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Strange Vibes
From the very start, I got a sinister, villain-like vibe from Ruby and Aqua, and I don't know why.

Before I fully immersed myself into this manga, I thought that they looked like they're about to do something shady!
That would be reaaaaally cool from viewers perspective
! oshi no ko manga spoiler !
what if hikaru kills ruby just like ai infront of aqua and that is the final straw to insanity which makes aqua become a serial killer just his father but instead he goes for preying men….
I am tired of this "Aqua doesn't love Akane" quote.
Ah yes the classic quote I see everywhere, everyday and everytime and again "If I had a dim for every Aquakana shippers saying Aqua doesn't love Akane I'd BE RICH 🤣✨🥳" These are the main reasons why they think Aqua doesn't love Akane

This and

Because let's be real after this chapter was published all the toxic Aquakana shippers began saying "HE DOESN'T LOVE AKANE". Don't sugarcoat it and say it not true cause it is. U>U But anyway, I am trying to break it down to you. Basically, I say He does.
I have many reasons why I think saying Aqua doesn't love Akane is a lie but let's start with the obvious "He was just using her" This is the BIGGEST LIE I HEARD ALL YEAR EVEN AQUA LIED ABOUT IT!! Yes He intended to use it at the beginning for his revenge but the man wanted to quit revenge in Chapter 71 and then later he started to date Akane for real in Chapter 77 he definitely wasn't just using her but Akane described it best for me.

If he didn't love her why was he so concerned about her safety? Last time I checked the person he was willing to avoid for safety reasons is Kana. So let's travel back in time will we all the back to season 1 he was saved Akane's life and after that he had the idea save Akane's reputation with clips of Love Now showing how they view Akane and he had a smile. And I am gonna go even further and say this, if he doesn't care about Akane then why her being safe and saving her reputation was apart of Aqua's happy moments in season 2

and Later in the chapter Aqua said basically said this

if this isn't love then sir I don't know WHAT IS THEN! To prove my point even more Aqua said this. "Now I don't have to worry about putting Akane in danger or getting her hands dirty" meaning he did this to protect and not because he didn't love her. Which means he putting Akane on the same level as Kana. Pushing her away because he cares about her or should I say because he loves her. Also side note if Aqua don't care about Akane then why did he comforted during season 2? "The anime didn't have to go that hard, but they deliberately set up this parallel. It isn't only that Akane and Aqua are dressed as Saya and Touki, they are behaving the part, too. Aqua is there to reassure her that she did nothing wrong, and to have her back so she can have the result she wishes for. Just like Touki with Saya." By @skania Now there more to this, know that he cares about her but is he happy with her. Now, the answer is still FUCKING YES. Let me explain.

We know that the thought of Akane's being safe and her reputation being saved is enough to make him happy right which means he cares about her but what about Akane herself? Well season 2 practically answered that for us. Because when we saw Aqua's happy moments we saw Aqua's first date with Akane being there which means Akane makes him happy. Not just Kana but also Akane makes him happy and that important because if Akane makes him happy that shows how much Akane means to him.

Basically if I am correct which I am U_U, Akane's safety and Akane herself equal this face. And that not hard to believe because when Yuki and Mem cho was teasing about which Akane he likes this was his expression. So it really not hard to assume he was like this because of Akane because like I said before Akane's safety and Akane herself makes him happy as seen in season 2.

Now let expand more into season 2 because let focus on this scene more especially him coming to comfort Akane cause she feel bad about making Kana hide, Aqua comes and tell her that it isn't her fault and Kana doesn't know herself as well as she might think like I said before why Aqua do this if he don't care about her whatsoever. But more importantly when Akane said "You know I don't know want to win that way" he smirked say "In that case we'll drag him into the spotlight together." Why would he smile at Akane like that if he wasn't happy with her or at least liking her determination.
Also another thing
WHY WOULD HE SMILE AT AKANE DURING THE INTRO IF HE WASN'T HAPPY WITH HER!! And Aqua said something after he broke up with Akane which prove he was happy with her. Aqua saying "Those happy days are over." Happy days meaning his days of dating Akane that means he was happy dating Akane and those day meant something to him. So when he said "I took a wrong turn." I don't think he meant in way you guys thinking like he regretted dating Akane if anything he meant he shouldn't have quit revenge, but not because he regretted
dating Akane. Also in chapter 143, he said "I've lied to too many people, I've hurt many people with my selfish requests, how can I smile now?" Noticed that one of the people there was Akane. He probably regretted hurting her. Probably regretted lying to her as well.

Also, if he didn't love her why did he help her ? Credits to @skania
"First, Aqua helps Akane voice her concerns about the script:

Then he helps solve the disconnect between the ones in charge of the script and the original author, thus doing Akane and everyone involved a big service:

Then he helps Akane win against Kana, going as far as to agree to do emotional acting in order to accomplish it: "

And I already talked about him helping Akane out to drag Kana out. Since Akane don't want to win against that Akane. Notice something HE ALWAYS HELPING AKANE NOT ONCE HE USED HER!! The only times he used her was to find his father and that didn't go well and Goro's body.
"In other words: Aqua spends the entire arc working as a team with Akane. He makes no effort to use her at all.
What's more, all the occasions he had to get Akane's insight about Ai? He uses them to give Akane insight about himself instead."

That is true, all of this is true instead of finding initial he end up opening up to Akane.

Another thing the hug he definitely fell in love with her or at least affect by the hug because again "Remember when Aqua was wondering what to do with Akane before he made the decision to use her one more time he was thinking about the hug aka thinking about his feelings for Akane and wanting to date her for real but then he thought no it's better to break up with her then to hold her back ." "not only that but Aqua did decide to use Akane one last time but that decision wasn't made till he was wondering what he would do with Akane since he didn't want revenge anymore and IMMEDIATELY he thought to the hug with Akane proving that he has feelings for her and he wants to date her and Aqua already says Akane got close to him and accepted him and he wants to be with her and by her side." If Aqua didn't love Akane or at least like Akane why did the hug appeared when he was thinking what he should with Akane after revenge? He was obviously thinking of dating her or least his feelings for her till he knocked down the thought. And Aqua himself did say maybe it okay for him to be in love and again speaking about his feelings for Akane and maybe it okay to date her. Considering the fact that hug did appeared in his mind when thinking about what do with Akane I absolutely think "But I thought it was okay now, so I'll think about it carefully even though it's little too late." THIS LINE IS ABOUT AKANE.

