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8 months ago

All of you song analysis

I said I was doing this, right?

First. I often heard people saying that Mirabel encouraging everyone to start rebuilding is a symbol of her having leader skills. Which I think isn't accurate. One of the things people ignore is context. Mirabel talked with her sisters and Abuela. It gave her more understanding of their struggles. Of why they all were victims in different way. That it was way more complex than just "Abuela is bad, we are suffering" To say Mirabel did encourage them, you have to ask a question. Wouldn't anybody else do the same in Mirabel's place? I think they would. In a different way sure, but person who had context would still be more open in trying to help. You need to asknowledge how the amount of information and points of viem gave Mirabel wider amount of the family situation.

Then comes another fact. Mirabel didn't start rebuilding either. Her entire talk was about her family specifically. Saying that everything will be fine and they will get through it. Mirabel's first verse is about the family solely, it doesn't touch anything related to rebuilding. She says look at this home, not at the house. And while they can be used as synonyms, Mirabel is clearly referring to her family. And how the toxic foundation of perfectionism and expectations was discovered and ruined. Not only that, but Mirabel actually STOPS Luisa from working. Not in a sense of "You shouldn't work" but in "You don't have to do this". Showing that they don't have to relate on family roles. As Luisa moving things was definitely caused by her gift and role that came with it. "You more than just your gift" is referring to everyone. But it was said to Luisa specifically, as a way to say that she doesn't have to be the strong one anymore.

There is no chance a teenager would be in charge of rebuilding. We're talking about a giant house. You need at least some form of qualification/a lot of knowledge that Mirabel clearly doesn't have. We know in fact that there's at least two Madrigals who has an expirience in building. Alma who helps with building a house in the beginning and observes how it's being made. And Luisa, while not mentioning anything before AOY in the movie, is being asked to repave the plaza in TOTS book. Which caused "AGAIN?" reaction, while it's not a house building, it's as close as we can get. And it is very likely she had at least some experience with building things too. Taking her gift Luisa had a good chance to build things earlier. And it's not even mentioning how she was the one to move debris first. Oh, and then we have Bruno who was patching the cracks.

Okay, I'm over with my "Mirabel didn't start rebuilding" agenda. Probably.

The songs starts with Mira assuring her family that everything is fine and they'll get thought it, no matter how bad it looks. "It may seem hopeless, but we'll get it by just fine." Not being loud and pushy, but way sublte and understanding. She doesn't say everything is fine right now, but that they'll get better together. She also asknowledge how her family isn't set in stone. Saying that constellation shifts she days that her family is changing too. In reaction to what happens around them.

Abuela also doesn't mention rebuilding. Instead, she prioritizes what she should had all along. Her family. "I'm sorry I hold on too tight" can mean many things. From Alma being controlling towards her family. But it also can hugely relate to how Alma held onto the miracle, magic and roles that came with it. Forcing her family to fall into a dysfunction. Confirming her fear of losing anyone ever again how she did with Pedro to the rest of her family. She is also the first to say that her family is special to nobody in particular unlike Mirabel. Confirming that they are miracle and not some magic. And also introducing Bruno(who was previously roasted for his gift) to the rest of the family.

Also an interesting fact that Bruno had probably heard his song. As his first action is to apologize to Pepa for something that happened years prior his departure. For one specific incident that was mentioned just recently. Which makes me wonder if he would've apologize to Isabela and Dolores too if he wasn't interrupted. Also showing that Bruno can take the blame and apologize when he had upset someone. And, he's also shown to work with the townspeople that blamed him during WDTAB. Which means he's either cleared things up with them like with Pepa or they weren't that pissed off all along. (Probably both)

The townspeople are being the ones who had actually start rebuilding. While not saying anything about it, the tools and their amount makes it clear. Firstly, it shows how grateful they are for all the service that was done to them in years ("We'll do anything for you!") And also being the second mention of actually working on Casita after Luisa. And also showing the family that they aren't alone in their trouble. Which is a good continue of Mirabel assuring that they'll get through it and Alma saying that they are all important even without their gifts.

