Amazing Poetry - Tumblr Posts
A Perfect kiss
A perfect kiss is not defined by time or place
A perfect kiss is a moment in time, frozen then thawed from the abstract of eternal bliss and the blink of an eye
The perfect kiss is an energy born of time and nurtured by passion
The perfect kiss is as elusive in its concept as it is its execution
The perfect kiss is anticipation
…it is the composition of the notes and the melody which follows
…it is the tensing of his arms, pulling her closer as he slides his hand softly down the small of her back
…it is the air under her heels as she leans into the unknown
…it is the last and split second of eye contact as he places his other hand behind her head, carefully weaving his fingers through her hair
…it is the body trembling, first in the hands, then the legs
…it is the strength you feel in that moment of weakness
…moisture moves from your palms to your mouth
…it is in that moment our lips become our canvas, our hearts the artist, our souls forever lost in the abyss of the other
It is the only perfect kiss I know.
how are your poems so meaningful? how do they speak to my soul louder than my own poems do?
To be in Love #Poem 100
It's strange to think that I wanted to be in love so desperately, But when I fell in love for the first time, I wanted to fall out of it as soon as possible, Because it hurt more than I thought it would, It hurts more than I can handle, Perhaps, that is only because it is unrequited, Perhaps, if it were requited it would be less painful, It would be something beautiful, But it isn’t so it doesn’t matter what it’s not, One day I’ll know, What it feel to be in love with someone as well as be loved by someone.
I love your poems, they're just so deep and meaningful
The flying down the cliff
Perhaps you should let me drown.
I’m standing there, so close to the cliff’s end.
My whole body is shaking and my tears are covering my whole face and front side of neck.
My fingers tremble, as I hold on to the breeze of the sea.
My black dress is ruined, my knees are bleeding.
Regret and guilt fill up my whole being,
they suffocate me, as they wrap their hands around my bare throat.
I'm getting eaten alive by the agony.
And you're there, right behind me,
like a guard on my right shoulder.
And you won't let me do it.
I fucking hate you.
You took away the only choice I had the chance to make.
You imprisoned me and I cannot help, but pity you.
Because you cut my wings and broke my legs.
Just so I could stay for a bit more.
And now you watch over me as I try to escape.
You stare at me and make me regret my wants.
You hate me, yet you love me and you hold the same knife I used to stab your heart.
And you keep stabbing without even knowing it,
you twist it and turn it and I cough blood and you say you want to help me.
And you say it with such adoration, that I can feel my hot blood drip down my broken legs.
You believe me like a God, for you can not let me go.
And when I leave you, I'll die.
I’ll fall down the cliff and I’ll suffocate in the darkness of death.
And my broken wings will mean something.
This is the price I have to pay.
To drown in the sea cold water, as the moon light bathes our skins.
Just so I could heal my wings and fly again.
Perhaps you should really let me drown.
~R <33333

I've seen it in the poems and the sands I've pleaded with the powers and their plans I tried to rewrite it, but I can't It's the history, the history of man