I always talked about Aqua's words to Akane and how he meant every word of it in my Why I love Aquakane post Part 1 and Part 2 but instead I am talk about Akane's words and the affect on Aqua to show Aqua likes Akane. Like example when Akane say "I'll help you kill them" Aqua's black star eye turned white.

When Akane hugged him saying "No matter what happens, i’m on your side, Aqua-kun. " Aqua reaction was this .

When Akane said this and said "Why do you need to bear responsibility for it? That's just wrong!" . He had a shocked expression.

And lastly for my last point why Aqua seemly have the same expression that he had during the hug when Akane said these words.

If he didn't love Akane these words or actions won't affect him but they do. So clearly, he does love Akane since she clearly has an effect on him that not even Kana has.
And as you can see He cares about Akane, make her happy, she makes him happy and much more so if compared to Kana then he definitely does love Akane probably more than Kana.
I am not trying to say he doesn't like Kana I am saying he loves Akane just as much probably even more.
But anyway that ends.

Will aquaruby antis ever stop tagging their hate with the goddamned ship tag.
Like we get it buddy you hate it and are "having your joker arc" about it can you leave now? The door is wide open we're not keeping you here, and I'd like to see my ship meta without having to block 82661829 "Why does everything have to be problematic :(((" dumbasses.
I'm tired Akane fans ignoring Akane's character and Romanticizing between her and Aqua.
"She too dependent on Aqua.You can call Akane a pick me girl all you want but she isn't the one clinging onto someone saying I need you. Kana is dependent on Aqua she can't move on from him she acts like if she can't have him or if he not around it the end of the world. She be saying I need you Aqua and Mem cho be acting the same way Mem cho said and I quote "She walked on this path because you asked her to to. She became an idol because you wished for it". Kana even said herself "Help me, Aqua."
Kana was dependent on Aqua for like 1 time, 1 time she asked Aqua for help. And then picked herself back up again, and told herself she didn't need Aqua's help.

She became an idol because Aqua asked her too, AQUA TRUSTED HER WITH HIS SISTER and Because he genuienly found her cute.

He never doubted her succeeding in the industry as idol.But since idoling isn't Kana's passion and she only became one for Aqua. it didn't last because she had no support from him, Her motivation was gone. Not because he was dating someone else but because He Avoided for half a year.
So Kana, Had no support from Aqua.
"She doesn't know him.
I know you Aquakana shippers are gonna say that they known each other since childhood which is true but that doesn't mean she knows him better. Example Who the one which understands him according to Goro?
Who the one which found out that Aqua was Ai's child as well as Ruby
Who the one which found out about the Revenge Plan first
Kana might of known him longer but Akane is the one which really known him better."
Kana not being involved in the revenge plot, IS A BLESSING.
Why? Because his revenge self isn't Aqua's true self.

His revenge self is the Gorou Amamiya masks he portrayed when he wants to take revenge. So, Technically the only person who Akane knows is his mask Gorou Amamiya. Akane didn't realize his revenge self was a mask, mask until chapter 98.

"You daid you were going to use me but, Now you're being kind" was when Akane realize that his revenge self is a mask that he use.
So it doesn't matter that Kana doesn't know about the revenge plot or not, She still knows him as "Aqua Hoshino" not as "Gorou Amamiya."
And the only reason why Akane found out about the revenge was because Akane imitated his MOM. HIS DEAD MOM.

Look at her goddamn eye in that moment. That's Ai Hoshino. Its not empathy because Empathy doesn't make you act person you're trying empathize with.
Kana acts like herself, Akane acts like his mom.
Unconditinal Love/Comfort vs Tough love
"She has been there from the start.
Ever since the start Akane have learned about Aqua, Supported Aqua, Comforted Aqua and generally been by his side the whole time. She was there during his darkest days, She was there during his brightest day, she was there from the every start and was always there for him just like he was always there for her. NOT ONLY THAT But in every happy moment AKANE WAS THERE. She was always there. Not Ruby Not Even Kana. AKANE. Akane always cared and supported Aqua from the start and was there supporting him and was in happy moment with him."
So because she was his mommy.

Akane fans entire arguements of AquAka, is that Akane accepted him for who he was and comforted him. but those are motherly, A girlfriend would tell you to get your shit and not let you do those type of shit especially when they are dangerous hence why couples Argue.
-Aqua woke up and saw Akane crying and didn't even know why she was crying the first place,.
-Aqua had to confide in MEMCHO because he couldn't tell Akane about his obession with Kana's safety.
-Kana was the one who was ere for hiom with an umbrella after he find out the news of his dad.
-Ruby is the one who knows about reincarnation and was his "oshi" in Spica.
-And Kana was the one gave him the hardest pep talk when he said he wanted to die.
But if you paid attention with his arguement with Gotanda, You would know comfort doesn't work on Aqua. Letting him do this shit isn't going to help or make him reflect in any shape or form.

After Gotanda calls him out on "he can't be Ai" he can only be himself. He felt like opening up to him and telling him about her last words.
A perfect example of this, is chapter 50,
Kana calls him out on his bullshit while Akane just treats him like a child.

Even Kana calls Akane out on this and tells her to stop babying Aqua. (Aqua literally gets annoyed when Akane treats him like child) And this motherly shit goes on. With Akane telling Kana, she won't let him date girls he doesn't approve off and her keeping the loophole from him because she wanted to make him "Forget" about the incident.
When Kana is honest with Aqua and tells him what's wrong with his acting. he reflects on it. that's why he asked her for help.

