Alpha Ghoul - Tumblr Posts - Page 4

Ope spontaneous Alpha ghoul design… he’s thinking hard about something
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 3
Ghost fanfiction
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Yeah these parts probably won't be super long lol. Just how it seems to be working out.
The ghouls receive their new uniforms. Gets heated.
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1.4k words
"You did not seem as pissed yesterday as you do now."
Omega scowled at Pebble, the shorter earth ghoul. He was conveniently stood beside Delta. Being protected by a bigger ghoul seemed to be the only time Pebble wanted to pipe up with something snarky to get under another ghoul's skin. He learned that from Delta, the water ghoul that Omega forced himself to withstand for the betterment of the pack. Omega's glare shifted to Delta, before he ultimately decided to ignore them altogether. He turned his attention back to examining their surroundings. The previous red fluorescent lights of this conference room had been replaced with purple, having to be overnight since no one had noticed anyone coming in and out. The decor was also different; high quality cashmere table clothes replaced the knitted covers that Secondo enjoyed, reason being unclear whether it was because it was cheap or he was truly into knitting.
The room was less crowded, minimalistic. There were two small, white pillows on either corner of the black couch that sat against the wall near the door, contrary to the dozen that Secondo had there. A fuzzy black carpet beneath their feet. A few lamps lining the walls. Alpha was especially relieved to see these changes. He could not stand the texture of velvet and wool that their previous Papa seemed to obsess over.
Alpha's tail instinctively intertwined with the quintessence ghoul stood next to him as the door on the other side of the room opened. They silenced their pointless bickering, straighting their backs and clasping their hands together behind their backs in unison. Absolutely conditioned.
However, the man who had promised to return was not necessarily a frightening figure in the moment. He was backwards, holding the door open with his foot, his compact figure covered from the waist up by the new uniforms that the ghouls eagerly awaited. He stepped backwards into the room, a barely audible grunt, and then he caught his robe on the heel of his shoe that he wore to appear at least a little taller. Terzo gasped and stumbled backwards, huffing in frustration as he caught himself and kicked his lengthy robe out from under his feet. Aero, the air ghoul, tilted his head curiously, and Delta grinned under his mask.
Terzo slapped the uniforms down on the table, two of the new metal masks clanking against the wood and dropping to the ground.
"Oh, fuck me." Terzo mumbled under his breath before looking up at the lined up ghouls, sighing and forcing a smile. "I do hope you like these. Made of gabadine, very strong. Very good to the eye."
Terzo lifted a mask, gently holding it in one hand, examining it like a Shakespearean, two fingers pressed to his painted chin.
"Resplendent, posh. You will no longer resemble a Hugo character. You will resemble - no, be - a ghoul of importance and class." Terzo looked towards the ghouls, smiling. For some reason he expected to see a reaction of excitement, but their expressions were hidden, their body language stoic. His smile faded, and he set the mask back on the table with an echoing ring. He pressed his palms together, holding his own hands. He stepped around the table, walking towards the ghouls that towered over him, their bright burning eyes intimidating him. He smiled curiously at each of them.
"Another ugly thing that will change for you is your room. I went in there today."
Alpha clenched his teeth, his tail squeezing Omega's at the confession. There was suddenly a thick fog of tension in the room.
"What is that you sleep on? Your own clothing? There are no beds. That is filthy, ghouls. You must get your own rooms."
With that, Terzo reached up into his robe. Alpha's head recoiled slightly at the sight of Terzos robe riding up, revealing his bare calves, the only evidence of any clothing beneath his robe being the fact that he pulled out 5 keys. Unless he was storing them in his prison pocket, he had to have been wearing shorts.
Terzo placed a key in each one of the ghouls massive hands, humming as he studied the appearance of their hands. Omega's were large and purple. Alpha's were almost glowing maroon and orange. Delta's blew, webs between his fingers. Pebble's were the smallest, beautiful vitiligo spreading across his gray and brown hands. Aero's were albino.
"You ghouls should know where the Siblings rooms are, yes? You do work for them. You are Siblings under my thumb. So you will be accommodated as such, so long as you perform your usual duties. That is fair, do you think?"
Terzo stopped in front of them, scanning them for any evidence of personality. His eyes stopped on Omega.
"Why are you so quiet now, witty one?"
Omega felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach. His vocal cords vanished, his face heating up with embarrassment at being put on the spot. Alpha looked at him. Omega looked back at him. Silence.
Terzo sighed. "Do you do the thing again? Speak out loud."
"Thank you, Papa." Omega quickly spat out, simply wanting the attention off of him. Terzo hummed.
"You call me Terzo. We are friends, are we not?"
"I barely know you."
"Don't you want to know me?"
"Thank you, Terzo."
"Such a good boy you are."
Alpha whipped his head towards Terzo, disgust written on his face under his mask. Terzo shifted his attention to him.
"What about you, Alpha ghoul? Your friend says that you-"
"Papa!" Omega snapped, a guttural hiss that intensified the fog of tension. "Do not."
"Do not what?" Terzo grinned. He knew exactly what.
"Do not what?" Alpha repeated. His voice was gruff, but an obvious tone of emotion that Omega always failed to produce.
"Nothing." Omega glared at Alpha, speaking to him with his mind. Alpha ignored his internal pleas for silence.
"What did you say?"
"I didn't say anything."
"Why do you lie, Omega?" Terzo chimed. Omega felt a bubbling in his chest, his face burning with anger. Stay calm.
"You are lying." Alpha growled. Terzo studied their interaction intently. The crumbling of their facade.
"We will talk about this later." Omega barred his teeth.
"You are saying bad things about me."
"And you, small one!" Terzo had walked towards Pebble. Though he was the shortest ghoul, he still towered over Terzo. "Do you posess this rage that these two ghouls do?"
Delta's tail snaked around in front of Pebble. Terzo watched, following the blue up to Delta.
"You are protective! You are strong," Terzo was speaking to no one ghoul in particular anymore, "you have a passion that you hide. Why do you hide? Why do you want to be weak?"
Terzo was pacing back and forth, his voice raising, pumping his fist by his side. "Don't you want to be better than this? You want to be more than tools. You do the work, you play the instruments, you control the minds. Without you this ministry would be nothing! There are more of you, less of them!"
"Less of you," Delta hissed. "You want to start shit , then-"
"Shut the fuck up!" Omega roared. He stomped forward, shoving Alpha as he barged towards Delta. Delta growled, meeting Omega's force as Omega slammed his hands into his shoulders, shoving him into the wall and snapping his teeth at him. Alpha grabbed Omega, desperately trying to pull him back.
"Less of me!" Terzo shouted. Fueling the flame. "More of you, less of me! Take it out on me! Not each other! Ghouls!"
Omega was blinded by rage.
He didn't realize he was stabbing his claws into Delta's larynx.
Suddenly, he was tired. His muscles gave out, and he collapsed to the ground. His mask bounced off of his face. His vision blurred, his white pupils staring up at Terzo who held a familiar book in his hand, the one he had seen him studying yesterday in his office. He blinked, and his pack was surrounding Terzo, not attacking. Tails swishing low to the ground, masks thrown to the floor. He blinked again. Muffled, exhilarated chanting, something in Latin. Terzo knelt to the ground in front of him. Then, he fell asleep.

Page one and two are up now.
I decided to post them individually for motivation lol. Hope you enjoy. 18+ ❤️
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 4
Ghost fanfiction
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Happy International Ghost day! Hopefully I'll be able to draw later but I can feel art block watching me 😔
I've been super into writing this recently. Hopefully I can keep up with it better now lol
Omega doesn't know how to feel about Terzo.
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2k words
It was maybe 2 hours later that Omega awoke, in a relatively comfortable bed compared to his pile of clothing that he normally slept on. He woke up in a temporary state of sleep paralysis before his muscles slowly grew stronger and of use. He turned his head with a burning ache in his neck, catching the attention of the fire ghoul that sat in the chair of a small black vanity in the right corner of the medium sized dorm. Alpha looked at Omega with concern, watching his typically robust arms quiver under his own weight as he peeled himself off of the bed.
“You need to go fix Delta.” Alpha spoke softly, but sternly. “He is in the infirmary with Terzo. His-”
“What is wrong with you?” Omega hissed, swinging his legs off of the bed. “What the hell are you sucking up to him for?”
“Don't you even start to lecture me about trust, bastard. He told me what you said.” Alpha looked away with an annoyed glint in his eyes. "You were sucking up to him too, anyway." Omega rolled his eyes.
“I didn't want to get beaten." Omega hissed. "Obviously, you just can't handle yourself. And neither can Delta, and neither can Pebble. Maybe Aero. But-”
“You were the only one to get aggressive, did you forget that? You started a fight.” Alpha interrupted, rummaging through the drawers on the vanity. He pulled out a white candle.
“I didn't start a fight, Papa did! He was trying to piss me off. And Delta fed into it, that's why I ripped his fucking vocal cords out. He doesn't deserve to talk anyway.” Omega moved towards Alpha, watching as he explored the other contents of the vanity.
