Long Distant Love - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

“I’m not easy to deal with.

I’m well aware.

It’s not easy for me to deal

With me.

I am needy and


I feel like I don’t deserve


Most of the time.

I overanalyze

And think too much.

I worry about nothing

And care about everything.

I’m a closed book

That doesn’t want to be opened.

I can’t talk about my feelings

Or anything in general.

I’m awkward and anxious

And love too strongly.

I won’t ask for help

Or for you to change.

I won’t tell you when I’m upset

And you’ll never know

How angry or numb I get

Until you see the black and blue

Snaking around my knuckles.

I won’t tell you I’m not okay.

I’ll ignore it all

And pretend I’m fine

But I’m hoping you realize I’m not


I’m anything but easy.

I’m complicated and messy

I’m over emotional

But closed off.

I’m anxious and I hate fighting.

I’m not easy

But I’ve learned

That I’m



- I’m not easy but I’m worth it and I hope you see that.

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7 years ago

A Perfect kiss

A perfect kiss is not defined by time or place

A perfect kiss is a moment in time, frozen then thawed from the abstract of eternal bliss and the blink of an eye

The perfect kiss is an energy born of time and nurtured by passion

The perfect kiss is as elusive in its concept as it is its execution

The perfect kiss is anticipation

…it is the composition of the notes and the melody which follows

…it is the tensing of his arms, pulling her closer as he slides his hand softly down the small of her back

…it is the air under her heels as she leans into the unknown

…it is the last and split second of eye contact as he places his other hand behind her head, carefully weaving his fingers through her hair

…it is the body trembling, first in the hands, then the legs

…it is the strength you feel in that moment of weakness

…moisture moves from your palms to your mouth

…it is in that moment our lips become our canvas, our hearts the artist, our souls forever lost in the abyss of the other

It is the only perfect kiss I know.


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7 years ago

Being in a long distance relationship will really have you feeling disappointed about some silly things.

Like coming home exhausted on a day you looked cute so there’s no point in facetiming but you’re a little disappointed they won’t see you. Or being sad that when you both fell asleep in the phone that their phone died before morning so now their voice isn’t the first one you’ll hear. And being disappointed that you never want to go out with friends because you’d much rather stay in and talk to your significant other on the phone all night.

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6 years ago

Our love was Baby blue leather jacket  And sunflowers Our love was Second grade "What do you want to be when you grow up" And the "What do you like on your pizza" question Our love was  Lullabies on the piano Heart in timezone tatters Our love was More I miss you Than I love you Our love was Cute animals GIF's  And orange juice Our love was Not knowing of the broken or the healing But just knowing you are helping  Our love was Me trying to be happy Just for you Because you made me want to

The Belgium Boy, The Boyfriend Boy Excerpt from the poem The Ways In Which I have Been Loved

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9 years ago
Love & Distance Lulu's Secret Desires By Veronika (Nika) Jensen Www.facebook.com/lulus.secret.desires

Love & Distance © Lulu's Secret Desires by Veronika (Nika) Jensen www.facebook.com/lulus.secret.desires

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