You cannot get unconditional love from your girlfriend only from your mom can give you that.
We seen time and time again, Akane's maternal feelings for Aqua.
that hug in chapter 52:

that hug she gave was maternal, you could clearly see in her eyes, thy are star eyes which means she has been imitating Ai in that moment,. She is able to feel Ai's emotions , noit because of empathy but because she imitated her.
She even changed her bangs and grew out her hair to look more similar to Ai Hoshino.

Later on she will literally confirm this. that she has been acting like Ai the whole time.
her unconditional acceptance of Aqua, is also a result of her imitating Ai hoshino. because mom will accept everything you do, even though its morally wrong.
(but i'll wait till after wednseday to make entire essay on this because she literally confirms this)
Aqua never loved Akane and it's the truth.
(Not only did he agree with her the next chapter)
But it was obvious throughout the entire manga,
When he thought his dad was dead, Kana was on top of Akane showing us that she was the first one that came in his mind.
He puts more effort in his date with Kana, than he does in his date with Akane. As shown, in his wardrobe, with Akane its just a simple hoodie in comparison with Kana which is him being fancy as hell.
Aqua/Gorou is a nice guy who has tendency to live for other people's happiness and not his own.
Heanted to break up with Akane at the beginning of the story, as he didn't want to hold her back from her career. But then put it on hold because she said she wasn't feeling well.

WHen he goes on a date with Kana, he thinks about the excuse Akane gave him. He does not think about how she said she wants to help him carry his burden or any of that shit. but instead the excuse of her not feeling well.
indicating something was wrong, When Akane cried in Takachiho, He was worried that if he broke up with her she will end up just like in Lovenow. therefore, he PROTECTED Akane. from the industry.
Hence why in C78, he tells Akane "this time I want to protect you Akane" Protection means protection it doesn't mean "I love you"
How did he protect Akane?
He protected Akane by being her emotional support and living for her happiness.

First panel: Giving her emotional support
second panel: Being her good boyfriend
third panel: Overexaggerated speech.
Did you guys ever stopped and how he is just "Akane 'sgood boyfriend and nothing more?" Akane entire monologue in C87, and her coping with the fact he is attracted to someone else.
With Kana and Ruby you learn small facts about Aqua and how he dislikes bell peppers and wants to become heart surgeon or his favorite manga.
But, with Akane, we just learn that he is a "good boyfriend" and does things for Akane. Even when she is giving advice to Kana, everything its pertain to the "Looks"
None of it, is his quirks, what he likes to eat, or any of that.

Also, I don't think Aqua was happy with Akane, Not only did he subject himself to be her "good boyfriend" Just to protect her & Kana.
But also, 6 months has passed and dude looks depressed as fuck, compared to Akane huge smile, And the crescent moon, that is symbolizing a lack of attraction/love in the relationship. the moon has an entire panel to itself for as reason.

Also, He didn't want to share an umbrella with his own girlfriend.

After she sanged about sharing an umbrella, he reminded her that he brought a second umbrella for her. showng that he never wanted to share an umbrella with her the first place but lets her do what she wants because he is the "good boyfriend"
On top of that their isn't a moment where he looks happy spending time with his girlfriend. With Kana you have the baseball scene where he smiles ad chapter 50's happy memories. And in c146, she literally makes him giggle, he even admits of liking spending time with her.
In his mental breakdown, In C83, Aqua literally got offended because mem commented how he made pass on Kana. And in his mental breakdown his words specifically was. "You think i'm doing this because I want too"
He isn't dating Akane or avoiding Kana because he wants too. He is doing this because he feels that he has too. In order to protect Kana and Akane.
I would elaborate more, But to put it simply, He dated Akane out of obligation.
Also, Chapter 97, The one that so MANY Akane fans read as romantic. Like did you yall even connect that with C98?

if you guys read it carefully you would see the balant manipulation of his words to Akane over the phone.
He tells Akane he likes her no matter what just for her to slip up about the loophole. and her choice to keep it from him.

"Back then I didn't make the wrong choice"
The choice that she made was in chaptrer 80, When she said she wanted Aqua to forget abouty this incident after he kissed her in takachicho. that's when she decided to keep the loophole.

These ain't Aqua's memories btw, there Akane while Aqua is saying those words. He knowds he id making Akane happy with those words.
Therefore, Akane slips up again, But this time its about the plan to kill his father.

In chapter 72, Akane stated she wanted to carry the burden with Aqua. by Burden she means kill his father. back then, In C72 she didn't know Aqua thought his dad died. But, when she said it again C97, that's when Aqua knew she was going to kill his father.
But killing Hikaru isn't the only reason why he broke up with Akane. Like I said before he dated Akane to protect her, because she was crying in C78 and with the fact she made the excuse, that she wasn't feeling well in C72.
Aqua dated Akane because he thought she needed him. He thought she needed in an emotional support cuz he knows her self destructive behavior, (on top of that he was his first boyfriend).
So what he actually means in C97,
"Tell me, Akane, should I just forget everything..And live happily ever after like this? OR"
The "OR" is importasnt because Aqua has already decided to go back in his revenge. So if Akane still needed him, He would have stayed while finding a way to kill his father.

But Akane told him, He must decide for himself. Therefore He did, and his decision was to break up with Akane, not only was doing something dangerous, She also learned how its like to hav e a healthy relationship. Meaning Aqua's goals was reached and Akane no longer needed a "good boyfriend".
" Kana's jealously
Let be real here Most of the times Kana when Kana jealous it is unreasonable. Like the time she was jealous of Akane and Aqua during the Tokyo Blade Play. She knows they are fake dating but She still acting like a jealous child. And you can argue that during the Tokyo Blade Play that when Aqua starting loving Akane but here the thing Kana didn't know that she didn't know that so the fact she doesn't know that still make her jealously unreasonable."
Aqua told her that him and Akane was in a FAKE relationship. So sorry for her being human, and feeling jealous when the guy she likes is with someone else.
Since when was jealousy a crime to feel? she was jealous but she didn't try to break them up or anything, she already knew they were fake dating.

