AdvianYT - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hello Tumblr :) ^^

Hello Tumblr :) ^^

Hello Tumblr! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is AdvianYT. But you can call me Advian (AID-VEE-AN) or Ade for short.

I'm an artist, writer, gamer, and an aspiring YouTuber, Animator, and Voice Actress. I love art, drawing (traditionally and digitally), animation, coloring (especially in coloring books), doing word puzzles, writing (including stories, taking notes, and sharing my opinions, no matter how popular and/or unpopular they may be), walking & running, watching TV & Movies, going on social media (especially YouTube & Twitter), listening to music, singing, dancing, organizing, and chillaxing.

I have Autism and ADHD, but that doesn't stop me from doing the things I love. I'm a fanatic for shipping (canon x canon, oc/self insert/reader x canon, oc x oc, self shipping), horror movies (especially slasher films), drawing and animation (including animatics), writing, anime, and blood & gore (especially slashers that are very gory and/or pretty over the top with their kills; in other words, I'm a proud Gorehound).

I'm a proud Fictosexual and have many F/O's (including some OCs of mine) that I love very much with all of my heart and I'm valid as fuck! And if you can't accept that or find it cringy and weird, go fuck yourself because your negativity isn't worth my time!

Although I'm new here, I am very excited to be here and hope we can all be friends and have fun together! Also, shout out to @tawneybel for motivating me to create my Tumblr account in the first place. You are really awesome and I thank you for inspiring me to finally create my Tumblr account. Thank you. Just...thank you. Also, your Power Rangers Villains x Reader stories are really spicy and fun to read. I recommend checking them out when you get the chance.

Thank you all for ready and welcoming me to Tumblr. Like I said before, I hope we can all get along with each other and become friends. :) ^^

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2 years ago

Update #1: My First Tumblr Update

Update #1: My First Tumblr Update

Hey guys. It's been a while since I made my first post here, so I thought I'd give you guys an update on what's going on.

To start things off, I was a bit busy with college, plus I was also on Twitter more, hence the reason I didn't post too much in September, nor did I post anything in October. And while I did have thoughts of posting on Tumblr here and there, I never really got the chance due to college and using Twitter more than Tumblr. But since I feel like I want to have a place to escape when I feel overwhelmed by college, I feel like I should use Tumblr. And while yes, I do have the option to use Twitter, I feel like using Tumblr to escape better than Twitter. Not that I dislike Twitter or anything like that (despite some grips I have with the platform), I just feel like using Tumblr as that Escapism (as a nod to Rebecca Sugar's song "Escapism", not to be confused with the Steven Universe Season 5 episode of the same name) to escape to whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed by reality. That, or I just wanna go on here for fun, since I love to go on social media. Whether it be for fun or to escape reality.

Aside from wanting to use Tumblr more often, I also want to showcase my work here. I want to share my artwork (including my OCs, fandom and non-fandom related) and my stories with everyone on Tumblr (and yes, I am aware of how vicious people on Tumblr can be, especially with the unnecessary harassment and death threats targeted towards people having fun with their work, especially artists and writers in particular; but tbh, I...honestly don't give a shit about that. And by that, I mean that I don't care how much harassment and death threats I get sent my way. Because I know that they're being sent by a bunch of sad assholes who love to tear people down because deep down, they're secretly miserable jerkasses who have nothing better to do with their lives other than make people feel bad (either about themselves, their work, or both) in order to make them feel better about themselves).

Works I wanna share include:

My OCs (both fandom and non-fandom related, as mentioned before)

OC What If (a series where I talk about what I think it would be like if my fandom OCs were canon characters in the media & franchises I like: shows, movies, video games, etc.)

OC Opinion (a series where I give my opinion on other people's OCs, while also giving them kind and constructive criticism; if needed, that is)

I know the stuff I mentioned were all OC-related, but tbh, I couldn't think of anything else (and even if I had that thing in my head I wanted to write for this post, I couldn't write it down for some reason). So that's why they're all OC-related. I know it might not be the best answer, but hey, whatcha gonna do bout' it?