“We could use these.” Alpha collected all the candles, placing them neatly in two bunches of three on both sides of the vanity. The orange tips of his fingers began to glow and he pinched the wicks with his index and thumb, igniting each candle into a steady flame. They appeared to be cheap and scentless, but the room was quickly filled with the smell of cinnamon, earning a pleased hum from Alpha as he looked up at the bigger ghoul. Omega glared down at him, somewhat annoyed, somewhat intrigued. He leaned over Alpha with his hand pressed against the edge of the vanity, tapping his claws and fiddling with the already peeling black paint.
“Delta is probably fine,” Omega sighed, moving back as to not give in to his temptations, “but I will go check.”
Alpha sighed in disappointment, not realizing he was holding his breath beforehand.
“Then you will come back?”
“Only so you can show me where my own room is.”
“Then ask ‘Papa’.”
Omega narrowed his eyes.
“I don't trust him. He used one of those spells.” Omega grumbled.
“You were actually about to kill Delta though. You deserved it.”
“No,” Omega turned to Alpha again, “he was reading the Grimoire yesterday. You are going to get yourselves killed if you are going to buddy up with him.”
“He wants to revolt,” Alpha said with a grin. Omega scoffed.
“Then what do you think?” Alpha snapped, turning his whole body to look towards Omega “What more could he possibly want from us? We have to do what he says already or it's The Pit, so what would he need to trick us for?"
Omega parted his lips as if he were going to refute, but nothing came to mind. His silence made the edge of Alpha's stare soften, and he shook his head.
“You are so paranoid of losing that you don't realize there is nothing left to lose. We have lost it all already.” Alpha said empathetically. “There is only room to gain if you stop being so scared all the time, Megs. Terzo is good. This is what you wanted two days ago at the ceremony! For him to be good, and now that he is good, you don't believe it. Even Delta knows, and he was ready to fight him less than 5 hours ago! If Delta is such a hothead and trusts Terzo, why can't you?”
Omega did not say anything, his eyes weighed to the floor, a sour look still present on his face. Alpha scoffed and dropped his hands.
“Nothing I say will do anything for your stubbornness. You will learn eventually. Go fix Delta.” Alpha slumped back down in the chair.
Omega reluctantly trudged down the wide hallways of the ministry, dwelling heavily on what Alpha had said to him. He was supposed to be a quintessence ghoul. Could he simply not reach into Terzo’s mind to identify his true intentions? Or maybe he was too afraid to find the absolute truth, to be proven right that they would be trapped under the same oppression they had suffered through Secondo. In a perfect world, Primo would return. Their true Papa, their summoner that treated them like lost puppies. That is essentially what they were. Lost puppies in need of direction and care, and Primo delivered. Though, the ministry was not in the same financial stability that they were now, so the ghouls were still, stuck with ugly, uncomfortable rags and a small room to share. But they could forgive that, as Primo allowed them to roam. Allowed them to speak freely, engaged with them in a friendly manner, encouraged them to serve the Clergy not by threats and acts of violence, but by reciprocation of respect and care. Primo was their Papa, but it was only a matter of time before he would have to retire. It was not possible to have a Papa like him again.
The heavy infirmary door pushed open, where Omega was unwelcomingly greeted with silent glares from Delta, and an uncomfortable look from Terzo. Delta had a thick cloth wrapped around his neck, faint spots of red bleeding through it. Omega locked eyes with Terzo, briefly holding eye contact before he felt too disturbed by the man to continue looking. Instead, he reached out to carefully unwrap the cloth, examining the damage. He was exaggerating when he said that he had ripped his vocal cords out; there were four pierce marks soaked in almost black, crusted blood.
“It will still be a few days before it is fully healed.” Omega spoke in an apathetic and monotone voice, showing no care for the injury he caused to Delta. He placed his fingers on his neck with a sigh, his horns emitting a faint purple glow that travelled down his veins and to the tip of his tail. Terzo watched in fascination, trying to ignore the gross sound of stretching skin as Omega's quintessence pulled Delta's skin together and closed the wound. Terzo examined Omega's now uncovered face as well; mostly dark gray, with dark purple around his eyes. Tufts of white fur below his pointy ears, matching slicked back hair.
“Wrap it. Keep it dry.” Omega suddenly mumbled, startling both Delta and Terzo.
“That's what he said.” Terzo smirked. Omegas eyes slowly moved over to Terzo, his face flushed with embarassment and irritation.
“‘That's what she said’.” Omega corrected. He had no interest in his joke, only wanting to be right about something.
“Are you homophobic, ghoul?”
“Okay.” Omega wiped his blood stained fingers, slamming down the gauze he used to cover Delta's wound and turned to exit the room.
“Wait! I am only kidding! I'm sorry. Let's talk!” Terzo called out, following Omega. Omega continued his way out of the room, letting the door swing shut behind him, which Terzo caught. Omega did not wait despite hearing the patter of Terzo's footsteps desperately trying to keep up. Omega looked at the key number, his eyes moving up to the left as he thought about where his room could be located. Then, he continued walking in that direction, gritting his teeth as Terzo continued to follow and call out for him, not stopping until they were both at Omega's new room.
“Let us talk again. I want to talk to you.” Terzo gasped, out of breath. For every stride of Omega's longer legs, Terzo had to take three jogging steps.
“I hope it is an apology for what you did earlier.” Omega hissed, jamming the key into the slot on the door and pushing the door open. He wanted to slam it in Terzo's face, but his better judgment stopped him, and he gripped the door tightly to avoid hitting Terzo with it.
“I do want to apologize.” Terzo stepped in, gently closing the door behind him as Omega looked around his room. It was pretty much a copy of Alpha's, the only difference being the quality of furniture. Omega's room seemed less run down as if no one had been in here before.
“I am sorry, Omega. You didn't seem to hear me when I was telling you to stop hurting your friend.”
“Stop using those fucking spells if you expect to befriend a ghoul,” Omega barked, shocking himself with how comfortable he felt speaking to his Papa like this.
“I study the Grimoire not for you. It was circumstantial, it will not need to happen if you are a good ghoul.”
“What do you need it for then?”
“For summoning more ghouls.”
“We don't need any more ghouls. There is enough.”
“Not for what I have in mind for this ministry, And what I have in mind for you.”
“Oh, you want to rebel, I heard. Is that it? Is that what is in your mind?” Omega seethed, sarcasm dripping in his voice. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly grabbed Terzo by the jaw, claws poking into the painted skin of his cheeks, huffing as he got closer to his face. Terzo's eyes widened, fear radiating from his body. Yet he stood still. He balled his hands into fists, tilting his head up to meet Omega's gaze. He could feel Omega entering his mind, scavenging for ideation and emotion. Terzo watched his facial expression shift from his discoveries, morphing from irritation, shock, disgust. After maybe a minute of this, he was calmer, and slowly let go of Terzo's jaw, listening to the frightened breaths emitting from Terzo's nose and gritted teeth.
“You are so insignificant,” Omega mumbled, “you are only Papa because you are an Emeritus brother. No one actually respects you. And I can see why with your filthy brain.” He looked Terzo up and down as he fixed his posture.
“No one will fear you.”
“No, but they will fear you.” Terzo choked, the confidence stripped from his body at Omega’s brutal honesty. “That is why I need you, you are big and scary. And strong! And that thing you did. That felt strange.”
“It is useless,” Omega sighed, “it is only to spread temptation and to understand others. I cannot control minds, if that is what you are expecting me to do.”
“Well it certainly works for what it is for.” Terzo tilted his head with a grin. Omega was unamused.
“I will only participate in this if you give me the Grimoire.” Omega demanded, ignoring Terzo's lustful comment.
Omega's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. He was mostly saying that to spark a reaction out of Terzo to prove that somehow his unspoken thoughts were lying.
“Do not destroy it, though. I have been studying it. If it is destroyed, I will lose you all to The Pit.” Terzo added.
“I will keep it safe.” Omega reassured.
“Then it is settled,” Terzo turned to leave the room, “you are a good ghoul. I will be back shortly, yes?”
Omega couldn't help but feel his cheeks heat up each time Terzo would say that.
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 5
Ghost fanfiction
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Aaauuugghh this one gets raunchy, it was inevitable. But it's all for the plot... Totally.
Terzo and the ghouls are on the Popestar tour, and Terzo has a plan to spread HIS message without Sister Imperator getting suspicious.
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2.5k words
Contains smut
The first ritual took place in Rochester, New York, approximately three months after Terzo had ascended to papacy of 2016. That and the other completed concerts of the Popestar tour went phenomenal apart from a few bloopers, much to the surprise and not understood disappointment of Sister Imperator. She refused to attend, and even upon hearing of the success she brushed Terzo off, offering only vague ‘advice’ of “there will always be room for improvement”. There was already so much of that. There was more crowd interaction than ever before; especially during one of the newly written songs that Terzo and his adopted ghouls had produced, called “Cirice”. Terzo would kneel and snatch the hand of a lucky audience member, no matter the gender. His mismatched eyes and practically tangible lust stunned the soul had taken the hand of. To the naked eye, this was everything Sister Imperator wanted for the project: a firm leader with youth, stamina, and sexual charisma.