Also Aqua never had feelings for Akane in Tokyo blade.
If anything its the opposite, The whole reason why Akane noticed he was attracted to Kana was because of tokyo blade.

In TB, Akane has two surprised reaction when it comes to Aqukana.
is when Aqua thinks about Kana in Tb, The Akane is shocked, while Aqua reaction is cut out from panel, the anime would probably show it.
Was when he suddenly appears behind her and then proceed to touch her arms and grab face.
"She said she liked him because he cool... That not love, that is a crush."
Such a weird over simplification on why Kana likes Aqua. She doesn't like him because " he is cool" Its shown time and time again in the manga that these two like spending time with each other.

Even when she didn't piyeon was Aqua, she still fell for him because she likes spending time with him. But, Kana Has seen his flaws before, She just doesn't have a saviour complex. she knows he is gloomy, and when accidentally smacked her in the umbrella scene, She still left an umbrella for him and sort things out with him.
And when Aqua told her he wants to die, She gave him tough love and for him to promise to not say some shit like that again.

And she makes him giggle so bonus points.
I'm holding back alot because I cannot spoil theb he next chapter, But 90% of my points are already confirmed on the other chapter.
Overall the only thing I agree with, Is the lack of development. Even though Kana was set up to be endgame from the start and Akane /Ai psychology and Aqua's guilt complex were all supposed to be resolved, I feel like Aka would've made it better if he didn't rush it.
Like Akane's entire development was off screen. ( i guess Aqua's too, Because he doesn't want to take revenge anymore).
Since Aquakana is gonna be endgame in the manga probably assuming if she doesn't die from Hikaru because seems like she would be the perfect target rn for him But anyways Assuming if she doesn't die I am gonna say my reasons why Aquakana is a bad ship or simply the reasons why I dislike it. You are free to like Aquakana don't get me wrong but I don't like it for several reasons and I just want to say why I don't like them and Why Aquakane honestly the better ship and why Aquakana shouldn't be endgame in my opinion.
1: She too dependent on Aqua.
You can call Akane a pick me girl all you want but she isn't the one clinging onto someone saying I need you. Kana is dependent on Aqua she can't move on from him she acts like if she can't have him or if he not around it the end of the world. She be saying I need you Aqua and Mem cho be acting the same way Mem cho said and I quote "She walked on this path because you asked her to to. She became an idol because you wished for it". Kana even said herself "Help me, Aqua". You guys be acting like Akane so pick me girl for wanting to thank Aqua for saving her or wanting to make him happy and for being "dependent" on Aqua but Kana weither you like it or not is basically more dependent on Aqua then freaking Akane ever was. I am not trying to slander Kana in any way and I am not trying to call her a pick me girl either I am just saying Kana's dependency on Aqua is greater than Akane's dependency on Aqua, I'll even say Akane had no dependency on him to begin with because the fact that Akane can move on dispute her feelings for Aqua after the break up while Kana just waiting for Aqua to love her back is saying something.
2: She doesn't know him.
I know you Aquakana shippers are gonna say that they known each other since childhood which is true but that doesn't mean she knows him better. Example Who the one which understands him according to Goro?
Who the one which found out that Aqua was Ai's child as well as Ruby
Who the one which found out about the Revenge Plan first
Kana might of known him longer but Akane is the one which really known him better.
3: She has been there from the start.
Ever since the start Akane have learned about Aqua, Supported Aqua, Comforted Aqua and generally been by his side the whole time. She was there during his darkest days, She was there during his brightest day, she was there from the every start and was always there for him just like he was always there for her. NOT ONLY THAT But in every happy moment AKANE WAS THERE. She was always there. Not Ruby Not Even Kana. AKANE. Akane always cared and supported Aqua from the start and was there supporting him and was in happy moment with him.
4: Kana's jealously
Let be real here Most of the times Kana when Kana jealous it is unreasonable. Like the time she was jealous of Akane and Aqua during the Tokyo Blade Play. She knows they are fake dating but She still acting like a jealous child. And you can argue that during the Tokyo Blade Play that when Aqua starting loving Akane but here the thing Kana didn't know that she didn't know that so the fact she doesn't know that still make her jealously unreasonable.
5: The little development they had in general but I ain't gonna talk about this.
Finally the last one
6: Her reason for liking him.
She said she liked him because he cool... That not love, that is a crush. Love is something like let say you starting to like someone because they were perfect but then you find out their flaws and you love them even more and help them with them. That is love. A crush is something like That person badass I love them. What Akane have for is love He saved her she gain feelings then she found out the truth and his flaws and love him more. Kana on the other hand is a simple crush. in a basic sense Aquakana is a Fantasy Bond not True Love because Kana doesn't really know Aqua like Akane does.
But yea these are my reasons for not liking Aquakana, and you are free to disagree but these are my opinions and that that.
Note : Credits to @skania because some of the reasons are from her so yea check her out

IT'S HER LAST CONCERT (Also Spoilers for Chapter 155)
It's so weird how people calling Kana "dependent" for inviting Aqua into her last concert.
Lemme make this clear ,
Meaning she will not be an idol anymore after this.
The reason why she became idol was because Aqua asked her too. After Aqua started to avoid her, she lost her motivation to continue as an idol. Why?
Because she wanted to be Aqua's star. And as long she was an idol she was going to do that. But when Aqua started Avoding she gave up on that dream.

but instead choose to be an actress. Kana never wanted to be idol, but she is someone who needs to survive the entertainment industry.

That was Kana's goal since the very begginning of the story. But she clearly shines better as an actress than as an idol.
Her stepping down from becoming an idol and being an actress, is actually a good thing. because Kana likes Acting. And was only an idol for Aqua.
But, Now, thanks to Akane and Aqua, Her motivation of becoming Aqua's star is back up again. Does this mean that Kana wants to be an idol?
No, Its a throwback to C38, becoming Aqua's Oshi.