With all that said, I hope to post here more often, or every now and then. If I don't, then I'll either like posts and/or reblog stuff. And if I don't either post something or like & reblog stuff, then that means I'm either, busy, lazy, doing something else (like drawing and/or writing) or using Twitter.

Update #1: My First Tumblr Update

Anyways, thank you for reading this and checking in. I really appreciate it. I can't wait to show you guys what I have in store for my Tumblr. Hope you have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. :) ^^

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 1: The Genre Moods

To celebrate the first day of December (and do an OC Month event for this month I call OC-cember, where I make a post of my OCs everyday (fandom and non-fandom related) and tell you guys about them, as well as share stories about them, including showcasing my OC What If and OC Opinion series), I've decided to share a group of OCs, known as The Genre Moods.

The Genre Moods are an OC group akin to the emotions from Pixar's Inside Out (Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear), except instead of emotions, they're based on the genres I have in my head: Horror, Action, Romance, Childhood, Writing, and Emotions, and they all have actual names instead of being named after the genres themselves.

The group consists of:

Mason - The genre mood of Horror. A calm, but secretly psychotic guy who enjoys the genre of horror (including horror movies, especially slasher films) and is a skilled fighter and murder, including lots of blood and gore (yep, he's a gorehound). (Note: I only like murder in fiction, not in real life; I say this to avoid any assumptions of me secretly being a psychopath)

Andrew - The genre mood of Action. A headstrong guy who likes training and is also a skilled fighter. If you were to challenge him to a fight, I warn you to be careful of challenging him to a fight, as he is quite the tough opponent you will face.

Ruby - The genre mood of Romance. She loves romance and shipping, including matchmaking and reading & writing love stories. She also love family and friendship/platonic love too. She also loves to spread love to others, especially those that need it.

Max - The genre mood of Childhood. A kid who is pretty friendly, loves to play, and help those around him. Even though he is a kid (figuratively and literally), he does know when to take things seriously and portray a sense of maturity (not like adult levels of maturity, but more for a kid's age).

Cheerilee - The genre mood of Writing. She's a writer and an author. She loves to read and write and has the ability to use her magic to showcase the story through visuals, regardless of if these stories have visuals or not.

Asher - The genre of mood of Emotions. A creature with a shield as a shell of his, having the ability to separate from it. Despite being known as a happy and fun guy on the outside, he secretly suffers from depression and emotional baggage that he secretly carries, and most of the time keeps it a secret from those around him (including his friends). Despite all that, he does try his very best to maintain a positive attitude and help those with emotional problems at hand as much as he can. He also has the ability to have elemental weather powers based on what he's feeling (like Pepa Madrigal from Encanto), like having sunshine and rainbows when he's happy, rain when he's sad, and fire when he's mad.

And that's about it. I hope you guys enjoyed meeting The Genre Moods. I can't wait to share more stuff with this group in the future. Can't wait to share and showcase my OCs throughout the month. What do you guys think of The Genre Moods? Do you like them? Do you dislike them? Do you find them neutral? Let me know by commenting or rebloging this post. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night.

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 2: The Demonic Blazers and The Blaze Family (Power Rangers OCs)

The Blaze Family are my OCs for the Power Rangers franchise, specifically for the series, though they do show up in the movies (especially in the 2017 reboot movie as different interpitations of L.G. and her friends) and I do plan on having them show up in the comics here and there (once I've read them, that is). They are PR-excusive villains, with the main ones that appear throughout the series are the Blaze group: Luna Gwen (L.G.), Lucy, Frederick (who is called Freddy by his friends), and Eleanora Sayara (E.S.), with L.G.'s older twin siblings Lucifer Rori (L.R.) and Solaris occasionally appearing here and there, and her parents (who at this point in time and as of this post don't have names) who rarely appear due to how busy they are, but they do have their appearances from time to time (whether they be calls or physical appearances in person).

They are essentially the Team Rocket of Power Rangers, with L.G. and her friends essentially being the Team Rocket Trio of PR (Jessie, James, and Meowth; technically L.G. and her friends are a group rather than a trio since there are four of them and not three of them, but I think you get the point of what I'm talking about).

