After That One Performance When He Was Walking Down The Stairs Of The Stage He Just Previously Danced On - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I like (not really) how from what I saw, nobody is boycotting the new tour…. Like…… really? I mean I get wanting to see them and every ring but, even I couldn’t just watch them preform when they literally look so fucking exhausted. It hurts seeing them so tired, and then there’s people who really don’t seem to care enough and just (enable? Is that the right word) give money to a Zionist. Because let’s be real, Scooter Braun is a Zionist and all of your money is going right into his pockets. (Along with literally belift and hybe..)

Is it just me that feels that way? Cause I really can’t stand it… seeing their company just wear them out like that, have back to back tours, no fucking breaks, constant promotions, have one member (Jay specifically) have an injured knee for a few months and continuously make him preform, suddenly care about said member when it causes you backlash and possibly no more money so that you HAVE to speak up, not because you care about him nor the group, only for money. Have another member faint (Ni-ki), and feel so exhausted to the point where he has to hunch over to catch his breath due to exhaustion (also Ni-ki in that one criminal love performance), have another repetitively wince due to soreness and still let him preform (Jake in again that one criminal love performance), also have said member barely keep his eyes open either in a promotion shoot (Jake again), also have another member get mistreated by a staff/maybe bodyguard (Sunoo) repeatedly and still not do a fucking thing about it. OOP ALMOST FORGOT— have Heeseung very clearly sounding sick while preforming as well, and still not letting this boys rest because their suffering gets you more money.

Call me overdramatic all you want, say “oh it’s their job” all you want. But they’re fucking humans, not robots. They get overworked constantly, along with MANY other groups (but Enhypen is the one I’m talking about because they are the topic of my discussion). And still we have “fans” just continuously either but albums, tickets, etc. when all it does is enable BELIFT/Hybe to overwork them. All they care about is money (hybe not enhypen), all they care about is streams and plays, they don’t care about Enhypen’s well being. As long as they profit off of their suffering everything is ‘all fine and dandy’ when it’s really fucking not. The same goes to fans who are literally going to their new walk the line tour. All they care about is entertainment and watching their favs preform, not their actual well being.

For me, I care about them as people. I love the boys, with my whole entire heart. Don’t mistake me for an anti or anything, because I’m not. But is it really hard to NOT buy any albums? To not buy any tickets? For me it’s not, all I want is for them and possibly other groups to fucking rest for one without getting milked for money. Them (Enhypen) along with many other groups (like txt, etc) are being mistreated either by the staff or whoever is in charge, possibly getting sexualized in some way because it’s fucking hybe let’s be real, or getting severely overworked and have unhealthy dieting issues because image and looks matter so much rather than their actual health.

All I want is for the boys to take a long ass break, not have another fucking comeback after the one they just fucking had that the company had so much problem promoting to begin with.

I Like (not Really) How From What I Saw, Nobody Is Boycotting The New Tour. Like Really? I Mean I Get
I Like (not Really) How From What I Saw, Nobody Is Boycotting The New Tour. Like Really? I Mean I Get
I Like (not Really) How From What I Saw, Nobody Is Boycotting The New Tour. Like Really? I Mean I Get
I Like (not Really) How From What I Saw, Nobody Is Boycotting The New Tour. Like Really? I Mean I Get

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