She just want Aqua to attend her last day in B-komachi.
She isn't staying to become an idol for him.
Dependency, would have been if she decided to stay in the group of B-komachi instead of becoming an actress. But she isn't. She still has a movie to shoot with Shima.

It's a temporary goal and it buys her time for her confession.

It's funny how Akane and Ruby can get away with attempted Murder and kissing your brother without consent. Or taking a dude to a bridge you almost killed yourself in after suspecting he was going to break up with you and offer him sex and kisses.

And acting like someone's dead mom so they like you.
And her imitatingf Ai Hoshino was literally throughout the entire story. Hell, Even, Her character design symbolized this and the reason why she changed her bangs and grew out her hair.

But lord forbids Kana askes Aqua to come and support on her final concert.
"Also, He didn't want to share an umbrella with his own girlfriend." If Aqua didn't want to share his umbrella with Akane then why was it in in his happy moments."
Those moments weren't Aqua's memories.They were Akane's memories. While Aqua is monologing them.
(especially umbrella scene) Because when Aqua said little by little why would he imagine the umbrella scene, especially when little by little was Akane's monologue. in Chapter 87.

" When you tell me its wrong, You say that's it's wrong."
Which is a very ironic line considering Akane never told him it was wrong to kill his father, despite murder, obviously being wrong. But why would Aqua imagine Chapter 43.

Why would he think he is wrong for telling Akane she'll to Kana? Especially when Aqua admires the crap out of Kana's acting.
If this was Aqua's memories, Then they would have been C78, since that's the only time she told him he was wrong for blaming himself.
Those aren't Aqua's memories, They are Akane's memories. It's Akane who has rivalry with Kana, so ofc, she will imagine her pouty face when Aqua told her he lose to Kana. And its Akane who had the little by little monologue, So ofc she will imagine the umbrella scene when Aqua says she saved him little by little , (even though she didn't).
These are also Akane memories, In C78

In C78, Aqua is completely sidelined in this moment and its only Akane's monologue. As you can see, base on their memories, The first panel is Aqua saving Akane, Andf Akane hugging Aqua from behind just the same as he did for her in the bridge.
Showing How Akane wants to save Aqua because Aqua saved her. In fact, the whole reason she imitated Ai Hoshino and almost committed murder, and her wanting to make Aqua happy, ALL Stems from her gratitude for being saved.
"She is able to feel Ai's emotions, noit because of empathy but because she imitated her." That a lie. Just because she have the star eyes doesn't mean the hug maternal feelings and she doesn't feel empathy or her feelings are maternal. Because if her feelings were maternal at the time then Akane wouldn't have said this. That Hug is NOT MATERNAL because Ai hugged Hikaru the same way that Akane hugged Aqua. So just cause the star eyes are there that doesn't mean it is maternal because that hug with Hikaru and Ai definitely isn't maternal and Hikaru x Ai hug symbolizes Aqua x Akane hug so therefore Aquakane's hug isn't maternal."
Like I explained in the reblog, The hug was infact maternal.
Mengo reusing the same panels doesn't mean symbolism, The context are different and the hug was in fact maternal. Akane realized that Aqua Ai Hoshino's son.
What she said was maternal because it's exactly what a mother who died would say to her child.
"No matter what happens i will always be by your side, If there's something hurting you, I'll share you pain."

That's what Ai would have said to her son, Aqua Hoshino. And then Aqua responds i don't know what the hell you're talking about. In which she says it was just a story that she made up.
And throughout the story she is very motherly and even admits that her feelings for him is one of a mother and it's child.
Aqua was never in denial about feelings for Akane.

Wtf? Is this shit? You're getting your interpretation, Akane shippers? People who hardly know how to read and make psychological research character. Idiots who convinced themselves that Aqua was in denial about his feelings with Akane? Hol up, those people?
Where do i even start, First of all i don't know why chapter 29, Is part of your "reasons". If anything it goes against, Aqua blushed at Ai Hoshino. Not Akane. It was character she was playing, Not Her herself, (Akane was even able to tell)
When Aqua got confused because Akane acted like Ai Hoshino, an exact copy of her. He asked Kana for help. Their baseball game made him realize that his feelings for Akane are NOT romantic.

"I knew it. whatever i feel for Akane Kurokawa..Isn't that."
In other words, He doesn't see Akane as love interest. The reason why he choose Akane in the dating show the first place was because Akane literally claimed that she knew what type of man Ai Hoshino like.

That's what made Aqua choose her, because Akane knew Ai's mindset and he didn't.
When Lovenow ended, he made this clear to Akane. Akane even calls him out on this, That he has no interest Akane herself but has interest Ai/the character she played.
And Aqua confirmed this is true. Aqua started off trying to be nice, but Akane wanted an Honest explaination. And he was honest.

That's not a man who is in denial that is a man, who is being straight foward and honest with Akane.
Also back then is refering the loophole, not their relationship or in dating show.
Considering Akane and Aqua never kissed or held hands after the dating show. lol

Akane did not know what to do with the loophole,
"What should I do?" - Akane Kurokawa C72, She says the same thing again in C78, "What should I do?"

Akane did not know what to do about the loophole. And whether or not she should tell Aqua the truth. Hence why the memories in C78, is Aqua hugging from behind and her doing the same. Showing that she wants to save him just like he saved her. (alot of Akane's psychology stems from the fact Aqua saved her). Not romance.
She later made her decision in C80,"I want Aqua to forget about the incident." Meaning that she isn't going to tell Aqua about the loophole. To make him forget about revenge and everything else. Hence when she said
"back then I didn't make the wrong choice afterall."
She is talking about the loophole, She didn't make the wrong choice by hiding it from him and not telling him.