However, this quickly implemented tradition of delving into the soul of a stranger was not as innocent as it seemed. The new Papa and the only quintessence ghoul had come to a somewhat reluctant agreement days after their first meeting. Alpha was right, there was absolutely nothing to lose. Omega did not trust Terzo necessarily, however he did not have much of a choice. He respected Terzo for the fact that he did hand over the truest power he had over the ghouls, the Grimoire, which is filled with sacred texts and spells that evidently rendered the ghouls powerless at any moment their papa decided. This book was used to abuse Omega and his pack less than a year ago by a more tyrannical leader. Secondo would essentially torture them, finding any excuse of ‘improper’ behavior to cbain them in the basement and perform painful spells. There was an incident where a former ghoul had been banished, the only ghoul to suffer such a fate. It was unclear whether or not this was on purpose or accidental. Now, the Grimoire was in Omega's possession, stored securely under the carpet in the closet of his dorm, with his dresser over top.
The tradition, which was often referred to as “getting Ciriced”, went as such: before the show, Omega would latch on to Terzo's mind, and hold on to that connection until they performed the song. When Terzo would find a member, Omega would channel his quintessence through Papa, much more than his body could take, forcefully transferring it into the member and filling them with Terzo's thoughts instead of Omega's. Of course, this would not be a 100% efficiency rate. They still had free will. However, Terzo would be able to communicate with them telepathically with the spiritual connection, a much deeper level that his lyrics could not reach. That member would spread Terzo's own message, until it was apparent that the vast majority of the crowds were there for Terzo.
The first time this happened, though, did not go as planned.
“Your care for your dear Papa shows more than you would think,” Terzo chuckled, crossing his legs. “There is no need to worry.”
“I have done this many times!” Omega hissed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. “I did it to you before and you… know what it did.”
“Do you think I have no self control?” Terzo tilted his head.
“You will lose all concept of self control, dumb fuck. That's what I'm trying to tell you.”
“Then I will cum in my pants.”
Omega's face flushed in embarrassment.
“Are you serious?”
Terzo shrugged, swiping dust off of his black pants. “My pants are not worth more than this. I have extras anyway! We will do it before intermission, I will cum in my pants, and then break time! Capire?”
Omega stared at him with his mouth slightly open, fangs poking out of his mouth.
“You are disgusting.”
“It is settled. Now, do the thing!”
Omega sighed. It did not feel normal to be responsible for Terzo's future release, but he indirectly owed it to him. He focused his gaze into Terzo's frightening eyes, slowly entering his consciousness. Terzo hummed, feeling parts of him tingle, uncrossing his legs to hide a certain thing between them.
Omega pretended not to notice. He blinked a few times, ensuring he had a tight grip on his mind, and sighed again in stress.
“This is your last chance,” Omega warned, “I am not kidding when I tell you you can't handle it.”
“You think I am weak? I have taken much more!”
Omega scoffed and stood up from his chair.
Terzo felt something else other than disgust enter his mind at that moment.
Terzo would be lying if he said he was not filled with a mix of his own and Omega's nerves as the strums of Cirice began. He had taken a quick run backstage to fix his hair while the ghouls played the introduction. He drew a deep breath, shaking his nervous hands like water was on them, and stuffed a cloth down his pants for better measure. He strutted back around stage at his que, singing softly, constantly tossing reassuring glaces at Omega. He could sense that his nerves were worse than his own, and he wouldn't even be the one ejaculating uncontrollably in front of hundreds if not thousands.
Terzo began searching the crowd. He might as well do it while staring into the eyes of someone he found attractive. His heart rate picked up, his hands under his gloves began to sweat. As he approached his devastating verse, Omega mercifully began pushing more and more quintessence into him, so that his brain would not break from the overflow. Finally, he spotted a lady with dark red hair and thick eyeliner, begging for his attention with her bright green eyes. He breathed sharply, the sound echoing into the microphone, and suddenly dropped to his knees, scooping her already waving hand into his own.
Omega squeezed his eyes shut and grit his teeth, coursing every drop of quintessence in him through the smaller man. He cringed as he heard a squeak between words. He was shocked Terzo did not crumble into nothing but a groaning mess.
But that did not mean Terzo didn't cum instantly.
Terzo squeezed her hand tightly, choking out his lyrics through wide eyes as he struggled to contain himself. It was like a never ending orgasm, feeling it in every inch of his body. He watched her eyes light up, feeling a mutual understanding of freedom. That the Clergy was no longer about world domination, but the returning of absolute free will. No more oppression, no filtering of thought and speech, no fear of being sacrificed. The light belonged to the people.
He exhaled heavily, retracting his hand and pulling himself off of his quivering knees. The cloth did well in absorbing his substances as he looked down to check himself. He could not look at Omega, and Omega could not look at him until he finished the song, and the band returned backstage for a 20 minute intermission.
Pebble snickered as he watched his struggling Papa stumble backstage, pushing his weight against the wall as he slid towards the dressing room. The quintessence was still in him, but much lighter. Delta glared as Omega rushed past him without any acknowledgement of his fellow ghouls, bumping into him with his shoulder and following behind Terzo.
“I think Terzo is getting Meg's dick now.” Pebble snickered.
“No he isn't.” Alpha hissed, giving Pebble a look that screamed at him to shut up. Pebble obeyed, looking forward as they walked, feeling the tension emitting from Delta.
“It is necessary.” Alpha spoke softly Delta. Delta didn't look at him, and continued to stare angrily at Omega as the two disappeared into the dressing room.
“I know.”
“Imagine how I feel,” Alpha chuckled, “he hasn't fucked me in months.”
“I don't care about that!” Delta barked in an exasperated tone. “He is going to ruin everything.”
“What do you mean?” Alpha asked. They walked past the dressing room, hearing the click of the lock. Delta growled.
“What do you think would happen if the Clergy found out about that?”
“Omega would-”
“No, we ALL would get sent to the fucking Pit!” He hissed. They walked towards an exit where they stood outside, Delta lighting a cigarette to calm his nerves.
“No,” Aero spoke calmly, usually being the most rational of the ghouls, “just Omega. It was only Earth that got killed.”
“But this is the second fucking time,” Delta's hand began to shake as he struggled to contain himself, “first it's Earth acting up, now Omega- the QUINTESSENCE ghoul! He is the best of the best and he is fucking Terzo, so what will Sister think of us?”
“We don't know if Omega is having relations with Papa.” Aero stated. “If we don't know, how would Sister Imperator ever know? She never checks us.”
“Who knows, but it'll happen. Just like Earth.” Delta muttered the last part under his breath.
“Earth was a dumbass,” Alpha scoffed, “he didn't even try to hide it. It was his fault anyway for being a masochist or something.”
Delta huffed a breath out of his nose in slight amusement.
“Well, true.”
Terzo immediately dropped on to the vanity chair, breathing heavily and looking up at Omega with smudged makeup around his mouth and eyes. He was sweating and exhausted, much more than he usually was during intermissions. He shrugged his jacket off and unbuttoned his white shirt.
Omega looked away respectfully, gradually lowering the quintessence as to not confuse Terzo's brain with the rapid changes of his body. Terzo huffed, and he let out a whine, holding his head up with his fist against the vanity table. His shirt was half unbuttoned and his body shook.
“Are you alright?” Omega asked. Suddenly the quintessence began to drain faster. Terzo gripped the edge of the table.
“I am sorry.” Terzo huffed. He began to drool. Omega listened, hearing the buckle of his belt. “Do not look.”
“Do you need your new pants?” Omega whispered, moving towards Terzo's bag.
Omega froze. He continued to listen, now in horror as he heard Terzo grunt, an identifiable wet noise quietly moving. It was loud enough for the quintessence to transfer a silent message between them.
“I can't help it.” Terzo whined in response. “I can't help it.”
Omega's heart was racing as he stood completely still, facing away from Terzo, listening to his noises. Terzo gasped as the quintessence pumped again through him.
“Ghoul…” Terzo huffed, turning in his chair, clawing at the back of it.
“Finish…” Omega whispered. “Hurry up.”
“Come here-”
“No.” Omega snapped.
Terzo whined again and his hand flew back down, covering his mouth with his other and jerking wildly. He had no patience to beg for help at the moment, every fiber of his being focused on cumming again at his own will this time. Omega could feel his pleasure, practically torturing himself by continuing the flow of magic, but he could not bring himself to stop. It was in his nature to feed on other's lust, to encourage it. He dug his nails into his own thighs, gritting his teeth, trying his best to ignore his throbbing erection. He could not do this with his Papa. He could not do this with a human, he could not do this with-
Terzo let out a loud, almost agonizing whimper like an animal in heat, hiccuping his breaths that sent a shockwave through Omega. Omega suddenly clutched onto Terzo's mind, refusing to allow him to finish, and turned around at the same moment.
“You-!” Terzo gasped as his eyes fluttered open to yell at Omega, only to find himself getting shoved to the ground. Omega tore his pants off with a growl, and then his own, looping his arms around Terzo's thighs that hung in the air.
Terzo's mouth hung open, staring desperately, watching Omega's cock spring out and disappear behind his thighs at the same moment. He barely had any time to think, not that he could with the quintessence taking over every cell of his body, before Omega spat on himself and stroked.
“We won't do this again,” Omega growled, his voice quivering. “Understand? Never again.”
“Dont say that when you are horny,” Terzo whimpered. “You may not mean it.”
“I mean it!” Omega pressed his tip against Terzo's entrance with force. Terzo gasped and spread his legs open further, one hand flying to grip the leg of the vanity table and his other stroking himself. He threw his head back, arching his hips as Omega pushed inside, moaning mindlessly.