The moment between three sisters shows that Isabela is the most talkative and outgoing out of three now that she doesn't hide who she really is. Being the first to start their united chorus and talk the most during it. "It's a dream when we work as a team" is a good showing that neither of them weren't close before. Being close was something they all could only dream of prior the thing. "Yeah, but sometimes I cry." can tell us that Luisa wasn't open with her emotions prior the movie and didn't collapse in tears before. As there would be no need to say that otherwise. "I might be not as strong but I'm getting wiser" tells how the family is growing up, realizing why the thing were bad before and how they need to change themselves and everyone. Isabela, again, reminds that she (and therefore the rest of the family) can do amazing things even without a gift. What interesting is that Mirabel doesn't have her personal lyrics but only sings with Isabela and the three older girls during the chorus. Showing how she's a huge listener and a support for them.

The verse with Julieta and Mirabel is very interesting. First, it shows how similar they are. Julieta was the one to heal physical injuries and Mirabel's actions were a start for the family's mental healing. "Starts don't shine, they burn" is being repeated. Which possibly tells us Julieta had learn about everyone's problems too. (Remember how I said about context that only Mirabel had?) And now knows how everyone was struggling too. "The constellation glows" says that the family is still wonderful, gifts or no gifts. Which took them some time to figure out, ("The season change in turn")

Doloriano verse shows how talkative and social Dolores can actually be if she's comfortable. Just look at her! The girl is so excited she can't shut for a second. But also patient and not as swift as Isabela (Who had embraced her new powers in WECID very fast). And we also see that Isabela and Dolores have a good relationship again! As Isabela is the one supporting Dolores with Mirabel. "Yes!" couldn't be happiness from getting out of marriage, as it would logically be broken by that time already. Isabela is genially happy for Dolores finally getting her boyfriend. Another interesting moment is how fast Mariano jumps onto Dolores. Almost instantly suggesting marriage. Which may hindsight that he loved Dolores' all along at least to some extent. (And, convindering how he always goes to help her in the books first, It can actually be the case)

We're getting to the emotional end!

"Home, sweet home. I like the new foundation." is a reprise of the first line of the song. Again, it seem like she's talking about Casita. (And it's actually very likely this time). But it also tells how the new family, who has grown up so much and healed is a far better foundation to a healthy dynamic. While still being imperfect. Which is okay. The Madrigals accept their flaws and how impossible the perfection is in reality.

The doorknob moment is vey important for one reason. Touching it is what gave them Magic. What made them "A Madrigal." And even if they don't have gifts now, it made Mirabel finally asknowledge herself as a part of the family. As one of the mighty Madrigals. It was the way the family told her. "You're one of us too. You're special the way we are."

And oh gosh, the lyrics! "We see how bright you burn." Is another the warm family referring to how starts burn according to Mirabel's own words. Again, also telling her how important she is, how she is special just like the rest of the family. Which, if you think of it, is very powerful. As they refer to the way Mira encouraged them. "We see how brave you've been!" says how much Mirabel had done to her family and how they appreciate it. Which is sung by both of her sisters, who were previously supported by her. "Now see yourself in turn" is a direct continuation. With family returning the favour and showing support that Mirabel needed so much. She showed them how important they are even without their gifts. Now they are showing how important she is. Gift or no gift. Telling her how she's the part of the family all along.

"Abre tus ojos." hits so hard. It was the first line in the movie. When Alma was shown to be very sweet with a toddler Mirabel prior her ceremony. And now returning back to this. Showing how better they are now, and how Alma appreciates Mirabel. Even without a gift.

And, oh, God! "I see me. All of me." Should I even tell anything. First, Mirabel finally asknowledge who she is. That she is loved, that she is special just like the rest of her family. This time for real. The whole song had repeatedly told us that everyone is special. (All of you). But the last words of it is MIRABEL saying "All of me." finally looking inside herself. It's not about the whole wide family anymore. It's about the only person who might've needed to hear it the most for years. Mirabel supported them all during the way, and now they are supporting her. And Mirabel gets a chance to see herself, the same way everyone else did, thanks to her. I will never tell enough of how symbolic/sweet it it. She doesn't need a gift, she doesn't need a magic role to be special for who is she just like the rest of her family

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8 months ago

So, seeing my mutual posting middle names...

My headcanons!

