have that are yet to be answered. Like, now that Luka knows both Ladybug and Chat Noir's secret identities, how will that revelation affect Luka's character in the show? Will their be others who find out their identities, and if so, how? (aka Alix) Will Luka's revelation affect how much screen time he gets on the show? And if so, will it increase or decrease? Will Alya find out that Luka knows? And, so much more. Not to mention, my opinion on Luka's revelation.

So, as I scroll through my social media, mainly instagram, I see posts where people read Luka's revelation as a way for him to also realize that the LS or Marinette and Adrien are "meant to be together", and though I respect those people's opinion, I don't really agree with it. I believe that Luka's revelation is just that. It's him finding out the truth that Marinette kept from him, and whether he decides to act more or be there more because of this is up to the writers and creators of the show. But I don't truly believe that that was a way to show that he ships them. I think he mainly supports Marinette's decisions and will always be there for her. And the reason of why I say this is because it is clear that Luka still has feelings for Marinette. I mean, come on, as I said in one of my comments during the episode, the realization on his face when he found out Chat's identity was full of sadness, contemplation, and maybe a bit of hurt. Which tells me that Luka still has at least some romantic feelings for Marinette. Not only that, he did the thing that he hates or dislikes most, lying, to protect her. But all in all I still enjoyed the episode and I can't wait to see where this revelation takes us.

I hope everyone has a great rest of their day and as always remember...

But that's just my opinion (・ε・)

(This took me FOREVER to finish, but at least it states my opinion and my little thoughts throughout the episode, even if it is a bit jumbled up :))

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2 years ago
thepigeonsopinion - this pigeon has taken flight



I want to thank you for all your love and support this year 2022 💙💙💙

I wish you a wonderful and very Happy New Year 2023 ! ✨

See you very soon…with more Lukanette and Fairy AU, of course! 💖


✨Fairy Misunderstood AU - Chapter Guide🧚🏼‍♀️✨


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1 year ago

Ummmm. . .EXCUSE ME!?!

You mean to tell me that Marinette and Luka were not only supposed to kiss in the show WITHOUT being interrupted, BUT they were also supposed to kiss TWICE!!!!

WHY! WHY WERE WE ROBBED?!?!?! tELL mE wHY tHOmAS aSTRuC!?!? tELL mE wHY!?!?!?

Ummmm. . .EXCUSE ME!?!
Ummmm. . .EXCUSE ME!?!

Marinette and Luka weren‘t supposed to kiss once but TWICE in the s3 finale

Marinette And Luka Werent Supposed To Kiss Once But TWICE In The S3 Finale
Marinette And Luka Werent Supposed To Kiss Once But TWICE In The S3 Finale


Marinette And Luka Werent Supposed To Kiss Once But TWICE In The S3 Finale

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3 years ago

Masterlist of Masterlists

Master list by @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole​

All fics are ML X DC

Just another daminette fan by @amberwild420​

Pretty self explanatory

Master Masterlist by @boldlyanxious

Marinette x DC Characters

The BIG Masterlist by @a-6-year-old-possibly

All Felinette fanfics

Masterpost by @unmaskedagain

Many Marinette crossover au

Masterlist by @sturchling

Daminette Salt fits & Prompt Requests

Daminette Fluff by @miraculous-ladybug-stufff

Pretty self explanatory

Lukanette Deserves Better by @bee-a-garbage-shipper

Pretty self explanatory

Masterlist by @weirdo-with-no-beardo

All Maribat au

Daminette December Masterlist by @mochinek0

Pretty self explanatory

The Ultimate MasterList by @justcourttee

Mlb x DC with Mlb Oneshots

Sadly there's a limit of 30 tags so I didn't get them all (╥﹏╥)

Remember some chapters are longer than others


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3 years ago

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt 2

Fortuna Tu by @soap-lady

When Felix's mom hires Marinette to design outfits for a gala, he's not expecting for Amelie to decide to mentor the young designer. She's very talented and could prove to be an important company asset. Now if his mother will just stop her matchmaking schemes...

(Part One ) | (Part Two ) | (Part Three ) | (Part Four ) | (Part Five ) | (Part Six ) | (Part Seven ) | (Part Eight ) | (Part Nine ) | (Part Ten ) | (Part Eleven ) | [AO3]

Lila fails school by @mcheang

Yeah…Lila had been hoping to get her classmates to do her work for her. That failed. Marinette is too busy to help her.

