It Had To Be Said - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Please forgive me, but unhinged Vergil is attractive. đŸ„Č

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Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful
Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful
Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful
Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful
Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful
Green Day Lyrics Are So Meaningful

“green day lyrics are so meaningful”

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2 years ago
A Meme Inspired By @micro-usb

A meme inspired by @micro-usb

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1 year ago

oh i would suck his dick till he fucking CRIED pls help me i’m so unwell rn

Oh I Would Suck His Dick Till He Fucking CRIED Pls Help Me Im So Unwell Rn

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7 months ago

I keep seeing people comparing that scene where Nanami sees Haibara BEFORE he dies and him thinking his final moments weren't so bad to Gojo seeing geto (and everyone) AFTER he died as if they're the same thing...

Like sorry but the thing that made Satoru smile before death was Sukuna telling him that he was magnificent and that he won't forget him for as long as he lives😭😭

I Keep Seeing People Comparing That Scene Where Nanami Sees Haibara BEFORE He Dies And Him Thinking His
I Keep Seeing People Comparing That Scene Where Nanami Sees Haibara BEFORE He Dies And Him Thinking His

Yeah this is your man he wanted to be acknowledged by the king of curses yeah he's a freak just accept it.

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1 year ago

When you finally found the one your looking for, the true love of your life. The one that makes u giggle and kick ya lil feet. The one you want to be with forever like you cant imagine living without them..

Then you realize they either live and kpop idols life or They are Anime characters drawn on screen or They are on peices of paper ina book or just a figment of your imagination you created.

When You Finally Found The One Your Looking For, The True Love Of Your Life. The One That Makes U Giggle

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2 years ago

..... Macacat

we as a society need to talk about this more

We As A Society Need To Talk About This More

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10 months ago
Try To Do It Like Us, If You Even Can
Try To Do It Like Us, If You Even Can
Try To Do It Like Us, If You Even Can
Try To Do It Like Us, If You Even Can

try to do it like us, if you even can

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3 years ago

I’m personally of the opinion that Eva should have been introduced from the beginning, and no not as a pizza delivery girl who shows up for all of one minute in act one, does absolutely nothing, and then doesn’t get mentioned again until ten minutes into the second act only for her to either be silent or absent entirely for most of it. Introduce her from the very beginning, make her a transfer right at the start, a new year, a new face. Let her be an outcast and a suspect, and have her further push the plot in some way. She is an outsider, a reflection of how broken and scared these girls really are, but she can be more than that, she should be more than that. She is a new beginning for Kate, a branch off from Chess, the only person Kate has centered herself around for god knows how long. Let that start earlier, make the progression feel more natural. Let people question her, question Riley’s motives for bringing her in, let it be a window into the rest of the team realizing that there really is something wrong with how they function based on the reaction of someone who’s up until now dealt with a much healthier atmosphere and more functional group of people.

We didn’t need a Kateva duet because frankly we didn’t need Eva. A duet with them wouldn’t have done anything for the plot, and WATT already has very few plot driven songs

YES and I’m so glad someone finally said it. Eva’s character seemed to come from literally nowhere and did nothing for the plot. Also yes WATT 100% needed more plot driven songs.

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3 years ago

And that’s what’s sad, it shouldn’t be an unpopular opinion.

People shouldn’t hear, “Oh I’m an adult in my 30s who still lives with their parents,” and then think, wow they must be lazy or freeloading. I’m not saying there isn’t one or two cases like that, which it still isn’t any of our business anyway, but it’s highly disgusting to sit there and judge people when you don’t know what they are going through.

I grew up in a large family, with up to 13 people in one house, and yes that consisted of my grandparents, mom, aunts, uncle, cousins, and siblings. (Even second cousins at one point.) It’s exactly what the person above said, I live in one of the most expensive states you can live in, and with what my mom makes in a year supporting 3 kids she could NEVER afford the rent of even a single bedroom apartment. Just because someone isn’t paying rent doesn’t mean they don’t have a job or aren’t helping out around the house.

Plus, we took/take care of my grandparents. My grandpa passed away earlier this May, but before he did, he could no longer walk due to a knee problem with a surgery, so we helped him with everything. Feeding, showers, assisting him with doctor appointments, and just spending time with him in general, like watching movies he liked, because he couldn’t really move anywhere that wasn’t his bed. My grandma also can’t do everything she used to either with her legs as well, like carrying groceries up our many stairs or even taking the garbage down, stuff we don’t really even think about. So us grandkids do the workload.

There’s honestly many other things, but seriously. We need to make this a popular opinion. No adult deserves to give you any damn reason on why they still live with their birth family. Simply accept there is a good reason and move on. As a society we need to change the stereotypical idea of moving out once you become an adult and then creating this whole family for yourself. While some people do get to do that, it’s definitely not the reality for quite a lot of people. It takes way more time then what I feel like many of us thought it would as kids/young teens.

Unpopular opinion but an adult still living at home with their birth family doesn’t owe you an explanation for why they’re living there. 

It could be an illness/disability they have that’s not fully visible. Maybe they want to be around to care for their aging parents. Maybe the rents in their area are so disgustingly, astronomically high that it really doesn’t make sense for them to move out. Maybe they just don’t trust strangers enough to move into shared accommodation. No matter what it is, it’s not your business. 

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2 years ago

I know a lot of people characterize satoru as a heartless god complex one dimensional character, and that’s fine and all, it’s just
 did you even try to understand him?

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Andrewsarchus energy


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Also, Delia meeting the French scholar who helped Ash as an adult figure and having a whirlwind romance years after either her deadbeat ex left or her late husband died peaks.

Not to forget Sycamore, the oddly put together wet cat he is, meeting this wonderful, caring, and capable woman and becoming smitten as she gets him and his son (adopted, pseudo-adopted, or bio it's true regardless) to take care of themselves as much as they do their Pokemon is just*chef's kiss*

I have discovered a rarepair/crackship and it's criminal how underused the tag is on AO3, like, I get it, it can be a small fandom when it comes down to shipping sometimes, but even so... Only 7 works for a verified tag? It's disappointing.

Let me introduce you, Pokefans, curious bystanders, and that one person that just stumbled across my shitpost, to the wonder that is the
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


It's absolutely mad but at the same time, there's a certain inspiring brilliance to it. Only a mad genius could have thought of this.

It's so off the walls, I can scarce begin to guess at the line of thought that led to its existence, yet the ideas it brings are fun. Like the thought of Augustine Sycamore panicking over Ash after the Kalos Crisis, and panicked calls between French Zoologist Dad and Japanese Restaurant Mom when their Reckless Sporty Child jumps off of their equivalent of the Eiffel Tower after chasing down the family pet with rabies. Not to forget the Greenfield incident, where oh look your wife just got supernaturally kidnapped and you're an ocean away while your son fights something that looks like God to get her back.

Also, Alain and Ash being brothers and Delia having a romance for the ages with the Kalosian apprentice that Professor Oak had brought on in their young adulthood.

Yet again I have a wellspring of inspiration and it's because of a rarepair that under the right conditions can be a crackship.


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