Alma Teofila Madrigal

Julieta Lorena Madrigal

Pepa Lucera Madrigal

Bruno Tonio Madrigal

Isabela Belén (Rojas) Madrigal

Dolores Sofia (Murillo) Madrigal

Luisa Valeria (Rojas) Madrigal

Camilo Emilio (Murillo) Madrigal

Mirabel Braulina (Rojas) Madrigal

Antonio Matias (Murillo) Madrigal

I hope I haven't messed up anything. Latine mutuals, is it makes sense?😂

No ideas for Félix and Agustín yet (And I'll probably post them with their birth families)

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8 months ago

Encanto Headcanons book!

Born out of me and my mut gossiping about headcanons instead of sleep. But does anyone want a good shred of headcanons organized
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Headcanons about triplets childhood

Alma always struggled to allow triplets out of her sight. Even when they were adult. It was worse during their childhood. They probably didn't sleep alone at all until five. And even then, Alma checked on them several times her night/suggested triplets to stay in her room for a night more often than not until their teenage years.

Subsequently, Alma was very close to all of her kids.

Pepa is the most social and open. Julieta is quiet, but had a few friends.

Bruno was the original golden child. Being adored because his gift could predict attactk like that what happened in their old town. He started to lose reputation because his gift often showed unimportant and minor things.

Julieta was the first to start using her gift on a regular basis. Of course she didn't feed the entire town at five. Only her family or people that had to interact with Alma. And she didn't cook alone. Alma always made sure to watch over her and teach Julieta. Pepa and Bruno joined too sometimes.

Alma is very squeamish. Hence why Julieta healed people who contacted with her so Alna wouldn't pass out. The same way she has trouble with touching gross or smelly things.

Alma found it very hard to take care of baby triplets. Both because of trauma and being grossed out by dirty diapers and orher mess.

Because of this Alma often felt like she's a bad mother.

Pepa would run into the patio wherever in rained to play before her gift ceremony.

Nobody really cared about the candle until five years later.

Casita was the one to tell Alma that triplets should touch the Candle. As well as keeping kids away from their doors for the time being.

The white costumes at the ceremony started as a simple clothes for celebration that just happened to be done right for triplets' fifth birthday. It became tradition with the grandkids too.

Alma had never tell anyone, but she was dying from panic in the moment when Pepa got a cloud after touching a doorknob. She thought that it much be some sort of a magic curse or that they would pay for being saved. It's part of the reason why Alma became so focused on serving community in the end.

When the triplets had realized Pepa could make clouds and rainbows, Julieta and Bruno immediately started to guess what their gifts were according to the room. Julieta thought it's related to plants, because of the healing herbs on her door. Bruno thought he can time travel.

It took several days to discover Bruno's gift. And almost a month for Julieta. Which happened only because she helped Alma at tbe kitchen at some point.

Pepa and Agustín were best friends since they were kids. Mostly because of how often Pepa was looking for troubles. Agustín was the only one who could windstand it, because it was his normal amount.

Felíx wasn't very close with any of the triplets. He knew them and stuff because it's a small isolated community, but wasn't a childhood friend to them.

The triplets had considered Casita as their quadruplet. Probably often called it like this during their childhood. And still thought like this during their adulthood.

Everyone can interact with Casita.

Pepa and Julieta were both secretly jealous of Bruno at some point because of the boy privileges he had.

Pepa once got herself and Agustín sick when making snow as a birthday gift for her siblings.

Triplets were pretty much respected in the community even if they or their gifts caused problems. Thee were some kids that insulted Pepa for causing bad weather or claimed Bruno as weird, but they weren't totally hated by everyone. Adults, even those who disliked their gifts, had a huge love and respect just for the fact that Pedro's sacrifice saved them.

Julieta has the best lying skills. As she's very calm and collected person. Pepa and Bruno always get themselves out before even finishing. She definitely had to save her siblings countless amount of time.

Bruno had never learned how to swim. He's frequently being teased for it

Pepa was very picky with her food as a child. She keeps it as an adult but can control herself. The first storm had happened because Alma made her eat an orange. Pepa hates oranges.

Used to have a secret language between them

The triplets' started to actually work in the village around their middle to late teens.

Bruno would often say socially impropriate things and then be confused at people's reaction.

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8 months ago

List of extremely nonsense things from that Encanto negative review. Ranting because I'm genuinely mad.