Lila claims to be struggling with physics and asks Marinette for help. Marinette knows this is probably a ploy to get closer to Adrien but since she promised to help Lila make amends, Marinette suggests Adrien as a physics tutor. Only, to make sure Adrien isn’t uncomfortable being alone with Lila, it is a group study session at Adrien’s house.

Audrey fires Lila by @mcheang

Audrey attends Gabriel’s fashion show, where Lila will be walking her first runway.

Audrey watches the show, humming her opinions.

But when Lila walks out, Audrey makes an audible gag and makes a comment to Nathalie to “fire that walking disaster”.

MOM? DAD? CHAOS. by @spooky-z

This was normal. This was the routine after Hawkmoth had given up on terrorizing Paris and returned the butterfly and peacock Miraculous. After Gabriel Agreste had been arrested.

What was not normal now was that portal opening beside Ms. Bustier’s desk and five people passing by.

The whole class frozen in shock.

Class Destroys Sketchbook Prompt by @votederpycausemufins

What if the class really did destroyed marinette’s sketchbook which consist of her commissions which where payed already by famous celebrities and recorded and posted it in alya’s blog not even mindding on edditing the voices or blurrying everyone’s faces in the scene and saying mean things about marinette being a bully and she deserves this. And to top it all of they went into her room and destroyed everything including the finished gowns and tuxedo that are already wrapped up and readdy to send.

Well of course this goes viral and the celebrities new that that was their outfits and outfits design for the biggest party the wayne’s galla and ohh their not the only one who’s mad

An Interview with MDC by @symwinter

Marinette would’ve like to say she was surprised when she got the email asking if she’d be willing to do an interview after revealing herself on the last day of Paris Fashion Week, but she’d known Nigel Grey for awhile so it was only expected he would ask. It seemed like fun, so she agreed. “So Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, what started your career?”

An Aftermath of an Interview (Part Two)

Scandal Scandal by @quicksilversquared

Adrien is willing to put up with a lot if it means not making unnecessary waves. But everyone has their breaking point, and after Lila pushes a bit too far….

Well, she’ll find that even the most tolerate cats have claws.

Lila Salt Prompt by @justknitstuff

She couldn’t believe this. Things like this never happened to her. She was perfect, and everyone loved her. Everyone believed what she said. She supposedly had everything they could ever want. So why was this happening to her?

Lila looked at the comment threads on the latest photos of her and Adrien on his Instagram. She couldn’t believe the things people were writing about her. Who did they think she was?

Who is this girl w/ Adrien?

I don’t know but do you see her hair? Ew!! What is up with that style??

Jealousy marks a target by @mcheang

Infuriated by Lila’s bragging of knowing Ladybug and etc, Chloé finally shifts targets.

No longer does she bully Marinette, now Lila finds herself being sabotaged with red paint on her seat (The Clique), tripped on her way to her seat, bag full of rotten eggs, and her gym clothes ruined (Mean Girls)

Nobody accuses Marinette since she is too sweet. Besides, Chloé’s constant mocking makes her the obvious suspect.

Part One

Remember some chapters are longer than others


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3 years ago

High Priest (Akuma!Luka)

made by @charlietheepicwriter7


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

The butterfly landed on his necklace and a voice broke through the screaming. “High Priest. The woman you love sits on her deathbed, and the friends she trusted turned their backs on her. Can you really allow them to abandon her so easily? Bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous, and not only will I give you the justice you seek, but also the power to heal your love.”

Justice… yes, this was justice. How dare they abandon her, leave his goddess laying alone on the ground as she bled out? They would pay.

He’d make everyone pay.

“Yes, Hawkmoth.”

The world went silent.

Remember some chapters are longer than others


@justafanwarrior @bee-a-garbage-shipper @bridgerton-baby @quickspinner @goldenlaurelleaveswrites @naturegreenr-2 @renee561 @arty-shadow-morningstar @mewwitch @mintaka14 @macaknight @ghoststoriesaremyjam @secretlawyercolorscissors @papillonnoirtrash @kitsunekat9 @rubixchick @naturegreenr

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