“Shut up!” Omega hissed, thrusting slowly at first. “Be quiet!”
Terzo continued to wail with a mix of “please” and “yes”. It was enough to turn Omega as brainless as him, thrusting sloppily and rough, his thumbs pressing painfully hard into the dips of Terzo's shaking and bouncing hips.
Omega had never acted on a temptation so risky, and he never thought he would, especially so aggressively. He drilled into Terzo with no regard to how small he was, or how he could hurt him. It was not because he didn't care, but because he was just as overwhelmed as Terzo was. Though the erotic look on his face told him everything he needed to know about how Terzo felt. It only made him fuck harder, delivering everything he had to turn Terzo into a mess. He began to question why he relented for so long. There was truly nothing for him to lose except himself.
Terzo gripped Omega's arms as he held his breath. White streams of cum sputtered out of him, hitting his own stomach and Omega's chest that hovered over him. He left small scratch marks on Omega's arms, which, for some reason, drove Omega over the edge. He buried himself in, stopping his thrusts and threw his own head back, filling Terzo's warm ass up with his cum and feeling it drip out of him. He shut his eyes and remained in this position for a moment longer, listening to each other's labored breaths and Terzo's occasional whine.
“Never again, mio roccia…” Terzo sighed. “I agree… Not again…”
Omega gently pulled himself out, watching the bump in Terzo's lower belly dissapear. That was erotic enough to sprout another half on, but he ignored it. Cum dropped out of the used hole, and Omega quickly sat up on his knees to grab a tissue from the vanity. It was not the best for the job, but it was enough to clean Terzo. He gently caressed his thigh as he did so, noticing Terzo's silence. He looked up at him. Terzo was watching, absolutely infatuated.
“Ah… you did not have to clean me like that.” Terzo chuckled dryly. Omega furrowed his eyebrows and looked back down to finish.
“I made the mess though.”
“It is my own body, and you are not my lover.” Terzo argued.
“Anyone respectable would take care of you after.” Omega spoke with a slight harshness, not directed towards Terzo. Terzo went quiet again and Omega gently lowered his legs, throwing away the tissue and moving to get Terzo a new pair of pants. The ones he was wearing had been torn in half.
“Thank you.” Terzo said sheepishly. Omega helped him up and gave him his pants.
“We are not doing that again.” Omega repeated, looking sternly at him. “I will get killed if I get caught doing that with you.”
“Why would you die? Is it dangerous?” Terzo asked, concerned.
“No. But if Sister found out-”
“Fuck Sister!” Terzo snapped, buttoning his pants. “She is old and useless! I am Papa. I tell you, fuck who you want! All you want.” Omega chuckled.
“If only that was how it worked.”
“It will be how it works. When she and my father are gone, I will become Frater Imperator! And you will be afraid of me.” Terzo spoke triumphantly, his white eye glimmering with passion.
“Not after what I just did to you.” Omega smirked.
“Well… you won't be afraid- You'll- You'll be under my thumb!” Terzo corrected. He turned to look in the mirror, fixing his makeup to finish the show.
“I suppose.” Omega brushed himself off and grabbed his guitar that he set up on the wall. “I better go.”
“Yes, go get food, water, whatever you need. Goodbye, my dear Omega.”
Omega gently shut the door behind him.

Saw this gorgeous pic today. Had to draw it with my versions of Omega, Delta, Alpha, Aero and Pebble. Think I might use this as a cover for my fic :3
In Pursuit of Something Better (18+) (Masterpost)

Terzo and his ghouls revolt against the Clergy.
Theme: Angst/smut
CW: Racism, abuse, NSFW, death
A/N: There are some time adjustments to fit my narrative lol. Some things don't line up in actual lore, but that is the fun in fanfiction.
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Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 6
Ghost fanfiction
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Delta and Pebble complete chores together.
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1.8k words
During Secondo’s papacy, the ghouls were only let outside at certain times, much like dogs. Two, hour long intervals, once in the morning at 10 AM after breakfast, the second at 6 PM after dinner. More often than not, the ghouls would have to sacrifice this free time outdoors completing their chores, especially if these chores were in the garden, lake, or cemetery. This was another one of Secondo’s cruel entrapments: to refuse the ghouls to complete outdoor chores outside of outside time. And, of course, they would be punished for it if they failed to finish. Secondo’s favorite method of punishment was a spell titled Spiritus Privatio in the Grimoire, which essentially suffocated its victim to near death. Delta knew this all too well; being a water ghoul, it was especially torturous when he has had no prior experience of needing to hold his breath.
Delta was the one subjected to Secondo’s cruelty the most, having such a loose grip on his temper. He found himself collared in the basement multiple times a week, having lashed out at his Papa for one of his disgusting choices, or simply refusing to complete his duties as an act of rebellion. He was not necessarily in the wrong for his behavior, and Omega knew this, but the quintessence ghoul also knew that it was safer to stay silent. This moral disagreement between them sparked many fights, verbal and physical, tearing them apart from each other. The last time they embraced each other was the day Earth was banished. Earth and Delta were as thick as thieves, involved in each other’s lives almost to a fault.
One of the first things Terzo graciously granted the ghouls was two entire days off a week. Of course, they could not all have a day off at the same time apart from holidays that the ministry celebrated, which was also another gift from Terzo. He wanted to treat his ghouls and make them more comfortable, but work still needed to be done.
It was the second Wednesday of October, and a soft wind nipped at Delta’s cheeks. Wind bothered him more than his companion, Pebble, due to the fact that his skin was constantly producing a layer of water to keep it moist. Pebble was unaffected by pretty much any type of weather. Wednesdays were theirs and Alpha’s day of work, Alpha being assigned the task of washing dishes after mealtimes and Delta being assigned to clean the lake of any litter. Pebble had already finished his chores, which was tidying the many office and conference rooms of the ministry, so he tagged along with his friend.
“I shouldn’t have to do this in October,” Delta complained as they walked towards the lake, “it is too cold. I want to do the dishes.”
“If you told him that he might let you.” Pebble said. “I like the lake, I can do this by myself. Why don’t you-“
”I don’t want you to do it by yourself.”
”But you’re freezing.”
“I’m fine.”
The two made it to the dock, which Alpha had recently repaired a broken plank of. It was a completely different color than the rest of the muted brown wood, the new plank being almost merlot. Pebble immediately went for the trash can, tugging on the plastic bag. Delta picked up some litter further out on the dock, looking out at the gentle waves beneath the graying sky.
It was moments like these that made the water ghoul falter. He was suddenly thrusted back in time, sitting down at the edge of the dock some years ago, before Secondo. His head laid on the shoulder of Earth, tails intertwined from behind them, watching contently as the larger ghoul tossed dried corn out to the ducks that seemed to have indefinitely migrated recently.
”You can’t give ducks bread,” Earth would tell him every time they spent their time together like this, “it is bad for them.”
And Delta loved to hear it. He loved to hear Earth’s random tidbits of information, even when he had heard it plenty. Perhaps it was the way Earth would explain things to him without belittling and degrading him, making him feel intelligent for asking questions rather than stupid for not knowing the answers. Aero constantly made a show of how smart he was, only caring to speak to the other ghouls when it could prove his intellect. Alpha thought more with his emotions, something Delta could relate to, yet did not want to be part of. Omega was so judgemental, so paranoid about everything, it was impossible to have a conversation with him. Pebble was immature. Not stupid, but blissfully ignorant unless the truth was being dangled right in front of his nose. If Delta was being honest, he did not know what drew him to the ghoul so much. Perhaps it was nothing but the shared element between him and the one he lost.
He snapped out his thoughts as Pebble dragged the bag off of the dock. Delta sighed, looking down for a moment and then turning around to follow Pebble, picking up trash all around the lake. They made it halfway around, not finding much trash, before Pebble seemed to have read Delta's mind.
“Question.” Pebble spoke suddenly, startling Delta.
“Hm?” Delta didn't look at Pebble, continuing to watch his own feet step across the ground peppered with frost.
“What was Earth like?”
Delta's eyes widened beneath his mask, though he was not required to wear it in the ministry anymore. It was out of habit entirely, the shared quirk being the only thing he really had in common with the quintessence ghoul of the pack. His steps slowed in surprise, before returning to his previous pace, clasping his hands together behind his back.
“What do you wanna know that for?” He asked.
“You talk about him a lot,” Pebble said with a shrug of his shoulders, the trash bag thrown over his right one, “it's just weird not being the first earth ghoul when you guys are the first of your elements.”
Delta chuckled dryly, nodding. “Yeah. Earth was… Well I liked him a lot. ‘Til he did what he did, yeah. He was great. Don’t worry, you’re a good earth ghoul, if that’s why you’re thinking of that.”
“What happened?” Pebble tilted his head, looking up at Delta. Delta looked down at him, uncertainty in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” Delta asked. “You don’t know?”
Pebble shook his head. Delta hesitated before speaking, his breath a bit shaky.
“He uh… Did some pretty dumb things, I suppose.”
“Like?” Pebble pushed, lacking the emotional intelligence to understand Delta was uncomfortable. Delta wanted to tell him no, that he didn't want to talk about it. But it felt like the word ‘no’ vanished from his vocabulary when he spoke to Pebble.