Isabela and Luisa are the same characters in plot development. They should be made into one/one should've been cut off

Uhh... Should I comment anything on this?? The only thing that combines them is that they both are burdened. But it's not even the same! Isabela is burdened because of perfectionism which is caused by her being the firstborn of the family. Luisa is burdened with her gift and the need to be strong all the time

Abuela was right when she said the cracks started because of Mirabel

Did they watch the movie??? (They also said it about Bruno leaving and Isabela misbehaving, but I CAN at least let these slide.)

The whole family aside from cold sisters are completely okay and unbothered by the whole thing

Rip Bruno, who lived ten freaking years inside the walls because he was afraid to face his mother. Rip Pepa who was on the verge on mental breakdown half of the movie (and had mental breakdown the other half). Rip Dolores who was prepared to watch the love of her life marrying her cousin.

Luisa should've stand up to Abuela if she's protector of tye family

Should we tell them that Matriarch is way too respected figure in Latin families for this. ESPECIALLY taking the fact that movie takes place in (technically) 1900.

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8 months ago

What do we do when something goes wrong?

Alma: Perfectionism

Félix: Stay faithful and positive

Julieta: Impulsive cooking

Pepa: Break something

Bruno: Leave Colombia

Agustín: Make everything worse (on accident)

Isabela: Make everything worse (on purpose)

Dolores: Drop some gossip to change the course

Luisa: Merge with the floor

Camilo: Play theatre

Mirabel: 'It's my fault'

Antonío: Escape with a jaguar

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8 months ago

Hay que partir y construir su propio futuro

It wasn't getting better. She wasn't okay. She was broken and torn apart.

TW: Suicidal thoughts
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Alma gripped her down, half sitting in the bed. Her heart kept bouncing back-and-forth, cracking inside her chest. She felt bad. Awful. A viscous feeling crawled inside her bones. Sick and pained agony that knotted her organs. It was dark. The solid shutters were closed tightly, not allowing the dark light to push inside the room.

There was a bitter taste on her mouth. Cold fingers stuck into her heart, squeezing it. The juice was coming out, disgusting and broken. Just like everything. Lifeless finders held her lungs tightly, not allowing her to breathe.

People had said the pain would go away. Like the paint washed off in the clean water. But it didn't work. Alma only felt this water getting more and more dirty. But her soul still was bedraggled. Torn like an old dress that could only be used as a floor rag. She remembered Pedro standing in front of her. Just one second ago. And then it all disappeared. Torn, broken. Never to be repaired. If you try to stitch it together it would just be torn at the seam even worse than before. If she closed her eyes, she could still see that river. She could feel a rough shore underneath her. The grains of sand digging into her arms. Feel her own screams tearing her throat


It wasn't getting better. It was never getting better. Something inside of Alma, something essensual for her to live wasn't here. It would never be here. Stains grew under her skin. Like a bunch of worms that couldn't stop wriggling. Always here to remind of the pain that ripped her brain in half. Claws that smashed her scull, squeeze out her eyes.

She didn't save Pedro. She allowed him to die. Was she any better than these riders that broke peace in their hometown? No, no. She really wasn't any better. Maybe even worse. They didn't know what a wonderful person Pedro was. But Alma knew. And she didn't stand up for him. She should've been dead. She should... Alma was worst ib everything. She was torn. Broken like that candle that she wanted to smash against the ground. But it didn't help. Of course. It always was here, never even melting. It was so hard to even look at it. Let alone rememver the meaning. A wedding candle that tied Alma to a useless piece of a thread. It strangled the tip of her finger, threating to chop it off. Cut into the meat.

Alma dug her nails into her wrist, so hard that the small patches of bruises grew from the pressure. She couldn't do this. She couldn't do this. She was wrong, she was broken. Shattered. She didn't feel better. She couldn't let go. The pain would never let her breathe. Never let her be Alma again. It was here, always here. Pedro's dead voice would never leave her head. Nightmares would never let her go. These when she saw her dear Pedro being slashed. Where no matter how fast Alma ran, she could never get closer to him. She could stand one hand away from Pedro, and it would be the biggest distance in the world.

