Aichi - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings


Decided to go, but not where.

September 2018

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1 year ago
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings


Drawing with clouds in the sky.

September ‎2018

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7 months ago
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings




July 2024

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7 months ago
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings
wanderingflier - owl's wanderings



July 2024

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5 years ago

Blaster Blade/Aichi Sendou Fanfic

Blaster Blade/Aichi Sendou Fanfic

Aichi Belated Birthday Fanfic

Today was a special day for Aichi Sendou, Vanguard of Cray. A party was being held for his birthday tonight in the castle's ballroom.

Aichi was standing next to his little sister, Emi, while fidgeting in front of the door. The soft music was leaking through the cracks and evanescent somewhere deeper into the hall.

Emi gave her brother's sleeve a little tug, “Are you ready, Aichi?”

Giving her a small smile he nodded and they walked through the door together.


Inside the ballroom the music could be hard more clearly along with the mummers of the people down below. An array of undulating gaudy masses on the dance floor stood out against the stark crystal walls.

Alfred looked to his left when the door opened and smiled at the Sendou siblings. He walked over to the edge of the stair top raising his hand to the band who ceased their strumming. Alfred nodded in thanks before calling out to the crowd, “People of the United Clans, our guest of honor and birthday knight: Aichi Sendou and Emi Sendou!”

Cheers of ‘My Vanguard!’ And ‘Happy Birthday’ erupted from the masses.

‘Here goes nothing,’ Aichi thinks before descending the stairs to greet everybody for attending the party and give them forced smiles. It's not that he was upset with this extravagant plot, it's just that he didn't enjoy the loud and crowded places.

It's well into the night before Aichi has any time to share with his close-mit group of friends. In fact, he's spent over the last two hours dancing with the people who offered and keeping polite conversation to the personal questions being asked his way.

Walking up to the table his friends occupied and sitting across from Kamui he went through the motions of greetings again before slumping down on the table.

Emi patted her brother's back and Misaki and Kai gave him a small smile. “That bad, huh?” Kamui wondered.

Aichi lifted his head towards him grunting out an answer as he was handed some food. He spent the next hour having a good time and got to rest until they had to leave to their respective clans.

They walked outside where the frigid air awaited them. Misaki took Aichi that she'd make sure Emi got home before the goodbyes came.

Soon after watching his friends disappear from view, Aichi felt a heavy hand rest on his shoulder. “You'll catch cold,” a soft voice told from behind him.

The arm fell away when he turned to look at his Avatar. “Ahmes.”

... raft draft incompleted as of right now

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4 years ago
Is No One Still Gonna Talk About Blaster Blade Winking? Blaster Blade Winking!

Is no one still gonna talk about Blaster Blade winking? Blaster Blade winking!

Also my manz here loves Aichi so much he’ll drag Kai’s ass up to get him with his power no matter what

I need more Blaster Blade x Aichi in life

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Sean Bienvenidos, Japonsistasarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Entrega Arqueolgica, En Esta Ocasin Os Voy A Hablar
Sean Bienvenidos, Japonsistasarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Entrega Arqueolgica, En Esta Ocasin Os Voy A Hablar
Sean Bienvenidos, Japonsistasarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Entrega Arqueolgica, En Esta Ocasin Os Voy A Hablar
Sean Bienvenidos, Japonsistasarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Entrega Arqueolgica, En Esta Ocasin Os Voy A Hablar
Sean Bienvenidos, Japonsistasarqueolgicos, A Una Nueva Entrega Arqueolgica, En Esta Ocasin Os Voy A Hablar

Sean bienvenidos, japonsistasarqueológicos, a una nueva entrega arqueológica, en esta ocasión os voy a hablar del túmulo Shofuku-ji una vez dicho esto, pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - ¿Dónde se localiza el túmulo Shofuku-ji? Se localiza en la ciudad de Kawanishi, en la prefectura de Hyōgo, localizado a su vez en la región de Kansai. La cámara funeraria se descubrió en la era Meiji. En 1934, el Dr. Sueharu Umehara de la Universidad de Kyoto realizó un estudio de campo y en la década de 1970, se realizó un estudio llevado a cabo por la Junta de Educación de la ciudad de Kawanishi que descubrió un ataúd de madera en la que se enterraron: puntas de flecha de hierro, espadas de hierro. - Data del siglo V y el siglo V y corresponde al periodo Kofun, con una longitud total de 40 m y fue construido a principios del siglo VI. Se descubrió un haniwa, que fue desenterrado durante la excavación, y se hizo de una manera muy similar al haniwa en la región de Owari que corresponde a la actual prefectura occidental de Aichi. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, que pasen una buena semana. 日本の考古学者の皆さん、ようこそ!今回は、正福寺古墳についてお話します!では、早速始めましょう。 - 正福寺塚はどこにあるのですか?関西地方に位置する兵庫県川西市にあります。古墳が発見されたのは、明治時代です。1934年に京都大学の梅原末治博士が現地調査を行い、1970年代には川西市教育委員会の調査で木棺が発見され、その中に鉄鏃、鉄剣、鉄刀が埋められていました。 - 5~5世紀の古墳時代に相当し、全長40m、6世紀初頭に造られたものである。発掘調査で出土した埴輪は、現在の愛知県西部の尾張地方にある埴輪と酷似した作りのものが発見されています。

Welcome, Japanese archaeologists, to a new archaeological instalment, this time I am going to talk to you about the Shofuku-ji tumulus, having said that, make yourselves comfortable and let's get started. - Where is the Shofuku-ji mound located? It is located in the city of Kawanishi, Hyōgo Prefecture, located in the Kansai region. The burial chamber was discovered in the Meiji era. In 1934, Dr. Sueharu Umehara of Kyoto University conducted a field survey and in the 1970s, a survey conducted by the Kawanishi City Board of Education uncovered a wooden coffin in which were buried: iron arrowheads, iron swords, and iron swords. - It dates from the 5th-5th century and corresponds to the Kofun period, with a total length of 40 m and was built in the early 6th century. A haniwa, which was unearthed during excavation, was discovered and made in a very similar manner to the haniwa in the Owari region of what is now western Aichi Prefecture. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a nice week.

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10 years ago
Happy New Year 2015, People :D I Hope You Had A Great Celebration!

Happy new year 2015, people :D I hope you had a great celebration!

Kalani's girls aka. her best friends. They all were pridesisters before their pride suffered an epidemy and was destroyed. These three lionesses still hang out together, while Kalani lives with her family in the Western Lands.

The light colored lionesses are Aichi (golden with reddish eyes) and Taba (sandstone with dark ear rims). Their families have lived in the pride for generations, just like Kalani's family (thus the similar color scheme of their fur and eyes). The brown one with pale blue eyes is Iatthara, whose mother comes from a far away land and is obviously not related with any of these families.

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