“Apparently he made some kind of advancement on Secondo.” Delta sighed, hurt apparent in his now glistening eyes. “Secondo didn't like it. But… I don't understand.” Delta didn't realize he completely stopped walking, becoming enveloped in his thoughts and emotions. He began to raise his voice.
“He never rubbed me the wrong way like that. He was so clear about his relationship with me, at least with the other ghouls. I don't understand, why would he ever cheat on me with fucking Secondo? Someone I hate so much!”
Delta roared a pained growl, swinging his foot forward and kicking a nearby rock into the water in which he internally personified as his former partner. Pebble stood, frozen, watching Delta's meltdown. Delta dropped to crouch as the rock soared through the air, throwing his mask off and burying his face in his webbed hands as he began to sob. It was weeks worth of bottled emotion, Alpha constantly stuffing it in his mind that Earth was nothing to cry over, that Earth was disloyal, a liar, a hypocrite and a fake. Of course, Alpha said these things in a more gentle and empathetic tone, but the message was clear. Yet it did not make it any less confusing, he would never have any closure, any confirmed truth. Unless he went directly to Secondo, which he knew he would never. There would always be that weight in Delta's mind.
Pebble rubbed Delta's back in an attempt to comfort him, having dropped the trash bag and letting the contents spill onto the ground. His friend was more important than chores right now. Delta's skin greedily devoured each tear that streamed down his face, rehydrating his skin in a self sustaining cycle. It was fascinating for Pebble to watch.
“That is just how some people turn out to be,” Pebble offered, though he was not the most empathetic ghoul, “people lie.”
“It is so hard,” Delta choked out, “I don't understand, why would he lie? For Secondo? He was too smart for that!”
“You said Earth tried to sleep with Secondo?”
Delta nodded, clutching at his eternally wet gray hair. Pebble narrowed his eyes in thought.
“Secondo was probably lying then I bet.”
Delta sniffed, wiping his eyes, but his emotion was still very much present in his voice and expression.
“It wasn’t even Secondo who told me! Alpha did!” He gasped, his voice hoarse.
“How did Alpha know?”
“He was on laundry duty and said he walked in on Earth on his fucking knees in front of Secondo.”
“Damn.” Pebble murmured under his breath. He continued to rub Delta's back, his fingers climbing up to caress his damp hair.
“I can imagine how frustrating it is. But I think it’s better not knowing, yeah? At least I’d rather not know than see that.”
Delta nodded under Pebble’s gentle touch, the light scratching of his claws soothing him. His mind was still racing, and he did not necessarily agree with Pebble. Part of him didn't want to know, but the other wanted closure. If only he were a quintessence ghoul, so he could see Alpha’s memories for himself. But he was not. He was a measly water ghoul, face dripping onto the dying grass below him as his own tears overhydrated him.
“Omega-“ Delta choked, pushing himself up and clearing his throat as he pulled himself towards the trash on the ground, “where is Omega? Today, today… Today is Tuesday- no no, Wednesday. Megs is off!”
Delta began scooping the fallen trash into the white plastic bag, the webs between his fingers siding him in the process. Pebble helped, though he continued looking at Delta.
“I’ll ask Omega to do it,” Delta smiled for once. “And it’s so easy to tell if Megs is lying.”
“You think he will?” Pebble smiled back. Delta shrugged dismissively, picked up the bag, almost dragging Pebble with it as he slung it over his shoulder and began walking urgently back to the building.
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 7
Ghost fanfiction
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Delta asks Omega for a favor.
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CW: idk if this might bother people so I will warn it anyway. There is some non consensual themes to this nearing the end, however it isn't sexual.
2.5k words
Terzo prodded the thin, silver needle through the strip of silk, dragging a golden thread through the material, overlapping some previously embroidered threat into his latest tailorship project. His painted nails seemed dangerously close to the tip, making Omega clench his teeth before letting his breath go as he was unharmed upon the needles resurfacing.
“Are you paying attention?” Terzo asked, not looking up from his work. “You are too quiet.”
Omega was, in fact, entirely attentive. He was watching so closely that his breath through his nose swept across Terzo's fingers and created goosebumps, though Terzo was also too focused to notice. Omega’s attention was always devoted to this subject, finding himself surprisingly interested in tailorship since he had been given the tools and time to even consider picking up a hobby.
“I'm paying attention.” Omega mumbled. Terzo's eyes flicked up to look at the ghoul and he smiled. Terzo had noticed during their tailoring sessions that Omega had a habit of playing with his grucifix necklace when he was incredibly focused on something, twirling in his fingers and rubbing the smooth metal, the occasional glare of reflected light or tap of his claws poking a hole in Terzo’s hyperfixation. He would never point it out though. He did not want Omega to stop.
Omega finally met his gaze after Terzo did not continue his work for a few seconds. Seeing his look, Omega sat upright with a deep inhale, suddenly interested in the material of the wall next to them. Terzo's smile widened.
“Restless, hm? Suppose we've been doing this for some time.” Terzo clipped the thread, placed his needle back in their now shared sewing kit.
“Good progress though.” Omega gently pinched the article of clothing they were making, holding it up to admire it. It was a dark purple scarf that Terzo was teaching Omega how to embroider on, sewing a thick omega symbol on it as a gift from papa to ghoul for the upcoming cold weather. It was less than halfway finished, but Omega liked to look over it a few times throughout their sessions. He had sewed the ends of the scarf himself after Terzo spent much of each of their free times doing it.
“Well. It is getting late.” Terzo sighed. He sat up and stretched, squeezing his eyes shut as he arched his back.
“It is only 4.” Omega tilted his head, allowing his eyes to mindlessly examine Terzo's body.
“We have to fly to Oregon at 7, no?” Terzo turned to face his wide black dresser.
“Oh, right.” Omega stood up. He watched Terzo shamelessly open his undergarments drawer, unable to look away as he spotted particularly feminine products. He pulled some out, tossing them onto his bed behind him, and then began shuffling through his pants drawer.
“I need to pack too.” Omega excuses himself, though he was already packed and ready to go.
“You have 3 hours! Stay, stay.” Terzo tutted, despite having just used time as an excuse to stop sewing. He selected a few pants, silk pajamas, among other necessary clothing, as they would not be returning to the ministry for some time. They were not supposed to be here today, either, but Terzo insisted on giving himself and his ghouls a small break from the constant performing It angered Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil, but perhaps that was Terzo’s goal as well.
Terzo sat down on his bed and began folding it, humming a familiar tune as he did so.
“You are a talented writer.” Terzo said suddenly, patting the bed next to him. Omega sat, fidgeting with his claws. “Your friends have brought me their lyrics before. They are, eh, mediocre at best.”
“But mine showed you the light, hm?” Omega finished with a grin. “You tell me all the time, Papa. Thank you.”
“I do not say things that aren't true, you know.” Terzo pushed his pile of clothing behind them, bringing an awkward, yet natural, silence in the room apart from the tuned down sound of Queen music playing on Terzo's record player. Terzo tapped his fingers on his knees a few times, poking his inner cheek with his tongue before leaning back, moving his hand so that his fingers rested on top of Omega's.
“Do you like to sew, caro?” He asked, feeling Omega's claws. Omega stared at their hands, temporarily losing his voice.
“Um-” Omega's voice cracked and he cleared his throat, and Terzo laughed. Omega blushed furiously.
“Do not worry. It happens to me.” Terzo turned his attention to their hands as well, now bringing his other hand to gently hold Omega's fingers up, examining them like they were a piece of fine china.
“Your fingers are just so thick,” Terzo said, rubbing Omega's knuckles, “I do not understand how you can be as precise as you are.”
“It's… Well, it- I just hold the needle differently than- than you do.” Omega stuttered. Terzo's hands were so gentle and so soft, unnaturally so for his age. It was apparent that Terzo greatly valued his appearance and self care, from his wardrobe choice to the delicacy of his aging skin.
Terzo closed his eyes and brought Omega's hand up to his lips, one painted black and the other left nude along with the rest of his face apart from dark eyeshadow, humming lowly as he kissed his fingers. Omega gripped the bed sheets with his free hand on the other side of his lap, holding his breath to avoid letting out the flustered growl bubbling in his chest.
Terzo's thighs shifted, bringing a knee up to block off Omega's view of his waist. He began kissing each individual finger languidly, rubbing his ring for a moment before moving up to the tendons. He fluttered his eyes open to look at Omega, and Omega was hit with a wave of an emotion he hadn't sensed from Terzo since the beginning of their tour.
“Terzo…” he murmured, voice strained. Now understanding Terzo’s motives, yet feeling powerless to stop him. Terzo's eyes moved back down, his fingers pushing up the sleeve of Omega's thick coat, but the muscles of Omega’s thick arms prevented him from doing so. Terzo chuckled dryly and placed Omega's hand back down with a pat, blush spreading across his own face at his failure to kiss up the ghoul’s arm.
“Ah… I'm sorry, Omega.” Terzo whimpered, pressing his thighs together. Omega chose not to acknowledge the sudden emanation of concupiscence filling the room and plaguing his mind as savory as cyanide, offering only a soft smile before the silence was interrupted by an urgent knock at the door. They both looked back, mildly startled.