She should be dead. She deserves to die. She's an awful mother, wife. An awful person. Pedro would be alive if it wasn't for her. Alma could've saved him. But she was too selfish. A coward that allowed him to die. It would be so much better if she didn't exist. Maybe go out amd drown herself in a lake. Heavens knew she would faint if she tried to stab herself (like Pedro was). But water at least held some symbolism too. It would be so much better for everyone She was an awful person. She was a broken plate. A stabbed cocoon of a dead butterfly. Maybe she wasn't even alive. Just a breathing corpse that rotted inside.

She should've been dead, she should...


Alma froze as somebody pulled her by the sleeve. For a second she felt her heart stopping.

"Mamí sad?" Julieta looked up at her. Both of her siblings were still asleep. But she was an earlier riser, already awakened before the sun could even come out.


Alma let out a shaking breathe. What was she thinking about? She wanted... She almost... How could she even think of leaving her kids alone? Make them orphans? God... She was a really bad mother. What if Pepa had found her body? What if Bruno didn't sleep for days because of nightmares if Alma wasn't here to wipe off his fears?

"It's okay, Julita." Alma pat her daughter's head, blinking back the tears. She couldn't die. She had to be dead, but she couldn't die. Her keds needed a mother. Their community needed a leader. Why was Alma so selfish to want an escape? She had to pay for the sacrifice. To make sure it wouldn't be spent on nothing. "Are you wake up already?"

Alma wasn't supposed to be alive. But she couldn't die either. As long as her kids connected her to the ground below. Tying her tight. It wasn't good. It didn't fix anything, but it was a reason of why Alma couldn't just die. The pain wasn't going to set her free. Allow her to inhale in a full chest. But she had to survive. Today and all the days after this. No matter how hard it was. Even if it felt pointless. She had to survive. For Julieta. For Pepa. And for Bruno. They didn't actually need her. But they didn't realize it yet. And Alma couldn't just torn it from them. Even if anyone else would be a better mother that she is. They were too young to understand it.

Alma wasn't supposed to be alive, but she must be alive. For their sake.

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7 months ago

Agustín is Rojas too!

Felix is Murillo after Edna Murillo, who was Afro-Caribbean consultant

Alma is Uribe, after Alejandra Uribe who used to be Colombian guide and Espinosa Uribe who was consultant about Colombian culture

Question for fandom!

What do you HC Félix, Agustín and Alma family name last names as?

For me Agustín is Rojas like the art book!

Alma is Peña. As Madrigal of course was Pedro last name.

Félix is Valencia. (Named after Edna Valencia who supervised the warm family! If you saw the OG designs you will get more why I chose it... also it just sounds nice!).

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7 months ago

Hello, tumblr user. Before you is a tumblr post asking you to name a female fictional character. You have unlimited time to tag a female character, NOT a male one.


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7 months ago
Alma Madrigal Appreciation Post

alma madrigal appreciation post

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7 months ago

Encanto Symbolism: Pearls

Was looking up Colombian Wedding Superstitions for reasons and found something.

This Specifically:

"Pearls on the wedding day? Do not do it

Let’s start with the omens of weddings in Colombia that are bad luck, the bad news first is better. Although you don’t have to see it from the negative side but as a way to prevent not so good things.

Wearing pearls on your wedding day is not a good omen, it is said that pearls symbolize tears and suffering, (emphasis mine) pearls are known as mermaid tears, which is why we recommend you not to wear them for any reason, only if you believe in superstitions for weddings."

But we see 3 women wearing pearls in the movie: Alma,

Encanto Symbolism: Pearls


Encanto Symbolism: Pearls

And Señora Guzman

Encanto Symbolism: Pearls

Think about it.

Alma has never stopped mourning Pedro, so her wearing them makes sense. She cannot heal from what happened, and she wears a reminder of her sorrow for all to see.

Isabela is suffering from the expectations put on her. mourning the loss of her freedom and having little to no say in her future, (and maybe subconsciously trying to foil her wedding.)

And Señora Guzman? Given her age, she is most likely a widow. She may also be sad to see her grandson moving on in life, but since weddings are happy occasions and she is really enthusiastic about it, I'm going to go with the first one.

