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Also, Delia meeting the French scholar who helped Ash as an adult figure and having a whirlwind romance years after either her deadbeat ex left or her late husband died peaks.
Not to forget Sycamore, the oddly put together wet cat he is, meeting this wonderful, caring, and capable woman and becoming smitten as she gets him and his son (adopted, pseudo-adopted, or bio it's true regardless) to take care of themselves as much as they do their Pokemon is just*chef's kiss*
I have discovered a rarepair/crackship and it's criminal how underused the tag is on AO3, like, I get it, it can be a small fandom when it comes down to shipping sometimes, but even so... Only 7 works for a verified tag? It's disappointing.
Let me introduce you, Pokefans, curious bystanders, and that one person that just stumbled across my shitpost, to the wonder that is the
It's absolutely mad but at the same time, there's a certain inspiring brilliance to it. Only a mad genius could have thought of this.
It's so off the walls, I can scarce begin to guess at the line of thought that led to its existence, yet the ideas it brings are fun. Like the thought of Augustine Sycamore panicking over Ash after the Kalos Crisis, and panicked calls between French Zoologist Dad and Japanese Restaurant Mom when their Reckless Sporty Child jumps off of their equivalent of the Eiffel Tower after chasing down the family pet with rabies. Not to forget the Greenfield incident, where oh look your wife just got supernaturally kidnapped and you're an ocean away while your son fights something that looks like God to get her back.
Also, Alain and Ash being brothers and Delia having a romance for the ages with the Kalosian apprentice that Professor Oak had brought on in their young adulthood.
Yet again I have a wellspring of inspiration and it's because of a rarepair that under the right conditions can be a crackship.