Terzo stood, dragging a finger that was lingering on Omega’s hand up his arm, flattening to his palm across his back before flicking off, making Omega shiver at the tender gesture. Terzo opened the door, gasping at the concerningly disheveled state of Delta who stood on the other side, his face dripping into a bucket he shakingly held at his chest.
”Oh, piccola cascata… What is wrong?” Terzo reached out to rub Delta’s arm in attempt to comfort him.
Delta looked inside the room as it was easy to see over the short man in front of him, eyes glued to Omega, who stared back at him.
“I need to talk to Omega,” Delta stammered, “are you busy?”
”No, come in!” Terzo opened the door fully, standing to the side, gesturing for Delta to enter.
“I’d rather talk to him privately.”
Omega rolled his eyes.
”What?” Omega asked, standing up, moving next to Terzo. The size difference between the two was comical, making Delta smile just a small bit. Terzo looked between the two ghouls, feeling incredibly small.
”It will only take a minute,” Delta spoke to Omega in a way he never had before, almost desperate, his aggression replaced with fraught. Omega felt inclined to be softer, dropping his typical wall of cynicism and harshness that he had held moments before.
”Make sure you two are ready to go by 7, si?” Terzo patted Omega’s back as he moved out of the door. Delta nodded and Terzo shut the door behind the bigger ghoul, tending to his own business as the ghouls meandered down the hallway.
“What is it?” Omega asked again after a few minutes of silence and observing the contorting expressions of Delta’s face. Delta sniffed, the water that was temporarily slowing and thinning dripping faster.
“I need a giant favor from you, please,” Delta blurted, squeezing the bucket tighter in his arms, “I won’t ever ask you for anything again, I just need you to help me, just this once, I-“
”What is it?” Omega interrupted. He was growing more annoyed, irritated that Delta had barged in on his and Terzo’s time off to ask him for a favor. But what did he expect? He was the only quintessence ghoul, it was a constant occurrence for his break time to be cut short by his needy pack. He knew that Delta would ask him for more favors eventually. Each time he did, he always claimed it would be the last, and then the next day he would be asking for something else.
”I just want to know what Alpha saw.” Delta confessed. His request was met with a loud sigh.
“I’m not-“
“Please!” Delta broke into sobs again, water breaking out of his skin like a crack in a dam. “I know what you will say, and I don’t care! Anything is better than not knowing. Just once!”
”You’re only going to get hurt.” Omega spoke solemnly, a foreign sound of sympathy for Delta lacing his tone.
“It will be easier to get over if I see it for myself.”
“You only say that because you are desperate.”
”Please, Omega. I will do your chores for the rest of our lives!”
Omega rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek in thought. Truthfully, Delta had a right to know. It was his partner of many years, and Earth’s time had ended so suddenly, along with the revelation of something so hurtful, that the whole incident had obviously traumatized the water ghoul to a crippling level. That honest thought brought guilt to Omega, his eyes dropping to the floor in shame. He really was so harsh on Delta.
Yet, on the other hand, helping Delta would require a potential violation of his best friend’s privacy. If Alpha were to say no, Omega would have to respect that decision, and Delta would be even more hurt.
He looked over at Delta who was already staring with wide, pleading eyes, and sighed once more.
”If Alpha says no, then that is all I can do.” Omega said sternly.
“Why would he say no?” Delta whined.
”I don’t know. But if he does, I will not force him.”
“Okay. Will you ask him at least? If he says no?”
“Thank you!” Delta dropped the bucket, spilling at least a gallon of the water he had been trying to keep from slicking the ministry floor, erasing his efforts as he flew his arms around Omega. Omega scoffed, but placed his arms around him, deciding that now was not the time for yet another lecture.
To Alpha’s surprise, Omega had sat with him on the bus this night. He stopped sitting with him a few days after the tour began, opting to sit with their Papa, who almost always appeared significantly weaker and sore after each show than the ghouls did. He would watch Omega bring Terzo bottles of water, whisper in his ear, before Terzo would slowly regain his strength enough to engage with the other ghouls. It was funny at first, because all of the ghouls knew what had gone down in their Papa’s pants during the concerts. It grew uninteresting and less amusing throughout the weeks of the tour, except for Omega, who felt obliged to care for Terzo after wrecking his body without a single physical touch.
”Don’t like Terzo anymore, huh?” Alpha said with a smirk, taking a drink of his water bottle.
”I will sit with him afterwards. I kind of wanted to talk to you.” Omega said, trying to catch Alpha’s eyes. Having been his friend for so long, Alpha could tell when Omega was trying to reach out, even if it was silent. He fought it for a moment playfully, before sitting still and leaning his head back against the cushioned brown seats of the bus, looking into Omega’s eyes. Allowing him in.
Omega entered in a smooth movement. Entering Alpha’s mind was always the easiest, as he knew his mind, every nook and cranny, avoiding places he was not allowed to be, pressing places he knew would spread dopamine and serotonin throughout the ghoul. And he prodded those areas to loosen him, earning a soft smile from Alpha as Omega’s grip tightened.
“What is this?” Alpha whispered, scooting closer. “It has been so long. I miss you, beast.”
Omega hummed, allowing Alpha to get close, to touch his knee and rub up his thigh. Omega was nervous; he was hovering over the part of Alpha’s mind in which his memories were stored, a place Alpha had mentioned time and time again for Omega to leave alone. He stopped telling him over time, trusting Omega with his life. The fear of destroying that trust for the likeness of Delta is what scared Omega.
Alpha giggled. “I can feel you getting nervous.” He whispered. The other ghouls were sitting up in the front where the alcohol was stored in some mini fridges, hollering and laughing with Papa Terzo, who was slightly buzzed.
”They won’t see. I promise.” Alpha leaned in closer, his face approaching Omega’s neck. He closed his eyes, Omega’s grip being tight enough on Alpha’s mind that he could do so, and he began planting kisses on his skin.
And then his eyes snapped open as he felt something break. A flood of memories permeated his brain, feeling Omega urgently sifting through them, the banging sounds of the day Earth was banished being thrusted to the front.
“Hey!” Alpha tore himself back, grabbing Omega’s shoulders. His head began to ache, watching Omega’s anxious expression, his eyes darting around as he searched.
“Stop!” Alpha hissed through his teeth, shaking Omega and squeezing his eyes shut, trying to force him out. “Stop!”
Omega couldn’t. Guilt seeped from his mind to Alpha’s, making Alpha squirm even more, begging his friend to get out. Omega had told himself that he would respect it, that he would pull out the moment Alpha said so, yet he found himself delving deeper with each cry. Omega gasped as he felt himself sink further inside, falling into the memory he had been searching for, passing out on top of Alpha as he entered a self-inflicted state of unconsciousness.
In Pursuit of Something Better ~ Part 8
Ghost fanfiction
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Omega tells Delta the truth.
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1.6k words
contains smut (kinda?)
CW: Suggestions of S.H.
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Terzo chimed in a sing-song voice, gently shaking the ghoul that laid passed out on the couch in the very back of the bus. It was 8 o’clock at night now, and Omega was greeted with a blinding bright orange light on the roof of the bus. He grimaced, squeezing his eyes as he sat up, feeling his head thrumming with a migraine. Pebble stared at Omega with his signature smart ass grin, having tried to make fun of him for falling asleep to his best friend. But Delta did not react to Pebble’s antics. His eyes were wide with curiosity and distress, the look grounding Omega and bringing Omega back to reality. Remembering what he had seen during his fainting spell.
“Up, up, up.” Terzo held Omega’s arms despite knowing Omega was the last of the ghouls to ever require physical support, especially from a man so minuscule. He insisted on aiding him anyway, having to slightly reach up to feel his biceps, his eyes level to the ghouls chest as he stood. Omega placed his clawed hands on Terzo’s lower back, gently moving him to the side without a single word, making the shorter man’s face flush. It was, once again, a stark reminder just how small he was compared to these hellish beasts.
Omega gripped Delta’s shoulder, directing him forward with a tender push, towards the door of the bus. He scanned the vehicle. No sign of Alpha. How convenient.
”What happened?” Delta stammered, scratching at his own hands as a nervous fidget, “I saw you passed out. Did you talk to him? Did you see it? What happened?”
Omega was silent. His white eyebrows were knitted, his bottom lip strained and pulled upwards, the corners of his mouth vaguely turned downwards. Delta frantically studied his expression, his heart beating one million miles per hour, waiting for some sort of explanation. Whatever Omega had seen, Delta could tell it was bothersome. That alone made his cheeks start to bead up with water.
They stepped off the van, pressure releasing as the weight of the ghouls dissipated, the body of the vehicle bouncing upwards. Terzo jumped off behind them, making a quiet count of the ghouls that surrounded the parking lot of the airport.
“One, two…” Terzo whispered to himself. Omega spotted Alpha. He was standing with Aero, his arms crossed, nails squeezing the elbows of his jacket. He was making light conversation with the air ghoul, who seemed generally uninterested in whatever it was Alpha was talking about, offering only an “mhm” as he stared at his phone. Alpha was also wearing his mask, and Omega knew it was to hide behind.
“Omega?” Delta whined, grabbing the sleeve of his coat like a child begging for candy. Omega jolted, having zeroed in on Alpha, startled by the reminder that Delta was asking him a question. He looked at Delta.
”What happened?”
