Wig - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Brett Mosher
Brett Mosher
Brett Mosher

Brett Mosher

Shakespeare plays

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5 months ago
Whole Responsibilities Lies Upon @ultramarinaa

Whole responsibilities lies upon @ultramarinaa

To https://www.tumblr.com/ultramarinaa/763533207272620033/bald-john-bald-john


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1 year ago

Today I realized that I have wigs that I didn't remember having, so I took photos of all of them so I wouldn't end up buying repeat wigs.

Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I
Today I Realized That I Have Wigs That I Didn't Remember Having, So I Took Photos Of All Of Them So I

Follow me on instagram | Ko-fi

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11 months ago

At carnival I improvised a Jurassic Park cosplay, but I only have a blonde wig and it is quite short, so I ordered a long one to complete the cosplay and wear it to events.

At Carnival I Improvised A Jurassic Park Cosplay, But I Only Have A Blonde Wig And It Is Quite Short,
At Carnival I Improvised A Jurassic Park Cosplay, But I Only Have A Blonde Wig And It Is Quite Short,
At Carnival I Improvised A Jurassic Park Cosplay, But I Only Have A Blonde Wig And It Is Quite Short,

My plan is to use it for both Ellie and Lex.

Follow me on instagram | Ko-fi

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7 years ago
Wig Hack Wednesday #6 !Want To Make Your Ponytail Wig More Believable With Top Volume? Ponytail Clips

Wig Hack Wednesday #6 ! Want to make your ponytail wig more believable with top volume? Ponytail clips are cool but they can be uncomfortable after long hours of wearing. You can make seamless high ponytail with this method for characters like Kasumi (Dead or Alive), Widowmaker (Overwatch), or Medea (Fate/Grand Order) For this demo, I used a Sandy Brown Jeannie base wig from Arda Wigs. The Jeannie comes with a tied up ponytail wig with a ponytail clip. You can use normal non-ponytail wig as a start as well. Make sure to alter the wig so you can tie it up for the stubbed part and use extra wefts for the high ponytail part.

- Undo the tail of the Jeannie base wig and re-tie it higher. Use elastic band for this instead of rubber band so that it won’t melt against hot glue later. Cut off the extra length of the tail as closely as you can to the tied area. Stub with hot glue. - Cut a piece of cardboard for the tail’s β€œextension”. - Hot glue the cardboard piece to the top of the tail, going around it. I used a half-piece, but if you need extra support, cut a bigger piece so that you can completely wrap it around the tail. - Add paper to the top of the cardboard using packaging tape. You can stack it higher if you wish but keep the weight in mind. - Take the butterfly clip out of the ponytail clip that comes with the Jeannie. Cut the piece in half. - Use the bottom piece from the last step to glue onto the top of the tail. Start gluing near the tied area first. - Section off the hair so it’s easier to neatly glue it down to the paper form. Start from the top area, and then the two sides. - Remember the other half piece from the ponytail clip earlier? Cut it in half again and use one of the halves to glue to the underside of your big ponytail to close the gap. - Brush the hair and hairspray it in place and you have a strong high ponytail! Since it’s heavy-back, you may need to sew in some wig clips or zig zag flexi comb inside the wig cap by the hairline to make sure the wig doesn’t slide backward when you walk around.

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6 years ago

hello!! id really like to cosplay pink diamond from steven universe. the design is relatively simple but im completely stumped on how to go about the wig. i want it to be as voluminous as i can but im not sure how to execute jt. do you have any suggestions? ty in advance!!

Have you seen yarn tails? You use yarn to make a tail and brush it out with a cat brush to get the fibers to look like hair. The result is usually quite thick and fluffy. I think if you combined this method with a yarn wig, I think you could get that extreme volume/floof without the weight of a bunch of wefts.Β 

I thought about an afro wig but I think it would give you the shape and volume but not the wispyness of the bangs and sides. Hmmm. Maybe you could look into the beehive hairstyle and create a similar base using foam inserts and teasing. Then style the hair around your base to get the nice floof. Or you could completely construct a base out of foam and add wefts over top, to give the illusion of floof!

Hope this gives you some inspiration!

β€” Duckie / Admin / Support the Blog

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6 years ago
Fixing Itchy Wigs
Is the hairline of your wig causing irritation? Wigs meant to have lots of volume will have highly teased hair at the hairline. If that teased hair tends to ...