Now, in a regular film I wouldn't think anything of this, but every choice in an animated film is a deliberate choice, and given how closely the dev team focused on the Madrigals and their clothing, making them color coded to family sides as well as distinct enough to stand out from the highly colorful town, as well as the fact that they made the conscious decision for Bruno's vision tablets to be made of emerald due to it's esoteric link to divination, adding pearls to these three women specifically makes a good bit of sense.

I love this movie!

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7 months ago

I've seen some posts about "Mirabel is disobedient" and I really don't agree with it. So some of my own opinion/analysis of Mirabel's action. Just my own thinking. Not attacking anybody

The thing is. Mirabel actually DOES follow the rules that Alma had said to her specifically in the movie

Starting with

"The best way for some of us to help is to step aside".

It is the first direct appeal to Mirabel. Alma does not clarify what she meant by 'step aside' at this moment. And Mirabel's action pretty much show that she stopped helping at that moment. So we can see Mirabel leaving the preparation and going into her room. Which shows that Mirabel generally follows Abuela's rule. But what is coming next is the ceremony. Mirabel doesn't stand with the rest of her family but stays behind the curtains in the dark. Which is exactly what Alma had said, step aside, don't be near the family. Yes, she breaks this rule in the end. But this happens only because of Antonío (but let'sbe honest, who can blame her?). Which highlights that Mirabel is ready to go over her own guidelines if it means helping and defending people she cares about.

The breakfast is probably the scene that shows Mirabel not following rule the most. We don't know how the rules are in Madrigal family. But taking the facts, it is safe to assume that talking at the same time as Alma does can be concindered rude. So shows that Mirabel can be a bit forgettable and focus on her goal rather than what is going on in reality. Hovewer, we can also see that Mirabel stops after Alma's demand to do so. Allowing the rest of the scene to go even without her interruptions. So even in this small situation, Mirabel still clearly follows what Akma has said her to do.

"Stay away from Luisa."

Another rule that Mirabel easily follows. We can see her concerned. And taking Mirabel's passionate nature into account, I have no doubt Mirabel would want to check on her sister. But she doesn't. Yes, we can blame it on the fact that Mirabel was far more focused on the vision at the moment. And even when Alma is obviously far away and we can see Luisa struggling with a pot, Mirabel still doesn't aproach her sister to help. So staying away as she's supposed to.

So in general Mirabel followed all the rules said to her specifically. She did break some of them, specifically about Bruno. As entering Bruno's tower that's off-limits (only because Luisa said her to. And what's interesting, Mirabel describes Luisa as obedient in TOTS) And generally talking about Bruno. And even not talking about Bruno seems more as a principe. Alma isn't a dictator and she wouldn't force rules upon the whole Encanto. People just generally don't talk about him.

All other things that seem to cause problems weren't actual rules because of how specific they are. Finding an old vision, going into the walls and finding Bruno, talk with her family. Neither of this seems as something that would be forbidden. Either because it's too odd (Imagine a rule saying "Do not go into a hole hidden beihind the portrait and don't you dare to accidentally find your lost uncle") or just not something to be forbidden. (Banning family relationships lmao)

Each time Mirabel tries to simply agree and swallow her feeling or find an excuse and lie whenever she actually did something forbidden. Like entering Bruno's tower. Doing ot silently and clearly hiding. Which is an opposite of rebelling as it normally meant active protesting which Mirabel have never done until the argument scene. And let's be honest, if adds the climax so much.

And about that. It is the biggest moment when Mirabel finally opposes Alma. It can technically be concindered as breaking the rules, but we don't have any confirmation. In the very least occasion, same to the breakfast, it can be concindered rude to talk back to Alma. What's interesting, she looks at her sisters suggesting that she does it to defend them not thrown Alma off or for herself. Just the same all the way back in the Antonío's ceremony. Showing her kind and compassionate nature once again and the fact that Mirabel feels much more need to break the rules not for herself, but for offering support to her family.

So that's the thing. Mirabel wouldn't break rules for herself. Or try to argue. But if people she cares about need her — she will go against what she does normally

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7 months ago

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain

Before the triplets had turned five, the idea of them turning into living deads was something that Alma couldn't imagine in her worst nightmares.

Now, it was a normal part of her life
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Alma remembered the terror back in the day. The fifth birthday of her babies. 

