Waterbubbles - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla
Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla

Inktober 2019 - Yura Aquabulla

a.k.a. Yura Waterbubble Plants, Yurayura Aquabulla

Found particularly in the Great Buddy Lake and River, though they can also be found in the lesser lakes and rivers of Laykia Layna.

Yura Aquabullas are popular commodities among Buddys. They make for quick, portable sources of water, and when stored with caution, can last a long time.

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2 years ago
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla
Vahna Aquabulla

Vahna Aquabulla

The third member of the Aquabulla (colloquial name: Waterbubble) family. Found in the Great Buddy Lake along with its other relatives, the distinctive feature of this variety is its vein-like structures which anchor its bubble to the plant. Given time, these bubbles detach and float to the surface, sometimes leaving behind the veiny structures, or having them come with if the plant detaches from the stem. Slightly more travel-friendly than Tama Aquabullas, Vahnas are known to have a slightly bitter taste, probably due to the fact that more plant matter tends to accompany them to the surface than their less veiny counterparts. As such, they are generally less preferred in use, but are more favored as houseplants by Aqua Buddys than their land counterparts.

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