Omg, This looks so schizo and alot of it misinfo.
WHat bug scene? The reason why he put bug on Akane the first place was because she was part of the lalalie theatre troupe. His conversation with Kaburagi C34 and the fact C40, he remembered she was part of lalaie troupe. made his intentions clear and obvious.
Those weren't out of feelings though, he said
" I have to start thinking about my future with Akane, Now that I'm no longer searching for my father.. There's no longer a need to keep Akane close to me."
That entire line shows that Aqua is thinking about breaking up with Akane.
Because 1) They never kissed or held hands after the dating and 2)their relationship was still fake."

"I could use her intelligence, I don't have to be tied to my own ego anymore."
He wants to use Akane's intelligence so she can help find his dead body. Hence why he asked her Takachicho where would she keep a dead pet if she had one.

That was his intentions, on using Akane's intelligence. Even though it was crow girl who led Ruby and Akane to Gorou's body. His intentions of wanting use Akane's intelligence to find his body. was made clear.
But he didn't want to hold Akane back from her acting career. Hence why he think its wrong for him to keep her like this.
However, When Akane cried in Takachicho. He realized the opposite. Now, he thinks that if he doesn't help/emotionally support Akane, she won't succeed as an actress.

"I will protect you, Akane" Means "I will protect you Akane". Protect Akane from the entertaintment industry considering Akane killed herself because she was exploited by the directors and producers in lovenow.
He protects Akane by providing her with emotional support and protects Kana by making himself completely invisble. that's why in C81, the first thing we see is Akane talking to Aqua about the producers.

"I want to complain about a lot of things."
That's why Akane says she has so many things to complain about. highlighting the nature of the relationship. As its Aqua who is the one providing the emotional support and not Akane.
Akane would emotionally confide in Aqua, Aqua won't do the same thing. instead he will act and pretend Akane's good boyfriend. This is shown, in C83, Because had memcho to confide in about his obsession Kana. While in C87, It's revealed Akane doesn't the reason why Aqua is avoiding Kana.

That's why Akane misunderstood, Akane thinks Aqua is avoiding Kana because he is trying to be straight with her but in reality he is avoiding Kana because he is protecting her. Akane also noticed that he is attracted to Kana which was a thing, since TB. He also limits the time spends with Akane considering he is purposely filling up his work schedule and becoming muilti-talented star while also, making himself completely invisible to Kana.
"So basically Akane acted on her romantic feelings for Aqua and felt Ai's feelings for Hikaru. Kana's dependency again if she wasn't so dependent on Aqua, Mem cho wouldn't be saying this now. I bring up Kana's jealousy is because even tho she knows it a fake relationship and yet she is still jealous which doesn't make her understandable at all. Another thing Kana's reason for loving Aqua is basically that he is cool. The other reason is weak is just weak in my opinion."
Again, Aqua Hoshino is son, Aqua is not Hikaru. She acted on her owsn obsession to save Aqua. That's why she tried to kill Hikaru.
I failed to see how Kana being jealous isn't bad thing, It just makes her human. She isn't allowed to get jealous if her crush is with another girl? It's not like she tried to sabotage Aqua and Akane's cuz of it.
Again, that isn't the only reason why she likes Aqua.
YES, She thinks he is cool, But she also admires him as hard worker and likes spedning time with him. At this point your're just being nitpicky. It's not the only reason why likes him. She literally fell for him TWICE in a row.

"Now if Aqua doesn't love Akane then why according to Goro Akane is the only which understands Aqua and not only that but Aqua did decide to use Akane one last time but that decision wasn't made till he was wondering what he would do with Akane since he didn't want revenge anymore and IMMEDIATELY he thought to the hug with Akane proving that he has feelings for her and he wants to date her and Aqua already says Akane got close to him and accepted him and he wants to be with her and by her side"
Aqua needed someone to find his dead body. Just because his revenge was over doesn't mean that he can't find his dead body. He literally asked Akane where would the bones of his dead pet be if it died 15 years ago. Aqua said all that because he needed stop Akane from killing Hikaru.
Because the moment Akane said, "I said before didn't I? i want to carry your burden with you."
He knew she was kill Hikaru, He had gps tag on her throughout entire conversation.

That's what made him realize that she was going to kill Hikaru because she said the same thing in C72. But in C72, she didn't know about the loophole. mf said all that so he can get to her slip up about her intentions. He basically played into her saviour's complex to get the information he needed. He knows Akane isn't tell him the truth. He literally calls her out on it C98.

"Idk maybe it's because the "Lies" were already the truth and he already loves Akane "Also, why would Aqua say she is wrong when he said Akane will lose to Kana" Maybe because he was wrong remember, in Chapter 66 Akane's friends from the Love Is Now Crew started calling her a genius actor and during the times Aqua and Akane were dating Akane was very popular and had job offers left and right so it won't be wrong that for Aqua to say this"
The lies never became the truth for Akane, Because Akane believed Aqua wwhen Aqua told her "he likes her no matter what" (always like never love).Akane believed him in that momentb hence why they didn't happened.
To summerize, Bro you need to reread the entire fucking manga. because it sounds like your brain is filled with AkanexAqua essays you probably found in tumblr than the actual characters and their entire psychology. because its very obvious.
Akasaka, intentions was never to make AquAka thing, Akane'sd psychology and obsession stems from her gratitude for Aqua,
And yes, the hug was infact maternally. as it was Ai hoshino interacting with her son, If the hug was not maternally, then it would have been hard for Aqua to project Ai (his mom onto Akane in TB) Since Akane obviously used the eyes in her acting.

Even Kana could tell she was imitating was Ai because the woman she imagined in C66 was Ai and Kana actually met Ai, so she could tell.