She rose early, being the leader of still forming community shaped her into rasing before the sun could peek out. There was always too much to do. Never enough time to catch up with everything. The triplets were growing so fast that Alma couldn't catch up with them. Her bed was getting small for four people and if anything, maybe she would have to move them into a nursery soon. This idea made her sick. It was unsafe. What if something happened to them? (Like it happened to her beloved Pedro)

And they were pale. Skin almost bluish. Not exactly anything even remotely heathy.  Not good. Alma leaned to them, cheking the temperature. Have they gotten sick? From who? Alma was sure her kids didn't even talk to anyone except for her? Maybe she herself caught something. It was a decent explanation. 

They were cold too. Not just freezing. But tempeatureless. Like amphibias who could only control their body hotness by their surrondings. Alma's windpipes got torn inside out. Filling her throat so much that Alma had to hold onto the edge of the table, her head spinning. Nearly loosing her conclusioness at the moment. Their breathing was too quiet to the pount when it couldn't be heard. But it was. They were alive. Of course... Alma had lost Pedro, she couldn't... She couldn't bear to lose the last remainings of him. The last people she had. Her entire communication with her relatives has been cut off by the heavy mountains surronding them. As much as Alma was grateful for protection Lord has given to them, it also had split them from the rest of their homeland. There were parents who would never see their kids again. Young adults, forever separated from the eldery they relied on for their whole life. And no way to know if people outside of the valley were still alive. 

And the triplets weren't. The world spun, Alma grabbed three little cold bodies (she couldn't find their pulse) And shook them desperately. They weren't dead. They couldn't be dead. Her kids wee too young, they muct be still alive. It's just Alma's mind playing a trick on her. It was unfair to just rip their entire future. Destroy them just like their father, forever forgotten and disappeared into the fog of oblivion. They were okay yesterday! There was nothing strange, they acted like always. Like normal kids. Alma wouldn't miss if they were sick. She would notice before it's too late (or she's really an awful mother)

Pepa, blinked, her face wrinkles. Alma froze. They were moving. At first, she blamed hallucinating. But no. There were glassy eyes. Looking around the place with childish innocense. Moving and taking. Alma trembled.from shock and coming relief.

"Mamí, I feel strange." Bruno groaned, daising his head to look at Alma. And sure as day she wasn't any better. 

Yes, Alma had got too worked up over nothing. They were fine, they weren't in danger. If she said it enough times, she would believe it too. Even if her kids kept making low soungs, making Alma's blood chill in horror.

"Does it hurt?" Alma squeezed the tiny palm, looking into big brown eyes.

But, as the grasped onto tiny wrists, there was that non-living lack of a heat. And no pulse to indicate life. Alma leaned, trying to hear their breathing, but she was meet with a painful deafing silence.

This was a nightmare. Some kind of a fever dream. She would wake up any moment now and see her kids. Still showing all the signs of living like normal humans. Living but not alive. Like monsters from the stories parents are telling to their kids. Alma didn't want to believe it, but evidences were defined right in front of her. Obvious that something was wrong with her babies.

And Alma didn't know how she could deal with this. And how was possible to explain it. Undead were always potrayed as the work of devil. Something awful without anything to even feel bad for them. But it were her kids. And, no matter if they were the most satanistic thing to ever exist, they still were her babies. And she could never find it in her heart to hate them. Or to show what happened to her miracles to ahy conservative folks that would never accept such a thing. Just a day ago, Alma herself wouldn't be too eager to keep something this abnormal under her roof.

"I'm hungry," Julieta cried, pressing her belly. Voice sore and strange.

"Same!" Pepa complained.

Outside of the room, Casita had explained that her kids were indeed turned into undead now. Alma gritted her teeth, holding herself back in front of the triplets. Cause a scene where she yells at their house was a bad idea. Even if she was desperate to know why. What have they done to deserve this? The magic had saved them all before, what type of curse was this? Can't her kids be normal again?

At the meantime, no amount of usual food that Alma always made seemed to satisfy her kids. Three of them had turn they nises away from the soup, not even looking at it. Saying that it's not for eating. Whe Alma tried to make Bruno eat herself, he spit a handful of spoon back into his plate.

And they ripped empanadas open, swallowing the pork while the corn was thrown away. As if only meat was interesting to them.

