Anime Vampire - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Noé Archiviste X Black.FemReader


No Archiviste X Black.FemReader
No Archiviste X Black.FemReader

𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: Friends to Lovers, Romance, Fluff.

𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: Vampires, Vampire Bites, Broken up with, Toxic Ex relationship.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1,304k


𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁: Here ♡

No Archiviste X Black.FemReader

"Here you are My Lady~", Noé said playfully pulling you along to the dining room of his home. "Noé, you don't have to– The last thing I want you is to waste your time prioritizing it to me", You stated. Which in return only made Noé upset. You were experiencing hurt. It wasn't heartbreak at this point. More like shear embarrassment, being kicked out and thrown out of a home you shared with another. It was evident that you were embarrassed, and Noé wanted you to feel anything but embarrassed. "Y/n, please don't talk like that", he pleaded. "I thought, I've established that you could stay here as long as needed." You shyly noded,"Sleeping arrangements will be up to you, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable."

Your face flushed furiously, "N-Noé don't be ridiculous, we're already past that part of 'sleeping arrangements'", you said remembering last night. Noé was hesitant, he didn't want to do anything you didn't like. He was frightened it would look like he had allterior motives. You reassured him that you'd feel comfortable with him at your side. So Noé gave in. You asked Noé to hug you, and he did. His chin rests on the top of your head, your face in his chest with your arms around his neck. The two of you stays like this in silence for a bit. The calming feeling of Noé's hand rubbing your back, gently lulling you to sleep. Noé picked up on what you said, slightly blushing as a reaction. "You..Mean— but is that okay with you?"

"Im positive"

Noé couldn't hide nor wanted to, he like the Idea of keeping you safe at night. "Alright, we can alwaya change sleeping arrangements anytime, how you like. Ok?" You nodded. Noé cleared his throat spreading out cooking instruments infront of him,"Now then! What is it that you want for breakfast hm?" You don't even remember the last time you had something for breakfast- you never really ate breakfast to begin with. Stumped on what to ask for, Noé give a suggestion.

"Have you ever had a crêpe?" You shook your head,"No, I've heard of it before but never tried it." Your eyes widened, realizing that Noé intended to cook. "Wait are you going to cook?" Noé nodded, tilting his head in confusion. "H-How about I help you?"

"What? You're a guest, surely you're joking. I can't make you do that." Out of the last few years getting to know Noé. As much as a sweetheart he was, he didn't know how to cook. Somehow convincing himself that everything he made was delicious. "Please Noé? I promise I'll be of good assistance."


"Please Noé?", you ask again.

Once again, he turns down the offer,"Not a chance Y/n." Once done gathering baking items for breakfast he would soon be making he turned to you. Only to be caught up by those endearing, irresistible pupple dog eyes. "Please Noé? Just this once?" He turns away..."Fine, you win– grab an apron."

Once the both of you were ready, you and Noé had gotten the first few ingredients together and prepared to mix. Now handing Noé the large metal bowl, observing his actions to make sure he didn't mess up. Flour, sugar, salt and eggs- Noé took a whisk and began harshly mixing, in the proncess accidentally spilling some of the batter. You shook your head is displeasure,"Oh Noé..."

He smiled softly,"Whoops! Sorry Y/n."

"It's okay but..", you leaned in close to Noé, gently wrapping your arm around him. "Let me help, your whisking is a bit..uh—". Your hands on his, guiding him on the proper way to whisk. "See, Noé use your wrist instead of moving your arm- and go gentle."

Light laughter surfaces,"Whats so funny?", you asked Noé. You didn't realize you'd completely taken over the cooking. Noé was on the side of you leaning onto the counter watching you this time. You blush bashfuly,"O-Oh..I'm sorry Noé. When I get focused, I tend to—." Noé cuts in,"Don't apologize. Its endearing Chéri."

Your heart pounds vigorously, with his romantic gaze on you like that...You're heart was sure to fall out of your chest. He was so cute..fuck! You continued to help Noé and guide him, in the end you make perfect crêpes...In taste anyhow...



"Um..Are they supposed to look like that?" He gasps, dramatically,"Chéri! Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"Don't judge a book by its cover." You look at Noé raising your brow..

"Right..Im just saying because it doesn't look like the image on the recipe."

"Just take a bite! I promise its fine! Besides I helped make it." You sighed thinking to yourself, 'Thats the problem Noé..You were mainly the one trying to cook and you cannot do so.'

Noé held a knife and fork, cutting the monstrous creation the you helped make. Cutting it with the knife, he scooping it up and holding it up to your lips. Without hesitation your lips part taking in the food.

Surprisingly, It tasted fine. "Noé, you're's really good!"

His grin follows him ear to ear. Once again he was so cute, you didn't want to tell him otherwise even if it was bad, the taste definitely made up for how bad it looked. Taking some whipped cream from your breakfast on your finger you lean over the table rubbing it on his nose.

"Well thats not nice Y/n.", he chuckled.

"Its a way of saying thanks for the breakfast."

"Of course ma belle chéri, anytime."

The two of you finished the breakfast, enjoying every bite of it. In the end the plate messy with whip cream. "I'll take this to the kitchen—".

"Wait, Noé..",your eyes shed their natural brown color. "I do apologize in advance, but—",you stopped mid-sentence grabbing the messy plate and setting it to the side. Your fingers getting a little left over whip cream,"I am a little thirsty."

Noé didn't expect this, you never drank from him didn't need to. Being half vampire didn't require to survive off blood. You needed normal food. Nonetheless, he was always willing to provide. You swiped the whip cream from your fingers to his neck. He gave himself up to you. Placing around you, pulling you into a hug.

Your tongue tracing his tanned skin to where the whip cream was; biting him there. Little grunts are released from him. When you pulled away, your eyes met.

"Sorry for the sudden bite-", you apologized as your fingers touched the wound site.

"Don't apologize, It's only fair. I bit you this morning chéri.", he reassured with a smile,"Besides! I've offered myself to you many times and you've finally gave in. Take as much as you need. Okay?"

"Good..Im about to take a little more", you warned. Going to the opposite side of Noé's neck before bitting. One hand cups his cheek and the other on his shoulder. Noé yelps at the puncture, grasping your wrists.

Seems like for once, getting bit by a vampire..It hurt a bit. His breathing, heavy.."Hah...Y/n", a sigh escapes. His fingers slightly tighten around your wrists.

Once you're done with your feed, you pull away. Noé looks up at with crimson puppy eyes. "How does my blood taste?"

"Its beyond exquisite..I can't really find the words", you shyly scratch your chin. "That makes me happy. I'm glad you like it."

"I hope it didn't hurt too much?"

Noé leans to the side in dismay,"Noo of course not!" It was quite obvious you'd taken quite a bit of blood, he was a bit dizzy. So strange, he shows symptoms of humans when you take too much blood.

"Oh Noé, come on lets sit on the couch for a while. Let your dizziness subsidie."

"Yes ma'am!"

You sigh of relief, what would you do without this cutie?

Written December 15th

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