The woman she imagined is Ai, becausde only Ai and Airi have that type of hair shading. The anime will make it more clear.To summeriaze your entire point, I honestly think you missed the entire point of the story and the characters. reading your responses, feels like you read a bunch of AkanexAqua post and completely disregard was in the canon storyline. Because was never in love with Akane to begin with. There was always reason why he does the thing he do. He needed to find his corpse and only decided to date after she cried.
Akane's had both romantic and maternal feelings for Aqua, But that moment that hug was maternal. Because she realize Aqua was Ai secret son. essentially taking on the mother role and giving him unconditional love. it was obvious that the "Method acting" psychology was what Aka was going for Akane.
Also, All of the girls dependent on Aqua. But would argue Kana was least problematic and extreme. You're trying justify Akane for attempted murder, but find it problem with Kana becoming idol for Aqua. Sorry but oshi no ko, isn't a fucking fantasy. it's drama, dealing with realism. When Akane doesn't think about her family and career and is throwing all that for some guy? it's love.But when Kana decide to become an idol, for a guy that she likes and protects her sister and that idoling career ended up benefiting her in a positively in the end? it's dependency. lolAs soon as she becomes Aqua's favorite idol, she going to become an actress. And Aqua will support her, just like how she would support Aqua in becoming a doctor. (Because knowing Akasaka, he does like giving epilogue. And i'm assuming OInk is going to epilogue after the final arc)
At this point, it just feels like I am explaining the entire story to you because of how much you guys you missed a point.
Hell someone even made entire esssay on Akane's psychology and the relationship between her and Aqua. It's an old post but this what the author was going for when he written them.
The psychology behind Akane's character:
An actual analysis of Akane and Aqua's relationship:
Since Aquakana is gonna be endgame in the manga probably assuming if she doesn't die from Hikaru because seems like she would be the perfect target rn for him But anyways Assuming if she doesn't die I am gonna say my reasons why Aquakana is a bad ship or simply the reasons why I dislike it. You are free to like Aquakana don't get me wrong but I don't like it for several reasons and I just want to say why I don't like them and Why Aquakane honestly the better ship and why Aquakana shouldn't be endgame in my opinion.
1: She too dependent on Aqua.
You can call Akane a pick me girl all you want but she isn't the one clinging onto someone saying I need you. Kana is dependent on Aqua she can't move on from him she acts like if she can't have him or if he not around it the end of the world. She be saying I need you Aqua and Mem cho be acting the same way Mem cho said and I quote "She walked on this path because you asked her to to. She became an idol because you wished for it". Kana even said herself "Help me, Aqua". You guys be acting like Akane so pick me girl for wanting to thank Aqua for saving her or wanting to make him happy and for being "dependent" on Aqua but Kana weither you like it or not is basically more dependent on Aqua then freaking Akane ever was. I am not trying to slander Kana in any way and I am not trying to call her a pick me girl either I am just saying Kana's dependency on Aqua is greater than Akane's dependency on Aqua, I'll even say Akane had no dependency on him to begin with because the fact that Akane can move on dispute her feelings for Aqua after the break up while Kana just waiting for Aqua to love her back is saying something.
2: She doesn't know him.
I know you Aquakana shippers are gonna say that they known each other since childhood which is true but that doesn't mean she knows him better. Example Who the one which understands him according to Goro?
Who the one which found out that Aqua was Ai's child as well as Ruby
Who the one which found out about the Revenge Plan first
Kana might of known him longer but Akane is the one which really known him better.
3: She has been there from the start.
Ever since the start Akane have learned about Aqua, Supported Aqua, Comforted Aqua and generally been by his side the whole time. She was there during his darkest days, She was there during his brightest day, she was there from the every start and was always there for him just like he was always there for her. NOT ONLY THAT But in every happy moment AKANE WAS THERE. She was always there. Not Ruby Not Even Kana. AKANE. Akane always cared and supported Aqua from the start and was there supporting him and was in happy moment with him.
4: Kana's jealously
Let be real here Most of the times Kana when Kana jealous it is unreasonable. Like the time she was jealous of Akane and Aqua during the Tokyo Blade Play. She knows they are fake dating but She still acting like a jealous child. And you can argue that during the Tokyo Blade Play that when Aqua starting loving Akane but here the thing Kana didn't know that she didn't know that so the fact she doesn't know that still make her jealously unreasonable.
5: The little development they had in general but I ain't gonna talk about this.
Finally the last one
6: Her reason for liking him.
She said she liked him because he cool... That not love, that is a crush. Love is something like let say you starting to like someone because they were perfect but then you find out their flaws and you love them even more and help them with them. That is love. A crush is something like That person badass I love them. What Akane have for is love He saved her she gain feelings then she found out the truth and his flaws and love him more. Kana on the other hand is a simple crush. in a basic sense Aquakana is a Fantasy Bond not True Love because Kana doesn't really know Aqua like Akane does.
But yea these are my reasons for not liking Aquakana, and you are free to disagree but these are my opinions and that that.
Note : Credits to @skania because some of the reasons are from her so yea check her out

oshi no ko manga spoiler!!!
going to give a benefit of doubt to the writer cause maybe ruby is joking or conflicted and pretty sure aqua will never accept it…. so apart from that, oshi no ko is really something else, like i’m curious to know what’s gonna happen. it’s well written and the plot is really fleshing itself out. i’m interested. also very much intrigued by the dad too and the possibility of aqua being more dangerous than his dad 👀
! oshi no ko manga spoiler !
what if hikaru kills ruby just like ai infront of aqua and that is the final straw to insanity which makes aqua become a serial killer just his father but instead he goes for preying men….

aqua and ruby hoshino

I’m probably going to redraw this
But i drew Ai and was like: woah wait Vil usually plays villains in his jobs, and Aqua played a stalker— oh ok lets do it
My art style crisis genuinely hitting me like a truck because i wanna draw like TBHK AND Oshi No Ko 😞
Reference below :3

So low quality but this was the best i could find

I’m probably going to redraw this
But i drew Ai and was like: woah wait Vil usually plays villains in his jobs, and Aqua played a stalker— oh ok lets do it
My art style crisis genuinely hitting me like a truck because i wanna draw like TBHK AND Oshi No Ko 😞
Reference below :3

So low quality but this was the best i could find
so uh… new art style?

