Age Ofultron Imagine - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

DCWI - Dating Thor and being Tony’s sister

Requested by Anon: Dating Thor but being Tony's sister?xoxoxox

Him declaring you were beautiful as soon as he sees you

Not realising you’re Tony’s sister

“The Man of Iron is your brethren?”

Teaching him how be more ‘Midgardian’

Him having you on speed dial

Tony finding out from the rest of the team

Him confronting Thor about it

“I love her more than anyone else does”

“Fight me, Goldilocks”

“What are you two talking about?”


Forcing Thor and Tony to have a bonding evening

Tony needing reassurance that he’s still your favourite male

Braiding Thor’s hair

Him pulling you out of conversations to kiss you

Being completely enveloped when he hugs you

Spinning you around in a hug when he gets back from Asgard

Being able to lift Mjolnir

Him running around the tower shouting “SHE IS WORTHY”

Tony being SO SALTY when he finds out

Being his reason for staying on Earth

So many cuddles

Like seriously

At every opportunity

Cuddles 24/7

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