Is the hairline of your wig causing irritation? Sometimes wigs meant to have lots of volume will have highly teased hair at the hairline. If that teased hair tends to irritate you, this wig hack is life-changing. 🌟

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6 years ago

Houseki no Kuni Wig with TranspArt Tutorial


I just got back from Cosplay America in Raleigh, NC and I’m really excited to share how my Amethyst wig turned out! Β I watched Houseki no Kuni after seeing a bunch of lovely pictures of people cosplaying from it, and once I finished the show I started kicking around a few ideas of how I could make a wig that had a glass-like finish like the way the 3D models are rendered.

For a walk-through on how I made this wig, please read below the cut!Β  (Header photo taken by Coffee_cat_cat on IG.)

This tutorial, as well as future tutorials, will be cross-posted to my Patreon account! It will be 100% free always, but is another way you can keep an eye on my cosplay tutorials and write-ups.

Keep reading

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6 years ago
Wig Styling Tutorial: Hair Scales
Cowbutt Crunchies demonstrates how to make scales out of hair! Perfect for an aquatic or dragon gijinka hair design. Featured products: Short Wefts in Fire O...

Cowbutt Crunchies Cosplay demonstrates how to make scales out of hair! Perfect for an aquatic or dragon gijinka hair design. πŸ‰πŸ 

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5 years ago

Not an ask but something you and others deserve~: Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going. β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

Not An Ask But Something You And Others Deserve~: Send This To Ten Other Bloggers You Think Are Wonderful.


Not An Ask But Something You And Others Deserve~: Send This To Ten Other Bloggers You Think Are Wonderful.
Not An Ask But Something You And Others Deserve~: Send This To Ten Other Bloggers You Think Are Wonderful.


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6 years ago
Bryan Danielson Vs Fergal Devitt In The Second Round Of A NWA Reclaiming The Glory Worlds Heavyweight
Bryan Danielson Vs Fergal Devitt In The Second Round Of A NWA Reclaiming The Glory Worlds Heavyweight
Bryan Danielson Vs Fergal Devitt In The Second Round Of A NWA Reclaiming The Glory Worlds Heavyweight
Bryan Danielson Vs Fergal Devitt In The Second Round Of A NWA Reclaiming The Glory Worlds Heavyweight

Bryan Danielson vs Fergal Devitt in the second round of a NWA Reclaiming the Glory World’s Heavyweight Championship tournament

(video credit: POD Productions L.L.C./prideproductions.com)

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14 years ago
Can I Just Tell You How Good It Feels To Finally Have Something In Color? I Swear, The Last Few Weeks

Can I just tell you how good it feels to finally have something in color? I swear, the last few weeks have just been shades of gray: gray clay, white latex, beige Sculpey, and so on and so forth. SO WHAT if she only has one eye and it's lazy. WHO CARES if I haven't finished painting anything but her skin and some eyelashes. There's some green in her eye! Highlights in her hair! It makes a big difference.

Because Mina (the main character)'s eyes will be painted on to her glasses, this lucky prototype is going to play one of Mina's classmates. I named her Marion, after my grandmother.*

Tomorrow: With any luck, finally pouring the latex into the finished Monster #1 and Boy Body molds. I'll also start the molds for Monster #2 and the Girl Body, which would finally wrap up all the mold-making. Oh man I hope so. A girl can dream.

*I thought about naming her after my great-grandmother, who actually did only have one eye, but seeing as her little depth-perception problem is a temporary state I thought I'd go with something a little less flippant.

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5 years ago

My firend snatched a WIG

Currently making fashion fears list. I'm slowly falling in love with wigs, but I'm so scared of the people reaction. I asked my friends about it and one of them was like "oh but you want some natural color wigs, because any other colors don't suit you" And my mind was like "I. WANT. A. FUCKING. MINT. COLORED. WIG. AND. WHAT. THE. HELL. YOU. MEAN. THAT. DOESN'T. SUIT. ME." So yeah, I'm actually struggling right now...

My Firend Snatched A WIG

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1 year ago
I Found This Ad In A Magazine At A Beauty Salon In 1982. Most Teenaged Boys Have Porn Magazines Under

I found this ad in a magazine at a beauty salon in 1982. Most teenaged boys have porn magazines under their beds. I had this. I always dreamed that by age 40, I would be Byron (on the top), and that most people would probably guess I had switched from a toupee to a full wig.

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1 year ago

You'd think as someone who had very curly hair that I'd know how to curl a wig, right?

Yea after buzzing my hair to put hearts in it I have forgotten how curls work apparently

What I'm saying is my Argos wig looks like scene kid hair (very much love, but still want it to be a bit curlier for him, ya know?) and I don't know how to curl with a straightener on this short of hair T^T

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