*runs away in fear*

so uh… new art style?

*runs away in fear*

so uh… new art style?

*runs away in fear*

so uh… new art style?

*runs away in fear*

"Aqua has an Oedipus complex-" first of all beyond the fact the only way you could possibly think this is you never read or watched OnK at all and just read a synopsis and didn't bother to verify if it was accurate or not- this is actually the weakest way you could possibly interpret the nature of the feelings Goro/Aqua had regarding Ai. like, even ignoring the fact that Aqua has such an extreme lack of an Oedipus complex to the point he actively refused to breastfeed from Ai because it would have been creepy and inappropriate to him, everything about Aqua's feelings regarding Ai if anything read as parental quite frankly
Gorou Amamiya became Ai's fan because of Sarina. Because Sarina was somebody important to Gorou that he comforted in her last days, he became a huge fan of Ai in order to carry on Sarina's wishes and to keep supporting her and became a genuine diehard idol fan in the process. Then, he met Ai while pregnant: and had a heart-to-heart conversation with her. And came to the conclusion that Ai was somebody he wanted to support in any capacity. He could have been like Ryousuke and actually become possessive of her and feel like she betrayed him: he did not. He was a medical professional that put aside his own feelings as "a fan" to support her both as a doctor and as a fan in his own way by wishing for her sincere happiness as opposed to an image sold to fans.
He wanted to see her grow up happy and healthy. If Ryousuke had not killed him and there was no murder plot at all? The plot of this story probably would have been about him moving to Tokyo after talking to Ai's manager saying that someone needs to be their family doctor while keeping their secret and him taking the roll. The series would have been about Gorou as the Hoshino family doctor and how he supports them as a member of the sidelines who gives support in his own way.
Aqua never really refers to Ai as his mother much outside of situations when it'd be weirder if he didn't. It's very explicit he does not have a romantic or sexual attraction to Ai in this new life: he already didn't, but now it's like, Negatively So Actually. No longer able to support her as a doctor he even took an acting gig JUST to help further and bolster Ai's career. It's beaten into your face with the subtlety of a dozen hammers to your face his only desire is to watch Ai grow up safe and happily and succesful.
Aqua's/Gorou's relationship with Ai was someone who wanted to see her grow up to be happy. And after some waste of life incel murdered her? To want to make sure that was avenged. Because he was someone older than Ai who valued her and wanted her happiness above everything else in the world, and views the person who is responsible for that as someone who's life is forfeit. Because Ai was a good person who didn't deserve her fate and as someone who only ever wanted to support her, wants to make sure that her memory can rest in peace completely.
If anything, the feelings Aqua/Gorou had towards Ai are parental in nature. So much about his motivations read like a father who wants to avenge his daughter's murder, to kill the man that denied her the happiness the child deserved.
"OnK is soooooooo gross the mc has an Oedipus complex and is a p*do-" not only is this a reading you can only get from a five second sypnosis read and being determined to hate OnK for brownie points, it's not even the right fucked up dead dove way that you could describe their relationship.
"Aqua has an Oedipus complex-" first of all beyond the fact the only way you could possibly think this is you never read or watched OnK at all and just read a synopsis and didn't bother to verify if it was accurate or not- this is actually the weakest way you could possibly interpret the nature of the feelings Goro/Aqua had regarding Ai. like, even ignoring the fact that Aqua has such an extreme lack of an Oedipus complex to the point he actively refused to breastfeed from Ai because it would have been creepy and inappropriate to him, everything about Aqua's feelings regarding Ai if anything read as parental quite frankly
Gorou Amamiya became Ai's fan because of Sarina. Because Sarina was somebody important to Gorou that he comforted in her last days, he became a huge fan of Ai in order to carry on Sarina's wishes and to keep supporting her and became a genuine diehard idol fan in the process. Then, he met Ai while pregnant: and had a heart-to-heart conversation with her. And came to the conclusion that Ai was somebody he wanted to support in any capacity. He could have been like Ryousuke and actually become possessive of her and feel like she betrayed him: he did not. He was a medical professional that put aside his own feelings as "a fan" to support her both as a doctor and as a fan in his own way by wishing for her sincere happiness as opposed to an image sold to fans.
He wanted to see her grow up happy and healthy. If Ryousuke had not killed him and there was no murder plot at all? The plot of this story probably would have been about him moving to Tokyo after talking to Ai's manager saying that someone needs to be their family doctor while keeping their secret and him taking the roll. The series would have been about Gorou as the Hoshino family doctor and how he supports them as a member of the sidelines who gives support in his own way.
Aqua never really refers to Ai as his mother much outside of situations when it'd be weirder if he didn't. It's very explicit he does not have a romantic or sexual attraction to Ai in this new life: he already didn't, but now it's like, Negatively So Actually. No longer able to support her as a doctor he even took an acting gig JUST to help further and bolster Ai's career. It's beaten into your face with the subtlety of a dozen hammers to your face his only desire is to watch Ai grow up safe and happily and succesful.
Aqua's/Gorou's relationship with Ai was someone who wanted to see her grow up to be happy. And after some waste of life incel murdered her? To want to make sure that was avenged. Because he was someone older than Ai who valued her and wanted her happiness above everything else in the world, and views the person who is responsible for that as someone who's life is forfeit. Because Ai was a good person who didn't deserve her fate and as someone who only ever wanted to support her, wants to make sure that her memory can rest in peace completely.
If anything, the feelings Aqua/Gorou had towards Ai are parental in nature. So much about his motivations read like a father who wants to avenge his daughter's murder, to kill the man that denied her the happiness the child deserved.
"OnK is soooooooo gross the mc has an Oedipus complex and is a p*do-" not only is this a reading you can only get from a five second sypnosis read and being determined to hate OnK for brownie points, it's not even the right fucked up dead dove way that you could describe their relationship.