Animation In Progress - Tumblr Posts

Quick flat render done :3 my babies looking super cute
Problem areas; the shooting star, the clouds
Unsure areas; a school of jelly fish. I think that would be cute, but that means more work xD

Animation time!
Definitely didn't take hours to set up because Synfig kept freaking out and error-ing random images and I had to restart because it wanted to pretend the images didn't exist in the folder they most definitely were in specifically for this project :)
I've decided an Idle loop for the sky and clouds, and I'll Inochi2d animate my boys.
Some crashing issues and a lot of back and forth to find timing and number of frames I should make it so it loops like I want. Apparently that means 10,000 frames minimum
I am struggling with how I want the "twinkle" stars to go, I'll probably restart that again, but that's all part of the process, I guess.
Honestly thought I'd be further along with my animation than I am, but there's a lot of me making beginner mistakes and having to fully restart 4 times minimum each new set of problems 🥴
Anyway, I'm a plant dad to like... 50 plants, say hello to my newest babies

I haven't done drawing art in what feels like ages..
Got a good 6 minute loop animation for the Galaxy Backdrop, but now I have to enter the hell of animating my little guys.. I have made 0 progress after 2 days, and I am fully stumped, but I'll get there eventually