Agents Of Shield Imagine - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago


Hey guys!

So I was thinking about starting doing ‘dating ___ would include…’ because I think it would help me ease myself back into writing and I can do them quickly, so hopefully they can be done on the same day or by the next day if people request them. So please send in requests with the name of the character and if you want a more specific one, go ahead and request it! All the fandoms I do requests for are in my bio so check there if you’re not sure or drop me a message to ask.


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8 years ago

DCWI - Leo Fitz

Requested by Anon: Dating Leo Fitz would include PLEASE!

First meeting him on the Bus after you join Coulson’s team

He’s a complete mess the first time he sees you

Like he can’t get a coherent sentence out to you

You finding it adorable and giggling quietly

He just stops trying and smiles like an idiot when he hears you laugh

But listen up, your first kiss is literally the Scott and Kira first kiss

Like he does it absentmindedly and doesn't realise until like an hour later (he freaks out when he realises what he's done)

Really bonding over his inventions

He explains them to you as you nod and smile

You're always the one to test the new weapons on missions

Helping him in the lab when Simmons is busy

Buying him a toy monkey for his birthday

Marathon of films and TV shows at night

Finishing each other's sentences

Not even needing to speak to each other in full sentences (which is really weird for other people to see because they only get half the conversation)

Being best friends with Simmons and Skye

He asks them for help to get you the perfect present

He's worried you won't like it right up until you get it

You always absolutely love it

He's always proud when he makes you smile or laugh

Baking snacks for everyone

Visiting him in the lab

Late night talking

Board and card games

Him getting nervous whenever you go on a mission

Reassuring him that he's good enough and you're not going to leave him

Having neighbouring bunks

But you usually end up sharing one

Absolute goals

The rest of the team love you guys together

Seeing you two happy puts them in a good mood

Long hugs

Kissing his cheek

Him playing with your fingers

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8 years ago

Subject 28

Request by madithemagicalfangirl : I wondering if I could get a aos imagine where the team rescue the reader who is a teen off a hydra base where they were training her to be a weapon and didn’t even give them a proper name just like subject 28 or something. The reader has telekinesis (kinda like eleven from stranger things) and they find a family in the team they never had and they teach her about the world and everything since she never got to with hydra and it’s all fluffy and cute in the ending? Thanks!

Of course you can! Sorry for the delay!


The whole room was painted red as alarms flashed, and all you could hear was a conglomeration of sirens, gunshots and shouting. In an instant you were up against the metal bars of your cell, unable to escape but still wanting to know what was happening. You had gathered from fragments of passing conversations that someone had broken into the base but that was all you knew.

“GET BACK!” a voice shouted and you turned towards the source of the noise just as a flashing device was attached to the door of your cell. Your eyes widened as you realised what was happening and you pushed yourself off the bars as hard as you could, sending your body to the floor at the back of the small room.

You heard a bang before your vision was filled with smoke, then suddenly a pair of hands emerged from the smoke and grabbed onto your arms which you had raised above your head. The sudden contact caught you off guard, allowing your instincts and training to kick in as you ripped your arms out of the mysterious person’s hands and placed a kick where you thought their torso was, causing them to fall to the floor and giving you an opportunity to bolt out of the room.

You ran around the compound which was both familiar and unfamiliar, as you had spent most of your life there but had rarely been outside your cell, only for medical tests and training. You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew you had to run. As you rounded a corner, you heard something like a gunshot but somehow gentler and before you could register that it was you who had been shot, you were falling to the ground, your vision going black.


You forced your eyes open and blinked rapidly, adjusting to the light which illuminated the small room you were in.

‘Oh great’, you thought, ‘I escape from one cell just to be thrown into another.’

You sat up and glanced around the room. It was mostly empty, just the bed which you were lying on, but outside the cell was a chair and some stairs leading to what you presumed was the only way out.

You had started walking around the cell, getting a feel for the space and checking for any possible escape routes when you heard a door open at the top of the stairs, followed by the sound of footsteps. You sat back down on the bed and watched as three people approached the cell. The first was a male with a stern yet kind face and a lack of hair on the top of his head, dressed in a suit. Next was a female with dark hair, more serious than the first, not showing any emotions on her face and dressed all in black. Lastly was a girl in her early twenties with long brown hair and obviously more relaxed than the other two, dressed in casual clothes and holding a tablet of some sort.

“Hello,” the man said, affirming your guess that he was the one in charge, “how are you feeling?” You didn’t answer and kept staring at the wall directly ahead of you.

“Are you hurt?” He tried, eliciting only a brief shake of the head from you which almost went unnoticed.

“Good, I’m glad. Now, what’s your name?”

“Subject 28.” You replied instantaneously, being used to being asked this on a regular basis.

“I mean, what’s your real name? The one you had before you were taken.” He asked, only gaining a blank stare in reply.

“You do have a name, right? Everyone has a name.” The younger girl said, a look of mild confusion appearing on her face.

“My name is Subject 28.” You repeated.

“Okay, how about this.” The man started, trying to bring an end to the cycle, “What would you like us to call you?” This shocked you as you couldn’t remember the last time in your life when anyone asked you what you wanted. You thought for a moment, remembering your time at the Hydra base. You couldn’t recall ever seeing another name for you on any documentation, but one memory did spring to mind. You remembered a scientist, the only one who ever treated you as something more than an asset. You remembered asking what her name was and thought of her response.

“Y/N,” she had said, smiling kindly at you, “My name is Y/N.”

“Y/N.” You said after a moment. The man smiled gently at your reply.

“Alright then Y/N. We just have a few questions for you. First, do you know where you are?” You shook your head, unable to remember how you ended up in the room. “Next question, do you know where you were before?”

“In a Hydra base.” You replied, remembering the symbol printed all over the walls and the constant repetition of the phrase ‘Hail Hydra’.

“Good. Last one, do you know why you were being kept there?” You felt all eyes on you as they waited for your answer.

“They wanted to use my ability against their enemies.” You said, eliciting a shocked sound from the girl.

“What? But she’s not a weapon, she’s a kid!” She cried.

“You think Hydra cares about age?” The other woman responded.

“Sorry, one more question.” The man interjected. “What exactly is your ‘ability’ that Hydra wanted to harness?”

“I can move things by thinking about it.” You said simply.

“You’re telekinetic? No way! That’s so cool!” The girl squealed, earning a look from the other two.

“Would you mind showing us?” The man asked kindly, his tone being one you weren’t used to. You glanced at the group for a moment before nodding, deciding you had nothing to lose, they couldn’t be worse than Hydra was. You stared at the tablet in the girl’s hand and imagined it moving up towards the ceiling. You heard the girl give out a startled yelp as the tablet started floating up until you stopped, allowing it to fall back down.

“Well, Y/N. I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Phil Coulson, this is Melinda May and Skye. We work for SHIELD, you’re currently on one of our jets. Now it seems to me that you’re not used to being in the outside world, right? What do you say to us letting you out and showing you around a bit, help you to familiarise yourself with your new home?” You were shocked, you barely knew these people and they were offering you a home, something you hadn’t had in a very long time. You looked at them, wary of their unexpected kindness but you couldn’t see any hidden emotions in them, they seemed sincere in their offer.

Slowly you nodded. “I’d like that.”

“In that case, welcome to the team Y/N.” Coulson said. Skye pressed a button on her tablet and whatever was keeping you trapped before disappeared, allowing you to take your first steps out of the cell and into your new life.


So I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided that if enough people want it, I’ll write a second part to this where the reader meets the rest of the team and bonds with them as they teach her about life. If you guys want to see that, let me know.

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