The time had only proved this. They needed meat. So much of it that Alma wasn't sure if Encanto held enough space for their rising appetite. It seemed like ach of her kids was consuming ten kilos of meat on a daily basis if not more. And there were three of them. Luckily, the magic rooms had huge space, enough tto starrt establishing farm and rising their own meat production. But for now, Alma had to find any excuse to get what her babies needed. She refused to leave them suffer like her husband.  Even if every single day she still hoped to wake up and see her kids normal. Just like any normal five-years-old. But each day, Alma was getting more and more used to this strange reality. Her kids were living deads. The idea that blew her in th beginning was slowly shaping itself as a casual part of their life.

From ther fifth birthday, they also showed some abilities. Julieta was smelling the air, suddenly able to alert when somebodybwas hurt miles away. As well she showed herbology knowledge that nobody else could know. Because limited book storage and lack of experts had made it impossible for youmg girls to find any information. Pepa was increasingly good in predicting the weather. More precise than the finest clocks. There was no mistake no matter what (and for some reason the sadder she was, the worse qeather was). And Bruno just had a really good ability to observe. Almost reading what everyone thought. It didn't make up for how difficult everything became ever since that day. But the newfound abilities were useful for the community. And Alma would gladly take whatever she could out of this situation.

Her kids kept growing, consuming too many food for anyone to think it's normal. While rejecting anything else. Usually preferring raw pork, juicy and soft. Tearing it apart and leaving only a bunch of fractured bones scattered around. Often eating poor animals alive. All while Alma did her best to hide the teuth about her kids. She leaved them to study at home. A bit hypocrisy on her part as she encouraged everyone to get their kids into public schools. Especially girls as many parents didn't think they needed it. And look at Alma now. She didn't want to risk anyone finding out the truth. But she also didn't have near enough time to educate her kids. Just left them with some books and assignments and ask at the evening. Julieta was a good student. Pepa and Bruno are not so much. 

Blaming the triplets on being genetically ill it was easy to hide them. Explain why their skin had some off colours and glassy eyes that looked like you stated into the soulless toy. It was hard. Always lying, hiding the truth from everyone in the village. Maybe she didn't have to work so much for it, but she could never know how people would react once realized that living deads are living among them. 

Julieta, Pepa and Bruno were still Alma's kids. No matter if they would be the complete opposite of her. And what kind of mother would allow her kids to grab black feeling from somebody else?

Every corner of Casita was soaked in odor. Strong and gut wrenching rotting smell that came from her kids. She did work on hiding it at least on the outside. It somebody notised zombified bloom coming from the triplets, there would be questions. And there was no reason to start a panic. No reason to disturb peaceful life that had established inside their heaven village. Julieta's herbology helped especially good to blank out the awful smell. At least in triplets. But it was clear that sooner or later Alma would lose the ability to cover them. One day Alma would have to betray them when she's too cornered to find any explanation. Any type of lie. Not when her kids were too abnormal to hide them.

But for now, the triplets were like any normal kids. Playing and exporing the world. Just a bit dead. Every problem caused by their condition was meticulously covered, puched deeper inside so they stayed hidden for longer. As they grew, the town just seemed to adapt to their strange behavior. It was a part of them that became so inseparable, glued between their finders. Even Alma herself couldn't imagine her kids as alive human beings. The idea of them being corpses had set deep in her mind in the course of past years. Now the possibility of triplets being alive felt so bizarre, the same way Alma thought of her kids being dead in the very beginning. Something impossible.

So, the life was pretty plain. Maybe it wasn't for someone outsidde of La Famillia but for Alma? For her, dead triplets became the most normal thing in the world long time ago

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7 months ago

Alma: Don't fail this

Isabela: Don't tell me what to do! I'll keep failing on purpose

Isabela: *succeeds*

Isabela: Fuck

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7 months ago
Friend: Befriend ThemMyth: Mythologize Them/worship Them/they Can't Kill Me If They Aren't RealKill:

Friend: befriend them Myth: mythologize them/worship them/they can't kill me if they aren't real Kill: kill them

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6 months ago

Alma: We are gathered here today because someone- *looks at Pedro’s coffin* -couldn’t stay alive

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6 months ago


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6 months ago

Alma: If we lose, you're out of the will

Mirabel: I was in the will?

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