“We will talk about it later.”
“No!” Delta cried. Terzo looked back at them.
”Delta,” Omega leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper as they were watched by their papa. “We will talk about this later. Okay? I will share a room with you when we get to Oregon.”
“This isn’t fair, I’m so tired of waiting! I’ve waited so long and you-“
Omega put his hand on the back of Delta’s head, pushing him in towards him, wrapping him in the warmest embrace he could possibly offer to any sentient being. Not too tight in case Delta did not want it, yet tight enough to put a comforting pressure on him. Delta immediately fell silent, stunned momentarily before he grabbed the back of Omega’s coat, hugging him furiously, his body twitching and quivering as he struggled to keep himself together.
”Just make it until we get there. Okay? Just until we get there.” Omega bargained softly, caressing his sopping hair. Delta nodded, wrapping his tail around Omega’s knee, desperate for comfort.
“Good,” Omega whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Terzo stopped watching them the moment Omega pulled the water ghoul in. He had turned around, pretending not to have noticed, taking slow, wide steps towards Alpha and Aero.
”How is your trip so far, darling?” Terzo asked, though he was not really interested. Alpha shrugged, expression unreadable behind his mask.
“Ah. The plane will be much more interesting, si? It is always fun. Aeroplanes.” Terzo smirked, eyes darting to Aero, who looked at him blankly at his unfunny quip. Terzo’s smile faded.
”What is up with you all today? Nobody is smiling anymore.”
The flight was only about two hours from California to Oregon, the entire trip taking around 3 and a half hours with the ride to and from each airport. There was a slight debate about who would room with who; Pebble had whined enough to get his way, convincing Delta to room with him after he and Omega participated in their mystery activities both of them refused to elaborate on. Alpha was silent, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, knowing what they would be doing. Yet he was powerless to stop them, at least during the heat of the debate in the van they rented, as it would worsen the entire situation for him to tell them to stop in front of Terzo and the other ghouls. So, the moment that the others retreated into their rooms for the night, Alpha sprinted down the hall, his tail burning a bright orange as he approached Omega.
”Don’t.” Alpha hissed, trying to pull Omega back desperately. Omega slapped his hand away.
“Get the hell away from me.” Omega shoved Alpha away, slipping into the room with Delta, slamming the door in the fire ghoul’s face.
“This is stupid!” Alpha roared on the other side, punching on it. “You’re making everything worse!”
Omega ignored him. If Alpha kept this up, the entire hotel would be woken up, so he needed to get this done fast so he could leave. Without any warning, he gently grasped Delta’s face as they sat down on the bed, catching his eyes and thrusting the discovery he had into his mind. The pounding on the door quickly turned into a muffled echo to the water ghoul, his eyes losing the ability to perceive outside light, temporarily blinding him until suddenly, he was in another world, seeing, hearing, feeling everything through the body of Alpha the day his world evaporated.
“Shut the fuck up.” Secondo roared at me, both of his hands wrapped around my throat. Despite the way I was squirming under him, the rope around my wrists cutting into my skin and rubbing it raw, and the way I was howling against the gag jammed in my mouth, I was in the most unbridled state of sexual bliss I had ever experienced. I cannot tell what had brought me to this low, maybe because Omega had sucked up into his own mind too much to pay attention to me. Maybe it was a good thing. Yes, Omega has a cock incomparable to any other, but it is not of any use if he isn’t interested enough to slam it all into me anymore.
I never thought this would happen. I didn’t ask for Secondo to find me taking care of myself. I thought I was going to be shot when he walked in on me. He stared, and I can hardly recall what happened between the time he had found me and now, where such a ghoul-despising man was pounding into me like his life depended on it. And, oh, he was insatiable. I had never been tied like this, I couldn’t get out of it if I wanted to. Would he even let me if I really didn’t want this? I didn’t know if I wanted it. But I still let him. Does that mean I wanted it? It was too late to decide anyway, because he had my words made to be unintelligible. I could only wail, in a confusing mix of pleasure and anguish. It was so degrading, so belittling to be used like this by a man who had tried to suffocate me and my friends, wanting to see me dead simply because I am hellspawn. His hellspawn. I thought that is what this ministry wanted.
It was a matter of extremely unfortunate coincidence that the other ghoul had walked in on us. It was his duty. Laundry duty, to be exact. He had been scheduled for it today, to collect the baskets that the Emeritus brothers kept in the corners of their rooms beside their bed. Laundry duty had a specific time for it to be done, so that Cardinal Terzo did not see a ghoul before his ascension. Secondo must have not been thinking straight. Well, he was not. That much was apparent.
Secondo almost kicked me in the balls as he scrambled off of the bed, eyes wide and glued to the intruder. I yelped, making eye contact with him in the doorway, who stood there in shock. Only for a moment. He grabbed the basket and slammed the door shut. He wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted to do his chores. Secondo turned back to me.
“You disgraceful animal,” he screamed at me, leaning over and smacking me across the face. “Do you understand what you have done?”
I didn’t do anything. I didn’t ask Secondo to fuck me. But I let him. Does it make it my fault? It is my fault. I whimpered quietly. Another vicious slap, making my skin sting.
”He will tell.” Secondo grabbed the knife he had set on the nightstand before we began. He cut the rope, releasing my hands from the bedframe. I ripped the gag out of my mouth and squirmed to dress myself.
“Get the hell out of here. I will deal with the ghoul. And I will deal with you later.” Secondo demanded. I said nothing. Secondo left first, and I heard him shout a spell of paralysis at my friend. I peered out of the door, and the last thing I had ever seen of that earth ghoul was him being dragged down the hallway.

Omega keeps telling Alpha that the smoke is bad for his lungs. Alpha doesnt tell him that being a fire ghoul means your lungs are always filled with smoke
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In Pursuit of Something Better - Part 9
Ghost fanfiction
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A/N - Sorry I took a big fat break from writing this. The motivation is back 😈
The ghouls argue a few days after the discovery.
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1.6k words
Some blink and youll miss it smut
It was not necessarily easy to ignore the tension that fogged the quintessence’s ghoul’s mind over the following days, but focusing on what he would do to his Papa during their shows kept him somewhat distracted. He almost felt guilty, like he was taking his frustrations out on the innocent man. Flooding his body with quintessence at the soonest moment, before he even connected with an audience member, just to release his tension. After the ordeal, Terzo would furrow his painted brows at Omega as he continued his song.
“Wait a little longer, si?” Terzo would scold him in the backstage area after their shows. Yet, Omega would not. He could not. Once again, Terzo’s body jolted at the improper timing of the substance. His knees wobbled and he fell to his knees, drawing a sharp breath into the microphone, reaching out desperately for a crowd member.
Another man took the papa’s hand. Terzo clung to it, watching his hand twitch and a faint glow in his veins emerge. Terzo’s mismatched eyes flickered up to meet the man’s gaze.
“I can see through the scars inside-“ Terzo was cut off by the man tugging on his arm. Terzo grunted, falling forward, catching himself for a brief moment before the man grabbed him by the sides of his face. The music continued as Terzo was gagged by the man’s lips and tongue, gripping him so tight that his nails dug into his painted cheeks.
Fire sparked from behind, swinging across the stage as Alpha’s tail swished behind him. He stomped forward towards his papa, simultaneously as Omega had done the same. The guitars had stopped, replaced with the sounds of Terzo’s struggling grunts, desperately fighting off the grabbing hands of numerous other attendees.
Omega locked eyes with Alpha. Temporarily adjusting his attention to his packmate, he roared at him with his mind, a deafening sound rattling inside the fire ghouls head that caused him to meaninglessly cover his ears and halt in his tracks. Omega slid to his knees, grabbing Terzo by the waist with one hand, swiping at the hands of the ritual goers with the other. His eyes burned bright, subsequently increasing the quintessence flowing through Terzo, into the man assaulting the pope with his mouth.
All the music had stopped at this point. Terzo’s veins were bright white, shining through his clothes. The man’s as well, and with each touch, the quintessence plagued through the crowd. People turned to one another, aggressively making out, dry humping, touching.
With a final tug, Omega pried Terzo away from the man. His body was almost entirely limp, mouth hanging open, drooling on the stage. The other ghouls surrounded the, trying to hide the scene as Omega held Terzo bridle style and carried him off the stage.
“No more of this,” Omega hissed, the corners of his lips quivering, “that is enough.”
Terzo stared up at Omega. Tears dripped down his smudged paint, fingers gripping Omega’s suit.
“Fuck me.” He choked out, “just one more ti-“
“Shut up.” Omega barked, noticing the jerk of Delta’s head in his peripheral vision.
”Please Omega, I won’t-“
Omega covered Terzo’s mouth. It silenced him for only a nanosecond, soon replacing his begging with moans as Terzo maneuvered Omega’s thick fingers into his mouth and began sucking them.
Omega dropped Terzo on to a black leather couch, ripping his fingers from his mouth. He writhed, turning to face the back, grinding against it.
”What?” Delta asked from behind, startling Omega. “Again? Did you have sex with him?”
”No, he’s just delirious.”
”Are you lying?” Delta tugged on Omega’s sleeve. “Look at me, are you lying? Did you have sex with him? Omega, please-“
”Delta, relax.” Omega growled. “He is only saying that because-”
”Terzo Emeritus,” a taller man dressed in a black dress shirt holding a phone approached the group, “Sister Imperator would like to speak with you.”