Similarities between The Demonic Blazers and the Team Rocket Trio:

They appear in every season

They are a constant pain in the ass for the heroes outside of other antagonistic forces (Ash and his friends in Team Rocket's case and the Power Rangers in The Blazers case)

They play into the "we're bad guys, but we're not "bad guys" trope, as in while they do work for the bad guys of each season and have no problem helping them with their evil plans and goals (except if they've been betrayed, at which they would have no problem aiding the Rangers in taking them down), they do possess some redeeming qualities (aside from the aforementioned teaming up with the Rangers from time to time), such as loyalty, friendship, empathy, sympathy, and compassion.

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 3: Marcy Nightingale (Pokémon OC)

Marcy Nightingale is a Pokémon Trainer who comes from Aspertia City in the Unova Region. She loves Pokémon battles, catching Pokémon, and using move combinations. Her dream is to become one of the strongest trainers in the world and someday become the champion of Unova.

Her personality is like JN Iris and Nemona from Scarlet & Violet (minus the stalking aspect), but she's also head strong, a bit short tempered, sassy, but also has some insecurities about her skills.

Her main partner is Snivy and has a wide variety of Pokémon at Professor Juniper's lab.

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 4: My OC Series'

Hey guys. Just wanted to give a quick update on what I plan on uploading for Days 5 & 6 of OC-cember.

On Day 5, I plan on taking about OC What If, a series where I talk about what I think it would be like if my OCs were canon characters in the media I like (whether it be a show or a movie).

And on Day 6, I plan on talking about OC Opinion, where I give my opinion on other people’s OCs, provided that the creator of the OC itself gives me their full permission to talk about them, that is.

Anyways, hope you guys are looking forward to it. Thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night. 🙂😁🤗💕❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖💕🤗 🐺🎨💖

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 5: OC What If (OC Series)

OC What If is a series where I talk about what I think it would be like if my OCs were canon characters in the media I like (whether it be a show or a movie). This is an idea I've had for a long time (since my original Digimon Fusion OCs and Power Rangers OCs) and one I would love to share with the world.

Think of Marvel's What If...?, but's stories with OCs instead of already existing characters. Not to mention I've had this idea in my head before the series came out, like since I was in middle school and Marvel's What If...? didn't release until 2021. I plan on making this a series on my future YouTube channel (I say 'future' because I don't have one yet at the time of this post) and trust me when I say, I've got plenty of ideas for OCs I'd love to do an OC What If on, including some examples like:

My Power Rangers OCs

My Pokémon OCs

My Legend of Vox Machina OC

My Legendary Voltron OC

My Ben 10 OCs

And many more. As for what each episode will be like, here's some bulllet points that give you a good idea:

Intro -> Showcasing the media and OC featured in the episode -> giving spoiler warnings (since I'm imagining myself as a writer in the media itself my OC is from and I'm writing my OC(s) role...)

In addition, I also have a couple OC What If spinoffs...

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2 years ago

OC-cember Day 6: OC Opinion (series)

OC Opinion is a series I came up with a couple days ago. Basically, what I do in this series is talk about an OC from another artist and give my personal opinions on it. If I am able to get the artists opinion on the OC or OCs themselves, that is.

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2 years ago

My Ranking of the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Villains from Worst to Best

A ranking of the villains of Power Rangers Lightspeed Recue from Worst to Best. At least in my opinion.


Prince Olympius



Queen Bansheera




What do you think of my ranking? Do you like it? Do you dislike it? How would you rank the villains of Lightspeed Rescue and why do you rank them that way? What is your opinion on the villains of Lightspeed Rescue? Let me know in the comments or by reblogging this post. I'd l love to hear/read your own rankings. Thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night.

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2 years ago
Olympius: There Will Be No Limit To My Rage!

Olympius: There will be no limit to my rage!

Olympius: There Will Be No Limit To My Rage!

Advian (Me), opening the door and peeking through: You okay, Olympius?

Olympius: There Will Be No Limit To My Rage!

Olympius: *blushing*…There will be one limit to my rage.

F/O: There will be no limit to my rage!

S/I, opening the door and peeking through: You okay, F/O?

F/O: ...

F/O: There will be one limit to my rage.

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2 years ago

Happy Valentines Day!!!


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