Aegon's Conquest - Tumblr Posts

TARGARYEN WEEK | day vi (one relationship) - Visenya & Maegor
The death of the Dowager Queen Visenya in 44 AC was a notable event although Maegor seemed to take it in his stride. She had been his greatest ally and supporter from birth, seeking his advancement over his elder brother Aenys, and doing what she could to secure his legacy.

FAVORITE TARGARYENS + AEGON TARGARYEN “Aegon I Targaryen was a warrior of renown, the greatest Conqueror in the history of Westeros, yet many believe his most significant accomplishments came during times of peace. The Iron Throne was forged with fire and steel and terror, it is said, but once the throne had cooled, it became the seat of justice for all Westeros.” → Charlie Hunnam as Aegon Targaryen.

Visenya and Ronnel Arryn, and Visenya, Sharra and Ronnel, for Targaryen Thursdays!

Visenya Targaryen
Not my typical style, but I was trying something new...

Just a sketch of these three again
Rhaenys, Visenya, and Aegon Targaryen