The Triplets - Tumblr Posts
Oh my god 👁️👄👁️👁️👄👁️
I can't stop laughing at this shenanigans. Thanks boo for the video
@naciela something I made because I was bored lol
I'll make another part of it soon 🤣🤣🤣
The day was mostly quiet, everyone keeping to themselves as the hours went by. Minhyuk sat on the couch with his head in his laptop. He thought that the passing day was odd but was silently enjoying the fact nothing weird happened today. Which was odd in itself because Samuel sat a few seats away from him absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. The siblings never really had a quiet, calm moment. But right now was bliss. Kyungah in her room, Melanie outside with her father practicing something that didnt involve setting something else on fire, and the brothers enjoying themselves in the same room.
Sam flicked pass a couple of news stories talking about a seemingly unrelated series of murders in the past night. The halfling snorted at the report, making his little brother lift his head curiously. Samuel noticed and gestured his screen toward him. Minhyuk raised an eyebrow "Was that you? Do you not like how they're painting you?" Samuel rolled his eyes
"No it wasn't fucking me. I was with Mei last night; she was panicking again. I dont know who thinks they can just come up on my scene like that, though."
"Oh that was me."
A new voice from behind them startled the brothers. Minhyuk's laptop falling off his lap and hitting the floor as Samuel flashed onto his feet, turning and summoning a sword into his hand before the computer touched the ground. Samuel stared down at the person at the end on his blade; a girl with a huge grin on her face. She was hunched over like she had been reading over his shoulder. As she straightened herself up, she stuck her hands into the oversized hoodie on her shoulders. "Well hello to you to. Is that any way to greet your little sister, Sammy?"
Samuel narrowed his purple eyes at her "You aren't my little sister." The grip on his sword tightened as two men walked up behind the strange girl. The older looking one reached over and gently pushed Sam's blade away from her.
"You'll have to forgive Gwen," He said as he shifted the weapons target "She isnt great with introduction"
This "Gwen" giggled at the mans words. The other one, looking rather happy for the current situation shook his head "Always causing trouble. Anyway. Where's ma?"
Minhyuk looked between the three new strangers and blinked. "Ma? Who the hell are you and why are you in our house??"
The older one looked down at him and extended a hand in greeting "I'm Alastar. This troublemaker is Gwen and the other idiot is Cedric. We're your siblings."
"Yup! Actually if I know where we are in time, I think mom hasn't told you yet. Right?" Gwen grins widely. The smile was teetering between happy and sinister. Minhyuk officially found her the scariest. Just as Sam was going to ask what the hell they were talking about, AJ poked her head into the living room.
"Boy's I need to tell you- oh well that was fast. Usually you kids give me a few days before showing up. You must be the triplets-"
Cedric, the happy looking one, immediately ran towards her, almost tackling her in a hug. He was about a foot taller than her but that didnt stop him. AJ chuckled and hugged him back, gently rubbing his back. "I see I was right, huh?"
The other two decided to walk after their brother. Gwen looking back at Samuel who was still glaring at her. "Nice sword by the way. I remember stealing it from you too." Samuel huffed at her words, letting the sword vanish from his hands. He and Minhyuk looked at each other as the triplets shared hugs and hellos with their mom. Cedric wiping away a few tears.
AJ kisses his cheek before looking around at her new children. "How about we go meet your father, yeah?"
First desings of my ducks boys and also some random sketches

Future Spoiler?? Maybe~ ●w●
Deweys breaking point
(Now I noticed I made a mistake I wrote tought instead of thought I see my dyslexia is everywhere TnT)

I'm probably gonna do it digitally one day, but now that the school is about to start, I'm gonna be pretty busy, so I will post rarely than I did in the summer but I still will try to get you new content at least twice a week so don't worry I won't forget to feed you all ;3
This is based off something that happened to my friend irl
A random prodigy walking by: 🚶
The triplets: wHo DId yoU voTe foR THiS yEAr?!?