”No!” Omega yelled, “He is sick. Tell her he is sick!”
“Let me speak with her-“ Terzo reached up to take the phone.
“NO!” Omega roared and slapped the phone to the ground. He stomped on it and grabbed Terzo by the collar of his suit.
”You dumbass! Where is your brain? I know you have one!”
”What the fuck is happening?” Pebble groaned, half annoyed, half frightened. Delta took his hand, holding it tightly and bringing him close.
“Do not speak to me like that,” Terzo growled back, sitting up. He looked like a wreck, though the fire in his glare told Omega he was regaining his strength.
“You are the one who wouldn’t wait. What is your deal?”
Omega’s eyes darted to Alpha who stood silently and watched, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t have a deal.” Omega grumbled.
“Then shut your mouth. It is your fault.” Terzo hissed. “I will tell Sister we got too passionate.”
”So I just decided to do that? Because we got too passionate?”
“Do you propose another idea?” Terzo pressed his middle and index knuckles to his forehead, leaning against the couch.
“We go about that rebellion shit you were talking about,” Delta chimed, almost sounding angry, “I don’t understand why we don’t just eat her.”
”You think anyone would come to our ministry and rituals if the ghouls eat their masters?” Pebble asked.
“Who the fuck gives a shit?” Delta growled back. “Who cares? They all deserve to die. They do shit like they did to Earth.”
Delta’s eyes snapped up to Alpha.
”Shut up, Delta.” Omega glared at Delta.
”What?” Delta’s chest puffed out, his ears twitching. “You tell me to shut up? You always tell me to shut up! Why don’t you stop bitching at me? Why don’t you bitch at him?” Delta pointed to Alpha.
”He isn’t doing anything.” Omega’s voice dropped lower, his eyebrows raising.
”You bastard!” Delta snarled. His chest tightened. “Fuck Sister Imperator! We will steal the Grimoire and then we will eat her.”
”She doesn’t have the Grim-“
Omega slapped Terzo in the back of his head with his tail. All eyes turned to Terzo.
”What?” Alpha asked quietly.
”Oh, for Lucifer’s sake!” Omega roared. “You are all children! Just shut the fuck up! Just shut up!”
“You shut up!” Alpha lunged towards Omega. “All you do is hide shit! You tell everyone to shut up and then say nothing!”
Omega scoffed. “You want to talk about hiding shit? You fucking backstabber?”
“You are clearly fucking Terzo, don’t even start.”
“I only fucked him once!”
”I only fucked-“ Alpha trailed off, looking towards Delta. He was almost started by the burning, wide eyed glare from the water ghoul.
”Don’t lie.” Omega huffed through his nose. “Either quit talking or ruin your own life.”
Alpha pursed his lips slightly, eyes dropping to the ground.
“Why is anyone fucking any of the clergy?” Delta spoke through gritted teeth. His deathly eyes darted between Alpha and Omega.
A wave of silence washed over the group, only the muffled sounds of the crowd yelling audible, along with the unsteady huffs and bubbling water emitting from Delta. Terzo seemed to have completely checked out mentally, sitting on the couch with his chin on his hand, lost in thought.
”Who the hell is Earth?” Terzo finally asked. His question was met with a few despondent glances, broken immediately.
“He was the earth ghoul before Pebble, Alpha spoke quietly and breathily. Omega’s eyes moved to the side, facing Terzo but looking at Alpha.
”He was banished.”
More silence. All eyes were locked on Alpha.
”I…” Alpha choked. His ears curled downwards, his tail limp on the ground.
”I had sex with Secondo. Earth walked in.”
Terzo furrowed his eyebrows. “And he was banished for that?”
”I didn’t know he would be,” Alpha murmured, “Secondo just told me he was going to deal with it or something. I didn’t think he would banish him.”
”Hm.” Terzo tilted his head on his hand, bouncing his knee. “I don’t remember there being a banishing ritual.”
”A ritual?” Delta looked down at Terzo. “There is no ritual. It’s a spell.”
“No,” Terzo leaned back, “before you ghouls were summoned, my father had ghouls. When he retired I got to watch him send them back to the pit. It’s in the same circle of rocks and candles as ghouls get summoned in. I was never allowed to watch a ghoul be summoned when I became a Cardinal, but I got to watch them be banished. Something about unclipped ghouls being dangerous.” Terzo waved his hand. “Anyways, there has not been a banishing ritual since my father retired.”
”Well you fucking missed it,” Delta hissed, though a tone of uncertainty underlined his voice.
”I don’t think I missed anything.” Terzo looked up at Delta.
”Stop,” Delta pinched his eyebrows, his skin starting to drip on the floor, “I don’t want to hear any more!”
“Maybe Earth is still here-“
“Earth wouldn’t just leave me!” Delta hissed at Pebble. “Where the fuck would he even be?”
”I remember that Secondo took him downstairs…” Alpha murmured, looking sheepishly at Delta. ”He made me seal the door shut though. But I think I could melt it back open.”
“We aren’t at the ministry.”
”We can take another trip back there in a few days,” Terzo said, “on our next day off.”
”Delta, don’t get your fucking hopes up,” Omega warned, “if he is in that damn room he’s dead at this point.”
“No, he could burrow. He is an earth ghoul. He could still be alive!”
”Oh, I am sure that Secondo didn’t collar him, hm?”
Delta fell quiet. Omega sighed.
”I will go in there with Alpha. We will tell you what we find.”

Pumpkin carving double date 🎃🖤
Secondo isn’t the best at carving pumpkins, but Omega enjoys it a lot 💕
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Guys I have a confession
I have a crush on alpha ghoul too
Runs away
Water headcanon idea
Water ghouls are like predators yeah? Hear me, water ghoul poison barbs.
Like hear me out for a second! They could so easily use it to grab fish or pierce a bigger predator. Some water ghouls don't have to have poison barbs! It can be a tribal thing!!
Salt water ghouls with poison barbs, fresh water with regular barbs just hear me out for a second. They could also use it for protecting their young!! The poison (from salt water ghouls) if enough is pierced into you it can kill you, but if they give a warning flick then it's usually enough to just knock you out.
Tldr: water ghoul barbs.
Disables your ghouls
Dewdrop;BPD, chronic fatigue, insomnia
Phantom; AuDHD, OCD, hEDS, tic disorder, maladaptive daydreaming disorder
Aurora; Epilepsy, psychosis, stutter
Rain; Tic disorder, EDS, PoTS, number dyslexia
Mountain; Deaf, epilepsy, OCD, autism
Ifrit; partially blind, BPD, dyslexia
Alpha; NPD, selective mute, dysgraphia
Cowbell; DID, selective mute, social anxiety
Zephyr; hEDS, chronic fatigue, narcolepsy+ cataplexy
Pebble: Epilepsy, tremor, autism
Please ask me about my headcanons so I can infodump:3
Got an idea but I need opinions please
If yes, leave me suggestions in reblogs or my ask box please<33
Have you, perchance, considered regressed Alpha? Reliant on Omega, clinging to his side because he's the only ghoul that makes him feel safe?
Oh I love this idea, have baby Alpha with Cg Omega and mentions of other ghouls!!
Cw/tw? Baby Alpha (0-2), mentions of bottle feeding, the nickname "daddy" used in a nonsexual way!
Alpha,when he does regress, he's usually very small with a baby-like mindset. Omega always notices before Alpha does, the way he stands and talks is a tell tale sign that he's slipping, which usually shoves Omega into a caregiver mindset.
When he does regress he usually can't walk, so Omega carries him everywhere with little effort. Alpha loves it and is always hanging onto him in some sort of way, not that Omega minds at all since he loves to carry his baby everywhere with him.
Alpha has a onesie that has little campfires all around it, Omega got it for him as a gift and Alpha adores it. He has others to wear but this one is special to him, since Omega got it for him with his own money.
Alpha usually doesn't like to be around others when he's small but sometimes he'll let Mist or Ifrit around him if Omega is busy, Mist always loves babysitting the small flame and is constantly playing games and sneaking snacks to him when Ifrit isn't looking.
If Mist and Ifrit are busy Omega will take Alpha with him to his office where he'll sit and play with toys and blocks while Omega works, there's a designated play area for any little who wants to hang out with him while working.
Sometimes Alpha will get fussy and cranky and Omega will have to calm him down and rock him in place to soothe him. "Daddy's here, little flame. I got you, we'll watch a movie after I'm finished working." And that calms him right down, Omega loves how well behaved he is sometimes.
Omega loves to spoil Alpha a lot, usually buying toys or little gear for the small ghoul. His most recent item was a custom bottle that Omega had ordered, he won't use any other when feeding but Omega doesn't mind at all.
On the topic of feeding, Alpha gets cranky if he's hungry and tends to throw a fit if he wants something. Omega will have him cradled in his arms and stay there with the bottle until the fire ghoul is finished, always making sure to burp him afterwards so he doesn't get an upset tummy that night.
When it's time for bed the little one is always changed into a soft onesie with his favorite stuffed animal and a pacifier, cuddling away on Omega's chest until the two of them fall fast asleep wrapped in each other's arms.
Can you tell he's my favorite? Hope you enjoyed<3